News Briefs – 04/19/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The pic is from a Revolutionary War site travel website. It represents “One if by land, two if by sea.” Q has repeatedly said, “Watch the water.”


Here is a question I am wondering about. How many here who have met the machine up close and personal were in some sort of special gifted and talented program in school as children, sometimes called GATE, probably starting in elementary school? 4Chan anons have recently begun comparing notes, and found an astonishing number of similarities in their experiences, and now today they are tracked by the machine, and have the high pitched whines. I know I tic off a ton of those boxes in the image, even some I noticed repeatedly but told myself were impossible or just cognitive bias, as well as the weird hearing and card tests that I thought were weird at the time, and having few memories of the program despite being nearly videographic elsewhere, and it supposedly being designed to be interesting. I never got the bloody noses, but my house was farther from the neighbor’s houses and street, with lots of woods between us. I now think something very strange was going on, with a massive machine trying to manipulate us into some position of control from our earliest childhood before we could get up an effective defense, I assume to either keep us neutralized, or get us doing things we wouldn’t want to do for (((Them))). Bear in mind, I have not posted to those threads, making me think there may be many more out there like me lurking on the threads with intense curiosity about whether what we see now was operational a lot earlier than we would have thought possible.

Again, the Marine Corps doesn’t need to manipulate people. It simply advertises what it does and people flock to it, and beg it to let them join up and maybe even give their lives for it, even despite shit pay, near-death experiences, the threat of PTSD, maiming, and traumatic brain injuries, and piss poor benefits for the dangers they endure. Cabal offers wealth, privilege, and favoritism in society, and it still need to focus on tricking and coercing people into it. And notice the Jewish girlfriend on the list of traits in the pic at the first link – I have told you they are running kids against other kids in the schools using actual espionage techniques. That is a literal underaged honeypot designed to get control, made up of  somebody’s young daughter, who I assume they give over to the machine, although why they specify Jewish eludes me, though it might actually be true. Something is very strange there, and I am just curious how many of those here were in some sort of special program, probably done in a room with no common walls with other classrooms, which periodically broke out special equipment in special cases for strange non-academic-related tests, and either had no windows, or the windows were covered over, and now you are the focus of something ridiculously outsized that is wasting unimaginable amounts of manpower and technology on you? Strangely enough we spent a ridiculous amount of time on Greek Mythology, and were even asked to channel Greek Gods at one point, even dressing up as them, and “being” them for a day. Even stranger is Tom Delonge saying the highest level intelligence operatives are obsessed with Greek Mythology, because they believe the mythology was actually recording a real history of hidden entities which have always, and still, interact with humanity.

Stefan Molyneux in conversation with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai about health, coronavirus, Dr Fauci, Bill Gates, the Gate Foundation, the Clinton Foundation – and what really killed Freddie Mercury:

Roger Stone says he believes he’ll die in jail without a pardon.

Senate Republicans are marching forward with probes into the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation and the surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser.

US officials confirm full-scale investigation of whether coronavirus escaped from Wuhan lab. It is more than that. At Trump’s presser, one of the reporters asked Trump about a $3.7 million dollar GRANT Obama gave to that very Wuhan lab in 2015 (Don Jr tweeted the video in the tweets at the bottom today). Trump was very Q’ish, asking who was President back then, and implying there was a lot more to that grant, and people should look into it. My guess is that grant was one of thousands at least, which got laundered around to Cabal after kickbacks all around. I got the impression the whole question was set up by Trump as a backchannel to the Q people, showing them yet another place that US dollars were being siphoned off and used to fuck us over, and how that specific lab was hip deep in it to the point of getting funded by Obama.

Trump mocks China and Iran’s Corona-stats“Does anyone believe [Iran’s] number? Does anyone believe [China’s] number?” “We saw more bags on television than that…”

President Donald Trump warned China on Saturday that it should face consequences if it was “knowingly responsible” for the coronavirus pandemic, as he ratcheted up criticism of Beijing over its handling of the outbreak.

‘Historic’ N.J. public worker layoffs coming if no new coronavirus aid from feds, Murphy says. You can’t trust anything you read about the virus, but you can safely assume there is some massive reason everyone is in agreement inflicting this kind of shut-down pain is necessary. Without Trump, I would default to the nefarious motives, but I do not think Trump would willingly hurt the country’s economy unless the plethora of top-level intel he has says it is absolutely necessary.

