News Briefs – 07/17/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

I’d love to see one of their issued 4AM orders, and how it arrives. For that matter, I’d love to see the person who issues the orders interviewed, and asked, just what do they think they are doing. Are they hardcore SJW, and they think Cabal is supporting their ideology? Are they pure psychopath, and they just see advantage to them to being under Cabal? What is their motivation?


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

New book alleges Lyme disease may have been developed as a biological weapon, and diseased ticks may have been released by the Pentagon. Claims Lyme spread at the same time they were releasing supposedly uninfected ticks in residential areas to see how they would spread. Imagine if a Cabal agent was in the program, and could swap the uninfected ticks for infected ticks. Makes me wonder if any Cabal agent worked in a place which could have swapped a sentinel Bacillus strain for the Ames Strain of Anthrax back when Anthrax was mailed around. New House bill demands answers from the Pentagon on exactly what was done with the tick issue.

Epstein claims his foreign issued passport was to trick hijackers into not thinking he was Jewish.

Epstein was having improper sexual contact even as he was serving time in Florida for his last charges. Was it a personal compulsion, or the only way he could stay useful and relevant to Cabal?

Mystery 200lb package was added to missing MH 370 jumbo jet right before takeoff, and nobody knows what it was, how it got added, or why.

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens dead at age 99.

New Chinese study examines skulls of babies with cone-shaped skulls. They always claim it was wrapping, and never mention that some have naturally formed holes for nerves to exit out the back of the skull.

Leftist judge rules Roger Stone violated gag order, bans him from all social media posting.

Missing UAE-flagged oil tanker may have been grabbed up by Iran. Iran claims it helped the tanker with a tow into one of its harbors.

Britain sends third warship to the gulf to guard against Iran.

In France, burglars who targeted Jews, and said they were targeting Jews, not guilty of any hate crimes.

4.3 mag earthquake in the Bay area.

Ridgecrest earthquake aftershocks are creeping toward major fault lines, raising worries of a major earthquake. Is it a coincidence just as things are coming to a head with the Storm, we may be heading to a major natural disaster?

Separated Migrant families sue US government, demand $3 million dollars each. It is a sign they don’t just dislike us, they think we are stupid.

19 of 22 MS-13 members indicted, 16 in death penalty cases over brutal medieval-style slayings in LA, are illegal immigrants. They cut one guy’s heart right out of his chest.

Honduras has a wave of Transgender murders picking up. A lot of people get trapped in human thought patterns, thinking in terms of preferences and good and bad. But the brain is very mechanical. Transgenders are a violation of a very deeply imbued neurological expectation, and thus are a huge violation of expectation, and thus a huge natural amygdala trigger. They are rendered more tolerable by a flood of dopamine deadening the amygdala, but remove that flood and I would expect them to begin to trigger violence, not for moral or judgmental reasons, but for mechanical reasons. Gays too, probably. Oddly enough, it should not escape notice the high rates of disease in homosexual populations, and the fact that as K approaches, and a pandemic could be expected, the effect of this is a culling of a high-disease component of society. The mechanism would have existed on its own, but the fact it is probably adaptive on some level likely has reinforced it strongly enough over the millennia, that it will be very difficult to overcome with logic or reason, if the dopamine is pulled.

Child sacrifices are going on in Uganda. And in India too. It feels like there is something in the origin of this idea, that you kill your children to get something tangible in return, which is somehow significant. Why is it all over the world?

Ex-Nebraska policewoman, Kathryn Bolkovac, who served as a UN peacekeeper and worked under DynCorp, a military contractor, where she learned about elite level sex trafficking involving the UN, the State Department & Military exposes the truth.

House votes to condemn Trump for racist comments. You can see the organized narrative, just like Q said. There is a network of agents who get orders they carry out unquestioningly. It is fascinating, especially given how we have been raised to think the entire nation was united under one government, everybody on the same footing, everybody thinking the same, operating the same, and all knowing everything there was to know. I still cannot shake the awe, emotionally.

Federal judge permanently blocks citizenship question from census. What would happen if Trump just added it? How many divisions does this judge have? If all of Law Enforcement supports Trump, if all of the military supports Trump, if they can’t impeach and remove him, what would happen as the data rolled in?

