The Hidden World Behind The Story You Are Told

A commenter linked to this article, about a reporter who explained how the news media really worked:

The German journalist explains how he was recruited during the 1980s to work in espionage. This began through an invitation proffered by his graduate school advisor for an all-expense-paid trip to attend a two-week seminar on the Cold War conflict in Bonn.

After Ulfkotte obtained his doctorate he was given a job as a reporter at “the leading conservative German newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, oddly appointed despite no journalistic training and hundreds of other applicants.

Serving as a correspondent throughout the Middle East, Ulfkotte eventually became acquainted with agents from the CIA, German intelligence agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), Britain’s MI6, and Israel’s Mossad, all of whom valued his ability to travel freely in countries largely closed to the West.

His editors readily collaborated in such intelligence gathering operations,”[5] for which journalist possess “non-official cover” by virtue of their profession.

“Non-official cover” occurs when a journalist is essentially working for the CIA, but it’s not in an official capacity,” Ulfkotte explains.

Think about everyone who bought the narrative. You want to be a reporter? Go to college and study journalism. Work hard and get good grades. Network and build relationships. Intern at a news organization at every opportunity and build those relationships. Find important stories and break them. Your purpose is to inform the public and be a critical part of our democracy. Anybody can work hard and attain the highest position. You can do it yourself, you just have to work hard.

Imagine the person who did all that, applied for that job, and saw it just given to this guy, for no discernible reason. Imagine the hundreds of other applicants who did that, and all had been led down a pathway that led to failure, because they believed what the system told them.

Now look at Hollywood. You want to be an A-list actor? Go to Hollywood and work hard and perfect your craft, and you can be a star. Do you really think those plum positions, where you work six months, get paid $20 million dollars, and can express your political views to affect the public dialog are really given out randomly? How many have sacrificed their life as they chased that dream, never knowing it was all a scam?

Do you think Bill Kristol is on so many TV Shows because he worked hard and got good grades? Was William F Buckley and his National Review promoted by all the media outlets because he was such a perfect conservative? Was Facebook’s victory over MySpace by chance? Do you think authors get book contracts at major publishers by chance, or based on skill? Do you think the system lets random books through that don’t advance the subconscious narratives they want promoted? Do you think many of the books aren’t custom-designed to alter psychologies in the ways the machine wants?

It is tough to say how much control is exerted over all of these areas, but more and more, it seems quite extensive. And if that is so, the greatest crime is the wasted potential of all the people who could have made everything of a higher quality, if only they understood that the system was always rigged, and doing what it told them was a waste of their time. There is no meritocracy at the top. They would have been better off focusing their efforts elsewhere, where their drive could have been more productive, and where their efforts would have tangibly improved society.

I suspect this will be a major part of what Q and Trump ultimately reveal. I can’t wait to see how far the control goes.

Tell everyone about r/k Theory, because not everything can be fully controlled

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5 years ago

The virtous must go tribal. Our country has been nearly subverted. Our national government is subverted (I and they view Trump as illigitimate…as foreign).

We must maintain control of those nodes of network influence…money, academia, hiring/firing, mil.

Never again! Will we let this happen to us

5 years ago

Ulfkotte died last year at the ripe old age of 57, after publishing books and articles about conspiracy theories.

He was a good guy.

Gen. Kong
5 years ago

As I have responded many times on Vox Day’s blog over the years when folks start preaching about the magic of free markets: There’s nothing free about a rigged market. The debt-racketeering and counterfeiting ponzi-scheme referred to by idiots like Rush Limbaugh as the “free market” is no more free than the markets of the Soviet Union – only the connected get to play at the rigged casino tables which pay big. The Libertarian notion of a free market is a utopian as the Marxist one of a classless society. The best that can exist is a government which polices the marketplace to keep it from becoming totally rigged. That hasn’t been done in the United States for a very long time. The Cabal – the rigged system run by the Body-Snatchers – has achieved a near-total control over all aspects of life beyond what even are considered ‘markets’ in the usual sense. Assuming that Trump and Q actually pull this off, the statement about “90 percent of people would be in the hospital if they knew” is probably not far from the truth.

