News Briefs – 02/01/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


 The video in the tweet had to be a Class-A amygdala hijack to Nancy. Of course most amusing is that an illegal alien, who is demanding our legislator intervene to help them break our laws, is criticizing an American for their “audacity.” How about the invader who is complaining we won’t facilitate our own invasion and hand them our country? Fun video though:


 The tweet, which I assume means FISA is now being used to target human traffickers, instead of overturning elections:

 The tweet:


Senate rejects witnesses, sets final impeachment acquittal vote for Wednesday.

Corona virus has multiple HIV gene segments inserted in it, in a way that seems unlikely to have happened by chance. From the study:

We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.

There is an alternate theory linked below which argues this could be natural.

What this is saying is that on the surface of the virus is a protein, like a little boulder. That boulder will grab and hold onto another boulder on the surface of a human cell, because of positive and negative charges on its surface that grab perfectly positioned opposite charges on the other, as well as oil-oil (hydrophobic-hydrophobic) and water-water (hydrophillic-hydrophillic) interactions at other sites, all of which will pull those two boulders together when they get close. If those positive and negative charges and oil and water-liking areas are not in the right place in 3D space, the boulders will not “fit” right and not grab each other. The boulder is produced from a gene by machinery that goes down the gene, reading it. As it reads each segment of the gene, it grabs a corresponding specific amino acid building block (like a link on a chain), with a specific charge and oil/water property to it, and it attaches it to a long chain of these building blocks being produced by the gene. When the machinery is finished producing the entire chain, the chain will spontaneously fold up into a knot, which is the boulder. The shape of the folded up knot of the chain is produced by the specific charges and oil/water interactions unique to each link. Oil like and water-like links will pull together like a drop of oil pulling together in water, as positive and negative charges on other links pull them together, and like charges repel each other, producing the exact same folding pattern and shape each time. Once the knot is folded, the shape is standardized, as is the place in 3D space of each charge and oil/water interacting segment on the outside. What this is saying is, if this just picked up 4 random HIV gene-parts corresponding to the HIV-binding structure somehow, they might have ended up randomly placed inside the knot, and not helping the virus to grab onto a human cell. They might have ended up on the part of the knot on the inside of the virus shell, and unable to grab onto anything outside the virus. Or they could have all been on the outside, but in the wrong positions in 3D space to form the exact “key,” the binding motif, that would exactly fit the human protein “lock” that is the boulder on the outside of the human cell. But none of that happened. Somehow, in that long chain of amino acid building blocks, 4 sequences coding for specific building blocks from an HIV virus, that worked together, were all placed in exactly the right places in the chain, so when that chain folded up, they all were exposed in the exact right place in 3D space, on the outside of the viral shell, to grab the human cell.

If altered artificially, it is more difficult than it sounds, because in a virus, each of those boulders has that outside part, which they altered, but it is also very important that when you alter that part of the knot on the outside, how it folds the structure does not affect the rest of the knot, because the “sides” of the knot have very specific charge and oil/water structures that are designed to attract each other, which cause the “shell” of the virus to spontaneously self-assemble, with shell “boulders” binding around the virus’ DNA, and linking side to side with other such boulders into a shell. There is no factory in the cell that assembles the virus from its genome and all the shell protein segments that form the “capsid” shell. Each part of the virus is burned off by the DNA machinery, and each part needs to fold up into exactly the right knot conformation (both the genome and the capsid shell proteins), each capsid shell knot needs to grab a specific charge/oil on the outside of the genome, and then each shell knot needs to pull the other specific parts of specific knots around it based on each having the right arrangement of charges and oil/water motifs in 3D space. If you take a very precisely engineered knot, like the one they are saying is changed, and you insert 4 segments of chain into its chain, they can easily grab in the wrong place and alter how everything else folds, and throw off the spontaneously folding aspect of the knot, which will then produce a boulder which doesn’t bind to all the things it needs to bind to.

