News Briefs – 05/02/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

One of Kevin Spacey’s first accusers mowed down by a car and killed while crossing an intersection. You do get a lot of cars if you are under…

Poynter Institute for Journalism wants 515 websites blacklisted for running stories skeptical of the Fake News.

Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks over avoiding arrest. No idea how this affects the Storm.

$356 million in Cryptocurrency stolen in the first quarter of 2019. Imagine if there was something out there looking over everyone’s shoulders periodically, and it could pull your keystrokes, see your screen, and watch everything you did on your computer in real time. Now imagine you had $50,000 in crypto-currency, and had done everything needed to access it on your computer. The big mistake everyone makes is they think they have some sort of protected, practically existent, Constitutional right to privacy. You don’t.

One out of four Americans feel they have nobody to confide in. The other three out of four just don’t know they have at least two infiltrators a piece in their social circles reporting everything back to the machine.

Republican Congressman says there may already be Russian Nukes installed in Venezuela. Unclear is if he has hard evidence, or is just speculating.

New York Times Cartoonist says “that anti-Semitism charges are a misunderstanding made through the Jewish propaganda machine.” Ignore your opinion on Jews, pro or con. In truth I am increasingly skeptical any of our opinions matter or any of us here ever have any impact on what happens anyway. If you just look at what we are seeing, we are seeing Cabal outlets – Jew-run outlets – begin to promote a hostility to Jews. It is subtle, and if Conservatives weren’t jumping on it, things like the Trump cartoon would almost slip by. But it is there, and readers would have associated that Jewish imagery with Donald Trump, and the hate would have melded. I think Cabal is heading to Plan B, which is blame the Jews, and start the Pogroms so they will not be noticed. It might even be why Trump is so aggressively blocking it – so we do not dance to Cabal’s music, but rather deal with Cabal leadership first.

Navy says it will not make UFO data public.

Two Indiana judges shot in a White Castle parking lot.

Ebola is spiking in the Congo, as the Congolese have decided to begin attacking the health workers.

Cruise ship quarantined due to Measles outbreak.

Amazon’s facial recognition technology is speeding identifications and arrests, even in minor shoplifting cases. And that elite-level intel capability – essentially a universal National ID card we all carry right on our face and present to everyone everywhere we go, is now wholly owned by a private sector company which appears to be little more than a Cabal-front operation. Cabal is building a shadow intelligence organization wholly in the private sector and beyond the reach of any government. And it is possible one day the Mark of the Beast will be our own faces.

Trump administration looks to reauthorize the NSA’s phone data acquisition law. The only reason I am not heading to DC to protest this myself is Admiral Mike Rogers. He is more or less the only reason I don’t see every intelligence agency as the biggest threat to American freedom in the nation.

NASA was being sold faulty rocket parts made of faulty aluminum for years. Q called it again.

Activists are trying to get Mastercard to cut off all payment processing to right wing activists.

Baltimore Mayor is still too ill to be present for the investigation that is engulfing her office.

Mueller’s team never actually looked at the servers which were supposedly hacked by the Russians, instead relying on the FBI’s conclusions, however the FBI never actually examined the server either, rather relying on a Democrat contractor named Crowdstrike.

Joe Biden says it is silly to worry about defending against China because they could never pose a threat to us. Add it to the leftist classic that we should let them spy on us because they won’t see us as a threat and be so quick to wage a war against us.

Bernie began his political career saying he thought the CIA might have been doing bombings that were being blamed on the left wing, to discredit them.

US Cyber security, thinking the Russians were targeting the 2016 election on their own, began drafting countermeasures to deal with the attacks, but were shut down by Obama’s White House which told them to stand down. It made no sense to Cyber security, but Obama knew the Russian attacks were a ruse and not real, so there was no need for any countermeasures.

Wild clashes with Police in France for May Day riots. Sounds like most violence was with anti-capitalists.

