News Briefs – 05/03/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The video is below. Some think the “Crane kick” in the movie is a reference to Ukraine touching off the Storm, others think the reference is the instructor saying, “Strike first, Strike hard, No Mercy.”


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

His Almighty Highness The Holy God Emperor and President of the United States now has his own official YouTube channel, and is accepting subscribers.

A good article by Conservative Treehouse on how FBI got access to NSA’s domestic database, they unofficially merged with CIA through secret Memoranda of Understandings offering CIA full access to everything FBI had access to, and how this gave John Brennan’s CIA, with its foreign charter, the ability to dig through NSA’s domestic databases for purposes of spying on Obama’s political opposition among America’s citizens. Also interesting is how Sally Yates unilaterally told the DOJ Inspector General that DOJ was not going to allow any oversight of the domestic intelligence program. There is a reason they had to deny all oversight. This thing was so illegal it was radioactive.

Again, I have said, surveillance does not dole itself out piecemeal. You do not get a mere database pull, and nothing else. If they hit up the database, they have decided you are interesting. From there, they will get an observation post with a sightline to your house, deploy tech to listen and watch in your house, and have real live monitors to watch and listen to those feeds in real time (Hi surveillance!), they will assign physical, in-person operatives to follow you where you go, and they will send in people to meet you and form relationships. They will be on your internet and computers, they will get your mail before you do, they will intercept your packages, and they will even deploy planes, sometimes seemingly just for fun. That sounds ridiculous, because if you don’t know what is out there, you assume they have to ship it all out from DC, because it surely can’t be everywhere. But the reality is it has already been created and imbedded everywhere, almost like a regular, off the books agency, all throughout society, and it is designed so oversized that most of the time it has nothing to do. So it is just waiting for that analyst in DC to pick up the phone, give it a name, and say, “Get a closer look at this guy.” In the meantime, it busies itself, probably under the guise of training, getting to know everybody in each of its areas of operations.

That one in 25 people which Operation TIPS was going to recruit into a massive domestic intelligence operation to spy on their fellow citizens, happened. Apparently it was loosely under some merged hybrid of CIA and FBI, which had been freed by administrative fiat from the expected oversight of the Inspector General. And then that TIPS pilot program was enlarged even more, and when this leviathan isn’t assigned to someone specific, it is amassing files on everyone else under the guise of training.

When people find that out, when they realize it didn’t just try to subvert our election, it has been invading the most private spaces in their lives, and intruding on their most private moments, is when the nuclear bomb will drop, and vaporize everything within a ten mile blast radius.

Remember when Maxine Waters revealed that Barack Obama possessed a “kind of database that no-one has ever seen before,” with “information about everything, on every individual.” I’ll tell you now, she was not joking, or making that up, nor was she talking about facebook data, or some other benign explanation. She was talking about a literal intelligence database with information on everyone, much of it gathered in-person by people you pass in your neighborhood every day following you into stores, listening in your house, and watching you on the internet. Her only mistake was she made the mistake of talking about it. (Amusing sidenote – somebody on 4Chan commented yesterday, just matter-of-factly, that they were not on during the Christchurch shooting because they had decided to take two months off from 4Chan because they were being followed by too many “Feds” and wanted them to back off. He said it worked, and his coverage lessened, but he missed out on the Christchurch shooting. I don’t doubt he was telling the truth.)

When Q said, they will not be able to walk down the streets, he wasn’t kidding. Let Sally Yates be spotted and recognized at a grocery store after all that comes out, and the normies are still traumatized with the shock of the intrusion and violation of expectation, and somebody will try to kill her, or at least bounce a can of tomato paste off her head. And if she goes out regularly, it will be a matter of time before somebody gets her at some point. And that will go for every one of them who created this. I know about this, but I came around to full understanding slowly, allowing my brain time to adapt. The normies who have it all dropped on them at once will pop off. and go nuts There is a reason you see the panic among the Cabalites in in Congress right now. This is it. They all know. They are all a part. Like Eric Schneiderman, many have probably asked this machine to harass enemies for them on the side. And on our side, this thing affects everyone, much more personally than is apparent right now. And what is even crazier is as I cruise google streetview, I am seeing it in Italy, I am seeing it in Britain, I am seeing it in Finland, I am seeing it in Indonesia. The same procedures, the same behaviors, the same type of characters. This machine is global. And it is all going public. The revolution will be global, and it will be better than televised. It will be internet-ised. Talk about an exhilarating timeline to live through.

