News Briefs – 07/01/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

This is the big story today – Americans are being diagnosed as Gluten intolerant in the US and find themselves unable to eat anything with wheat, but if they go to Europe, they find they can eat anything with wheat over there with no symptoms. And nobody would ever hear about it, but for the fact they are finding each other online. It is possible the wheat is being dosed (this site says it is due to the wheat being saturated with Roundup prior to harvest to remove the leaves and dry the harvest), or it is possible they have added a gene, such as for bacillus thuringiensis toxin – a protein toxin which is designed to upset the GI tracts of insects who try to eat the wheat, but which has a history of producing immune sensitization in humans exposed to it, such as organic farmers. In this environment, it is not impossible whatever it is, was done purposely.

Reporter who writes for National Review and Spectator is beaten in Portland by Antifa. Notice the theme – a Cabal-supported group immune to any sort of government oversight or law enforcement, and it is happening in an ultra-leftist environment.

Antifa attacks old man with a crowbar in Portland.

Portland Police have received information that some of the milkshakes thrown today during the demonstration contained quick-drying cement.

Ambassador Grenell calls on DOJ to investigate the Antifa attack on National Review writer in Portland as a domestic terrorism case.

Nunes says there is something off about Mueller’s coming testimony. Mueller did not schedule enough time for everyone’s questions.

Dual suicide attacks in Tunisia. You have to wonder if the suicide bomber phenomenon was accelerated by MK Ultra studies. Suicide bombings really took off after the uptick in Cabal activity in the 50’s. And given the history of the work, making a remote controlled, precision-guided, human cruise missile is something I could see them trying.

Antifa promising acid attacks on patriots at DC Free Speech rally. Promises to blind attendees. Eye protection is always important.

Teen Vogue is encouraging sex work by pushing an article legitimizing it as a decent career. Much of Cabal’s strategy, from this, to Marxism, to feminism, is to make fighting other’s successes cooler than focusing on your own successes.

UK Teacher suspends student for homophobia.

Britain has the highest rate of exceptionally dangerous returning jihadis in the EU.

Medically unnecessary ambulance trips soar as ACA expands.

New York City government seeks Ebola program manager for ‘Short-Term Project’ as Congo migrants enter country. Don’t bother applying. They were in such a rush they already stopped taking applications.

U.S. Air Force’s acquisition head says Defense Contractors have consolidated to the point there is no longer enough competitions for contracts, and it is a national security concern. Try creating another contracting company if you are not Cabal.

Acceptance rates at medical schools reveal preferences for black and Hispanic candidates. I would assume acceptance to medical school today is a Cabal affair. I remember the pre-med kids going for interviews back when I was in college, and I was struck by how they seemed to feel their acceptance hung on entirely subjective personal interviews where they would ask “moral questions,” like, “You know a woman is going to die without a medical procedure, however it is illegal to provide the procedure. Would you perform it to save her life regardless?” They all freaked out because the ambiguous nature of the questions took what should have been a simple meritocratic procedure based upon their potential aptitude and previous performance, and reduced it to a subjective whim of the interviewer – or so I thought at the time. At that time I found the whole thing very strange. I now suspect it was like the DOJ making Police Departments farm their hiring process out to black-box testing companies who would administer ambiguous psychological tests, graded by secret metrics known only within the private sector testing company, which would only provide a list of who to hire and who not to hire to the department. My assumption now is it was all about who was in the club and who was not. The ambiguity of the admissions process was the cover. To that end you can see how Cabal would degrade the quality of everything. It is not the natural gazelles who want a secret society which helps the less capable and overturns the meritocracy.

Big Tech can move upwards of 15 million votes with nobody knowing that they meddled. Particularly troublesome as companies like google have shown there is no moral or rule they will not violate to get access to that Chinese market.

California legislature passes a bill to put transgender men into women’s prisons – even rapists who assaulted females.

California’s $215 budget includes healthcare for illegals.

Beto is going to campaign for US President by going to Mexico and meeting with migrants who are trying to get into the US. If today’s Democrat was campaigning in 1940, they would have been doing so from Germany while arm in arm with Hitler.

Five officers across the country shot and killed over just the last few days.

“In the wealthy spots outside LA, I responded to fire cleanup and was talking to a bunch of neighbors and it was so odd. The houses were all burnt in random patterns, like every third or fourth one. I started talking to folks and found that it looked like it was registered Republicans who lost their homes. I booked 15 jobs out there and ALL FIFTEEN were Maga folk and they were talking about their neighbors and how the hardcore Dems didn’t lose any homes. It was clearly planned.”