De Blasio warns of ‘dangerous’ NYC budget cuts without billions from feds. Why would anybody care if these bloated wasteful budgets can’t funnel $1.2 billion to deBlasio’s wife to disappear into the ether?

Cuomo urged to shut down NYC subways to stop coronavirus spread. No walking the beach or gathering outside, but they are still operating subways?

New York City Mayor creates an App to allow citizens to snap pictures and inform on each other if they see non-compliant behavior. There is nothing as poisonous to a society as cultivating informants among the populace. Instantly it turns citizen against citizen, and inevitably the least honorable among the leadership are attracted to control of the networks like moths to a flame. Next thing you know you have Schneiderman using the threat of it to corral the girls he is beating and raping.

Shocking photos from inside Wuhan lab show broken seal on unit which stores 1,500 virus strains – including the bat coronavirus behind the deadly pandemic.

A doctor says since he cannot prescribe the hydroxychloroquine half of TrumpPills, he has just prescribed the Azithromycin half, with Zinc, and had excellent results. On a group which should have had two deaths and 40 hospitalizations, he had only two hospitalizations which were released with no problems. It says the doctors see the illness resolve within three days on this regimen.

Sunlight kills the Coronavirus quickly.

The left is panicking that the pandemic will encourage homeschooling. That would be the biggest win we could get, as it removes one of the big ways they develop files on us and plot against us.

Top coronavirus model lowered its projection of total deaths from 68,841 (with an estimate range of 30,188 to 175,965) to just over 60,308.

This may be the most interesting tweet of the last year next up. Homeless infected were found to be roughly half of the population of homeless and those infected are 100% asymptomatic, even lacking fever. I am guessing they spend more time outside than most, since I doubt they want to be cooped up in a shelter all day. Remember the study on the 1918 flu quoted here way back that showed “outdoor therapy,” ie putting people outside in the sun and fresh air,was actually highly effective in reducing symptoms and curing the illness? It looks like people who spend long periods outside from the beginning may fight this off much, much easier. Just being indoors may be immunosuppressive, and/or being exposed outdoors might be a very high likelihood of a small dose exposure that acts like a vaccine more than an infection, as opposed to getting exposed in a closed area like a subway car or office cubicle where the amount of virus you are exposed to is sky-high. It is also possible, given half that shelter tested positive, that many of the rest were already exposed, but for some reason are not easily infected, and thus don’t count epidemiologically. So you might not need 60-80% infected to get to herd immunity. It makes me think a summer reduction in this is very likely, and almost makes me wonder, if you are not in the vulnerable population, whether you wouldn’t be well served to spend a month in the sun at the beach in a warm climate to get exposed while outside, and get immunity then. It might also mean pulling the lockdowns during the summer months, especially at places like beaches and parks, and getting everyone exposed then, might be a way to supercharge a jump to herd immunity with less death than delaying the majority’s exposure until the next winter, when it would turn lethal again:

Viral load is not what determines symptomatic vs asymptomatic:

NC Democrats propose changes to election laws to allow ballot harvesting and unsubstantiated voter registration.

Michelle Obama is given a PBS show after Democrats gave the broadcaster $75 million in the Coronavirus relief bill.

NY Post hypothesizes Biden is a stalking horse for Michelle Obama.

Investigators still don’t have access to the area where the Notre Dame fire began. As a general rule, law enforcement is empowered to do what law enforcement needs to do, unless they run into one specific entity in their way.

‘Allahu Akbar’ echoes across Britain as BBC broadcasts Muslim prayers on its network.

What did Bernie get for conceding the race to Biden? We don’t know yet, but I got a laugh from this quote of his regarding the literal millions in book deals that were dumped in his lap after he conceded the race to Hillary, rather than make problems“I wrote a best-selling book. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.” Who knew it was that simple? It tells you he knows.

Pelosi is as coherent as Biden when asked why she is holding up small business funding. Notice how the left has gotten so decisively less silver tongued since Trump took office. Lots of stress there:

CIA Officer thinks the US is about to make a big geopolitical move on China by proving they made the Coronavirus as a bioweapon and its release and spread was 100% China’s fault, then we force China into a subservient world position.

Biden digital game outmatched by Trump a month into virtual race.

