News Briefs – 12/19/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the description. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The tweet documents a fourth retirement from the pentagon in the last week. After it came out there was a fifth retirement from the Pentagon. It is curious Durham’s investigation has spread into Cabal machinations in the Pentagon. I am not sure what the chain of connections would look like if you were doing a normal investigation of the orgins of the Russia probe by the DOJ, and you ended up in the Pentagon forcing retirements.

It is funny though. The entire story of Cabal is basically the background of the story arc of the TV Show Burn Notice. When Management wanted some things done, they were actually sending active duty Green Berets out of Fort Bragg, who would moonlight on their downtime as Management operations guys in the US civilian theater. You’d see the show, and think how could there ever be anybody in the Military working for some extra-governmental covert operations organization? Surely the government would keep all of its high-speed assets on lockdown, and never let them develop divided loyalties. But every facet of that show was actually based on reality, just with Cabal scaled back dramatically and renamed Management, because if they had made it fully accurate, nobody would ever have believed it even vaguely possible.

But the writer knew.

Link to the DARPA resignation. I don’t know the relationship of this guy to lifelog/facebook, but here is some on him from this link

A former DARPA program manager, deputy office director, and office director, Walker has devoted 13 of his more than 30 years of public service to the Agency and been a key figure in advancing the science and technologies associated with hypersonic flight and rapid access to space.. Walker served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology and Engineering… He was responsible for developing the technology investment strategy for the Air Force’s annual $2 billion science and technology program… Walker is a member of the Senior Executive Service.

Coincidentally, DARPA’s twitter said this:

Martha McCallum’s interview with Barr was preempted by the Impeachment vote, and will be re-aired tomorrow instead. There was a rumor her twitter was also briefly suspended when she indicated they might air the interview there, but I saw it afterward and it was either an error, or it was reinstated. Whatever Barr says, Cabal must think it might be devastating.

It was an impressive operation. Once revealed, it should permanently conspiracy-pill everyone in the nation, because it will show that all the things they would say are impossible, to argue that conspiracies are impossible, are actually fully possible, and exactly how conspiracies work.

Link to the tweet.

The are moving slowly and methodically, but they are progressing and producing results.


Prosecutors say surveillance footage of the outside of Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during his first suicide attempt has disappeared.

Schiff may have broken the law with his subpoena of Nunes’ phone records.

Devin Nunes says the FISA Court did ‘absolutely nothing’ when he warned of FBI abuse last year. The biggest redpill you can have on what was going on, is to encounter not only law breaking, but gratuitous, unnecessary law-breaking that accomplishes nothing, bring it to the attention of authorities who should be responsible for policing it, and see them completely unable to do anything about it. It tells you, in a matter of seconds, the entire story you were told about how things worked was a lie. The fact the FISA Court tried to cover itself with an accusatory letter to the FBI is a sign things are changing.

Linsey Graham says FISA as it is today can not be allowed to exist.

AG Barr says Federal Law Enforcement is going to surge out into 7 major cities to quell violence. He portrays it as an operation to quell existing crime, but you wonder if they are getting a grip on those sectors now before Cabal can launch final last ditch chaos operations there.

Mark Levin thinks part of the Impeachment Plan is to try and prevent President Trump from potentially getting another SCOTUS pick in, if Ginsberg keels over.

Flashback to 2012 – $1.5B contract in Iraq for Biden’s little brother exposes Obama ahead of debate.

Judge rules in favor of U.S. effort to take Edward Snowden’s book money.

Midland County officials just found a missing ballot box hidden on a lower shelf, and it may change the result of a $569 million bond election. It is OK, it is just an election. It is not like it is something important, or something. Also, it is in Texas.

FBI Director Christopher Wray lied in a 2018 statement under oath to Congress, about the FBI’s complicity in deceiving the FISA Court and smeared Congressman Devin Nunes in an effort to cover for his agency’s FISA abuses.