Korean film actress commits suicide by hanging herself in the bathroom of her hotel room.

Suicide rates at the highest levels since WWII

Tensions between trans women and gay men boil over at Stonewall anniversary.

8-months-pregnant woman stabbed to death in London, her baby was delivered at the scene.

Tucker Carlson says Kim did not look well, and was wheezing as if his health was rapidly deteriorating. Cabal plays dirty. Oddly enough infrasound has been shown to disrupt lung function, presumably by creating a resonant effect in the alveolar sacs that damages them. And Cabal does seem to have a lot of technology based on interference effects of waveforms.

Russia to investigate bioweapons labs operating in neighboring countries. Cabal operations?

Intelligence agencies are trying to access Merkel’s medical records to see what is causing her tremors.

The Russian sources used in the Steele dossier are revealed to be western intelligence assets who do not even live in Russia.

A petition to label Antifa a domestic terrorist organization needs signatures.

Low Carb diet may improve cognition in older adults.

Migrant activist’s arrest in Arizona for helping migrants has other migrant activists spooked.

Yellow Vests still going with just over 10,000 turning out.

Biden insults gay hotspot saying just five years ago in 2014 it would have been fine to make fun of a gay waiter. He was trying to say there were large gains in a small time but the crowd heard him calling their gay utopia homophobic.

Kamala Harris’s own father is denigrating her to the media, but don’t wait to see it on the news.

Pope praises the Trump-Kim meeting. An anon pointed out that by using social media for such a significant event, Trump raised the importance of preventing social media censorship to that of a national security issue.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke out against dismemberment abortions Friday, saying that justices must confront the realities of what the Supreme Court “has wrought” through abortion rulings.

Trump in his remarks after the meeting with Chairman Kim says, “The world is watching.” Q’s phrase.

Kamala Harris’s sugar daddy, Willie Brown, says there are still no Democrats who can beat Trump.

US and Taliban push for ‘tangible results’ in fresh round of peace talks.

Trump says immigration raids could begin July 4th.

Trump, the master communicator, says all the right things in all the right ways as he addresses the Military during his stopover at Osan Airbase:

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s a whole new world.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

You had a link on anti-gravity, or what I call Inertia drives.

Now I’ve commented here before on how there are mechanical and electrical devices that seem to show some sort of “Inertia Drive” type effect. Where an object can accelerate without throwing mass out the back like a rocket or jet engine.

The reason I think it’s important to point this out is to show that it’s not only “Aliens” that can make some sort of UFO looking drive. We are perfectly capable, I think, of doing the same.

To me it seems that the release of “Inertia Drive” patents shows possibly that someone in the government is worried about people “pretending” to be aliens and causing disruption. Or it could just be that they want to beat the Chinese to it but this has to be one of THE most important secrets so it couldn’t have been done lightly.

I came to the conclusion that “Alien attack” was a load of bull a long time ago and have pointed it pout repeatedly over and over. It seems now that Vox Day has come to the same conclusion.

I’m hoping this idea catches on so that any attempt to take over by some fake alien attack will fail as everyone will realize it’s just another deep State fake so I mention it every time there’s some sort of alien stuff coming up.

I of course could be wrong but if you were a super advanced alien would you go flying around a planet perfectly in the open when you know good and well we have nukes? Surely they would be advanced enough to make tiny robots that couldn’t be seen by every Tom, Dick and Harry that decide to take a nice drive in the country or even worse fighter jets. It fails the common sense test.

4 years ago

On the gluten thing, note that these are all self-diagnosed assholes, not people actually diagnosed with Celiacs Disease.

Psychosomatic/munchausen syndrome.

cris hamilton
cris hamilton
4 years ago

Just when I think I can’t love this President any more….

4 years ago

Russia wants to know if African Swine Fever was an attack by the bio-weapons lab that was “studying” it.

4 years ago

Cabal funds drying up…

Anonymous non-GMO Human
Anonymous non-GMO Human
4 years ago

Yes, most GMO food contains the B/t toxin, which some people are highly allergic to. B/t toxin in nature is produced by a bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis). That bacteria is used in Organic farming as it dissolves the digestive tracts of the insects who eat it. When organic farmers harvest their crops, all they have to do is wash the bacteria off of the food. It is then safe to eat.

