News Briefs – 04/19/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

1st and 10 at the 40. The pic is of Seal Beach.

#40 1st street in Seal Beach is a large vacant lot, surrounded by barbed wire, and somebody has driven a lot from the main gate to the back corner by the bike path, initially driving straight away from the road, as if they want to get deep inside the property before heading to that back corner:

It is unusual to see a large undeveloped piece of real estate right on the water in California. And why is it surrounded by barbed wire? That got me curious.

Not that you can judge relative importance with the prevalence of surveillance these days, but it appears likely coverage is in the area, and pretty thick. One sign of surveillance, is to be in an area with no traffic, but every time you hit an intersection a commit unit is present (to call the turn you take to the team that is in a floating box just out of your sight in all directions). That radio call of where you are going allows them to move the box around you without you seeing or knowing that it is moving around you.

If you cruise north along the property line of #40 on 1st street in google streetview, you will note no traffic on either side of you. The street is empty. But approach the intersection at the north at 1st and Marina, and you will note no traffic, but further north, just out of your sight, is a woman pushing a baby carriage:

She could be a commit unit, and call your turn. Notice how just as your car approached her (from the north heading south, the way it was filmed), she walked behind the van so you could not get a good look at her face from the front. Could be coincidence, but if she was surveillance, it would not be. She would have been taught to use things like the van as concealment, so the target would not get a good look at her face, and maybe recognize her again if she was used in the future.

Now head south from her along the property line, at the link above, and note no traffic around you, no pedestrians, no bikes, until you hit the next intersection to the south:

One pedestrian, loitering by sitting on his tailgate doing something, ready to call a turn. You continue straight. Next side street, two pedestrians approaching just as you hit it:

Street is still completely empty behind you. You reach the next intersection, and two vehicles come from the east just as you enter the intersection, the nearest one has an open driver’s side window, used by surveillance, so they can observe and report auditory observations:

Go straight and enter the parking lot, and just as you drive in, a jeep with an open driver’s window is pulling out.

Again, surveillance detection is a game of probabilities. How many times per day does somebody drive out of that lot? A hundred times? Two hundred times? How long does it take them to drive that exit drive, to exit? Five seconds? Say there are people on that little drive for 1000 seconds, or 16 minutes per day. From 7AM to 10 PM (displayed at the gate) is fifteen hours, or 900 minutes. What are the chances someone is on that street at any moment when you are, just as you enter? 1 in 56? Again, it can be innocent one time, even though it is unlikely. But as you play probabilities, over and over again, you begin to tease out the likelihood. And it is beginning to look to me like Cabal was documenting exactly what the google car did in this area.

I zoomed through the parking lot, and there were no other cars entering or leaving, furthering my impression there is not that much traffic this time of day. There were a few pedestrians, and a few bicyclists. There was a gray sedan with the windows open and someone sitting inside what must have been an unbearably hot car, which left a folding seat on the ground behind it. I’d assume a few of them were coverage and about to call my exit, but there were too many people to deduce anything. Go back to the last intersection, and make a turn right. Unfortunately google did not save the images from your exit, it just replayed the pictures from out the back of the car during the entrance, and reversed their order. So you have to make the turn right, and shift into the new timeline, to see what it looked like just after the exit. When you do, you see the images below in front of you and behind you (links to the streetview in the images):

So a pickup came down the street you just traveled, and turned in front of you, and the SUV was following it and ducked into the parking lot you just left. And they did it exactly as you were exiting. Again, it appears the street was empty, except when you got to the intersection, and two cars popped up. The lot was empty, except for right when you began to enter. The first intersection was almost empty, except for a girl who just happened to step behind a van, out of sight, right as you passed. Every intersection has somebody pointed at you right as you reach it. Those are things you look for, because sooner or later you’d expect one of them to not happen.

We’ll go back to the first intersection, but start at the bridge here, and assume the google car is under surveillance, given what we have seen. You will approach the intersection and turn left for continuity of the timeline, so you don’t jump around. You have two cars in front of you, stopped at a light which turns green just before you approach it. One car turns right, the other goes straight.

