News Briefs – 08/16/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Still no Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Q nailed it, when he said a year ago Epstein was filling in the underground facilities with concrete, this is another proof. Jeffrey Epstein had a $50,000 cement truck shipped express to his Caribbean island three weeks before an expose was published which led to his arrest, DailyMailTV can exclusively reveal. The pedophile, who was found dead by apparent suicide on Saturday while awaiting trial for sex trafficking, got the Carmix 5.5 XL self loading concrete mixer delivered to Little St. James on November 7 last year. Epstein was in such a hurry that he paid for the machine up front so it would arrive sooner – even though it meant being responsible if it got damaged in transit.

Then there was this: Jeffrey Epstein shipped £40k of cement to ‘Paedophile Island’ just weeks before expose that led to his arrest was published.

Jeffrey Epstein listed 301 Brit associates including Mick Jagger and Tony Blair in pervert’s ‘little black book’ found by FBI.

Ghilsane Maxwell spotted out at an In And Out burger joint, reading a book on how CIA Agents have been killed.

Prince Andrew has fled to Spain on a private jet with his live-in ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, as the heat continues to rise in the Jeffrey Epstein case.

Epstein’s bodyguard interviewed, and he is scared shitless. Whenever I hear “I was introduced by a friend,” I now assume it was an arranged introduction. That is probably overly paranoid, but when normal innocent introductions happen randomly and require a sort of weak force of random fate, and then there is an organization purposely out there, driven to make introductions because that is its bread and butter and what it does to manipulate things, it can feel like arranged introductions are at least as common as random, innocent ones, especially for high-level operatives like Epstein. I’d assume the bodyguard was inserted as backup eyes on Epstein and has been progressing up the Cabal ladder over these past years, starting out as a basic informant, and gradually realizing he was in over his head and this thing was bigger than anyone could possibly imagine. One of the things you will hear if you are around Cabal for any amount of time is “Be Careful.” I suppose it is an easy way to leverage the real threat it poses into even greater force by capitalizing on the cowardice of even more people, who are probably not worth the effort of a hit, but who you want control of anyway. It is probably wise advice for you personally given the unknowns, but if everyone follows it, you are willingly surrendering the nation to a foreign entity which stands against everything the Founders, and all the Servicemen who have died for the nation would be aghast at. Personally, I wish it was considered a fundamental part of being an American that everyone should operate with a willingness, even a desire to die on their feet for the country, rather than live on their knees for themselves.

Epstein spent 2 hours alone with a young pretty woman in the Attorney-Client meeting room in MCC. And would routinely pay his attorneys to sit with him for eight hours a day in the meeting room, blocking all the other inmates from meeting with their attorneys, just so he didn’t have to stay in his cell.

Epstein traveled to Cuba at Castro’s invitation, former Colombian president says.

Fox News expert says it is more likely than not Epstein was murdered, based on the autopsy.

A paramedic says the shots of Epstein being brought into the hospital seem to have depicted either substandard care, or they were staged, because the trach tube was not inserted (start at 6:42):

The painting of Bill in a dress which Epstein had on his wall featured Bill in a real dress Hillary was photographed in. That painting could have been a real scene, or painted from a real photo, maybe from a series of photos.

All but four of the 30,490 emails from Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email server were forwarded to a private Google email address featuring a name similar to a Chinese company. I assume we have no idea (at least now) where the rest of the 30,000 emails her lawyers deleted went.

Epic Philly gunbattle just happened to feature a criminal who bought a gun without a background check, just as background checks are on the table. Kind of like the shooting featuring a silencer just as the Supreme Court was weighing whether to take a case which dealt with silencer legality. Here is the thing – the illegal surveillance state knew all about this character, his weapons stash, his views on cops, and what he was most likely to do. And still they let those cops go face first into that meat grinder, rather than intervening, and telling them to take SWAT. When you deal with intelligence, everybody is breaking rules. In such an environment, the game can cease to be about winning or losing, and it becomes more about mutual blackmail to a standstill. It may approach a point where we need to create a mutual blackmail situation, to stop gun control. They are all ass deep in a conspiracy against the citizenry which will touch off a Civil War overnight if it becomes public – and it would be easy to drive it into the public domain by leveraging several existing powerbases which have diametrically opposed interests, and I expect it to get easier as time goes on now. On the other side, we want our guns and none of their bullshit. What the NRA needs to do (after it purges the Cabal elements within it which would oppose this), is make it clear, if they want to push gun control, and fuck up our world, we will fuck up Cabal’s shit right back by exposing the surveillance state. Make it clear the next gun control push comes, and we will expose everything, touch a match to this barrel of gunpowder, and get the party started by revealing everything. You would see all calls for gun control, even by the most stalwart foes of the NRA cease overnight. Because none of this is about what they say. It is all about taking over the US and turning the citizenry into slaves. And the truth is it is wise tactically as well as strategically. If they are going to take our guns, start Civil War II now right after blinding their eyes on the populace, while we are still armed to the teeth, rather than take the hit on guns, and be forced to fight later with inferior weaponry while they are still watching everything and making operations exceedingly difficult if not impossible.