Susan Rice ordered spreadsheets be made up of all of Candidate Donald Trump’s legal phone calls. I can’t emphasize how difficult it is to do anything when your enemy has ears in everywhere you communicate, and is watching everything you do, everyone you meet, everything you say. You can adapt, but suddenly even simple communication become infinitely more difficult. It is fortunate Hillary was such a repugnant creature, and The Donald was such an amusing, charming bastard, because his campaign really had all the cards stacked against it. In truth, I am amazed he was even able to make it close, let alone win, when the entire US Intelligence apparatus was so deep in everything he was doing, and was literally charting out all his phone calls visually so even the mental midgets of Obama’s administration could understand what he was doing.

Ukrainian embassy confirms DNC contractor sought Trump dirt in 2016.

One in 100 in sanctuary city Denver have Chlamydia. Another benefit to shipping illegals to sanctuary cities. When the pandemic hits, it doesn’t affect innocent citizens so much, and is focused on your illegal loving leftists who brought the pandemic on themselves. Even better would be if we could meme that, because the left would explode in rage – and in doing so reveal they know illegals are diseased, and they want to infect other people.

Attractive woman who Stefan Halper introduced to George Papadopoulos to spy on him more was identified as an FBI asset. What is interesting is how they half-assed their operation and were almost purposely unprofessional. They gave her the cover name of Azra Turk, and had her approach him as a Turk. PapaD has said when he googled Azra Turk, he saw Azra was Turkish for “pretty,” and it appeared to not often be used as a name if ever, so he immediately assumed the pretty Turk girl using the name “Pretty Turk” was a spy and the name was an alias doubling as an inside joke. Why, when so much was on the line, would they purposely use an inside joke as a cover name and blow their entire operation? And yet, you will see many things like this when you are under. It is almost to the point you would think either all of these people are total idiots, or they were recruited and turned, and were trying to take everything down. Was this really the top level of our intelligence machine?

Jewish group upset that German Police let a Neo Nazi group march through the streets in uniform. At this point I do not think there can be any doubt about what is going on. There will be two types of Jews – Cabal, and non-Cabal. My impression is non-Cabal Jews would see what appears to be violent hostility to Jews rising, and quietly keep their head down and avoid antagonizing it. I don’t think they will be going out rallying people against this and trying to turn it into a fight. They may not even pay it much mind, I have no idea how big this group even is. I think it is Cabal Jews who will be the first to notice these nascent displays and they will be the loudest calling for public attacks on it, and making a big deal about it. The reality is, I would bet the leaders of that Neo Nazi group will be Cabal. It is how it works. You do not get to form and/or lead a political movement if you are not on board with the machine, at least not yet. And likewise, these “Jewish groups” are also Cabal, because no honest Jew just gets to form a group and amass political support, without being corrupted or unseated, or taken out. So you have Cabal-Jews calling attention to, and fomenting hostility against Cabal Neo Nazis, who in turn are fomenting hostility to Jews and calling attention to them as the enemy. At this point it should not require a psychic to see where Cabal is taking this. Honest Jews would be wise to go covert, because I assure you the Cabal Jews are planning to when the hostilities break out. And as for having any effect on whether or not this all happens once Cabal sets the course, good luck. Maybe Trump and the Storm will stop it in Germany, but if they don’t nobody else will have any effect. More and more I realize, everything you saw over the last century was a scripted Cabal production, which no one man could ever have changed significantly.

John Lott makes the case Police Review boards increase violent crime.

Sleeping pills like Ambien are actually killing people who go into sleepwalking states and get killed or injured. I know somebody who claims they routinely wake up with a new set up bruises from whatever they are doing at night while on ambien.

California moves to keep Trump off the 2020 ballot.

Georgetown poll shows most Americans believe a Civil War is coming down the pike, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Mandatory military service, to serve as a unifying, K-stimulus straight out of high school, would be one possible cure. But without something to keep r’s from going even more r and even more insane, CWII is not at all unlikely.

