News Briefs – 03/22/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at



Tommy Robinson once again shows himself to be among the most based men on the planet, by taking on an entire gang of thugs who were beating an old couple:

Interesting case of a DOD whistleblower who turned up dead. Looks like Mattis was going to promote a DOD intel leader to a position where he would have been problematic for Cabal so Cabal pressured the whistleblower (an IG investigator) to frame the guy for a misconduct case, to prevent his advance. Whistleblower went to Chuck Grassley’s office, and when he was supposed to turn up for a meeting he was found dead from a “suicide.” Interestingly the IG’s office seems to have been used to control investigations against some people, and gin up investigations and convictions of other people. You know what that can be a mark of.

Insider trading scandal is just the latest reason Burr should be removed as Chair of the Intelligence Committee. If he was in there prior to Trump, he will be Cabal, because that committee has primary oversight over the Intelligence agencies. it is too powerful a position, and can cause too many problems, to let an honest man hold it. Notice how Martha Stewart was taken down effortlessly, but you will have to fight like hell to make anything stick to this asshole.

NYPD Officers feel completely hung out to dry by their leadership, with no information, no protective equipment, and no concern from anyone. My interaction with an officer from my local department led me to believe none of these departments have any sort of guidance on what to do to protect officers or keep their department functional during the pandemic. I assume all the health experts are wrapped up in trying to solve the pandemic, and nobody has taken time to deal with regular cops or tell them what to do. I predict unless somebody steps in from the government, cops will be getting sick at record rates, probably just as the supply lines get tight from the truckers and workers who supply food and vital essentials getting sick. Combined, a shell of a Police force ravaged by illness (and young cops who suddenly have 20-30% less lung capacity and can’t do Policing), mixed with mass unrest from shortage, could make things into real hell on earth. If that is going to be avoided, somebody needs to step in and get cops in masks and goggles now, with fresh hand sanitizer. If it doesn’t happen, Armageddon is coming.

A senior federal health official alleges that the delays in testing occurred because leaders at the Centers for Disease Control “lied” to the president, and to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, about the center’s ability to produce the kits.

Italian virologist says fear of being falsely called racist led to Italy’s Wuhan Coronavirus crisis, because it prevented them from imposing a China travel ban like Trump instituted (and was called racist for).

Thousands of French citizens ignore quarantine as cops issue nearly 39,000 citations for violating lockdown. No amygdala. The virus will cull that.

Macron’s France seizes trucks carrying 130,000 masks to UK hospitals.

New York has more than 10,000 coronavirus cases and over half of them are patients younger than 50, governor says.

‘I’m definitely going to get it, we all are,’ N.J.’s top health official says as she leads the state’s coronavirus war. Not necessarily. After the Spanish flu tore through the population, it lost the ability to spread, as one, the vast majority of the people walking around had fought it off and had immunity, and two those who hadn’t had genetic immunity that prevented infection, so it died out. If you avoided contact until the end, it was spreading to so few people, so slowly, you could avoid it, just like Trump hasn’t had a flu in ages, despite being all over and surrounded by adoring throngs. I am not sure why they are acting like it is inevitable, and not telling everyone to either wear a mask, or a scarf, or some sort of respiratory protection, even if homemade. They could dramatically drop the R0 of it, and as it moved through from the high R0’s to the low R0’s, all those R0’s would be much lower and it would suddenly peter out much sooner. I get a real feel that they want everyone exposed for some reason. I thought that when I saw this thread, and wondered just how powerful the Cabal’s ability to do things like this, and push narratives like this might be. Could they be sabotaging this purposely to hurt Trump? Or might one of their eggheads want to kill off the old and the debilitated to fix the entitlement problems with Social Security and Medicare, but they have to pretend they want to protect them. So they tell you to protect the old as if that is their goal, but then they don’t tell cops and grocery store workers, and others you see out dealing with the public to wear masks. Masks are vital, and yet they are telling people to give them all to the hospitals, and not giving any to cops or grocery store workers, or postal employees, or others who will interact with a lot of people, and thus tend to get infected, and spread it. It feels very “off,” as if there is some big fact we do not know. The only innocent possibility is they think this thing may mutate to a more virulent, and vastly more lethal form, so the move now is to get everyone infected with this strain, at a rate the health care system can manage, and hope by the time a more lethal mutant shows up, everyone is immune. But there is something they are not telling us.

Italy sees worst day yet, with 793 dead in 24 hours.