NY Post points out, by fostering disrespect for cops (and prosecuting them gratuitously) it reduces recruitment and retention of new officers. Which would make it easier for Cabal to infiltrate their ranks and take over departments fully, especially since Cabal agents would be immune to any of the shenanigans. A lot of what we have seen, has not been organic. It was part of a complex plan. Why would Hillary be able to CC all of her emails to China as Secretary of State, and sell access through the Clinton Foundation for hundred of millions, if not billions, with zero consequence, and yet Cops, who could fuck up all sorts of people’s days for the rest of their lives for trying to fuck up their Officers, are constantly getting the shit end of the stick with no recourse whatsoever? Only an intel operation which had carefully set the stage could create that set of circumstances.

CBS/YouGov poll says Biden leads in Super Tuesday states, while Bloomberg trails in fifth place.

Bank Of England “hijacked” audio feed was used to secretly leak confidential information to hedge funds.

Swedish government told country’s crime authority to censor “politically sensitive” data.

The Swedish government announced that it will be investing 1.7 million Swedish Krona (around $175,000) to encourage drag shows for kids in libraries, schools, and daycares around the country. The money will come from the Swedish Inheritance Fund, a fund that seizes the inheritance money of Swedish citizens who die without a written will and without any heirs. Notice how the media always tells us how these things are wonderful. That is not random. It is organized propaganda produced and supplied by paid agents of the conspiracy. It is not how the public feels about this kind of degeneracy, and if things were random, and not carefully organized by a well structured intel operation, some of the media would come out speaking the truth about it. But that doesn’t happen, because of the level of control Cabal created.

ACLU calls for tampons in men’s rooms in order to achieve ‘menstrual equity.’

In a trial, Libella Gene Therapeutics says it will administer volunteers with a gene therapy that it claims can reverse aging by up to 20 years, however, despite the fact that this is the first human trial of the treatment, the company is charging volunteers $1m to take part. Oddly enough, the FDA put out a notice ordering people to stop injecting young blood, though they have no evidence about the procedure’s effect in humans and it has worked in mice. But they are allowing all sorts of other therapies which are much, much less likely to have any effect, and which are much more likely to have side effects.

Singer Marc Anthony’s 120 foot yacht catches fire and capsizes in Miami. Maybe nothing. But you have to wonder if there are any videos out there that would have featured the inside of the yacht, which now cannot be positively identified.

The Rise of Skywalker praised for featuring the first gay kiss in a Star Wars movie. In a movie where the hero is a 95 lb girl who is better at everything from swordplay to telekinesis, to long range sharpshooting, without trying, than the people who have worked hard and done it all their lives. I actually like seeing all of this captured for posterity in the most cringe-inducing form possible. When things turn K, and the MK Ultra programming is removed, let it all be put on display. I’m not sure real K’s could believe it was this silly and ever-present, without seeing it firsthand.

Medical schools are beginning to include leftist indoctrination in their curricula.

The International Association of Exorcists has issued a statement warning parents of the dangers of a 2019 children’s book that gives instructions on how to summon demons.

It reached -44° Tuesday morning in Colorado.

French cops fire tear gas and charge protesters as tens of thousands take to the streets to fight President Macron’s pension reforms.

Lisa Page, in her interview, exhibits extreme disgust with the left side of her face while not exhibiting it at all on her right. In general, no matter right or left handed, or the nature of the emotions, extreme facial asymmetry means one side of the face is consciously expressing an emotion to produce a response in the listener which is very different from the real baseline state on the other side of the face. These things are never 100%, but I would generally assume that is a deceptive personality who may operate often based on manipulation. Of course Page was reportedly boning both McCabe and Strzok behind her husband’s back, while maintaining her marriage through deception, and those are just the two we heard about because they were related to the biggest case of treason in American history. Multiple simultaneous affairs, while still wanting to keep the marriage as well through deception, is usually going to be a sign of a fairly aberrant psychology, of the sort which will exhibit extreme facial asymmetry in polite conversation. As an example fo the opposite of this, where emotion and presentation are fully congruent, picture an enraged glare preceding a violent attack, and how symmetrical it would be, compared to this social manipulation:


FBI in Puerto Rico is offering $25,000 for anyone who recognizes three guys in a black Sedan who robbed an FBI agent of his wallet, FBI ID, and duty weapon. Blurry pic of the crew in a black sedan at the link for PR anons.

