News Briefs – 03/27/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at




Scott Adams is saying “TrumpPills,” which might be better as it doesn’t open the door to overselling expectations. I like it, and he is more experienced in Persuasion, so I am going with that from here on out. It is a good reminder to people of the media’s stupidity, duplicity, and evil, and that Trump is always right, and in the right.

Starting Tuesday, Cincinatti Police will no longer respond to the following calls in person:

Assault reports where there is no medical attention necessary and suspect is no longer present, Breaking and entering reports where there are no suspect(s) or possibility of property recovery, Criminal damaging reports, Dog bites, Lost property, Lost or stolen license plates, Menacing reports, unless a suspect is expected, threatens to return or is part of the elements of domestic violence, Phone harassment, Property damage, Found property, which can be dropped off at a district lobby if necessary, Theft reports for both misdemeanor and felony theft where there is no possibility of “immediate apprehension or property recovery” and the value stolen is less than $5,000, not including reports of stolen firearms.

Again, we’re told the virus is not that big a deal. We’re told officers don’t need masks or eye protection. We’re told social distancing is fine to help avoid infection (even though a health worker outside the Diamond Princess caught the virus from 20 feet away). But then this. My guess is they have begun to see a reduction in the force from Officers getting ill, and they realize this is more than just a flu, and soon they might not have any officers left to maintain law and order. And yet, they are still not telling officers to mask up, glove up, and wear goggles on the calls they go out on now, even though that is the logical answer to protect them. Something just doesn’t fit. And there is another strange aspect. The refusal to mask up first responders is universal, as far as I can see. If we were a nation where various individuals, each with their own unique ideas, ran for office in various cities and counties, and won, and then led the cities as they wanted to, I would expect one of them would mask up their first responders. Maybe LA, or Boston, or New York City, or Miami, or Illinois, or Atlanta, or even just a county Sheriff, would mandate all officers have to wear even just a surgical mask and shooting glasses while on patrol. I am 100% sure this is the smartest play in the face of this, given what we know. At least one mayor or one Police Chief should do it. But not a single one does it. It is as if they have all been given an order to purposely pursue a protocol that will likely leave a large number of their officers sick and sometimes injured, and unable to maintain security in their jurisdictions. It feels very odd, and indicative of some greater organizational structure running all of those things, of which we are ignorant. Either that, or they all know something we do not.

NYPD sick numbers surge again as coronavirus spreads. Masks, goggles, gloves. Put them on before you leave, take them off when you get home. Why would their department not at least advocate for that small measure. A scarf and sunglasses with hand sanitizer would have protected many. Tell the officers they can buy their own and wear them. Something strange is going on.

More than 100 hospital workers in Boston now #COVID19 positive. There are full face respirators all over Ebay, with p100 filters, and Tyvek suits galore. Why are they still in paper N95s and even surgical masks. Of course they are going to get infected. Don’t their leaders care about them at all? At least advise them to buy the full respirators with their own money. But nobody does that. Again, either our leaders are utter idiots, or something weird is going on.

New York requests 85 refrigerated trucks to house the coming dead.

Your neighborhood might be a Coronavirus hot spot, but New York City refuses to release the data.

The president wants everything up and running again by Easter. This move says to me, even Trump doesn’t know what the real numbers are, so he is planning a small test restart, to see  if maybe there is some form of herd immunity already, which there very well might be.

Harvard researchers say, social distancing during COVID-19 may have to be turned on and off like a spigot.

In Italy death statistics appear to support the contention that CoVID-19 deaths are 4 times as high as the official numbers. That is what the mayors had said and are saying. Graph follows:

This site makes the case that, by Easter Sunday COVID-19 will have 99% run its course in the USA. No way to know given all the data is questionable, but this is a fast mover, and it appears to not affect many, so maybe. Pray.

