News Briefs – 05/20/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Tommy put out a video about it here:

If you went back through the archives here, you will find me saying years back that I saw what I thought was some sort of domestic intel/surveillance operation, recruiting foreign immigrants in large numbers, I presumed to get eyes and ears inside migrant communities. But if Q is right, and I believe he is, this was the Secret Society, formed by foreign interests, enlarging its numbers with foreigners who would view real Americans as outsiders, and be willing to ally against them. I suspect it is why there is a rush to get as many people across the border as possible as fast as possible. The Secret Society is moving it’s Central American members up to the US, because this is the battle ground now. You see the same thing in Britain, where all these Muslim gangs are Secret Society, supported by Cabal’s leaders in government. In the end, these “protests” are not individuals expressing political differences aggressively despite an impotent ruling class, but rather they are ground troops of the ruling entity (Cabal), trying to oppress and control the citizens of the country, using the plausible deniability of being simply individual citizens with political opinions. This is a covert, shadow dictatorship oppressing people while trying to hide their very existence. The takeaway is they hide because they are too weak numerically and tactically to fight.

Issac Kappy implied he may have been MK Ultra’d, saying, “Some things were planted inside my consciousness… Have I been MKULTRA-ed? Well, let’s say there was some things that happened that were not normal as far as things playing in my head that came from outside.”

Terrorists target a tour bus with a bomb near the pyramids in Giza. 12 injured.

Teresa May’s spy chiefs were briefed on the dossier before President-Elect Trump was.

The Times does an article trying to imply Donald Trump was funneling money to the Russians and Deutsche Bank covered it up. The most interesting part is how the moment Trump became a political threat to Cabal, all sorts of Deutsche Bank employees began digging through his finances and preparing reports alleging illegal activity that were designed to get US Investigators digging through his finances. But apparently all the reports were so obviously bogus that management was disregarding them. Cabal infested everywhere there was the power to hide their own crimes, or to create crimes and trigger investigations among their enemies. That type of a system can be very powerful, but it can only work reliably if the system is massive enough to get its people everywhere throughout the world’s government and financial machinery. The size of this thing, and that so many were taught The Myth and disregarded it entirely is what will really shock when it all comes out.

In Brazil, heavily armed men rush into a bar and kill 11 in a high-crime area.

Illegal accused of 12 murders was arrested many times, but never deported. There have been more than a few serial killers who have been rumored to have been placed outside the law by Cabal, some think because they killed for Cabal on the side, others have alleged they were MK Ultra experiments. The guy who killed John Walsh’s son was one, IIRC, and was associated with another, as well as Jim Jones suppsoedly. It seems the MK Ultra crew, in looking to experiment, has often looked for atypical psychologies, and once they are experimented on, they are invested in them, and want to see how the experiment plays out, so they protect them. And once they are under protection, local PD is entirely powerless.

Financial collapse of the United States Postal Service is coming. That will be a lot of shadow Cabal tactical operations centers shut down if it happens.

Schiff is proposing doing Impeachment as an investigative tool. Pretty desperate to get an impeachment hearing started.

The Swiss are being told a majority of their people want gun control enacted. You see how when you control the media, and you control the polling organizations, all you need is one person to lie about what the poll showed, and before long you can pass a gun law, and even a majority who oppose it will put up with it, because they will think that somehow they lost legitimately in an honest system. Would a dictator ever lie, to trick you and get what they wanted?

Seattle is entering third-world status as HIV skyrockets 400%, trash piles up, and typhus, tuberculosis, and trench fever make a showing.

Muslims are beginning to harass Jews in New York City. It makes me think as a relatively young, foreign woman, Ilhan Omar would play it safe as a politician, since this is her big shot. I question whether she would be so bold, and stand up in the face of such criticism, especially given all her legal weaknesses, were she not getting directions from an organization above her which she thought could protect her. This story may be why her leadership would have her being so openly anti-Semitic.

James Baker begins to distance himself from the Steele dossier. There was a photo of the whole gaggle of dirty cops and spies walking into or out of a congressional hearing at one point, and while McCabe tried to look like a boss in the center, leading the group, you could see Baker looking at him out of the corner of his eyes, with a slightly horrified look which clearly said, “What the fuck have you gotten us into?” He knew back then what was going to happen.

