News Briefs – 07/24/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

If Trump and Q were just new actors in the old production, they would not break up social media and make it less controllable. Again, this is a sign which appears to show that the people taking power are not just looking to take over the old machine. They are looking to give everyone real freedom.

Understand how these models are probably ID’d long before they ever show up on the agency’s doorstep, and they are probably guided to the agency by the machine getting into their life and putting them on that path. The questionnaires are just to make sure nothing is missed.

This means finding out who is really behind Antifa, and that means tracking it back to Cabal intelligence officers operating on US soil, either as private contractors, or maybe sidelining out of a bonafide US intelligence agency. It would not surprise me all of the investigation is already done sitting under Huber or somebody similar, and when FBI decides to begin it will put out a call for info from all other agencies, and have the entire investigation dropped in their lap, wrapped in a bow.

Bigger than most realize because I would assume PapaD was under surveillance going back to his school days. I would assume he was placed at that foreign legal firm as a potential asset they felt they could move around like a chess piece, and discard like a lizard tail when everything was done. And I assume PapaD’s surveillance will lead to everyone else’s.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

On Q’s board, about every third post is either a full frontal of a real pre-op transgender with no clothes on and massive male genitalia hanging out, or hardcore anime porn of pre-op, child-like trannies and hermaphrodites having sex. The site is practically unreadable, so you know something big is about to drop.

MAGA Coalition is about to sue Q-Anon in multiple jurisdictions over Q badmouthing them. First step will be to subpoena IPs from 8Chan to try to ID him.

This is a weird one. A top FBI financial investigator who investigated the Clinton Foundation went out with FBI buddies after a training session, got on the dance floor, and turned his gun on himself at age 41. Could he have been told it was this or his family? Was he Cabal, assigned to Clinton to help cover it up? Just coincidence?

Judicial Watch has filed an ethics complaint against Ilhan Omar with the House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics for potential immigration, marriage, tax, and student loan fraud. First step – Impeachment. Second step, arrest, prosecution and imprisonment. Third step, revocation of citizenship and deportation after her sentence is served.

Judicial Watch is about to start digging into the events which occurred around Mena Arkansas.

If McAfee had a nice stash of data that would tear down the Cabal’s power structures, and I was Q and company, I would detain him just until that data popped, and then I’d let him go.

Here is a strange flashback for the Archival Materials of Cabal – Kyle Odom, former Marine, reports various experiences, including being followed around by numerous people who try to intimidate him and make loud sniffing noises to alert him to their presence as followers. He reports hearing music and voices in his head, feeling strange sensations while in his house, reports hallucinations/seeing strange things, and indicates the truth he believed he uncovered was that aliens/extradimensional beings are farming humans like cattle, and they are in a battle for survival with President Donald J Trump who is trying to fight them off. He ends up shooting a Pastor he believes is involved, who has fairly defined nasolabial lines interestingly enough (pic at the first link). Even the hallucination thing he reports, existed previously in reports by targeted individuals, such as Tom Bauerle, who as part of his agreement with the University research team who took credit for his harassment, got them to admit they were testing “Phantom Bogey” remote holographic technology on him to make him see things which weren’t there. The book Chameleo described the same technology, as well, used to mentally unbalance targets. No idea what the deal is with this guy, but his accounts of being followed fit the lines of the stories of others, and all of the aberrations which drove him to the belief system that produced the shooting can be produced with current technologies. He could just be crazy. But it is not impossible somebody detected a tenuous grip on reality, and as an experiment was playing head games on him to see how well they could unbalance him, and then steer him. And it is interesting he echoed Q’s general storyline about humans being farmed and dominated by unseen actors working in secret, until President Trump moved to try and free everyone – and this guy related all of this before there was a Q.

And then /pol notes he might actually have been right about the alien thing, because one article points out this guy emptied an extended clip of 45 JHP into the pastor, one hit the pastor in the skull, and the bullet did not penetrate, the Pastor was out of the hospital in a day, and he was back preaching within the week. From here“One of the bullets TRIED to enter the brain but stopped at the skull,” Roger Crigger, a family friend wrote on Facebook. “Emergency room [technicians] and [doctors] are calling this a miracle, I’m saying, by today’s worldly standards it IS a miracle.” So basically her got a couple of bandaids, and the doctors said, “You’re good to go, brah.” Note to self – when the festivities with the reptoids begin, bring 50 BMG AP or go home.

