Cruz and Trump Conspire

Something is afoot between these two.

Cruz and Trump are both presidential candidates but transcending their run for the White House is a sincere desire to limit an Iranian ICBM nuclear attack on the US.

Both Trump and Cruz realize that if Iran secures 150 billion dollars from the lifting of sanctions, that money will go towards nuclear weapons infrastructure and the expansion of Hamas and Hezbollah global terror networks.

The Texas GOP senator’s campaign announced today that he’s invited Trump to join a rally planned at the Capitol soon to pressure lawmakers on opposing the nuclear agreement.
The rally is sponsored by Tea Party Patriots, Center for Security Policy, and the Zionist Organization of America.

“We are thankful for all their hard work on this effort and will have more details on time, date, and location as they are finalized,” the Cruz campaign said.

Trump told supporters today at a campaign event in South Carolina: “I think we’re going to do something next week or the week after about the Iran Deal” in Washington.

“We’re going to have a tremendous crowd come out,” Trump promised.

Many see a brilliant strategy by Cruz:

But for Cruz this is all part of a bigger strategy and a longer game. He’s been working to secure the same voter base as Trump since being elected to the Senate in 2012 — the base of voters who hate the political Establishment so much that being a villain to Democrats and Republicans alike is the entire point. It’s the strategy that motivated his publicity-raising faux filibusters, his efforts to lead a government shutdown, and his most bombastic public statements.

Trump’s temporary advantage over Cruz is that he’s leveraging a well-established and decades-old public persona to appeal to many of the same voters, and he’s doing it in a wildly entertaining (and fact-free) way. But in the long run Trump’s strategy can’t work: Winning a fifth of the GOP primary electorate and actually being able to win the general election are two very different things, especially if the candidate has shown no allegiance to the party he’s trying to represent, as Jonathan Chait points out.

Cruz surely knows that Trump isn’t built to last, and when Trump finally exits the race, Cruz will be there to pick up his base. Unlike Trump, Cruz is a real conservative — and it’s not inconceivable that he could win the primary. While the rest of the party spends the fall trying to tear Trump down, you can be sure Cruz will keep up the good relations, all while raising millions of dollars behind the scenes and preparing for the inevitable moment Trump exits the race. If the rest of the Republican field isn’t worried about Cruz yet, they should be.

That is probably most of it. But Cruz has faced the machine, and been wronged by it innumerable times. I would not underestimate his hatred for it, or his desire to see it all torn down by any means. To the extent Trump is one big wrecking ball, aimed straight at the Cuckservative GOPe, I could see Cruz’s strategy flowing naturally from a hatred of common enemies.

Whatever the cause Trump and Cruz are perfectly matched. Where Trump avoids specifics, Cruz hones in on them. Where Cruz has difficulty getting media, or humiliating reporters properly, Donald excels. Together, with Trump sucking up the voters looking for a winner, and Cruz sucking up pure ideological conservatives, there will not be much room for a Cuckservative challenger.

No matter who wins, real American patriots tired of business as usual will definitely come out on top.

Apocalypse cometh™

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Robert What?
8 years ago

Interesting analysis. My theory is that Trump never planned to stay in the race: he planned to make some noise and then exit, as he has done before. However I think this time he was completely surprised by his popularity. Now he really has no choice but to forge ahead or lose all credibility forever. But maybe you are right: maybe partnering with Cruz will give him that strategic exit. Trump’s biggest weakness is that while he is electric one-on-one and in small. Intimate groups, he is not that great a public speaker.

8 years ago

If only it would be Trump/Cruz as Prez/Vice Prez or vice versa.

They’d be untouchable.


8 years ago

[…] Cruz and Trump Conspire – […]

8 years ago

As a native Texan and true conservative, I was a fan of Ted Cruz and might be one again in the future, maybe…. Cruz lost a lot of respect and trust when he backed TPA and TPP, and that betrayal is going to take a long time to heal. What he did is no different from Rubio joining the gang of eight. In both cases conservatives were screaming at the tops of our lungs “NO!!!” What did Cruz do? He ignores us and goes right with McConnell.

Trump has my vote.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Amen to that!

And BTW, I really enjoy your blog and posts. Well done!

8 years ago

I think Trump can win. The “so called” conservatives are conserving what? All the things Trump complains about I’ve been complaining about for 30 years. Massive immigration, moving jobs overseas while the Asians practice mercantilism and the outright subsidy of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. To me there’s nothing conservative about this at all. Burke said for people to love their country their country should be lovely. Giving 16 Trillion to the bankers, and it’s been estimated to have been somewhere around 29 Trillion, is not conservative. With just the 16 trillion we could have given every family of four a 1% interest loan on a $250,000 house. If you’re going to fight deflation that would have done more than all the spending we’ve been doing combined. Mix that with no more debt based money supply and the gov. making money instead of the FED and that would vastly increase the wealth of the average American.

The Republicans are greedy and stupid and the Democrats are just completely out of their minds. If Trump could get rid of the Libertarian part of the party, stop some of the plunder by the better off. When I say better off I’m not talking about the small business man. I’m mostly talking about the financial types who us leveraged debt in vast amounts to make money. On our dime if it goes bad and in their pocket if it works. We need to get out of continuous Zionist wars and we would be vastly better off.

I think we’re coming upon a realignment like the Whigs. The Whigs just cared about money and nothing else. They were eclipsed and I hope the RINOS go the way of the Whigs.