The FISA Court has already found that the illegal spying goes back at least four years before the 2016 elections. From the article : “The problem for Brennan and Clapper and Comey and Baker and all of them now is, is that the FISA court has already communicated with the Justice Department about its findings. And their findings are that for more than four years before the election of Donald Trump, there was an illegal spying operation going on by FBI contractors, four of them, to steal personal information, electronic information about Americans, and to use it against the Republican Party. There are going to be indictments. There’s going to be grand juries. John Brennan isn’t going to need one lawyer. He’s going to need five… The Obama administration, for more than four years before the 2016 election, allowed four contractors working for the FBI to illegally surveil American citizens, illegally. The FISA court has already found that.” The database pulls are nothing though. As I have said, surveillance does not roll out piecemeal. If they do a database pull, they will be dropping it all on you. Scalia saw it, and said it to people. But even the teams of spies tracking people will be nothing comparatively. Intelligence is useless unless you operationalize it. What will blow the doors off is when it comes out they ran a true intelligence dirty-tricks operation on tons of US citizens, using that intel to harass, intimidate, thwart, control, and even kill people like Scalia, Hastings, and Breitbart. Don’t forget, when Breitbart was killed, he had just promised a bombshell on Obama that would destroy him. Was it the illegal surveillance programs?

US Birthrates at a 32 year low. We are still heading into K, and nothing kills the urge to breed like having life and death struggles ahead of you. I can feel the K in the air. It may not turn into a war. Q could clean everything up and the incoming K could evaporate. But for now, it feels like there will be a Civil War in a few years. You see it in the NICS checks. People are buying guns in record numbers, because having the ability to do violence feels like a good idea right now. If we come out of the other side, K’s will begin breeding again, just like after WWII. But until then, it is not surprising to see people battening the hatches.

The two girls who smeared VX on the face of Kim Jong Un’s brother may have each had a separate component of the binary nerve agent on their hands.

Yosemite covered in snow as summer closes in.

ICE has to move 225,000 illegals across the country.

I think what Molyneux is missing in that is the realization of the Secret Society that is out there. Whoever runs Social Media on that account is Secret Society, and Tommy Robinson (Who had just gotten a milkshake dumped on him), represents a threat to Secret Society hegemony. In their eyes, he is sticking his nose where it does not belong. All the political rhetoric is just a weak cover, so when people see this type of thing, it doesn’t appear as a fight for any kind of dictatorial control over the nation by some clique of dictatorial leaders, but rather as a simple, logical extension of a very passionate political debate. Indeed, the more aggressive it is, the more passionately involved in politics the normies think people are. It is even seen as almost a sign of the people’s freedom that cliques of true believers are so bold in their individual actions, and are able to slip past the law and get out of line, in spite of an impotent government who would want to control individuals. Let’s face it, it if were government forces doing that with impunity, people would freak. But let it be Secret Society members undercover as citizens, and add in the media promoting the narrative of how vehemently the two sides believe different things, and even though the milkshake tosser is essentially an extension of the forces which control government, and he is operating with impunity, nobody sees it as a real danger, beyond the fact our “equals” on the other side are a little aggressive. Just don’t get to a Breitbart-level of influence, or you will find out the milkshake tosser was just a private in a very large army with a Special Forces/wet-work wing.

Nunes will send another criminal referral over a Steele meeting with a State Department official they tried to hide from his committee.

Over 95% of those polled say Islam is unwelcome in Germany. And yet, Merkel pushes on.

Farmers support Trump, even as the trade war costs them now, because they believe the deal which will be struck will be better for them and for America.

My Pillow guru and ardent Trump supporter Mike Lindell is going big into film financing to spread a pro-America, pro-God message. Not a bad investment given how things are going K.

Senator Mark Warner organizing meetings between Business leaders and intelligence officials to explain the threats to national security that dealing with China presents.

Because of Trump’s blacklist on Huawei, Google severs some business ties and ends Android technology transfers, as well as some other transfers to be determined. Supposedly will kill Huawei’s ability to get into the smartphone market.

Trey Gowdy says there is a transcript of one recording by one of the spies FBI sent into Donald Trump’s campaign which will be a game changer, and persuade a lot of people. One thing which I have long suspected is the people at the top do not trust their own agents, in part because the agents have to be read in on the criminality to some degree, and in so doing become threats themselves. So they put them under coverage as well, to be sure there are no unhappy surprises later on, and to cultivate an environment of fear and paranoia which will tend to keep people in line. It is not impossible when they sent in the various spies they sent in to the Trump campaign, they put those agents under coverage as well, and one of them made a phone call or sent an email to their real handlers and discussed the conspiracy, not realizing that all was being archived for posterity. Or when they sent dual spies after Papadapoulos, he left for the bathroom, and they absent mindedly conversed amongst themselves about the conspiracy. McCabe and Strzok would not have revealed any of that to the FISA court, figuring they were just hiding one more piece of a puzzle they were already fully read in on, and hiding already. But there may be a lot of that, there in the archives.

