News Briefs – 05/22/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

If you only read one thing, this paper should be it – “Synesthesia: Detecting Screen Content via Remote Acoustic Side Channels”. From the comments – they can listen to you on your computer, even through your computer’s microphone or a cell phone, and recreate what is on the screen, in real time, using subtle noises your computer screen gives off as it displays images. The whole tweet thread was interesting. They can use the magnet in your hard drive to detect sound vibrations and recreate a song playing in your room, recover 96% of keys typed using sound analysis of the audio of you typing, and most funny – Twitter marked each of these stories sensitive material, forcing you to click on the tweet to see the story. No Cabal intelligence operatives at twitter, I see.

Our freedom-loving British Brothers at flew a POTUS Always Wins sign under a “Q-rig” balloon set, in Britain in support of President Trump and the drive to Constitutionalism. Video below the pic:

Epoch Times did a good run down of FBI lawyer Trish Anderson’s testimony. 2nd most important FBI Lawyer, behind Baker, who I get the impression McCabe and company did not trust fully. Mainly interesting because they were all trying to hide the truth because they knew they were in trouble.

Supreme Court rules for Amazon, forcing USPS to give low priced shipping to Amazon. The Post Office is thoroughly comped by Cabal, not that UPS and Fed-Ex aren’t. But I suspect given Cabal controls (or controlled) government, and government controlled hiring at USPS, it is just another level of comped beyond private companies. A part of me wonders if fully bankrupting US Postal, dissolving it, and rebuilding something new, and more isolated and self-sufficient, is a part of the plan.

Marine Corps Harrier crashes in North Carolina.

Case of radical anti-Trump school shooter and tranny coconspirator is sealed by the judge.

Cabal begins to push Japan to embrace multiculturalism. All of this is about is weakening the population’s homogeneity so they can be better controlled by the external forces of Cabal.

Jack Dorsey sleeps in a Faraday tent.

Trash Piles are building up in LA, fueling worries about another spike in rodent-caused diseases. All of these things may be replays of what we have seen in past K-shifts from peak-r.

r-strategist women are designed to seek out rape.Some pretty British girl is going around Morocco pretending to be hitchhiking in lingerie and even less.

House Judiciary now has subpoenaed Hope Hicks.

Calls for Impeachment are growing. “We are confronting what might be the largest, broadest cover-up in American history,” says Democrat Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Imagine how big what is coming is.

Dem Rep Steve Cohen says 80-90% of Dems on the House Judiciary Committee are ready to push for Impeachment. Notice, Cabal seeks to infiltrate and compromise the positions of greatest power. So you know the Dems on the Judiciary Committee are sweating most of all.

Ocasio Cortez says the time for Impeachment is now. All of this is creating a time constraint on how soon the Storm will need to fire off. The Democrat’s goal is to launch Impeachment and then claim the Storm is just a political scam. Ideally, I would think the Q-team’s objective would be to launch the Storm before that gets off the ground, so the Storm will make Impeachment look like a political scam. So I view these things as good, in that they are speeding the time until we are free.

When agents arrested NXIVM’s Raniere, he was preparing to host a number of his followers at a re-commitment ceremony, which was basically going to be a group of women, all taking turns giving him oral sex. According to testimony, one woman objected, asking, “There has to be a way I can grow that isn’t this?” “There is not,” he told her. Substitute leftist ideologues for the woman, and Cabal for Raniere, and you have the state of the US under Obama. These psychological templates look exactly the same at all scales, and it is exactly the same techniques that produce them. I would not even be surprised that one reason Raniere was protected and under surveillance was so Cabal could observe his techniques, as if an experiment.

Former NYPD brass sue city, claiming they were forced out of jobs to protect de Blasio, ex-police commissioner from bribery scandal. It might have been more than that. The Storm is interrupting an attempted takeover of local Police Forces. I will bet none of these guys were in the Secret Society.

The story of one Icelandic Volcano eruption in 536 AD. It blocked out the Sun for 18 months, causing snowfall in China, continental-scale crop failure, and extreme drought, famine and disease throughout most of the northern hemisphere. Ireland’s famine lasted 3 years, as the world economy collapsed.

Google scans your private G-mail for receipts, and saves to your record every online purchase you make. It would not surprise me if you are emailed passwords to accounts like Paypal, they covertly would access those accounts and also download all the data. And that is just private sector Google, not Cabal which is a whole other level deeper beneath that, already doing everything it wants with no constraints.