Stanford medical professors say COVID-19 death toll estimates may be ‘orders of magnitude’ too high. Could be, but if governments are lying this bad, it can’t be good. At this point, I do not take any numbers, or prognostications of numbers, or guesses seriously. I am going strictly by how much lying I see to judge what kind of precautions to take.

Bahrain and Belgium report coronavirus treatment touted by Trump (The TrumpPills)  is working for patients

A very interesting dig that reveals, among other things, George Soros just happens to have ownership in both Gilead Pharma, which makes the Coronavirus cure Remdesivir, and a Chinese Biotech located right near where the outbreak began.

Trump outlines plan to classify counties by risk level for coronavirus.

NBC Universal CEO Jeff Shell says he has Coronavirus.

UnitedHealth begins rollout of coronavirus self-swab testing in hard-hit Seattle.

Fox News says researchers it talked to say the Coronavirus has a stable genome which will make it easy to produce a long-lasting vaccine to it.

Poll claims 74% of Americans either strongly or somewhat want a nationwide quarantine.

New York tells nursing homes they’ll need to take coronavirus patients discharged from hospitals, even if they are still infected.

Real ID deadline delayed one year amid coronavirus pandemic.

Former “throuple” Rep. Katie Hill says she has been “exposed” to the coronavirus — and is showing all the symptoms of being sick from the potentially deadly disease.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti warns of mass death, condemns ‘false hope,’ and tells us his city will be on lockdown for another 2 months — and to ‘be prepared for longer.’

Trudeau objects to US posting troops to control border with Canada.

Researcher who said the UK would be savaged by Coronavirus With 500K dead, now says he thinks total deaths will be below 20,000. He included a statement the revised numbers are due to the lockdowns and other measures, but many are saying he blew the initial model. Likely a bit of both. The problem is you can’t model when everybody lies. China lied, Italy is lying, and nobody really has any idea just how bad, or not bad, this might be right now.

Major cruise lines could be left out of the coronavirus stimulus bailout. Not a bad idea. Each year, how many diseases mingle on cruise lines, and then spread back out into other communities? What is the public health cost of them per year in the spreading of flus, GI viruses, and so on? Should the government pay to create those massive petri dishes, if they could not be a viable business model on their own due to the fear of disease associated with them?

A cruise ship with at least 77 people with flu-like symptoms on board is heading to Florida.

Japan has “unexpected” rise in cases, with a new outbreak of 40 cases in Tokyo.

HHS inspector general is investigating Trump administration response to coronavirus outbreak. Tough to say whether it is good or bad. they might be investigating how CDC promised Trump they’d have a test ready to roll, and then they sabotaged it, so it set back the response.

The CDC underestimated the threat from the virus and stumbled in communicating to local public health officials what should be done. Nice cover story, coming out just as the IG begins to look into it.

Is this the effect of warmer weather in this next one?

This one is written by a reporter from Salon (left-wing):

And yet there is this on twitter, from a more reliable source (Epoch Times) with a better form of data for what is happening right now:

Then there is this, all giving an idea how the reporting over the virus is weaponized by the left and FakeNews, and we really might as well have no data at all:

I could see this next one, at least for nurses, these people are genuinely risking their lives, and dealing with trauma for the common good:

Flashback to 2017 – Former Joe Biden Secret Service Agent says, We had to protect women from him,” “‘Weinstein-level stuff.”

Republicans unanimously voted to give $350 million to refugees and migrants. I suppose Trump felt America needed the stimulus, and had to deal.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden admits he had an “off the record discussion” with a foreign leader two weeks ago. Call Bob Mueller, and appoint a Special Prosecutor.

The full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will review a ruling upholding President Trump’s authority to use appropriated funding from Congress to build a wall to secure the southern border.

Family of FBI Agent Robert Levinson says, “Those who are responsible for what happened to Bob Levinson, including those in the U.S. government who for many years repeatedly left him behind, will ultimately receive justice for what they have done.” It is a something. If the Iran deal was even remotely legit, Obama should have gotten him back as a part of it, and Iran would have been delighted to get rid of him. But Obama left him there because whatever he was up to, he was a patriot and it was against the interests of Cabal.