Italy shuts down everything that is nonessential. And calls in the military to enforce the lockdown.

Israeli doctor in Italy says the standing orders are now not to offer mechanical ventilation to anyone over 60.

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected.

Back in February Italians nationwide were encouraged by leftist activists to hug Chinese people and remove their own masks. Where are the virtue signalers now?

There are reports China has stopped counting “mild” coronavirus cases, hospitals are turning away patients with Coronavirus symptoms, and there are reports of lots of pneumonia death certificates with no testing for what caused the pneumonia.

Chinese phone companies lost 15 million phone accounts since 2020 began, leading some to think those were all the people killed by the Coronavirus. It would explain the panic here.

Spain sets up Police checkpoints to stop families heading to more remote areas.

Democrat Representative is in critical conditions with pneumonia, but they say it is from a broken rib, and he tested negative for the Chinese Coronavirus.

Andy Cohen is ‘terrified’ by coronavirus diagnosis days after interviewing Hillary Clinton.

Popular New Orleans music DJ Oliver Stokes jr. passes away at age 44 from Coronavirus infection. He was black, so no race is protected from this thing, apparently.

Calls for vote-by-mail system rise with stay-at-home orders.

Having gotten the flu vaccine increases the odds of getting Coronavirus in small study? Might vaccinated people not have practiced viral avoidance as much, and thus behave in a riskier fashion? Or might the vaccine alter the immune system somehow?

Meanwhile, in Africa, Kenyan man is beaten to death by a mob of youths after they suspected him of having coronavirus.

Russia has done a very high amount of testing, but had very few cases, to the point some are saying they must be faking their results. Interesting. Could be that very few Chinese or Westerners travel to Russia, allowing Russia to focus on the few travelers and contain things. Strong border were a thing for a reason.

Illinois Governor lists gun stores as ‘essential,’ exempts them from forced shutdown.

Ohio ‘orders’ abortion clinics to stop performing ‘elective’ abortions.

Israeli drug company donating 6M doses of malaria drug to US to combat coronavirus. The more doses the better. It is possible if it works prophylactically, we could all take it for two weeks, everyone would be clean at the end, and this would be over. Or we could all get infected, take the drug, and beat the virus and develop enough immunity in the population to attenuate the spread and it would die out.

Slow spread of Coronavirus in Thailand offers hope warmer weather might bring relief.

Trump sent letter to Kim offering help on virus outbreak.

Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence both test ‘negative’ for COVID-19.

Rapid Coronavirus test approved by the FDA which gives results in 45 minutes.

NJ man with suspected case of coronavirus says anti-malaria drug is helping him recover – he believes the anti-malaria drug he has been taking since Tuesday appears to have eliminated his fever and relentless dry cough.

Chloroquine approved for treatment of COVID-19 in Poland.

Patients who were among the first in Australia with confirmed cases of coronavirus have been successfully treated using two existing drugs, the HIV medication Kaletra and hydroxychloroquine. “The test was so successful that the same drugs will now be given to COVID-19 patients in 50 hospitals around Australia. “ Is this what happens when your President has the hand of God on his shoulder?

Rachel Maddow and others call on networks not to broadcast Trump coronavirus press conferences. A sign Trump looks entirely too competent and reassuring.

Am I the only one who looks at this twitter exchange and thinks Trump has found the cure to the Coronavirus, and the Rothschilds are panicking about it because it completely BTFOs their plans?:

Immigrants arrested by ICE in 2019 had been convicted of over 1,500 murders.

DNC responds to Carter Page lawsuit, claiming Steele dossier is ‘substantially true.’

Coronavirus city shutdown not slowing violent crime in Philadelphia.

Mike Bloomberg is blasted by former campaign staffers after he fires them despite promising competitive pay and health benefits until November.

The Washington Post runs a shameless CIA authored hit piece to blame President Trump for the spread of the Wuhan virus.

Federal Reserve will lend an additional $1 Trillion a day to large banks. That is about the amount the entire US government goes into debt over the course of a year.

Energy Department buying millions of barrels of oil to fill Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Harris poll found 56 percent approve of President Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus.

Spread r/K Theory, because fear is useless, only knowledge is power.

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Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
4 years ago

Regarding the hospital in NJ, I’m sure there is something nefarious afoot. But there is a possible innocent explanation. My wife until recently worked in an ER. Her boss had no direct medical experience at all. She’d been in medical admin her entire career. In other words, she managed the ER staff, but could not do any of their jobs herself, including custodial. People running hospitals have never actually worked as doctors, nurses, or even orderlies. It’s not like on shows like ER where an experienced and dedicated ER doctor become Director of Emergency Medicine. Nope, some worthless HR type gets that job. In our local hospitals, ER doctors are third party contractors anyway.

