News Briefs – 09/19/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

This is an 18 minute long quasi-NSFW video which is getting banned everywhere (it features clothed girls twerking in a very sexualized fashion). But it is not banned because of the sexual content, but rather because it is a very well designed psychological manipulator that does the exact opposite of what Cabal has done to our culture. It begins with a totally mindless Ren and Stimpy cartoon, singing “Happy Happy Joy Joy.” Then it segues to video of the girls twerking stupidly, while laid over it is audio of a highly intellectual examination of how Cabal uses sexual degeneracy to erode a culture’s mores and ability to make solid decisions. The contrast between, and mixture of, the stupid mindless sexual shit you are seeing, and the very intelligent focused discussion you are hearing is a violation of expectation which triggers the amygdala and turns on Aversive Stimulus, and that makes you think critically, rather than just see girls twerking. It finishes by segueing to an interview with a handicapped boy done by Mister Rogers, where in explaining his hardships, the boy shows a level of maturity and clarity of spirit which you suddenly realize is both the polar opposite of the moronic sexualized content you just saw, and a stellar example of what Cabal has robbed our culture of with their promotion of degeneracy. In a way it is an issue of sexual exposure triggering a shift to an r-psychology, and amygdala activation triggering a shift toward a K-psychology, all enclosed within a single video. I almost wonder if it simulates what you see at a K-shift, where r’s are contrasted with K’s, and our brains are designed to go K when we see it because of what is coming. When it ends you realize clearly, that boy’s spirit is what our culture should have been – it should have been every American designed to calmly and rationally face any adversity, no matter the odds. But instead (((They))) flooded our culture with the sexual degeneracy and it spread, like weeds, destroying and decaying our culture’s greatness before it ever got off the ground. The video is good, mind-blowing even. But to me even more interesting is that it pops up in places, and is deleted as quickly as it is discovered, on an internet where you can find bestiality and midget fetish videos everywhere. Cabal recognizes immediately what it does. It is the epitome of the exact opposite of what Cabal has done, created by an even greater genius than the shrinks who are lending support to Cabal’s efforts to erode the West from within. We need more of that. Also notice, the degeneracy is spread by knowing conspirators who were promoted to their position by the hidden hand of the Secret Society, and their operatives know this video is dangerous and needs to be deleted. There is some sort of Secret Society of people, who seem just like you and me, who know, and who roll through America knowing the Secret and the fact that it being revealed could take everything down.

The secret non-prosecution agreement that shielded alleged accomplices of dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein will remain intact, a Florida judge ruled Monday. It was supposed to be void, because it was only with Epstein, and only he had standing to complain if his cronies were prosecuted. I told you, they are out there, all over, and they know something other than the classical American system is in charge, they are loyal to it, and they will protect it. Imagine bringing charges against the Judge because you just found evidence he is a Cabal member loyal to a foreign non-state actor, and is selling us out. He would get protected by another judge, just like he just protected Epstein’s people. Now imagine unsealing everyone’s indictment at once, and all of them are taken out of the system all at once, so nobody can cover for anybody else. I don’t know for a fact it is working like that, but it would make sense.

Edward Snowden makes a comment about Donald Trump that reads like this:

“I think he’s actually quite simple to understand. Donald Trump strikes me like nothing so much as a man who has never really known a love that he hasn’t had to pay for. And so everything that he does is informed by a kind of transactionalism. I think and what he’s actually looking for is simply for people to like him, unfortunately that produces a lot of negative effects.”

It reads strangely, almost like he has a onetime pad for excluding words from his statements, and if you had the corresponding page, the statement would transform into something like this:

“I actually understand. Donald Trump to pay. everything transactionalism. looking for negative effects.”

Democrat donor Ed Buck’s arrest was prompted by the third overdose at his house which occurred just last week. These re the people who actually influence the government, and they have zero, literally zero, ability to control genuinely evil urges to hurt others.