Saw this on /pol. If legit, wow:

If you want your daughter to be happy, buy her the Princess Wand:

New York City cops get doused with buckets of water and openly insulted while trying to make an arrest, one is hit in the head with an empty bucket. In another video, a cop is harassed with foul-mouthed tirades on a subway. What you are seeing here is the power of those words uttered on the boob tube to alter human behavior. This would not have happened, before Obama and DeBlasio went around trying to turn the black population on the Police, blowing up every minor and non-incident as a global travesty, and making it alright for Blacks to see Police as enemies. But you utter those words on TV, you get the talking heads to nod in agreement and shake their heads in disapproval, and you change how mass numbers of people think. Even the Cops not defending themselves is part of the control. Now look at how this can work elsewhere – stockmarkets, product sales, wars, entire societal goals and cultural mores. This one incident is just one small microcosm of what was Cabal’s power. Still, I wonder why we are seeing these stories now all together. They have the feel of another Cabal societal manipulation.

Bulgaria’s revenue agency falls victim to biggest cyber heist in history.

“Stunning” and “brave” LGBTQ advocate Jessica Yaniv (the one suing when spas refuse to wax it’s balls) demands topless swim session for ages 12+, no parents allowed. And now this is coming out:

Cuba ‘sonic attacks’ changed US diplomats’ brains, study finds. Interesting how you have high-level medical specialists who want to deny anything was going on. Do you think they are ruled by science, or might they have gotten their position, and owe allegiance to, something else? It is everywhere.

More Epstein Island Drone Vids:

NAACP calls for Trump impeachment. Again, anywhere there is influence, power, control over the narrative, anywhere you can assert that you represent a large group of other people, or tell others what to think, you will find Cabal has infiltrated, corrupted, and taken over.

California asks, “What better time to ban rat poison than now?” Just as they are on the cusp of a bubonic plague outbreak. I am beginning to think Cabal is really a bunch of social Darwinists.

Alabama’s busiest airport in Birmingham will install biometric sensors that can identify passengers through eye scans and fingerprints.

Mexico sets new murder record, 17,608 dead, homicides up 5% in 2019.

Ricky Gervais assailed as transphobic for making a joke about how women shouldn’t have to wax men’s balls for equality.

Ilhan Omar calls for taxpayer-funded abortions for illegal immigrants.

Ilhan Omar snaps at an “appalling” question asking her to condemn female genital mutilation. Truth be told, this I can understand. She may be back on the streets of Somalia in a couple of weeks. She can’t be pissing off the Muftis.

Neighbors form human chain to stop ICE agent from making an arrest. This felt scripted. One Federal Agent goes out, and he doesn’t call the cops when an angry mob assembles? How did neighbors know to show up? Was somebody watching what went on in the neighborhood and put out a batsign? And if so, why did the neighbors who were watching, and the mob they summoned feel so connected to this illegal? It feels like you have a secret army protecting its own forces.

Borat director encourages the left to arm itself against “MAGA people.” Other leftist groups are taking up arms. This is so when we see violence, we think organic group of Americans, and not foreign army of infiltrators.

Warren officially introduces bill to cancel student debt.

Man encounters panhandler manning an intersection, offers him $15/hour job, panhandler rejects it. If you have been here long enough, you will see something else in the story.

CNN: House Democrats have been holding mock hearings in preparation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony and they are preparing specifically for Jim_Jordan.

A Mexican national in the U.S. illegally killed a 7-Year-old child. the State of New Jersey released him from jail.

Deutsche Bank just posted $3 Billion Q2 losses.

Trump highlights how he wants to protect trafficked women, and look how the left lies about it in tweets:

If even remotely true, which I have no idea, this next one makes me wonder if they are cloning “blanks” which they can harvest organs from for transplantation. So your heart gets weak as you get old, you pop open the twelve year old blank growing in a vat on some Caribbean island, pull out the heart and put it in, and you probably don’t even need anti-rejection drugs. But you would probably need young girls hooked up to that blank, to eat and digest food and give it over in the form of a blood supply. Might work for faces too. It would either be that, or they can transplant brains, which I doubt. There is no telling what insanely rich, insanely evil people might do to stave off death.

Rudy Giuliani on Mueller testimony: “What’s gotta come out is the counter intelligence plot to frame Trump… if not I will expose it the next day.”

The Senate has voted 97-2 to pass the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Act, authorizing funding through 2092; the bill now goes to President Trump’s desk for his signature.

New York man accused of running immigration fraud scheme involving over 1,800 applications.

Top Los Angeles water executive steps down in wake of FBI raids.

Mexico uncovers massive migrant smuggling ring using trucks.

U.S. willing to offer Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro guarantees he’ll be left alone if he leaves Venezuela.

