News Briefs – 04/13/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q today. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

There is nothing quite like hanging out in your house, and a fluorescent light bulb near you flickers on and off instantaneously while turned off with no electricity to it, but only when you are by it. And pretty bright too, not that weak stuff like with a Van de Graff generator in the videos online does. How much energy does that even take at 150 ft or so to do? The absolute state of politics today. If it isn’t one thing, it is another. On the bright side, the nightly vibrations did stop, at least for the last couple of nights. Just stop with all the fucking shit beaming into my house. No energy, no sound, no infrasound, no vibrations, no radiation, no microwaves, nothing.

Reminder – long before the current illegal spying scandal, and before Donald Trump was even a political figure, it was revealed Donald Trump was under massive surveillance coverage, as was Antonin Scalia. And it was far more than just them.

So Trump said he was going to ship illegals to sanctuary cities, and the TV showed Pelosi’s response. It was so shocking, how bad she looked, that I immediately went looking for the video to put here as an example of amygdala-overload. I found the video on C-Span, and was surprised the fake news media would show how bad she looked. Then I saw the video, and realized they knew how bad she looked. Watch below to see how the Fake News tries to control your perceptions. Literally, this is CSPAN:

I can’t find the exact segment of that video now, but suffice it to say Nancy looked like she had just seen her dog murdered, been gut-shot, and was fighting the mother of all flu’s, all at the same time. Her shoulders were slumped, and her facial expression was a mixture of extreme physical pain and a snarl, as she had trouble enunciating words. As she talked, when a normal politician would have been scanning the crowd from side to side making eye contact, she turned from side to side similarly, but did it while looking down at the floor in front of her to avoid eye contact and lower amygdala agitation. It was not a politician who was upset about being beaten on the issues. It was a politician who was facing the utter ruin of her entire career and reputation and a criminal sentence which would send her away for the rest of her life. Something big is going on, and they all know.

40% of New Zealand’s population has flags in the Police Intelligence Database. Bear in mind, I am sure almost 100% of the citizens are in the database, and have been scrutnized for any “untoward” (From government’s perspective) behaviors, but it is only 40% who have done something which was noticed and caused them to stick a flag on the file. Think about how closely they have to look at everyone, to notice a flag on 40% of the people. People are going to be shocked at just how completely everyone is scrutinized by real, flesh and blood people, assigned by government to get to know you and determine if you would ever get in the way of those who hold the power.

Sundance Film Festival cofounder faces child sex abuse charges. Made me think of Robert Redford and Three Days of the Condor, and how CIA would love to have one of their’s play the role as a joke. So I looked up Redford online, and saw that just like Snowden and McVeigh entered SF training but had to “drop out” due to failure before disappearing into CIA’s black projects division, Redford “failed” at college, and proceeded as a broke college drop-out to scrounge together enough money to take off and live in Europe in France, Spain, and Italy. A friend who went with him describing them living in a mansion on a beach at one point. Then he came back, and suddenly fell ass backwards into an A-list Hollywood career. Things never worked the way that you thought.

The Florida reform school with all the bodies buried around it reportedly also fed students to hogs to dispose of the bodies. This is the third case I have seen now of a facility for children with bodies buried on site, and all of them only came to light recently, as the Storm was brewing.

27 more possible graves found near Florida reform school known for sexual abuse and violence too.

Assange’s arrest was organized to prevent him from hitting a panic button that he promised would take down the Ecuadoran Embassy.

His Cat was moved out with family months ago, is being held for Assange.

Democrats denounce White House plan to dump illegals in sanctuary cities, and Pelosi’s district in particular, as cruel. If Illegals are so wonderful, why would they object? Inherent in their response is the idea the illegals are a burden, and the crowd notices that, even if it is not explicitly stated.

Trump promises Democrat areas an unlimited supply of their treasured illegal immigrants.

Migrant “family” apprehensions up 374%.