What this study alleges would require a very sophisticated lab which was able to feed potential genetic sequences into a computer, and virtually model the “chain” produced, factor in the oil/charge aspects of each link in 3D space, model exactly how it would fold up, examine how the outside binding site was structured when folded, examine how the boulder would fit against the genome and other boulders, and then alter the sequences to alter various links, look at the changes, and repeat until you found a boulder structure which bound to everything exactly right. Then you’d have to synthesize the DNA sequences nucleotide by nucleotide, put it inside a cultured living cell so it could hijack the cell machinery and begin producing more genomes and shell proteins, and self-assembling full viruses, which you would then use to try and infect a living cell, and then you would probably run it for a few generations in living cells, harvesting viruses and re-infecting cells, hopefully just in culture. But if this was done in China, you could assume they grabbed prisoners from the jails, probably Falun Gong or political enemies, and they infected them, quarantined them, and harvested viruses from the  ones who were most aggressively ravaged after they died. That it is perfectly designed to infect a cell that more prevalent in Asians would make me think that could be what happened. It would also make me think they would learn from this, and in the future either kidnap Caucasians, or find Caucasians to imprison for crimes, so they can use them instead of the local population. They may start soon, because they may have a whole library of pathogens they have been engineering and culturing this way, with everything from engineered Ebola to engineered Smallpox, and everything in between, which they are now thinking may only serve to depopulate their own country, while leaving the West entirely unscathed in any war scenario. If I was whatever small part of Western Intelligence is still opposed to Cabal and feels protective of the West in any way, or Russian Intelligence, I would look very closely for any Caucasians, probably from smaller countries with less political pull, maybe former Eastern Bloc, but any really, who disappear in Asia, or get imprisoned for crimes in China and die while in prison. I’d bet we also see Africans disappear from places where PRC is operative, like Sudan, but they may not be trackable. About the only thing you could do is try to uncover and publicize any case to shame the PRC and make them hesitant about grabbing up Caucasians to use as guinea pigs in their biowarfare programs, or maybe detect and interdict any operations to grab up westerners visiting that region and publicly expose them. If you could penetrate the Cabal surveillance networks which seem to permeate every country over there, it would be a good start.

If this was engineered and cultured in China’s prison populace, it was a huge own-goal by China, but it may be as much a bonus for them as a loss, as they now know their entire bioweapons program may have been producing Asian specific pathogens that would do more damage to them than their enemies. Now they know to take measures to perform this task more effectively in the future by using Caucasians and Caucasian cell cultures to culture their viruses. It is a shame. It would have been amazing to see them try to unleash something like this in a World War III, only to depopulate their entire continent.

On the downside for China, we now do have a Chinese-specific bioweapon we could develop and unleash, if we chose, as well as an incredible insight into a biological vulnerability of Asians which will allow us to specifically target our own bioweapons so they could depopulate China, while leaving our own populations entirely unscathed. That is a huge, huge loss for China, who may have just lost the bioweapon war entirely in one stupid accidental release.

Zerohedge was kicked off twitter right after they linked to this study, though articles about it claimed they doxed a scientist and wrongly accused him of creating the virus. (((They))) are working overtime to control the narrative on this one. It is curious the virology lab people see at the center of this uses the logo from the fictional Umbrella Corporation. That had to have been a sick inside joke among them.

Another article makes the case that the correlations could be natural. The case is these are small, short sequences which could just have evolved naturally, and they are not targeting the exact same protein as in humans. There are a lot of variable which are unknown, and which could explain away how this happened naturally. We do not even know what it evolved to infect in the wild, or how it went about doing it, if it was a wild virus. But if you have a weapons lab there, this thing was already suspected of being a possible leak, and the computer kicks out multiple commonalities with a single known, highly effective human pathogen, rather than some other animal pathogen, I tend to think it is not unreasonable go with the first study’s conclusion as more likely, while filing away that the second interpretation is not impossible. I still think, if I was making a virus, and needed a positively charged motif to insert somewhere to bind something I would use a human virus sequence for the template, and if I needed four such templates, I would not take one from each of four different viruses I picked on the fly. I would take them from the same virus I was familiar with working with from previous work. Additionally, these segments were not random matches with random parts of the virus genome. It was four matches, to one virus, and all were from the very small segment of important functional parts of the virus that relate to receptor targeting, ie the small parts at the tip of the protein spike outside the virus, which you would change if you were trying to optimize it. Notice also, you probably cannot make a good argument for coevolution, given he says these sequences are not even conserved among HIV sequences. As for there being slight differences in one sequence, this would have been run against real cells for a few generations, so expecting it to tweak itself is not unreasonable. You can’t rule out option random chance, as there are too many unknowns in the exact path this took, starting with the reservoir species. It would be interesting to see if anybody at the Chinese Umbrella Corporation had worked with HIV or studied something similar and would have read the paper, and known the ins and outs of that virus’ docking proteins, and the specific motifs in them. Who there, when they think to themselves, “If only I had a positively charged alpha helix to stick here,” might be familiar with the alpha helix on that HIV binding site?