I assume they didn’t think you were going to turn left, so they popped the light green with the standard Emergency Services radio remote light control they carry, before you got too close to them, and they took the two directions they thought most likely. There will still be a stationary commit unit at the intersection to call which way you went, but you’ll have to look for it. Spoiler – it is a black SUV with sun damage to the top and hood parked and his windows cracked, by the side of the road, that picks up and turns right the moment you hit the left turn lane:

Note the hatchback pulling in behind him. That is the car that just turned right, because if you look down the street, there is no other car. He was going to lead you on that street if you turned, until somebody called you were hitting the left lane, and he popped a quick U-turn before you could see down the street, and parked momentarily behind black SUV. That way you would not see him hop right on your tail, or make a right turn when he could have just gone straight at the light. The SUV ducks right, and will parallel you, trying to speed ahead of you while out of your sight. He didn’t want to follow you, because one, his light is red, so all he can do is turn, and two, picking up like that and pulling right behind you might trigger your suspicion. At this point, you can begin to conclude they are doing the dance around you, and you are under coverage.

We’ll repeat the same approach on this intersection we just did one more time, and just take a look at the first shot we would have seen if we crossed and had gone straight (We will slip into a different timeline from a different trip through this intersection). It is a whole new timeline, from another time the car crossed the intersection. Next to you is a line of three cars going in the opposite direction at the intersection. The last car has an open driver’s side window, common for surveillance to monitor any sounds of significance that would alert them to interesting things that qualify as operational intelligence about you, going on around them, such as a friend yelling at you as you drive by (and as Phelps pointed out, it also prevents anyone from sneaking up on them if they are parked and watching a target):

First car’s driver is actually taking covert video of you with his phone, which is being relayed wirelessly to central control, based on a news story I saw of a local affiliate news reporter who got busted doing exactly that to a civilian. Blow up the picture and look. Just before he began filming he would have mumbled, without moving his lips, “You’ll see him now”:

And given the paucity of traffic, I suspect the car tailing you at a distance is one as well:

Notice he is a white pickup with a bedcover that rises just a little bit above the front cab. Also notice, the field is empty:

Now the interesting part. Have you see that truck before? This truck, with the raised bed cover, had opened the locked gate to that field, and set up a stationary position inside it, so he could watch you as you drove the perimeter of it, probably with a video camera with a telephoto lens:

So Q mentioned a spot, and it looks like when the google car drove into the area, somebody with free access to the secure field was called, first followed the google car in, and then may have taken command of the local Cabal surveillance team on the next driveby, as he set up a defensive position on that field.

I’ve been looking around NSA facilities for Cabal surveillance, on an assumption Cabal would have been trying to get up on NSA, but it appears Cabal doesn’t bother with their swarming teams around NSA facilities, probably because professionally trained intelligence agents would make this in a minute, and maybe even retaliate with agency resources. So this level of coverage is not all over, though it is in a lot of places – a lot more than anyone would think.

Also, notice that field has a strange large hole dug in it, presumably with an excavator brought in just for that, for seemingly no reason:

Why would you bring a backhoe/eexcavator to an empty field like that (they are expensive to rent), dig a big hole, and then just take off? Plus there are strange lines in the field on the overhead, as if somebody has groomed it with some sort of grooming device. Except for there, where they dug a big hole. Also if you look on the overhead, it looks like somebody has driven back and forth over places on the field, moving slowly from side to side as they did it, as if to compact loose dirt that was replaced into holes there. One spot where that was done even looks like four graves in a cross-like pattern.

Also interesting – there are no cameras mounted on the traffic lights, which is unusual in areas with this level of coverage, in my experience. Which might speak to somebody with juice wanting to keep that place dark, and maintain control with physical teams, so there would be no feeds to hack into and document who was coming and going.

Now, rampant speculation, which is really all we can do with Q posts, which are only made to be understood in retrospect. This makes me wonder if 1st and 10 at the 40 is a reference to 1st street and 10 bodies at address #40. Imagine the look on the faces of the people who put bodies there, if it was. And they couldn’t go back, because by now Q would have his own surveillance set up on the field, and probably have acquired his own cops on the force, aware of the Plan, and committed to help in the Storm, who could swing in and arrest anyone who went near there.

I hate to say it, but that is only about a 20 minute drive from the Standard Hotel. And Cabal had control over everything there when Cabal was ascendant. They could push law enforcement out of the area, and maybe even close off the streets with simulated construction crews if they had to. That field could be really interesting. If I lived there I’d don swim fins and a mask, and try to get in there at night from the water and quietly poke around. Probably get picked up by sound sensors on the poles and surveillance would swarm (followed by a cop called to grab me up and get my ID so they could get up on me), but even the deployment of that around that field would be interesting.

