News Briefs – 11/16/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Facebook is blocking out the Presidential Seal on Trump videos. In the bottom pic, they actually airbrushed out the Seal:


Schneier on Security buys used voting machines on Ebay, finds their security is horrible, even worse than before, and they are ripe for hacking. If he is buying them, and testing out his techniques to hack them, others are as well.

US is planning on prosecuting Julian Assange.

According to WaPo there is already a sealed indictment with Assange’s name on it. Assange ran the premier classified data-leak site. I would have assumed either Cabal-elements of CIA created the site and staffed it, or they would have killed whoever ran it and prevented the media from mentioning it. Cabal will not just leave somebody out there doing what Assange did and let them be mentioned on MSM broadcasts. The rape charges muddied the waters, but I suppose the fact he didn’t have a heart attack or get found hanging from a door knob meant Cabal wasn’t signing their work, and it wasn’t their doing.

Woman raped in Swedish playground by three Africans.

Hezbollah flooding Peru and Bolivia with terrorist assets, to be flooded north with Central American migrants. Cabal’s new shock troops, now that ISIS is defeated.

Camp Fire now has 63 dead, over 600 missing.

California bullet train has had overruns into the billions due to bad planning, which was rushed to get federal stimulus money. Given Q’s narrative, this could be part of the plan simply to suck in the money from DC and support a California that is closer to full on bankruptcy than they are letting on. I am reminded of the Greek politician saying, “You don’t understand – when it is this bad, you have to lie.” Once the leaders are panicked, they will do anything.

Map of California Fires, laid over map of proposed high-speed rail project, is frighteningly similar. I know people like these news briefs, but I keep getting the feeling that in these times, these briefs are all one big game of Russian Roulette. These are dangerous times. Nothing works like we were told. Somebody on Free Republic wondered if this wasn’t even about getting land, but rather would clear out some endangered Field Mouse or beetle that threatened to bring the scam to a halt.

Black guy arrested for killing three women in California and one in Texas has admitted to over 90 murders across a dozen states – may have been prolific serial killer. I am beginning to get the idea murder may be a lot easier to get away with than we are told.

Illegal immigrant diversifies our society:

Bear in mind if that first SUV picked up a little speed and turned into his door, at the least his lower legs would have been crushed, maybe cut off, and you might have taken his hands off between the car door and the frame as well. I’m not sure how amenable a crush injury like that would be to reattachment – on the legs or the hands. After we threw him back in Mexico, it would make climbing a fence a little difficult. We’ll ignore the driver’s timing, lack of desire to get involved, or how skilled it drove in reverse….

Rule that will make Bumpfire stocks be classified as full autos under NFA rules has leaked out ahead of becoming official law. Shouldn’t happen, but then again the entire suite of federal and state laws should be torn down and redone in a universal form that is easily understood, and common sense, without all the SBS, SBR, DD, etc rules and state variations. Either Full auto and registered with ATF, or regular non-NFA and treated the same across all states. A Constitutional right, say to a hicap magazine, should not be present in one area, and not in another.

Saudi Arabia is going for the death penalty for five of the suspects in the Khashoggi killing. No telling if they will die, or some other people will fill in for them.

22 more busses with 900 migrants are approaching the US Border. Escorted by Mexican state and federal Policia.

Ginsburg is supposed to return to working out. Impossible to say whether it will help or not without knowing more about her fractures, but the desperation says something, as does how weak she looked when she got out of the hospital – and the fact she fell to begin with. At this point and age, I would bet from her falling, her body is inherently unstable. She may cruise along horribly debilitated for a long time, or she might do great for a month, and keel overnight from a virus. Either way, I would not be betting on her longevity.

Ethicists worry IVF clinics now are able to test and weed our embryos with low IQ’s. These are actually genes for mental retardation they are weeding out, and that is still a problem to them. The left has a deep revulsion at the thought of our species, and our nation, being made greater.

Mexico has 37,000 missing and presumed dead, and 250,000 dead since 2006, with a murder rate five times the US. The real K-selection hasn’t even hit yet.

Canada sees sixfold increase in US citizens seeking asylum. Judging by the article, many are likely anchor babies being taken their by their illegal parents, meaning we are getting rid of three times as many overall.

Democrats used altered forms to fix improper ballots after deadline. That is the Democrat’s version. The truth is probably quite different.

Ocasio-Cortez demands that in 10 years, the US be on 100% renewable energy. Ostensibly you want to point and laugh at her, but her putting that position out there will make a less aggressive, if equally silly idea sound more moderate in the public’s mind.

Comcast fires ten year worker because he was ID’d as a Proud Boy and was seen in a photo making the OK symbol.

Vagina Monologues dumped by a university, because it fails to include the stories of women without vaginas. If feminists are going to approve this now it has to be the Vagina, Front Hole, and Feminine-Penis Monologues.

Mueller files paperwork indicating he intends to continue his investigation into 2019. Sundance thinks Mueller is a Deep State shield, while Q implies he is working for Trump. I’d say the uncertainty works to Trump’s advantage in the fight behind the scenes. We have long seen Trump put out smoke in all directions to keep his enemies off balance. Personally, I find Mueller being turned plausible, given several factors from his history to his position legally, but I know nothing more than anyone else.

APA finds media coverage of mass shooters may double the number of mass shooters, because the objective of a mass shooter is media attention. So Cabal Media is aiding the Cabal Mass-Shooter program.

Federal Court orders Hillary to answer additional Judicial Watch questions over her email.

Teenagers and young adults have reduced sex drive, and the rabbits can’t understand it. I wonder if the horror of the violent stimuli of Sept 11th, and the period of utter rage that followed altered epigenetic markers in the parents which were passed to the offspring which followed after it, and that produced a much more K-generation. Generation Zyklon is coming, and you will not want to be a leftist with them. And the generation that follows the Apocalypse will make them look tame. You cannot kill K.

