News Briefs – 03/25/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


People online are referring to the drug cocktail that treats the Coronavirus as the “TrumpCure.” As a writer, I prefer it, because it is shorter, and everyone knows what I am talking about. Nobody can remember the names of those drugs anyway. All we have to do is begin calling it the TrumpCure, and everybody will default to the name. It is literally two syllables vs twelve, and simple vs complicated. Make it a hashtag, meme it on the net, and Trump will get global credit for solving the biggest pandemic in a century or more all by himself. It is like adding another picture of a screaming leftist to the end of the “You are here” meme. Totally worthwhile.

Liberals fought him, tried to stop it, and tried to shut him up, but now we find out Trump was right all along, and what people are calling the TrumpCure saves lives – Doctor says he treated 350 coronavirus patients with the TrumpCure with 100% success. He saw the symptom of shortness of breath resolved within four to six hours (Holy shit! The people couldn’t breathe, and in 4-6 hours they were better! So it works in cases that are far along.). The last study said complete clearance of virus from the system in six days – in 100% of patients! The TrumpCure sounds huge.


Unfortunately the God Emperor will have to fight on a little more to save Americans – Nevada’s Democrat Governor issues an emergency order barring the use of any TrumpCure for Coronavirus patients.

A Hasidic doctor who claimed he had kept all of his more than 500 symptomatic patients out of the hospital by using the TrumpCure was shut down by the government. By afternoon, after intervention from the White House, it was up and running again, and the doses of the TrumpCure were flowing. His patients didn’t even need oxygen, let alone ventilation. Wasn’t China like 20% needing ventilation?

In New York, patients are getting massive doses of Vitamin C by IV with their TrumpCure. We are going to call that the “TrumpCure-plus .”

As the first Coronavirus vaccine human trials begin, the manufacturer is already preparing to scale production to millions. Given he cut all the red tape, I would call this one the vaccine TrumpCure.

Scientists find 69 drugs and compounds potentially effective against COVID-19.

Trump sets target date for re-opening America. This would seem to point to the study released a while back, which said they would lock us down, so that infections would peak just before ventilator capacity, then unlock us to let the country move forward, then lock us down so that the next surge in infections remained below ventilator capacity, then unlock us once the surge was over, and we would keep doing that for 18 months.

Small Italian town completely wiped out Coronavirus by testing every member and isolating everyone infected. Again, we could do masks, glasses, nitrile gloves and hand hygiene for everyone, and go forward indefinitely, so I am a little puzzled why we are not looking at that. In Asia, masks are everywhere, and play a crucial role.

Putin visits a hospital treating Coronavirus patients, and he is wearing exactly the type of equipment featured in the PDF on how to avoid Coronavirus. Not surprising. As a K, Putin is no dummy. That get up is a physical barrier to the virus and the gold standard in protection. When you exit the hotzone, the only virus with you will be on the plastic surface of the suit, on the mask, on the gloves, and on the booties. None can get in your respiratory tract, none can get in your eyes, and none will be in your hair or clothes. Once you are in a clean environment, you can just spray or wipe down the entire exterior surface of the outfit with 70% alcohol, and in 60 seconds all the virus particles on the surface are dead, and you are good to go, with no exposure. You can take the suit off and be pretty much certain you are entirely clean and safe. The only downside is, to the brainlets who will soon be coughing up blood and have no lung function left, you look a little unusual shopping for canned goods in the supermarket.

California child dies from Coronavirus.  No word of any pre-existing conditions.

Number of sick cops surges as coronavirus spreads through NYPD. Unbelievable how badly that city treats them. They should have been masked up, and should be masked up now, from the moment they enter the precinct until they go home. If the TrumpCure Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t pan out, and we have 18 months of gradually eroding supply lines, income shut off, and prisoners released from the jails, the liberal rabbits of New York will wish they had kept the NYPD operational.

In foreshadowing of what could happen in the US if policing fails, a gang of 70 loot a México State supermarket en masse.

Iceland finds 40 distinct mutations of the Coronavirus genome, just in Iceland already. Keep steering clear of this thing, because nothing is over until it is over with a fast mutator.

Social distancing won’t stop ‘accelerating’ coronavirus pandemic, WHO warns. I agree, but masking people up, telling them to wear any sort of glasses or goggles, and making them practice hand hygiene would, and everyone doing it would do it more effectively than what we are doing now.

Gavin Newsom says California coronavirus prevention measures could last another 12 weeks.

