News Briefs – 12/12/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the description. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

This is a great article by a CIA operations officer explaining what the FISA report said, and how his CIA experience indicates it was working behind the scenes, and how things kept going wrong for the Coup-plotters, and they kept leaving behind evidence because they didn’t have the experience in field operations to cover their tracks effectively. Most articles here I try to summarize so you don’t have to click them, but this one is probably worth a read simply to show you how intel officers pick up and fixate on oddities in stories, trying to figure out what kind of mistakes caused them to stand out. And it shows how a good intel officer makes that ruthless operation seem like simple chance and fate. All of our politics for many decades was a ruthless intel op, and as we see, still is today.

George Papadopolous says he was being spied on before he joined the Trump Campaign in this next tweet.  If this is true, we should expect that Obama was spying on ALL of the candidates, and minor political players, and not just Trump.Might they be spying on more than that? I have to think it is all coming out. This is not America, and it was destined to be rebelled against.

Meghan McCain says there was no ‘Deep State spying’ as alleged by Donald Trump. Understand how I am nowhere near her level of plugged-in-ness, and I know what happened, and what is still happening, 100%. She knows what is happening. She knows what is out there. She knows how it works. And yet she lies like this – this brazenly and openly, and so committedly, for a conspiracy to destroy the country, for a pedophile blackmail operation, for sex traffickers, for pure evil. No doubt or hesitation, as she says something she knows is utter, complete fucking bullshit – and worse a lie which stabs every single Founder, every honest warrior who died for it, and the very myth of America’s morals and virtues, in the back. I would not be surprised to find that if she had been going to a dinner where there would have been a young Don Jr when she was 16, and not 380 lbs, she would have gotten a quick briefing, and been told how best to throw herself at him and where they had the cameras set up, so she could try to drag him there and catch him. They are all like this. This level of commitment, and shamelessness when it comes to lying to you about something evil that should not be in America, is how the secret is kept. I write all of this now with even more awe, at the division in this nation between those in the machine, and those who cannot imagine such a machine could possibly exist, than with any other attitude or feeling. It is just mind-blowing awe.

Ukranian official reveals six criminal cases opened in the Ukraine involving the Bidens.

FBI announces a new program – for your convenience, you can now give the government your fingerprints right at your local post office. Ironically, in this age when there is nothing the right and left agree upon, the FBI tweet about this produced universal agreement this was not something anybody should be doing.

Navy Pilot instructors are refused the right to arm themselves on base after the Pensacola mass shooting. If it were up to me, I would order the US Marshals to immediately deputize every single military officer and senior enlisted as an official Sworn Federal Law Enforcement Officer, and then if necessary, make sure all federal agents have the right to carry on base. Then retired Military personnel would have  the same carry rights as LEOs. That would also flood America with armed warfighters who could act as minutemen when an attack happens. There is almost nothing that irritates a K-strategist as much as a cowardly rabbit who gets power, and then tries to make themselves stronger by making everyone else weaker, and less able to defend themselves. Every Military leader who has opposed this should be purged for cowardice.

Pensacola attacker had 10 minutes without any armed resistance. On a military base filled with warfighters.

Family of slain sailor calls for end to gun bans on bases.

There are claims Keith Raniere may have been poisoning women who lived with him to give them cancer, and killed two, and there are two other suspicious deaths. He was also under surveillance, and it is a safe bet his house was being hit with radiations like microwaves and X-rays as part of the tech, so there is no telling if those might play a role, or if surveillance was spiking his food to slow him down and make him an easier target, and the women ate the food instead. Either way, if it was him, or someone else, people knew, and it was allowed to go on.

Australia’s oldest and second-largest bank is hit with allegations of money-laundering to facilitate child exploitation.

Nick Cannon says there is a video of Eminem “sucking a cock.” Just like Drake. All of them. The whole celebrity world is a nightmare. It highlights how the entire upper echelons must be evil, because if even one of them wasn’t, they would have fought to the death to expose and destroy it.

Horowitz says the malfeasance within FBI leadership he did document means the FBI investigation was in no way vindicated.

Horowitz said that he found no evidence the FBI wiretapped anyone other than former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in connection with the Russia investigation. I have no idea if they would use assets in FBI, State PD, some private intelligence firm, or just go in with private citizens in the network, but I can guarantee you 100% that somebody had technical monitoring of all phone calls relating to Donald J Trump’s campaign, and you have not heard the last of that.

Horowitz, after delivering a Cabal-Deep State Whitewash in the FISA report that barely scratched the surface of the criminality, announces he is doing a real investigation – into FBI agents in the NY field office who may have talked to Rudy Giuliani.