70 MP’s sign a letter demanding Julian Assange be sent to Sweden if requested, and not the US. What are they afraid of?

Another Migrant Caravan enters Mexico bound for the US border.

Nearly half of Americans believe there will be a World War in the next ten years. It is in the air.

Trump supporter who yelled ‘all Muslims are terrorists’ in sickening rant outside Christchurch mosque targeted in attack says he’s sorry and he can’t remember it. Claims he went to look at flowers, blacked out, and could not remember having done anything until the Police showed him the video. A strange claim to make, which would seem so outlandish one would think he would only make it if he believed it to be true. You wonder if you showed him flowers now, if he would black out again, and go on a rampage like Sirhan Sirhan’s polka dot dress.

Georgetown Student group votes overwhelmingly to impost an additional fee to pay reparations to descendants of slaves. Interesting, as this sudden resurgence of reparations is a Cabal-psychological play to try and rile and rally blacks – against the right and to the left. I have to wonder if that many Georgetown students are that dumb, or could Georgetown be primarily a Cabal school, with Cabal manning the admissions office, so as to give preferential admissions to the children of Cabalites. If so, those kids all knew what way the machine wanted them to vote to support the Cabal in its present battle. All I know is there is a whole secret society out there, with a giant fuckload of people in it. All of them know they have a good thing going, and they need to act in unison to support the network. The idea that prestigious schools would see admissions comped, so they would offer preference to the Secret Society’s next generation, and thus elevate Society members to positions of power, is kind of common sense. Americans who thought we were all one big team, loyal to each other and all those lofty principles we are taught, are going to have a shocking awakening coming. Those ideals and principles were actually the shackles they used to maintain their dominance over the idealistic rubes who bought into them. The thing I am really curious about is, is the society merely a mutual self-help group that evolved organically, or is admission to the society actually part of a secret selective breeding program, run by the Architects.

New UK law makes it illegal to “recklessly” express support for a proscribed organization or view terrorist material over the internet. Now all they have to do is name any organization headed by Tommy Robinson or Nigel Farage a terrorist organization.

US high school suspends two students for posting pictures on social media of their legal trip to a gun range with their families.

New Hampshire teen forced to cover up Trump shirt and remove MAGA hat on school’s Patriotic Day. If the Republicans become the party of free speech for the young, they will win them for a generation.

350 more migrants break a border gate in southern Mexico, enter, and head for the latest massive Honduran caravan coming north. Clearly the funding for all the NGO’s jumping in to help hustle them north points to a massive, global conspiracy attacking America, in concert with the entire Democrat Party. Astounding.

Former Obama and Clinton White House Counsel Greg Craig pleads not guilty, released on his own recognizance. Trump mocks the media, which will not even mention it. There is a protective order filed?

Man set himself on fire outside the White House, Secret Service put him out almost instantly.

Democrat Presidential conference actually begins with everyone repeating chants of Leftist cop-killer at large Joanne Chesimard who escaped to Cuba after a Brinks truck robbery (and Obama never tried to get her back). And they refer to her as a “leader.”

The Fake Polls of the Fake News tell us how democrat support for Reparations is surging. If that is the best play they have, they are dead. This is the first time any of us has seen a President who was both, not one of them, and not afraid of them.

Now the House intends to subpoena Trump’s accountant to get his tax records. Pure desperation.

In Dallas you can now steal whatever you want, so long as it is less than $750 in value, and it can be argued it is a “necessary item.” DA will not prosecute thefts of necessary items up to a value of $750. That is one way to get the criminal vote.

France is willing to offer Assange asylum, so he will not have to go to the US. Cabal does not want him to come here.