Atypical case of COVID-19 produced loss of hearing, taste, and smell. Says she took over the counter anti-inflammatories to shut down a fever, but she doesn’t say if it was Ibuprofen.

Amazon workers at 6 warehouses test positive for Coronavirus.

India to enter 21-day lockdown in response to COVID-19.

Rural Brits post signs telling city-dwellers to leave their second homes and go back to the cities. Mortal salience triggering K-selected in-grouping.

Now that the TrumpCure has pretty much fixed the Coronavirus problem, diligent Chinese are already trying to create the next respiratory virus super-plague to finish what they started, and this time they are doing it right – Man dies on a bus in China from Hanta virus. If it is a respiratory Hantavirus that causes Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, the mortality rate is 38%. On the one hand, Hanta has always been a relatively untransmissible virus person to person, albeit one with a high mortality, so this is probably a one-off event (though in a few cases it did spread person to person). Then again, it seems like the last time we heard this, about a Coronavirus that didn’t spread person to person, it turned out it had been designed in a bioweapons lab and was designed to kill millions. And the article says they are not releasing any more information about the test results of the other passengers on the bus. Testing people is strange to begin with, as Hanta is almost always not transmissible person to person. In the US, nobody would have bothered to test anyone else, even now. Although they could have done it out of an abundance of caution, them testing everyone on the bus makes me wonder if they have a biolab in the area that works on weaponizing Hantavirus, and they are worried this is another leak.

First Hong Kong and now Singapore has to reintroduce their lockdown after a second wave of COVID-19 hits again.

44 million people in Brazil’s Sao Paulo are on full lockdown.

Germany closes the border to Europeans, but migrants are still allowed in.

A cruise ship with 42 sick on board hopes to dock in Port Everglades on March 30. I hope the government is there to scoop them all up and into isolation before they spread back out into the country and make things worse.

Open Borders groups demand all illegal immigrants be freed from custody over Coronavirus fears.

Rashida Tlaib proposed a U.S. Debit Card pre-loaded with $2000 for every person in America, and each card would be recharged with $1,000 monthly until one year after the end of the Coronavirus crisis. It would have included illegals and children, so a family of four would instantly get $52,000 per year.

Pelosi’s Coronavirus plan included up to $1,000,000,000 for sanctuary cities.

Pelosi slipped Amnesty for DACA illegal aliens into the latest Coronavirus plan.

Pelosi caves on the Stimulus bill, and Trump wins again.

When you add in Fed lending, the Coronavirus stimulus will total $6 Trillion.

NY Governor complains Trump only sent him hundreds of ventilators, and not 30,000, and Trump smacks him down over failing to take an opportunity to purchase 16,000 he was offered before the crisis.

New York Post backs Trump and says New York leaders chose not to prepare for a pandemic, and now the state is paying the price.

Italy’s first known virus patient finally leaves hospital a month after he was admitted. He should have gotten the TrumpCure. Or TrumpCure-plus .

Italy finally turns the corner — Coronavirus confirmed cases and number of deaths begin trending down.

There is now a Coronavirus antibody test to show if you are immune and clear so you can go back to work and get out of quarantine. We will need to figure out the reinfection puzzle.

An interesting theory:

In this next one, one of the ages that is supposed to be immune, but it is an athlete. Exercise may change some aspect of lung physiology which makes people susceptible, be it cell surface receptor densities, or even if it is just how deeply they can breathe and inhale. Or maybe they go to the Ibuprofen faster having used it to alleviate joint issues from exercise:

New Democrat Coronavirus stimulus bill proposal in Congress created a U.S. digital dollar.

Biden’s most recent public appearances seem to show signs of accelerating mental debility. In one he said President Trump’s actions with respect to China vacillate so much they appear “like a Yo-Yo,” and then he seemed to think he uttered something racially insensitive, blushed and said to himself, “I shouldn’t have said that.” In another interview he said, “We have to take care of the cure. That will make the problem worse no matter what — no matter what.” And he was coughing throughout.

Joe Biden gets MA Governor Charlie Baker’s name wrong during first Coronavirus shadow-briefing.

Chinese propaganda video cites CNN and Democratic politicians to push regime narrative.