A reminder from the Podesta emails, of the goals of Cabal’s agents, from their own writings : “… we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging”

Leon Panetta’s son is a California Congressman pushing a bill so asylum seekers can skip court-mandated hearings with no penalty or adverse consequence to their requests for asylum, if they are eventually caught. Two guesses if he is part of Cabal.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) believes that “writing a check” to the descendants of slaves is not “going to be enough” when it comes to reparations. Because she says we are responsible for everything bad that happens to blacks, and we have to make sure we pay for it all, even health disparities like higher birth mortality. Note that she is not saying this to get these things. She is saying it to make us affronted. This is part of what Q says – they want you divided. Did you get affronted, or did you see the game?

U.K. ambassador who criticized Trump in cables, found to have repeatedly leaked classified U.S. intelligence information, including highly classified information, to a journalist for a U.S.-based media outlet.

California Police Officer Dies at 36 in his sleep, no further details. A Marine Corps Veteran.

The planned storming of Area 51 will be livestreamed. You can’t count on people today to have amygdala. Then again…

Understand, THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN if you are just a normal person, amassing your own following, on your own, outside of the control of Cabal. You only get given this type of profile-raising exposure if you are in the club:

Former Peruvian President arrested in the U.S. Related to a bribery probe, which appears Cabal-sized. Another ex-president of Peru, Alan Garcia, fatally shot himself in the head after police arrived at his home in Lima to arrest him in connection with the bribery investigation. At least that is what we are told.

Large power outage on Staten Island expands. Cabal is producing massive quantities of data on the citizenry, and probably has other support structures peppered throughout residential areas, hidden in safe houses. Killing power to residential areas would take down the pole surveillance and hardwired monitoring equipment protecting such sites, allowing Trump’s people to get close with less warning to them. Q said blackouts will be necessary.

Feds won’t file charges against NYPD officer accused in case of Eric Garner.

R. Kelly Ordered Held Without Bond, Deemed a “Danger To The Community, Especially Young Girls…”

Chicago lawmaker tells his constituents to arm themselves for self-defense.

White House unexpectedly cancels a meeting with lawmakers on immigration issues. Seems like a lot going on behind the scenes, and a fluid situation that keeps requiring full attention and all hands on deck, on short notice.

Feds appear to have acquired at least some of Epstein’s blackmail files. BOOM. “Federal agents who searched Epstein’s $77 million Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan also found “in a locked safe … compact discs with hand-written labels including the following: ‘Young [Name] + [Name],’ ‘Misc nudes 1,’ and ‘Girl pics nudes,’ ” according to a new court filing in Epstein’s case.”

Minnesota City in Rep. Omar’s district reinstates Pledge of Allegiance after growing backlash. r-strategists are going to be very sensitive instinctually to aggressive in-grouping by the host nation they migrated to, for reasons which should be obvious. As we get more aggressive, in ways that would make us cement our positions and fight, watch them go all Stockholm Syndrome, as large numbers of them suddenly see the logic in our arguments, and support our side.

Republican support for Donald Trump rises after his twitter war with foreigners who badmouth America. I was thinking, the main reason I can turn one of these out every day is because every day there is non-stop winning, and it is fun. Under Bush, or McCain, or any other RINO loser, sitting down and doing this each day would have been an order of magnitude harder.

Planned Parenthood fires CEO, decides they need an even more radical leader. Winning. Now setting a freshly born infant aside to die will be a moderate position, compared to what they are preparing.

“The Squad” of anti-American bimbos reminds Pelosi they are women of color, and anything she says about them is defacto racist.

Pelosi banned from the House floor in raucous floor fight over her calling Trump racist.

Texas Representative files Articles of Impeachment, under a process that will force a floor vote by the end of the week. Again, exactly what a smart, strategically thinking, organized, well led Democrat Party would not want. Either Trump has Darth Vader-tier mind control going on over the radicals in the party, or some of them have been turned by Q and team, and are playing a role in the Storm.

Joy Behar says Trump is cornered by “The Squad,” running scared, and now has nowhere to escape because of all his missteps. So much fun to watch, and funny too.

Senate confirms Trump’s 43rd circuit court nominee.

Jared Kushner details 2020 immigration reform plan with E-Verify, merit, and asylum fixes.

Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google Executives bristle as House Lawmakers push them at an Antitrust hearing.

Elon Musk is promising some sort of big reveal regarding his computer-brain interface company. Update : said he had tested a chip which allowed a monkey to control a computer, but no details offered, maybe they will try humans next year, said the primary reason for doing the presentation was to recruit new minds who wanted to help link brains to computers. So nothing earth shattering.