New York Times confirms that Hunter Biden was getting paid by the Ukrainians while father Joe was Vice President.

Chelsea Clinton takes home $600,000 just for two board memberships. Only had eight board meetings, and she appears to have been put on the boards by a Clinton Family friend. Plus $6.7 million in stock. You can see how turning the whole thing into a big club pays off. She does nothing and gets that while others who produce quality goods which people need can be run out of business by inferior competitors who just happen to know the right people and are in the network.

Health Officials order Scientology Cruise Ship quarantined in St Lucia due to a Measles outbreak. I’d love to know how easy it is for a government agency to just quarantine people somewhere, and what the penalties would be if you jumped over the side and swam to shore.

Gillibrand wants to give every voter $600 “Democracy dollars.”

Pelosi says Barr committed a crime, by outright lying to Congress.

Mueller seemingly supports Barr and rebuffs Pelosi – I’m thinking suddenly Nadler will not want to talk to Mueller so much after this:

A reminder in hostile times, wear eye protection:

If something big is about to happen, understand that the social media companies have already identified the primary nodes which will aid it to go viral, and they will mute them preemptively to blunt the spread of the news:

Lynch in private testimony said Clinton burst into her plane past her security and would not leave during the Tarmac meeting, which means the meeting was bad and she is trying to ascribe blame for it to Clinton:

Again, surveillance does not role out piecemeal. If you have an informant, they have already moved tech on you, assigned physical, in-person coverage, gotten on your internet, passed your mail through them after covert inspection, gotten on your phones, had your packages diverted through them, pulled your trash, and probably even tossed your car and house at this level. Once it is important enough to make that first step, they are not leaving any intel on the table. Nor did they just spy on Trump’s campaign, and leave Cruz’s and all the others alone. If this actual targeted coverage was on low level bloggers like me, going back before probably Romney’s campaign, it was on everyone, probably going back before Romney – candidates, reporters, advisors, celebrities, families, anyone who might have gotten into politics one day, and probably even their security details and local law enforcement personnel. And when it wasn’t active on one of those targets, it was using Tier One surveillance capabilities for checking out regular citizens in its areas of operations. This is Pandora’s box:

Pelosi explains a haggard appearance, saying she hadn’t been able to sleep the night before. She did look like shit.

Hungary’s Orban and Trump to meet at the White House.

GOP confirms Trump’s 100th Judicial nominee, with more on the way.

Two Iowa School Districts offer gun safety/training class in the Seventh Grade. K returns.

Baltimore Mayor resigns, and is still Missing in Action. Feels like this is about more than just her making various groups buy her self-published children’s books. Those deals might have been a pre-laundered Cabal payoff for something really bad she did.

FCC Commissioner is demanding to know where phone user’s location data is going after it was revealed some carriers sell your location data to wholesalers who will give it away and allow you to be tracked by anyone who will pay.

Florida legislature passes a ban on sanctuary cities.

Sanders slams Biden for downplaying the economic threat China poses. Bernie is letting China know he isn’t getting paid enough.

Spread r/K Theory, because the beginning of the end is nearly here.

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5 years ago

“Two Iowa School Districts offer gun safety/training class in the Seventh Grade. K returns”

Why? Has Iowa been suffering enough Hard Times to trigger it? Or is it being triggered by something besides stress and privation?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

If it is ‘something in the air’ and not privation that is driving a K swing now… maybe something besides privation triggers the r swing. Any ‘Cure’ that doesn’t take that into account would fail.

5 years ago

Didn’t Q post about March Madness, which turned out not to be the case, at least in the way of major public Storm events. I’m not getting my hopes up for May.

5 years ago

“Mandatory military service, to serve as a unifying, K-stimulus straight out of high school, would be one possible cure. Mandatory military service, to serve as a unifying, K-stimulus straight out of high school, would be one possible cure.

The Cure.

The Cure is Virtue. I’ve been in the military. I went to boot camp. That is not the answer. Many people there were unfit to serve. Many had anarchist views, anti-authoritarian views.