What mad scientists at Monsanto (now Bayer) did was splice the gene from the bacteria that produces B/t out of the bacteria. They then used the CRISPR process to splice the gene into vegetables like soy and corn. The CRISPR process involves leveraging viral RNA to open up the plants DNA and insert the gene to the plant. When done “successfully” the plant doesn’t reject the change, and you can now have plant cells produce bacteria proteins for you. In this case, the protein is a toxin that dissolves animal intestines. Great for plants that want to kill bugs. Bad for human beings who want to eat plants.

Proteins are what people are allergic to. This Bt protein isn’t anything anyone has likely ever eaten in the history of humanity. This is why many people started to have different kinds of allergic reactions to food they never had before in the mid 1990s. GMO corn was introduced in 1996, Soy in 1995, and Canola in 1999. In the US over 95% of those crops are GMO with B/t toxin in them. This is a toxin that cannot be washed off. It is within the cells of the plants modified to produce the toxin. That means 100% of that plant is producing Bt toxin. That’s like eating pounds of bacteria producing a toxin that dissolves insects digestive systems. Bacteria people never ate before. Ever.

Corn, soy, and canola are in almost every single processed food you find in the grocery store. It is nearly impossible to not eat it. How do people who are allergic to it live? Unfortunately, many people don’t know they’re allergic to it. They don’t know what’s wrong with them. They just know that when they eat, it hurts.

An allergic reaction doesn’t mean your nose will run, or that you’ll go into anaphylactic shock. In the case of this bacteria allergy means: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, brain fog, chronic fatigue, intestinal bleeding, and generally horrible stomach pain. If you didn’t know your food all of a sudden changed, would you think you are allergic to something you were never allergic to before, or would you think you have Chrone’s disease, or some other disorder?

Why do I know so much about this and why do I care? I care because this toxin nearly killed my wife. After every meal she would be in the bathroom vomiting. She would suffer in pain after eating nearly every mea. Hives would break out all over her body. She was constantly tired. Her memory was failing her. She thought she was just a chronically ill person. No doctor knew why. They tested her for food allergies. Normal food allergies. Do you think a single doctor tested her for allergy to B/t? Of course not.

How did we figure out it was genetically modified food? Every day we started by recording every ingredient of every food she ate in a spreadsheet. We made a column for food that made her sick and a column for food that didn’t. If she got sick after eating crackers we added all the ingredients in crackers to the sick list. If she ate a strawberry, no problem. Add it to the okay list. Plain chicken, okay. Pizza, sick. Boxed potatoes, sick. Store bought bread, sick. Chips ahoy, sick. Store bought gravy, sick. The sick list became huge. That’s okay. We won’t give up.

Anything cooked in oil in a restaurant made her sick. We asked restaurants what oil they used. Always soy or canola. Boom. That helped tremendously. Anything with that in it, not buying anymore. Interestingly, anything cooked in peanut oil does not make her sick. That makes the whole peanut allergy scare very suspicious.

By the end we determined that eating organic or at the very least, eating non-GMO food is the only way to survive. If there are no other options, the only recourse is to take anti-histamines. Benadryl, Allegra, and Claritin all stop the allergic reaction. Unfortunately, they all make people tired.

Long post I know, but not enough people know this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous non-GMO Human
4 years ago

A point to bring up related to this. If you use pesticides on food at least it can be washed off and pesticides break down in the environment. All this genetically engineered stuff fills the food up with toxins. I say this as someone who is very much FOR genetically engineered food. What if they made large wheat nuts that grew on trees and had a hard shell so that they couldn’t be eaten so easily by insects? Trees in large plantations would be much better for animals and the environment while making food. Foods could be engineered to be very healthy with low pesticides in their cells, plants have natural pesticides, but with a hard pecan type shell where the pesticides reside. There’s all kinds of good stuff that could be done.

I think eventually some of these kinds of things will be done by hobbyist. There was a guy online who started doing this sort of thing but it was injecting humans with CRISPER engineered substances to optimize human performance. Of course…he shot himself or died somehow weeks after making this publicly available. I assume they don’t want any DIY heath benefits from all this great tech we have floating around.

4 years ago

>”California legislature passes a bill to put transgender men into women’s prisons – even rapists who assaulted females.”

Good luck, ladies.

In the prisons of England and Wales, 41% of trans-identifying males are convicted sex offenders.

[Source: Fair Play for Women, ‘Investigation into the number of trans-identifying males in prison in England and Wales and their offender profiles’, 2017,