Reply to  Gen. Kong
5 years ago

Yeah, it’s funny how old Voxie manages to run so many subversive little shekel-mine businesses isn’t it? Maybe the Cabal make an excretion for him, for some unknown reason, they do like to control the narrative on both sides of course.
Fake Right, Putin fanboy, Trump fanboy, ticks so many boxes.

5 years ago

“Was Facebook’s victory over MySpace by chance?” Finally, someone is publicly talking about this. Prior to 2006, there were a variety of social-media platforms available, some going back to the mid-90’s. What FB was doing was by no means novel. But go and watch “The Social Network” and you’ll think that Zuckerberg and the Winklevi were the first to invent the wheel.

MySpace was definitely ahead of the rest, with FB being an inferior platform. But FB nonetheless, and at the height of MySpace prominence, rose literally exponentially within a very short period of time. I’ve always thought that this was more than fishy. Also, don’t forget to add Joogle to that mix; they essentially did the same thing about 6-7 years prior to FB’s rise.

And now both of them are the greatest open-source intelligence gathers bar none. Coincidence?

5 years ago

[…] Anonymous conservative cites this confession by a German reporter about how and why the manufacturers of our culture are […]

Rev Chris
Rev Chris
5 years ago

long time time lurker here, amazing blog thank you, my friend once mentioned my particular experience in one of his comments as i have some unique experience in the world of R/K and narcissism. thank you to those who offered their assistance when he mentioned the situation; i will look you up when the time comes.

this is not to say that without a doubt there are real, serious and long term conspiracies, however one must be cautious not to see conspiracy everywhere when the simple explanation might apply.

in my situation of a sex and slander scandal at the St. John’s University New York City, the situation where students were targeted for nefarious purposes by a president priest and others having their own major foibles, administration supported the president to protect their jobs and have the run of the place since they had the dirt on him and a conspiracy of silence meant that any victim would have been ignored and possibly further damaged by engaging in any protest of the situation. it can further be added that as the saying goes, “Flies don’t attract garbage; garbage attracts flies,” word “gets out” either through the grapevine or the impression that the organization presents that dirt-bags are welcomed here and can burrow into a nice little corrupt existence.

It would be very easy to say that this is more work by some cabal or extension of same to find and create compromised individuals as well as destroy religious institutions and cultural values while at the same time crushing those of high standards and lacking in abnormality, myself in this example. Rather the case is isolated to the four walls of the institution and the weaknesses of human nature forming a dark organization through the narcissism of a compromised leader in a religious organization that has become fertile ground for growing them. In a dark organization employees are not dedicated to the stated, lofty and often historically moral or at least professional functions of the institution, but to concealing how the institution is being used by its employees for their own ends of every type and variety, usually simple graft, cushy jobs, advancement and their fetishes. if this sounds like a lot of places, you are reading it correctly.

Well you might say that being a Roman Catholic institution this is a logical continuation of the same cabal that allowed sexual deviance to enter their priesthood which is of course possible. I prefer to think of it this way. The values of Western society shifted in the post war environment and few desired to stick their neck out when it meant possibly interrupting their lives and goals. if a few seminarians and leadership in the Roman Catholic Church refused to let the homosexual and other deviant influences take over the seminaries by risking themselves, we would not have the generational staying power of their influence and the evolutionary change that it fostered. Sick and evil individuals push away the good and then you are only left with sick and evil. Additionally there is some sort of superhuman drive in dirt-bags who desire positions where they are not subject to accountability. A person who has a deviant compulsion has the energy of ten men and the drive of single-mindedness. In a normal person, this can be the Mozart like early and lifelong unparalleled accomplishments of a prodigy. Not with these dirt-bags as they produce nothing of good.

When a culture goes R, it is not necessary to have complex conspiracy for achieving comprehensive damage. When a certain critical mass is reached in a culture or institution the problem becomes self-perpetuating and does give the appearance of greater conspiracy. this is where i must caution you as i do the congregants. it is our own narcissism that prevents us from seeing the cause in the personal soul, that of the individual and of the collective. a conspiracy allows protection of both egos, the individual and collective. it cannot be me or us; it is them. the failing is when we refuse to stand up and say no and contribute to the conspiracy of silence. then it perpetuates. excessive use of conspiracy theory harms in two ways in that it cheapens investigation of true conspiracies and numbs us to the point that we do not believe them when they are true. only unsheathe the sword of conspiracy if you intend to use it, not for idle speculation.

due to our selfishness and the willingness of “good” people to look the other way we have become sicker and crueler as a people and only the economic bubbles have hidden this from greater public view.

seeing this evil and the unwillingness to stop it has done two things for me. one sometimes doubts a god of higher purpose, however i am sure that there is a devil.