A Soldier is created in Boys at a young age. Soldiering requires discipline, ruggedness. That is ONLY done by conditioning! At that conditioning is done starting at the age of Seven or so. Three months of Boot Camp may help some but that is NOT enough. That is why Lord Baden-Powell started the Boy Scouts because as a Military Commander in a war situation–he saw that his own troops were UNFIT for combat and war situations! The Cure is a Boy Scout program mandatory. It is not so much merit badges but the hiking and camping out in the weather; exposure to danger from youth. Manliness is a Virtue that must be inculcated.

Then the Virtue of Righteousness taught and ingrained:

Pseudo-Aristote On Virtues and Vices

To righteousness it belongs to be ready to distribute according to desert, and to preserve ancestral customs and institutions and the established laws, and to tell the truth when interest is at stake, and to keep agreements. First among the claims of righteousness are our duties to the gods, then our duties to the spirits, then those to patrida [fatherland] and parents, then those to the departed; and among these claims is piety, which is either a part of righteousness or a concomitant of it. Righteousness is also accompanied by holiness and truth and loyalty and hatred of wickedness.

V. 2-3 Loeb Classical Library. Aristotle, Athenian Constitution, Eudemian Ethics, Virtues and Vices. Vol. 285. pg 495.

The Virtue of Righteousness orientates a man to his correct goals and objectives. This must be repeated from memory, from the heart and habitualized into practice.

That is The Cure.

One can’t allow people to become Liberals. Liberalism is Gnosticism and it is Human Rabies. The Virtues, all four, Manliness, Righteousness, Sophrusyne, Prudence, are all the innoculations against Human Rabies. And then Piety secures that with the indwelling of God’s Grace.

Boy Scout program, then military service, if no military service, 4 years on a ranch/farm, working. No college until 26 or so!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

I posted here only a few days ago, how the Cubs/Scouts were the entry into soldiering, am glad to see I’m not the only one who recognises this, unfortunately here in the UK the BBC did what the BBC does, it started at least in the 80s with mocking the movement, and their Paedophile brethren continued the damage… along with computer games!

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

100% agree.

There are so many other ‘institutions’ that need to be cleaned out, along with the concepts you presented, to name a few:

– bonfire of all school textbooks/classroom materials that have been propagandized with SJW, global warming, multi-cultural championing and the rewriting of American history.

– purging from k-8 the infestation of social rejects/misfits/leftist/SJW/Cabal ‘educators’ (many of whom also help funnel students into the ADHD/treatment/drug/psychiatric world of hell) that begin the brainwashing of children early) and returning the PARENT to have a much larger role in what and who teaches their children.

-not just the making of soldiers/warriors, but championing and promoting the more traditional roles of women as keepers of the home, the family and marriage. Look at how Martha Stewart used to promote and teach all of these concepts before she was destroyed and sent off to prison? The destruction of marriage, the church, the family unit (and well-being children) since the advent of feminism is incalculable. Women need to be taught the benefits to society and the personal gratification and reward (instead of what is currently taught – the current negative connotations of prison-sentence/holding oneself back of ‘career’ and ‘personal development’) of being keepers of the home as something holy and fulfilling, to counteract the rampant and rabid growth of feminist, anti-family, anti-child, selfish, anti-procreation women. This woman carries the traditional wife and keeper of the home torch and is roasted daily by feminist rabbits:

Cinderella the Deplorable
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

P.S. proof that part of the cure is Boy Scouts must be why Cabal had it infiltrated and filled with pedos and girls, etc., thus trying to destroy it.

5 years ago

That karate kid video makes no sense to me. It could literally be interpreted in so many ways it effectively means nothing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Cam to say the same thing. Q has said over and over that he isn’t talking to us. He’s talking to them, but it is useful for us to see the comms.

The Plan happens with or without us. Our job is to see what is happening and to be able to explain to our family and neighbors what the hell is going on on when the Storm is in full force and it seems like the sky is falling.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

Yes, it can be taken many ways. One way that I took it is that Q has an “army” of digital warriors that have built up and are ready to strike hard and without mercy. The existence of the anon armies, the multiple bloggers, YouTube channels, etc., has got to come as a big shock to many in Cabal. This has sprung up rather randomly. One possible interpretation is that Cabal members would be wandering around looking for help and guidance and walk into a place and find that Q already is there and in control.