Beto was caught running political ads targeted at Mexicans in Mexico reading news from Mexican Newsfeeds. Probably figures they will be here soon enough.

Cabal may have gotten ears inside the White House this late in the game:

The Storm does not necessarily have to go according to plan, though this probably won’t have much of an effect. When you know somebody is trying to eavesdrop, you tend to never say, “Well, this place is clean of bugs, so we can talk freely here.” Once paranoia kicks in, especially against a highly, highly technologically sophisticated enemy, you assume even when a place has been swept clean, that the listening devices there were just turned off for the sweep. But it gives you an idea how sophisticated the enemy here is, and how deep their network of compromised agents is. They got bugs into the White House. Think about how hard that would be under these wartime conditions. Now think about how hard this machine is working against our very nation and its duly elected leader. It is like we have a hostile foreign dictatorship running things from the shadows, and now the official elected government is trying to launch a coup.

It is even implied it may have something to do with firing the head of the Secret Service. You never know if like McMasters, he has a parent in a nursing home who will have an unfortunate accident soon.

According to Q, they always have Plan Z. I am sure they do. If tomorrow the President released publicly the extent of the network, the fellow citizens sitting in basements and tuning their tech into different houses down the streets of their neighborhoods, listening in people’s houses to their neighbor’s most private moments and reporting everything to the machine – a machine which rapes and kills children, experiments on and kills wounded vets, creates wars that kill good men just to maintain the attention of the masses where they want it, the theft and corruption, and promotion of utterly repugnant traitors, the treason and betrayal, even what appears to be a plan to subjugate us all under a Chinese occupation, if it all came out the retribution would be so complete and brutal there would be no machine left in the nation quite quickly. Just the idea there is no honest competition, but rather outcomes are awarded (or rescinded) based on the decisions of a few, unknown and unelected elites whose job it is to control the machine, would be enough to trigger a rebellion. I really think that option would be the most healthy for the nation. It would K-ify, let us purge the left violently, expel the foreigners with no loyalty to the nation, destroy the machine, eliminate criminal gangs, and give every American a feeling of ownership over our freedom as it purified the nation. But still it isn’t Q’s first choice.

I think Q and the resistance are confronted with one very unfortunate reality. In today’s world, the reality is the power will always be there, waiting for somebody to take it. Either they take the power, and try to wield it as responsibly as possible for good and hope for the best by using it to eradicate Cabal, or they destroy everything with Plan Z, relinquish the power by destroying the Machine, and then wait for Cabal or someone like them to immediately begin reassembling the machine. They have opted for Plan A for now, keeping the machine and just excising Cabal cleanly from it, but America’s history is one of fortuitous turns of events, so we may yet see Plan Z come to the fore.

When dealing with some sort of an intelligence operation, it has dawned on me they might choose to hide sensitive sites in places with some low level of restricted access, like chemical factories or recycling centers. From the outside, you might not notice the difference between normal, minor security for such a center, and the increased security designed to prevent any access to Cabal communication or data-centers inside. These fires could be simply destroying facilities which they feared would be used against them at trial.

One difference between leftists and conservatives is that leftists feel that abilities are innate and unchanging, thus if you are born an idiot you will always be an idiot, where as conservatives believe who and what you are is ever changing and able to be developed, thus you could be an idiot, and with proper training evolve your abilities to not be an idiot. It is an outgrowth of the work by Dweck on children, which shows those attitudes are imbued very early. You can see in that context, where work and effort to develop abilities are meaningless, and why they naturally prefer a redistributive system which is unrelated to what you have accomplished. In their view, they have no chance to ever compete, so those who are rich had to have been born that way and they will never be like them. In a way, it can be a self-fulfilling prophesy.

An old tweet from whistleblower Nate Cain, who turned over documents regarding the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, followed by one from yesterday:

Q had specifically told him to remain in the light after that earlier tweet.

