News Briefs – 05/01/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The Tweet:

The Image:

The images relate to the letter Adam Schiff wrote to YouTube in this article, asking them to keep track of who was watching “disinformation” as defined by the left, and to send them counter information to rebut the material they were watching.

The Tweet:

The Tweet:

The Tweet:

The Tweet:

The Tweet:

The Tweet:

The Image:

The Tweet:

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A purported elite anon here claims GATE programs are designed to survey the young, so they can separate them into the empathetic, who need to be preemptively neutralized, lest they decide to rebel, and the psychopaths who are designed to be puppets. It would fit with what you would expect in an environment where psychopaths had taken over essentially everything using the techniques of espionage. Understand, they would need more machinery in society to exert that kind of control than just a few special ed teachers.

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley wants to know if former Special Counsel Robert Mueller had access to the newly released FBI documents on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, in which the then-counterintelligence director openly questioned if their “goal” was to “get him to lie” so they could get him fired.

Strzok stopped the FBI from ending the Flynn probe despite a lack of ‘derogatory’ evidence, unsealed documents reveal.

Lindsey Graham says, ‘there’s more coming’ on the Michael Flynn saga.

Now-imperiled case against Flynn cost him millions of dollars, his house, and his job. And it almost cost him his son as well, as that was the only reason he pled out. The lawsuits will make him rich again, and he will go down in history right alongside the Founders.

James Comey actually bragged about being the architect who set up Flynn:

Flynn attorney says of the explosive new documents, there’s more coming and it gets much worse.

Christopher Steele testifies Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice knew about the anti-Trump research he was doing for the DNC. It would seem he isn’t making much effort to protect anyone.

Donald Trump explodes at his staff when they tell him polling shows him losing to Joe Biden, according to five anonymous sources. One strange aspect to the whole situation now is the exaggerated nature of what is going on. Biden, a total laughing stock is leading in the polls? Trump, panicked, is losing control and screaming at his staff, because he is so scared of Biden? It has the feel of an adult putting on a show, with a script that is ridiculously exaggerated, to make sure even the most mentally incompetent can see what is going on clearly. And yet, these are the lies they would need to tell, if they were going to use fraud to put Biden over the top come November. Has it always been this blatant, and I just didn’t see it, or is it really this much more ridiculous now? Could Q have scripted this to make the media look this fake? Meanwhile, Gallup, which has always under-counted Trump’s approval has been swinging wildly toward the President since his Coronavirus response.

Postmortem of woman who beat Coronavirus finds she had undetected traces of the virus in her lungs after testing negative three times and being discharged from the hospital. Interesting. Is it like a herpes virus, hiding in the cells latently, or would she have eventually cleared those last traces? They did confirm intact viruses under an electron microscope.

Some are alleging benign viral fragments are behind the “reinfection” phenomenon.

British warn that the Chinese ventilators they bought, may kill patients they are used on.

In New York City, almost 20 percent of the Fire Department and 10 percent of Cops have Corona antibodies.

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed on-record that the U.S. intelligence community is investigating whether the coronavirus outbreak started as the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan, China. 

In Italy, only 20 out of 65,000 chronic Lupus patients got COVID-19. So an auto-immune disease which should have enhanced inflammatory responses and increased tissue damage, but they tend to take Hydroxychloroquine, so they didn’t get it.

Experts surprised to find no evidence of COVID-19 spike from Wisconsin’s in-person voting.

Coronavirus vaccine developed by UK researchers could prove effective by July, executive says.

Trump administration to speed coronavirus vaccine development, project is called “Operation Warp Speed.”

NJ Gov. Murphy praises Trump’s Coronavirus response during Oval Office visit.

WH social distancing guidelines expire as Trump ‘hopes’ for mega rallies’ return.

Biden accuser is reportedly negotiating interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace.

Meet the other seven women who are accusing Biden of inappropriate behavior.

Biden nominates Chris Dodd of ‘waitress sandwich’ fame to help shop for female vice presidential candidates.

Biden has sent people to root through his Senate papers, while denying all media access to them. What are the chances his people did Sandy Bergers, and pulled out anything damaging?

As Biden struggles, Hillary waits for the call.

