News Briefs – 03/31/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts as of when we went to press. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Video of the Brexit March with Tommy Robinson shows Brit patriots are not lying down:

34% of those who showed up to the Michigan Trump rally were Democrats:

Comey’s daughter is an assistant US Attorney for SDNY. Again, it is the secret society, and it keeps it in the family. You could have gone to school, worked hard, gotten the grades, and never have had a chance at that position. They have all the levers of power, and they keep those levers to themselves. At least they did. And those high-ranking government positions are not all of it, not by far.

Puerto Ricans, living off the emergency aid they were given following the hurricane a year and a half ago, want that aid to continue so they can continue to support themselves on it, and are upset Trump is now winding it down. That is the fake news. The real news is probably that the money was always lining some powerful somebody’s pockets, and rarely ever making it to the people, and they want to see if they can get more.

Pope says border walls and fear-mongering will not stop migrants from pursuing their right to seek a better life wherever they want.

Zuckerberg calls for global rules on hateful speech on the internet, as well as privacy and “election integrity.” In other words give him the power to decide who wins by fixing his systems, so we know our elections aren’t interfered with by anyone else.

Alex Jones says he believes children were killed at Sandy Hook, but there was a cover-up. You will know if this is real or theater by whether Alex Jones brings in Wolfgang Halbig to testify. Something was definitely strange in the coverage. The only question is if a shooting happened, and they tried to shoot additional reels for the news to make it more dramatic, or if it was entirely made up. At this point, I couldn’t even venture a guess what the truth is.

The media is pushing the “Men’s therapeutic cuddle group” as the new way men heal from traumas. Cabal is probably hoping it catches on, so men don’t opt for the “blow everything that angered you the fuck up” method of dealing with trauma when the truth comes out. I do wonder to what extent, if you tell 10,000 people about the “cuddle group,” a few outliers adopt that information, and become less manly, drawing down the overall manliness of the group.

It has been 14 years since Terri Schiavo died.

Pope Francis to give “historic” speech on LGBT issues and the Church. We are at a point where being devoutly religious is pretty easy, because whatever you want to do is unable to be judged.

Pope sends word to Italian PM Salvini that he will not meet with him, until he opens the country to migration.

Chick-Fil-A has been pulled from the Buffalo airport over its LGBT stance.

Yale women’s soccer coach pleads guilty to taking almost $1 million in bribes.

Judge rules Trump cannot allow drilling for oil in the arctic ocean floor. I never fully understood how directly these policies were a foreign enemy explicitly trying to thwart America’s success.

Seattle Shooting, where one minute the guy was having a drink and playing video games, and the next he woke up, being told he had calmly walked down the street shooting people, is being used to push gun control.

Gavin Newsom makes a trip to El Salvador. Obviously not a vacation, and yet what could it have to do with California?

Jeff Flake says he would prefer a Democrat win in 2020 over Trump. They are not Never-Trumpers, they were Never-Republicans.

Venezuela has said to have returned to the Middle Ages, with oil lamps, walking for hours, no indoor plumbing, and hand washing clothes and bedding.

France is blocking trade talks with the US, threatening another trade war, and angering fellow EU partners.

The Caravan migrant who complained about the free food she was given on her way up through Mexico, and then made it into the US, has been arrested on aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Migrants are r-strategists, and r-strategists have limited amygdala-function.

Mexico braces for the “Mother of all Caravans” coming up from Central America.

Hickenlooper is “faceblind,” and cannot remember faces of people he met, so each time meeting them is like the first time, until he has met them four or five times. It is an amygdala-related function. Dysfunction of the amygdala might explain him telling the story about watching Deep Throat with his mom too. You have to wonder if when the MK Ultra crew is looking for a target, a guy with strange cognitive qualities would rise to the top of their list.

Former CIA agent Valerie Plame wants to run for Senate as a Democrat, and many are noting she has a history of antisemitism. It is interesting to me that so many leftists have gone Anti-Semite, given Q said we were seeing a rerun of the plan before WWII, when the socialists became what we know as the Nazi Party, and this go around the US was supposed to be playing the role Germany had last time, as China took on the role we had played. Could be coincidence, but it is curious how it all fits.

Interesting article by a web company which moved to Iceland because it didn’t want its customers spied upon.