On this next tweet, Breitbart says, Senate can acquit even if House withholds articles of impeachment:

This next one could be true, if you flash back to Amy Robach having to stop and compose herself when she recalled hearing Epstein killed himself, and realizing (((They))) killed him. She was overtaken with emotion not because she felt bad for Epstein, but because that killing made her think about her own situation, and how helpless she was, and how some frightening entity she did not like had such massive power over her:

Update on this next one is it was a 56 year old female Chinese national who was arrested after taking photos, possibly of security measures:

Mormons pulling 400,000 youths out of struggling Boy Scouts.

90% of Virginia counties become gun ‘sanctuaries,’ expanding movement to nine states.

Second Amendment sanctuary movement spreads to Kentucky.

In a stunning, unexpected ruling, a judge on Wednesday tossed out New York State charges of mortgage fraud against Paul Manafort because of ‘double jeopardy’ laws.

European leaders warned Friday that Britain could become a formidable rival now that Johnson has won.

$312 million of cocaine seized from ‘go-fast’ vessels, narco sub, US Coast Guard says.

Federal Appeals Court rules Obamacare individual mandate is unconstitutional.

Gallup polling finds, on House Democrats’ big day, Trump’s approval improves even more as a majority opposes impeachment.

The U.S. stock market shrugged off the impending impeachment vote Wednesday morning, pushing major U.S. stock indexes to record highs.

I never got how Flynn’s FISA or Carter Page’s FISA Declass would touch off enough outrage to bring down the house. But 33,000 FISA warrants, with three hops each bringing in an additional 25,000 targets on average per primary target, according to a study, and multiple targets per FISA, means there would be a minimum of 825 million people under surveillance, in a nation of 300 million people. Even with overlap, it means nearly everyone has a FISA. Declassifying that everyone has a warrant, and then declassifying their files, with all the surveillance in them, will bring down the house, and produce the kinds of effects Q has been promising – basically a unification of conservatives and liberals against a common enemy – the Cabal which was using our own government against  us. This show has just begun:

Trump Michigan rally begins at 1:27:55:

Spread r/K Theory, because we’re all about to get very, very pissed off.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 years ago

Speaking of Lisa Page and her facial asymmetry I found a similar pic of the Gretard handler and Soros employee Luisa-Marie Neubauer.

comment image

Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

IMHO, that is segueing into Sexy Smirk territory. Ellen Barkin was the alltime champ of that technique.

comment image

Can we get a ruling from AC?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

She may have had a bout with Bell’s Palsy, a temporary condition that affects the nerves if the face. A Canadian PM (Jean Chrétien) had it and it left half of his face paralyzed. Others who had it and mostly recovered include: Roseanne Barr, Pierce Brosnan, Sly Stallone (his peculiar way of talking is ascribed to it), Andrew Lloyd Webber. There is no evidence that Barkin had it but you never know.

List of famous people who have had Bell’s Palsy:

Reply to  stern
4 years ago

And all this time, I just thought she was being a saucy vixen…

4 years ago

Gun Laws: My question is who does Ralphie think is going to turn in their guns or hi-cap mags? Not Antifa as no one prosecutes them anyway and they need their guns to attack the rest of us, not convicted felons as they already face the feds if caught, none of the cartels as they already control gun deprived Mexico as they learned Mao’s thought “power grows out of the barrel of a gun”, not any of the mafias (home grown or foriegn) as they defy any and every gov’t action anyway, drug gangs – nope, slavers/trafficers – nope, every other criminal – nope. Then who?, just the idiots who believe one the worlds greatest lies ” I am from the government and am here to help”.

Where has gun or mag turn in worked. The answer is nowhere. Why, the turn in money is always used to build up cash for a new hi-cap gun. Criminals and mass shooters have learned to have good equipment and they do.

