News Briefs – 05/04/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and see new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Tommy Robinson has drinks thrown on him twice as he campaigns for office:

Five years ago, these were ardent leftists to me. Now I am not so sure. I now suspect these were members of the Secret Society. Their motivation was not some strange desire to import illegals they have never met, which became so strong they felt no option but to engage in violence. Violence is a big step. Making that first move to trigger a violent confrontation is not easy in real life – it would require a big, personal motivation. I don’t think importing some foreigner these people never met is big enough. Rather, they are a part of the Secret Society which is in control. It sees everything controls everything and apportions resources and power the way they want, to them. Tommy is an outsider. He is threatening them, their group, and their entire way of life. The Society is their life. When it calls and asks them to go somewhere, or follow someone, or do something, they do it. You see them standing on a corner on google Streetview keeping tabs on the google car. They follow and promote who they are told to on social media, determining who is seen as an influencer, and gains advertisers and status (when you control one in 20 people/informants, or more, like the TIPS program, and they all act in coordinated fashion on orders, you control everything which trends on social media). They monitor and occasionally harass the meme-makers of 4 Chan and when needed they show up to Tommy’s rally and try to make him as miserable as possible for standing up to their Secret Society’s control and its plans to destroy our civilization for their own benefit. This is a war not for politics, but for control. The only role politics is playing is as a tool the other side is using against us.

This will be the most prescient part of this brief – Dianne Sawyer did a special on the time people spend on their electronic devices. We talk about how social media has driven an uptick in Narcissism in youth today, but one thing I never thought of was the effect a social media-obsessed parent would have on their kids. Sawyer shows how parents addicted to their phones end up ignoring their children’s pleas for attention. This is an electronic version of a stillface experiment. The effect is not as pronounced because these kids are older, but their brains are producing that painful sensation. Picture this being done to babies though, because that is what were are seeing an uptick of in our society as the Social Media Generation begins to reproduce. When the parent ignores a child, it trips very deep, primal, instinctual neural panic responses related to abandonment. In the Stillface experiment the effect triggered in the infant was so powerful neurologically the child would actually convulse and enter a seizure-like state. It is not conscious or logical – it is entirely reflexive and mechanical. Children’s brains are adaptable. Start a kid early, doing something neurological, be it golf, math, a foreign language, or any neurologically-produced skill, and their brain will actually rewire itself to be extraordinary at it. Here these parents are developing their children’s brains to produce the uncontrollable, physically traumatic sensations of the Stillface experiment. I would not want to do it to any child of mine even once. But if you picture all of today’s narcissistic social media junkies going out and producing children exposed to this stimulus every day from birth, making their children developed to be triggerable and attention starved all the time, you will be looking at a formula for a dysfunctional society which will make the narcissism and neurological damage of social media today look positively magnificent by comparison.

Also interesting from a mechanistic perspective, in a way I do not fully comprehend – notice how such an attention-hungry psychology will be an even more social media-obsessed, socially-selfish, and socially competitive psychology than their parent. Here, in some way, the human brain is designed to self-assemble spontaneously, from its earliest days, with psychological urges that adapt it to be even more obsessed and driven to strive, at whatever its parent is obsessed with doing. Again, I find it fascinating because it is not logical or consciously produced. It is a physical, biological machine which, without any awareness or conscious analysis, mechanistically interacts with the parent, and then in response, step by step, builds itself into a conscious machine that produces a personality designed to exhibit the exact drives of the parent, only in even more exaggerated form, so they are even more adapted to do what the parent is doing – competing for attention in an arena of attention competition. And it does it wholly without any thought or desire. It is a self-assembling/calibrating material basis for an immaterial conscious nature that exists in the ether, reproducing itself ethereally, using the tools of the physical world. Very interesting, and feels like it contains some seed which if nurtured would yield a better understanding of the nature of the Matrix we inhabit, and the relationship of the material vs the immaterial and the physical’s inter-melding with the ethereal.

Spate of suicides hit veterans in Australia. There is something strange when as we head into K, and the tide is turning on the degeneracy and treason, Cops and Soldiers are killing themselves, while hyper-triggerable rabbits are plunging into the abyss with no problem. I still think that may be something else.