Spread r/K Theory, because the chickens are fucked

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4 years ago

VoxDay posted 2 articles I think everyone will be interested in reading (all his stuff is high quality, everyone should read him daily like they read AC):

4 years ago

>”How many here who have met the machine up close and personal were in some sort of special gifted and talented program in school as children, sometimes called GATE, probably starting in elementary school?”

I was never onto any of that as that does not exist here, but I had top grades in school as a child for the first 5 years without ever studying or cheating (I helped other kids cheat), then I started missing classes and just not giving a shit about school and always passed barely without putting in any effort and being constantly drunk at every chance I had (I wasn’t getting drunk on 5th grade, but by the time I was 15 I was, as often as I could). The first test I had for an IT class on 10th grade, I had maximum grade and I finished it in less than 5 minutes (it was just basic binary to decimal operations, and it took more time for the teacher to grade the test than I took taking it, because I found an alternative way to do the calculations that was always accurate and was 6 trillion faster).

Another characteristic I have is that I have an almost-eidetic memory, it’s not perfect photographic memory, but I notice lots of small details, remember random conversations between people from when I was 4 or 5 (still remember when my parents were negotiation the selling of one of their homes and I was helping the buying lady finish her sentence when she couldn’t find the word she wanted to say), and my brain basically doesn’t have an off switch. I also have a very visceral reaction to injustice, so I can understand why sooner or later the gaybal would be interested in either comp me or take me out. Too late now, they should had killed me while the cost was low.

As for the Jewish thing, you can bet Jewish families are over-represented on all organized crime networks (I know that is the case here locally, and I bet you it’s like that everywhere else in the world). Cabal is nothing more than a huge scale organized-crime network, and Jewish collective power is verifiably 70% of the power of the cabal, so there is nothing mysterious about the big tiddie Jewish GF thing.

4 years ago

Oh, and I was born premature because the doctor was in a rush to go on vacation, so he gave my mother some drugs to pop me out of there faster.

No one of consequence
No one of consequence
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

That is so weird; my birth was rushed because the doctor was going on vacation, or at least that’s what I’ve always been told.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I looked at that list and found some interesting commonalities. I was in special classes back in elementary school, but for art and music rather than science. But I also loved astronomy and science-fiction back then too. I recall a counselor in high school trying to tell me that I was not above average in IQ. But I got hard confirmation with the ACT and SAT that put me near the top of the bell curve. I knew she was lying to me at the time but could not figure out why.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Really quite simple.
You are dead (contractually) in the eyes of the Bank.
Go research what a Birth Certification registers with the state.
Admiralty Law; not Common Law.
Supping and Maritime Commerce.
US CORP not Republic.
Former naval officer so like to think I know something about this.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I was born like 3 months early too. And am pretty smart (homeschooled so I don’t have all the experiences you guys do)

No one of consequence
No one of consequence
4 years ago

It wasn’t called GATE for me but I was in an “advanced” group you had to be tested to get into. I also check most of the other boxes. I’ve had some repressed memories come back to me, but for the most part I can’t remember much of anything before I was 11-12. That and the tinnitus probably bother me the most.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

How do you differentiate between tinnitus and what I assume is the wave-weaponry you talk about.

No one of consequence
No one of consequence
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I play music constantly, and it helps but I’ve never payed attention to what I’m doing when it strikes. Right now I’ve got music going at a good volume but I’m still being affected by it.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

I matched a handful of things on the list but not enough to make me feel like it is more than correlation. Mind you I was raised internationally.

The games the high-IQ kids played were just that:games. I realize now they were tests. We were told it was a special class designed to enrich the smart kids, except the meetings were bereft of any teaching or even coaching.

Also, 130 is not astonishing IQ. 1 in 50 are 130 or better. But once you get past 140,it tends to be all males and virtually everyone at that level is socially awkward (probably as a result of the 30-point communication gap x the boredom with the mundane mainstream), so 130 would be a good number to produce gifted but assimilable agents.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
4 years ago

It´s not all males. I study at a physics and math faculty and I say that about 1-3 out of ten are females. And it´s not just that they are studious girls, I have witnessed how fast they do combinatory type calculus. And it is not true at all that virtually everyone is socially akward at that iq range

4 years ago

Another big time narco-terrorist bites the dust after 21 years on the run:

4 years ago

Kek, this one is for you Sam J:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

“…Jews hated because they are the conscience of the World…””

HAHAHHAHAA what lies these people tell. The arrogance. If a Jew is standing near you and the air is being agitated then he’s probably lying.