Some think Chicago may have a Serial Killer who has killed as many as 50 women. It has been alleged a lot of serial killers are MK Ultra experiments by Cabal. If so, you could expect more of them in Cabal hotspots.

If Law and Order Blacks in those communities support the cops, they will need to step up, or resign themselves to communities run by the criminals, and rendered no-go zones to the Police. It points out that when the Apocalypse hits, those communities will eventually either need to be rendered civil somehow, or contained so the criminal elements can not use them as safe havens for raiding parties.

Judge denies Allison Mack more time to negotiate a plea deal.

Democrats said to be in “pure desperation” after Mueller exonerated Trump.

Yellow Vests are still protesting, after the injury of their elderly member last week.
Bezos’ security guy says the Saudi’s hacked Bezos’ phone, and had access to everything on it. What this shows you is how Bezos is not of the nature that could run the biggest company in the world, unless he had protection from Cabal. If things worked the way you are told, he would be eaten alive in that dog eat dog world. But he cruised along as if nothing was wrong, having affairs, texting dick pics, and just generally ignoring all risks. It is very interesting, how there is one mafia-like boss, and if you are in you are bullet proof, and if you are not, you will never stand a chance. (cough) Martha Stewart (cough)

Pocahontas says Biden must answer for his hair-sniffing fetish, as the Democrat primary somehow becomes even more of a shit-show.

Trump ends aid to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras over the continued migrant crisis.

Colorado Sheriff says he will go to jail rather than enforce gun seizures under Red Flag laws. Absolutely the biggest threat to the Second Amendment I have ever seen. How this could ever stand Supreme Court muster, I do not see. If they cannot take your guns permanently for no reason, absent a criminal conviction, how can they take them temporarily? Do all rights only exist for short, transient periods at some judge’s discretion?

Trump has Navy SEAL accused of killing a terrorist moved to a less restrictive environment. I am increasingly suspicious of Secret Society involvement whenever I see disparities in treatment, or the machine seems to go overboard to gratuitously punish a guy like this, who really didn’t seem to do anything out of the ordinary. Either way, nice to see a Commander in Chief recognize that a guy who volunteers to go into the Storm deserves to be treated humanely.

Spread r/K Theory, because freedom isn’t free.

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5 years ago

Thanks AC.

I thought Neon Revolt’s latest was excellent and deserves a wider audience.

Buttigieg is the Cabal’s candidate for 2020:

Hopefully, if word gets out enough, the cabal will need to find another puppet instead.

Reply to  Jonesy
5 years ago

His bio certainly indicates Cabal. Right out of the Philby-Maclean-Burgess profile of traitors.

And like “they” did with Peanuts and Bubba, “they” will elevate him out of political obscurity onto the main stage. Although mayor of South Bend, Indiana is the most obscure starting point yet…

Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago
5 years ago

The memes are already coming for Creepy Joe’s fetish.

5 years ago

“It is interesting to me that so many leftists have gone Anti-Semite, given Q said we were seeing a rerun of the plan before WWII, when the socialists became what we know as the Nazi Party, and this go around the US was supposed to be playing the role Germany had last time, as China took on the role we had played. Could be coincidence, but it is curious how it all fits.”

Wasn’t the plan an aggressive Surprise attack via Iran and NK with plausible deniability for China then China joins in once US retaliates (the US response being a Cabal planned affair as well) – China wins and occupies what is left of US?

What you are saying sounds like the whole US going popular fascist, rounding up its Jews, attacking other nations, then being “liberated” all within another 8 years under Hillary. Sounds implausible. The initial above scenario sounds more plausible to me than the second.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Here’s my guess for a Hillary scenario:

Amazon continues to wipe out traditional merchant families and small town central retail property owners.
Invasion of more people from Central America, this was specifically Hillary’s reason for destabilizing Honduras.
This, combined with continuing to kill manufacturing and energy production in the US would be part of disempowering whites. Not only by going after their jobs but their communities ties, turning more of them into a wandering population in search of work.
Russia would continued to be presented as evil and the threat.
Whites unhappy with the “jobs that aren’t coming back” and other related changes would be associated with Russia and generally presented at racists.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Another thing related to this issue:

I was just reading the full article and this is the kind of non-sense I was talking about on my previous comment: they are equating someone saying a verifiable fact with it being anti-Semitism.