Britney Spears is under a legal Conservatorship which treats her as if she is a mental invalid. No way to know if it might be to keep Cabal from getting to her, or if Cabal has her under it, but she grew up in Disney, and you see what Bella Thorne said about that.

Kevin Spacey accuser dies in midst of sexual assault lawsuit.

Porn actress turned reality TV Star found dead at 43. Could just be a drug overdoes or medical issue, but if something comes up later referencing her, her name was Jessica James. You never know if we’ll later find out she was pivotal at NXIVM or Epstein’s operations. Interestingly she attended a Military Academy in New Mexico, where Epstein had a ranch, and @RealJeffreyP keeps talking about that Arizona Mafia down there that runs the border.

American Airlines mechanic accused of sabotaging flight has ties to ISIS.

A lawyer for a witness in a case against a violent drug gang of foreign murderers in the Netherlands was just gunned down himself in front of his house. r-strategists are not cut out for living among the third world migrants they are programmed to import. When it comes down, our liberal problems will become a memory, because the r-strategist migrants will take the weakest sheep first.

Sanders unveils his $2.5 trillion “housing for all ” plan.

2020 census confidential, not shared with law enforcement, says Census Bureau. Notice they don’t say it is not shared with any other intelligence operation. No doubt Cabal gets its copy. The world is upside down. How about we don’t let the Census go anywhere else, but we do give it to Law Enforcement. Then if you are an illegal you’ll think twice about filling it out, and we won’t be giving any more intel to anyone who isn’t in the American government.

Pandemic could kill up to 80 million people — and the world isn’t ready, experts say. 80 million is optimistic.

Desperate Elizabeth Warren exaggerates her crowd size in New York to try and imply she could keep up with Trump.

Andrew McCabe says he won’t take a plea deal ‘under any circumstances’ if indicted. Critical to say if you are about to get indicted, if you hope to avoid the fate of Epstein. It has to be something to pledge your life to a machine, and know when the chips are down it thinks so little of you. Our Military will move heaven and earth to try and save one of its own regardless the cost to it. But Cabal will put you down the moment your life is turning to shit, just to save itself. I am beginning to see why Cabal prefers blackmail and surveillance to opening a booth at the job fair next to the Army and the Marines.

The CEO of Kindred AI (worth $100 million), who currently sell the only quantum computers available, warns we’re summoning robot “entities” who’ll treat us like ants.

Our tech overlords told the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee that law enforcement needs to be more involved in policing the activities of social media users.

Justin Trudeau caught wearing blackface at ‘Arabian Nights’-themed gala.

This will be the next generation of Cabal infiltrator:

The only people who would advocate for a “nation of immigrants” are those who are totally ignorant of the world of intelligence operations. For a long time we have assumed magic dirt, and civic nationalism were people who were just low IQ and honestly misguided. I now think that whole meme and everything about it – the phrase “nation of immigrants,” the “melting pot,” the “tossed salad,” “birthright citizenship,” even the Fucking moronic inscription on the Statue of Liberty, are likely all purposeful manipulations by a foreign enemy who walked among us wearing our masks (and still does), who sought to bring more of their kind behind enemy lines so they could walk among us. If you want a Secret Society dedicated to infiltrating your nation and subverting its wealth and capability for foreign interests as it turns your people into cattle, allow anyone to become a citizen, and meme that as your nation’s fundamental characteristic. Every intel agency and operation in the world will salivate at the thought of exploiting your hopeless naivete. Understand above all else, how none of this was accidental or misguided by idiots and low IQ simpletons. It was all planned by very high IQs who were well schooled in intelligence operations, infiltrations, and subversions. If there were honest simpletons, they were just a welcome surprise for the enemy.

Donald Trump supporters wave ‘Come and Take it’ flags at Beto O’Rourke rally in Texas.

RFK, Jr is not convinced Sirhan Sirhan killed his father.

UC President Janet Napolitano to step down after 6 years. She was a ringleader of the Arizona Mafia.