You’ve heard the story about the couple who heard Trump say Chloroquine was a cure and so they drank Chloroquine fish tank cleaner, and the man died and the woman is in the hospital, and now she says never to believe anything the President says? In the story she is claiming she had it from keeping Koi fish. I’m calling bullshit, and bet she never had koi. I kept koi for years, and was until maybe five to eight years ago essentially had the latest knowledge on every medication used on Koi, and deployed them myself for years. I heard all the various tips and tricks people used, and used Formalin, KMnO4, 50lb bags of kosher salt (which it turned out didn’t need to be Kosher), Malachite Green, Dimlin, even sodium thiosulphate and Hydrogen peroxide. I went through them all. I even anesthetized fish, did antibiotic injections, both IM  and IP, and had a full apothecary of vials of prescription injectable antibiotics. I never heard of Chloroquine in treating koi from any other koi-keeper. Nobody markets untested drugs on koi, or even tries them, because the show fish can be so valuable (one sold for $1 million dollars to a breeder in Japan – and never produced a worthwhile offpsring). You don’t want to get sued for selling a treatment for a a $250,000 fish that kills it. When I just did a google search on [chloroquine koi], there were no pages describing dosages or even usage with koi. (It may be a little used marine treatment, I know nothing of saltwater tanks other than they use some different meds. But if it was, they would never use it on koi because a Marine tank is a couple of hundred gallons, if it is massive. A Koi Pond can be 20-30,000 gallons. you would need a hundred Marine treatments to treat that koi pond, which could be 100 $35 treatments.) Notice I can find hundreds of web pages on any of the drugs I list above on google when searched with Koi, each going into great detail on dosages, and side effects, and cautions, with lots of discussions on Koi discussion forums. Just not that one drug. I will bet that story is a complete fabrication, the woman is Secret Society, the man never even existed or he was some rube they grabbed, poisoned, and brought his body to the ER, the media covering the story are Secret Society and know it is a fabrication, and the one who came up with the cover story had no idea how insular the koi community is, or how separated they are from the Marine people and how different the treatments are (if it is a marine drug). They looked for another use of Chloroquine, saw it was a fish treatment, and incorporated Koi into the cover story, and had no idea it was a huge tell the story was false. Just an example of the little things the Cabal tries to slip past you that can get by if they don’t make a small mistake, and you don’t happen to have the specialist knowledge to see through the lie. A lot of our news is completely false. Now, given it is likely a lie, ask yourself if the whole story doesn’t sound like bullshit. Neither had the virus. They had been successfully isolating. Neither was sick. But Trump said it was a cure, so they both immediately took it? Why? They weren’t sick. It wasn’t a prophylactic. If they didn’t have the virus and were isolated like she said, and couldn’t have gotten it, why did they take it? It makes no sense. This is why Q says, these people are stupid.

Breaking911’s twitter feed was suspended after it posted the video of Biden looking stupid. It got unsuspended, but Twitter wiped all its followers, and it had to start from scratch [Update: I now see they are back up to 325K followers]:

Biden sounds a little ill in this one:

The US was more prepared for pandemic than any other country, Johns Hopkins study found. Mostly because we had President Donald J. Trump who knew to close the border with China, despite what everyone else said.


Groups representing 30,000 physicians sign letter demanding abortions be suspended to conserve medical resources during pandemic.

China makes largest U.S. grain purchases since start of trade war.

Judge rejects Michael Cohen’s plea for early prison release amid coronavirus.

Shareholder suit accuses Sen. Richard Burr of securities fraud. But has he been removed from the Chair of the Intel Committee yet?

Matt Gaetz says it’s unfair for Richard Burr to keep his seat when Katie Hill resigned. Matt working to get him out.

Trump agencies steadily push federal deregulation rollbacks as the pandemic rages.

President Trump is calling for Republicans and Democrats to unite behind his American independence agenda to make it so America will never rely on a foreign power again to supply them with critical supplies to address a pandemic or other emergency.

Only 45 percent of the public say the media has done a good job in reporting on the Coronavirus outbreak.

61 percent of voters say Trump is taking strong enough measures to slow or stop the coronavirus spread.

Gallup poll says Trump’s job approval rating matches an all-time high.

Spread r/K Theory, because if you follow Trump you are never disappointed.

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LembradorDos6Trilliões (83)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (83)
4 years ago

>When you add in Fed lending, the Coronavirus stimulus will total $6 Trillion.

Obviously a plausible deniable wink from the God Emperor regarding the quality of the my comments on this most excellent blog about conservative air conditioning.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões (83)
4 years ago


4 years ago

>New Democrat Coronavirus stimulus bill proposal in Congress created a U.S. digital dollar.