FBI lied to Congress about fake ‘defensive’ briefing of Trump campaign in 2016.

Senate Democrats sent a letter to Ukraine last year demanding they investigate Trump.

Jeffrey Epstein’s prison suicide ‘counselor’ describes pedophile’s desperate last days, revealing he was so terrified he wanted to hire protection because he was terrified of being beaten up by black men due to having been terrorized and bullied by Black kids growing up. Also says Epstein never implicated anyone else, and there is no doubt he killed himself, because another prisoner heard him ripping sheets the night he died. If you are of interest to Cabal and in jail, and the jail puts a guy in your room to have long talks with you, that is a Cabal intelligence asset. In this case, the guy actually was in jail for tax shit from running an “escort advertising agency,” and very quickly was put in charge of deciding which counselors were assigned to which prisoners, which let him assign himself to Epstein. He also describes explaining Paul Manafort’s crimes to another inmate in detail, and Epstein being impressed with how nuanced his understanding of Manafort’s caselaw was. One good trigger to develop is an awareness of when people have information which you would not expect them to have. I think Cabal operators have a lot of that, as that is their trade, and inevitably a little bit of it will slip through here and there. Had I been Epstein, I would have immediately wondered what the statistical probability would be of the guy they put next to me in jail having done the same stuff as me, and having a detailed knowledge of the laws regarding being an unregistered foreign agent, and how that all related to Manafort specifically. Also, Epstein used little known Yiddish slurs for Blacks with him, and this guy seemed to know them, despite his name being Anglo/French. He also says he just happened to bump into the prisoner next to Epstein the night he died, and he told him all about how he heard Epstein ripping his sheets to hang himself (but didn’t call anybody), so it was all legit, and nothing was unusual. And FBI knew to not go near this guy after Epstein died, despite him being the closest contact Epstein had at the jail, and his name being all over Epstein’s logs.

Nearly 150 CEOs departed in November, putting 2019 on track to be record year for executive exits.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report mentions a claim that Russians recorded President Bill Clinton having phone sex with White House intern Monica Lewinsky — but the reference was redacted from the version released to the public.

WaPo says Barr’s focus on FBI abuses was entirely warranted.

Weinstein and his accusers reach a tentative $25 million deal. Get this – He doesn’t have to admit to any wrongdoing, and he doesn’t even pay any of that money himself. The deal will bring to an end nearly every such lawsuit against him and his former company. Just like that.

Harvey Weinstein’s bail increased to $5M after allegations he tampered with ankle monitor.

The FISA report showed how utterly corrupt the National Security Surveillance mechanism is, and how easily it is abused. More to come, I am sure.

Horowitz to appear before second Senate panel next week.

Biden suggests he would serve only one term if elected President. One Term Joe?

The Cascadia and San Andreas Faults may be linked, with earthquakes on one triggering events in the other “with minimal or no separation in time.”

Judge rules taxpayer-funded Medicaid must cover transgender surgery in Wisconsin.

‘Our values are the same’: Michelle Obama defends her friendship with George W. Bush, insisting they have the same views.

Only 10% of Vatican’s $55 million ‘Peter’s Pence’ fund actually goes to poor, Wall Street Journal claims.

The UN tells the US even if Trump withdraws us from the Paris accords, the US will not be able to avoid paying reparations to all the third world for all the climate damage they have endured. Pretty amazing. Obama and the left just signed us into this thing, so we would have to pay billions to the third world, whose corrupt dictators would then funnel it right back into Cabal bank accounts for a small cut.

You don’t need to read it, but for the archives, Wired Magazine says Fox News is now a clear threat to National Security because Trump illegally tried to have Ukraine take innocent Biden down, and the FBI putting Trump’s entire campaign under surveillance and designing an insurance policy to overthrow him was completely legitimate.

Time chooses Greta as person of the year.

California universities using SAT for admissions are violating civil rights, lawsuit claims.

Danish police have conducted several operations throughout the country on Wednesday related to suspected preparations of a terrorist attack with a militant Islamist motive.

India’s parliament has passed a bill that would give Indian citizenship to immigrants from three neighboring countries — but not if they are Muslim.