Also interesting is if you follow the fence on the far side, next to the water, it appears the tire tracks in the dirt of the field have eroded a path right to an area where that fence looks like it opens, and a car that entered the field could make its way to the bike path next to the water, maybe to pick up cargo thrown on a boat at Port of Long Beach, and boated over to this jetty. There is even an area where sand has been thrown on the jetty rocks, to create a smooth area to walk on right to the water, so if a boat pulled up, it could offload cargo easily. Then, once loaded up the car could just enter the field and exit a fenced in private property, and go wherever it wanted without the cargo being checked. If done at 3 AM, the stores across the water would all be closed too, so you could just throw a car over there posing as security to eject anyone, minimizing witnesses. That might explain a very prime piece of real estate neither being developed, or seized by the local government and turned into a park, but rather being left fenced in with barbed wire right by the Port of Long Beach. It would also explain why those tire tracks drive straight in, away from the street lights, and into blackness before turning and heading to that back corner, rather than just taking a direct path.

It might also explain why Q said, “Watch the water.” they are coming in by boat to spots like this with stuff they don’t want to be scrutinized when it leaves Long Beach Port.

One final note – notice the incongruity in the covert surveillance you saw – namely that you saw it. This isn’t law enforcement, or even intelligence. You will not see FBI surveillance holding a phone up filming you as you drive by them in an intersection. Nor do I suspect they swarm intersections in obvious fashion in unpopulated areas for that matter. Real surveillance watches from behind concealment most times. It restricts the “eye” on the target to one individual, while everyone else is kept out of sight and guided by radio calls made by the eye. It doesn’t leave the windows down on its cars as it drives by, because people in the know know what that means. And I will bet if you got the IDs of the people involved here, they are some average American citizens, and a lot of immigrants who had citizenship issues smoothed over, who have been wrestled into this by some means, and who are doing it with little or no training. Some even grew up doing this, and despite the conspiracy having a lot of kids like that, and tons of people in it, nobody has ever spilled the secret of the existence of this Secret Society, running strange surveillance procedures which I am sure the pros at the FBI cringe at the sight of. Nobody talks. And note, this thing is global, and crosses national boundaries. It is one of the greater puzzles of Cabal, which I hope Q explains someday, because I cannot make heads or tails of it. Unless Cabal intended a total takeover, and thought it was already in hand, so it just didn’t give a fuck. But even then, were there that many Americans willing to cast the nation aside, and throw in with a tyranny?

That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Anon pointed out:

So sessions wanted Comey fired. Rosenstein wrote the letter recommending Comey be fired. Then Comey gets fired, and Mueller is appointed by Rosenstein because it might have been a crime? Rosenstein was trusted by Cabal, and Cabal thought this was the play to take out Trump. In reality, Rosenstein was a double, and with Mueller’s help, bought Trump and his team almost two years, during which the Plan has advanced, and Cabal has patiently waited for Trump’s impeachment, which was supposed to be beginning right now.

Another Anon noted this plane with a callsign EOSIN06:

Q has sent messages using the air traffic control system before. Anons interpreted this in term of the dye Eosin, and thought it referenced dark to light, but EOS can stand for “End of Story or “End of Show”, which would mean that callsign was saying the end of the show will be in 6. If so, whether that would be 6 days, 6 months, or 6 years in unknown.

Anons noted a strange, building-like structure underwater by Seal Beach:

26 states ban or restrict community broadband. So government leaders were ceding government power to companies, because Cabal controls the companies.

Ninth Circuit blocks Trump’s suit against California Sanctuary laws.

Google’s employees are panicking over leaks. The article says leftist employees, but I am increasingly unsure of whether leftists can be viewed as leftists, or if they should be viewed as a mix of mind-controlled lemmings, and Cabal employees who just know that living their leftist cover is what the bosses want. Things may not be as they seem.