People have begun overdosing on wasp spray. This might be a sign President Trump has made a real dent in the illegal drug supply networks (and a major Cabal-funding pipeline). According to the article, desperate junkies are trying all sorts of new things, including wasp spray.

This is how you use violence imagery and conflict imagery to stimulate amygdala before attaching that amygdala to something:

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the real booms have yet to happen.

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4 years ago

The stuff with the census judge is infuriating. We’re at the point where these judges need to be sent to gitmo. It is not possible to run a government like this.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

That census deal really hits home that Trump is doing great things and it’s a great time to be alive, but left wing traitors throughout the western world should fucking hang.

Trump: Jews and Christians
Trump: Jews and Christians
4 years ago

Trump talks and tweets a lot about some people being anti-semite and anti-Israel. What about people who are anti-Christian? Christians are being killed around the world. Christian churches and symbols are being destroyed. He should care about that. We are a Christian nation.

4 years ago

Every. Single. Time.

“Furman’s brother Jason Furman served as an economic adviser to President Barack Obama. Furman is Jewish.”

It’s well past the point now where one can passively avoid seeing the patterns.

Everyone should have a homeland, but this one isn’t theirs, and the longer they keep playing the manipulation games to their own benefit, the worse the backlash will be.

4 years ago

Joy Behar says Trump is cornered by “The Squad,” running scared, and now has nowhere to escape because of all his missteps. So much fun to watch, and funny too.

Senate confirms Trump’s 43rd circuit court nominee.

comment image

4 years ago

You wrote ” r-strategists are going to be very sensitive instinctually to aggressive in-grouping by the host nation they migrated to, for reasons which should be obvious. As we get more aggressive, in ways that would make us cement our positions and fight, watch them go all Stockholm Syndrome, as large numbers of them suddenly see the logic in our arguments, and support our side.”

Doesn’t the Stockholm syndrome only would apply to individuals or small groups who feel sympathy, or some sort of shared humanity, with their “captors?” Not sure, just asking.

I think what you’re saying, AC, is that these leftists will suddenly join us to save their skin. Perhaps some will. I hope so. But it’s wrong for us to regard leftists as a monolith or homogeneous group.

Less radical leftists may willingly join us because they’ve had enough contact with us to question the race/gender/anti-Christian/anti-white-male propaganda. At some point, they’ll get that the propaganda just doesn’t ring true. But they’ve got to have contact with us for this to happen, and many leftists and minority groups — Muslim enclaves in Michigan, come to mind — only associate with their confreres. There’s no integration. No wider associations. In America, they re-create little Somalias and little Mexicos: intact, non-English-speaking, public schools that teach their customs under the aegis of tolerance, extended families, frequent contact with the “old country,” etc.

As well, there are far too many homegrown isolated communities of mostly white leftists who simply have no contact with people outside their group. The academy is one such place. Homogeneous. Isolated. Intact. Arrogant. Hard left.

Just conjecture here, but I’d think that immigrant/native groups with a strongly held anti-Christian religious faith — Muslim, Jew, Secularist — share a worldview that extols only their group as they denigrates/devalues the rest of us. It could take a conversion experience to change the way they think. Using your Stockholm Syndrome analogy, they’d be the ones who never bend to the will of their captors.

I don’t think our country will stay intact if little islands of disparate populations don’t interact with each other.There’s got to be a dominant group to set the tone, demand certain values, and lead. I know this isn’t politically correct, and frankly, I don’t give a rip. We may have gone past the point of no return, which is the point at which the historically dominant group reasserts itself or, conversely, the country collapses.

Guys like you have to step to the plate and do what needs to be done, AC.

In the larger scheme of things, males lead. That’s the natural order. That’s how humanity is wired and created. Yes, a Thatcher arises every generation, or two, but more than likely, the women in power are ineffective like Theresa May … or Pelosi. If force is wedded to reform, it will surely be a male-led uprising — a real battle for the soul of our country will ignore the butch “women” in the military, who shouldn’t be there, in my wee opinion.

Sorry for going off on a tangent again …

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Gotta quickly respond to this …

You’re mostly right, as usual. We disagree only on the potency and reach of our side, which isn’t crucial or very important. Amazingly, you’re more optimistic than I about this – hah … I gotcha, old grump!

