News Briefs – 11/13/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Q’s latest, draw just as this post was finished:

#1 attacked person by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
#2 attacked entity by FAKE NEWS [+swamp [R+D]]?
As of 3:02 pm est today, “Qanon” is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.
Logical Thinking > WHY?
Congratulations, Anons!

then Q posted:

R Gov won by 328,000 votes.
D Sen is winning by 32,000 votes.
R Gov won Maricopa County by 325,000 votes.
D Sen winning Maricopa by 32,000 votes?
[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?

Q then went on:


So things might get reversed. If they saw fraud coming, they would have had surveillance on it.

Trump and Pence stay locked down Monday, do not attend any Veteran’s Day ceremonies. I get the impression this is a key time in the Storm, and as a result the threat status is extremely high.

Two Broward County Deputies found dead of unknown causes, and nobody can find out what happened. These things can happen, and I have no idea the circumstances. But it is important to note that if somebody were to kill cops, or anyone else with poison, like in a dangerous tyranny, this is exactly how it would look. People would be listed as dead and nobody would be willing to talk or say anything about what happened. As you can see, society does not make a big deal about it, in its present, disconnected, Cabal-programmed state, and that is exactly the type of environment in which Cabal would feel emboldened to do it.

Another case where someone is saying Mexican Children are being kidnapped by outsiders, and a mob grabs the outsiders and burns them alive with gasoline. We are told it was false, but the people there certainly didn’t think so at the time. And even were it false, why are they so on edge over any allegation of child abduction, and why won’t they trust the authorities to handle it? Something is going on down there.

AG Whitaker will consult with ethics officials regarding recusing himself from the Russia investigation. No way to know what this means. On the one hand, Sun Tzu said, “When strong appear weak.” He might do this right before the festivities begin. On the other hand we live in a country, filled with some sort of subversive organization that moves through the masses like fish through water. It irradiates people through the walls of their homes with energy weapons, they have compromised law enforcement somehow, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. If his kids are getting hit at night and he is seeing them decline from sleep deprivation, and Police are not able to do anything, it is not impossible he is in the Vault-Co dilemma. You can see how important it is to program the civilian society to think such things are impossible, and imbue everyone with a reflex to think such things are ridiculous, even as we know the weapons exist, they are available to the elites and their dirty-tricks operators, and the elites are of such low moral standing they would elevate Hillary to high office. Not sure democracy is even possible, under those conditions, let alone if it could be the natural state things would trend toward.

Illegal released by Philly Mayor goes on to rape a child.

Georgia Counties suddenly find thousands of new ballots they didn’t notice before – 73% go to the Democrat Gubernatorial candidate.

Ultra leftist Code Pink activist Sinema wins Senate seat in Arizona. As Rush noted, the Republican governor won by almost 300,000 votes, but those people then voted for a leftist who supported the Taliban when we were at war with them. It is possible that K-strategists, as things go K, have some deep instinctual unease supporting a female leader to take them into battle, and if that is a reality it should be considered in our battle for the nation’s freedom going forward. I know, in the most extreme primal sense, if I was in a caveman clan, and we were about to go attack a nearby clan, I would be very uneasy, in a deep, primal way, following some 100lb pixie tank girl into that battle. I’d much prefer a Trump-like character. Those emotions are not completely inoperative as we seek leaders in an increasingly K-time, and I am sure they produce a shift in percentages.

But clearly in these conditions, that doesn’t explain this margin supporting a Republican Governor and then voting for a Socialist who aligned with Talibanis over Americans.

James Woods tweets:

We all know something is wrong, and has been for a while. Now, however we have a warrior leading us, of impeccable IQ and a relentless drive to win, and win big. My guess is something interesting will come of this with time.

Dem candidate for GA governor Stacy Abrams has a sister who is an Obama-appointed District Circuit Judge, who will oversee cases related to voter fraud here. Will she recuse? With Democrats, it seems like it almost never happens.

Two former McCain aides blast GOP members who question Arizona’s Senate race outcome. The uniparty is not a myth.