From the article you linked:

Just as the Dems were recovering from their anti-Semitism controversy with Rep. Omar, they’ve got an anti-Semitic bigot with name recognition running for Senate in New Mexico.
It’s yesterday’s lefty heroine, Valerie Plame, covert secret agent and inspiration for James Bond who inspired one of the more unintentionally hilarious lefty Bush era movies (one that Aaron Sorkin would probably like to forget.)
Plame was force to apologize after sharing on Twitter an anti-Semitic article from the UNZ Review entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars.” The article stated that Jews “own the media,” that they should wear labels while on national television, and that their beliefs were as dangerous as “a bottle of rat poison.”
Her initial response was: “First of all, calm down. Re-tweets don’t imply endorsement. Yes, very provocative, but thoughtful. Many neocon hawks ARE Jewish.”
Funny how these scandals just “vanish” when they involve lefties.

My observations on that:
What Omar Ilham said about AIPAC and the US Congress support of Israel was NOT anti-Semitic, she was stating 2 FACTS: the 1st one that AIPAC pays off US politicians for the political benefit of Israel (its the whole point of their existance) and the 2nd that US Congress support of Israel is motivated by money (although I would add to that that blackmail is a big part of it too, because as we all know, anyone who does not bend the knee for Israel in US politics gets bomberded to shit in the Jewish owned and staffed zionism MSM);
I believe 100% that Omar Ilham IS an anti-Semite because she hates Jews, BUT WHAT SHE SAID regarding AIPAC and its relationship with the US Congress IS NOT WHAT MAKES HER AN ANTI-SEMITE. Her statements regarding AIPAC are not anti-Semitic, her hatred of Jews is anti-Semitic (you can bet she would have no problem gassing all the Jews without discernment);
Saying that America’s Jews are driving America’s wars is not entirely true because not ALL Jewish people in America tell the MSM what to talk about nor do they control the zionist neocon agenda, but it is true that Jews are over-represented in the neocon department, and its also a fact that the pointless war that they pushed for were entirely for the benefit of Israel and its also a fact that the neocons start with Leo Trotsky, a literal communist Jew. I have posted about this here.

IMHO, just calling Omar Ilham and that woman that is now running anti-Semites for stating facts that are true is a BIG mistake that does not make Jews any favors. In fact, like I said, doing so will only increase the pressure in the cooker because people who find fault in the actions of the neocons and those bribed by AIPAC feel like they can’t speak out against the issues, and that will only increase backlash against all Jews. The silver-lining here is that the people who can see that only get more disgusted with the censorship and the MO of the Israel first people who accuse people who want to speak about Israeli and Jewish issues of being anti-Semites just like Antifa accuses people who want to speak about communist/socialist/progressivist issues of being nazis.

This is doing nothing but opening up the censored to being more easily radicalized, which is not optimal for anyone but the cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I get what you mean, but I still feel like its good to keep the logos up and running, subverting language to advance our side’s agenda is not a great idea long term when the term anti-Semite is used so loosely and can be so easily weaponized against our side (just look at the clusterfuck on Q’s board where MSM shills post shit that redpills nobody on the JQ and is simply over the top but loosely related to Jews just so they can then report on it to turn people off from the Q movement, and how the shills who attack the people who post anything legitimate about Jews/Judaism/Israel get instantly attacked with the “hate” buzz word, and the “what will the MSM and normies think of this place” sofism), AND especially when the so many of the subversive agents of the cabal are protected by the moat of self-identifying as Jews (and many of them being racial Jews). Make no mistake, all this loose use of the smear of anti-Semitic could go really wrong real fast IMHO, I don’t have to tell you who controls most of the online censorship (PROTIP: its Israel and Jewish interest groups), and how powerful the accusation still is.

But on the other hand, as I was writing this, now that I think about it, it could see this non-sense barrage of accusations of anti-Semitism in every direction as being a way to make the gen pop stop giving a shit about being called that, the same way the MSM and the online shills kept repeating “Russians”, “bots” and “nazis” regarding Trump supports until most people just stopped giving a shit about being called that. In this case, care should still be taken to properly correct people on what is a true anti-Semite because in many Countries being labeled as such can fuck up your life big time (Vox Day did a video about the weaponization of bureaucracy where he talked about a guy from the US who needed to go to Europe in business but because he was labeled an “anti-Semite”, the EU barred his access to the Schengen area (which is most of Europe)). All “anti-Semitism prevention” and “hate-speech” and “hate-crime” laws need to be done with, for all the right reasons, they’re just weapons against free speech.