Parenting magazine warns, blond, cheerful white families are dangerous, and likely right-wing. This wasn’t written to warn anybody, and the writer doesn’t necessarily even believe it. A psychologist was told, we need stories that will make whites feel under siege and angry about race, and we need stories which will upset blacks and make them agitated and aggressive. The psychologist crafted the story which, in black minds, brings up the injustice of slavery, and then tells them they could get free money, if they will just rise up right now and fight for it because reparations are just right there for the taking. And on the other side, they saturate the air with anti-white stories to piss us off, so when the blacks push for reparations, we tell them fuck you, and the race war begins. I increasingly suspect the radical leftists like Ilhan Omar are part of that plan, as all she seems to want to do is provoke our ire. It is very clever, and like much of the massive intelligence operation that was our government for lo these many decades, it isn’t personal, and the people launching it really don’t care beyond the outcome – They want us divided. Pic related:

Facebook doubled security spending on Zuckerberg last year. Life in the US always seemed like such a lark, filled with opportunity and fun, and always safe, because the government protected us. And it was all a myth. This guy should have all the money in the world, and he is terrified for his life, and probably is little more than an actor hired to pose as the creator of facebook anyway. Still, another sign something big is going on.

Roger Stone wants Assange to testify at his trial.

Kim Jong Un announces he will give the US until the end of the year to come to a meeting with the right attitude to create a peace deal. One possible interpretation I see is this – Kim (Or whoever leads North Korea) is just like us – impatient. For reasons of OpSec, Trump could not give him a timetable of when their deal would be finalized. After all, his regime had just been fully penetrated and corrupted. But he was told, hang tight, and once our house is clean, you will lead the South Korea of the North, fully integrated into the world. In the meantime, he is not even really sure the Storm is going to happen. So just like I am watching the news every day trying to divine when the nation’s rebirth will happen, and things will get better, so is Kim. And this message is a shout-out to Trump, telling him it needs to happen by the end of this year, or he will assume it is not going to happen, and move forward from there. Alternately it is just theater to give him face in negotiations and with his people, given he intends to give Trump whatever he wants shortly.

Former head of Venezuelan Military intelligence detained in Madrid at US request.

Chicago Mayor says she would welcome immigrants if Trump would send them. If only he could send every one there, and let the whole city just be destroyed.

Devin Nunes says, the spying began in 2015. At least the spying directly related to Trump’s campaign. Once that is established, then they will begin to look at earlier cases, and how deep the rabbit hole goes. Because Trump’s campaign was not the first time they tried this trick.

More US troops going to the southern border.

One judge blocked Trump from returning asylum seekers to Mexico, now another judge has blocked the block, so they can be returned.

Trump to catch a live Sumo event when he visits Japan.

Due to lawsuit quirk, for one week high-cap mags were legal in California, and hundreds of thousands were sold.

California and LA sign a settlement agreement with Judicial Watch, agree to purge 1.5 million inactive voters from the rolls.

Rod Rosenstein has Bob Barr’s back. Rosenstein is a white-hat, or at least working toward Trump’s ends. Imagine all the Cabal people seeing this.

USAF Secretary says we may need to do a demonstration of force in space to deter enemies from challenging us.

Pentagon announces the wall will be finished by October of 2020.

Spread r/K Theory, because the last boom will be magical.

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5 years ago

I’m all for American Descendants of Slaves having an official government registration. Like Indian tribes. But I hate politicians. Narcissists making the me, me, me case for ADOS to get it.

I wish red state America supported negro registration as ADOC. It would out-group the turd world immigrants flooding in.

Revealing how the group that talks about slavery! the most are immigrants like Omar and loud mouths like AOC.

Reply to  dudedont
5 years ago

I like to think a Reparations bill could go like the house vote to release the Muller Report. The Republicans called Democrats bluff and then the AG educated the public about the 4 categories of lawful redactions.

Reparations excludes all new comers and begs the question – why not register the American Descendants of Europeans as citizens too.

5 years ago

Here is the video with Not for long, Nancy.

5 years ago

Here’s a bit of “fun” pop-psychology with obvious parallels to your rK selection theory, AC.

1) “Remainers have a predisposition for the status quo.” Hmmm.
2) “personal agendas may play a part” … globalism
3) “people’s life experiences of the armed forces”
4) “children’s exposure to (military) families … influenced by their parent’s sensitivity to justice.