Martin Armstrong has been warning about the dangers of that for decades now.
Interdasting read in here btw:

4 years ago

>Joe Biden’s advanced malarkey
Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. I laugh my ass off reading news about him, he’s like a living breathing meme.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (just converted to Judaism)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (just converted to Judaism)
4 years ago

>”50lb bags of kosher salt (which it turned out didn’t need to be Kosher)”
Oy vey, delet dis right nao.

4 years ago
REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

The only issue we could have from reopening America is that cabal likely has agents ready to release more coronavirus faster than Trumpcure can even be made. Antifa was planning on spreading coronachan anyways and they definitely have access to the virus. We also have to assume that the entire thing has all been a cabalite op, because of the Hawvawd (((Doctor))) helping Wuhan U with nanoscience (like nano-RNA injecting wild bat SARS viruses). Cabal could also have even more “mutant” virus that could be worse that they plan on releasing. So the wild left and their cabal and chinese handlers have to be kinetically disassembled in the U.S. before an economic restart, else they blame Trump, which they are already prepping the battlefield for.

There is no way AC, that a zoonotic jump results in a natural virus this infectious. Coronachan was bred, and her pimps (DNC, Soros, China) will keep this up until either everyone gets sick and the U.S. economy is ruined, or somebody (Trump, Q, DoD) stops them.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

“Kinetically disassembled” – COTW

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

It would be only fair to give the Italian Air Force the honor of flying top cover for the nuclear strike package.

They gotta be in a vendetta kinda mood,

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

Doesn’t Biden seem just too damn easy. We know the Democrats can pick who they want. Why Biden? He’s either senile or pretending to be. I find it hard to believe the Democrats could be so stupid. It’s like we’re being herded.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Could it be that they know they can’t win so they don’t mind loosing with him since he’s easily controlled and quite expendable

Reply to  kirls
4 years ago

Most likely.
If that is the case, they count on the subversive activities of the Jewish MSM and comped Academia and Education System (making use of the Jewish Cultural Marxism indoctrination tactics) in order to try to grab the WH seat at the oval office some years down the line.

This is also one of the reasons why all the subversive shit needs to burn down to the ground once and for all no matter the cost (hopefully it will get done peacefully without having to give some people free helicopter rides), because without a total purge of all subversive ideologies from the West, the future generations will have to deal with this zionist globohomo NWO communist cabal hegemony once again, at a disadvantage because you can bet that if ALL subversion is not eradicated, they will learn lots of lessons in order to make themselves harder enemies if there is a next time, and I’d rather have to go thru literal Hell on Earth than to allow the next generations to have to deal with a hardened more sophisticated cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Out of my ass speculation time:
What if the gaybal is poisoning and vibrating advanced malarkey Joe to the point his brain is basically running out his ears so that when he put killary as VP they can suicide him and she/it gets to run for el pres?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

She Rises Like A Phoenix From The Ashes!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It’s still HER turn.

4 years ago

Heat kills the virus. Fever is most common symptom in mild and severe cases, from Japanese data taken from cohort of 72 patients in China, with cough seen in less than half in both groups.

Thus: help your body before it becomes febrile. Take the hottest shower or soak in hottest tub you can stand. In shower, let hot water hit your throat and chest, heating the tissue (but not getting skin burns, obviously). Direct hot water from shower into throat. This is an old concept, that your pharyngeal mucosa can take higher temp than the bug can. Gargle with hot water, salt water, sip hot beverages: tea, coffee, soup frequently.

Another possibility that I’ve seen no research on is quickly changing the oropharyngeal pH: ie. brush and gargle with baking soda. 1 tsp/glass quickly raises the pH. It’s bad for bacteria, which favor acidic environments (again, old treatment for gingivitis, caries). Viruses with lipophilic coat I’m not sure but if they’re dwelling in the pharynx/nasal mucosa before migrating into the lower respiratory tract, then suddenly disrupting pH might be beneficial (and anyway, good dental care in time of limited dentist availability makes sense anyway).

Vitamin C, at least 1000 mg/day. Vit D3. Fresh air and sunshine, as best you’re able. Exercise raises body temperature. Good luck to all.

Reply to  Nick
4 years ago

Electric blanket to the max temperature with feet and arms out for comfort?

4 years ago

BY chance caught a clip of AJ talking up quinine as treatment for corona-chan. I had been wondering just how it was that Trump knew that some cheap long approved drug would work against a virus thinking that there must have been some supersecret program to counter biowarfare, and then did a search for “quinine anti-viral” and found this:

Chloroquine isn’t twenty years old, it’s around seventy years old. A bunch of anti-malaria drugs also seem to have anti-viral properties. Also, tonic water sold in the US is useless. It’s way too diluted to treat malaria and presumably corona-chan. Maybe drink 3-4 gin&tonics w/citrus a day and you’ll build up decent enough levels over a year or something like that.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

No time like the present to start.