The outcome of these laws is the worst possible result. Every citizen who does not turn in their gun or hi-cap mag is subject to automatic felony conviction. How many citizens of the various states are felons in waiting and how much respect do they (or you) have for any level of government. My guess is that antipathy is way too mild a word for their feelings. What is really happening is that Va citizens are learning to distance themselves from their government. As this goes further down the road and civil disobedience becomes the norm then government doubles down and a cycle begins that ends in either dictatorship or the bugaloo.

Consider this: When the speed limit on a road is set too low everybody speeds. When gun laws are restrictive everybody wants and needs a gun. When laws are just most obey. Progressive politicians do not understand and never will.

My word to every citizen is do not dodge jury service. Learn what Jury Nullification is and how to use it to fu*k government. Otherwise be a holdout that works also. Always vote innocent of any prosecution of unjust laws – like gun laws or single charges like lying to the feds when it is the only charge.

Reply to  Goose
4 years ago

I wonder if Ralphie thinks that the very National Guardsmen whom he thinks will confiscate guns will turn in their own personally-owned firearms and those of their friends and families?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Goose
4 years ago

I think most western Govs are planning to use recent immigrants to man their new Army’s, the EU has already stated that “migrants will make good EU Army personnel”

Western foreign aid has trained these brutalised ex child soldiers from Africa, so we might as well use them!

The British Army is currently manned at 78k …. (“~25% unfit for combat” – The Times)
in a country of 70+million.

I think Rail projects in Both the US and UK (HS2- High speed 2) have secondary purposes, HS2 connects the North of England to Europe.


Reply to  Mr Twister
4 years ago

Importing foreigners to oppress your own people is a classic tyrant’s move found throughout history.

4 years ago

in re that $569,000,000 bond deal in Midland, Tx to build 2 – count em – **2** high schools …

that’s $285 million a pop. You can build a 1000-room casino/resort in Vegas for that, so long as you build off-strip. 25000 sq ft of casino space, 8 restaurants, a coffee shop, 4 lounges, a main performance showroom, a 16-screen movie theater, a sprawling food court, a state-of-the-art sports book, 20 high-speed elevators, massive and magnificent pool & spa areas, a 5-story parking garage, AND 1000 nicely-appointed rooms and luxurious high-end suites, all covered by world-class video/surveillance gear ……

for the cost of 1 (one) cinder-block-and-vinyl-tile high school. In west Texas, where land goes for a song.

anyone else smelling a rat here, or just me?

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

I always heard the tales of the legendary US Gov spending decisions, including about 2000 dollar toilet seats and 500 dollar ashtrays.

I bet you the people selling those to the Gov are connected to the people who decide where the Gov buys all that over priced shit.

4 years ago

Turkey To Establish Military Base In Libya As Egypt Threatens Its Own Intervention

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

That has to be fake or a demonstration.

4 years ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday he was open to the possibility of altering Russia’s constitution, including proposals to increase parliament’s power and to limit the number of presidential terms anyone can serve.

More at:

4 years ago

‘Missing’ footage of Epstein’s first suicide attempt found: Prosecutors

4 years ago

TED Talk: Progressives should leave big cities, take over small towns

4 years ago

Pakistan writes to UN, says India placed missiles in Kashmir

4 years ago
4 years ago

Japan Approves Record Defense Budget of $48.5 Billion

4 years ago

Florida Supreme Court rules on ‘stand your ground’ cases

4 years ago

“The Chinese noted with surprise and disgust the ability of the Mongol warriors to survive on little food and water for long periods; according to one, the entire army could camp without a single puff of smoke since they needed no fires to cook. Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones. Unlike the Jurched soldiers, who were dependent on a heavy carbohydrate diet, the Mongols could more easily go a day or two without food.”

–Ghengis Khan And The Making of The Modern World

The mongols also didn’t seem to have a known helot class interestingly enough. They were able to feed on herds whilst being warriors at the same time. Thereby there didn’t need to be a slave class of helots to feed them.