News Briefs – 04/16/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Still no Q as of when we went to press. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

For the Archives, a PhD particle physicist who taught at Oxford and became a target of the machine when she began to examine the way human systems interact:

She does her video with metal foil in the background, because she is trying to blunt the effect of what she is seeing. In another video she says she was drugged and believes she had some sort chips implanted in her while she was out, which she uses a RF detector to show are transmitting from under her skin when she is being hit by DEWs, ala The Thing. In this video of her trying to sleep, at 8:00, you can actually see an energy pulse that passes through the foil layers around her hit the layer of aluminum foil over her head, making it jump and move it, as it makes an audible noise:

Bear in mind, that has already gone through at least two house walls (the neighboring house it came from, and her’s), before it even got to the foil. It makes the vibrations appear a lot more tolerable. Her group is of the opinion the problem is the Crown Corporation of the City of London, which they assert is bigger than the United States, or any government. There is some indication they may be trying to suppress knowledge – knowledge of politics, knowledge of the systems in it, and knowledge of how the political and financial world should work – something which might reveal disparities with how it really works. I suspect they are combining that information-suppressing objective with some testing program for next generation weaponry. Notice also, she says they purchased all the residences around her.

This is what I mean though, about the Secret Society not having a problem with doing this to other people. I can’t imagine being given this gig, and carrying it out. It speaks to some sort of tangible difference between them and us they are aware of, which escapes our awareness. Even more puzzling is why it has been so obviously difficult for the warriors in the intelligence services to find and take out whoever is behind this. There is more to the mechanism behind all of this than we can see now. It will be interesting to see it revealed. It could be very strange, by the standards of our old world, pre-Storm.

In the next video, a 9/11 witness from NYC Emergency Management talks about the explosions he heard in building 7 which began before the towers fell, and at the end he says very scary people from the government interviewed him afterward, and did not like what he said, but he didn’t care:

He died under mysterious circumstances just before a report came out saying there were no witnesses, his family might have disappeared, and a PI hired to look into it refunded all fees and told his client to never contact him again.

The two things above were on Q’s board, which I assume Trump/Q/intel is using to begin introducing very disturbing ideas, so I pass them on.

Democrats are subpoenaing financial institutions in a search for any Trump-related documents.

Churches are quietly implementing facial recognition technology. Facial Recognition isn’t much use unless it is connected to a database.

There is now a lawsuit looking into the details of the dancing Israelis who were celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11. Feels like some sort of Storm-related disclosure project. And I am quite sure if Hillary had been elected, this would never have happened, and we would never have found out what happened that day, and what the role of these Israelis was. Below is a brief video showing them and one of the witnesses:


Six in New Zealand are charged with spreading the Mosque shooting video.

ISIS ordered a terrorist boss to lay aside terror projects, and focus on importing migrants into Europe.

Flashback – Obama orders behavioral experiments on American citizens.

Woman who went to high school with Obama says he was known as a gay drug addict and foreign student. It is funny, but I see this and think, College scandal. All these stars get hung out for lying on college applications and how does Barry Soetero look when it turns out he was attending Occidental, and probably Columbia and Harvard as a foreign student. And he may not have even had natural born status when he became President.

US secretly tracked billions of calls for decades, before NSA made it fashionable.

Stefan Halper was involved in another spying campaign, where he worked with the CIA and George HW Bush to fix the 1980 election. Apparently the plan was install Reagan, let Hinkley take him out, and Viola! President Poppy Bush. The Same Cabal, and the same characters, just a different party. No wonder Bush loved Clinton.

Canada joins new German-France alliance that excludes the US. The new version of Five Eyes? I hope Cabal does not manage to survive in some isolated pockets like this, because it will be a perpetual threat until the last member is eradicated.

Venezuela sells $400 million in gold amid sanctions.

We are all being rated by a super-secret trustworthiness score which we are not allowed to see.

Measles cases continue to soar, up 300% over last year.

Right wing protestor in Denmark throws Koran on the ground, much hilarity ensures. Muslims proceed to show up and attack everyone, including the Police, and Denmark ends up in flames. The Apocalypse is going to be fun – especially if we eject the leftists back to the Mideast along with their little Muslim pets.

Austria wants to eliminate online privacy and it wants the world to follow its lead.

Buttigieg scandals incoming – Supposedly he was selling a Police Chief position – and cops are talking about him being caught in the park in “nefarious positions” repeatedly. Blackmail only matters with Trump, though.

