Is The Desire To Emulate The Successful The Ultimate Societal Weakness?

Pitcrew had a comment about Martha Stewart’s takedown which is still reverberating in my head:

Martha Stewart’s media success, Martha Stewart Living, was a huge deal in the 1990’s. I would suspect that the Cabal took her down because her show was going to teach a generation of Millennial girls how to be domestic and be good housewives. If this show was big when 9/11 and the Oil Wars of the 2000’s were getting ready to start it would have helped the nation go hard K. Imagine if all those millennials that are scraping by and childless now, had families- It would be like the Eisenhower era right now. There would literally be millions more white children in America today and the Cabal’s plans for the coming decades would be weakened.

Instead of the Oil Wars expanding (from Iraq and Libya to Iran/Venezuela) they ceased because of Fracking and the 2008 recession.

Maybe Heartiste can comment on this, but “liberated” women- signalled to and directed towards r-selection will make men go in that direction too. Think about it this way- if all the women are sleeping around and a guy can get laid pretty easy then why settle down? Why would you marry a slut? On the other hand, if a woman is very domestic in her early 20’s it can have a civilizing effect on a man and that’s a major way families start.

Instead of homemaking becoming a “thing” with Millennial women, the fad instead became dressing like a slut- then acting like and becoming a slut. I distinctly remember the way young women dressed in 2000 and the way they dressed in 2010. The difference was amazing. The Cabal shut down Martha Stewart Living because it didn’t want an entire generation of girls to act like their older sisters and mothers. The Cabal wanted do destroy them with feminism instead.

As that was bouncing around, I stumbled on this story:

“Sex and the City” premiered on HBO 20 years ago this week, imprinting on a generation of women a love of fantastic fashion and dreams of their own Mr. Big. Among them was Julia Allison, who moved to New York in the early 2000s to live the Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle. She became a dating columnist, a party fixture and one of the first Internet celebrities — thanks to Gawker, the site that loved to hate on her. But her pursuits sent her, ultimately, down a path of unhappiness and unfulfillment. Looking back on how the show’s ideals negatively impacted her life, Allison, now 37, tells Doree Lewak: “If I could go back and do it all over again, I wouldn’t…”

I grew up a nerd in Chicago, more likely to duck into the library than talk to other kids at recess. At 12, I thought I would never be kissed. (Boy, did I make up for that later.)

I was a rising high-school senior when “Sex and the City” debuted in 1998, and I was instantly enthralled. I wanted to be like Carrie and her friends: I wanted to be glamorous and beautiful and dress well and have lots of dates. I realized I didn’t have to be a geek anymore. I could reinvent myself.

The show was my road map. Of all the die-hard fans I knew, I was the most influenced by “SATC.” At Georgetown University, where I enrolled in 1999, I started to wear dresses and learned how to do my makeup and curl my hair. The newfound male attention I received felt exhilarating.

I even started a dating column for my college paper called “Sex on the Hilltop,” which was modeled after Carrie’s column in the fictional New York Star.

I also subscribed to Carrie’s ethos when it came to men. There was no such thing as a bad date — only a good date or a good brunch story. In my writing, I gave my boyfriends nicknames (one was “Prom King”) just like Carrie and her friends did…

I do wonder what my life would have looked like if “Sex and the City” had never come across my consciousness. Perhaps I’d be married with children now? Who knows, but I can say for sure that, as clever and aesthetically pleasing as the show was — and, as much as I agree with its value of female friendships — it showed too much consumerism and fear of intimacy disguised as empowerment.

It’s like candy: in the moment it feels good to eat it but, afterward, you feel sick. Who you’re dating, what you’re wearing, or how good you look at that premiere — none of that s?-?-?t matters unless you genuinely love yourself. Solid relationships are what really matter.

Truth be told, I wish I had never heard of “SATC.” I’m sure there are worse role models but, for me, it did permanent and measurable damage to my psyche that I’m still cleaning up.

Look at what that show did to this girl’s behavior.

Of course, in the sidebar of that article was a link to this one:

You may be surprised to know that “cuckold porn” was the second most searched porn term after “youth,” according to the authors of the book “A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships.” While wife sharing may be a commonly held fantasy, in reality, it’s a sexual scenario that is a step too far for most men.

Not for so-called Stags though. These guys get their rocks off watching their wife or girlfriend having sex with other dudes. The Stag either joins in or watches as a voyeur. The Vixen, or, as they are known in some circles, Hotwife, has sex with the encouragement of her husband or boyfriend with the Bull (that’s the guy who is servicing her).

Another scenario is that the Vixen has sex with a Bull outside of the couple’s shared abode, then comes home and recounts all the details in a blow-by-blow description to turn the Stag on…

In political circles, [cuck]’s a barb that the alt-right throw at lefty men as in, “You snowflake cuck,” before the left cluck back and call them “Cuckservatives.” These insults allude to the fact that in some cuckhold scenarios there’s an element of ritualized humiliation, submissiveness, jealousy, or denial that comes into play.