Current stats: 12,002 cases worldwide, with 259 fatalities. If you assume BNO’s numbers for yesterday as well, which were 9692 cases, and 213 fatalities, and you ignore all the suspected cases they are not confirming due to lack of test kits (or willful attempts to reduce total numbers), at the rate of spread of the last day, in 60 days there would be almost 5 billion cases confirmed, and 32 million dead, assuming it doesn’t adapt to become worse. The numbers are still concerning, but the lack of Western mortality makes me think we will be OK. I would not be as relaxed if I was Asian living in an Asian community. Asia-anons need to take care.

NYPD warned officers there was a confirmed Corona virus in a Chinese male at Elmhurst hospital in the City, but when word leaked out the City backtracked fast and claimed there was no confirmed case.

Thailand Corona virus case is a taxi driver.

Coronavirus declared a public health emergency in US. People coming in from Wuhan will be quarantined. Good, since we still have large, concentrated Asian populations to protect.

The Dow dropped more than 500 points because the stock market finally cares about Coronavirus. That makes no sense. The most important news which broke was that it was likely more potent among Asians than it would prove to be among other races and the rates of rise in infections and deaths was slowing slightly. Literally the market waited for the first good news to drop?

American Airlines and Delta to stop all flights to China next week for at least one month due to deadly coronavirus in unprecedented move. Not unwise, given it is a fast mutator, so you don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but you also wonder if something went out yesterday behind the scenes which we don’t yet have access to, like secret numbers China has been hiding, or something else about the virus.

Meanwhile, an entire school district in Ohio was shut down for two days because of a major flu outbreak.

Bolton was directly responsible for hiring the Vindman twins and bringing them into the White House NSC. Hiring two diehard anti-Trump leftists is a strange move for a supposed diehard neocon.

Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovich retires.

Assange is transferred out of solitary confinement in UK prison.

Democrats are saying they need a second Impeachment so they can call witnesses in the House.

Woman testified Weinstein does not have clear male genitalia, has no testicles, probably micro-penis, may have a Vagina too, and she thought he was intersex. From the article : “The first time I saw him fully naked,” she told the court, according to the report. “I thought he was deformed and intersex…He does not have testicles, and it appears that he has a vagina.” Weinstein reportedly lowered his head as she made the claim on the stand.

Witness also said Weinstein has extreme scarring, as if he was a burn victim. It could be coincidence, but you have to wonder if they selected him to groom and get the blackmail on all these women because nothing would be as humiliating as videotape of a woman doing a threesome with this fat, scarred, pimpled, disgusting, testicle-less, vagina’d micro-penised troll banging them and making them do degrading things.

Illinois continues with automatic voter registration despite registration of noncitizens.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accused Sen. Bernie Sanders and his support network of being responsible for disunity within the Democratic Party.

Schumer Sshhhss Kamala for giggling while they are all supposed to be outraged over Impeachment.

Democratic Party set to include Michael Bloomberg in debates with change to qualifying requirements.

At the same time, high ranking Democrats are looking at changing their nominating rules at the Convention to exclude Bernie.

Crazy girl dancing on cars ran from Police, drove toward Mara Lago, and triggered shots fired before being taken into custody.

New York lawmakers plan online survey to find out why people are leaving NY.

Britain will be more open to migrants from Africa, Boris Johnson says. An unacceptable position. You do not want to import future citizens from the lowest IQ and most violent and corrupt places in the world. But it is worth noting Donald Trump could say the exact same thing, and then turn around and completely ban all migration.

Pope Francis will receive the militant homosexual Drag Queen Oliver Knöbel. The drag queen plans to do the meeting in full drag queen regalia. Great photo-op incoming. Maybe he will do it on the snake stage with the statue of Hell behind him.

Sesame Street teaches kids the letters ‘LGBTQ’ with a cross-dressing actor.

