News Briefs – 10/14/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Missing Saudi journalist Kashoggi recorded his death on his Apple Watch. He had it transmitting to his phone outside of the embassy. What does not make sense to me is he never played the card of the watch. Why not say, “I’m transmitting this to the cloud – if you kill me, they will find the recording, and you know what the regime does to operatives whose continued life becomes inconvenient.” They’d probably have to have spared him, since now every operative involved will die mysteriously in the next week. It would have been their only chance. Instead he took the torture and died. Maybe meaningless, but it made me wonder if you could be hypnotized to endure that willingly, given how every aspect of your biology would want to play the watch card. Or might a Cabal member sacrifice himself like that for the cult?

The goal may have been to cut Saudi access to US defense contractors.

Kashoggi was Muslim Brotherhood, like Huma, and many other Cabal members from the Muslim wing, and he was the conduit between the previous Saudi-Cabal regime, and Osama Bin Ladin just prior to 9/11. And he was forming a new party to try an unseat Salman politically and retake control of Saudi Arabia. On the bright side, if Trump publicly scolds Salman, but supports him ultimately, Salman will owe Trump even more than he already does.

There is talk we may have lost 22 F22 raptors at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida. At $340 million a pop that might be a $7.5 billion price tag.

Top Hollywood execs give 99.7% of their contributions to Democrats for the midterms.

Kamela Harris makes a campaign trip to Iowa, stoking rumors of a 2020 Presidential run. I am at the point I think that if you want to be a major political figure you’d get more success visiting elite sex clubs and letting yourself be video’d having public sex, than pursuing the academic/hard work path.

Tenn Man loses leg after trying to attack his son with a chainsaw, and getting run over by the son’s lawnmower in return. Mainly interesting for the older picture of the old man, as he tries to smile but his underlying imbalance shines through:

Male Rapist gets life in prison for attacks on women inmates. No reassignment surgery, he is in for rape, and they put him in a women’s prison where he goes hog wild. They say the life sentence will not be served with women.

Flashback : John Roberts was hacked by the Obama Administration. Hacking is just technical surveillance, and surveillance never rolls out piecemeal. Roberts was followed, eavesdropped, and everything he did was observed. Obama was very, very bad, and he will have to be punished in some form. Trump cannot just sweep this under the carpet. Has any former President ever served prison time? And that assumes Obama wasn’t part of any treason. Execution after Military tribunal could be on the table. I have never felt so intellectually disoriented, and totally clueless in predicting reality looking at the world, as I have these last few years. The world has gone from controlled and rule-governed, to an anything-goes madhouse where no outcome is off the table.

A good rehash by Conservative Treehouse on the abuse of the FISA system. Think Scalia was innocently diverted to that ranch, and just happened to pass with a pillow over his head, given the coverage he had to be under? Before the Storm is over, big names will have to go to prison, and maybe a few will be put to death, if Q is right and they were going that hard because the massive, unimaginable surveillance abuses were just a minor feature, running cover for a major treason operation that dwarfs the surveillance by comparison. I only hope the reality and the punishments are not kept secret like McCain has been so far. The public needs that shot of amygdala, to realize how much having honest leaders matters.

New York Prosecutors are fighting to keep Cohen Search Warrants secret.

Liberal grabs conservative girl, tells her he can rape her, then says, “Don’t record that.” Then female liberals around her tell her he never said it. Liberal women don’t view conservative women as sisters, and they will help get them raped.

Piracy is back off the coast of Africa, with 12 Swedes crewing a cargo ship being taken hostage.

Another NASA research telescope just went into Safe Mode, due to gyroscopic failure. That’s two, within a week or so. We are hearing about these in a small pool of research satellites, but bear in mind there are also far more spy satellites which use the same frames and mechanisms as these research telescopes, just the optics are different – geared to shoot at the earth instead of the cosmos. I wonder if NRO has had to put any of them into safe mode this last week, while they try and fix issues with them, and we just never heard of it. Could Cabal have a space program of their own, and things like Space X were covers for it? Could there be a ground-based weapon that can disrupt angular momentum of gyros? In the book Chameleo, Dion reported that they shot something from outside his apartment at his walls that caused dishes and books to fly off shelves, as if a poltergeist was throwing them. If you can transfer direct momentum through materials, could you affect a gyro? Or might it, aimed correctly at a margin of the satellite, just move the satellite’s attitude, causing the operator to think the gyro was dysfunctional, when really it was some sort of external momentum transfer? One of the things we might learn from the Storm, is that not only was the nature of the Cabal kept from us, but some amazing, next generation technology, which we would not believe was possible, was hidden as well so Cabal could have full control over us. Think about how people still think spies have to plant bugs. Back in the 60’s lasers were already making that obsolete, and we have heard nothing of advances since then. It is as if we were told medical imaging had not advanced since the fluoroscope. What is out there in weapons, and psyops technologies? We have been intellectually molded by Cabal’s culture operation, into technological babes in the woods. If Trump has next-gen technologies, it is even possible he is fighting back in a way we would not even believe.