4 years ago

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
Premiered Apr 16, 2020
The Next News Network

Lab in North Carolina was investigating coronaviruses. The US Government shut down the lab. The Coronavirus studies went to China, the Wuhan facility. And the US Government sent over millions of dollars to the Wuhan Facility to go around US laws and proscriptions on coronavirus studies. Dr. Fauci was a part of this. Furthermore, the US lab was doing “Function-gain” and the Chinese lab was furthering these studies.

Dr. Rashid Buttar has an impressive medical education, served in the US. Armed Forces. He says this virus has been “funtion-gained”. He also connects this with 5G and talks of the imbecillity of vaccines for day old babies.

He talks for the arrest of Dr. Fauci.

4 years ago

Also, Facebook has “blinded” or obscurred my posts. They have literally made me blind on Facebook. Dr. Buttar has also complained that YouTube has taken down his posts. Our local news channel is furiously trying to label anyone “conspiracy theorist” that doesn’t say the Wuhan wet market is the source. Twitter has banned several people and orgs. This is unbelievable the amount of censorship going on.

There is one big conspiracy to shut things down.

4 years ago

Vitamin D, not just outside? Dr Erik Hermstad, @EHermstad on Twitter, takes D levels of his patients. In a tweet, he said “I just haven’t seen any vitamin D levels in the 40’s or higher yet on ANY patient I’ve admitted with it.” Correlates to race gap, 65% black Americans D deficient vs. 40% all Americans, lowest COVID racial death differences in CA and FL, southern latitudes where everyone goes outside frequently while wearing little clothing. A recent article about a prison in NC found 259 COVID positives, 98% had no symptoms, they were shown outdoors in prison yard, state schedule (may be different for this prison) showed 1 hour of prison yard time daily.

4 years ago

Look into Vitamin D.

4 years ago

I think Patrice O’Neal (RIP) decoded what the whitehat plan is for the US:

4 years ago

Vitamin D, not just outside?

Dr. Erik Hermstad on twitter, @EHermstad, tweeted, “Does an adequate vitamin D level protect against some of the cytokine storm we’re seeing with COVID-19? I don’t know. I just haven’t seen any vitamin D levels in the 40’s or higher yet on ANY patient I’ve admitted with it.”

Vitamin D helps with other respiratory illnesses (See article below), 75% of black Americans deficient in Vitamin D, 40% of all Americans deficient in Vitamin D, lowest rates of racial death rate differences in California and Florida, southern latitudes where people are often outside with sufficient skin exposure to make vitamin D production possible.

NC prison, 259 prisoners Covid positive, 98% no symptoms. They showed the prisoners outside in a prison yard. If they follow the NC state prison schedule, they are spending 1 hour per day outside, likely more time outside than the average American.

Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data

BMJ 2017; 356 (Published 15 February 2017)

4 years ago


I’m a GATE reject. Best guess, I’m one of Voxday’s midwit IQ deviation [130-145 ]. High enough to be noticed, not high enough to be truly special. I’m the most introverted homebody you will ever meet, with a massive lazy streak and a clear preference for physical work over paperwork(doing paperwork actually irritates me). Chopping firewood has become a favorite hobby. My mother was told that I was rejected do to poor work ethic, ie, I never did any homework. I graduated high school with a 1.9 GPA on a technicality. What can I say, math doesn’t come naturally to me.

It’s funny you bring it up. I was in the Marine Corps. My recruiter wanted to make me an electronics technician, but I wanted “adventure” so I refused and said “infantry”. I am a moron, and a rather poor one right now. Of course, I’m also currently an “essential infrastructure worker” in the energy sector(propane) so this whole pandemic has had literally no effect on my daily life. Although, now I can joke about being in Suicide Squad, so there’s that.

No Jewish girlfriend, though I might have dated a few in high school had I actually dated in high school, and there weren’t many Jewish girls at Liberty U. Didn’t date there much either and glad, all of the girls I was attracted to are happy, successful, with kids, so definitely better off without me dragging them down. Yes to the Greek mythology going back to fifth grade, yes to the idea that ancient pantheons were some sort of record of extra-capable beings(I subscribe to the Genesis 6 giants theory). Yes to the random high pitched whines no matter where I go.