California is planning to offer free healthcare for illegals. Newsom wants to spend about $94 million per year, California legislators are thinking more like $3.4 Billion per year. And once it is offered, all the sick illegals will flood there.

Another Alaska plane crash. I have wondered if some players might be trying to jump the Bering Strait and slip away, but Cabal doesn’t want those loose ends floating around.

Salvini furious as 47 migrants are rescued by a German aid group on the sea and transported into Italy with the cooperation of the Coast Guard and financial police. And I will bet in their spare time, those Coasties and Financial investigators are following around regular Italians, and have been since they were young’uns. This is the problem with Cabal. People elect a leader, and he issues rules, and whenever they don’t suit Cabal, a couple of phone calls are made, their assets are told what to do, and then they do whatever they want. It is like Reagan ordering the hits in Iran, and the orders were just never carried out, because when they hit Cabal agents in the chain of command, they blocked them. You don’t have a country if you have Cabal in it.

When the Obama Administration held meetings on the Spying operation targeting Trump, they cut the video feed of the situation room. They are lucky all that technology can’t be turned back on covertly, and nobody can listen unless they physically get a bug in the room.

Postal Service is testing autonomous trucks. Those things will be mobile assassination platforms. Look twice before crossing the streets. Not that it will help, with remote controlled tractor trailers doing 80 MPH on the highway coming at you.

Anti-Abortion movie Unplanned essentially banned in Canada.

MS-13 members who murdered a teen girl to prevent her from telling authorities about another murder they did, had been in custody in Maryland, but were released to murder again, despite ICE requests to turn them over.

“10-12 Somali teen males armed with hammers” chased passengers in Minneapolis.

Gallup claims 4 in 10 Americans embrace some form of Socialism.

20% of students who take the SAT get extra time – especially among the wealthy. You can see why they will need to do something about the really smart, who don’t need the extra time. Under Cabal, society was becoming more about depressing the capable. Dumbass Loughlin decided not to take her plea, and now her trial will probably hit just as Cabal goes public, and all her jurors suddenly realize how their kids were getting screwed over by this group. She will be lucky so see the outside world again.

Now Biden wants federal funding of Abortion.

Nigel Farage has a milkshake thrown on him. These people aren’t doing this because remaining in the EU is some sort of moral question to them. They are in the Secret Society, and they know their group, and they, will benefit from Cabal’s plan for control. It is really a war between two divergent groups now, far more than it is any ideological question.

Despite a Congressional pay raise, Eric Swalwell has racked up massive credit card debt, failed to pay off his student loans, and cashed out his pension. If I knew my days in the US were over, and I was about to take off for China…

With shelters filled up, Border Patrol is just dropping migrants at California Bus Stations.

Tillerson has quietly met with members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to discuss his time working for the Trump administration as Secretary of State.

Central American towns are emptying as the residents look to take advantage of the Democrat’s desires to import them. It is a war being fought with fraudulent votes rather than bullets.

Navy illegally spied on accused SEAL and his defense team. There was a time when the US government rolling out the spies to spy on American citizens was a big deal. You can imagine what has been going on behind the scenes to change attitudes like this.

Vice reporters who broke into 8Chan owner’s bedroom identified.

Pelosi Calls for Special Meeting at 9AM Wednesday on Trump Impeachment:

Mark my words – we will find they “De-Policed” crime-ridden communities to protect gangs, and keep Cabal’s gang foot soldiers on the streets. And they went to quite ridiculous lengths to do it when they encountered cops who didn’t want to play ball.

Cryptographers are being denied entry into the US. Must mean breaking codes would help Cabal. Maybe they are having trouble getting into Trump and Q’s comms?

Pentagon Chief says military build up forced Iran to put its plans on hold.

Weiner has possible armed government protection.

Duterte wins big.

Ukraine opens a high treason case against a Former President. Changes from the Old Guard to the New Guard in a lot of places will follow the rule that if you strike the King, you must kill him.

Pregnant migrants are returned to Mexico.

Bitcoin creator granted US Copyright over the bitcoin whitepaper and code. Supposedly his name is Craig Wright, but many still think he is a scammer, despite the copyright being issued.