Chris Cuomo said Trump looked like he was thinking racist thoughts as he watched Kanye speak.

Congo has 5 new Ebola deaths.

Mourning families are stealing diseased Ebola corpses so they can give them traditional burials with physical contact rituals.

A second wave of the virus has opened up in the east. All along, it is adapting, even to the techniques and procedures.

DNA is not infallible as evidence. This could affect a lot of legal cases. Ask what the likelihood of a match is, then ask what the likelihood is if there were two samples, which were not properly separated. Then ask exactly, to a percentage point, how often samples are not properly separated.

US Marines planning a plasma crowd-control weapon that can emit vocal warnings, blind, and even thermally-ablate skin, vaporizing it right off the body.

After Taylor Swift’s endorsement, Bresden drops against Blackburn to -14. Memes are saying that Taylor dumps everyone she links up with before writing nasty songs about them, so we can reasonably expect a song from her eventually about how awful the Democrat party is and how it betrayed her.

Ocasio Cortez says “there’s no debate” that fossil fuel production should stop. She is a gift that will only get better as she transitions to elder statesman of the Democrat party.

London resembles a war zone as Anti-Islam Football lads clash with Police.

Former Clinton advisor Mark Penn Says Bill and Hilary need to get out of the spotlight because they will kill Democrats if they keep speaking publicly. Also criticizes them using the opportunity to charge for speeches to enrich themselves as they are killing their party.

Now McCain advisor Nicole Wallace says Jeb should have punched Trump in the face. A lot of violent rhetoric, all coming from the usual cast of characters.

Swedish media covers up Muslim gangrape of young girl by migrants as Facebook censors posts about it.

British government in turmoil as May proposes a compromise – a weak Brexit, leaving EU rules in place on Britain after they pull out of the EU, to avoid any division with Ireland.

Drones are making drug smuggling into the US safer and easier, and there is nothing Law Enforcement can do, because they are not allowed to touch the radio spectrum controlling them, even for a moment. Again, law enforcement is tied up. But if Cabal wanted to do it, they would in a heartbeat and nothing would happen. You can see the disadvantages Trump faces in the Storm, and why he needs to first reset the enforcement apparatus.

Breitbart says a drone terrorist attack may be coming. Sometimes I wonder if this type of public pronouncement is the administration warning Cabal that we know what they are planning, so don’t even bother trying.

Ten year olds in Vermont asked to fill out survey about their sexual activities and gender identity without parental permission. I will bet they don’t dispose of those surveys.

An E-cig manufacturer loaded his Vaping liquid with Viagra and Cialis. Writer had fun with the article, talking about a throbbing mad FDA with a bone to pick, issuing a stiff threat.

Neil Patrick Harris recalls Whoopi Goldberg telling him she was going to have sex with him when he was 15. Might explain why he went gay.

MMA fighter attributes win to giving up Skittles and Sex. Theoretically dopamine deprivation could drive someone more K.

An article on the growing cold war with China. Again, Q has been saying China was the threat the media was covering for. John Kelly actually got into a physical fight with a Chinese official who tried to take the Nuclear Football during a Trump visit to China. Obviously he kicked his ass. The article is behind a paywall at WSJ, so the non-standard link to a reprint.

Keith Ellison’s divorce records to be unsealed. The Democrats were cutting him loose pretty fast, and this would seem to indicate Cabal remnants want him out of the picture before the full reveal. Still surprising a man and woman can get their divorce sealed, and everyone else can just get it unsealed so easily.

Sessions steps in to oppose the Consent Decree with the Chicago Police Department, says it will tie the hands of Police. Everything we were shown was merely excuses for the policies which actually had other practical reasons for being. These Consent decrees always appeared as pandering to black activists who made their livings off attacking Police. In reality they were exertions of central control by Justice to get control over local law enforcement, who was one of Cabal’s biggest threats of exposure on the ground. A free local Police Department may be the best protection against tyranny. I would have FBI in DC merely issue orders and assignments to local PD officers who were recruited and assigned by the local department to be trained in DC as Feds and then work out of the precincts. Same for all federal agencies, except the IG.

Tight House races are trending to the GOP now.

NY Post title: “A Republican Red Tide is pushing back against a Democrat Blue Wave.” You can’t stop tides, and the K tide is definitely coming in.

Zogby says a Democrat House win is elusive, and a Democrat Senate takeover is impossible.

Democrats are terrified because their Latino support is withering.