Everyone who wrote about Q on Medium was de-platformed.

US Intelligence warned of Huawei plan to sneak unmarked smartphones into US via Mexico.

Cocaine, antidepressants and alcohol were found in the system of the Ohio shooter. All of these shooters were on antidepressants. We used to blame the antidepressants, but if they were being MK-ultra’d by a Cabal shrink, the prescription would have been a good way to potentially get something in them periodically to help with the MK-ultra-ing. Truth is, given how the network works, they (and we) would have no idea whether what they were taking was an anti-depressant, or if it was periodically swapped out with some experimental drug that made them more suggestible or controllable. Still, the Antidepressants here mean there was a therapist, as Q has alleged there will be in almost every case.

Film claims group plotted to infect black Africans with HIV through fake vaccinations.

Inside New Jersey representative’s push for probe into whether Lyme disease was a biological weapon that was released, either accidently, or on purpose. If you stop and think, Cabal’s problem are the rural people. They are the rebellious ones, and they are more difficult to watch because they don’t all group in one place tightly. Drop some Lyme-infected ticks among them, and you’d degrade their capability to some percent, making them less of a threat.

Muslim student sets fire to Christian school to ‘protest’ against Trump.

Democrats go to more movies than Republicans. I wonder if that is programming them to be this crazy, and support candidates like these loons?

Christian website, The Christian Post ‘blacklisted’ by Google, whistleblower reveals.

Google blacklists conservative online site, American Thinker.

China joins the US media and Federal Reserve in trying to tank the U.S. stock market.

Grassley writes a letter to Secretary Mnuchin about the sale of another company with military technology to China which was set up by a company created by Biden’s son and the stepson of John Kerry.

Vaccinated nurse in Seattle hit with Measles.

Measles reported at several locations on the Las Vegas Strip.

Elizabeth Warren jumps out to big lead in Iowa.

Leftist Immigration protestors try to block entry to an ICE detention facility, corrections officer doesn’t stop his truck, forces them to move, and now they all whine he “ran them over.” Then Police won’t take any statements, and ICE Agents came out and pepper-sprayed them all. Ignoring leftist drama queens is another symptom of the tide changing from r to K. It is great, because for so long we tried to push against the tide of r-selection, with no ability to change anything. Now the leftists get to find out what it is like on the wrong side of the r/K tide.

Somali refugees living in Tucson started hitting the gym to get stronger for beheadings.

Only nine Democrat candidates are qualified for upcoming debate. Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Beto O’Rourke, Amy Klobuchar, and Andrew Yang.

Madoff whistleblower claims General Electric is committing fraud ‘bigger than Enron and Worldcom combined.’

Gas line explosion destroys homes in London, Ontario.

President Trump has raised more money in California than most democrat candidates.

Latest Zogby poll shows Trump’s approval is rising, especially with blacks and hispanics.

The Modesto City Council has passed an urgency ordinance that bans the wearing of masks and possessing bricks, glass bottles, chains, pepper spray, knives, metal pipes and similar items that can be used as weapons at protests that could turn violent.

Trump vows to ‘always uphold the Second Amendment’ amid ongoing talks on gun laws.

Trump might be looking into buying Greenland to enhance US natural security, and increase access to various natural resources.

Trump pledges to ‘revive’ Pocahontas nickname for Warren.

Biden allies float scaling back events to limit gaffes.

Mars has an Ice Crater, which would yield water for a manned mission.

The inverted yield curve isn’t an indicator of recession in the current market environment, according to experts.

Strong U.S. consumer spending in July counters any recession warning.

Conservative Treehouse goes over how no recession is coming, though the media is trying to create one.

Four men sentenced for child exploitation site that had ‘babies & toddlers’ section. These stories are a non-stop stream, and had Trump chosen to not run for President, none of any of this would have been brought to light and stopped.

This “is a defining day in the Trump administration’s national security structure — they have finally cleared out all the national security positions in terms of senior officials,” said David Priess, a former CIA official. Let the war on Cabal begin.

Israel bars entry to Tlaib and Omar.

Anti-surveillance clothes foil cameras by making you look like a car.

Spread r/K Theory, because the day of the rope is closer every day.

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New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“One of the things you will hear if you are around Cabal for any amount of time is “Be Careful.” I suppose it is an easy way to leverage the real threat it poses into even greater force by capitalizing on the cowardice of even more people, who are probably not worth the effort of a hit, but who you want control of anyway.”

Believe me, Cabal is willing and capable of doing all kinds of things that can make your life so miserable that death would seem a relief. They can make things just start going wrong in your life, they can pressure people you once trusted to turn on you and make them not even tell that they’ve turned on you. Turning your life into a complete mess of uncertainty as you don’t know who supports you and who is really gaslighting you. While at the same time cutting off professional opportunities, bringing harassment from local law enforcement, and even getting your health care providers in on the act.

They can put you in a place where you don’t trust your lawyer, your doctor, your priest, your family. While you struggle to find a job.

They can make your life miserable and do it all in a way that is virtually traceless so that if you went to the authorities you’d sound like you were nuts. And there’d be a good chance the authorities you’d go to were cabal infested and knew you were arriving before you got there.