Border Patrol agents insist that completed new sections of border barriers are helping them to secure the border and making the agents safer in the process.

U.S. may have brought down second Iranian drone last week: U.S. general.

Gallup polling says those who say Illegal Immigration is our nation’s biggest problem reaches record high.

Facebook backs off ban on distribution of 3D gun computer files.

Ilhan Omar’s Republican challenger is a Q-anon fan.

Federal labor complaint filed against Bernie Sanders campaign.

GOP Senators introduce a bill holding sanctuary cities responsible for the effects of their policies.

Now that Boris Johnson has taken over the UK, it is likely to accelerate the release of Spygate information, and expose just what was done to Donald Trump and his team.

Pelosi issues memo, demands Democrats not mention impeachment during Mueller’s hearing.

Jeffrey Epstein’s address book includes Bill Clinton’s right hand man.

For Venezuela, widespread blackouts will be the new normal.

Trump’s full speech at the Turning Point Teen Student Action Summit:

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s when you can’t surf Q because of Trannyporn, you know something is about to drop.

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Felix Bellator
4 years ago

With Bombard’s analysis saying Omar is the leader of “The Squad,” Trump calling then “AOC plus 3” is a brilliant divide and conquer move.

4 years ago

I dont know if you even have time for this, but there is a company called Parcast that has several podcast shows: “Unsolved Murders”, “Unexplained Mysteries”, “Gone”, and a recent one, “The Dark Side Of…”

On that last show, they have an episode on Shirley Temple. Remember her? Cute little precocious girl,with curly blonde lockes.

When she was older, she avoided the “casting couch”, and her career in movies tanked. The money that her dad was, by contract, supposed to put half her earnings in a trust account, was squandered by him. It should have had over $3 million in it when she reached 21 years, but,it had only $40,000 or so.

I bring it up to point out that, before I started reading your blog, my reaction would have been “what a horrible, inept father”. Now, though, I wonder if the money was taken from her because she “wouldn’t play the game.”

Barely past the toddler stage, Shirley Temple first appeared in movies where children acted out,adult situations–having adulterous affairs, prostitution, and the like. There was some physical abuse of the children, but apparently no sexual abuse.

When she was 8 years old, a woman tried to murder her at a live stage show for stealing the soul of the woman’s stillborn child. The woman thought Temple had the same birthday as her dead child, but actually, Temple,had been born a year earlier; her mother faked a birth certificate so that movie producers would think Shirley was younger than she was.

When she was 12, one of the MGM directors got her away from her mom, took her to his office, and whipped it out. Shirley says she had never seen anyone naked before, and didnt know what he was doing, so she started laughing. He got mad, and threw her out.

She gets married at 17; the guy she married immediately starts cheating on her, and becomes abusive. She divorces him, then runs into a Naval Intelligence officer who has never seen any of her movies. This is in the late 1940’s/early 1950’s if I remember right.

She winds up in Czechoslovakia right about the time the Russians invade; her hotel is surrounded by Russian tanks at one point. She becomes anti-communist as a result.

GHWB appoints her, years later, to be ambassador to Czechoslovakia.

She died in 2014.

Fascinating life story of one of the few child actresses who didnt become a drugged-out mess.

4 years ago

> This felt scripted. One Federal Agent goes out, and he doesn’t call the cops

Standard procedure, last I heard, was that they always went with local police, who usually made the actual arrest. Several states have laws to that effect, and don’t recognize arrest authority from any Federal agents. And Feds always operate *at least* in pairs even for interviews; for an actual arrest I’d expect more than two. (not really so much “manpower” as an opportunity to get away from morbidly boring desk work for a while, I suspect…)

“Seems legit…”

4 years ago

This Clinton right hand man needs more digging on. His name is Doug Band. His company Teneo apparently is the for profit arm of the Clinton foundation.

4 years ago

> Warren officially introduces bill to cancel student debt.

That’s *my* tax money she’s trying to use to buy votes. And yours. 1.5 trillion dollars’ worth of it.

Now consider that most college buildings are long ago paid for, their professors and administrators aren’t *that* highly paid, and many classes are taught by unpaid TAs anyway. That’s a bucketload of money that went… somewhere, just looking at the unpaid loans part of it. You’re probably looking at 2x to 3x the GNP of the entire USA over a few decades.

That’s more than enough money to buy a whole, reasonably decent country outright.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Vox Day would disagree with you
“Forgive them their student loan debts”

Are you a Boomer? Just wondering.