Now the semi-weird part – I faint. I’m 6’1″, blue eyes, red beard with reddish brown hair(formerly dirty blond), and I have an overactive fight or flight response that drains the blood out of my head before I have the heart rate to sustain consciousness. So, I look like a GIJoe, but I’m a lemon. It got me kicked out of the Corps. It’s been a recurring problem since, starting three months after infantry school. I just had to have three teeth rebuilt because of it(note – tile floors have no give). I bring it up because it saved me from going to the sandbox. I have no innocent blood on my hands. I’ve never had to kill anyone, never watched a friend die, I’ve never gotten anyone killed from incompetence or my own bad luck, I was spared that trauma. I would have been sent there after 9/11, and I would have gone happily because I was young and dumb and had no idea the whole thing was ANOTHER false flag.

Now you’re telling me that GATE was a way for Cabal to weed us out of the population and categorize us as either a potential recruit or not, and may have begun the “indoctrination” early on those that made it in. I was spared that, too. God is good.

No one of consequence
No one of consequence
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

I had many episodes of blacking out / fainting as a kid when over-doing physical activity. A diet with adequate nutrition and a good amount of strength and cardio training has eliminated the fainting/blackouts that I used to experience.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago


And not making fun. I love Hank Hill.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

The Boys over at Vox Day’s blog blast a headshot once again, with resulting pink mist.

*Over 10,000 wet markets in all of the Orient
*But only one is two blocks from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
*Math highly against natural origin, like +10,000 to 1 against.
*Lots of Gate$, 0bama, $0r0$ and Yehudim lucre

And for the Gold Medal, the first comment:
“I see no evidence of any player being prepared for anything more than generic_crisis_057, so the most plausible explanation to me is bio-security theater by test-cheaters and Party leaders’ kids. An Oriental cargo cult of Occidental labs.” -SciVo

le rasoir d’Occam

4 years ago

” How many here who have met the machine up close and personal were in some sort of special gifted and talented program in school as children, sometimes called GATE, probably starting in elementary school?”

Is there a way to provide you a response outside of the forum/board?

Texas Arcane
4 years ago

I will pass along something I had almost forgotten over the years but has come back really sharply to me recently.

At the University of Virginia in the psychology department in the Fall of 1972, the entire staff took the morning off when my mother brought me in to concentrate solely on my testing. The psychologist who had recommended this to my mother had been building me up to the researchers for some time and they were all kind of excited to see what my score was going to be.

The parapsychology test was included when in fact it is not really part of the IQ test at all.

When I scored somewhere over 180 in my final result, the people there were very delighted but I remember now that was not what seemed to set the place on fire.

It was my near perfect initial result on the Zener cards that drew a crowd. Suddenly senior professors came down as if this required them to check in person. Some of them were very angry looking. They looked at the younger test personnel like they had failed somehow.

I remember an angry man who looked quite Yoshi who kept glancing down at my test score and then looking up at me like I was a war criminal. He didn’t bother to tell me his name. I was only 9 years old and was not certain what had caused the train to derail. The morning had been fairly pleasent and my testers very friendly up until this point.

The angry grabbler announced I would stay for a second round on the Zeners. An hour later, that result was unacceptable too. My mother was ready to get some lunch, she had just about had enough. This guy insisted I take the test again and by this time I was kind of distraught, worried I had committed some terrible gaffe. The result apparently was satisfying to them that time and they “released” me after that.

Many, many years later I discovered from reading that this is not unusual in gifted children at all when they are very young. It is common for them to score very high on parapsychology tests. Until they are coached sufficiently to stop doing it.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

Nice to hear from you. Fascinating account, as always.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

Long time no see, bro. Welcome back.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

Definitely miss your work, Tex, and hope there is some way that you can make a return.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

I’d love to start the blog again. When I say they scared the living crap out of me I am not kidding. I have been too scared since to do much of anything but post on LinkedIn. If it was just me I’d be laughing at them but nobody threatened me at all. It was other people they threatened.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

All of those results concerning Zener cards aren’t surprising, after all Thals are shamans.

Tex, would be great if you’d ever start your blog again. But don’t force yourself to take risks if you are really scared. You did your part of warning people as best as you could, as the Lord commanded. Hopefully we still have time before the collapse. Thals still have underground shelters to build and there is much to do.

