News Briefs – 08/26/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Update on Q’s board:

Some are saying the President left us a little message at the G7 Table, in the form of a Q+ and a 17:

New lawsuit says Seymour Hersh claims Andrew McCabe told him that Seth Rich was the Wikileaks source for the DNC’s stolen emails.

Colombian Instagram model accused of running child sex trafficking ring. I have said it a thousand times – advertising online does not generate money. The principle sounds good. You tell other people to buy stuff, a set number buy because you told them to, and the seller throws you a percentage of the profit in return. The problem is people rarely, if ever, buy anything. So if you think you can amass a 100,000 followers, and their purchases will fund your life, it won’t work that way. You probably won’t even amass followers to begin with because the market is already saturated. But it is an excellent money-laundering cover for someone who works for the network. So if you see someone who makes their money as an Instagram model, or who is a “social influencer,” chances are they are in the Secret Society’s network, and do something for it.

Patrick Byrne begins part I of rehashing what went on between him and Maria Butina.

Appeals judge shot dead in the woods behind his home. The article says it was likely not a homicide.

Jeffrey Epstein’s talent-agent pal spotted scouting ‘fresh flesh’ in Brazil before Epstein arrest. It is nice to see these cocksuckers get their names and faces out there at last. Inevitably, somebody is going to make a shit-ton of money once Cabal is out of control, and look at these guys the way a big game hunter would look at an Elephant or a Lion. And if the surveillance machine has been taken out, and is legitimately gone, it will be open season with no bag limit.

Prince Andrew ‘now willing to talk to the FBI if requested’ Palace sources say.

Another gas explosion destroyed portions of a business complex Sunday morning in Columbia, Maryland. Not far from DC. The Domestic intelligence machine of Cabal is enormous. I would not be surprised to find they have server farms and central control centers located all over in basements and industrial areas. And this housed the Social Security Administration. It would be interesting if that was the agency they hid the surveillance machinery’s governmental liaison operation within.

New York Post thinks Joe Biden will not get the nomination due to mental debility. This made me think, we are all told how Reagan just got Alzheimer’s. Now I wonder if it could have been induced, given there is some indication it may be communicable. There will be a lot of seemingly random events in history we will have to look back on after Cabal’s exposure.

Renowned Yale computer scientist David Gelernter claims that he is abandoning Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. It is at the point I would assume he is doing this on orders from Cabal, so he can be the voice reciting Vox Day’s arguments, and get credit for overturning it. The alternative is Vox gets credit, and then gets a platform, which would also elevate Castalia House, at which point his threat level would go through the roof.

Plane and helicopter collide mid-air, killing 2 children, 5 adults in Mallorca. 7 out of ten are targeted kills. My own suspicion is Cabal recruits regular pilot citizens as informants to fly Cabal surveillance planes whenever they can fly, and they fly them where they are told to, while remote ground centers tap into tech installed on the planes to look at whatever is of interest to them. The pilots probably get free fuel, a free plane, free hours, maintenance, and maybe other benefits. But I suspect those planes also have remote control mechanisms on them, so if Cabal decides to, it can take them over and fly them as ad-hoc cruise missiles. I suspect if you look at the Rothschild estate where there was a similar crash to this, nearby are regular seemingly civilian planes cruising around, with pilots just thinking they are doing routine surveillance on civilian areas nearby (and citizens thinking a private pilot is flying for fun). But let a helicopter begin closing in on the Rothschild estate, and one of those planes will swiftly make a beeline for it, and take it out of the sky, probably as a frantic pilot tries to get control of the plane, and turn it away, to no avail.

Nurse refuses sex in subway station, Muslim migrant kicks her in the face in Germany.

Psychiatrist On CNN says Trump may be responsible for more deaths than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. CNN host nods. Greg Gutfield pointed out they forgot the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.

Charlotte Police canceling all vacations in fear of major violence during GOP convention.

Experts want sexbots regulated before a coding error causes one to strangle a user.

A 3.0 mag earthquake has struck Western Texas.

A 4.1 mag earthquake strikes off coast of Alaska.

A 5.3 mag earthquake strikes just offshore Solomon Islands.

Trump proposed fighting hurricanes with nuclear weapons. No idea if it is true given the media is wrong more often then they are right with the President. But one thing I always thought was, MIT had done research into a satellite which could harness solar energy that normally blew by the earth, and beam it back to earth as a concentrated microwave beam that could be turned into electricity. It consisted of an inflatable parabolic reflector made of some thin sheet like Mylar, which would expand to some ridiculous size once it was in space, like a kilometer or two in diameter, and reflect a massive amount of sunlight down onto a collector, and then the satellite would beam it down to earth as a focused microwave beam to a collector on earth that would turn it into electricity. They worked out all the numbers and tech and it was fully feasible. One issue they noted was the airspace over the collector would have to be kept empty, as anything that flew through the beam would be carbonized. I remember the researchers making some impressive claims on potential power output, which depended on the size of the inflatable reflective collector, but I believe it was similar to a nuclear power plant at the scales they were looking at being feasible. I always thought such a satellite, beaming its microwave beam onto the right part of the nascent tropical storm center, before it got going to hurricane strength, could possibly keep it disorganized by warming areas away from the eye, changing evaporation, moisture percentages, and air temperature in strategic locations, and breaking up any organized eye formation. It would not have the concentrated burst of energy in a microsecond of a nuclear weapon, but it could probably deliver more energy in total through constant output over the hours, days, or weeks it would be operational on the storm, and that energy would be delivered in an adjustable manner on the fly to any specific area where it was deemed needed, moment to moment, breaking up any eye formation and keeping it a disorganized rain storm rather than a hurricane. The wavelength could be tuned for optimal penetration to where it was needed and absorption in the media it needed to warm. And you would not be limited to one satellite. If it took several, that is feasible too. And the satellite could potentially be scrambled into an offensive military purpose as well if it were needed to carbonize something on the ground. I’ve always wondered why nobody looked at that, especially if we have potentially hostile crafts of unknown origin operating in the ocean.