So it is a fun healthy experience for a wife to go out and bring back a man to service her in front of her husband, or to cheat, and then recount all the details. That is the best way to break up a marriage. But here we are told it is normal and healthy.

To give you a level of understanding for how much such articles are disinformation, notice it references the political term Cuckservative as an insult dreamed up by the left, to throw at the alt-right and humiliate them over their jealousy and insecurity. The author is not that ignorant. That article is planned disinformation, organized from the top – the same top which took out Martha Stewart.

It reminds me of one anon’s post on 4Chan a while back. He claimed that decades ago he worked for a small group of psychiatrists who were hired by a three letter agency to do research into how media alters behavioral programming. He claimed their research showed that vicariously presented visual storytelling was integrated into the brain in a subconscious fashion. It would begin with the brain scanning for high status, successful, and happy individuals. The brain would then input their behaviors and mannerisms into the mind subconsciously, and then begin unconsciously replicating them as part of an evolutionarily imbued mechanism designed to guide you to success through unconscious mimicry. He said this didn’t happen consciously, but rather the brain automatically made one behave (and even think) like those they saw who presented as high status, without any realization there was any sort of mimicry going on. He said the brains were actually reprogramming themselves automatically, beneath the conscious level.

He said the agency dismissed their work, at least to them, and then disbanded their group as a failure.

But he and his cohorts talked decades later and realized the information was being put to use to create media that was designed to make the masses begin behaving in state-friendly ways, weaken their positions in life, and accept greater levels of control. Presumably this weakening of the masses allowed the state greater power to step into the lives of select individuals, and elevate them to positions of power, so the machine doing this could have more complete control of society through their specifically selected proxies.

I see that happening here. They fed this girl the image of a phenomenally successful woman who was on top of the world in Sex and the City, and she absorbed the image, became obsessed by it, and then emulated it without thinking. She moved to the city, sought to write a column, and began banging every guy she could, as often as she could. She even began reiterating the same prepackaged, easily memorable rationales that were inserted into the show to aid the programming. “There is no such thing as a bad date — only a good date or a good brunch story.”

In the process, she began being promoted up the media hierarchy, and getting all sorts of free press, advancing her column which promoted the exact same lifestyle. She even thought for a while she was successful, even though it was all running contrary to her instincts, and true happiness was eluding her.

Meanwhile Martha Stewart was there, promoting the idea of building a home and being domestic so as to please your family, and suddenly she was taken down, possibly by a first-rate intelligence operation. That, combined with the image of her in a prison jumpsuit, and the tell-all biographies, and Cybil Shepard portraying her as a bitter loser in the miniseries, would both destroy her countermanding cognitive input of a successful and happy domestic as the ideal of happiness, and replace it with an image of her domestic path as leading to prison and unhappiness.

It is an amazingly well-designed system if you look at it honestly.

And as you try to divine a purpose, you realize that destroying the family is just like killing the shuttle program to cut us off from space, destroying domestic steel production, feeding tainted Asian steel into our military, giving our sensitive military tech to the Chinese, moving our manufacturing base over to China, taking away our most effective guns, and keeping Donald Trump out of office. It was all designed to destroy American greatness and make us weak enough to be defeated.

Somebody was plotting the downfall of America. They just never counted on America, or the people it produces like Donald Trump.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because all of the media is designed to manipulate you – into not being an American

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Anonymous White Male
5 years ago

“I was a rising high-school senior when “Sex and the City” debuted in 1998, and I was instantly enthralled. I wanted to be like Carrie and her friends:”

Let’s see. Carrie looked like a Schnauzer. The blonde was a slut. The red-head was a dyke in real life. And the naive one was dumb as a bag of rocks. But, it’s glamorous when they play dress-up and attend parties! You go, grrrrrllllll!

5 years ago

One of these days I would love to know how much Donald Trump knew and how long he’s known it. In a Q post from Jan 7, the string 4-10-20 showed up. Recently, I saw a picture of Donald Trump next to a car he drove in the 1970’s, and the license plate said 4 10 20. I have no idea what the exact significance of that string is, but whatever plan he’s working he must have been building for decades. Any time I go back and watch his campaign videos with new things I’ve learned, they have much more depth.

I remember when SATC was big. Some guys I worked with were talking about it at work all the time. One guy would record them and bring them in so the others without HBO could watch them. I was in my mid-20’s at the time, and these guys were much older than me. They kept telling me I HAD to watch it, and even loaned me the tape. I suffered through exactly 3 episodes before I asked myself “Why the hell am I watching this crap? I don’t care about any of these whores. They’re not even attractive. and the stories aren’t even interesting!” One episode revolved entirely around the tall blonde whore hooking up with men with nasty tasting semen. Sick! I took the tape back and have been highly suspicious when a show is that popular and EVERYBODY tells me I just HAVE to watch it.

Reply to  Eric
5 years ago


Hahahahhah. So funny.

Reply to  Eric
5 years ago

Letters of the alphabet. 4-10-20 = D-J-T.