An interesting article on Erik Prince’s latest activities. It is a leftist Fake News hit piece, but you can read between the lines, and get some gems. Erik is very close to Ollie North and respects him immensely, making me think Ollie may be on the outside of Cabal and have been sent into the NRA to DeCabalize it. Also, notice how Somali Pirates are no longer a thing? From the article it sounds like Erik set up a small covert marine force down there, paid for by UAE, which is why we don’t have that problem any more. Furthermore the pirates fielded a sophisticated intelligence operation, which got by the former CIA counter-intel people Prince hired, penetrated Prince’s unit early on and killed one of the mercenaries. He finally prevailed, which makes me wonder why it wasn’t done before, and how the pirates got ahead of him, all of which makes me wonder if those pirates were just another division of Cabal, Inc.

Also notice how Cabal used media exposure and legal pressures from governmental and non-governmental entities to shut down Prince’s efforts and split him from the UAE government without any force or risk, rather than trying to take a shot at him or do it the way a normal person would expect them to. That was the power of its intelligence operation. Then banks turned on him and cut his business credit lines. And then time after time simple investments in things like logistics in areas of Africa where China was moving into and expanding, become almost certain losers every time. Once you are in that position opposite Cabal, they will pay attention to you, and it will become very difficult to operate – and completely impossible if you do not realize a global, transnational intelligence operation which controls almost everything and can spend whatever it has to, to tank any investment you make, has set its sights upon you. Notice also Prince walked away from a $5 million “gift” in Russia, because the Russian insisted he accept a check himself, rather than through his business. You can’t tell because there is almost no info there, but that feels like some sort of Cabal-setup he sniffed out and dodged. Also, from the article – Prince went on Bannon’s show and smeared Hillary Clinton, claiming without evidence that a New York City police investigation into former Rep. Anthony Weiner had uncovered extensive criminal activity by the Democratic presidential candidate. “Prince claimed that the Obama administration had suppressed the investigation implicating Clinton using “Stalinist tactics.”” I hear Stalinist tactics, I think murder. Prince is an impressive guy for a lot of reasons, but the fact he is still alive may be the most impressive of all.

China has a computerized surveillance system that monitors everything about a person down to electricity usage and cell phone movement, as it documents everything about everyone, so it can flag any anomaly that will trigger closer scrutiny. We are more sophisticated than them technologically, and we had eight years of Obama, and eight more of Bush who was just as big-government/pro-Cabal, with eight of Clinton before him. Do you think we do not have such a system? I will even bet those physical surveillance informant people you see on the street have their own apps to input whatever they notice into your file.

Charming children in Philly Mosque put on a show – promise to cut our heads off for Allah.

Ebola Death toll tops 1000 and accelerating, as the security situation worsens.

Friday night blast in Chicago levels a building. Not a small explosion:

California dispatching goats to eat underbrush and diminish the risk of fire. Kill the mountain lions, and let the deer population explode. Get enough deer, and you will have no undergrowth in no time.

Oral and genital herpes are recombining and exchanging genes, creating new strains of herpes. Not said – “in the gay community.”

Cohen heads to prison, and his status as a rat is not likely to help him.

House Democrats want Virginia and DC Bar Associations to investigate Barr.

Testimony from another FBI official indicates more Human Sources than we know about in Trump spying operation and planning to interface with other Intelligence agencies, perhaps foreign, at the earliest stages of assembling the operation.

James Woods has been locked out of his twitter for a week now. I look on the silencing of social media nodes who have the power to send things viral as a sign (((They))) are afraid of something coming out soon and going viral.

Former Chief of Staff John Kelly joins the board of a company that operates shelters for migrant children.

Settlement in case of shooting of Justine Damond by Mohammed Noor involves $18 million paid to her family, and another $2 million given to an anti-gun group. Notice how the politicians who are funded by that local group got that little handout included in there, a lot of which will probably flow right back into their campaign coffers.

Mysterious website shows up implying, but not saying, that the bitcoin founder may be unveiled on it when a countdown clock reaches zero.

Italy and Hungary unite to protect Europe from Migrants. But it is important to remember, the real enemy is the Cabal.

