Q Is Back With Prolific Posting Again

First the bombshell. Q says this photo which was so speculated on at the time, taken when Trump was returning from the North Korean Summit, was an unauthorized missile launched at Air Force One, and shot down by an F-16 with a specialized weapons package:

Unauthorized missile fired.
Unauthorized emergency incoming missile threat activated Hawaii.
POTUS re-routes.
NO MSM investigations?
Biggest threat to the American people!

F-16s intercept.

Specialized weapons package.

Given CoC process to launch what does this tell you?
CLAS removal WASH minutes after.

Specific reason for the reminder.
Everything stated has a purpose.

That may mean this will be released officially to the media soon, or someone involved is going to be publicly arrested and charged. Trump did just take a motorcade, rather than fly, due to “bad weather.”

When you have an intelligence operation penetrating your command structures and infiltrating their agents everywhere, this is what happens. Many think there had to be an officer who faked receiving an authorization, but although I do not know launch procedures, it could be possible that one of the people on that base could have put a thumb drive where it didn’t belong months ago, maybe not even knowing what it would do. Or maybe a tech installed something on the launch mechanism. Suddenly months later as Air Force One flies over, a missile just launches up and nobody knows why. It is like the car that almost rammed Trump’s limo. Everywhere Trump goes, invisible signals in the air could cause all sorts of technology to get a mind of its own.

What amazes me is had Air Force One been shot down, it probably would have been handled exactly like TWA Flight 800. We would have known, but the masses would have remained clueless.

Q revealed who the woman was in the surveillance photos taken in the UK that he posted a few months back:

He points out Social media is sliding, because somebody knows something is coming:

Twitter near 20% slide?
FB near 20% slide?
All because of missed earnings?
What does the Street know?
Insiders dumping?
[DC moves slow]
Your hands are dirty.

He trolls Mueller with a media photo of him taken at the airport with Don Jr in the background on a phone.

Don Jr is probably a mover always heading somewhere, so maybe it was coincidence. But it would amuse me if Don Jr was purposely going places Mueller was, and looking at him as he talked on the phone, as if he was running surveillance on him. All that would be missing would be Mueller confronting him, and Don Jr telling him he sounds paranoid.

Q examines China pulling out of a Facebook deal:

For Facebook, success in China was brief. Very brief.

For several hours, a Chinese government database showed that Facebook had gained approval to open a subsidiary in the eastern province of Zhejiang. Facebook said it would use the company to set up an innovation hub there.

Then the registration disappeared, and references to the subsidiary were partly censored in Chinese media.

Now the approval has been withdrawn, according to a person familiar with the matter who declined to be named because the person was not authorized to speak on the record.

And finally, Q implies that Trump was sending a message when he didn’t fly due to bad weather, despite the skies being clear:

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the Storm is upon us

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Big Daddy
Big Daddy
5 years ago

Not to mention the Hammonds in Oregon and the Bundys in Nevada. FBI flat out murdered a man in Oregon Tillicum ? I believe with some strange circumstances like the FBI made the sate troopers take off their body cameras and some other things that don’t add up but now we can see that they are for a purpose.

Reply to  Big Daddy
5 years ago

LaVoy Finicum (sp?)

The FBI’s so called elite hostage rescue team’s sniper fired several shots, picked up its brass (evidence tampering in a murder) denied being there, and got caught lying and falsifying. But those FBI shots convinced both the oregon police that LaVoy or some one with him was shooting at the cops, and caused finicum’s group to react to being shot at by the oregon cops. It was a tense situation, and the FBI amped that chaos and confusion past the breaking point to its tragic end. Ultimately, it was an Oregon State Trooper who shot LaVoy, point blank, with his hands in the air, and he has to own that, but it was the FBI that set the whole thing up and lit the fuse.

Armed government agents (local, state, and fbi) very dangerously forced people off the road with a roadblock on a blind curve, then shot repeatedly at armed citizens who never brandished, or even showed a weapon, put their hands in the air, and tried to ‘surrender’ peacefully. They were protesting the abuse by the gov’t, and LaVoy was murdered for it.

Felix Bellator
5 years ago

I suspect the woman pictured is Lisa Page. So she was in England? Contacting Steele?

5 years ago

100% Proof for all of the doubters out there.

Missile Launch same day as POTUS is flying. MSM dead air on subject. This should be front page news. This is great red pill material for all of the doubters.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

“A helicopter with a downward-pointing searchlight”! My ribs!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Michael Hasting’s Mercedes, Even better if you look for pictures of the car you see it burnt all to hell but the gas tank is laying in the street behind it with no burns at all. It fell out. (Notice gas tanks are held in by two metal straps fairly securely. If the gas tank was blown, or fell out, where did the fuel come from to burn the car to a crisp???? The car I’m sure is fuel injected so the only fuel is a fuel line going to the front and a return line. Maybe a coke can full at most.

To blow the tank and the motor out like that must have been some sort of bomb. I hear that nano-thermite can make huge super hot fires fires but also acts a bit like a bomb as it burns so fast. Maybe that’s what was used.