Governor Pritzker forces Illinois residents into an endless lockdown, and then is caught flying his wife and kids to Florida.

Federal judge orders ICE to release detainees from South Florida detention centers.

Head of Taiwanese Intelligence says Kim is sick.

Pope Francis financially bails out transsexual prostitutes struggling with no street ‘customers.’ Makes you wonder if they threatened to talk about the members of the Vatican who were their street customers.

The Clinton Foundation is discussing creating an army of “contact tracers” to monitor citizens who had COVID-19.

Several days of Michael Flynn bombshells yielded zero coverage from the now-leftist Drudge Report. Imagine not discussing an actual coup to topple our government, beginning with the FBI, at the direction of the previous President, spying on a rival and taking out his National Security Advisor.

Canada expected to announce ban on assault-style weapons.

Universities report $1 billion in previously hidden foreign funding after feds threaten investigations.

Dirty money piling up in L.A. as Coronavirus cripples international money laundering by shutting down the cash and carry businesses which were being used to launder it. It makes me wonder what other side effects might be hitting Cabal you would not immediately see coming from the shutdowns.

In Britain, panic ensures when a man walks around town in a plague-doctor costume.  Has /pol’s fingerprints all over it.

Roger Stone to appeal prison sentence, judge’s denial of new trial.

Planned Parenthood will receive zero Coronavirus aid, Trump admin official says.

Bibles are flying off the shelves as people search for hope amid the Coronavirus crisis.

A majority of voters want immigration halted, but more Hispanics support moratorium than white people.

Trump threatens to withhold bailout funds from states with sanctuary cities.

Judge refuses to block Trump’s coronavirus green card freeze.

Stocks jump higher and close in on the best month since 1974.

Spread r/K Theory, because it’s flags out

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4 years ago

AC — thanks for doing these news briefs

Here are some Madonna-related thoughts:

First, some lyrics from a song/video from May 2019


The performers in gas masks, dancing, dying, resurrecting and dancing some more in front of a gassed-out city silhouette.

Yeah, not too ominous. Hat tip: TheDonald.Win

Second —

Here’s Madonna in a bathtub a month ago telling us about COVID-19 as rendered by the incomparable Carpe Donktum:


4 years ago

Some interesting writing in the /pol “elite” thread; apropos of Madonna’s song lyrics about not all of us making it to the future …..

Quest: >Is a depopulation “Cull” a solution being entertained?
A: — is this rhetorical? You have eyes but you cannot see.
>If so, what form would it take?
Look outside and observe your society. Find where the jewish agentur works and you will find where you have been misled.
>Would it be fast and devastating, leaving most of the population to rebuild in a dark age while the elites recede from life for a while? Or would it happen slowly in the form of sterilization and birth controls?
There would be nothing to rebuild. The bad actors will simply die of disease and be unable to challenge our stake. Then we will have won in our little game.
>If depopulation is being considered, what is the priority of the elite in terms of who stays and who goes?
Now that is the real question. That is likely the next chapter of the story. The story never ends, after all.
>It would strike me as long term folly to sacrifice high IQ population in exchange for the ease of controlling the low IQ population.
It would be folly to allow competition to uproot your fair rule. Would you have an eternal Roman Empire, rife with civil war?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

Elites “decide” who stays and who goes? Hahaha, maybe it will work out like all their other plans, such as
>Getting guns out of the cultural mainstream U.S.A.
>Fleeing to China with their lucre and living longer than a minute
>A Green New Deal (that bs goes back to Jimmy Carter)
>New Age spiritualism and sciencestry replacing traditional religion
>Incorporating all cultures as one peaceful society
>Full gender equality of outcome, through dictate
>White knighting in general, SJW in the specific
>Creating a functional one world Government
>Using the Internet to more thoroughly control Information
>Removing President Trump

Yep, all of those worked out just great didn’t they? No, these people are idiots, all of their plans backfire because their instincts are wrong. We’ll see how over 7 billion people react to attempts to cull down to 500 million. Expect some regime changes and leadership “adjustments”.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

I read where some gathered elites were war-gaming how to keep control of the security forces at their Armageddon bunkers. There was talk of shock collars and other depravities to keep themselves from getting a bullet in the head from the hired help.

