News Briefs – 06/04/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Bare Knuckle fighting makes a debut in Wyoming. The martial skills are beginning to grab people’s attention more and more.

Mass shootings and gun crimes are surging in Britain and Australia despite strict gun control. Violent crime is a measure of economic shortage and threat, as well as fissures in society. More than enough of all of that to go around as the Apocalypse closes in.

Anti-immigrant party dominates in Slovenia. Melania comes from good genes.

Facebook will promote stories from 80 undisclosed, Cabal-approved outlets as “Breaking News.” Trump will deal with this.

The spying on Donald Trump and his Campaign known as Spygate began much earlier than has been revealed, and it began with foreign intel agencies spying on him and forwarding the intel to Obama’s crew. Again, Q said Five Eyes was going to be history.

Italy’s Interior Minister tells migrants to get ready to pack their bags.

Businesses are getting creative in trying to find workers, because unemployment is so low. Elect an economic genius, get a genius economy.

Veterans Patrol group finds disturbing campsite on the border with tunnels and restraints that may be used for child trafficking. Tied to Mexican Company CEMEX. This Reddit thread says the company is tied heavily to the Clintons and Podestas and has offices in Haiti.

From 8Chan – Trump offers Martha a Pardon, her close friend is killed in a plane crash (click for full size):

Kanye dumped all his recordings and made his new album completely different after TMZ, in one month. No clue the significance, but it feels related:

Birth rates keep falling. Low rearing urge. Interestingly low birth weight and preterm-birth babies are increasing. Are female bodies shifting r biologically, and investing less in gestation, to birth babies faster and reimpregnate more?

Israel makes a weapon that sprays a foul smelling material to deter protestors – doesn’t work on Indians. Does India smell bad regularly, or is it something in the spicy food that desensitizes to harsh stimuli?

WaPo does an entire article on how offensive the Virgin Mary’s purity is to rape victims. Leftists are insane, and very envious.

Melania is staying out of sight. Peak threat, before the Storm? President Trump protects his own.

North Korea replaces three top military officials. Employees of Cabal, Inc?

Assad to visit North Korea. Is he making sure Cabal Inc has really been defeated, before signing up to the God Emperor’s plan?

At least 25 dead in Guatemalan volcano eruption. K seems to accompany some sort of geologic instability.

When the big one hits California you might have 200,000 to 400,000 refugees.

US Citizen killed amidst unrest in Nicaragua K is building everywhere. My suspicion is, without Q and Trump’s plan, we would have seen the Cabal enact a plan to guide that unrest into attacking each other, while Cabal hid.

Hungary will not join the America-bashing in Europe. Probably a first rate intelligence service which kept Cabal out was mixed with Cabal focusing its attentions on other nations due to intel and economic priorities. Still, nice to know even at its peak, Cabal had denied areas.

Autistic focus on details has been producing greatness in our species from the beginning. Normies BTFO.

Spread r/K Theory, because the news is good, and will explode soon

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5 years ago

Don’t approve of this:

”Bec Rawlings, a 29-year-old from Brisbane, Australia, won the only bout of the night featuring women, stopping Alma Garcia with a TKO in the second round.

Rawlings noticed little difference from fighting with gloves.

“It felt the same to get punched as in an MMA fight, which is what my background is,” she said. “The difference was my knuckles more — when I punched her, I felt it a little bit more. Other than that, it was really nice just to let go and showcase my boxing skill and not worry about a takedown or a kick.

“It felt like the rawest form of combat sports to just go out there and throw your hands and let loose.””

5 years ago

”Low rearing urge. Interestingly low birth weight and preterm-birth babies are increasing. Are female bodies shifting r biologically, and investing less in gestation, to birth babies faster and reimpregnate more?”

Medicaid/Medicare is keeping a lot of those babies alive. Along with all other modern tech.

5 years ago

I think childcare also enable low-rearing urge women to have children and drop them off for others to raise. For the same reason roman women in the late stage of roman decadence got nannies to raise children for them.

5 years ago

On Sarah Carter’s report on the Spygate timeline, I see that she reports that much of this happened, started in Britain. The elites of Britain, the institutions of Britian HATE President Trump. They would all be for conspiring with US Intel agencies to destroy him. Britain is the center of the Anglo-Zionist Multicultural/Diversity Agenda Cabal.

Things are ramping up. The hate of the Left—they are ready to go on search-and-destroy missions to kill and destroy the right. We are facing a redux of the French Revolution here in America. Recently a head of the Lakeview Schools Superintendent unleashed the mantra of “Sexism, Racism, Homophobia” at a meeting; they are training school kids to be SJW warriors. The country is in a huge mess. It is going to be a Spanish type Civil War 2.0.

Liberals are like a mafia. They work on instinct. They are shutting out conservatives from schools and colleges. They work to control institutions. They control the media and now are openly censoring conservatives. They are working all in unison to bring about their totalitarian state. It is quite breathtaking to behold.

5 years ago

In the UK there have been calls by some doctors for the Govt to consider lowering the abortion limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks because more premature babies are surviving. As that’s just over 5 months gestation you could be right about the push to ‘breed’ more children. But then, what for?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I read the article and noted that the premature births are also tied to women having children older. especially in the 30+ age range.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Gestation varies by race.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

If autistic men are so great, why can’t they tell me where the remote is or draw with any artistic style? (not photorealism) This is propaganda, fake finding. Some of those aren’t male skills and smart men aren’t ill. Although Musk needs to stop with the Ambien (he tweeted about it).

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  jb
5 years ago

This was very interesting (and the comments about the story itself – lololol)!
IMO, Covering up his left face, his right face looks hurt. (i.e. feelings hurt).
Covering up his right face, his left face looks evil to the core.

5 years ago

Might be if you’re used to smelling shit all over the streets, then most foul smelling substances wouldn’t be so bad. What’s worse than shit?

That’s sad they got some kid if the plane crash is shady.

5 years ago

You only need to watch the first 15 seconds of this video to check out the look on Bernie’s face when Alex Jones confronts him at LAX. I’m guessing amygdala hijack? But perhaps that terrified look is just Bernie’s natural expression now. He looks both blank and terrified all at the same time.

Watch Bernie Sanders Run From Alex Jones At LAX Airport

5 years ago

The Pill shrinks ovaries. Maybe it shrinks babies?
Indians have bad immune systems, the spices actually help them but it’s like old people smell, distinctive. Without it, a lot of them would be dead from poor hygiene.
Sluts hate virgins, they’re jealous. You know because nowadays up is down. Better life outcomes with higher self control. Is there any such thing as a virgin celebrity? See what they did to Britney. If there are no good quality women, the competition is dead.
LA refugees would be mostly on drugs, brittle immunity and no endurance. They can’t find water.
It isn’t autism, it’s genius. Society loves to pathologize greatness though so Rainman is called autistic (schizo actually). Tesla is called OCD (not really) and da Vinci, Voltaire, Newton ignored.