The recounts in Florida may be pointless as a judge has imposed a time limit, and both Broward and Palm Beach have announced they cannot make the deadline. Could be they can’t make the deadline. Could be they are beginning to think they were ensnared in a trap, and rather than certify grossly fraudulent results as official, they have decided to slow walk everything so they can just discard the fraudulent results, recertify the election night results, and hope everything goes away.

Nearly 200,000 Florida voters may not be citizens. Voting when you are not a citizen should immediately prevent you from ever attaining citizenship, and it should result in revocation of any legal status and immediate deportation.

Democrats plan to launch Congressional probe of how President Trump treats Amazon, WaPo, and CNN. How much will they spend figuring out the media is unfair to him? Or will they spend all that money and get the conclusion wrong?

50 countries vow to fight cybercrime, but the USA and Russia do not. One hallmark of the totalitarians – whenever they pledge an organization will do something, and give it a name representative of that mission, the organization will evolve to do the exact opposite, something portrayed in 1984’s Ministry of Truth, which told lies, the Ministry of Peace, which made war, and the Ministry of Plenty which rationed food.

The drumbeat for Hillary in 2020 grows stronger. In truth she was totally unelectable last time, but they thought she would be easily installed because they thought they had total control. It makes me wonder if Trump let this last election fraud go for some reason like a fraud investigation, and now they think they could install her next time, so the drumbeat has started.

Congo’s Ebola outbreak the worst in history.

Many Congolese do not trust the Ebola vaccine, saying it will make you infertile. Interesting. You wonder if they are seeing that firsthand.

An archived 4Chan post someone put up with some redpills about elite pedophilia cases. It will increase your paranoia regarding elite pedophile rings being the most powerful layer of servants to whatever is running things. Probably old-hat to the “woke.” You need to scroll down a bit, and it may not be new for many here, but for those doubting there is something evil out there, this will get you wondering. Pizzagate was just the tip of the global iceberg.

Jerome Cori expects to be indicted by Mueller. Interestingly, Q indicated there was some attempt by Alex Jones and Corsi to steal support from Q for their own platform, implying they were not fighting for the Storm so much as for themselves, and maybe for Cabal on some level, too.

Refugees refuse to be resettled in the US when they find out they will not get welfare unless they become employed.

An interesting case of a West Point grad who was obsessed with depression and suicide ideation, who seemingly recognized he needed to be made miserable to heal himself, so he deserted his comfortable Army commission to join the French Foreign Legion, so he could be made wet, miserable, and in pain. Some people are made to need misery in their lives. Their amygdala is designed for a harsh environment, and it will begin to malfunction in a cushy comfortable life. If one of them shows up depressed and suicidal, trying to make them feel good is likely the worst thing you can do for them, and exposing them to physical misery may be the best thing for them.

EU autocrats are seeing trouble on the horizon in the new EU parliament elections. Former French PM says if you attack the right you may get them sympathy votes. Don’t attack them, and watch them win everywhere. The quandary of being a rabbit in K-selection.

Democrats are preparing a subpoena cannon to fire off 85+ investigation subpoenas over every aspect of Trump’s life. All these slings and arrows he gladly takes for us. And they may just give us enough amygdala to drive us to the polls and deliver his landslide in 2020. Never forget, failing to impeach Clinton saved us from President Gore running as an incumbent. Robert Bork getting Borked saved us from Obama appointing his replacement when he passed in the middle of Obama’s term – and that gave us Kavanaugh right when we needed him.

A poll worker comments on Gateway pundit on how the ballot fraud they witnessed works. What made me think this commenter was real? This quote “Law enforcement for some reason does not get involved, even when clear procedural violations of law are taking place. Not criminal law? Beg to differ. This allows the conspirators to act with virtual impunity as their chance of getting arrested and prosecuted is zero.” I’ve seen this first hand in another area. The cops I saw were not happy with it. They were raised on the myth of America the free, and took their jobs to further it. But Cabal has some sort of power, and nobody will fuck with it. I have only seen one Cop who tried to go toe to toe with it, and it did not end well for him. And then it got worse. As for why this commenter didn’t report it, I would actually assume they did, and that is how they know that for the secret society of Cabal, there are no rules.