And then there are the people who seem to interpret I Thes 5:22 as “Abstain from all appearance of racism”, like that idiot Italian mayor. We live in an era where virtue signaling is literally killing people.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

It’s just amazing that China would release and help spread this thing, and that Democrats and RINOs in the U.S. would help spread it too, all to unlawfully bring down a President. It is an act of War, and those who are acting as saboteurs and enemy combatants need to be detained. The jails still have to be built but, until then camps will suffice for these domestic enemies.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

I would have to agree. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is powerful. The gut hatred for this man is out-of-this-world.

It is all by instinct. People don’t realize this—it ain’t “reason”; People aren’t rational beings most of the time; as herd animals, it is mostly instinct. And Good and Evil are driven by Instinct.

4 years ago

As of two years ago, if you wanted to visit Russia and you were a UK resident, you had to pay £150 per person ($175) for a visa, together with completing a detailed form.

I would guess all other EU citizens had to pay the same, which is a lot, given that the EU still has sanctions on Russia dating back from the trouble in Ukraine.

The most probable reason for Russia having very low rates of coronavirus infection is simply that no one with the virus has traveled there because it’s too expensive/too much of a pain in the ass to do so.

Conversely, Germany and Switzerland has very low rates of coronovirus infection because of the culture of German and Swiss people, which impacts on how they live their daily lives. (Very particular in the way they do things, proper prior planning & preparation, sufficient resources & manpower, funding, training, elites not looking to screw every cent possible from the peasants, etc, etc, etc.)

4 years ago

Maybe Trump isn’t concerned about the press conference proximity because A: he knows the *quines works for some reason and B: He and his team are prophylactically on it. If it works via the hypothesis mechanisms, the virus wouldn’t stand a chance of getting a foothold in that.

Hate to accuse Trump of anything, but I wonder if they do know and need to downplay this a bit to have enough time for the Storm….

4 years ago

AC, thanks for the regular posts. On this one: Having gotten the flu vaccine increases the odds of getting Coronavirus in small study?

A naturopath I follow posted this video: Short version: flu vaccines may be the “first exposure” before a harsher and more dangerous secondary exposure.

He’s also written on using colloidal silver orally and in a nebulizer for respiratory illness including this virus. Although a generator costs~ $250, once you have it, you can create gallons with distilled water for pennies, versus ~$10/oz at natural food stores. Along with a full face mask and hygiene prophylactics, that is my plan in case I contract this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  B
4 years ago

“…colloidal silver…Although a generator costs~ $250…”

Arrggghh! don’t waste your money on this. You can make your own for a couple bucks plus some pure silver wire or a silver coin. Search for “DIY colloidal silver”. You just need a battery, a silver coin, distilled water and a couple wire clips to connect the coin.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

If you get a machine from SilverGen you can make ionic siver which is more effective.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Of course these guys say the ionic kind is worse.

I say use a battery and a silver coin. The rest is a bunch of poppycock. I mean exactly how are they going to make this stuff without a polarized DC, “direct current”, (same as a battery)???? What “special” kind of DC do they have???? None I say. DC is DC.

4 years ago

“Calls for vote-by-mail system rise with stay-at-home orders.”
Perhaps the more important of headlines here today.

Was this the goal?
We know the Kung-Flu was released to attack trump, but did they honestly believe it would knock him down? Or did they want to force a panic to push a Soros owned ‘tele-vote’ system so they could rig the next election?

M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

Interesting thread about how a Pakistani grooming gang member ended up on To Catch A Predator

4 years ago
4 years ago

Contrast this:

Rand Paul
Becomes Senator
Shot at. Beaten up with permanent damage. Coronachan’d.

Andrew Gillum
Narrowly loses in FL governor race.
Has gay butt sex with porno fags with illegal drugs around and one of them was overdosed.
Loses nothing. Doesn’t get a fine. Doesn’t go to prison.
Gets to go home to be with his family? WTF.

Thanks for helping make sense of this cabal controlled world, AC.

4 years ago

>that twitter exchange where a rothschild gets butthurt
Wow, life really imitates art, huh?

4 years ago

US envoy says Kabul, Taliban in first prisoner exchange talks