If you ever finish CD-OS I will definitely be using it one day, I hope.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

It’s too late for them to undo what you’ve set in motion. If you have a tete a tete that allows you quiet enjoyment of your vault, then none of us have a right to upset that.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

What was interesting about the whole thing about your blog was that the had some 4000 and something links archived there, and some days after they threatened you to have you “SHUT IT DOWN!!!”, only 3997 or 3995 were left. So it seems that it was some 10 or something posts of yours (or perhaps something someone posted on the comments) that were deemed problematic by the gaybal faggots.

Hope you’re having a great day fren.

Johnny Caustic
Johnny Caustic
Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

Is that really you, Tex? I miss your blog so much!

I hope someday you will be able to pass on your anthropological knowledge to us in a more organized way.

4 years ago

Two if by C(oronovirus)

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

That means team 42 is poz. Too bad.

4 years ago

Homeless populations and the Chicom Flu. It is well known that children who grow up in close proximity to animals and play outdoors frequently have stronger immune systems. For street people who are exposed to every pathogen, drugs, poor nutrition etc, you must develop an immune system that is like armor plate simply to exist.

So each time they are tested they come up positive and no or few symptoms. I wonder if there is any message in that other than the shutdown has little to do with the flu but everything to do with moving us back to serfdom. Why, all I am hearing anectodally is tha the number of people dying each month since the beginning of this thing has not changed. Meaning that totals have not changed but the people who are doing the dying has; shifting more acutely to the people who were sick to begin with. I will confess that I spent hours today searching for the recorded death count by month in the US for the last five years. No good data appeared, maybe some one else has access to the data. All the CDC wants to talk about are its programs for specific causes all BS. I am sure it is out there but one needs access and that is not apparent, at least to me.

As for Chicom land and the 21 million cancelled phone accounts. Any dissident gets sent to a “hospital” and if they survive they will get a new phone as part of the reducation process. They can loose 21 million in population and be better for it.

If you listened to Stephan in todays posted blog the other part is to run the money machine off your back. A flu shot annually and who knows what other posions they will inject into your body. For a long time many of us out there have been telling all who would listen that the chip was the same as getting a 666 tattoo on your forehead. I always called it the mark of the devil but did not know how you spelled devil now I know how it is spelled globalist establishment aka Cabal.

Yasgurs haha
Yasgurs haha
4 years ago

“I wonder if rushing it is an attempt to try and weaken the phenotypical presentation of a bloodline they assess as a problem for some reason.”

Many have noted the Lovecraft seemed to be jacked into some obscured taproot of knowledge. This reminds me of the Deep Ones from ‘The Shadow over Innsmouth.’ Or, with a respectful nod to our Texan visitor, Nephilim hybrids, ie. Melonheads.

The Deep Ones came from the sea.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Yasgurs haha
4 years ago

It’s Sumerian. In Sumerian mythology the first man (and king) is said to be half god, half fish. ‘Water’ was likely a metaphor for something else, just like in Genesis 1.

4 years ago

I’ve had a different experience than all that. Maybe I’m similar to Lowell, except my fainting stopped after I started having children, which fixed a few health issues. It was never from fight/flight..especially after soldiering through some horrific shit you don’t even know. I was screwed with for a bit in the old house, but most of my adult life I feel like I’ve been cornered into a protective bubble and babysat.

One thing that does puzzle me is why did I go most of my life being treated like an anomaly? -Found out a few years back we have an unknown neurological condition that runs on my dad’s side of the family. QUITE A FEW people have it, yet nobody acted like there was anything wrong with anybody but me. I had a few subtle symptoms, like weird feet, yet the whole world acted like it was a huge damn deal and harassed me for it constantly. I got shuttled all over taking tests, and adult-ass adult teachers treated me like I was retarded, disabled or literally evil because of it. I had to grow up surrounded by people who looked at me with rage, like they wanted me dead. -But there was never an actual diagnosis.

The only thing I can figure is that it was extreme sexism. We’re oversaturated with males, and they’ve always been able to be a little weird or have flaws, and everyone is willing to let it slide. Then I dare to be anything less than perfect, and I get smacked down hard. The most ironic thing is that I’m polite and have a strong sense of honor and integrity, yet I’ve always been surrounded by the worst of scumbags who act like those qualities are a weakness, and that I’m inherently inferior for reasons nobody is actually able to put a finger on. These last couple of years, I’ve spent a lot of time taking people to task over this bullshit. I’m aint even mad, but don’t play this game like I wouldn’t have a reason to be.