Rev Chris
Rev Chris
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

thank you for taking the time for a thoughtful reply. i apologize for not doing so sooner but wanted to reflect upon what you wrote in response. having served people, often at their worst, one see’s that there is a seed inside, often capable of their destruction and visiting it upon others. it just needs the right plantation to thrive. there is no doubt in my mind that there is something so large and cohesive that defies our ability to comprehend it working in our midst and evolving over the ages. the possibilities that you present in terms of its form or origin are actually quite literally described in my people’s ancient writings. we lose the discernment of this and many things that we call PSI after youth. babies can sense emotion and young children “see” things and never forget how practical young children can be often figuring out problems that young adult often miss. i remember seeing things as a child that we tell ourselves to not see when we desire to fit in. often people who are dying (first-hand knowledge and watching others have the same) awaken something. i have seen this occur during the wasting phase of a disease as the shedding of mass releases toxins that purify the body much as mystics live what we might call an organic existence. perhaps dropping pretense during this change also reopens the mind. as we close up into “adulthood” of a non-linked self centered existence we have no choice but to flirt with narcissism. this is the seed. something out there created this situation as other advanced cultures do not lose the ability of the child but often enhance it as a skill does with age. my people keep this skill and i have been rediscovering what they lost. only something evil and wanting to control us would create a society that would evolve to suppress this skill. i often marvel at how i can see through BS artists and others cannot. this skill is a liability even if there is no issue with a particular pathological narcissist. they fear those who would identify them. by extension any entity for lack of a better term that wishes to remain in the shadows would create a society that suppresses this skill.

my example of fun at SJU is that i think that there is some sort of connection to the seed in the individuals and the greater evil that we discuss, like they call to one another, a type of PSI of the dark side. consequently the individuals create an existence for themselves that can interface with the larger entity. there is a combination of choice, constitution and predisposition. consequently, you can have these groups of evil occur on their own and with help from greater evil if not actual seeding as opposed to the seed in all of us. by shifting the culture, the predisposition is less opposed both by the individuals themselves containing it and by the society around them. in my example of the latter, the willing participants who gravitated towards jobs in the university led by the dirtbag-in-chief. as further support of what you stated, the dirtbag-in-chief priest was always said to be able to provide good opportunities in the corporate world for the “right” students. this was said by the students and administration in his fold as well as those who feared him as most did. he had quite a cult of personality around him. this means that he might have been a plant, identified at an early age or created, by something much greater. and since i believe that this is a component of what you meant, i am inclined to agree that there is something which is governed by a conspiracy of silence. this is not to mean that it is not supernatural or that it contains aspects of both this and some other plane of existence.

something this monstrous can only be controlled by a cohesive culture that is aware of its existence and constantly vigilant. this requires a culture shift.

this also leaves open the door that sometimes this happens in isolation, but is guaranteed to be found by the larger evil.

it is an honor to read your work and correspond with you. as much as i would like to write and speak directly, it would put you at risk. right now you are fine as people only hear you. the real problems start when people start to listen. in my example, i lived this and it exposes you to a virulence unlike nothing you have ever experienced.

those that would attack do have a weakness no matter how unstoppable they might seem. they fear exposure. once one is out of their control grid it is possible to do almost anything to them. this is why they want people to be constantly servants of their needs, never free in terms of resources or of the mind. a person cannot come forward and expose an injustice of his youth; he might affect his career or standing in the community. this is why the problems continue. only something greater to the point of incomprehensible could want or actually achieve such a thing. once humanity realizes that it does not need most of what it is convinced that it does, examples include necessary college education, expensive food and housing, overpriced cars and stuff, whatever; this whole thing comes down like a house of cards. we will then create things that express our talents and truly make life better. right now life hides us from ourselves with distractions a lot of which seem like good conservative values, and we fear the disapproval of something which keeps us quiet and in a state of stress alleviating it only through more distractions. once one quiets the voice, there is no fear in the darkness.