All of Julian Assange’s possessions will be handed over to US prosecutors on Monday.

Texas pushes back against Congress trying to perform oversight on a state, refuses requests for documents, and asserts Sovereign Immunity.

Rome’s March for Life draws its largest crowds ever. K is on the rise.

Salvini pledges to ‘Free Europe from illegal occupation organised by Brussels at populist rally.

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s about to be a boom week, and we did just have ten days of Q-darkness.

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Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

I laughed when for a brief moment I glimpsed Rosenstein’s Twitter avatar and thought it was our own Phelps’s angry baby pic.

But then I got to thinking: what kind of “man” thinks he looks best presenting himself with a photo that focuses on his chubby cheek while he looks away from the camera? That’s the portrait he chooses?

To me, it screams Slimy Traitorous Rabbit (maggot?). Almost as if he was trying to look away, pretending to be innocent, after Trump raged into the room, demanding “Who the Fvck is behind this spying sh!t?”

Compare that gay rabbit visage to Trump’s avatar, below, which look like a wolf baring his fangs in comparison, staring you down and daring you to take one more step.

4 years ago

Soundtrack to read A/C by:

4 years ago

Jim Jordan Says He Has Been Vindicated By Ohio State Report On Team Doctor’s Sexual Abuse

He needs to run for Speaker again after we take back the House

4 years ago

Petition to Sell Chicago to Canada or the highest bidder

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I had wanted to do that to Detroit a long time ago…

4 years ago

OT – If you want a probably example of a Cabal takedown, look to David Patraeus. Just read his bio. And look at him: Perfect bio and education and presentation to be president. Experience in Iraq in fighting counter insurgency. And then out of the blue, MOVEON had an ad campaigned calling him BETRAY US. And then he was moved to CIA, where he had an affair. Steve Peiczenik said he was Honey-trapped. Look into the bio of the woman he had an affair with. All looks reasonably okay until we see that when all of this broke she hired a bunch of Clinton holdovers and consultants to manage things.

It may be a reason we have so few high quality candidates for political office is that they seek to destroy all the most qualified and capable.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Uh, no. Petraeus was not a qualified candidate for President. Nor was Wesley Clark, Colin Powell, Casey, and Dempsey. Ditto McCain, Crowe, and McCraven. I can only speak from personal observation about the Army, but senior Army leadership placement above the rank Lt. Col. is always political and is not entirely based on merit or military skill. I assume it’s the same in the other military branches. I can’t think of one military person I would happily vote for, for President, or any other office, to be honest. The selection of McCain as Presidential candidate was the last straw for me.

I blame Petraeus for Obama’s re-election. That scandal went down right around the time Obama, Hillary, and Co. should have been fried for Benghazi. The shocking thing to me, at the time, was that Petraeus was a Obama/Hillary-supporting Democrat and that the Dems, behind the scenes, took down one of their own. Petraeus’s scandal was the distraction they needed.

Reply to  Christina
4 years ago

I see what you’re saying, but it goes deeper. Cabal doesn’t want anyone esteemed by the public who isn’t under their control. This is why so many heroes must die. Chris Kyle, Pat Tillman, and on and on. I find it stunning that Mattis made it as far as he did.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

A lot of those high-ranking military people esteemed by the public are actually Cabal/Globalists. Mattis was on the board of Theranos. I don’t know what it means, but everything about Theranos gives me the willies. Look at Petraeus’s background. Look at the organizations he’s involved with, and the meetings he attends. By the way, that whole Petraeus adultery scandal was weird beyond belief. While doing research on it, I discovered there is a Lebanese influence group associated with the high-ranking military in Tampa and in our politics. Petraeus is Cabal/Globalist.
Kris Kyle and Pat Tillman can’t be lumped in with Petraeus and Mattis. Not the same kind of military people, at all.

4 years ago

Sex trafficking and China, always seems to have weird sex stuff where cabal is predicted to be. Almost like a smog test for a shadow empire.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Spectrely
4 years ago

Sex keeps popping up as an indicator of the darkest evil this world can know.

Add in to that the evils we seem to see occurring that involve bloodletting, blood consumption, and just an overall fascination with blood.

Sex. Blood.

Think of the least talented band to ever gain notoriety for their shit music in recent times: The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Did ever ONE of their songs make you want to rock out? No, it was all creepy odd-key shit. But they went platinum, What was one of their biggest albums? “BLOOD SUGAR SEX MAGIK”. Crowley would have spelled it differently, which is probably the point.

What did Paul the Apostle warn the Gentile believers not to do? He didn’t read them the whole Mosaic Law, he said merely “…abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood”

Sex. Blood.

Paul wasn’t superstitious. He knew what was up.