Nationalist Christian Hungary is thriving with rising birthrates, falling abortion, and increasing marriage rates. A lot of those bad trends in the west are psychologies losing focus on the longer term, and being trained by their experiences to just focus on the immediate pleasure of the moment. Hungary has been emphasizing how K the world is and how under siege they are, and look at how the trends reversed and turned K.

69% want an investigation into the 2016 spying op by Obama launched against Trump. And they don’t even know it leads back to their own front door yet.

Attorney General Barr declares he will not stop using the word “spying.”

Nick Sandman sues NBC for $275 million.

One of the most decorated Delta Force operatives died when his lawn mower rolled over him. There may be Spec Ops guys who were sent to do things, and were never viewed as threats because they didn’t know the critical details of the backstory behind their missions. Now that a rival US Intel operation which does know the backstory may seek them out and put the pieces together, they may be loose ends. We might see more of this in the future.

South Carolina may bring back the firing squad. Nothing makes an injection seem like it isn’t cruel and unusual like tying a guy to a post and blowing ten holes through his chest with high powered rifles. K does have a certain lack of lefty sympathy to it.

April sees 275,000 jobs added.

Nellie Ohr referred to DOJ for criminal prosecution.

Spread r/K Theory, because Cabal would rather disappear it into the Vatican Archives.

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4 years ago

The 50 week sentence given to Assange for skipping bail is just under the maximum allowable. However, guidelines say it should be up to 6 months, so they’ve nearly doubled it.

Extradition hearings are usually in the High Court. It appears, from some reports, that the initial hearing will be in a Magistrates (lower) Court with Assange appearing by videolink from prison. May all be attempts to slow down the extradition process.

4 years ago

> bugs in the White House

Yes? Does anyone there carry a smartphone? It’s tattling back to Apple, Google, and the people who wrote all the spyware-infected apps running on it. You thought it was turned off? Why, because it played dead when you asked it to?

Do any of the desktops or laptops there run Apple or Microsoft OSs? They’re both listening to everything going on, and using their cameras if they have one. And both do encrypted “telemetry” back to their motherships. No way to even tell how many programs installed on them are tattling to their creators.

The backdoors on phone and computers go all the way down to the silicon since most CPUs are backdoored in hardware.

Most people have no idea how thoroughly pwned their “personal electrronic devices” are. And then when you try to tell them, they either say “nobody would do that! La-la-la-la-la!” or “who cares, I’m not doing anything wrong…”

And it’s not just computers and phones. Got a modern TV set? Cable box? Internet router? A printer with network cable or wifi? Wireless security camera? Any device at all, that has a network cable, wifi, or cellular access? Did you know some cars now have cameras and microphones in the cabin, and cellular and wifi connectivity?

“Oh look! We can buy a Facebook Portal and sit it beside our Amazon Echo! Isn’t that neat?!”

Only Hindu gods have enough hands for adequate facepalm…

4 years ago

“Julian Assange sentenced to 50 weeks over avoiding arrest. No idea how this affects the Strom.”

Storm, not Strom.

” I think Cabal is heading to Plan B, which is blame the Jews, and start the Pogroms so they will not be noticed. It might even be why Trump is so aggressively blocking it – so we do not dance to Cabal’s music, but rather deal with Cabal leadership first.”

This is why its important to promote peaceful solutions to the Jewish subversion issue. And talking about Jewish subversion is important, because it is a major tool in the cabal tool box, so the way to take away their tool and prevent them from using the Jews as a human shield to slip away unharmed it to talk about Jewish subversion openly using verifiable facts while at the same time promoting peaceful solutions to said subversion. Here is my set of solutions regarding the issue:

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Well, you’ve got my vote for Emperor of America, especially if #8 includes “Israel did 9/11.” At that point the other eight would probably take care of themselves.