Vox also weighed in with this a couple of days ago
“Why Gen X hates the Boomers” [i concur]

Reply to  Mr_Twister
4 years ago

Boomer? I should be so lucky…

I read Vox’s article when he posted it. As he sometimes is, he’s full of buffalo dung.

Why should student loans be any different than any other kind of loan? What next, we’ll “forgive” all those people who signed into real estate loans they couldn’t pay off? And I really would like a new Lamborghini, especially if I don’t expect I’ll have to pay for it.

Every one of those “students” were legal adults who voluntarily signed those contracts. Sucks to be them.

Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Why should student loans be any different than any other kind of loan?

If they WERE like any other loans, we wouldn’t have this problem. Instead, these are loans given under conditions that would be considered predatory for revolving credit, they are knowingly unsecured by the lender, future earnings aren’t considered by the lender, they are guaranteed directly by the government, and they CAN NOT be discharged or modified by bankruptcy.

So, yeah, let’s just make them like “any other kind of loan.” All the defaulters go through bankruptcy, the predatory usurious lenders take it up the ass, and society can move on.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  TRX
4 years ago

Oh come on, be reasonable, those barely adults were fed a crock about investing in their future by boomer parents and cabals useful idjits who either didn’t go onto further miseducation or if they did, DIDN’T pay for it….or who are currently working in it.

That’s not the same as you driving a car you know you can’t afford.

Not to mention we are 2 generations down the line from anyone in teaching today having received an education themselves!

Condemning that starbucks employee to a minimum wage life paying off something they never got (an education) and will never use (the degree) is simply evil.

Equally …
(((Who))) loses if those loans get cancelled?

Do it now.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Mr Twister
4 years ago

If it fucks over the banks, I don’t have a problem with it. Vox Day mentioned a book “And Forgive Them Their Debts”. I put it on my reading list, but haven’t gotten to it yet. I’ve known about the Bible calling for debt forgiveness at regular intervals, but I’ve never known what to do with it.

4 years ago

> biometrics at airports

Sold as “speeding things up”, but they still want you there hours early to play security theater.

Actually, it’s just building a biometric database of everyone who flies.

Next they’ll extend the system to rail and marine travel. And then they’ll implement DNA sampling, “to help identify the bodies in case of a disater.”

4 years ago

(((Borat director))) encourages the left to arm itself against “MAGA people.”


Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Every, Single. Time.

4 years ago

That black crossover SUVs sure seem interested in the panhandler interview. Two at light in initial shot. One parked across street in several shots. two more at light at 0:29 (possibly same timeframe as initial shot, however). One at light coming from opposite direction at 0:34. possible drive by quickly 0:40-42. Figure visible in driver’s seat in parked SUV around 0:50?. Drive thru left turn lane 1:03. Left turn towards camera going to camera left 1:17, followed by one going straight through intersection 1:25.

Perhaps a coincidence; lots of black crossover SUVs are sold. But it stood out like a sore thumb to me.

4 years ago

DJI 0022

4:33 — We can rule out elevator machinery under the dome. There’s no passages for the cables etc to pass. The plinths that the statues lived on have power, but there’s no air handling gear there. The two blowers that are up there are not in their installed positions (1: they won’t work that way 2: You can see the wood that they rest on when they are installed) but if they were condensers, they would have worked incredibly shitty under the dome, so that implies that they were the evaporator side of the cooling, which means they were cooling equipment under the dome. I think between that and the heavy duty mounting plates still installed and the two conduits not carrying lines to these units, we are strongly back to radar or some sort of comm gear under the dome.

DJI 0023

0;54 — this is consistent with the JE gym cover.

DJI 0024

0:31 — this is the spot people have tagged as the notorious grotto. I don’t think so, simply because there’s no foot path to it. Either the grotto is fiction/cover, or this isn’t it.

2:29-2:34 — we are looking right at an underground entrance to the right, and he just drones away. The drip-drip of this stuff has to be intentional.

4 years ago

Kinetic comms from the Mexican cartels / cabal for Raniere to keep his mouth shut about what went on down south.

Dragon's Tooth
4 years ago

You do remember that powder that someone can blow in your face and it takes away your free will and they can tell you to do anything and you will do it. That’s the explanation I like of him shooting himself on the dance floor. For the life of me, I can’t remember the name of the drug.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Dragon's Tooth
4 years ago


Reply to  Dragon's Tooth
4 years ago

Scopolamine, aka: Devil’s Breath.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
4 years ago

Regarding blanks: I’ve been binge watching slightly older science fiction I didn’t know about at the time it aired. I recently finished “Starhunter Redux”, which I believe aired around 2000-2002. In the second season, one of the characters came from the wealthy class of Mars, but she was slumming as a bounty hunter. She got shot, and the rest of the crew got the idea to see if her family had a blank they could use. They did, but use of it was locked due to some debt. Dad wasn’t as wealthy as everybody thought.