The Swiss are rebelling against the installation of 5G over health concerns.

Iranian military fires at ‘classified US craft’ moving at breakneck speed. The video could be bogus, but it definitely looks cool. Almost like they are creating a plasma with a Tesla coil or something on airplane surfaces, to lower drag.

Trump says he will hit Iran with new sanctions over Saudi oil attack. If they launched the attack, it was to trigger a war because their regime is near collapse economically. So Trump doesn’t give them what they want, and piles on even more sanctions.

Fed ups its GDP forecast for 2019 to 2.2%.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) says of Beto’s AR-15 ban, “[He’s] not taking my guns away from me.” Tipping point met?

Horowitz says Comey’s behavior concerning, FISA report being reviewed for classification.

Horowitz confirms he sent a recommendation to DOJ that Comey be prosecuted.

Trump blames O’Rourke for making it ‘much harder’ to reach deal on guns.

U.S. murder rates down under Trump.

Trump plans to begin expanding the immigration tent courts set up on the border to handle asylum claims. All of Trump’s immigration measures are building velocity. We began with Obama’s program of welcoming migrants. He could not have reversed everything and gone full throttle from day one. By the end of eight years, he will have built an impressive system.

Kamala Harris now polling below Andrew Yang in her home state of California.

Saudi Arabia sells building where Jamal Khashoggi was killed. I would assume they realized there was eavesdropping tech monitoring the building which recorded Khashoggi’s murder from nearby which could not be overcome with countermeasures, so they decided to look for a more remote location where the neighbors would not be as close.

Iran won’t negotiate with the U.S. at any level, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says.

Spread r/K Theory, because we are making great progress on the border wall.

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4 years ago

Re-posting for awareness because very important. Please spread this around and the reasons why it is important:

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Basic reasons why it is important to spread that video:

They want to have equal funding for anti terrorism operations between Islamist and far right extremists, they want to legalize jailing people for identifying as a member/supporter of a white nationalist group which they can actually do to islamists already so the law is already there, they want to use the US military on white nationalists in Europe, they want to designate groups in Europe as FTOs ( ) they want to shut down 4chan which was specifically named, the ADL are training European police in America, they’re creating a suicide hotline style hotline for people to report white nationalists they know, they want to teach school kids to report white nationalists, they want to teach parents to recognize “radicalization” to report their kids.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

A notable observation:

They just bumped up the timeline. Did you listen to the part where Jackson Lee explained her meeting before this one? She met with the FBI and FISA judges on how to issue warrants for these non-declared white nationalists who are part of groups without espousing memberships. That’s all of us. They’re trying to tap all of us. And then they’ll black bag us.
You just heard the start of the civil war. Now what do we do about it?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Another one:

There will be an unconstitutional surveillance law lifting the probable cause requirement as long as you are subjectively labeled as a “white nationalist.” then you lose your guns and go to the camp.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

1:16:20 – 1:16:57:
They admit the replacement of Western natives in their own Countries

Omar at 1:51:00:
>I too agree white nationalism should be considered terrorism.

2:00:20 Mr Picciolini:
>they are recruiting from depression forums and autistic forums .
Nice guess he means /pol/

At around 1:17:45 the speaker asks the panelists how congress should respond to this urgent challenge. The guy responds by saying its a national security threat and a mental health issue.
Inb4 the state mandated good goy pills for being a nationalist, and god forbid, White.

At 21:00 the Jew starts kvetching so hard about the verifiable fact that Jewish collective power does indeed control gevernments via various methods (control of the media, Jewish interest groups, lobbying).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

At 46:00 the Israeli ADL branch Jewess discusses “international white supremacy” a.k.a. evil people who don’t want to go extinct.

They mention 4chan, Gab, and cripple chan 49 minutes in.