NBC News headline : As U.S. struggles to stem coronavirus, China asserts itself as global leader. The Economist publishes Chinese propaganda too. What does this media support for the Chinese mean? Has Cabal made a deal with or taken over China, and is trying to shift the geopolitical center of gravity toward it? Could the Chinese have launched a ruthless intel op at some point and gotten one up on, and taken over Cabal, and now they are the ones who rule the network from behind the scenes? Might they have done it long ago?

Three earthquakes, one a 5.0 magnitude, have been reported in West Texas on Thursday morning.

A Chinese company in Australia bought up all of Australia’s masks, hand sanitizer, glove supplies and other PPE and shipped it back to China.

Dumb Kathy Griffin tweeted attacks on Trump because she was in the hospital, sure she had Coronavirus, and they wouldn’t give her a Coronavirus test, but it turned out she had an abdominal infection and never had the virus.

Brit Hume says of Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus briefings they are “nerve-wracking” and she’s “not always coherent.”

DNC quietly considering convention switch from Joe Biden to Andrew Cuomo.

OK, I know nothing about the science here, but this is curious – Does Joe Biden purposely look stupid in those videos, so nobody will ask if the video is real? I mean who deepfakes a video of Joe looking that stupid? Somebody for whom it is more important you think Joe Biden is out and about making videos in which he honestly looks stupid, like you expect.

Barr calls reports DOJ sought emergency powers amid coronavirus crisis ‘nonsense.’ Interesting. Why was that put out, and by who?

Lindsey Graham begins a probe into the origins of the FBI’s Russia operation.

AG Barr believes he will get Nicolas Maduro in custody.

Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border.

My Pillow’s Mike Lindell announces he’s making medical masks to help combat the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.

Bringing pharmaceutical production back to the U.S. will create 800K jobs.

Mark Cuban predicts we’re going to see the ‘best of capitalism’ after the Coronavirus ‘recession.’

Checks will soon be in the mail for 120 million taxpayers.

Trump says the $2 trillion coronavirus bill could be too small and, ‘If we have to go back, we have to go back.’

Johns Hopkins study says USA is more prepared for a pandemic than any other country.

Dow escapes the bear market with a 6% rally – The blue-chip index is now up 20% from its low, qualifying as a new bull market.

Another case of China selling tests which would lead to a vast undercount of Coronavirus cases, and make it seem like China releasing the virus was no big deal, and everyone was dying of something else:

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t trust anything these days.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

A history lesson from the Iraq War. The US SOCOM and UK’s MI6/SAS were hunting insurgent HVI’s (high value individuals). These were the ragheads doing IED stuff. The MI6/SAS method was to follow the IED planters and such back to their commanders and bomb makers and then to shut those guys down. The British method, while well intentioned, was a failure. Most of the bomb makers and leaders were coming from other countries and short of WW3 weren’t going away. Attempts to intercept along the very porous borders where a failure too. Another part of the problem was that there were too many IED and insurgent networks inside Iraq. Every Intel unit was overwhelmed, just ask Gen. Flynn.

So SOCOM developed a new strategy. It was a strategy of annihilation, and it was a part of the surge. It was simply to kill every IED related insurgent that could be found. Locals were bribed to give up and turn on foreigners in their midst and low and behold, eventually intel could handle the few networks that were left. Of course, further gains could have been made in killing these networks but, President Obama drew down these programs then eventually withdrew Coalition troops from Iraq.

So now we have active Coronavirus spreaders (the Democrats). And we have actual collusion by US media with a foreign power (China). It’s just like the Iraq example. You’ve got a global Cabal network with one goal and one goal only- take down the US. Start with the economy, then the freedoms and finally the remnant of the military and it’s done, the populous will be effectively docile when you start to bring in Chinese troops to ‘rebuild’. Ya, you’re going to nail a pig here and there, you got Epstein and Weinstein. And you could even get a few others.