The last point is a tacit admission that children whose parents were not overtly patriotic or supportive of the military will NOT have the moral stamina needed to preserve national boundaries or sovereignty. Most Americans today have no family members in the military — I never met anyone in the military until I was in my thirties, for example. A universal conscription of all males between, say, 18-20 years of age would probably solve this problem quickly. Note how our society plummeted in cohesion and patriotism about the time the draft ended. Now, correlation isn’t causation, but still suggestive.

Furthermore, note how half of the original remainers had parents in the ministry: Brown’s father was Church of England, May’s father trained for the priesthood, presumably C of E, too. The time when these parents were in the ministry was a period when the C of E was declining in membership and theological rigor, in other words, secularizing.

The last paragraph of the article is a gem: “A person’s worldview is a fundamental cognitive orientation with roots in many sources. As the Brexit roller-coaster continues to be steered off-course by Remainers, it is worth seeking the roots of people’s beliefs. Are they in independently formed opinion? Or family experiences or rather secret agendas? While we might wish for the first, we might be surprised to learn in fact how many fall into the last two categories”

5 years ago

FYI: Rightpedia was taken offline by GoDaddy in November 2018, after take down requests were sent to their legal department, alleging the website hosted child abuse images.


Georgetown Student group votes overwhelmingly to impost an additional fee to pay reparations to descendants of slaves. Interesting, as this sudden resurgence of reparations is a Cabal-psychological play to try and rile and rally blacks – against the right and to the left.

Does anybody out there understand Jewish Messianism? Do you know that “Amalek”, destroying Amalek, is part of the process of Jewish Messianism?

From my paper:

[QUOTE] The author of Yankee Babylon, MacDonald King Aston quotes from another illustrious member of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, Jewish, who thought of another way of re-purposing Marx’s redemptive Messianic message for revolutionary goals. They would indoctrinate “alienated minorities” into this message.

“Such groups, he declared, could form liberating elites and destroy the managerial society. So reappeared the old Marxist-Hebraic (and Puritan) pattern of redemption through struggle by a chosen people. Radical minority groups could seek to destroy Western civilization from within by subverting the institutions that made up that civilization.” (Aston,
pg. 248)

That is what is going on in the “ethnic studies” programs on colleges and universities across America. Minorities are being Marxisized with alienation and inflammatory propaganda to accomplish the Marxization of society. What is the “managerial society” but the WASPs of this country. [END QUOTE] (From my paper: Unmasking the hidden agenda of the ‘Welcome Michigan’ immigrant program: race displacement )

This is “Weaponizing the minorities”. IT’S ON PURPOSE! What is Amalek? An evil nation that persecuted the Israelites! What is this ideology, then? Of Revenge! Part of Jewish Messianism is DESTROY ALL Evil Nations; exacting Revenge! Well, what has the Europeans and the Catholic Church been doing to the Jews in the past 2000 years? Persecuting the Jews. The Europeans and the Catholics ARE Amalek! Herbert Marcuse laid out the plan in coded words and euphemisms! We are to be genocided out of existence either thru miscegenation or violence—and weaponizing the minorities is not happenstance—-but a planned ingredient of Jewish Messianism!

Americans who thought we were all one big team, loyal to each other and all those lofty principles we are taught, are going to have a shocking awakening coming.


This is why I spoke of the Sword of the Lord. The Israelites where used by God to punish evil nations. The Israelites were the Sword of the Lord. Just as in the Flood that God used to clear the evil out, the Israelites were used to clear out the Canaanites whose evil was thorough and all-encompassing—their time was up. When Israel started to adopt evil, the Sword of the Lord was given to Pagan nations such as Ninevah to punish Israel! The same paradigm continues with Christianity!