“Hit me again, bartender. Doctor’s orders.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

Some off hand babbling and theorizing. I read a paper that the intensity of the corona disease is because it infects a certain bacteria in the body and that this bacteria vastly expands the virus power. What if the Chloroquine kills off the bacteria and then the body is able to fight off the rest???? What if people who don;t get the strong disease state are ones that don;t have this bacteria or where it is not infected????

Of course everything I just said could well be pure nonsense, and probably is, but there’s some oddities of this disease that line up well with the idea that a bacteria is being also infected. I only mention it because it fits so nicely to some of the oddities.

4 years ago

You’ve heard the story about the couple who heard Trump say Chloroquine was a cure and so they drank Chloroquine fish tank cleaner, and the man died and the woman is in the hospital, and now she says never to believe anything the President says? In the story she is claiming she had it from keeping Koi fish. I’m calling bullshit, and bet she never had koi.

I’m with you. It was chloroquine phosphate, which breaks down into chloroquine and phosphoric acid. I don’t think they had to worry too much about the acid, because the primary agent in the cleaner was calcium hypochlorate.

That’s pool shock. It wasn’t the quinine that killed him. It was literally DRINKING BEACH.

Fast Timer
Fast Timer
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

First post.
Been lurking a long while.
To my point, go to Google and search ‘trump cure’.
I went 10 pages deep and found zero mentions of the successful Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin drug combo. All Trump hate.
Not surprising at all.

4 years ago

When PDJT talks about a reopen by Easter he is not talking through his hat (or hair do). Read this from It talks about the spread of this thing through a population via information developed in the Oxford Study. He has a theory at the end about the origin of this thing and why the chicoms created it. If true this was not an accident but the release may have been.
Be especially careful around and avoid if possible 3rd world who do not know how to use a toilet and wash afterwards. This thing has a high transmission rate via fecal/oral just like polio.

PDJT knows what is in the study and is acting accordingly. Possibly we can get through this thing sooner but it will cycle until herd immunity takes over. The key is testing for antibodies and effective treatment for those with severe cases. Once that is accomplished it will make you miserable but not room temperature.

4 years ago

Hei, AC. You’re talking about all the secret society members. And I’m wondering, do you have any sort of litmus test of pegging them? For example: Higher up in an NGO organisation is more likely to be cabal than the workers, which might be ideologically driven. Higher up media members: very likely to be members. Intelligence operatives: super likely to be cabal, albeit, unwittingly.

On that note, how do you uncover corruption and funneling of money. What can we look for in our local communities or nations for what is likely cabal ops?

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’ve noticed that most cabal members really don’t have a strong taste for patriotism. They don’t really care about the pledge of allegiance. Or the national anthem before events. They look at it with a sense of annoyance at best. You won’t see many authentic displays of patriotism from them, nor do they really care about “buy american made” type outlooks. This is true even of the former military and LE/FF types.

I should note that the military is full of these people, even special forces. In fact, 80% of the SF guys I’ve knowingly met in my life were in someway cabal affiliated. I’m beginning to suspect that groups like Delta are loaded with people who they have reason to believe are clean. The bottom line is don’t think that just because someone is prior service that they are on America’s side.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
4 years ago

I live in the East Bay and last Saturday there were two groups of planes flying in a very tight formation very close to the ground right above us. The first formation had 4 planes in a diamond formation and the second which was only 10 seconds behind had five in a similar pattern except the 5th plane was spraying something that looked like thin gray smoke or a Blue Angle type display. My son immediately though about Covid spray. One of the planes looked like a WW2 vintage but the others where identical and something I could not identify.

Reply to  Prof. Woland
4 years ago

Might have been a Missing Man Formation for a funeral.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Prof. Woland
4 years ago

WW2 vintage? You mean a crop duster.

4 years ago

WrathOfGnon has a good set of twitter posts on an Italian city that beat the plague 500 years ago. We are always led to believe the funny clothes were superstition, not so.

“Doctors and public officials wore gowns of oilcloth that repelled lice and masks with antimicrobial herbs and sponges drenched in vinegar, with glass goggles, long gloves and boots. No public officials in the city caught the disease after their introduction.”

4 years ago

Eight Gay Men Arrested for Allegedly Hosting Drug-Fueled Orgy During Coronavirus Lockdown