Basically here is the deal. So what if the one Cabal leader gets away? What good is a head without a body? Let God kill the Devil. You can still get all the minions. Soros, The Roths, the DNC terrorists, the DNC china colluders, the RINOs. Show that there’s no profit in working for or with Cabal. Bash the Beasts head open (it says so in the Bible anyways duh). You’ll still have to deal with a new cold war with China but, that was going to happen anyways. You can start with the damn traitors in the MSM. Then find out were the Democrat Governors, those sons of bitches, are hiding their state’s chloroquinine. Plus, everything is closed. All the borders, nearly all the street level operators. Storm away.

But you can’t really be concerned with “blood in the streets”, that’s a pussified, low-t, cop out. We’re looking at 80k to 500k excess deaths over the next 18 months there’s already blood in streets. But rest assured, keep letting the body of Cabal live and you will have Coronachan and her chink sisters so far up your ass everytime you try to do ANYTHING you’ll end up speaking mandarin without the slants even having to fire a shot.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

You have to take out the middle management or they will rebuild the network.

Any upper management you can get is a bonus.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

I have a better solution to IEDs.

Get of out of the middle east!

Work for you Rex?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  E
4 years ago

I mean if we, as in normal humans, could all just leave Earth, and leave the entire planet to Cabal that would be a potential solution to our current dilemma. You’re in a cage match and surrender is satanic. Or do you want to debate the dumpster fire that was the Iraq war?

with a heal biting attitude like yours I would be surprised if you didn’t have to pay to get sex from anything not resembling a whale or a fug.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Getting out of the ME is easy, just terminate the criminal and subversive zionist lobby and poof, the US can leave, without any hard to itself.

Israel is the sole reason why the US went head first into the never ending, Israel first wars in the ME. And it has paid in huge amounts of debt, blood, limbs and broken minds.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

The only thing the head (top leadership) can do if you cut off his all its limbs and decapitate if from the torso (which you then throw into a wood chipper) is to roll its eyes around.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

“…Democrat Governors, those sons of bitches, are hiding their state’s chloroquinine…”

They should be arrested and your plan sounds good to me.

4 years ago

>Sheldon Adelson

He is also a self-identifying Israel first zionist who needs to GTFO from the West and go to Israel: – “Just for some perspective”

A quote:

The Democratic party gets 50% of its funding from Jews (1) and 70% of Jews voted Democrat in 2016 (2) (3). Jews voted 79% Democrat in 2018 (4).

Add to that the fact that Jews make up 25% of the donations to Republicans (1).

The biggest donor to Trump, Sheldon Adelson, has said that he regretted serving in the US and not having served in Israel (5), and that his biggest mission in life is to defend Israel. (6) He also said that assimilation is a bad thing for Jews in the West. (7)

You have 2% of the population making 37,5% of all political donations. And those 2% belong to the same group that controls the MSM (8) (9) and Hollywood (which shape public opinion and sways voting) (10) (11) (12) AND its the same group that tells Social Media companies what is to be allowed to be said and what must be censored (13) (14).

That same group has pressured the US Congress to pass laws that make it illegal to criticize Jews and Israel in any way shape or form no matter how legitimate the criticism might be (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21), and it’s also one of the main forces behind the fight against the 2nd Amend of the US Constitution (22) (23).

