News Briefs – 10/01/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for handing out Jesus pamphlets at a gay parade.

SJW is irked by Veteran discounts, so he wants to expand the Veteran label to those who fight at home for social justice. Didn’t go over well on twitter.

Elderly Swedish woman who was attacked by migrants sent to prison for facebook post saying IQ would drop due to all the migration.

China schooled a new generation of young Communists, but the young communists went out and tried to organize unions, protest inequalities, and complain about bad working conditions. The government had to disappear the commies and erase them from the internet.

China is also developing a satellite-based laser system that may be able to detect submarines as far as 500 meters below the surface.

Italian University leftists are putting up posters calling for the killing of Salvini.

Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnik sued Washington Metro Transit Authority, saying she fell and injured her nose, costing her $420,000 in lost modeling contracts for her friend’s modeling agency. Friend now says he met her a year after the injury, and had no modeling company, nor did he ever hire her.

A Swetnick lawsuit at another company alleges all sorts of misconduct and unwanted sexually inappropriate bawdy-talk.

Democrats are lobbying the ABA Standing Committee to change its rating of Judge Kavanaugh, as they try to launch the meme that he lacks the temperament to be a Justice.

Oregon Senator goes to a leftist judge seeking an injunction to stop any advance of Kavanaugh’s nomination because he says Trump has deprived him of the ability to advise and consent by not giving him time to read every document associated with Kavanaugh’s nomination. Shouldn’t work, but I have no idea if it will take time to wind through the courts, through the Ninth, and on to a locked up Supreme Court which will be forced to not rule, giving the Ninth the final say.

ACLU breaks its own policy, comes out against Kavanaugh. You can tell Cabal is desperate, because it is pulling out all the stops, and burning all of its assets.

Massachusetts has secret courts, where criminal matters are overseen by people who lack legal degrees, and charges disappear on the whim of an individual who may not even have a college degree. Buckle up, because it is a wild link. One of the things which gave Americans comfort was the idea there was a mechanism which would be predictable. But as we head forward now, nothing is predictable, and the mechanism is nonexistent in places. I have to wonder if Cabal was slowly replacing the old system with a new one amenable to their assertion of power.

Google tried to force all employees to delete a memo about their new censored, tracked Chinese search engine which China will have full access to. But Cabal will have access to the data too, and they know how to use it. China has a tiger by the tail, and has no idea.

South African government laden with corruption, and those who speak out run into assassins who kill them. Sounds like Cabal may have stretched tentacles into South Africa, and followed their standard plan of supporting degeneracy, attacking the wealthy and intelligent, fostering corruption, and finally killing the remnants who try to fight the decline.

The Obama Foundation raised $232 million last year, and nobody knows from who because it is all secret. Think about how hard it is to earn that much money, and ask how it can just flow so freely, with no effort put in. None of those donors are greedy? Nobody wants to part with that much money for no gain. I would not be surprised if there was money laundering in there as well.

Kavanaugh’s increased aggression is seen as marking the change between the Bush years and the Trump years. Trump is teaching Republicans to fight, and the increasing proximity of K is not hurting.

White House orders FBI to investigate the first two Kavanaugh accusers. I wonder if they can roll out the surveillance state and hit up the NSA database on all the people involved in leaking Ford’s letter. Notice also Swetnick is Avenetti’s accuser, and she is going to get a free pass, instead of the extreme danger of being interviewed by the FBI. Is Avenetti an agent of the God Emperor and under protection, or does Trump just not want the distraction given all the golden nuggets that are about to start flowing?

Ford has not been contacted yet, implying the FBI is focusing on other aspects first.

Kanye went on Saturday Night Live in a MAGA hat, gave a huge redpilling speech supporting Trump, attacking the left and attacking the media (Which Saturday Night live cut out, but which Chris Rock recorded and posted to his Instagram). He opened that Overton window among blacks with respect to how good Trump is.

Afterward, Kanye tweeted:

More than 5 million people watched the Kavanaugh hearings on FOX. That is a lot of voters who will support Kavanaugh.

More than 20 million watched the hearing according to Nielsen.

FBI is going to investigate the leak of Ford’s letter from Feinstein’s office, and there will also be an investigation into why Ford’s lawyers failed to inform her she could have been interviewed confidentially in California, and that will involve the Bar Association and their law licenses. You can’t throw a punch at the God Emperor without expecting that counter-punch to hit twice as hard.

Lindsey Graham promises a full investigation in the Senate into all the details of how the Democrats handled the Kavanaugh process, including how Ford’s letter was leaked, and why she wasn’t informed it could all have been handled quietly in California. As good as it sounds, there will be nothing like having to answer the FBI under the threat of a felony for lying.