Virginia Democratic leaders abandoned their gun confiscation proposal Monday following a grassroots outpouring of opposition to gun control, and threats of Second Amendment sanctuaries across the state. I don’t think so. If all there was, was political resistance, they would have done it to criminalize gunowners and gain power over them to throw them in jail with selective prosecutions. One man fucked the Democrats, by threatening to elevate every gun owner to the status of full sworn Law Enforcement officer – Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins. He was not just going to defy the Democrats by enduring criminalization. He would have checkmated them fully by reversing everything they did, and given special legal powers to gun owners that leftists wouldn’t have, even allowing them to acquire and carry fully automatic weapons. This use of the threat to deputize in order to contain the left  is a technique that can be used in any state with even a single pro-Second Amendment Sheriff, and you don’t even have to follow through. We should weaponize that everywhere.

The Supreme Court may dismiss the NY City gun case, but others wait in the wings.

Senate confirms Trump’s 50th federal appeals court judge.

Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vazquez just signed a new firearms law that greatly undoes severe restrictions in place for decades. The linked video is in Espanol. It is a shall issue law. Cost goes down from up $1,500.00 to $200.00. All permits are consolidated into one license (conceal carry for all). It is not required that you obtain three sworn statements from persons vouching for your character. State must issue license within 45 days or the application becomes your permit. Notice, Puerto Rico hit hard times, the rabbits fled, and this is what you get from the people left behind. Although I would  not rule out the hidden hand of the God Emperor either.

President Donald Trump has handed control over the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to Republicans.

After Trump’s 9th Circuit pick was confirmed, Biden warned of a 2nd term conservative ‘death grip’ on the federal courts.

Jeb bends his knee:

A good video on how the God Emperor has used ridicule and humor to trigger the left and put them in high amygdala. Impressive when you look at how that high amygdala has caused the Democrats to self destruct with Impeachment:

Spread r/K Theory, because you never know whose watching.

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4 years ago

What is going on with Greta Thurnberg, as she is supposed to be 16 years old, correct? I can’t help but notice her chest looks like that of either a pre-pubescent girl or a boy. And just overall she doesn’t look sixteen. Have they been giving her puberty blocking hormones? And is she biologically a male or female? Something is not right with her. What have her parents, if they even are her parents, been doing to her?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Stephanie
4 years ago

People think she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Her growth was also apparently stunted when her mom ran off to chase the Feminist Dream for a few years. She barely ate during this period. But none of these people are what the packaging says.

Reply to  Stephanie
4 years ago

Dr. Lexus needs to be consulted for that diagnosis.

4 years ago


Epstein’s IT guy??? He walked out with photos of the place. Yeah right.

4 years ago

I came here after reading VD’s blog to post the link to that first article you linked. It’s a clean cut dissection of the implications of the content of the IG report.

Kek, it’s all coming out, and the cabal faggarinos were sloppy af.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Have a peruse of the Vault-co archive on the side bar. A few of the regulars at VD were also regulars there.

Reply to  Peter
4 years ago

Vault-co archive is a gold mine. Thanks for the suggestion fren.

4 years ago

Holy shit, just reading the amount of shilling on POTUS twatter threads is amazing to watch. Support for Trump is rising non-stop with each sloppy move of the hiddenhand, and his re-election is clearly inevitable, but due to Twatter being complicity with the #SloopyCoup against POTUS, they try to ban and shadow ban all his supporters in order to create an anti-Trump eco-chamber. No wonder that the sloppy and stupid conspirators are are shitting themselves and over-reaching in MSM and alt-media anti-Trump content creation, they lost the narrative completely for most people. But still, one must keep pushing against the sloppy shills, and the NPC useful idiots (what I think will become the 6% that Q mentioned that will be forever lost, in the sense that they will not reject the fake narrative the cabal media mass brain washing machine has shoved down their throats).

Also found really interesting that just in that Australian bank scandal, you had 20+ MILLION breaches of anti-laundering laws over a period of 5 years. Like I said, the scale of this cabalite ball of wool is literally plausibly at the level of magnitude of involving millions of people, billions of crimes and trillions of dollars, spanning across all continents and all Countries around the world. And that’s just one bank in one single Country, imagine all the other massive institutions that play that game… you’d only need 50 big institutions doing 20+ Million crimes per 5 years in order to have 1000 Million crimes occurring in that 5 year span (like you said AC, this shit is awe inspiring, how fucked shit got seems almost unbelievable (but it’s totally mathematically possible)).

No wonder FBIanon on /pol/ said that they couldn’t just give all they had on government corruption to the persecutors, if they did, almost all the gov would be implicated, and it would be the (White Hat portion) of FBI against the whole US gov (including Black Hats in the FBI itself), with massive probability of mass unrest due to the level of shit baggery that was going down in DC and wherever all the massive tentacles of the cabal had reach (and they were all around the globe). It has to be done slowly, but holy fug, it is indeed a GREAT ASS AWAKENING.