Yasgurs haha
Yasgurs haha
4 years ago

T, would be interesting to descry an Aesopean fable regarding reasons La Fourmi abruptly cease enlightening le Ceraseron. For it would seem that Winter is upon us even as the equinox has been crossed.

4 years ago

Something nags at the back of my mind occasionally; was pricked by this discussion of GATE. I wonder if any of you have some thoughts about any of this. Sorry in advance since this is inarticulate (but that is why it nags at me; something here I can’t put my finger on).

Seemingly weird juxtaposition: one hand: the Cabal, MK Ultra folks or someone or something seeking out the brightest/best for recruitment and/or to wreck them to prevent potential threats. Other hand: feminazis and libtards believing fervently in the blank slate, that we are all the same but for education, privilege and assorted other bullsh*t. I mean, I can just hear Human Resources Karen hollering about the need for diversity and inclusivity in the MK Ultra search for … whatever they are searching for? My gawd, the “special” ones are blue-eyed, blond-haired autists and savants? Karen would lose her mind. The Cabal seems very white or jewish. It doesn’t feel asian or black. And it seems masculine not feminine.

So, does the Cabal believe in the blank slate? Or does the Cabal push blank-slatism just to F everything up?

Is the Cabal still doing this? This was 20-40-60 years ago. Are they still seeking out the blond and blue-eyed young boys? I recall various school districts are closing their schools for gifted-types for … reasons. Does it matter anymore since every white boy seems to get force-fed Riddlin (sp?) and other medications? The meds DO seem to F up all the little boys and de-masculinize them. What ABOUT the talented members of other races?

Don’t know; just thoughts.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

When it comes to cabal, you need to understand two terms: esoteric and exoteric. Exoteric consists of the philosophical values that they pretend to have to the world. Esoteric is what they really practice and believe. Cabal is ferociously darwinian in the outlook and believes strongly in eugenics, but they throw all sorts of stuff like Stephen Jay Gould out there to bamboozle everybody.

Cabal couldn’t be as effective as it is if it really believed all that PC propaganda. Sure, the front line cabal infantry serving as public school teachers may believe it. But the others up the chain only believe in power. Every PC agenda is for weakening other communities and strenghtening cabal.

Cabal has jewish elements and the rest is southern and central European. Some may guess that all jews are involved, but I don’t think that this is fair. I think it’s basically the upper tier. But Jews on the lower rungs of society feel very vulnerable to predation and learn at an early age to acquiesce to those on the upper tier. Most Jews I’ve known are quite afraid of being “cut off”. Jews are quite social, and doing anything that could result in ostracism from the group is extremely threatening.

Think of it this way: we don’t have a lot of Jewish pioneers and frontiersmen and self-sufficient homesteaders. Jews, for a long time now, have been a very urban people. Merchants and professionals. If you’re an urban merchant or professional, everything is tied to your acceptance or rejection as part of a larger community.

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

They push something for the cattle, and the oposite for themselves.
Just like the zionists who are extremely pushy for open borders for everyone BUT Israel. Just like most Jews who are extremely critical of in-group behaviors and organization for everyone BUT Jews themselves.

They basically tell everyone to poison themselves while doing everything they can to remain away from the poisons they push.

4 years ago

When the leftist states start whining for bailouts because of the lost tax money Trump needs to tell them they can have a one time bailout if they give up statehood and become territories.

We can make new states out of the red counties later.

Just one more
Just one more
4 years ago

So I tried to reply, promptly had to spend about an hour getting back on line as suddenly connections and software blew up on me.

I was trying to say this seems very familiar to me. I was tested in elementary school, classic underachiever, always scored in the 99th+ percentile for standardized tests but barely kept a C average in class. School psychologist tested me with all sorts of tests, I particularly remember the pattern matching ones using blocks of red and white with some having both colors. He told my mother once it was done that I was very smart and I knew it, as well as being very stubborn. I hated busy work and would refuse to do a page of 30 problems when I knew how to do it after 3.

Also in elementary school I developed “tinnitus”, a constant high pitched tone(I later narrowed the sound down to around 11,500 hz). Don’t know if I was early or not and no way to find out. Later in jr. high they started a gifted and talented program, was complete and utter BS, all sorts of feelings based stuff. The first class they had us make a collage about our feelings about ourselves(serious SJW stuff before it was a term) Stuck with it long enough to take the psat in 7th grade and scored in the top 5 percent of college bound seniors. This was probably 1981 and I was 13 at the time. I remember reading the entire Hardy Boys series during algebra that year, got a zero on the homework and an A on every test, so I was given a C as I sat in the back row and was not a distraction. High school more of the same graduated with a 2.2 gpa, but scored a 34 on my ACT so I could get into most colleges. In college I graduated with a 3.75 as most courses had no busy work and were mostly based on exams and papers. As far as testing IQ, I varied between 150 and 165 on different formats.