Today show is thriving since Megyn Kelly was fired. Attack the God Emperor, reap the whirlwind.

Trump tweets:

A new episode of the Connors, and a new season-low rating’s record.

Trump’s favored nickname for Biden is “Creepy Joe.”

Company gives every employee a gun for Christmas. Good for the Overton Window among the general populace.

Florida to do first ever state-wide hand recount. View Trump as a scientist, examining voter fraud and seeking to prove it conclusively. He needs to do a detailed examination of it. I think this is him pulling the entire voter system into a lab and probing its every aspect in such fine detail we will know exactly what happened in this election. I think this is Trump doing this.

Rick Scott gains votes in recount.

I would assume this has to do with the fraud centers panicking and trying to undo everything they did in the recounts – to the point of failing to make the deadlines so their newer, even faker numbers would not make it into the record, as in Palm Beach, and Broward, which apparently lost over 2,000 votes:

DHS deploys concertina wire atop the fence migrants climbed and sat on to taunt US authorities.

Avenatti tweets a denial of any domestic abuse charges – and an attack on the media:

Look at what that does. Trump says the media is full of liars who say things which aren’t true. Now Trump’s arch-enemy, who in the public’s eye opposes Trump on everything and ostensibly hates him personally, is out there showing how the media lies and has all its facts wrong. Even Avenati’s ex-wives, who should be opposed to Avenatti, are out there saying the media is completely wrong and has no idea what it is talking about. So we have the hero, his enemy, the enemies of the enemy, and everyone who is opposed to everyone all agreeing on one thing – the media is totally unreliable as a source of information. Subconsciously everyone will wonder, does the media tell the truth about anyone, or ever get any facts right? Either Avenatti is a covert Trump-lover, or Trump actually has the hand of God guiding all his enemies to do whatever is best for The Plan. Really a beautiful thing.

GOP wants all public records on Avenatti’s arrest.

OANN files a brief in support of Trump in the CNN/Acosta lawsuit.

More than 650 migrants caught in two days just at the Yuma border.

Bill and Hillary tour cut off due to poor sales. I have viewed many of these things as Cabal pre-money-laundered payoffs, be it five or six figure speaking engagements, lucrative board memberships, Bestseller book sales, profitable websites, or even lucrative business deals or government contracts. This makes me wonder if Cabal is beginning to tighten its belt due to resource shortage.

Trump says illegal voters voted for Democrats, went outside, put on disguises, went back inside, and voted again. That sounds like Trump may have been running surveillance on polling places, and is referencing something he has seen, which may have been video’d. We’ll ignore what specialty uses disguises and costumes. You can bet somewhere an illegal voter who did a costume change between voting is shitting their pants right now, wondering what Trump has and if it was them who he was talking about.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it needs to go viral, and we don’t want to miss the deadline

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5 years ago

Thanks for this.

5 years ago

everything in California is designed to burn, but at different intervals. The state runs north-south so both the fires and the train run north-south. That is the only relationship between the fires and the train, asa properly done map would show. Expand the map on this page until you can see where the fires actually are:

Servant of the Chief
Servant of the Chief
5 years ago

The facebook thing is just… weird to me.

Its kind of ominous, why exactly would you want to blur out the presidential seal? Why hide that? The entire world knows he is president, he’s standing at the presidential podium doing and saying presidential things, its not as if anyone could make any kind of mistake about it. Is there something symbolic about the act? If so what? I honestly cant understand what symbolism this serves. What, is the Cabal going to declare war a week from now and Facebook goes into full propaganda mode and says ‘SEE HE WASN’T REALLY THE PRESIDENT!’

Wait, it might not be anything actually ominous at all, it may just be some executive’s decree at Facebook expressing and extremely petty ‘Not my president’ stance. Like they’ll host the articles but won’t give Trump the ‘dignity’ of having the presidential seal in the same photo as him.

5 years ago

ditto, anoncon. i hit yer site daily, and send links to friends and post on phuckerbook. excellent work, all the time.

5 years ago

The California fires are a direct result of our feckless elites and general emasculation. Mother Nature doesn’t give a shit, but we’re content with letting D.C. and two-bit lawyers effectively manage our forests. It’s exactly what you would expect from a gaggle of spoiled rabbits who are so divorced from reality and primary production that they literally don’t have a clue. Tucker Carlson picked up on this in his recent book when he discussed how the left shifted environmentalism from practical, measurable outcomes like clean air and water to abstract neo-pagan mystery cults like “muh climate change” supported by the High Priests of Science!(TM).

Lawfare and all that bullshit are exactly what you would expect at the peak of r-decadence. Post-K shift, I predict there will be very few lawyers simply because the huge energetic and caloric surpluses necessary to support occupations like that won’t exist.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  anon
5 years ago

What is the title of the book by Carlson?

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“Vagina Monologues dumped by a university, because it fails to include the stories of women without vaginas.”


5 years ago

Seen this Twatter exchange? A US Congressman blithely speculates about using nuclear weapons against the American people to enforce gun confiscation. And evidently he sits on some kind of Intelligence committee…

He unknowingly underlines the whole point of the Second Amendment.

5 years ago

IVF is one way for many women to become single mothers who then collect gov welfare.

5 years ago

Anybody got a good Q compilation site that’s working? My go-to has been hacked/disabled.

5 years ago

Has anyone published any final stats on all those spooks who were running for office?

I know that Spanberger chick won…

5 years ago

Found this. It’s deliberately vague, but it looks like only three spy-vs.-spy types got in.