When the Catholic Church came into its own, it became the Sword of the Lord–to persecute the Jews for their infidelity as per Genesis Chapter 28 of Deuteronomy. Lite persecution. Toward the Muslims as well. When the European has grown weak, feeble, effeminate and full of error, the Sword of the Lord was given to the Infidels to punish and harass the faithful! If you don’t persecute and subjugate evil—then Evil will conquer and devout The Good. Either/or. The minorities are becoming the Storm-troopers for the Jews in their quest to punish the European Catholic Amalek!

You have to return to the Old Order.

The whole of the Cosmos is built around Caste, in layers of Hierarchy. What is the European? The top of the Caste human system. What does Egalitarianism do? It fills the people with hate and envy towards the Higher. First it was the Monarchs, Next, it was the Bourgeious, Now, It will be directed towards the European. Massacre is coming.

5 years ago

“There is nothing quite like hanging out in your house, and a fluorescent light bulb near you flickers on and off instantaneously while turned off with no electricity to it, but only when you are by it.”

Did you try unscrewing the bulb from the socket to see if it would still do that? If your house was in a strong electromagnetic field, it would still have kept shining. My natural assumption is that the switch was either faulty or worn down, so that a spark could occasionally jump the gap between the two electrodes when the switch appeared to be off.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Don’t be a victim, AC. Build a Faraday Cage; it’s easy. Then you can laugh at them when they try this stuff.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I know I don’t always like it when people have given me this advice, but it’s always been needed: Don’t forget self-care. Connect with others, and I don’t mean here. Real life, real people. Even if only minimally. Don’t allow yourself to become isolated, because they will certainly seek to isolate you. Don’t allow yourself to get “trapped in your head” with circling thoughts. Enjoy life as best you can.

Check out Scott Snitzer’s YOUTUBE channel. He’s got some good advice. Sometimes rambles and repeats too much, and I’d not recommend consuming all of his videos. But he stresses some fundamentally good approaches.

Their goal is to disconnect you completely. Think of Neo waking up in his pod and all the wires popping off. Visual symbolism of the disconnection from society that they are trying to inflict upon you. Don’t go into a panicked waste of time to maintain connections with people, but don’t neglect it, either.

Periodically go for a therapeutic massage. Thai, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue, even craniosacral. Various medical skeptics will tell you that the theory behind craniosacral is garbage, but a good practitioner makes a heck of a difference.

Take care of yourself.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“But why that one and not the other?”

Perhaps the bulbs are from different brands, different lots within the same brand with variations in manufacturing, or one bulb was replaced more recently which allows it to flicker at a lower voltage than the other.

I know I’ve brought this up before, but why is it that this strong radiation has not destroyed any of your fine electronics yet?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I’m now number three, number four if you include Phelps on this site, who says this is happening, of a population which does not often get microphones.

I’ve felt the effect. It did not follow me between locations (diff addresses, not within same address)

The disclaimer is that I’ve experienced hypnogogic hallucinations since the early childhood, and my experiences with it are associated with high levels of stress and exhaustion (work related). Unfortunatly, my hallucinations are also suggestion susceptible. I didn’t get exploding head hallucinations until AFTER I read about them (thankfully only happened a couple of times.)

So, I’m the BEST candidate for my experience with it being in my head. It’s really unlikely for people who don’t already have hypnogogic disorders to experience them ONLY in this way.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I don’t think it is in your head, or mine, given I experienced it differently, in two different areas, in a predictable fashion, before I realized why it would be different in that way.

I’m with you — it’s orders of probability on everything with me, not fact or fiction. If I were to feel the effect stone cold awake, I would be 100% there. But, hypnagogic hallucinations are tricky, because it really is your own brain trying to trick you, and it knows exactly what will get you.

When I was a kid, they would manifest in me hearing conversations where people were mentioning my name in other rooms. (No one was talking — everyone in the house was asleep.) When I was an adult, it switched to me waking up because I heard my pager go off (dates this) and later my cell phone ringing. I started researching it, came up with exploding head syndrome, and got that a couple of times. The most dangerous one was when my brain played the sound of my patio door being forced open. (In that situation, you don’t have time to ask, “did I really hear that or is my brain just jacking with me?” You just jump up, grab the shotgun, and hope at best it’s another half hour before you can sleep.) That really was the nastiest trick I’ve played on myself.