How to turn every Trump supporter against Israel without hurting Trump:

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I did’t know Trump implied that he was going to cut ties with Israel, but I wound’t put to much stock in it. Sheldon Adelson did’t give Trump 100m because he thought it would be bad for Israel.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

“The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations”

The only solution is to get rid of them. It’s the only thing that has ever worked 100% reliably. Move them out. Get rid of them. Let them have no presence or say in your country at all. Send them all to Israel and they can stay in their shitty little country and bitch to their hearts content.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Related: ( ) – Proof that Jewish collective power is the main force behind the Islamification of the West ( ) – Why Jews act subversive towards the West

———- – “”The Necessity of Anti-Semitism””
>A quote:

The Culture of Tolerance is now more than two centuries old. It matured slowly, but there can be little doubt that it has now come of age. Kevin MacDonald’s work has conclusively demonstrated that Jewish groups organized, funded and performed most of the work aimed at combating America’s 1924 immigration law, toppling it finally in 1965. Brenton Sanderson has shown that Jewish intellectual movements and ethno-political activism were pivotal in ending the White Australia policy — a policy change opposed by the vast majority of the Australian population. I have written on how Jews were conspicuous in the dramatic changes in Britain’s citizenship, race, and speech laws from the 1950s to the 1980s. A Jewish Minister for Justice transformed Ireland’s citizenship process, opening the country up to Africans and Pakistanis. Today, Jews dominate the mass migration NGO scene, demonstrably holding executive roles at the International Rescue Committee, International Refugee Assistance Project, the Immigrant’s Rights division of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Immigration Justice Center, Equal Justice Works, The Immigrant Defense Project, National Immigration Law Center, Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, Northwest Immigrants Rights Project, the Asylum Advocacy Project, Refugee Council USA, the New York Civil Liberties Union, American Immigration Council, The Immigrant Learning Center, the Open Avenues Foundation, the Political Asylum/Immigration Representation (PAIR) Project, Central American Legal Assistance, Halifax Refugee Clinic, and the UK Refugee Law Initiative. The migration policy advisor for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is not a Catholic, but a Jewish woman.

4 years ago

Historical playback.

That the Democrats (the Marxists) and the Dem (Marxist) Media are covering and helping China and China propaganda with this China virus, should be no big surprise to anybody. It is NOTHING NEW.

Remember it was the Democrat (Marxist) Party, the Leftist (Marxist) Academia, and the Marxist Media that helped North Vietnam and the communist Viet Cong. The American Academia fueled, planned, incited subterfuge, violence against the American War effort in South Vietnam. Many courageous Americans and South Vietnamese died fighting Communist aggression in the South and it was the Democrat party that fueled their deaths.

The Democrat Party even sabotaged South Vietnamese resistance to North Vietnam at the end.

The Democrat Party, American Academia, and the Media will not blink twice in helping China. Birds of a Feather flock together. Marxist helps Marxist. They hate Trump; They hate you.

They don’t mind burning down the whole barn to kill the Trump flea. They revel in destruction; they’re nihilists. The Same shit that happened during the Vietnam War is the same shit going on today. They have NO loyalty to the country—they have loyalty to the Karl Marx and his Jewish Utopian dream. They don’t give a F*** about you. And just in spite, if they don’t win—they will still burn it down; their hate is overwhelming.

4 years ago

”The world is at war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN!“

That’s a strange way to describe a germ…

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Not that strange of a way to describe the subversive impact of Jewish collective power in world affairs thou.

4 years ago

Maybe they cleaned them up to mak biden look less stupid, and that’s the best they could do.

4 years ago

Shithole countries, still the same ones.

4 years ago

As horrible as it sounds, the insufferable nature of the raving celebrities and others miserable filth clearly hoping for the destruction of America are making me understand the allure of fascism., or something like it. There’s just some people you can’t have around and expect civilization to advance.

They get platforms and followers and can have a large, measurable negative influence- funneling money to destructive political forces, for example. We wind up with sacks of excrement like Cortez, Omar and Talib in high office when they’re barely qualified to work as maids or in a brothel.

Yeah, I know going the other direction likely winds up with innocent people shoved in ovens and over designed military uniforms with occult symbology worked in, but there has to be some way to remove these evil influences from our society without falling into evil ourselves.

It’s not sustainable as it is. They still control the media. That’s my biggest gripe with Q. How do you take on the deep state without prioritizing their propaganda industrial complex? That should have been job one. Media CEOs and other managers should have been the early wave of mass resignations and suicides. If we could truly have a fair news media, Trump’s approval rating wouldn’t just now be barely inching above water. We wouldn’t have millions of farm animals voters living in a cartoon universe in their heads.