The majority of Americans said they are angry at the political establishment, which they say benefits the well-connected class, according to a new poll. And they have no idea just how bad what was going on was. This is really the whole key to defeating Cabal. I find it fascinating, because Cabal has resources and technology, and well coordinated manpower. But it is still a highly minority force, facing an overwhelming majority which would destroy everything with a vengeance, if only you could get the truth in front of them. It is why Cabal hides, and why it had to go so overboard in taking over so many outlets of information and blocking outsiders from becoming their own outlet. They know they are doing things the country would be aghast at. So the defeat of Cabal really rested on one small thing – making everyone aware of what was going on, how it violated every principle of decency in the nation and how every citizen was personally being transgressed against. That Cabal was not defeated easily tells you just how far they went to control every potential avenue of exposure. I strongly suspect 95% or more of all reporters, local and national are knowing agents who are aware they are part of a conspiracy against the country, as are your civil liberties groups, as are your politicians. I’ve spent the last six or seven years knowing we were heading to a violent Civil War, pitting citizen against citizen. I just never thought it would be avoided by a clique within our intelligence agencies who opposed the conspiracy and had a plan to take it out.

Boris Johnson takes legal advice on shutting down parliament to stop MPs forcing a further Brexit extension.

Joe Arpaio will run for Maricopa County Sheriff again in 2020.

25 tons of Fentanyl from China seized in Mexico. Enough to kill 92% of the entire world population.

Bank of America CEO says no recession is coming because the US Consumer is doing so well.

Trump officially asks Barr to look into Australia’s role in Spygate. It is funny how they already know everything. NSA has been capturing everything, and US intel has it all, as Q says. All they are doing is killing time as the sealed indictment count reaches the point they can purge everyone in critical positions from the system.

New Trump Border Wall projects start in Arizona and New Mexico.

Justice Department inspector general reportedly completes FISA abuse investigation.

Trump announces massive Japanese trade deal potentially worth ‘billions.’

Trump’s allies plan to discredit fake news organizations by publicizing their social media posts and other public statements, and the Times feels this is not fair.

China announces it seeks rapid and ‘calm’ end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline.

China’s yuan sinks to weakest in 11 years amid trade tension.

Stephen Miller says Trump exploring ‘all legal options’ to end ‘crazy’ anchor baby policy.

Spread r/K Theory, because Q+ is still out there.

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4 years ago

Sexbots- the code cannot be trusted, I’m sure a new law will be able to control them.
Drowning in idiot.

4 years ago

Why would Levant publish that tweet? Why would he call out his own guy like that? And look how Trump defended Trudeau!

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

Also look at how Abe sits exactly the same as Trump.

4 years ago

Trump has in the past questioned similarly.

Put simply, “if we have nuclear weapons, why can’t we use them?”

Note what is happening here. Trump is asking the same question: if we have nukes, and so we must assume they provide some good, can we use them here?

The line of questioning is intended to open up the public’s mind… YEAH, IF WE HAVE NUKES. LET’S SEE THEM IN ACTION.

TPTB cannot be forced into a situation where they use of nuke. No one would fall for it today.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  kjb2001
4 years ago

If nuclear bombs are a fraud like the moon landing, that explains why Seiner van Rensburg and Alois Irlmaier prophecied a WWIII that didn’t involve nuclear bombs… but much worse weapons. And drone warfare.

Reply to  kjb2001
4 years ago

Are you insinuating that nukes are fake? I’ve heard that theory before but always found it hard to believe. Would you be so kind to share som info on wether they are real or fake?

PS! AC, is it possible to make comments on your blog posts more accessible? For example making each post folded in, so you have to expand it first. Thus making the comments easier to access.

4 years ago

Ran across a post on gang-stalking circa 2015 on the Longecity website of all places that parallels a lot of what you have discussed in the past. Starts at post 78


4 years ago

“All they are doing is killing time as the sealed indictment count reaches the point they can purge everyone in critical positions from the system.”

Are there enough ‘good guys’ to arrest all those included in the sealed indictments?

4 years ago
4 years ago

AC….. What’s your best guestimate of a timeframe until the “violent civil war” …..and what things will (or what things to start to look for) which will start it?

4 years ago

Obesity is connected with a reduced response to taste, according to a new study featuring faculty at Binghamton University, State of University of New York.