I’ve also always had the falling-and-jerk-awake thing, and the geometric visual hallucinations when my eyes are closed and I’m falling asleep. So I’m not a reliable sensor when I’m falling asleep or was in the process of waking up.

Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Just means I’m not 100% confident it was objective. It didn’t feel hypnagogic to my intuition, but I chalked it up to the Aurora Project going overhead at the time. I wasn’t as cabal aware then.

5 years ago
5 years ago

In Dallas you can now steal whatever you want, so long as it is less than $750 in value, and it can be argued it is a “necessary item.” DA will not prosecute thefts of necessary items up to a value of $750. That is one way to get the criminal vote.

This is Dallas, so this is NOT going to go well. If Dallas citizens know that the police won’t do anything, they will do it for themselves. You are going to start seeing instant justice in Dallas, and the DA will end up walking it back.

Also, DA is an elected position in Dallas, so don’t expect this DA to serve another term.

5 years ago

Sending the illegal aliens to Pelosi’s district to wait out their asylum hearing will just result in the Left having to pay more to bus then from San Fran to your ‘red’ state where they are supposed to tip the political scale instead of them getting there directly.

There are plenty of places in Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s (D) congressional district OTOH where they could be dropped off and there is no way they could be bussed to a conservative state! Plus they will almost certainly be still nearby when their asylum hearing comes up!!

5 years ago

Redford also starred in Sneakers, it’s not a bad film but it is clearly part of the C1A’s war against No Such Agency.

5 years ago

Pelosi video cut to a red screen soon after she started talking (at :22 through to :36). Is that how you saw it in the original?

Reply to  Delfina
5 years ago
5 years ago

Great. Send migrants to Chicago and give them driver’s licenses. Then they can be counted among the people being randomly shot on the expressways. Srsly though, I thank God every day I left Illinois. The City of Chicago relieves its welfare burden by funneling career welfare recipients into the surrounding suburbs and small towns, which are being ruined quicker than you could believe is possible. I’m sure they’d sent the migrants to the same places.

5 years ago

“or could Georgetown be primarily a Cabal school”

That is not a minor point. The answer to that question, yes or no, would inform us greatly about cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Perhaps it’s not a yes or no answer, but a progression. At first, there are a few of them … as time progresses, far more. I’d guess that George Washington University is more cabal than Georgetown, but who knows.

The Jesuit connection at Georgetown is still potent, though fading, and it does have that Foreign Service degree, or whatever it’s called, which is CIA-State. From Wiki: “In 2015, Georgetown had 1190 alumni working as diplomats for the U.S. Foreign Service, more than any other university.”

GWU has a gazillion public sort of degrees, all geared to working for the federal government. Although it’s not as prestigious as Georgetown, it churns out grads by the thousands. The sheer volume of fed workers from GWU is daunting. It’s also more media focused.

On a scale of one-to-ten, I’d guess GWU is a 8 or 9 and Georgetown a 5 or 7.

5 years ago

Corbyn demands Government opposes Julian Assange’s extradition to US

5 years ago

It looks like Wikileaks has dumped everything

Here’s a list of some what can be found in the link below.

-CIA active operations
-Coca-cola geting cover after killing 10 kids
– Offshore accounts from politician all over the world (find your country)
– Races crimes against White being cover all around the EU
-Merkel avoiding taxes
-FBI pedophile symbols
-Bilderberg Meetings
-Wikipedia Cabal
-Chiquita Banana corruption in Colombia etc

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It’s probably a warning shot.

I’m sure any new material will be written up by the people who read whatever wikileaks puts out but I would be very surprised if wikileaks wasted all of their ammo before Assange’s trial.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

If we’ve learned anything, things are NEVER as they seem.