I dunno. I’m rambling. It’s just so frustrating. The path to success for this country isn’t something difficult or arcane. Most of it is common sense and basic nationalistic attitude. But we’re shackled by an ocean of relentless lies from unfettered servants of darkness who are not going to stop unless they are forced to stop.

Reply to  R
4 years ago

Yeah, I know going the other direction likely winds up with innocent people shoved in ovens and over designed military uniforms with occult symbology worked in, but there has to be some way to remove these evil influences from our society without falling into evil ourselves.

Christendom. It worked for around 1000 years and fueled the greatest advancements of civilization. You only think theocracy is bad because (((they))) have spent 400 years shoving that idea down our collective throats.

What is better, to swear allegiance to a flag or to Christ? Look at the Christians around you and judge their fruit. Are they good trees or bad trees? Then look at the Christ haters and judge their fruit.

Is it better for our leaders to have to account to the fickle masses or to Christ? Don’t look at the Joel Osteens and Benny Hinns for what a theocracy would look like. No legitimately apostolic denomination would ordain either of those clowns. Go look at a Catholic, or Lutheran, or Calvinist denomination. That’s christendom.

We wouldn’t even have to ban sin. It’s never worked anyways. We just ban open sodomites and adulterers and fornicators from public office and political participation. That solves 80% of our problems. You’ll get your right to free speech back when you proclaim the faith and stop practicing your disgusting habits behind dumpsters.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Thanks for writing this, Everlasting.

I see Christendom as any polity blessed with citizens with strong, internalised (moral) restraints. A citizenry informed by Christian principle – by Christ himself, the Holy Spirit within – can make a Christendom in any polity. Christendom can exist in anarchy, libertarianism … socialism, even communism, if enough of citizens are Christian.

Will God save Sodom for ten, nine, eight …???

I have no idea how many Christians are needed to leaven our political loaf but fear we’re close to that number whatever it is. Precariously, we’re toeing that line. Weak Christians like Osteen and Hinn, as you wrote, suck up to the culture of Christ-haters. And you’re right, too, that only the teachings within legitimate denominations will pull us out of this mire, if enough of us listen.

And you’re right, too, that banning sin doesn’t work, which is why our leaders have to be morally tethered by faith.

Which brings us to Trump. Trump is such a flawed man … weak, even; but I’ve watched him grow these past three years, not just in “office,” but in character. He’s a better and bigger man now than when he started. But establishing Christendom isn’t about electing Christian rulers as much as behaving like Christian citizens, and in this we have failed.

Reply to  KR
4 years ago

You take back control of mass culture.

Burn down hollywood (legally off course) to the ground and all the Jewish media, and implement blaspheme laws (free-speech is a trap, like VoxDay says, the Jewish/Leftist mass culture we have in place now says they are for free-speech, but they aren’t, just look at the way they treat Trump, his supporters, and everyone that doesn’t pander to their insane globohomo agenda, and anyone that criticizes Jews and/or Israel).

Reply to  KR
4 years ago

KR writes: “Christendom can exist in anarchy, libertarianism … socialism, even communism, if enough of citizens are Christian.”

KR—Christendom was “THRONE AND Altar”. NO throne—No Christendom. Christianity can NOT exist with anarchism, nor liberatarianism (a form of anarchy), socialism, communism or democracy—for they all hate Hierarchy! The hatred of Hierarchy is Gnostic–the hatred of Nature. KR–Christians have to be also obedient to The Logos embedded in Nature. Nature forms hierarchy—to wit, “Cream rises to the top”, “The Pecking Order”.

Christendom is only formed when Christians are obedient to Holy Tradition and The Logos—the Natural Law found in Nature. Nature was created thru Jesus Christ! Nature is a type of Scripture.