Their need to control everyone will be their undoing. They see empathy in themselves as a weakness when it’s probably the only thing that will ensure they don’t eat that bullet.

Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

Elite security forces are overwhelmingly composed of ex-SEALs, former Rangers, etc. These are very clever guys who excel at thinking outside the box. Any attempt to “control” them would not end well – for those who attempted the “control”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 years ago

“…war-gaming how to keep control of the security forces at their Armageddon bunkers. There was talk of shock collars…”

HAHA milk carton plastic stuck between the collar and the skin…whoops!

Renegade Scouter
Renegade Scouter
4 years ago

Anon Con, I ask you with much respect for your work: do not use the Enemy’s language. America has FOUNDING FATHERS not generic unsexed and forgettable “founders.” (Some of those brave, self-sacrificing, far-seeing men were my forefathers.)

We need men now more than ever.

4 years ago

The ‘real’ Q is back, the ‘holding pattern’ one gone.

Let’s hope he sticks around.

I used to post Q drops to Twitter, which got plenty of likes, now everything (including anything non Q-related) I post to Twitter is shadow banned.

That isn’t ‘patriots in control.’

Reply to  Jonesy
4 years ago

You need to learn how to counter the censorship. Use a VPN to get a fresh IP, and use a throw-away sim card for the verification while making a new acount. And also use a fresh email account to make the new twatter account. It also helps to use a different browser than the one that you usually use, and purging that one you’ll be using to counter social media censorship after each type you get censored, otherwise you’re going to get busted instantly.

>Some semi-random mindwaking on game theory and control:
Although whitehats try to keep censorship to a minimum, it is impossible to freeze the enemy from making more moves until total victory is achieved. Having control over the enemy does not mean you already won the battle/war at this present moment in time and that the enemy is impotent to act and keep manuvering (it doesn’t mean you just tell the enemy to an hero and he does), it means you have a tangible edge that you will be able to exploit in such a way that has time passes the chances of the enemy to win gradually go to zero percent. And a tangible edge of such nature is basically a map of what is most likely to happen made up of war-gamed set of scenarios that get planned for. We need to keep fighting, whitehats having control does not mean the war is over, it means they can accurately predict they are going to win no matter what happens because everything that can happen has been war-gamed to death and planned for.

4 years ago

I was never in GATE but I remember some kids in school who were. Mostly the smarter one’s or at least the one’s who did well with the work they were given (which I refused to do most of the time). I remember asking them what it was and I can’t remember their answers now but it was basically what sounded like extra school work to me and I definitely wasn’t interested in any more of that shit. I read the 4chan threads on GATE and I’m even more glad I wasn’t selected for that shit.

4 years ago

I live in a community the size of the Alaskan village you posted about the other day. I’ve already mentioned the electric company or surveying crews who’ve been at the bottom of my block weekly for years.

Now there’s a state trooper posted at the entrance road to the community to “protect us from coronavirus.” The excuse is that he’s posted there to keep out people from the city about 20 miles away.

4 years ago

This is getting posted on Q’s research forum, might be of use:


Step 1. Do not “refuse” a vaccine otherwise you’ll be considered belligerent. Instead you can politely decline their services by doing the following….

Step 2. Ask the doctor if the vaccine has MRC-5 in it(they all do, these are aborted fetal cells and other DNA), If it does you have the right to decline.

Step 3. Also ask if there is a possibility of a “latrogenic reaction”(an adverse reaction caused by multiple compounds or drugs interacting with each other) from the vaccine(they all do). When the doctor says, “yes, it does”, that’s your “Get Out of Vaccine Jail Free Card”. Thank the doctor for their offer and walk away.

Remember, doctors have sworn the Hippocratic Oath(which is to “DO NO HARM”) and they MUST honour it. This is how we can legally (and respectfully) decline their offered mandated services and “there is absolutely NOTHING they can do about it”.

4 years ago

Regarding that post on Q Research forum about on how to legally decline a vaccine, someone posted this:


Just to clarify for others because there’s a typo in Step 3. The term is iatrogenic reaction, not latrogenic reaction.

4 years ago

Afghan president, feuding rival reach ‘tentative’ agreement

4 years ago

Acting Intelligence Chief says he’s “increasingly concerned” over handling of sensitive U.S. person information among agencies and orders broad review