White women are thrown under the bus at 1:46

>The ADL is the biggest trainer of white extremism for the US law enforcement.
8c hinkz mentioned @1:36:10

At 1:56 they introduce the concept of gatekeepers as plainclothes white supremacists who clean up the movement and keep it looking kosher for normies for recruition purposes.
Fuckers are trying to obfuscate the terms and hide their controlled op gatekeeping.

at 1:58 they start kvetching about
>Muh russians
>Muh platforms, muh vk
Stalin really did a number on them eh?

51:30, White nationalists are compared to Al-Qaeda and ISIS [comment: in a lead-up to them getting drone striked as well, I assume. Notice how “white nationalist is defined very loosly as anyone who speaks truth about the demographic replacement/birth numbers”

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

they start about crying about 8 chun



Minute 43 piccolini is snitching on Russia



She even stutters when she says it. She knows its the crux of their evil plan and fucks it up on the moment supreme.
They are asking for laws to force tech companies to ban “hate speech”, which is now defined as anything jews dont like.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

1:29:30 Mr Malminos(((ski))): “should any politician/candidate use the words -illegal invasion-?”.
jew controlled woman #1:
Mr Malminow(((ski))): that would be terrorism, right?
Jew controlled woman #3:
>absolutely, u-uh yeah [fails again, she is not a devil worshipper, she has doubts]
Mr Malminow(((ski))): I yield back (smug)
A congressman is restricting fellow politicians from accurately describing illegals invading the USA by the millions as an “illegal invasion”!

1:31:30 Sheboon states the statistics:
>US Christians below 50%
>white birth rate FAR FAR below replacement (.4-1.2) You need 2.1 just to not go extinct.
>are white nationalists using these FACTS!!! to further their cause?
Mr (((Piccolini))) the infiltrator:
>Yes, they are FEAR MONGERING!!!

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

And they are now retweeting the ADL:

Also a reminder that in that hearing, the head of the ISRAELI branch of the ADL is present.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Latest 4chan discussion thread:

4 years ago

That video of folks shooting at a drone is not from Iran, it’s from the Knob Creek Machinegun Shoot, either this year or last.

What you’re seeing is a foam body delta shaped RC plane with LED strip lights on it being flown back and forth across the range so that the shooters can try and take it down. There was a prize or a bounty for whoever could knock it out.

They flew it during the day too, though the tracers are much more impressive at night. The fires you see burning here and there are a couple of old cars (minivan and a Jeep SUV, IIRC) that are still burning after being hit with tannerite and sustained fire from a couple of mini-guns.

Look up “drone target practice at Knob Creek night shoot” and many videos should pop up. It’s quite spectacular to see, and almost certainly a real hoot to participate in (so long as someone else is buying the ammo).

Not saying UFO’s and ultra secret drones don’t exist, just that this particular video ain’t either of those things.

4 years ago

But instead (((They))) flooded our culture with the sexual degeneracy and it spread, like weeds, destroying and decaying our culture’s greatness before it ever got off the ground.

Quite literally a well known Jewish trick (intentionally sowing weeds.) How well known?

Matthew 13:24-30

Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”

(Tares are weeds that look a lot like wheat.)

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

They learned it from Balaam.

See Numbers 25 and 31.

4 years ago

“These re the people”

Re should be are I think. (the Ed Buck link).


4 years ago

Donald Trump supporters wave ‘Come and Take it’ flags at Beto O’Rourke rally in Texas.

The last time a guy with a vowel at the end of his name came to disarm Texans, we killed his men while he was asleep, captured him trying to escape in a dress, and stole his leg.

4 years ago

Military is standing up 28 RRF (Ready Reserve Fleet which are mothballed Military Lift Command ships). Orders came down in the last few days and it is being touted as a drill. Timing is curious and may be something or nothing. Worth watching with all this Iran stuff going on.

4 years ago

Interdasting and related to the hearing on White nationalism: – “Congressional hearings and Shill threads”

Yesterday evening I saw a post on 4chan called “ZOG is talking about us” it linked a youtube video of a congressional hearing on new suppression measures against us. (unfortunately I don’t have the youtube adress)

At the same time there have been for the last few weeks so-called CivilWar threads on 4chan.