Republican Josh Hawley takes lead over Claire McCaskill in Missouri Senate race, after Kavanaugh confirmation process. Poll shows Kavanaugh’s confirmation process is driving people rightward.

California Republican Kevin McCarthy says he sees a “drastic” change in Republican drive to get involved this November, after being enraged by the Kavanaugh confirmation process.

Democrat Joe Donnelly moves from no to maybe on Kavanaugh as he sense the winds shifting. Others may use the extended investigation as cover to vote yes to try and save themselves.

Three days ago Manchin and Morrisey were tied in West Virginia. Then there was a massive Trump rally, and now we find almost 60% of West Virginians support Kavanagaugh. An amygdala-stimulating issue which favors us. Add another senate seat to our tally.

Rasmussen shows voter approval of Kavanaugh increasing. Watch for Democrats to want to turn the corner now and put Kavanaugh behind them, and for Trump to begin to drag it out.

Meanwhile Trump’s rallies are lining people up as far as the eye can see, and then some. Has any Democrat held a rally like that?

RNC spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany says that if the Democrats win, the Kavanaugh hearings are all you will get out of Washington. It is a good argument because the hearings were unpleasant, no matter what side you were on, so people will recoil at the thought of seeing that every day.

Also worth noting, it was the treatment of Clarence Thomas which made a young Democrat named Andrew Breitbart begin to question if Democrats were really like him. The butterfly’s wings are beating, and the hurricane may now be on its way:

Trump is about to start crushing the trade deficit with China as his tariffs kick in, and China’s manufacturing rates and factory growth are already starting to go down. From the article: “Downward pressure on China’s economy was significant,” said Zhong. That is money we were giving China that will stay in the US and fuel our job market.

As if to underline the point, a US Destroyer cruised by some of the disputed islands in the South China Sea to troll the regime.

China decides to cut tariffs on a wide range of goods. Trump wins again.

Trump reportedly closes a trade deal with Canada which opens their dairy markets to our farmers.

Spread r/K Theory, because light disinfects

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5 years ago
5 years ago

It was dumb of Donnelly to not support Kavanaugh when he’s up for re-election in Indiana. I’d say we lean red here. I was in line at Burger King at about 4PM the day of the hearings. There was a couple behind me who started talking about it, but then one of them said, “I don’t want to talk about it. I’m just too mad.” That’s how I felt too.

I remember the Clarence Thomas hearings from when I was kid, where Anita Hill talked about being traumatized because he tried to make her watch “Long Dong Silver” with him. That’s nothing compared to having them make Kavanaugh explain the fart slang in his high school year book.

5 years ago

“An amygdala-stimulating issue which favors us.”

That’s the essence of the Kavanaugh (“K”) Gambit. POTUS understands amygala stimulation better than anyone, and this confirmation shit-show couldn’t have been better executed to get the cucks and fence-sitters on board for the Red Wave.

I also suspect the FBI will play it straight on the “background investigation” out of institutional self-interest. Firstly, because their six other background checks on Kavanaugh cleared and secondly, a Sword of Damocles hangs over the DOJ/FBI in the form of the FISA app and other Spygate documents. My hunch is that POTUS agreed not to declassify and go scorched earth in exchange for them playing ball with Kavanaugh and other matters. The DOJ/FBI has an opportunity to save face and clean up their own house via the Inspector General, instead of having their dirty laundry aired on Twitter. We might lose out on the immediate satisfaction of a Deep State nuking, but having leverage over a faction like the DOJ/FBI has its own benefits right now.

Besides, contrary to what many sites say, I never thought Spygate was that compelling for driving turnout among normies and cucks. The Internet Autists already know what happened, and everyone else is either bored or confused by the whole affair. The Kavanaugh Gambit is more effective all-around. God bless Kavanaugh and his family for fighting like this.

Cocaine Mitch will have the vote soon enough, leaving the Democrats plenty of time to riot, harass, and “resist,” further stimulating K amygda across the land before election day.

And if anyone doubted Providence’s involvement here, just image how much worse things would be right now if No Name were still alive.

5 years ago

For the Kavanaugh situation:

Deuteronomy 19:16-19
”16If a false witness testifies against someone, accusing him of a crime, 17both parties to the dispute must stand in the presence of the LORD, before the priests and judges who are in office at that time. 18The judges shall investigate thoroughly, and if the witness is proven to be a liar who has falsely accused his brother, 19you must do to him as he intended to do to his brother. ”

This will nullify the Alinksyite tactic of accusing their victim of a crime that they themselves are guilty of.

Alongside punishing egregious liars that clog up the Justice system and wasting limited resources.