Fox rejects pro-life Super Bowl ad, but okays drag queens, social justice, and gun control spots.

Was this Antifa operation in this next tweet a dry run of what to expect when the Storm hits, and an example of what the new no-bail laws are designed to facilitate?:

This one is interesting, because Cabal surveillance can tell you where anyone they have targeted is on a moment’s notice, so either they don’t target their own, or the parts of FBI involved with Law Enforcement rather than intel-skullduggery does not have access to their intelligence. I’d lean strongly toward the latter:

I disagree with the next one. Either Trump wins, or nothing happens (or rather Plan Z happens). If they do the perp walks by summer, and Trump didn’t win, everyone would be pardoned, and the Democrat/Cabal’s retribution would begin, or at least would try to begin. I would assume at that point everyone’s private surveillance files would be released, the domestic coverage would be unveiled, and the Civil War would start in earnest. So I am not saying there won’t be perp walks by the summer, just that Trump’s re-election has nothing to do with the timing.

No idea if this guy is a larp or not, but he is right about one thing:

Postmaster General retires. This shit was all throughout the Post Office.

SC Attorney General sues SC city over ‘unconstitutional gun laws.’

Johnson’s success in Brexit may set off a dash for the door among other nations.

Italy is the most likely member to quit the EU and demand independence after Brexit according to a shock poll.

Trump to push for paid family leave for all workers in State of the Union address.

Gallup says the American satisfaction poll is the highest since January 2005.


Spread r/K Theory, because the Storm is coming.

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4 years ago

Thinking about corona-Chan:

There is a scenario that makes a lot of sense from a chi-com perspective. China stole an anti-Asian virus developed by Canada and released it on themselves.

Chinese labs are likely far behind western labs. If this is the case, China is improved if all the other countries shutter their bioweapon labs. China also has a boomer problem because of the one child policy. So, China can wipe out 20-30% or more of its boomers and then blame the west, causing public outcry to drive the bioweapon labs out of commission.

Win-win if you are a psychopath chi-com.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Or they stole it to work on a cure and it escaped or was released by a saboteur of unknown allegiance.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

What if it was meant to “solve” their Hong Kong/Macau problem? And thereby consolidate Beijing’s power. Next stop Taiwan?

Tony with a Y
Tony with a Y
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

How about this? A certain tribe released it. Think it through. The timing (Chinese New Year) is right, the location (near Chinese Bioweapons lab) gives plausible deniability and China told this tribe that they weren’t welcome there and that’s the time the whole China is Bad narrative started (they’ve always been bad it’s just that Left Wing Media gave them a pass for organ harvesting, literal slave camps and so forth)

4 years ago

“If this was engineered and cultured in China’s prison populace, it was a huge own-goal by China, but it may be as much a bonus for them as a loss, as they now know their entire bioweapons program may have been producing Asian specific pathogens that would do more damage to them than their enemies. Now they know to take measures to perform this task more effectively in the future by using Caucasians and Caucasian cell cultures to culture their viruses. It is a shame. It would have been amazing to see them try to unleash something like this in a World War III, only to depopulate their entire continent”

Caucasaisns and the rest of the world are the next for viral targets. To quote the twitter post about FISA courts being used against human traffickers:

“Atty Gen Barr says human trafficking is “modern day slavery.” Says the issue is “a top priority of the whole Administration.” Pledges that the @TheJusticeDept “will do all in its power to bring human traffickers to justice.”

If the Dems won the election, see uptake of reports missing children and people from the US and Europe. I can imagine some girl or boy after being used and abuse for sexual pleasure is discard to lab in China to be incubated for the new generation of virus against Western World. I bet damn good money that Trump has the files he need to get the rest of the world against China to some degree. Except China can have Africa, its the East turn to understand how screw up the continent is.

4 years ago

if there are viral versions that target the chinese, then there are versions that target everyone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Remember those stories about the military looking for samples of Russian/Slavic DNA?

Gone Fishin'
Gone Fishin'
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Globohomo is Global buddy. Everyone has DNA on everyone else now. They, (((Them))) and the others have Slav DNA quantified.

comment image

Russian Gay takes DNA test

4 years ago

Weinstein had at least two wives and claims children from them. What has happened recently, after is unknown.