Reply to  Eric
5 years ago

Girls was the next attempt but they made all the women too ugly and boring. No glamour. BEWARE OF GLAMOUR. The Sexual Revolution couldn’t have happened without James Bondage and his Whores. To my generation, he’s disgusting.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I could easily see this attack on Martha being related to destruction of the American family. Another explanation is they just wanted to rip off her brands and put them into their pockets cheap or it be both at the same time so they would win either way.

I happened upon this post that shows Mueller looking onto other avenues of people influencing American elections. This would fit into the idea that Mueller has all along been working with Trump.

5 years ago

SATC, a story about 4 women who only make two kids and adopt a Chinese. Demographers would call that societal collapse, the show. Even Rome didn’t get that low.

Reply to  Pitcrew
5 years ago

Another thing being pushed by feminists. Focus on career, wait too long to have children, and finally adopt pet from third world country because the adoption process is too difficult (in US) and too many people are aborting anyway.

Reply to  Kharmii
5 years ago

Angelina Jolie bought land in Cambodia and there’s trafficking in Cambodia. This is public information. The President gushed about her.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
5 years ago

Did I mention she’s a Dame but everyone hates the slapper? I mean everyone.

5 years ago

Martha Stewart isn’t exactly a poster child for family values. Her only child, Alexis, waited until her late thirties, then started spending $27,000 a month on IVF treatment, finally having a baby by “gestational surrogate”, which I think means her DNA carried to term by a hired woman. Oh, how she plans to spoil that little girl, she told the media.

Stan Lee also had one child, a girl, and spoiled her rotten, so she never had children or learned to act like an adult — she once beat up her parents when she was 60 and they were 90!

I guess it’s for the best. I’d rather be born into the Duggar family than to any Hollywood celebrity.

Reply to  Dave
5 years ago

Waiting is rarely a choice outside Hollywood. Be kind. There might have been medical and financial issues. There usually are.

Reply to  Dave
5 years ago

Stan Lee is Jewish, she’s classic Jewish Princess. He changed his name to sound Asian to make more money.

5 years ago

Thanks AC, and various commenters here like PitCrew, for helping open my eyes to the constant media manipulation. I just wanted to ask if anyone else has noticed the celebrity driven cheapening of marriage lately? Like even more than usual? My wife watches E! Entertainment channel all the time and on the rare occasions I actually look up and pay attention, it’s always someone cheating, getting a divorce, etc. I realize that’s not uncommon in celebritydom, but when did it become so rampant? The article you mentioned about subconscious programming made me realize how they’ve been systematically doing this for decades. From Joe DiMaggio & Marilyn Monroe in the 50’s to Brad & Jennifer now. It just seems much more trivialized now. There are even reality shows about it, where strangers marry each other sight unseen. Or foreigners marry Americans on a whim just for a fiance visa. Total rabbit psychologies on display. With zero shame. It’s truly absurd. Thanks again for providing a space where I can feel like I’m not the only one who thinks we’re living in clown world.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It’s just a numbers game. The smaller family sizes are, the more demand for housing, debt, and everything that goes with it. That’s the short-term profit motivation.

The longer term game is inflating the currency and debts that it all collapses in a heap, and they’re already sat with stacks of physical gold.

It’s covetous, they want it all, literally every penny, we’re just assets to be squeezed for them, until there’s no blood left.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

If all the ducks fly in the same direction, that’s a pattern, AC. You aren’t paranoid for thinking.

Reply to  Jason
5 years ago

“Cheating (inc. porn) is the glue that holds a marriage together” – started with sex therapists (who make money if you’re miserable, like fashion mags) and films like the English Patient “spice up your love life with an affair” plots and as one woman (Daisy Lowe) told another (Louise Redknapp) to make her insecure in her happy marriage and force a divorce “don’t worry, you’re still really sexy!” while spying on her changing. I’d have told that c**t to rot in Hell at such disrespect. Snakes. They do it to men too. Fear of age is paramount to the brainwashing. “You aren’t old yet, as long as you feel bad about being happy and become hedonistic like I say.” Mid-life crisis fodder.

5 years ago

You ever notice the ones most into “must watch TV!” are the most rabidly anti-Trump? Like K aversion was built into the programming. They’re also incapable of going against the zeitgeist. In the movie (and book) Drugstore Cowboy the main character Bob rails against “television babies” the generation whose entire frame of reference comes from television, all their ideas and thoughts about the world are rooted in television, “All these kids, they’re all TV babies. Watching people killing and f*cking each other on the boob tube for so long it’s all they know. Hell, they think it’s legal. They think it’s the right thing to do.” I rarely watch TV and never have. I’ve noticed an ever widening gulf between myself and the rest of humanity. Thanks to this discussion I’m starting to understand why.

Reply to  Rowe
5 years ago

Voldemort is an intelligent character in the books. I wonder if it’d be rewritten one day. To compare him to Trump isn’t the insult they think it is, he’s the smartest person there. Rowling had to bring him back from the dead to make that play vaguely interesting.
It’s a simple formula: Insecurity (rootless), Vapid thought, Materialism, Hedonism, Promiscuity. All the ways to keep you enslaved. The jokes show the bias best.