News Briefs – 06/24/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Flake is holding up judicial nominees to try and force Trump to back down on Tariffs and open Cuba back up. If Q’s story is legit, then Trump may not be fighting trade wars for the reasons we think, but rather he is selectively using tariffs for hurting Cabal-identified resource streams under the guise of trade wars – and Cabal needs Cuba now to get access to a denied area with banking privileges because Iran is either teetering, or has fallen. And Flake is not /ourguy.

CEO of Intel is out. Intel had a few backdoor issues if I recall. This thing is bigger than anyone would believe.

California will disable EBT cards on Sunday for a planned outage. This could be a miniscule test of a known outage to see how bad things may get if the system went down for real some day. Flashback video for context:

First Trump says he will sign any immigration bill, even the left’s one, because he wants to get it done. And all the normies think, “He is such a reasonable moderate, why can’t those extremist illegal immigration liberals get along with him?”

Then Trump says to the GOP, forget about it until after the Red Wave this fall, and then we will do it ourselves. And the normies think, “Good, I should elect Republicans this fall, because they will take care of it moderately, unlike these extremist obstructionist Democrats.” The funny think is, it only works for him because the Democrats are phony obstructionist extremists.

Trump tweet : “It’s very sad that Nancy Pelosi and her sidekick, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, want to protect illegal immigrants far more than the citizens of our country. The United States cannot stand for this. We wants safety and security at our borders!” Perfect out-grouping, with so much more imagry, all in an amygdala hijack to Nancy and Chuck. It opens with Nancy who has record low approval, and then attaches her sidekick Cryin’ Chuck to that low approval, while making him look like a henpecked cuck of a unliked bimbo with low approval, before making it us vs them because of their disloyalty and treason. So much brilliance, I feel smart just to be able to see half of it. Imagine crafting all of that from thin air. That is top-tier intellect.

Trump saves an Angel Mom from committing suicide after her son was killed by an illegal immigrant. Yes, Trump is a good guy. But you have to look at how “Angel families” is so brilliant. It conveys the innocence of the victims, at the very same time it implies there are other “demon” families who oppose them – and are killing them. So powerful in the psyche. If Trump were not 110% /ourguy, he could dial his persuasion back 100 fold, and still be a perfectly plausible patriot working 100% for the American people. That he does it full bore, all the time, to this degree should eliminate all doubt, and stop all questioning of every decision he makes. He’s smarter than us, more experienced at this game, has more intel in front of him, and he is 100% for our causes. He could support importing illegal immigrants tomorrow and I would go with it, expecting it to lead somewhere beautiful.

CNN and MSNBC sense the destruction being wrought by the Trumpinator and cuts away from his Angel Family Press event. The link to the youtube of the event is here.

NBC News talker delights in saying, “We have a great opportunity to hurt Trump with this issue.” “We” being Cabal, Inc.

Border Patrol shuts down highways in Maine and New Hampshire, to conduct checks for illegals. You wonder if they were told to be on the lookout for Austrian passports from the Black Forest region. Cabal could sneak in and out through the Northern Border.

US prepares to house 20,000 migrant families in special detention centers on Military bases. Suppose the Storm is upon us. Over a ten day period there will be mass sweeps, grabbing up tens of thousands of Cabal members. You need a place to put them. But if you just start configuring military bases across the country as mass detention centers, you know word will leak out and the left will act like the right would have if Obama had done it. They will freak out, assuming it is going to be an ideological purge, and that meme will be fed by Cabal to slow the plan down. How do you create a cover story for setting up mass detention facilities on military bases? Cross your fingers, July 4th is on the way.

New Species of tick found in New Jersey may carry a disease that can kill in 48 hours. They have not yet found the tick plus the disease in the US yet though. Even stranger was I saw on another site that in Asia the ticks have been known to swarm cattle in fields and actually kill them through exsanguination. I’d imagine there is an inflammatory/anticoagulant element there, but still.

Ex Vatican diplomat charged with possessing Child Pornography. There are too many mentally damaged kiddie porn addicts who have beaten sane, likeable, intelligent people into positions of power, in too many areas where power accumulates, for it all to be chance. Somebody has to be putting them there.

Brennan Tweets, demanding that Trump’s cabinet and inner circle turn on him in an insurrection. Again, Cabal talks in code. If you are in Trump’s cabinet, and know about Cabal, this is like saying, “Join us, and we will give you a pass.” Feels like desperation.

Peter Strzok’s security clearance revoked. Tough to say if he is a sacrificial pawn, or if this is a turning, and things will be done differently in the future. The key will be Hillary. If she ends up even merely prosecuted for anything, the entire direction government has taken will shift. I feel like it is going in that direction.

Thanks to commenters, Judicial Watch uncovers that it was one of McCain’s staffers pushing IRS to target Tea Party groups. It now appears that almost everything we thought was ideological was Cabal, which had no ideological bias beyond what would put them in power. The truth is, they were brilliantly wielding the forces of r/K for their own benefit for quite some time.