These threads are posted by people obviously unfamiliar with the right, and anon culture, and aside from advertising antifa, as the main enemy force (which is laughable), and eliciting information on various methods we would use to fight a civil war, there are various recurring themes.

One theme is the call, or provocation to “Organize”.

In the recent Congrssional hearings Sen. Deutch attempted to make the case that the extreme right is an organized terrorist force.

He referred to “White Nationalist Terrorist”…”Organizations and Networks” – a clear falsehood since no Organizations or Networks exist.

8chan and 4chan do not allow people to use PMs, or communicate discreetly or directly – the only way to “Organize” would be to post an e-mail adress – to which most people would not respond suspecting it is a honeypot.

None the less the referral to (non-existent) “Networks and Organizations” is a political necessity to sell the new repressive measures aimed at us to congress, and the public.

No, Sen Deutch is not lying through his teeth, of course, he is “MISINFORMED” or “SUFFERING AN INTELLIGENCE FAILURE” in real time.

But anyway there is an effort on 4chan to conjure these nonexistent “Organizations” and “Networks” into existence. This is the reason behind all the recent calls and encouragements to “Organize”..

In addition there is an effort to manufacture, with their “Civil War” threads, provocative statements, (sometimes written by their own agents) they can than ooooooh and ahhhhh over in congress, or even smear all over the media.

There is a further effort (every day at 4am US eastern time, and 10 am Israeli time) to increase white-black hostility – to make sure if a civil war occurs it’s not the white people against the jews and elites, but various racial groups against each other. So rather than just throwing them out – we spend a decade fighting various racial groups… (Such fine threads under Black-nationalist memeflags as “I say slavery you say sorry”)

Clearly there is a tie-in in between these shill threads, and the recent hearings, the ongoing legal efforts.

4 years ago

> It reads strangely, almost like he has a onetime pad for excluding words from his statements,

More likely a side effect of having to use Russian to go about his daily affairs for a third of his adult life, now. Russian doesn’t map all that closely to English, and there’s no evidence Snowden’s English was much better than txtspk to start with.

4 years ago

Sorry for the misdirect, but it’s a miracle that I remembered the video at all.

I guarantee that it IS fun, especially if someone else is buying the ammo.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

OT- I’ve been watching the noise about Richard Stallman, the GNU/Linux Free Software Movement guru who was pressured into resigning from MIT’s computer science lab due to comments in defense of professor Minsky who visited Epstein’s island. Stallman, as I understand it, it very much a critical figure in computing, responsible for the back end of much of what we take for granted. Also known as a bit of a disgusting hippie figure. But anyhow, here’s what interests me: he made some comments about the age of consent that some people took issue with. I have no issue in defending his position, but I’m struck by this: our society really has become a bunch of intolerant fascists who want to DESTROY or SMASH anyone who says something outside of the Overton window.

We particularly revel in getting people fired for offensive comments, even if the comments say nothing about the person’s ability to carry out the work that they were doing.

Stallman broke no laws. He didn’t advocate breaking any laws. Nothing he said indicates he’s unable to perform his job. I find the guy kind of ridiculous and disgusting, but my uneducated guess is that he has talents that would best be applied where he was working.

So, I’m thinking… this might be a cabal takedown. He has a following, he has some respect in certain circles, he’s always been concerned about individual rights and privacy. The kind of person who just might need to be neutralized in the near future. It would be interesting if he’s recently made any other comments that are the real reason he was destroyed.

4 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them…”

YES!!!! Bind the tares and burn them!!!!

Sorta joking.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

That’s the point though — Jesus (the master) is going to have the tares burned at the harvest, not before.

Satan can’t force you on the train. You have to take the ticket. Don’t get impatient and take the ticket. Wait for Jesus to handle it.