Congolese migrants are being monitored for Ebola at the Texas Border.

RT and Matt Taibbi look at how the labyrinthine nature of the pentagon’s funding flows, and the plethora of fake numbers inserted throughout the books makes any auditing a futile exercise.

Macron to announce new measures against the Yellow Vests.

Bernie’s Medicare for all plan includes free health care for illegals.

Assange tried to help Snowden escape to a safe haven after his leaks. But Snowden was deep cover, maybe even thinking he was working for CIA himself, rather than a Foreign Cabal. I have no idea if Assange would have known who he was helping, given the likely compartmentalization.

Number of Germans brutally attacked and murdered doubled in one year.

Notre Dame caught fire. Some Anons think this is part of Cabal trying to erase our culture and a history that could inspire us, in the hopes it will allow us to forget what we are losing. Probably Muslims, as they have been on a church-destroying tear lately, they tried to destroy it before, and supposedly a Jesuit there said the staff was saying it was purposely set. but you can’t rule out fear of videos of molestations coming out causing them to pull an Epstein and destroy where the videos were shot to prevent any forensic matching of backgrounds.

French media says no construction workers were present when the fire started.


Muslims scream “Allahu Akbar” as it burns:

Flashback – the second largest church in France behind Notre Dame caught fire a month ago in France for “unknown reasons”:

They also demand citizens sacrifice for them through tax day. Maybe April 15th means something to Cabal?

Fake Prizes for the Fake News:

You can still get proper search results on youtube when searching conspiracy topics. Simply go on DuckDuckGo, type in the words you want to search, then add the phrase “” without the quotes.

Turkish Lyra is collapsing.

Russia may give up on OPEC, and begin amping up production to prevent the US from taking market share.

GOP lawmakers propose a separation of Chicago from Illinois.

New Zealand appears to be seeing massive non-compliance on their assault weapons ban.

There is now a third trial against Bayer/Monsanto over the cancers caused by Roundup.

Sudan crisis – protestors demand the end of the “Deep State.”

Jury selection begins in the NXIVM case.

Lindsey Graham wants to push an asylum reform bill to stop the flow of migrants at the southern border.

Trump is attacking the Federal Reserve again.

US exports outpace imports, shatter expectations. More winning.

Taxes down 25% on average due to Trump’s tax cut.

Hacking the FBI is not child’s play. Could this be retribution of sorts from Cabal?:

This must have been a lot of banking violations, and if Cabal is routing funds through Iran’s accounts, this is one less channel they have:

Spread r/K Theory, because Hannity just said the avalanche is coming soon.

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5 years ago

AC- was it your site that reported a few months ago or so that macron was looking for a false flag crisis to end the yellow vest protests?

5 years ago

It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad, world. Every day that you post is nothing but Chaos. It’s all Chaos. I can point to twenty posts a day and all their meaning is Chaos. It is almost too much to handle. At Dr. Henry Makow’s website, a commentator Lynda posted pertinent quotes from a certain “document”:

5.11 “to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us” , “moral shocks, disenchantments, failures”

Your most glaring example: “Congolese migrants on the border”.

Why are Congolese on the border in the first place?

How and who paid them to fly them to Mexico in the first place?

What the hell is going on?

We can’t control our borders. No one is in charge. Nothing is being done. And more problems are cropping up exponentially. Congolese? What do they have to do with us? Why are they here? Why did Mexico allow them to deplane in the first place? This is all Hell on earth.

And the threat of Ebola making a foothold in the Americas? And the Democrats are where? Even Hitler and Mussolini both discovered that parliamentary/democratic governments are useless—get nothing done. And “they” fooled us in getting rid of our Monarchs! And if that is not bad enough, our court system comes in and Judges stop anything that protects us! And institutions like the ACLU prevent us!

It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world. It is only getting worse and worse. Trump is just a bump in the road; the road to Hell that is. It’s all madness. As the guy explaining what is going on in Seattle, in the YouTube video of Seattle is dying (or was it Portland), “It’s Insanity”.

As you Leave God, remember the circles of Hell of Dante, the further one leaves from God, the more insane people get. It’s all insanity.

5 years ago

Re April15th: This was posted the day of the Notre-Dame fire:

Posted one day ago on Reddit:
We are entering the season of occult sacrifice by fire: Here’s your annual reminder to be wary of false flag events and occult rituals from mid-April to May 1st.