Police now need a warrant to get cell phone location tracking data. I have noticed a theme lately, where it seems as if there is a movement to constrain Police intelligence capabilities. A part of me wonders if Cabal is defanging a rival entity which could have been infiltrated by national intelligence whitehats, and used to fight back. Now Police can’t track Cabal, while I am sure for Cabal (who probably own all the phone company leadership), tracking is already fully enabled.

Trump demands OPEC produce 1 million barrels per day, OPEC immediately gives in. Could be a signal that the house of Saud is now siding with Trump and the whitehats, or it could be a tactical move to head off some economic attack Trump and Q saw coming.

Mexican Presidential Candidate calls migration North to the United States a human right which everyone must have. Cabal, using r-migrant urges to try and flood the US with future mindless Cabal voters.

Trump threw starbursts from his pocket on the table in front of Angela Merkel, and said, “don’t say I never give you anything.” Starburst man is like Skittles Man, if Skittles man had the balls to troll world leaders and change world history. Game is great, but you need more if you aspire to follow the God Emperor’s lead.

Flashback to 2013 – The NSA’s operational counterintelligence shop, responsible for protecting the nation and our national security from its own spies, is known by the moniker “The Q group.” Why is this relevant?

Spread r/K Theory, because it is relevant

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5 years ago

AC — I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned the Katie Arrington car crash from yesterday in today’s news post.

5 years ago

I’m not sure which is more mind-blowing: Brennan’s rather obvious projection, or his apparent belief that he’s Keith Olberman. On an unrelated note, I’m having an idea forming for a Q meme. “K is coming, and Q is it’s prophet.” Or something like the shahada ( lack of capitalization intended, I don’t give anything islam related the respect). “There is only one K, Q is it’s prophet, and…blah blah blah. “

5 years ago

Scott Adams documents in-grouping (as a result of Trump accelerating the K-shift):

“If a ‘Blue Wave’ appeared in November, and Democrats won the U.S. House and impeached the president, “I think it would be a dangerous situation for Trump supporters, wouldn’t you?” Adams observed.

“And I’m feeling like the best reason for Republicans to vote is they’re coming for you next. And they’re not hiding it. They’re coming for Trump right now, but they’re making it pretty clear they’re coming for Trump supporters next,” he said. … “The GOP “get-out-the-vote” slogan for 2018, he said, should be: “They’re coming for you next.””

5 years ago

Meghan McCain frets about Maxine’s threats against members of the Trump Administration. Since Meghan’s father-in-law works for Trump, I suspect she tweeted this due to amygdala stimulation. Or, why conservatives are liberals who’ve been mugged (had their amygdala’s supercharged).

5 years ago

To share with your readers. Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, has regular podcasts. He’s quite the social commentary. More psychological than anything. He has come out to say, that Republicans have to come out to vote because if Trump gets impeached by a Democratic congress—they are gunning for you. He said Republicans are next. Scott Adams is not a republican; he says he has never voted. But now because of the existential threat, he is thinking of voting just to save the country.
That is must hear vid. I’ve been saying for a long time, America is falling apart and this violence is a sign of it. It’s coming.

5 years ago

“Ex Vatican diplomat charged with possessing Child Pornography.”
High-ranking diplomats are more than smart enough to know about smartphones and security; it’s extremely unlikely such a person would do sth. like this on a phone which is effectively nearly a publicly accessible device (to government intelligence, Google, Vatican security, etc.). And if he were suddenly insane (there is a low-probability that, for example, unnoticed micro-strokes can change a person’s personality), he would have had much more pics and videos than those few they found saved in the phone.
Therefore, I think this smells like he was set up.

Many have still not figured out that the Catholic church is the oldest and most powerful homosexual organisation in the world (as far as I know).
In past centuries, being gay meant being persecuted, from being cast out of society to being killed.
So, a lot of dumb or uninformed gays died.
The smart ones noticed the Church – priests, very conveniently, were not to marry or have sex (at least publicly). So, you became a priest (if you were smart, it’s a comfortable job without having to labor hard, and it provides good, steady income), or a monk or nun. Monks and nuns, conveniently, lived separated from the public and public eavesdropping in very private monasteries, hidden behind huge walls. Where would lesbians or gays be able to have homosexual sex more freely and more comfortably than in same-sex monasteries hidden from public scrutiny? That was the ideal place for gay sex, gay orgies – at least for the smarter or more informed gays.
If you still have doubts, think about the pedophile scandal in the Catholic church.
At least a MILLION of confirmed cases in the last few decades alone… But – did you notice that almost all of those abused children were __boys__? If the Church were no homosexual organisation, shouldn’t there have been much more abused girls, as one would expect from heterosexual pedophiles?
Also, google
vatican gay bath house
It’s practically an open secret today, but many people still are ignorant.
The case of Benedikt XVI., is another example and evidence – everything hints at that in the Vatican, there is a cabal, and it’s a gay cabal, and it’s so powerful it can force a very Pope into abdication.

Robert What?
Robert What?
5 years ago

I’m amazed that lumbering hominid tearing up the store has even the brainpower to stand on two legs. I suspect that Cabal inc would be very happy to rule over a country where hominids like that are in the majority. Only problem is, how are they planning to maintain even a semblance of a modern society with attendant infrastructure when a huge portion of the population is totally unproductive?