So, where’s the tipping point? You say some of them will convince themselves we’re right, that the power of our ideas or values will be so compelling they’ll change their POV. From your keyboard to God’s ears …

AC, note that I won’t cede the point that much of the cloistered left has a warped or insignificant knowledge of us. They don’t hear our voices. Don’t befriend us. Don’t read our publications. Don’t go to church. Don’t send their kids to the same camps and schools as our kids. They marry their own. They hire each other. It’s a nepotistic world, theirs, and we’re not invited. Not only are we disinvited, we’re shunned. Thus, the forces keeping them in their collectivities ensnare them– not always, as you point out, but often.

Need sleep. Hope this makes sense.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  K
4 years ago

My guess is that the hard core leftists don’t matter. They are irrelevant. They are a smaller percentage of the population than you would believe. All this far left PC BS has simply intimidated a lot of moderate, middle of the road Americans because it came from people in positions of power and influence. Once that power and influence erodes, leftists will just be extremists talking amongst themselves in online echo chambers.

Q has mentioned this when he’s said that a small percentage will always be beyond reach.

But they aren’t the prize.

Trump needs to win re-election. To do this, he needs everyone who voted for him in 2016 to vote for him in 2020. For the most part, this will happen. Trump has exceeded the expectations of most of those folks.

And the rest? He doesn’t need to worry about the leftists or converting them. He needs to continue reaching the moderate democrats who’ve tolerated the extreme leftists but never really felt all that much connection with him. Blue collar, union democrats in places like Minnesota and Wisconsin are the people who matter. Leftists and CA, NY, MA, WA, IL, and OR are completely irrelevant. Let me stress this: THEY ARE COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. He doesn’t need to worry about those states at all to win re-election. And he most certainly doesn’t need to worry about the most extreme lefties in those states.

The Left will not be “converted.” They will be marginalized and de-funded.

4 years ago

“Jared Kushner details 2020 immigration reform plan with E-Verify, merit, and asylum fixes.”

Can someone tell me when the Joos are going to stop setting the immigration agenda for us Anglo-Saxons? When? I am sick and tired of this. The Joos were the originators, instigators and propagandists of the 1965 Immigration Act which as to turn America into the Tower of Babel! Why oh why—can’t the Bloody Anglo-Saxons set our own freakin’ Immigration agenda?

The Anglo-Saxon has become a weeny! So full of error and soft that he is being led by the nose by those Chosen! Wow. Somebody stand up and put these people in their places, please.

Who created this country? Who built this country? Who bled and died building this country? And we let an Eastern minority who consider us all Amalek to set our immigration agenda?

The Anglo-Saxon and other Europeans have gone absolutely mad.

Jews and Israel
Jews and Israel
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

I agree with wlindsaywheeler.

I think all Jews should move to Israel.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Can someone tell me when the Joos are going to stop setting the immigration agenda for us Anglo-Saxons? When?

When we stop voting for them. Step 1 in that is identifying them so that we know who we are voting for.

That step is well underway.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Rudyard Kipling

4 years ago

“r-strategists are going to be very sensitive instinctually to aggressive in-grouping by the host nation they migrated to, for reasons which should be obvious. As we get more aggressive, in ways that would make us cement our positions and fight, watch them go all Stockholm Syndrome, as large numbers of them suddenly see the logic in our arguments, and support our side.”

That’s bad, I want them to leave or attempt to fight so we can drive them out.

The Exhibitionists will do the same thing and we would be better off without them too.

We need some way to be rid of them in spite of their coat changing tricks.

I don’t want to make it about race because culture is more important and there are r-selected and exhibitionist whites but at this point we might be better off in the long run if we get forced into race wars.

4 years ago

Three Iranians Caught Smuggling “Many Tons” Of Nuke-Related Material Out Of US

4 years ago

First NYC, Then DC…

Thousands were without power in Washington DC a couple of days ago.

PEPCO, DC’s electric company, is trying to determine the cause of a power outage in Northeastern DC that left thousands in the dark on Monday. According to a company spokesperson, this outage, too, was an equipment failure.

More at:

4 years ago

WHO finally declares Ebola a Global Emergency but says travel shouldn’t be restricted

4 years ago

That judge that tried to let the kid off for filming himself committing rape resigned

A sign the cabal is losing its power to protect its agents?

4 years ago

K is spreading:

India aims to expel all illegal migrants, interior minister says

4 years ago