If the influential people in the mainstream (like James Woods) call Omar an anti-Semite and Jew hater for speaking some facts about AIPAC and that benefits the plans of Trump, I don’t give a shit I just hope he is not retarded enough to really think that criticising AIPAC makes one an anti-Semite, I make the assumption he is smarter than that, or should I say, I know he is smart enough to understand why she isn’t an anti-Semite for speaking out about AIPAC, I just hope that he is emotionally capable of accepting that aspect of reality, and that when he says that shit he is merely weaponizing the “anti-Semite” word against Omar.

At the end of the day, most people, even in our side have been so conditioned with bullshit regarding the Jews that they would rather avoid the issue than to talk openly about it (and its pure emotional indoctrination behind this phenomena, there is nothing objectively wrong with saying that Islam is shit and has no place in the West and the same with Judaism and zionism (zionism in the original sense of loyalty to Israel)), but I can assure you, until there is openness regarding this issue, the West will not be where it should, because the West should not be pandering to the Jews the way we are culturally and even in terms of language.

Jews that insist that criticism of Israel and/or Judaism is anti-Semitism are just like a mentally ill transgender insisting that there are feminine penises and if you don’t agree you’re a nazi/bigot/transphobic/White-supremacist. Pandering to that kind of shit is how subversion gets its foot in the door, that’s why I am super autistic about this shit, and admittedly supper invested about talking about it as much as I can.

5 years ago

Chicago Cops Surrounded: Sounds like the beginning of Matt Brackens shit storm. If one cop chased a feral stealing the seized drugs then Cops were there long enough for backup to arrive esp if sirens were used. So, IMHO the Cops were told to leave as there would be no backup. What do I see as happening. The city has abandoned the Cops and the Cops are going to change their behavior and those changes are not going to be in the decent citizens favor. Essentially the Cops will protect themselves by not making arrests except for swat style. The citizens will not come forward as they see the Cops emotionally disarmed and unable to protect themselves so as citizens, they can expect nothing.

The next thing is that the city is teaching the ferals tactics. Surround and threaten single police units and Cops will withdraw. Wait until ferals begin to put into use what they have already learned about diversionary tactics by creating flash mobs away from the hit target. They will not be confined to the no-go zones being created. Every move by the city that is retreat and appease will be noted and used against the city as new tactics. Remember they can read news feeds and have members returning from the military fully trained. In Baltmore during the riots the first thing that the gangs did when the Cops were occupied was to hit every drug store no longer guarded by regular patrols. This made national news and the ferrals travel from location to location and will spread the word. So if you see this hapening in a neighborhood near you know what to expect in the future.

Things like this happen as a slow roll so as TSHTF. It starts as a drop here and there and slowly increases. The ferrals from south of the border will tend to accelerate things but generally things will get worse.

Think that will not happen let me enlighten you. In the 1970’s Father Panick Village on the east side of Bridgeport CT became a no go zone. Regular Cops did not enter (except in force) the only ones in there were the housing police. They had , at the time, the power to throw you out so they had modest authority. All delivery and repair people had to stop at the Housing Police to get escorts and repair always came in two trucks with four people. One to do the work, one to watch his back and two in the street to keep the trucks from being looted or stolen. My statements can be verified go to the Bridgeport Post 1968 – 1980. I worked in the area but outside of the Village. The city had another zone in the north end same problems. They fixed the problems by closing the projects and tearing them down. In the case of Father Panick vacant land for twenty years. Do not believe that solution can happen now as the climate for enforcement has gone away. Those places were the criminal havens and where the ferals had their nests. From there they struck out as reverse commuters to loot and ravage the surrounding areas.

Look back and see the future!


Reply to  Goose
5 years ago

I can confirm what you’ve written about Bridgeport’s crime.

I went to university in New Haven, a city two or three mites from Bridgeport — grad. 1984. During orientation, we were told to drive straight through Bridgeport on I95. We were not to stop for gas and were told to ride on our rims if we blew a tire.

Too, we were warned that Bridgeport cops wouldn’t or couldn’t help us if we got into trouble.The impression I had, at the time, was that some urban sections of CT were somehow beyond the law.