History of the church:
The Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris was built on a site which in Roman Lutetia is believed to have been occupied by a pagan temple…

More at:

John Morris
5 years ago

There is zero doubt about Obama being Natural Born. We were all suckered onto a pointless quest for the One True and Correct Long Form Birth Certificate as if it were a Holy Relic that was the one item that could defeat Obama. Distraction. We should have simply picked up his “autobiography.”

The point of the Natural Born clause was to prevent anyone with divided loyalty from holding the highest office. So how does Mr. Obama stack up to that qualification?

Again, forget the many theories and only accept his official creation myth. His mother is American and he was born on American soil. This does grant him American Citizenship.

However his father was Kenyan and at no point does the official narrative (or any alternate) indicate he ever even thought about naturalizing to U.S. citizenship, he was a loyal Kenyan. Communist, but his loyalty was to Kenya. This -also- grants the young Obama Jr. Kenyan citizenship.

Kenya was part of the British Empire at the moment Obama Jr. was born so if the Ex-President were to ever present himself at a U.K. embassy with the proper papers, Her Majesty’s government would be happy to hand him a passport and other U.K. papers and welcome him as a long lost son.

It gets even better. Again this is from his own book, he was adopted by his step-father so he is also an Indonesian citizen.

If a quad paper “citizen of the world” like this is “natural born” the phrase is clearly meaningless. Does anyone believe the Founders had this sort of thing in mind when they wrote the words? That any legal dictionary of the time could be found with a definition of “Natural Born” that could encompass such a thing?

Reply to  John Morris
5 years ago

“Natural Born” is that BOTH parents are American citizens! That is the definition of Vattel that the FFofA used. Vattel wrote that the son follows the father. “Natural Born”, the word “natural” means “in state”, produced by the society/state. Not outside it. We don’t need to have any “birth certificate”. Clearly Obama was NEVER a Natural Born citizen!

It took me a half-day of research to find people who know about this and read their and listen to their talks—yet—-the Republican Party can’t do its job! What about all those Military service colleges? Not one General Officer who took an oath said something!? NO one cares about the Constitution! It’s all sick. This was an “In-your-face” snub that they don’t care about no stinkin’ DWEM and their old moldy paper. Here is my response to the stinkin’ Repuke party that laid down on the job:
The Republican Party’s Response of the Natural Born Citizen Clause: Cowardice, Hypocrisy and Perfidy 5th Rev.

There is a long list of all the people that taught on Vattel and what the Natural born citizen clause meant to the FFofA in the bibilography.

The Republican party touts itself as the “constitutional party” and yet what did Mitts do? NOTHING. As I said in the paper—it’s all a Joke. This whole country is a joke. There is no rule of law. All these people taking an oath—and NOT a single person stood up in deference to their oaths to the constitution! It’s all pretty much done. It’s over.

5 years ago

Most of the article is boring, but this part gave me a chuckle.

Smells like r/K Theory to me.

“People high in openness are more likely to enjoy trying new foods, traveling to new places, living in diverse cities, keeping a messy desk. They’re less sensitive to threatening photos and disgusting images, even when measuring physical indicators like skin connectivity, eye tracking, and saliva.”

5 years ago

The poor tin foil woman is crazy. She crumples up the foil and then she records the noise it makes when relaxes from being crumpled and says that it is due to energy bullets. This might have started when her husband left her. Hope she gets some help.

Mister Quigg
5 years ago

It might be interesting to build a database of gangstalking/energy-weapon victims. There could be some central overlapping factors. I’m thinking of the FBI, in the 1986 classic Manhunter, trying to figure out how “the Tooth Fairy” serial killer is picking his victims, because that in turn suggests his location & occupation & pathology.

5 years ago

“It makes the vibrations appear a lot more tolerable.”

Same MMW device (carrier wavelength 3mm to 7mm, tunable to affect different materials; pulse rate (experienced as frequency of vibration or “throbbing”) tunable; power level tunable from radar observation only to severe damage).

They had already killed my grandmother and given me a brain tumor with it before I found out about it.

5 years ago

Btw, the Eric Swalwell image clearly shows a “split face.” One side is trying to be normal and the other side shows contempt.

5 years ago

[…] the guy was arguing with neighbors about some sort of “loudspeaker.” It reminds me of the Oxford Particle Physicist sleeping under aluminum foil at the top of the news brief here, where … Even if you don’t believe it likely, even the smallest chance this could be happening needs […]