We are truly living thru historical times frens!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Ya know, the whole “secret society” thing is so huge. And I don’t even mean the really high profile secret societies, like the Illuminati, Jesuits, Masons, Skull & Bones, etc. You write often of low-level Cabal and how prevalent they are. It makes me think of even the smallest, shit-tier fraternities and sororities on campuses in unremarkable places: their hazing rituals often require initiates to do the most debased things. Fraternities that kids join to get pussy and find cushy jobs sometimes require their completely heterosexual cohorts to wrestle each other Greek style, the winner being forced to sodomize the loser in each boy’s first time homosexual act. It’s all recorded and real names are used. This is the shit-tier stuff.

Reminds me of my favorite Nixon tapes moment in which he speaks of attending Bohemian Grove, where all of the upper class people from San Francisco go: “[Bohemian Grove] is the most f@ggoty g0d@mn thing you could ever imagine! … I won’t shake hands with anybody from San Francisco.”

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Wow – I never knew that about Nixon. No wonder the MSM paint him in such a light and make a big deal about Watergate

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Peter
4 years ago

Many of the Nixon tapes’ conversations show that he was a great guy, all heart. The first phone call he made after making peace with China was to his wife, to tell her the news. She mewed with joy and pride in her husband.

In one conversation I heard, he mentioned something along the lines of “Jews make the best spies. They believe they’re above the law.”

I revised my views of the man after doing some research. Realized he was yet another figure whose identity I had allowed to be taught to me by (((them))).

Maybe this is why Trump won’t criticize the Jews. Echoes of Nixon taught him better? Pretending to be a pawn as part of the play? I hope so.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

His laughter at Reagan’s “they’re still not comfortable wearing shoes” comment made me like him alot.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

Your handle “Corn Pop” makes me like you a lot.

4 years ago

The tough guy, Mr 8 Mile, is a Kansas City faggot? Ha,ha,ha,ha!

Seriously, what a price to pay. Mel Gibson appears to be right about the quality of character in the entertainment industry.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anon
4 years ago

Mel’s dislike of Heath Ledger’s role in BrokeBack Mountain may be about more than simple homophobia. He probably suspected that Heath compromised himself to the machine.

4 years ago

It is becoming harder and harder to bring myself to open this every day and read the litany of what is bad or horrid news for anyone halfway conservative. Each day brings new results and news that just seems to get worse and put ‘us’ farther behind. To not read would be burying my head but that is starting to be a favorable option. Just venting but the sadness is real

Reply to  BSHJ
4 years ago

Train and make ready.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  BSHJ
4 years ago

You have to learn to love change whether it’s good or bad. Have a large 401K or bank account balance? Imagine losing it all because you probably will anyway (most white people’s worst nightmare btw). Either due to a debt reset from taking down the machine or from globohomo stealing it in retribution should we lose. Reparations for their orcs but mostly for themselves.

It’s just money in the end. Luxury is a drug just like any other. It makes you weak. Who wants to die shitting in a bag in some rest home anyway? Better to go out fighting.

Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

If you have money and you’re not transforming part of it into prepping skills and supplies (and training, if applicable to your situation), that is a strategic mistake.

Reply to  BSHJ
4 years ago

AC and SteveRogers42 are right.

2 more things come to mind:
That’s what I consider a “normal” emotional reaction to the fuckery that has been going on, learn how to deal with your emotions as best you can in order to maximize your level of compartmentalization in order to increase operational effectiveness (which for us, as civilian unwashed plebs, means gathering, archiving, sharing and analyzing the most information we can find in what regards the subversion of the West);

Me personally, every 2 or 3 months, I have to take a 1 week rest from all this process, during the which I consume almost no hard data at all, and spend time doing fun stuff like playing vydia games, watching movies, etc. Then when I come back into the anti-cabal game, my mind is fresher, my emotional side is more under control, and as time passes, one becomes more “mature”, in the sense that you still have your emotional side, but you’re able to process your emotions faster and in a way that gets less and less in the way of your operational capabilities as a civilian engaged in informational/memetic warfare (and remember these words from Marshall McLuhan: “World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.” ).

4 years ago

A very interesting video Rhodok posted in the forum:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Very good video indeed. Fascinating characters.