“Christ the Logos, Font of Greek Philosophy”

Socialism, Communism, i.e. International Socialism is Jewish Messianism! Christianity has NOTHING to do with Jewish Messianism—rebuilding the Tower of Babel and recreating the Garden of Eden! That is all Heresy. The Jews being natural Gnostics.

Christendom was Christian obedience to Throne and Altar, to the Logos of the Natural Order and Holy Tradition, Roman Catholicism (and/or Greek Orthodoxy).

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Agreed. I’ve gone from libertarian to monarchist as I’ve gotten more Christian. I would be fine with a republic of Christians, but it has to restricted to Christians.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Quarantine the sodomites permanently from society. Let them have their pestilences for their wickedness its what they deserve.

Reply to  R
4 years ago

“over designed military uniforms”

The Uniforms were great other than the occult symbology.
We could use better uniforms.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago
Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

That looks a lot better.

We could still go a bit farther to try to match the NAZIs sense of style and make being a warrior cool but WWII era is a definite improvement.

4 years ago

Starting Tuesday, Cincinatti Police will no longer respond to the following calls in person:

Assault reports where there is no medical attention necessary and suspect is no longer present,

So, the message is, if one of the later offenses happen to you, handle it yourself with the above method. They won’t respond.

4 years ago

Consistent with the theory of the perfect bio weapon having a short shelf-life, blowing up rapidly to destabilize and terrorize then dying out suddenly is the shilling going on right now. Like they’re trying to pump it before it fizzles. The little never Trump shills on Twitter like this one claiming his niece is dying and other dubious actors jumping in in the comments. It’s just really fake.

Reply to  Rowe
4 years ago

In one comment on this thread you mention, one guy doesn’t blame Trump or China for the virus, but blames Trump for leaving us unprepared. Let’s look at Cuomo. He’s freaking out all week because Trump isn’t sending him 40,000 ventilators, then voila! He admits he has a bunch of them! LIAR!!! He will EAT his words( hopefully in the form of lead). I’m jobless and stuck in my house, and I’m growing more and more rage within me, by the minute.
I’m a Christian too. May God forgive me. May God have mercy on us…
On a lighter note, I would like to thank AC and all of the commenters on here. At this point, this is my only news source. IDGAF anymore. ZH went to the bottom of the shitter.

Reply to  Ajah
4 years ago

Wisdom in rage is hard, fren, but worth it.
May I suggest some keks to take off the edge?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Instead of mobs. Let all crimes by tried in a court of law. Let the evidence be decisive and justice by undisputed for all time.

4 years ago

Not sure, but Q might be suggesting to look at previous posts with that 4 digit number.

You can see those on page 34 here:

Reply to  Atavisionary
4 years ago

To clarify, I mean it might be a double meaning to check those codes as well as those old posts. Although, maybe not.

It seems toilet paper hoarding is a real thing, as stupid as it is. Not having toilet paper is an inconvenience at most. But since I have been to the store twice in the last couple of weeks and both times there was no toilet paper, I would suggest a bidet kit. It works better than toilet paper anyway, and you will save money on it because you won’t need nearly as much.

4 years ago

Some data support for your point about masks.

This is a graphic showing “no mask” countries vs. “mask-using” countries. Big diff. between them. Not perfect evidence, but some data points.

4 years ago

Here is some data on DIY and make-shift masks. Conclusion: Way way way better than nothing; surprisingly effective. Not as good as professionally made and full face masks, of course. But use what you have.

Surgical mask blocks 89%
Vacuum cleaning bag 85%
Dish Towel 73%
Cotton mix t-shirt 70%
Even a scarf will screen 48% according to this.

4 years ago

The founding member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Habib Barzegari, has died of the Wuhan coronavirus, Saudi TV network Al Arabiya reported Tuesday citing Iranian state media. Barzegari was also among the advisers to the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, news reports say.

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Europe Reaches Libya Breakthrough With Naval Mission Deal