Police believe electrical short circuit started Notre Dame fire. If you follow this site, you must be redpilled on this by now. We know the construction crew turned off the electricity. They actually kept a log, and the Police said they confirmed the electricity was killed. The head architect said it was impossible for electricity to start it because they knew that wood was a fire risk, and there was no electricity wired there for that reason. We have video of a guy on the roof who had a flash, as if lighting gasoline, and the fumes caught fire and flashed. If you still think the world works the way we are told at this point, I have no idea what to tell you.

Facial recognition will cover 97% of departing airline passengers within four years. I suspect these are Cabal programs which are still in motion, and nobody has gotten around to catching up with them. There is a reason they are worried about the departing ones, and not the entering ones (and could care less how many come in with no screening at all, at the southern border). Right now the US is still a sort of prison camp, where most of the prisoners just don’t know they are imprisoned. And that is the biggest danger to (((Them))). If you escape outside of the prison walls, it is not impossible you could begin acting freely, and credibly challenge the machine by exposing what is going on to your fellow Americans. That is what they fear here. Literally, they are trying to make sure they can keep you locked inside the nation. It is really exactly like a digital version of the old wall around East Germany. How wild is that?

Ocasio-Cortez says she’ll sign onto Tlaib’s resolution to Impeach Donald Trump. The resolution was all in place, and ready to go right when Mueller’s report showed how Trump was a Russian agent. The only difference is, now nobody is willing to sign it, except Cortez.

Illegals poised to get free graduate college tuition in Oregon.

Christopher Steele refuses to meet with DOJ Inspector General about his dossier on then Candidate Trump. All of Trump’s people cooperate with Mueller who seemed a genuine witchhunt, while Steele is refusing to cooperate with a simple IG investigation into a contract he fulfilled?

Man who brought gas cans to New York Cathedral is a college professor not known for craziness. Love to know if he had a therapist. Milton Erikson literally would hypnotize his entire class, in class, without them consenting to it, just by talking to them. One by one they would drop off, until the entire class was in a trance. And then he would just sit there and be amused. (Assuming you can believe that and he wasn’t programming people for Cabal back then. He would have been a high-value potential recruit. If they got wind of him, they would have wanted him.)

Carfentanil, 100 times as powerful a Fentanyl is now showing up on the street.

Kristen Gillibrand’s father, step-mother, and second cousins were all very active in the NXIVM cult, according to employees.

Enterovirus D68, which has previously been identified as highly active in Central America, is found to be the cause of Acute Flaccid Myelitis. Which shows up and peaks every two years, just as our elections are happening.

Head of Disney has pronounced “Disgust” nasolabial lines:

In my experience, those often point to early onset traumatic sexual abuse. I only point it out as Disney is so degenerate, and clearly a Cabal entity – which they would not allow just anyone to lead.

Comey tweeted “So many answers” after the Mueller report came out:

So he has found a path, that is not on the road leading away from the illuminati symbol? He doesn’t intend to turn his back on the Cabal, but he is going to take off his own way, and try to save himself? Inherent in that is the idea of disappearing alone into the woods. Could he be thinking of running?

Those are just a few teenagers. Imagine if a real shortage hit.

Mueller’s report says he could not fully investigate Papadopoulos or Page. Could their illegal targeting be the subject of another investigation which shut Mueller out, and blocked access to them?

Shortages hit Cuba.

Mueller made 14 referrals for other crimes to outside offices. Given at least one of them likely was for Tony Podesta, it is not at all unlikely the rumor that Mueller was actually investigating many aspects of the Storm is true.

China is selling the Port of Long Beach. Possibly a good sign that the old conspiracy, where Cabal systematically sold everything important to the Chinese, is in danger and the players are cashing out before the real scrutiny begins.

Trump just joked that he might choose to serve 3 or four total terms, instead of just two. I would love it, and I am far from alone.

I am not sure this is rooted in a correct vision of reality. I think these media characters knew there was no collusion or obstruction. I also think they believed Mueller was Cabal’s guy on the inside, and he would deliver a report which would say there was collusion and obstruction. When that happened, everything they said would look true to the public. Trump would be impeached over the next two years, and then Cabal would find a way to steal the election in 2020 and all of their cushy little positions would be safe, and they would look like the truth tellers. When Mueller’s report fizzled out, suddenly they realized that their world is about to come crashing down, because if Cabal falls, everything falls. They can’t explain to the public that they are upset that the criminal conspiracy that has enriched and protected them is about to fall, so they perform this Kabuki theater, almost like a purification ritual, to vent their upset. But they know.