4 years ago

Re: Plans A vs Z. Exactly, and that’s why I don’t fully trust Q. They should really listen to Tolkien. The “machine” is the One Ring. It is an abomination, evil and corrupt by its very nature. It cannot be turned to good use, rather it will corrupt good people who try. Now it is true that Plan Z has the weakness that Cabal could just rebuild, and this is all driven by Lucifer anyway and you can’t kill spirits. But consider how long it took for Cabal to reach this point. Even given that all the technology exists to rebuild so it wouldn’t take centuries like it did the first time, a strongly K-ified population could ensure that those who try anything will be stopped, for a few generations at least. That social dynamic would protect us for at least as long as we’d be protected from the New White Hat Cabal’s hats starting to get dirty, and, we’d probably come out of it safer and stronger overall than if things remained more or less as they are.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Hmm, okay. But damn, in that case, Q will have to neutralize (prosecute, or otherwise) A LOT of people to separate Cabal from the machine. I don’t see how that happens without blowing everything wide open and kicking off a civil war, which presumably is one of the outcomes Q is trying to avoid.

Reply to  PS
4 years ago

Q has already said they have the source (one ring?). The link to their power has been broken. May be a lot easier than we think. No where does Q say Trump will use that power. His power is from a completely different source.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

AC, seems like this is sorta in your wheelhouse:

“Madonna’s new alter-persona Madame X is described as a “secret agent who changes identities”. And, unsurprisingly enough, this is all about MKULTRA. The name itself relates to the lack of a core personality.”

Reply to  Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

Hasn’t that always been Madonna’s schtick? She’s constantly “re-invented” herself from the beginning.

Rolf Nelson
Rolf Nelson
4 years ago

I disagree with “One difference between leftists and conservatives is that leftists feel that abilities are innate and unchanging, thus if you are born an idiot you will always be an idiot, where as conservatives believe who and what you are is ever changing and able to be developed, thus you could be an idiot, and with proper training evolve your abilities to not be an idiot.”

The left might say this in one context, but they normally act as though all humans are tabula-rasa, and perfectible with the right indoctrination / education program. I.e., they lie and say what they find expedient at the moment. The right believes and says man in fallen and flawed, but willing to give each individual a chance to redeem themselves and their souls, and only after they demonstrate they are unwilling or unable to make good civic choices do they seal their own fate.

4 years ago
Reply to  info
4 years ago

Cabal I think is coming after our finances this time. With Activists providing cover for what they are already planning on doing.

Some with every other “converged” institution.

4 years ago
Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

DJT Jr.: “We can’t allow [trampling on our 2nd Amendment rights] to ever happen.”

And this is the kid of the President who said “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

The kid of the President who just sent the first-ever U.S. delegation to Auschwitz to validate the Holohoax.

The kid of the President who said we need MORE immigrants and conflates repairing a fence to building a Wall.

All these guys are just bullshitters. We’re on our own.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Yes, I have noticed that too.
And on the whole issue about the official version of the holohoax being a fraud, remember this: if cabal is to be defeated, censorship will have to die, and when censorship dies, so does the bone headed fraud that is the official version of the holohoax.

Reply to  Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

I for one am really sore about the red flag push and the bump stock ban. Everything Trump (and for that matter, the NRA too) says about the Second Amendment is just blowing smoke as far as I’m concerned. I can support him over the alternatives on other grounds, but not that.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
4 years ago

AC, I’m not sure I agree with your assessment of liberals vs. conservatives regarding idiots.

Liberals think all blacks should get a college education, but since blacks are mostly morons affirmative action is required. I can’t speak for conservatives (since I don’t even know what that term means anymore), but Realists don’t necessarily think all blacks should get a college education since, well, blacks are mostly morons. And their non-athlete college dropout rates support this conclusion.

DNA matters. Biology matters. Just as a mama cat instinctively knows how to nurse a newborn litter, Jews instinctively support feminism and LGBT rights and get Tay-Sachs, blacks instinctively laugh at Tyler Perry movies and get sickle-cell.

God created a vast universe to celebrate diversity, not homogeneity. Blacks and whites are different, and will always be different. Jews and Gentiles are different, and will always be different.