Sundance Film Festival co-founder pleads guilty to sex abuse.

Pope Francis calls for new ‘supranational’ authorities to enforce UN goals.

Swedish doctors report deadly flesh-eating parasitic disease has doubled since Merkel’s 2015 Muslim invasion

University has a course on sexual pleasure and response in infants.

Big League Politics may have found a fake facebook page set up as part of the cover for spy Azra Turk who targeted Papadapoulos for the FBI/CIA. Domestic intel is very active on social media, in part because I think they are all told who to follow and give credence to so as to control who are perceived as influencers on Social media, and thereby control who become influencers on social media.

Uruguayan Beauty Queen who had ties to an escort ring found hanging in a Mexican hotel room.

Never-Trumpers love Facebook’s blacklisting campaign. Remember this when I say that a lot of these insane leftists are not leftists at all, but rather members of the Secret Society. If a left-wing, pro-migrant version of Donald Trump who hated the Cabal showed up and was about to expose everything and free us all from the hidden slavery of this abomination, those leftists who we think are so ardently leftist and pro-migrant would turn on them and morph into diehard pro-right-wing activists doing violence on the left. The real battle right now is not ideological – it is the Old Guard vs the New Guard.

Google buries The_Donald on Reddit even deeper. These things really affect traffic.

British Police are fleeing assaults:

Police under assault from protected classes, with the support of Cabal structures like the media, academia, and the government, is a theme of Cabal infestation.

Does Kamala feel a little panicked to you?

96,000+ sealed indictments.

Nunes touches it off – request all data about Joseph Mifsud from CIA, NSA, FBI, and State Department (which runs it own intel operations). Now that Trump’s people control those agencies, the data should flow freely, no matter who it implicates.

Trump and Putin talk about getting humanitarian aid into Venezuela.

A parody website featuring pictures of Biden groping women and children is doing better on Google’s search results than the candidate’s own page.

NASDAQ at another record high at the end of the week.

Spread r/K Theory, because the panic is palpable.

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5 years ago

Live in Low Country SC. Smart electric meter knows every thing about consumption all of the time. Can shut down the hot water hear in peak usage times. Smart water meter, customers can go on line and look at their water usage by the gallon on every hour of the day any day. Live in a gated community every entry by anyone is recorded. Few main roads into the county every main road has licence plate readers at every entry point along with every stop light. Every strip mall and every other mall has camras everywhere. Been to the “Emergency Management Center” (lie people control center). ALL of those cameras can be accessed at this location. Every police,fire and emergency vechicle has a gps locater in it so a known location all of the time. Use a discount card at the food store, gas station or big box all recorded. Insurance companys remember more about you than you do. Alexa knows when you sneeze, take a dump, what you say and by your commands and questions how you think.

So if you are a “person of interest” at any level they can know all about you and if you use tracking media (aka “social media”) everything else is also known. Wonderful thing this interconnected world. Do not get paranoid as you are part of the herd and cannot get away. Relax and do what you want anyway do not be cowed. Be happy if fecal book and shitter shut you down.

BTW has been shut down by wordpress does anyone know of an alternative site.

5 years ago


“Israel is Indoctrinating Children with The Talmudic Teachings to Rape and Kill Non Jews”

MK in the 517
MK in the 517
5 years ago

I think the band director referenced in the article on that multi-state sting was between 2008 and 2013 the band director at my old high school in Grand Ledge, Michigan. He replaced the guy who was the band director when I (and many, many others) were in high school.

5 years ago

“AB Specialty Silicones building explodes”, three people unaccounted for. Silicone, eh? Do they happen to make facial prosthetics?

5 years ago

That Tronik guy has a pronounced facial asymmetry. Sometimes during the talk it looks like he is trying to hide his left side, the harsher looking side. Maybe it is because he has to lie to get the mothers to do such a mean thing to their babies. First impression is scumbag.

5 years ago

so… is suicide weekend next weekend?

5 years ago

K is coming:

‘The View’ co-host Sunny Hostin says 4th graders shouldn’t be taught sex ed: ‘I think it’s too young’

Hostin stood her ground, and took things a step further, asking “Why are people having sex at 18? You don’t even know yourself.”