Spread r/K Theory, because the rising tide of K just keeps coming

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5 years ago

Thanks AC

5 years ago

It seems reasonable to me that, if a person dies of Ebola or something similar, that the corpse is to be cremated directly the pathologist is through with it.

5 years ago

You considered, is it possible to transfer momentum using energy devices only? The answer is yes. Circularly polarized photons have torque and can therefore transfer that spin momentum by means of direct interaction. Go read Nothing But Motion and everything else by Dewey B Larson if you want you mind blown.

Reply to  KJB2001
5 years ago

This is true but the amount of momentum is tiny. Think of how big solar sails proposed for space travel have to be.

Won’t work for the applications AC is talking about.

Reply to  KJB2001
5 years ago

I can’t believe someone else knows about Dewey B. Larson. I ran across one of his books,”Beyond Newton” decades ago. I’ve read a couple of his books but it was a long time ago. I can’t say he’s right but he does explain a lot of things in a simple reasonable way. I was also impressed with his explanation of chemical combinations and how to calculate them. I’ll have to read it over again. He’s the only person who’s ever written anything that makes sense of the double slit laser physics experiment that I’ve read.

The important thing about Dewey B. Larson is he explains everything from chemical combinations, quantum behavior, dwarf stars, super novas, he seems to explain most all we observe with a few small principles. Is he right???? I don’t know but he does manage to explain a vast sum of things we see. He even predicted odd stellar things before they were seen.

Robert What?
Robert What?
5 years ago

“Before the Storm is over, big names will have to go to prison, and maybe a few will be put to death.”

I’d love to see that too, but it’s just wishful thinking. Who is going to charge them? Who is going to prosecute them? Jeff Sessions? It will never happen. The worst that may happen to them is that they will be publically exposed for the traitors they are. And even that is a long shot.

Reply to  Robert What?
5 years ago

Who says the action taken can’t be extra-judicial?

5 years ago

F22s: “Standard Operating Procedure” is to fly all operable aircraft elsewhere when severe weather moves in. The brightly flashing question is, “who ordered that the planes stay?”

Apple watch: That assumes Kashoggi is the one who set up the remote recording.

secret warrant: I’ve never been too happy with the growing secrecy the judiciary is moving to. The Star Chamber was one of the things that prompted Brexit1776, after all. But even if the warrant is “secret” or “sealed”, since Cohen is the named party, I wonder what his standing would be if he released a copy himself…

looked like he was thinking racist thoughts: 45 states and DC have various forms of “hate crime” laws, which are, in the end, based on what the prosecution decides you were thinking at the time of the alleged crime. That is, thoughtcrime, straight out of 1984. In some jurisdictions, you’re essentially guilty without recourse since there’s no way to prove your innocence.

divorce records: I maintain divorce proceedings are public information and should never have been “sealed” in the first place… but “sealed” should mean “sealed forever”, not “kept from the public unless the court decides it’s expedient to make them available again.”

Chicago police: I’ve been keeping an eye on that for a long time, and for the last year or two, keeping up with the Second City Cop blog. My impression is that CPD isn’t any more or less corrupt and incompetent as any other big-city PD; my impression is that they answer to a thoroughly corrupt city bureaucracy and court system, plus the senior police officials who are their lackeys. No amount of reform is going to fix CPD; only cutting it loose from the city administration and various oversight committees will change things… but the Fed has *zero* authority to do anything like that. CPD doesn’t get their authority from the Fed; they answer only to the City of Chicago, which in turn answers to the State of Illinois. The most the Fed could do is turn off CPD’s access to Federal databases, laboratories, and funding, and it’s questionable how legal that would be. There ain’t gonna be no Feds in stretchy suits and capes swooping in to fix this, no matter that the press releases are saying.

May compromise: Parliament is all about that “democracy” and “voting” stuff, until the deplorables and dregs vote the wrong way…

blind, thermally-ablate: we’ve had those since 1945, though the collateral damage from those devices isn’t always acceptable

5 years ago

RE: The lost F22 stealth fighters
From Jim Stone


People who have stated Michael was geoengineered ought to consider this as supporting evidence:

The global windmap at uses all natural environmental factors and calculates via supercomputers what the wind should be in a given area. It is normally very accurate. However If someone used EM weaponry to beef up Michael, the supercomputers would lack that data to calculate how strong Michael actually was. AND WHY WOULD THEY BEEF UP MICHAEL? SO ISRAEL COULD GET A WHOLE BUNCH OF F-22 STEALTH FIGHTERS, SEE THE FOLLOWING:


Finally convincing evidence that Michael was as strong as stated came out of Tyndall air force base. Even if it was not quite as strong as they said, it’s not worth splitting hairs, I was wrong, and now agree with the geoengineering people who are claiming Michael was not natural. It had the potential to be natural and nasty but it is likely they beefed it up beyond that.