5 years ago

On one hand, these illegal migrants are being trained to be aggressive, just like one would train a hawk to peck eyes or an attack dog to bite a dummy. The dummy doesn’t resist. This emboldens them, since they no longer expect resistance. If they encounter it later, it becomes an intolerable affront. Also, they are training as a team. Probably they aren’t using very sophisticated tactics, just checking for a basic ability to follow orders, know who is on their side and who is on the opposite side, and act as a team. Do they use a specific slogan or piece of music as a signal to push forward? What they learn at the border should come in handy where they are needed later. Maybe those who are sufficiently bright and unscrupulous can rise fast in the organization and be the coordinators for the next group.

On the other hand, Americans are trained to feel that resistance is wrong and illegal. Nothing you can do seems to work, you are always supposed to be in the wrong, border control is depicted as a racist joke. Passivity and giving up are portrayed as noble and enlightened.

Hundreds of millions of dollars, only going by what we can see, are being spent on this.

Sounds like a community of HIV-positive people deliberately taking risks with their health and using only a small dose of medication, in order to create a new resistant strain.

The organizers of these events look like they have a specific scenario in mind. The border crossers are being trained to walk to find their targets. Not 1000 miles, but 30 miles. What will even the most hardened survivalist do when his house is surrounded by a mob of 200 people, brought by buses or by train, then marching for the last 5-30 miles, chanting, who then cut the barbed wire, climb the fences, women and children first, and take whatever provisions he has stored, beat him up, and leave him to die, moving on to the next target?

It depends on whether the neighbors side with him or not. But, on the moral level, these people are being told that Americans are indirectly depriving them of the bare necessities of life and Americans are encouraged to accept it as their fault, due to climate change. Americans are also gently introduced to the idea of roving protest gangs, like those environmental protesters in North Dakota. In this view, they are the natives (it doesn’t matter that they are being joined by all sorts of people, it’s the spirit that supposedly counts) and have a more valid claim to the land than the Americans themselves. They are protecting the land, which Americans are destroying with their depredations.

This is not a war. It’s an unorganized invasion of tribes. Mexico is like those barbarian kingdoms closest to the empire, sometimes helping, sometimes at war. If things get serious, they’ll join in.

It’s the how the barbarian invasions started, or at least the parallels are striking. The Romans were being shamed that the troubles were the Romans’ fault too.

Hopefully this scenario won’t come to pass or, if it does, it’s only in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. The geography is different though. The previous time, Italy became a wilderness again for more than 500 years. The eastern empire survived for a long time, but transformed completely more than once.

The Romans resisted the barbarian invasions for hundreds of years before Rome fell. The United States have a lot of life left into them. Just like back then, Americans don’t really have a death wish. If order breaks down and some pragmatic general or billionaire hires private mercenaries (underemployed veterans, a private professional army) and manages to put things back together, how would America thank him?

It should take at least a couple more centuries until the real downfall. But hopefully it just doesn’t happen this time.

5 years ago

Glad to see you’re back. Yesterday was weird.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Its funny that you mention that, because it seems that lots of weird shit like that is happening….

[Ed. Note : I’m going to delete the rest of this, to not draw attention to it. But it is interesting.]

5 years ago

More cabal ops shutting down due to a lack of money?

The Rockefeller Foundation is planning to pull the plug on its 100 Resilient Cities initiative as early as the summer of 2019, Bloomberg reports.

The 100 Resilient Cities program is the largest privately funded climate change resiliency program in the United States. The Rockefeller Foundation began the program in 2013 with the goal of funneling money into the infrastructure of 100 cities across the world, preparing them to endure the effects of climate change.

The project is shutting down and the Rockefeller Foundation will lay off about 100 people working on the initiative as soon as the summer, sources told Bloomberg.

More at:

5 years ago

If you search for Sloppy Sniper Sandy Hook, and think what are the odds any trained FBI sniper would be like that, you’ll start down the rabbit hole. Firehouse circles, the strange coroner, laughing father who puts on a sad face right before going on camera, and many more things just don’t make sense. Total false flag operation.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

What is really most notable about things like Sloppy Sniper is this: it doesn’t take any great sleuthing skills to notice to notice these things. And more importantly, it doesn’t take any real great effort to get these things right. Which leads us to the obvious: these anomalies are placed there for us to notice. The question is, why?

I’d also argue that 9/11 was far, far too spectacular to be real. It was over the top.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

That’s an interesting hypothesis, but I think its as likely as the hypothesis that those fuck ups amount to the magical combination of: hubris + ineptitude + a bit of bad luck.