4 years ago

The New England Journal of Medicine says that 2019 novel corona virus stays with you and you remain a carrier even after you are recovered and no longer showing symptoms.

— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) February 1, 2020″

Will it “asian-proof” non-asian communities?

4 years ago

“People coming in from Wuhan will be quarantined. Good, since we still have large, concentrated Asian populations to protect.”

If they get wiped out it could be a huge cabal own-goal since the tend to vote Demoncrat.
I’m morally opposed to genocidal germ warfare but if the enemy of my enemy does it to my enemy I will have a small amount of pleasure.

4 years ago

Perp-walks this summer. Brand new steel barrier sections going up in previously completely open areas just started this year and will probably have several hundred miles completed by the fall. Why, it’s almost like *all* of this was timed specifically for the re-election campaign. I’m wondering just what other declasifications will be happening this year besides just FISA.

Personally I’m hoping for the announcement of anti-gravity, the Smithsonian surrendering Royal Rife’s microscope to be reverse engineered by the general public so that the Rife frequency machines can actually be used effectively, and maybe even the admission that the Smithsonian has been collecting giant bones for almost two centuries and that the history of North America has been skewered to hide much earlier European settlement than is currently recognized. Here’s hoping.

This is an improved Rife machine paired with an electron microscope, so that the operator can actually tailor the frequency to the pathogen/cancer(notice that this is still listed as psuedo-science even with clear video evidence that it works) :

Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

They may not give Rife the credit but there is this recent news:

Ultrasound selectively damages cancer cells when tuned to correct frequencies

4 years ago

Naturally, there are plenty of dubious conspiracy nut ‘resources’ online about my family. You won’t tear down what my family has built. Especially not since there is massive surveillance upon the entire atrocity calling itself the ‘Q Anon’ movement.

— Leovani S. Payseur (@leovanipayseur) February 26, 2019″

The villagers always win in the end.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Leo…..thanks for confirming the rumors.

4 years ago

“Trump to push for paid family leave for all workers in State of the Union address”

He needs to stop listening to Ivanka, this is the kind of big government garbage we need to get rid of.

Cinderella the deplorable
Cinderella the deplorable
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago


Government has been so big for so long, it’s in part why we are in the mess we are in. There already is no way to keep track of all the money spent and by whom and where it is really going. Any proposal that could make it larger still I must be a NO.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

heh heh.

or maybe he will say this… the Democrats scream about it… and then after he “wins that “argument”… we can’t do that right now… the people you voted for are keeping me from doing it the right way…


Maybe not.

We are really not going to know what is real and what is part of the movie until we get to the end and can read the credits… and even then we may still not know unless we “see” it as part of history. Too much at play here.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Well, what you guys haven’t figured out yet is that Donald Trump is not a far right winger free market libertarian loon. Actually, nobody with a lick of understanding of history or any experience actually getting anything done in the world is.

There’s nothing wrong with things like social security to make up for the fact that, for a variety of reasons, people don’t do the planning necessary for retirement and we don’t want to live in a world where the old aren’t cared for. and please spare me the moronic drivel that if there weren’t such programs the economy would be better and we’d all miraculously have a better outcome.

I’m absolutely sure that we will move into stronger worker rights, more union like approaches, various forms of insurance, and so forth. This gig economy bullshit and firing people on whim is not only disastrous for workers, it’s disastrous for the entire economy. We need people to have families. We need people to feel secure. We need people to work hard to develop specific skills and to trust that there will be a future for them.

We absolutely do not need a nation of itinerant transients hopping from one community to the next, and people under constant stress levels that lowers their health, productivity, and quality of life.

The biggest problem with unions isn’t cushy benefits, it’s the organized crime (cabal) penetration and corruption.

Trump is smart enough to realize that we need to create a society that is more secure. He’s smart enough to know that the government can improve things by working to making job traning programs more available. Trump is smart enough to know that we desperately need more capital accumulation in our population. Trump is smart enough to know that we need more access to quality health care and that the private sector alone won’t make that possible.

Trump is not a loony tunes libertarian kook. He’s far too intelligent and experienced for that kind of nonsense. The biggest problem with government participation in the economy and labor issues and community development issues has never been that it was the government. It’s been that it was being done by organized crime that had bought influence into the government.