The global wind map cannot be used for hurricane intensity if the hurricanes are artificially enhanced. It says RIGHT HERE that the wind map is rendered by super computers based on natural input data. Michael should have been a cat 1 if only nature created it.

The conflict between reality and this wind map, which says what should have been is the smoking gun to prove Michael was artificially enhanced.

Ok, so here’s the story. Supposedly 22 F-22’s were left behind at the base and were destroyed by the hurricane. That’s a 7.5 billion loss. Problem: I only saw two F-22 type planes in the photos, one was a prop at the front of the base, and one was in a hangar and “experts” were saying it was a different plane. Many people are now suspecting that these stealth fighters, that cost $350 million each, were given to Israel with Michael as a front for where they went. THAT would be a PRIME reason to beef up a hurricane and front their loss. Israel needed to offset the S-300’s and the F-22 was the only plane that could do it.

The Washington Times is claiming the planes were lost. But I seriously doubt the air force would be stupid enough to leave them behind, NO MATTER WHAT. Supposedly they were not flight worthy. But there’s a difference between “flight worthy” and flight worthy, only a fool would believe they let them just sit there. You can damn well bet they could take off, even if not approved for flight. And I’d bet they did. Now, the question is, where are they?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Wolf
5 years ago


A very good point. It’s not like the military ever engage in deception!
So, Israel may have them or, they may have been moved for use by USAF. Which suggests something is coming sooner rather than later.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…There is talk we may have lost 22 F22 raptors at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida…”

This means the ability to maintain these is so shitty that no matter what they did they could not get 22 of these in the air to move them. This is very bad as in any war all of them would be rendered useless very fast. In the past aircraft often were stripped of parts to make others fly. It was a ruse to keep the flying rate up on the books. So you would fly one set of planes for a couple weeks then rip all the parts out and put them in another set of planes. On the books it looks like all the planes are flying but in reality only half could be used at any one time. [I know this from first hand experience. It was done during the Carter administration. I would not go so far as to say that the actual number that could fly would be half during that time. I would say stripping planes of parts to keep the book flying schedule looking good on paper was an absolute fact.]This is a magnitude worse because it tells me that they COULD NOT get the planes going at all. What should have happened is that parts should have been stripped in remote locations and flown in to repair those at the affected base. The real question is could they not repair the aircraft no matter what parts were brought in??? or did someone just screw up and the hurricane being so fast someone neglected to hit the code red button and have parts taken from all over the country and fix the ones in the hurricane path. If they neglected to scream for parts or this scream was ignored the base commander, the head of maintenance and several others should be relieved of command. Now if this was just too fast to react, and it could very well be this is so, then…I don’t know. In fact that this happened tells you 100% that there’s not enough parts to keep these planes in the air.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

@Sam J.

Re: F22 story.

I believe this is a deception operation. The pieces on the chessboard are being arranged for the start of the game.

5 years ago

Robert – save this page –

It might help when the time comes. Q has long ago answered the “Sessions question.” Catch up.

Read Q’s last drop. Your impatience does not a good investigation make. The deep state has had decades to weave its wiles – any demanding that it be cleaned up “like yesterday” – is completely unreasonable. Donald and Co. have this one chance to do it – but as Q says – it must be done right.

Haste and intemperate demands have never served anything worthwhile endeavor. Patience is a virtue for just that reason.

5 years ago

What is the issue with this NPC meme??

WHY is it so triggering to the left?

comment image

Reply to  ddswaterloo
5 years ago

Because it’s true and truth is the enemy of the Left.

They recognise themselves and it’s killing them.

Why? because the Right are Ostracising ALL their ideas… and as this site has taught me, the THREAT of Ostracism is THE most powerful human motivator…

That threat alone, put us in the current mess.

roger locke
5 years ago

Sundance does not think much of the narrative either.

“””Everything surrounding the “disappearance”, perhaps “murder”, of Saudi critic/journalist Jamal Khashoggi screams manufactured geopolitical propaganda.”””

Aeoli Pera
5 years ago

>Could there be a ground-based weapon that can disrupt angular momentum of gyros?

I’m more inclined to look for a Stuxnet-like virus.

5 years ago

My question is how did Khashoggi know he was going to be murdered? If he knew it was dangerous to go into the Consulate to the point of leaving his phone outside and setting his watch to record what was going to happen how did he know? What did he know? It comes across as a set up.

As for that transgender rapist, he was a serial rapist as a man before he was imprisoned and assaulted the female inmates. He was imprisoned because he stabbed a neighbour where he was living. He self identified as a woman to get access to victims. At least this has exposed the failings in the system where TPTB decide to put a ‘fox amongst the chickens’.