Official POTUS schedule tweeted and then quickly deleted a stringer which matched the file name of a flag picture Q posted:

Somebody is daring them to ask the Q. If the media thought Q was nothing, somebody would ask Trump.

Trump went on a Twitter binge about Judicial Watch’s work uncovering Hillary’s scandals and information about the criminal spying operation targeting the Trump campaign, which I assume was not by chance:

Spread r/K Theory, because if you aren’t thinking sneakily, you aren’t thinking.

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5 years ago

Great days.

5 years ago

One more thing about the facial recognition. Getting your picture taken when you walk in to a festival, theme park, zoo, or other big tourist attraction. Here’s a ticket, go claim your photo at the exit.

You can’t tell me that isn’t part of the apparatus spying on the citizenry.

5 years ago

Free-roaming intuition:

The report is about how Russia was interfering to help Bernie, not Hillary or Trump.

Treason Q is being referenced by POTUS schedule.

Bernie is an actual soviet agent.

Is the immediate treason target Bernie? He’s the only one who could really lay a hand on Trump in the election, and with so much Muh Russia over the last two years, NPCs would malfunction and brick if Bernie was charged.

Turd Burglestein
5 years ago

I’m fascinated with facial bifurcation. Is there a site where you can upload a picture for detailed analysis?

Hal Gore
Hal Gore
Reply to  Turd Burglestein
5 years ago

I get good results with open office draw.

Mister Quigg
5 years ago

The presumably expensive street surveillance, when they should just be able to follow phone or other electric signals, suggests GPS etc. can be blocked or interfered with, and so the surveillance don’t want to rely on it; that and maybe the target could do things where they need eyes on, electric surveillance might not get it. Maybe the “gang stalking” surveillance only applies to people they think might figure a way to evade electric tracking.

Reply to  Mister Quigg
5 years ago

The presumably expensive street surveillance, when they should just be able to follow phone or other electric signals, suggests GPS etc. can be blocked or interfered with, and so the surveillance don’t want to rely on it; that and maybe the target could do things where they need eyes on, electric surveillance might not get it. Maybe the “gang stalking” surveillance only applies to people they think might figure a way to evade electric tracking.

There’s more to it than that. There is also the idea that you can always be burned, so you have to budget being burned into the costs.

It’s like the military and a new secret stealth fighter. You have to conserve how you use it, to prevent it from being detected and studied. Even if the enemy doesn’t shut it down, they are seeing evidence of how it works and what the secrets are behind it. That means that you don’t send it out every time you need something bombed, but instead only use it when it is the only way to be able to bomb the target you need hit. Then you follow on with the publicly known planes.

In the same way, if you roll out a new a secret type of surveillance, you have to decide if the target it worth risking burning the new source. When we broke the Enigma and Japanese codes in WW2, we had to let lots of men die by ignoring a lot of the intel we got, because it would have made it obvious that we broke the codes. In the same way, using the ground teams both minimizes the chance of burning a more valuable source (which you might need for a real hard target later) and also provides an explanation if the target realizes that it has been surveilled..

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
5 years ago

You know 1st and 10 at the 40 means, in football, first down, ten yards to go, at the forty yard line (meaning you have taken the first ten yards from the 50). So it could easily mean we are all of 20% done.

5 years ago

> there are no cameras mounted on the traffic lights

Uh, mass-market wifi spy cams from can be pretty small, matchbox-sized ones are cheap. Who’s going to notice a matchbox sized object among the jumble of utility poles and their “stuff”?

The big shoebox-size cameras are mostly empty; the huge housing is *supposed to be* visible, to impress upon people that they’re being watched.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

Every Trump tweet is about Trump.

I sure wish he’d devote some of this narcissistic energy to the Americans who voted him.

He’s starting to make Obama seem humble.

Reply to  Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

You’re drawing concern trolls now, AC.

You must have hit a nerve.

5 years ago

they are great days. but duh cabalmedia is still in lockdown, and with new pollaganda attacking trump. i was avoiding fb due to having werk to do, but they gave me 2 more suspensions for comments from years ago. 27 day suspension. it seems the you know hooze are out there trying to make sure their narrative is unchallenged. this site, jimstone, whatdoesitmean, sotn, 8chan qresearch, and several others, are not to be posted or discussed.