“Sex Island” is a business that offers four day orgies to the rich and famous, complete with drugs and naked activities with the prostitutes they hire. Obviously, I would assume that even if the founders were genuinely blind to how things work, Cabal Intel would make that Island a high priority. Unless they have top notch 24/7 security, with an aggressive counterintelligence program to make sure the security wasn’t compromised, Cabal would get all over that Island and cover it in hidden cameras. A part of me wonders, if you wanted to be a successful hedge funder, or celebrity, or politician, or something else, if attending this would give Cabal Blackmail, and enter you into their network, maybe even functioning like an introduction. Maybe the smart insiders, whose families are Cabal, would tell their kids to go there, be as degenerate and embarrassing as possible to let Cabal have whatever they want, and then their star would just start to rise in whatever field they operated in. Like Barry probably being found in a bath house. I suspect if Obama hadn’t had a closeted homosexual side, he would never have been picked out of the masses by Cabal to be elevated as he was.

Vatican says migrant women can teach western women how to be feminine mothers again. This has a troll campaign written all over it. We should start a campaign to import pretty, thin, Asian and Eastern European women to our nations because the Vatican is right. We could argue their feminine beauty makes them vulnerable to the predations of the men in their cultures. Then we could cite the Pope’s words of the advantages of these disenfranchised trad-wifes, and how they will teach the manjawed careerist cock-carouselists of the West how to be decent wives and mothers. Pitting the Pope against the manly feminists seems somehow highly appropriate.

Trump to stop disaster relief to Puerto Rico, because the Island is using the funds to pay off debt, rather than rebuild.

Hannity says there is now a criminal investigation underway in Broward and Palm Beach over voter fraud:

The fight is about to begin to fund Trump’s Border wall before the old Congress is replaced.

Just two years of Trump and food stamp usage was lowest in a decade. You wonder if by destroying the economy and flooding in illegals to make jobs scarce, the elites were trying to make as many dependent on the government as possible, so they would be more subservient.

Pelosi may not have the votes for Speaker, unless Trump throws her some Republican votes. Imagine the left’s amygdala triggering when Trump decides who their leader is.

Houses of worship are going to live shooter training and armed staff during services. K does not give you a choice.

Broward election chief will likely, at the least, be forced from office by Governor DeSantis for gross incompetence.

Generation Z is proving to not be Socialist.

The Conservative Treehouse makes a compelling case that Matt Whitaker is a whitehat who has been working toward our ends from within DOJ for some time.

Spread r/K Theory among your friends, because tomorrow isn’t promised

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Cinderella the Deplorable
5 years ago

OT – not only are Swedes apparently agreeable and submitting to chip-implants, but read this article about the Brits looking at it as well…

Imagine if your employer ‘required’ a chip implant……

5 years ago

Thank you for doing these.

5 years ago

Lots of anons on 8Chan are pissed post election. Tired of being cheated. Republicans conceded to cheating in AZ. Hillary isn’t locked up and neither is the cheater in Broward County.

For those who are not in on the Q plan, it does seem silly to keep trusting The Plan. The gaslighting goes on with no end.

Reminds me of that scene in Bravehart. English Calvary galloping down on rag tag farmers and William Wallace’s small group of special forces are like: hold!…Hold!…Hold!…Hold!…

5 years ago

(It’s amusing to me how I read every one of these, but I’ll either have nothing to add, or it will be a day like this.)

Voting when you are not a citizen should immediately prevent you from ever attaining citizenship, and it should result in revocation of any legal status and immediate deportation.

That’s sort of the law already if we would just enforce it. Non-citizen voting is only a misdemeanor (18 USC 661). If it was a year and a day rather than a year, it would be a felony and we could get rid of the “sort of”. Immigration officials still have discretion to deny criminals for misdemeanors, and they could just add this to the list with an executive order and make it policy. Ditto for revoking green cards and deporting.