Cdl. Burke says, opposing mass Muslim immigration a ‘Responsible Exercise’ of patriotism.

Trump visits Pennsylvania, Republican Keller wins the Special Election. Another pro-gunner on our side.

Gaetz says ‘most compelling’ evidence in the Trump-Russia probe could be days away. I would assume that means weeks. They seem to be running feints, trying to precipitate a defensive reaction that will expend the last arrows in Cabal’s quivers. Then again, the purpose of feints is not just to expend enemy resources, but to see to it the enemy decides to hold back resources when they should have expended them.

Mike Spann’s father says American Taliban John Walker Lindh has violated the terms of his plea agreement by continuing to voice support for Jihad while he was behind bars, and pledging to continue to support it when released. If he has fucked up in adhering to the terms of his plea, he should be tried. A part of me wonders if he could have been a Cabal kid, sent on that adventure to keep independent eyes on what was going on in Afghanistan for Cabal. What are the practical chances a 15 year old kid spontaneously ends up leaving America and following the path he followed, across the globe to Afghanistan, without some kind of help? They had better work fast, as he is set to walk free Thursday.

Trump says he is willing to talk with Iran, if they are ready given the increasing sanctions.

Brexit Party takes a wide lead in Wales, and is second in remain-voting Scotland.

NASA secret plan leaks. An aggressive return to the moon, with manned missions and a permanent lunar base by the 2030’s. Our abandonment of that decades ago is somehow tied to Cabal’s rise.

Spread r/K Theory, because whether it si weeks or days, the cascade is about to begin.

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4 years ago

“remote controlled tractor trailers doing 80 MPH on the highway coming at you.” You need to be able to out drive AI, in a car with no built in remotes.

4 years ago

Regarding NASA, we know that China is very motivated to go to the moon as well and that they see it as a strategic asset. I found this interesting link:


[This] pioneering space travel has raised concern that China is also interested in the tiny spots on the moon that never go dark, the polar peaks of eternal light. Those peaks are vanishingly small, occupying one-one hundred billionth of the lunar surface − roughly equivalent to three sheets of NHL ice on Earth. But their near-ceaseless sunshine gives them great value as a source of solar energy, to power everything from scientific experiments to mining operations.

Their small size could also, scientists have argued, allow one country to take sole occupancy of this unique real estate without falling afoul of the Outer Space Treaty. That agreement stipulates that no state can exert sovereignty in outer space. But it also calls on countries “to avoid interference” with equipment installed by others.

That provides a loophole of sorts, researchers say. The installation of very sensitive equipment on the peaks of eternal light, such as a radio telescope − a 100-metre long uncovered wire used to study transmissions from the sun, and deeper corners of the universe − could use up much of the available space while also providing a rationale to bar others from the area on the grounds that the telescope is too sensitive to be disturbed.

“Effectively a single wire could co-opt one of the most valuable pieces of territory on the moon into something approaching real estate, giving the occupant a good deal of leverage even if their primary objective was not scientific inquiry,” researchers from Harvard University, King’s College London and Georg-August Universitat Gottingen wrote in a 2015 paper.

4 years ago

Elle Reeve AKA Elspeth Reeve, formerly married to this guy and part of a plan to smear the military:

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

“r-strategist women are designed to seek out rape.Some pretty British girl is going around Morocco pretending to be hitchhiking in lingerie and even less.”

She wants to be dominated by a man of her choosing, but she doesn’t realize that in lawless lands, she’s not the one doing the choosing. The similarities to politics are astoundingly obvious, if you know to look for them.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

“When agents arrested NXIVM’s Raniere, he was preparing to host a number of his followers at a re-commitment ceremony, which was basically going to be a group of women, all taking turns giving him oral sex. According to testimony, one woman objected, asking, “There has to be a way I can grow that isn’t this?” “There is not,” he told her. ”

Am I the only one who doesn’t understand why some men are so interested in oral sex? I’ve never been attracted to a woman in a way that I thought “I want her to suck me off”. If I’m attracted to a woman, I want to plow her properly. Anything less is a failure. It’s Home Run or Go Home.

AC, as lewd of a topic as this is, it may be another window into the “mind” of the rabbit.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

You are right, it is “sexual” interaction that is incapable of resulting in offspring that would have to be cared for and thus allows for unlimited “sexual” indulgence.