It is sheer, unadulterated hell the likes of which I never would have been able to imagine. Going up against this machine, if you are on your own, is nearly impossible.

For my part, I just pray that I’ll be left in peace one day.

It’s funny now, looking back on things. When people think about upsetting the powers that be, they think the worst thing is someone bad guy coming to off them. What a lack of imagination. They can totally destroy you and drive you insane.

I urge your readers to keep a low profile. Every day I wish that I had.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

When dealing with an enemy who cannot be seen, who cannot be reached, look to the tactics that worked against the Scythians. And remember the words of Christ: do not worry about tomorrow. Today has its its full share of woes. It is a hard teaching, a very hard teaching, but if mastered, it gives a tremendous amount of strength.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Don’t worry, one of two things will happen:
1) The operations gets exposed and the networks rolled back; or
2) The operations don’t get exposed and the people who are being targeted will become the purging teams of the cabal street level harassment networks.

Also do notice that: there are ALWAYS traces, and that most people who are into those networks have themselves to be blackmailed, and I find it that one of the most common things they do is that they are connected to drug trafficking. Off course they feel protected because they think all police are bought and/or blackmailed too, but that is simply not the case.

If you notice the news and what is happening, the tide has changed, and this very old organization is about to be permanently terminated. If everything fails and civil war does kick off, terminate all those that you are 100% sure are into the network yourself (if you did your homework, you will know who those are, their hubris always gives them away), because if the puppet masters who put those networks in place don’t get their shit fucked up, you can bet your ass that a civil war will be happening. Also, get as much intel on them as you can, everyone has exploitable vulnerabilities, and the more you know about your enemy, the more damage you can cause if the whitehats fuck it up. Also remember, they have a big network, but a single operative is not up on your case 24/7, off course there has to be a sort of manager who takes in the intel the operatives and the surveillance tools collect, and analyses it, but he probably analyses more than one person’s shit, some more threatening targets getting special attention off course. This means one thing: you have to learn how to move exceedingly slow, and learn the art of introducing behavioral noise into your behavior patterns. And in the meantime, you make your bed, slowly but surely. And yes, they will try to trick you in every shape way and form, don’t fall for it. They are the enemy, and until this whole shit gets exposed and they pay legally for their crimes, or they get killed, the war won’t end. They better pray they pay legally, because lots of people know lots of things by now, and there will be no quarter for those that collaborated with the cabal networks if civil war kicks off.

Also, don’t be sorry about getting targeted, it means you are, in some way, a threat to them. And given that they, the ones at the top, the ones who are responsible for all wars and all kinds of vile disgusting shit, it means you’re on the side of good. Also, when war knocked on the doors of our ancestors, they didn’t felt sorry, they started to sharpen their axes. This is what God chose us to be part of, the fight against ultimate evil. I fell grateful that I was allowed to see the truth behind the curtain, even if only 1 percent of it. And I am even more grateful of being part of the fight against it.

Patience and diligence. God wins.
God bless you and thank you for all the excellent comments you make in here.

4 years ago

Wonder if the Modesto ban effectively outlaws burkas.

4 years ago

It’s been more than 10 days of 8chan being down.
There isn’t anything recent on Cod Monkey’s twitter, does anyone have any news about what’s going on?

4 years ago

To Prevent Cyber Snooping, the U.S. Navy Is Relying on WWII-Era Communications

4 years ago

What is the over/under on these multiple Jizzlaine sightings being body double decoys? Hillary seemed to deploy one for the impromptu sidewalk press conference following the “side of beef” incident.

4 years ago

4 women are suing ‘That 70’s Show’ actor Danny Masterson, accusing him of raping them and conspiring with the Church of Scientology to cover it up

4 years ago

Speculation grows Ghislaine Maxwell is planting appearances to throw the public off her scent

4 years ago

Does this have to do with the coming K shift?

Supermassive Black Hole ‘Wakes Up’, Starts Flashing ’75 Times Brighter Than Ever Before’

The galaxy affects the sun and the sun affects the earth.

4 years ago

Mexico is busing asylum-seeking migrants to southern border

4 years ago

> cement

I’d noticed the proliferation of vent pipes already, indicating the underground part of the complex is quite large. Also notice the lack of paths or walkways between the aboveground sections; plenty of jeep tracks, but no provision for parking.

Most of the visitors probably never saw much of the cheesy low-bidder buildings and half-assed landscaping; all the fancy stuff would be underground, out of sight of unwanted visitors, drones, aircraft, or satellites.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
4 years ago
Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  General P. Malaise
4 years ago

That’s not real.

It’s green/blue/silver/whatever? screen technology.

1. You see it on the desk to the left.

2. She’s not wrapping it around herself & OVER ITSELF and doing a twirl….. and it’s transmitting the image behind her onto itself perfectly.. no way Hose.

Reply to  General P. Malaise
4 years ago

I don’t believe that video. (I’m not saying tech doesn’t exist, just that that isn’t a video of it)

The way she moves the cloth around should block out everything be hind her in several positions because it isn’t wrapped around her to “see” what to project in front of her.