4 years ago

I’ll be on @seanhannity
2nite @FoxNews
at 9pm ET and will explain how @realDonaldTrump
will be eligible for a 3rd term due to the illegal attempts by Comey, Dems, and media , et al attempting to oust him as @POTUS
so that’s why I was named to head up the 2024 re-election.


cris hamilton
cris hamilton
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Oh the just desserts!!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

My face right now:

4 years ago

in re Pentagon/Brass tell the lads at Pensacola NAS to pound sound when they requested to be armed …

this occurred – what? – 2 days after the slaughter. The second such slaughter in a week. More importantly, it occurred 3 years after Trump became C-in-C. Brass are political animals. They have to be: unless it’s WW2, you don’t get eagles and stars unless you’re playing The Big Game. As such, as game-playing political creatures, they absolutely **know** what Trump wants from them. Part of any political game is figuring out what the bossman wants.

They KNOW, with no doubt whatsoever, that Trump wants the servicemen armed. Especially, you know, the freakin’ *security detail.* Just like they knew Trump – and all the rest of us normals – would be enraged by LTC Bratwurstovitch actively assisting coup plotters while wearing the uniform.

But that’s not what *they* want, and so …. FOAD normals, and Pensacola boys, and POTUS. *We’re* in charge here, not you. See this wonderfully tailored uniform? See these here stars?

And Trump – who could fire any/all of them at will – allows this. For going on 3 years, now. The thing about termites, and cancer, and Deep State Mil Brass is, ‘if you don’t destroy it/cut it out of the body it’s just gonna spread and get worse.’ Yet PDJT, the guy who’s famous worldwide for firing people, does… nothing.

Why? Why is he not canning at least some of them?

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

I have no idea on the why to your question (and I also wonder why Trump does some specific things that I can’t understand why he deals with the way he does), but one thing I do know: Trump has the intel, and the skills, and his plays (especially the ones that I can’t understand at all) always end up getting him the advantage over his enemies (which are our enemies).

That being said, trust is no easy thing for me, but Trump does have 100% of my trust, I have full faith that whatever he does, he does for the right reasons (truth and freedom, with the footnote that 100% of the truth will never come out to us civilians as to avoid a hot WW3 and massive diplomatic crisis), even if I can’t figure out the specific strategic and tactical elements behind his moves.

4 years ago

I sign K is coming?

U.S. Beer Consumption Has Declined For Six Straight Years

I read somewhere that 50% of white males have a gene that converts alcohol directly into dopamine.

4 years ago

EU leaders set to reject Turkey-Libya maritime border deal

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Related to the current actions of Turkey vs. Greece:

I’m a Mormon but an Orthodox frined told me about this and I believe that GOD speaks to sincere Christians who are following him to the best of their ability.

Basically an Orthodox saint prophesied that Turkey would attack Greece and then be destroyed by Russia, 1/3rd of Turks would be killed, 1/3rd converted to Christianity and 1/3rd driven into central asia.

Recent events could easily lead to that………..

4 years ago

Turkey sends Libya maritime accord to UN for approval

4 years ago

Head of Libya parliament says Turkey-Libyan deal invalid

4 years ago
4 years ago

Washington state seeks to ban sale of ‘assault weapons,’ high capacity magazines

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Poor Washington. It’s one Mount Rainier blowoff away from becoming as solidly right wing as Idaho. Until then, it’s just painful to watch.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

“It’s one Mount Rainier blowoff away from becoming as solidly right wing as Idaho.”

From your lips to GOD’s ears.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

Sadly, most of the mud flows would wipe out the more conservative suburbs and mostly take out the industrial areas of liberal south Seattle. And the prevailing winds would deposit most of the ash on the conservative eastern side of the state. But I feel ya.

4 years ago

Children’s transgender clinic hit by 35 resignations in three years as psychologists warn of gender dysphoria ‘over-diagnoses’

4 years ago

With 1 seat yet to be announced here are the major results from the UK election:

Tories: +47 for 364
Labor: -59 for 203
Scottish Nationals: +13 for 48
Lib Dems -1 for 11 (Their leader lost her own seat)

326 seats needed to win

More details can be found here:

Now we will find out if BJ can be trusted with BREXIT.
And Scotland may go Catalan.

cris hamilton
cris hamilton
4 years ago

I live in a small town outside of Charlottesville, VA. Working in town, I always thought the community was mostly liberal…based on talking to people and all of the stupid “coexist” and Bernie bumper stickers. I was shocked to see the support the other night at our courthouse for the Second Amendment. Overflowed into the street. Sanctuary passed by 4-1. Unbelievable and heartening!

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  cris hamilton
4 years ago

Heartening indeed! Appreciate the good news.