Another episode introduced the story line that one of the other characters was a blank for a prince.

Your comments above made me think of that. I also notice a lot of recent sci-fi deals with universes where corporations rule like governments. I’ve wondered lately if the governments we think we live under are only ceremonial structures left in place to keep the sheep feeling safe, but we’re really under a one-world government or corporatocracy that we don’t officially know about. Supposedly, “they” tell us everything they’re doing through entertainment. Partly to them it feels fair, but otherwise they can tell us “you’re just thinking of an X-files episode, you conspiracy theorist!”

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

And apparently there is also a religious belief in Satanism or Luciferianism or some of that shitty shit that some cabalites believe in that says that they can avoid bad karma for doing bad shit to others if they inform them on what they are doing, because then we plebs not fighting against it counts as consent, in their shitty religion.

So part of it is those religious cabalites trying to jew us into not getting them bad karma, but their way of informing us on what they do is made in a plausible deniable way that minimizes the chances of us realizing wtf is up and fighting back. Reminds me of this Jew who tried to jew his own God, kek:

“Orthodox Jewish man photographed covering himself in plastic bag during flight because faith forbids him to fly over cemeteries”

>An Orthodox Jewish plane passenger was seen wrapped in a plastic bag during a flight
>It was believed the man is a Kohein, a religious descendant of the priests of ancient Israel, who are banned from flying over cemeteries
>Fellow passengers strained to see the unusual sight and took pictures”

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

I reckon you could be on to something.

I’ve come to the conclusion that the term “Crony Capitalism” is double speak designed to cover the fact that we live under “Corporate Socialism”

Reply to  Mr_Twister
4 years ago

Socialized risk, and privatized profit.

4 years ago

> FBI agent … suicide

I saw that this morning, and after having a day to think about it… suicides don’t work that way.

A) your basic political suicide – suicide bomber, hijacker, or what-have-you

B) suicide-by-cop, spree killer/suicider, or “workplace violence” murder/suicide

C) despondent individual offs himself in private

As reported, this doesn’t fit into any of those.

Someone who was suspicious, mistrustful, and maybe a bit paranoid might think, “maybe it was more of an example to others than an outright suicide…”

4 years ago

1) You wrote: “Anywhere there is influence, power, control over the narrative; anywhere you can assert you represent a large group of people, or can tell others what to think, you will find Cabal has infiltrated, corrupted, and taken over.”

You’re so right. The old places of mind-control — Academy; Public and charter schools; Hollywood; Music and videos; Oldline media — has moved to FB, twitter and google search. I’m hoping that Trump with take down both the old and new.

There’s a kid in my neighborhood who plays basketball outside his home at least eight hours a day while listening to rap. As I have never really paid attention to rap lyrics, it’s been quite an eye-opener. Yesterday, when I walked out to my car, he was singing loudly: “Hey white bitch, you blonde …”
I feel so unsafe! Give me a stuffed animal, cookies and a cuddly support puppy. Isn’t this hate behavior?

2) You wrote: ” … She may be back on the streets of Somalia in a couple of weeks. She can’t be pissing off the Muftis.”

Or, she’s been cut, which seems likely, so she’ll blend back into Somalia’s female population when she is sent home and her muff will make the muftis happy.

3) Kyle Odem, the marine, had a few of the same symptoms you had, no? If so, is there a symptom pattern? Too, I wonder if there are similarities between Odem and whatever happened to the Cuban diplomats.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

OT – Phelps has mentioned that Epstein’s Island could be a submarine base. Whatever the case, we can be assured it’s something other than it appears. Perhaps location plays a role in this: zoom out on Google Earth and look around. Such a location would be excellent for monitoring traffic into the Caribbean and also snooping on what’s coming and going to…. Venezuela. As well as just about all traffic coming thru the Panama Canal. Costa Rica is also a Cabal hot spot. Haiti’s already been mentioned by several people.

My basic point: if he was just looking for a place to party and blackmail people, and it just had to be an island, my guess is he could have gone much closer. What is it about that location that we could be missing?

4 years ago

Russia Pledges More Military & Economic Support To Cuba Against “External Threats”

Russia seems to be helping the cabal again, either Putin isn’t in complete control or he can’t be trusted.

4 years ago

Something big might be happening today

Reply to  Spectrely
4 years ago