News Briefs – 07/03/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Anomalies in Mueller’s pre-sentencing filings in the Flynn case have perturbed the judge, and he has ordered Mueller and Flynn to the court for questioning. If things are as they seem, why would there be any anomalies after Flynn pled guilty? Maybe, as Q has said, things aren’t as they seem…

London shop criticized for flying England flags puts up even more. r and K are colliding as the K-shift happens.

Trump emphasizes that he will sanction any European country which does business with Iran. It would imply that whatever conspiracy it was he faced has been more or less stripped of much of its power in businesses in Europe as well.

Huff Po actually does an article saying parental separations are making parents so sad, that they cannot tell convincing stories to get asylum.

Oklahomans have to choose between medical marijuana and gun ownership – they can’t have both.

Illegal arrested for starting dozens of wildfires that destroyed homes across Colorado.

$4 Billion of waste already found in food stamp program.

Awan may have been working with the Chief of Staff for a Congresswoman to steal equipment and maybe secrets. Cabal operations involve everyone.

Gun grabbers in Oregon get knocked down by States Supreme Court based on vague language, give up on ban. If there is a red wave this fall, watch for sweeping pro-gun federal movement with reciprocity, and maybe a reworking of NFA.

Bali Volcano erupting again. Lots of geologic activity along that ring of fire. Apocalypses tend to travel together.

Britain’s National Health Service to cut unnecessary services to save money. Of course transgender surgeries and hormone treatments as well as HIV prophylaxis will be essential, while joint replacements probably will not be.

Comey complains that the NRA stands in the way of sensible gun laws to limit the types of guns available and how many rounds they hold and who is allowed to buy them. What did the Cabal want to do to us that they needed us disarmed to do it? Was disarmament the final step to securing our complete defeat and occupation in a world war?

Iran had a couple of Belgian agents who were going to hit a protest by dissidents in Paris. Lots going on behind the scenes.

Eric Trump rushes into traffic to grab passing ambulance for ill woman he happens across. God bless him. I know his security is top notch, but if I am his security and a woman just happens to fall ill in his path, I am hustling him out of the area as quickly as possible. In that position, nothing that happens should be assumed to just have happened. It should be assumed to be a ploy to keep him in one place for as long as possible. Hopefully the woman was a trusted member of his security team they knew wasn’t faking, and/or they knew things I do not.

Trump tells leftists attacking his people in public they had better take it easy. It is interesting we do not hear of any of these people, who are actually attacking members of the sitting government, experiencing any sort of demonstration by “government” agents of who is in control.

China is buying up ports all over the world. Not that significant all on its own, but you wonder if it was to play a role in Cabal’s later plans for China’s dominance in the Third World War.

Bolton advises everyone to not get a case of the vapors over anything Trump may say about NATO or his summit with Putin. With Trump, the only thing you can take seriously is a promise to his base. Everything else is molding the perceptions and assumptions of his enemies to facilitate superior negotiations.

London families jeer mayor and say they don’t feel safe anymore. Misery index and crime rates correlate.

3 in 4 swing voters oppose abolishing ICE. Leftist amygdala agitation is so high, and exacerbated more by Trump every day, that their amygdalae can no longer relevance weigh options. Functional amygdalae will accept that you need to endure a cost now to attain a superior position later. Leftist amygdalae are so overloaded they cannot stop themselves from lashing out at every minor irritation, no matter the costs later. The more stress Trump puts on, the more that situation exacerbates.

ABC attacks potential Supreme Court Nominee over humorous tweets about dogs and cornbread.

Brits worry “bloodbath” stabbing epidemic may hurt tourism. Dead Brit bodies stacked up like cordwood are no problem, but God forbid the free resource buffet should in any way be impacted.

Seattle Police are quitting because of liberal politics forced on the Department by the City. This is dangerous, because it is how you end up with Police like Britain, where molesters are supported by Police and those who oppose the molestations are arrested and harassed. There must be some federal action that can be brought to bear to prevent this type of passive ideological purge of the department.

James Woods notifies FBI and Secret Service about twitter user who tweeted “Start killing maga before they kill you. Beat and maim them if they counter protest tomorrow. its life or death now.”

NZ Supreme Court rules fluoride in drinking water is a forced medication and in violation of human rights. You wonder if a compound which reduces IQ, added to drinking water everywhere, only now getting pushback, could be a sign it was a Cabal plan to make the population dumber and more sheep-like, and this turn of events is a sign of Cabal losing its grip.

Senior British conservatives prepare to collapse May’s government if she goes soft on Brexit.

Good Samaritan dies trying to stop fight. He was carrying a gun, and as Police arrived his gun dropped, he went to pick it up, and then ignored Police orders to drop it, and was shot by the officers. Once you carry, you have to steer clear of uncontrolled situations and avoid situations where Police will respond. That man chasing the helpless woman could be a cop chasing a shoplifter, and the fight you try to stop can cause your gun to come loose, just as Police arrive.

Lynch promised Clinton on Tarmac that she would not let FBI investigation “go too far.” Q said it was recorded. Patriots were hard at work for a long time.

Trump is winning over Blacks, Hispanics, Millenials, and even Gays. The most powerful thing working for him is his enemies are r-strategists, and thus are very sensitive to out-grouping stimuli. As Trump’s reputation grows, and it appears he is becoming beloved by everyone, rabbits will flee to him to avoid becoming out-grouped. We would not care about being in a minority if we were right, but a lot of rabbits will flee as the left is increasingly portrayed as an out-of-touch minority.

Spread r/K Theory, because the news gets more exciting with every step toward K

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5 years ago

Regarding Eric Trump and the ill woman– it’s possible the idea of helping a sick person on the street is such an alien idea to the cabal that it would never even occur to them that that is a way to entrap people.

5 years ago

“This is dangerous, because it is how you end up with Police like Britain”

A few years ago, around the time of ‘Occupy St Paul’s’ IIRC, our police (UK) were getting restless about policy and their pensions were threatened. It shut them up and the lunacy escalated exponentially from that point on.

5 years ago

[…] a day before, regarding Eric Trump helping a […]