Trump will change the game.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

I won’t start a debate about whether we need government to solve those problems in this way or by fixing other problems that cause them.

Instead I will say that even if you were right it would be the responsibility of the states to implement the kind of policies you desire, it is absolutely unconstitutional for the Feds to do it.

4 years ago

Pompeo says US can supply Belarus with 100% of oil, gas

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…their entire bioweapons program may have been producing Asian specific pathogens that would do more damage to them than their enemies….It would have been amazing to see them try to unleash something like this in a World War III, only to depopulate their entire continent…”


comment image

All the talk about engineering the virus for Asian populations is skipping over the fact that a virus that favors Asian populations is more libel to break out where…there are a lot of Asians. What I’ve read about it’s make up it does sound engineered. The simplest answer is the Chinese stole some random virus that people were experimenting with. Screwed up somehow and let it loose by accident. Maybe even someone working there was taking dead bats from the institute and selling to the food market. Not far fetched they make cooking oil from shit and sell all over in China. I won’t eat anything I know is from China. It disgust me to even think about it. Many have noted that the culture in China is severely damaged from Mao and the cultural revolution. We have many cultural problems in the US but nothing like China.

“…The first partisan impeachment in U.S. history…”

No that was Pres. Andrew Johnson in 1868.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Remember ho somebody got in trump admin and then lost position.. then his father “dies” and some speculate that maybe it was “payback” for losing opportunity.

China was fighting the GOOD FIGHT against Trump on trade… then did 1st trade pact with another coming soon… then THIS happens… and notice nobody is taking about the 2nd rounds…

It’s prudent to fall back on this POV. At least put it on table and do your homework to figure out what likely did happen. Now assuming that this may be TRUE…

How evil do you have to be to be willing to kill millions just to make your point to not work with Trump. And to continue with that line of thought… So how far are they really willing to go?

4 years ago

Mayor Of City With 6 Million People Next To Wuhan Warns Of “Significant Increase” In Coronavirus Cases This Weekend

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

When one looks at all of the public defecation and associated problems with homeless camps in America’s cities, one can’t help but notice that it is a manufactured crisis. You don’t get that level of disorder over time without sustained efforts to create it. The outcry to clean things up needs to be overcome by behind the scenes policy failures. I’ve always believed this homelessness epidemic was engineered.

But for what purpose?

Having these petri dishes of infectiousness in all of our major cities makes it possible to quickly turn a lot of these deranged people into zombie vectors of disease.

As Q said, “These people are sick.” And most people wouldn’t believe just how deep all of this goes, the sheer scale and the sheer disregard for human life.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

“…When one looks at all of the public defecation and associated problems with homeless camps in America’s cities, one can’t help but notice that it is a manufactured crisis…”

I believe this is absolutely true. I ran the numbers on the amount of money that Seattle was funding for the homeless for years, which hasn’t lowered the amount of homeless and you could easily build small apartments for them and give them away for free to the homeless. I did the same for I think it was Los Angeles bond fund for homeless and it came to a 100 square foot apartment built at high $200 per square foot. I bet you could lower that cost. With the funds spent on shelters and all other kinds of services added to the bond fund I bet you could easily build 800 sq, ft. apartments and give them away. That’s bigger than a lot of people who work for a living in silicon valley live in and pay thousands a month for.

“…But for what purpose?…”

There’s an interesting blogger, James LaFond who lived in Baltimore that has watched the same thing happen there. He said all these old people lived there in paid homes with low taxes because of the laws protecting them. He observed that the government wanted more property tax and the developers wanted this property. The only way to get rid of the elderly home owners was to move in a bunch of section 8 Blacks which promptly stole from, threatened and killed many of these old people so they HAD to leave. Then they bought the property for peanuts and redeveloped excellent location property. It’s been calculated that if you get Blacks to move into an area and it reaches 20% Black the place turns into Detroit and falls apart like clockwork. It’s a long game but if you have the patience and cash it’s VERY profitable.

I have a friend whose Grandparents lived in a working class neighborhood in St. Louis. They paid on this house most of their lives. As Blacks moved in it became worse and worse. The day they paid off the house so they no longer had to stay they left the keys in the house, locked the doors and left. It was so bad they could get NOTHING for their house. True story.

4 years ago

K is coming:

Montana lawmaker: Socialists should be shot or jailed