Consider le following muh fren:

1) 50% of the people on a society have a lower IQ than average. Cabal needs to use someone when doing their dirty little false flags and plays, so the chances that someone delegates something to someone who is more retarded than anticipated are not that low IMHO.

2) People do fuck up, no matter how intelligent they are. I have seen first hand people who are more intelligent than average do important things (as in, would affect their future well being) in ways that you’d think only a retard would.

3) Remember the whole pizzagate civil investigation that started when the Wikileaks published the Podesta emails? That was only possible because the most dangerous, most well connected, most powerful criminals in the world (peddling influence and blackmail thru-out the top strata of the political and organized criminal world world-wide) felt safe, powerful and untouchable enough to post their pedo symbology and pedo art on the biggest free access mainstream social media platforms while not even caring about making their profiles private (as Q said, those people = stupid).

Imagine how dead their amygdala had to be when:

1) They felt that nobody could touch them via legal or illegal means (they owned the courts, the MSM, it was their bois at the helm of the social media platforms, cops could be told to stand down at their whim, gangstalking anytime anywhere was also a tool in the tool box that nobody in the general public would ever even believe existed (sometimes even the victims don’t know what they are dealing with and become insane by thinking they are insane, and thus get taken down that way), the military was also pretty much under their control due to them putting their bois at the helm of the governments);

2) Some of them actually believed that Satan or some sort of dark evil force/divine entity was the one responsible for their power and success and that as long as they kept the sacrifices flowing everything would keep going swell for them.

ALSO ANOTHER HYPOTHESIS: now that I am writing this, I heard that some of those people who believe in Satan or some sort of dark evil force/divine entity that bestows upon them power and success in their endeavors if they sacrifice people to it ALSO believe that in order to not suffer the karma backlash for their evil deeds upon others they have to warn/tell them first. That could be the reason why they do sloppy shit from time to time, or the reason so many mainstream shows seem to predict so many bad shit before it happens. Its an interesting hypothesis, and I think its plausible.

NOTE: if you want to learn more about the whole Satanic belief of the elites, the best introduction to the subject IMHO is this interview with Ronald Bernard, an guy who worked for the top bankers and moved money around for them:

He says they were all into Satanic shit and that at first he thought they didn’t really believed it, that it was more like a trendy and “cool” thing for them to LARP as Satanists, but eventually he realized they really do believe that shit.
He says he was invited into the higher positions of the hierarchy but it was necessary to do “something” to children in order to move up.
He says he managed to quit by setting up a deadman switch.

Given what we know now about the elite pedo networks, his story makes perfect sense (as in, its completely plausible) and IMHO he seems genuine.

5 years ago

Beto is another one with Cabal fingerprints all over him. Like another lantern-jawed dork, John Effin’ Kerry, Beto is married to a billionaire heiress. Now, neither one of these goofuses could pull any attention from the fair sex IRL, but we’re supposed to believe that they’re so irresistibly charming that a billion dollars just swoons and falls into their arms?

And Beto takes the technique of being elevated from “the outhouse to the penthouse” to a whole new level. His claim to fame is LOSING a Senate race???? Geddoutahere.

C. A. B. A. L.

5 years ago

>”What will even the most hardened survivalist do when his house is surrounded by a mob of 200 people, brought by buses or by train, then marching for the last 5-30 miles, chanting, who then cut the barbed wire, climb the fences, women and children first, and take whatever provisions he has stored, beat him up, and leave him to die, moving on to the next target?”

I read it once in a book or short story many years ago (can’t remember the name) something that that question reminded me off, where one of the characters knew his best bug out location would be under that kind threat of being over-run and as such he made sure that a big portion of his supplies of water and food were poisoned (he had disguised way to tell which where poisoned and which weren’t that the looters would not be able to notice), in order to thin the hordes as they advanced further into his territory.

Not saying that anyone should do that, make sure to always follow the law, only talking about it because that question of yours reminded me of it.

5 years ago

Regarding Smollet.
Amazing Polly is a great researcher and her latest has a very interesting hypothsis

Sting operation?
Original planned perpetrators swapped out for the Nigerians?

1 for 1?
2 for 1?
3 for 1?
4 for 1?
– Q


Question: why was a child trafficking cop brought in on the investigation?