Now there are other interpretations, too. Such as that all those karate students are black hats. But here’s the thing, no matter how it’s interpreted it’s kind of dispiriting for cabal.

5 years ago

AC – I have a link that you may be very interested in.

I strongly suspect your “friends” will erase the links soon after I link them. So let me know if you want them or the best way to communicate the link to you.

It has to do with Vault-Co. Nothing new. I’ve just found the archive. No need to post this Reply but just put something in the replies indicating your wishes.

All the best.


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’m going through them again. When the bad guys took him down they did a serious injustice to the world.

Reply to  Peter
4 years ago

AC -I’m coming up with forgotten gems.

5 years ago

I’d love to know how easy it is for a government agency to just quarantine people somewhere, and what the penalties would be if you jumped over the side and swam to shore.

It’s mostly self-reported. You have to notify customs if you arrive in port and you have a case (or suspected case) of an illness that is on the List, or if someone died on the way. If that’s not the case, then you fly your Q flag (No Quarantine) and go through customs as normal.

Looking at the regulations, it looks like you can be arrested and detained until you are no longer a communication danger, but there’s no additional criminal penalties. So, if you jump overboard, they can pick you up and stick you somewhere until you are cleared, but you don’t buy a charge.

5 years ago


“Back in May 2018, a Brooklyn man entered Mount Sinai Hospital. A blood test revealed that he was infected with Candida Auris (CA) which is a newly discovered fungus that can be deadly if it enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. It is now one of the super-bugs immune to antibiotics. If CA enters the bloodstream, infections can spread throughout the body. It can also infect the ears and wounds. Some say this is a new mysterious disease.

This CA fungus preys on people with weakened immune systems. It has emerged in recent years and is quietly spreading across the globe. Over just the last five years, shown up in Venezuela, swept through a hospital in Spain, appeared in India, Pakistan, and South Africa. It is now appearing in the United States and may be spreading with immigration.

It is actually s type of yeast that can kill patients. Here in the USA, it has reached New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified it now has classified it among the “urgent threats.”

As the climate turns colder, this correlates to when a disease spreads and becomes pandemics. The Black Death was just one of those events which correlate to a colder climate.”

5 years ago


Boycott Israel For Christ (BIFC):

Very interdasting bread on redpilling Christians about Israel. At a certain point, a shill just nuked the thread into oblivion with spam, which is telling about how much Israel fears to lose the support of the Evangelicals in the US (25% of the population).

Seems like a idea with potential.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

*an idea with potential

Also, here is the 4plebs link for when that threads falls off the catalog:

4 years ago

The Azra Turk thing is evidence of my theory that the cabal has had things so easy for generations that they are becoming r shifted, they are stupider than their ancestors who set up the cabal and they are going to pay the price for it sooner or later even if Trump and Q fail.

You should never seek to eliminate all competition, you need competition for your own good

4 years ago

“Mandatory military service, to serve as a unifying, K-stimulus straight out of high school, would be one possible cure.”

I’m not so sure. The last thing we want is cabal younglings swarming into the military and engaging in their standard behavior. I’d say that it’s best to actually try to scare them away from the military.

When it comes right down to it, Cabal youth aren’t going to try to do anything gutsy. They won’t put their own lives at risk. The idea of truly fighting is beyond them. What they will do is engage in a lot of disruptive behavior. They will seek to be ungovernable. Everything that they do will be passive aggressive disruption. They will try to bring the system down through a thousand cuts, through “demonstrations” that sap the economy, through sabotaging infrastructure projects that aren’t awarded to cabal contractors, etc. Cabal lashing out will look like all kinds of possible other things: random vandalism, political protests to protect the Earth, fighting against “racism”.

Tracy Coyle
Tracy Coyle
4 years ago

This is deep in the woods for the few of us so inclined. Read the RealClear story on Clinton/Lynch tarmack meeting, we know it. But I want to call your attention to something that none of the 158 comments that followed the story brought up.

Say Clinton acted EXACTLY as portrayed. Why? To extend the time on the plane. To put Lynch exactly in the compromised position the event did. WHY!?

So that she would recuse herself. Someone that was more loyal to Obama than the Clintons. And whom would take over the Clinton Email investigation?

Sally Yates.