But can people better themselves? Mostly, no. Liberia has the same Constitution as America.

Except for fiddling around the edges, we are all basically stuck with the hand we’ve been dealt.

4 years ago

“One difference between leftists and conservatives is that leftists feel that abilities are innate and unchanging … where work and effort to develop abilities are meaningless, and why (the left) naturally prefer a redistributive system which is unrelated to what you have accomplished.”

This is one of the more important things you’re written, AC, and one that I intuitively agree with, but can’t back up this intuition with logically arranged facts. It seems true, that’s all.

You’ve increasingly focused on the external workings of what you call “cabal,” which frankly, at this time and place, given the acceleration of events, makes a lot of sense. The “why” issues remain, however, which is what your rK theory applied to human populations answered, in part.

A decade ago, before this stuff came to light, I was speaking to a hard-left economist who admitted, without realizing the importance of what he said, that the respective mentalities of the economic right and left boiled down to their assessments of human nature … particularly their own character. I’ve often thought of what he said, as he was a Marxist and believed economics to be the basis, not superstructure, of human society. In other words, even this guy believed that our conception of who we are, and who others are, forms the economic basis of society, which, to him, is pretty much all there is in life — human transactions.

(Unrelated: Someone, a few days ago, asked about a reading list. One of the most important books I’ve read was Hayek’s Law Legislation and Liberty, written in the early 1970s. To this, add the two volume Economy and Society by Max Weber written in the 1920s, an early but seminal sociological work).

Having said this, it seems that the right, not the left, is most interested in genetics — human biodiversity. This would imply that the right views human traits/nature as innate, inherited and presumably unchanging. This neatly aligns with the Christian, (or Calvinist) view of human nature as hopelessly mired in sin, so much so that we have tendencies that cannot be erased without divine intervention.

Additionally, the left, not the right, emphasizes education as the panacea for all social inequities, believing that information and skills learned in public schools will somehow eradicate the advantages or disadvantages of birth. Dewey, the protaganist of such thinking, was not only a leftist, in today’s schema, but also a firm believer in the malleability of abilities as well as social uplift with education.

I still think you’re right, AC, but can’t square it with so much out there that defies what you’ve said. Will be thinking about this for days … months … a lifetime.


4 years ago

Here’s a good video on the topic of MasterCard:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Hey I posted the same video.

Looks like we are all on the same wavelengths.

4 years ago

We need a primer on countering facial recognition tech.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

Check out: State of Fear by Michael Crichton.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Same. I still think about your Quantum Oracle every day. Let’s crowdfund one.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

If you want the next great mystery, check out the Bernie Sanders Zodiac Killer evidence.

4 years ago
Reply to  info
4 years ago

Does HIV/AIDS even exist?

E Michael Jones makes a good argument (probably badly conveyed by me) that an HIVirus doesn’t exist, Homosexuality being simply such a dirty practise that a myriad of ailments all detrimental to our immine systems create the conditions for “AIDS related illnesses”

Isn’t it nearly always pneumonia and suchlike that kills the gays?

Don’t accept dodgy blood.
Don’t consider the anus a sexual organ.
Don’t inject drugs with a borrowed needle.

And you won’t get HIV/AIDS…. if it exists!

But then. …Cabal won’t be able to charge the NHS £20k per year for retroviral drugs i ‘spose…

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…I think Cabal is heading to Plan B, which is blame the Jews, and start the Pogroms so they will not be noticed…”

Let’s hope you’re right and we will find a way to get rid of the Jews. Send them to Israel.

Of course another explanation is the Jews always support anyone who is tearing down the country they live in to attack the majority. They supported Black radicals, Muslims, the Somalian Muslim that condemned Whites and many other disruptive people. This explanation doesn’t require any “deeper” group just that they have supported disruptive people and now it’s biting them ion the ass.

Great Illuminati
Great Illuminati
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