Interestingly, Q indicated there was some attempt by Alex Jones and Corsi to steal support from Q for their own platform, implying they were not fighting for the Storm so much as for themselves, and maybe for Cabal on some level, too.

Corsi and AJ glow in the dark. My opinion is still open on PJW.

Democrats are preparing a subpoena cannon to fire off 85+ investigation subpoenas over every aspect of Trump’s life.

Slow walk every single one of them. Treat them like HRC treated her email subpoena. “We’re all over that. We’ll get them to you as soon as we’ve reviewed all the documents. We expect to be done around 2025. I mean, we’ve got over 85 of these things to deal with.”

As for why this commenter didn’t report it, I would actually assume they did, and that is how they know that for the secret society of Cabal, there are no rules.

This. I’m certain that it was reported. You see the same shit in the comments at CDAN. “Dur, why are you posting this instead of calling the cops?” What makes them think that the cops haven’t already been called? The reason it’s being posted is because the cops can’t or won’t do anything.

Houses of worship are going to live shooter training and armed staff during services. K does not give you a choice.

In some houses of worship, most of the Elders, all of the Deacons and the Pastor are all armed every Sunday. Not saying how I know, but it’s personal knowledge. And it’s been that way for a long time.

5 years ago

Corsi knows all the dirt on Mueller. Stone is also under attack. This isn’t America anymore.

5 years ago

” 53-47

So things might get reversed. If they saw fraud coming, they would have had surveillance on it.”

This is the SECOND time Q posted 53-47. The first time was on October 2nd of this year. Safe to say they saw the fraud coming.

5 years ago

AC, any thoughts on the reports that PG&E power lines were sparking before the paradise fire? This and gas lines suddenly exploding a few months back in MA… weird coincidence?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Die Hard 4 stylie?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I wouldn’t rule that sort of thing out, but it’s most likely seismic and/or volcanic in origin. Lots of seismic activity around there last week, and it’s sitting on top of a newly discovered supervolcano. Theres a YouTube channel that looked at visual, IR, and water vapor satellite feeds of exactly when the Camp fire started. Nothing, then literal explosion you’d see from a few tons of explosives going off, and a mass that went on a ballistic arc. Immediately before the explosion (and zero heat right before), a dense mass of water vapor came shooting up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yup, frighteningly doable.

5 years ago

Any foreigner, who votes in any election, should be tried for crimes against the US and executed. Coming to a foreign country and undermining their government should be punishable by death. If they dont like it, stay in your shithole.

Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

Amen and well said.

5 years ago
5 years ago

You know it would be nice if the shitlib rabbits lost the plentiful resources that they are able to use to promote their agenda.

5 years ago

Q is a lie. Remember all that stuff about trust Sessions. He is using palm readers tactics. ” I see someone significant in your life. Their name starts with an M….

Like to play a Game
Like to play a Game
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

AC… you are really racking up points…

When an NPC comes on to say it’s programmed lines… it means you went up a level…

Sessions is now in a wonderful spot… he can run of senate and likely GET HELP from Cabel…

Talk about a double hit…

But while we are all playing this game… do give credit to an NPC… it is definitely a sign you are moving up to the next level…

That’s how the game designers work… even the one who have been playing with our lives…

Reply to  Hobgoblin
5 years ago

“Q proofs.” Assuming you aren’t a bot or disinfo agent do a quick search for that. Q Anon (team?) has physical access to POTUS. This is now well beyond dispute. The question is now whether Q is a bluff on part of the administration or whether we can take it at face value.

The deciding factor is mass arrests. The Storm. If the administration can actually make good on that this will be the most amazing administration in US history. If not, set yourself up in a rural area while you still can with a garden and some chickens and try to keep your head down because eventually the cities will burn around you as America balkanizes and descends into a dozen little ethnic and cultural wars.