I have always been an avid reader as well as an information junkie, the areas I have always excelled in were spatial relations, and the ability to make intuitive leaps from incomplete information or seemingly unrelated sources. Though I had not had a name for it until a couple years ago, I was also familiar with the Dunning Kruger effect. I could not understand how people could not see things the way I did, and wondered why they would choose to do things the way they did when it was clearly inefficient and even prohibitive to their end goals. Even when I tried to explain it and walk them through the steps it was like they were watching a different movie, it got to be very frustrating which is why I got out of management.

I can only remember 2 girls that might have been Jewish that I briefly dated but was not sure as I attended a Lutheran college so there were not a lot of non Lutherans and I never thought to ask, i also didn’t date excessivly in college, so many of the girls were simply too stupid to consider for a long term relationship so why bother with anything other a date to get to know them, and then move on.

As far as coverage, I’m not 100% convinced but I do notice every time I leave the house there is an airplane in sight and I am at least six miles from the nearest airport. Another thing is the last three times I have bought a house, within a year I have had three new neighbors, 5 at my newest one, which is on every side of my house as I back up to a four lane highway so no one can live there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

So, I haven’t shared this here, but it’s time.

I bought my house a few years ago. A couple of years ago, the neighbor across the street kitty-corner to me had been planning to sell his house for since we moved in. He’s a retired detective for the Dallas police. (Not worried about that doxing me, because the ones who would want to already know.) He was moving to the country specifically because of what he saw going on in the DPD.

He made a point of letting us know when he sold his house, because the guy who bought it made an immediate offer on his house and was adamant about closing quickly. He offered up that there were better houses in the neighborhood for the same price, but this guy (immigrant) wanted that house. He wouldn’t even take a day to look at the other listings.

It’s actually a little bit of a comfort to know that it’s not all in my head, and that (((they))) really will go to these lengths. Maybe I’m not the nobody I assumed I was.

Also, meet your neighbors. I’ve never met the guy who bought that house, despite trying. At least he’s quiet.

4 years ago
4 years ago


I was in a math program for smart kids ages 12-14 from all around my “state”, teached by college teachers, here in Spain. I recall that one day the teachers were talking about magic squares and they showed us Durero´s Melancolia painting, which shows one, but which also looks to me now like it has heavy masonry symbolism.

I recalled it years later because they organized a meetup of old students with a younger generation, and they got us to do a gymkhana. One of the things we had to do was go to the cathedral (close to the college campus), and search for a compass. The compass was hidding in a drum, in the rear side of the cathedral at middle to low height, in one of the triangles on the side of the drum. It stood out to me because I was already reading this blog and also because of one other thing:

Where I go to college, in another city, we have this algebra teacher who founded the math faculty where I study. From the first day I got the impression that he was into masonry. So one day I go to a conference that he is giving with a friend for people who know nothing about math, and at one point I remember them showing some kind of painting of a 5 points star which stood out to me in the way he talked about it as masonry-related.

Is it just my impression or mathematicians are heavily into masonry? (Also I suspect that particle physicists are high in cabal among scientists)

About what Texas said about IQ tests: At age 13 the school counselor offered me to do a test to skip a school year, which I did. It was an IQ test and at the end of the test the examiner asked me to do something else, he said he was not a part of the test to skip a grade but to do it: There were open lines in a white paper and I was to draw from those lines into a full drawing of whatever came to mind. I draw the most dull, easy and fast thing I could, because I only cared about skipping the grade. As I recalled it, it just seemed to me like the guys responsable for the tests wanted to look into links between IQ and creativity, nothing paranormal.

I´m very excited to see Texas in the comment section. I always regret not having read all the side bar links on his blog, and I hope he keeps commenting here!

Offtopic but I think I know how they decide which kids to skip grades in Spain: When I was in 2nd grade one day we had to do something special, we had to fill as much as we could of a notebook filled with mental-calculus-mark-the-correct-answer questions in a few minutes. Days later the counserlor pulled me out of class. I thought I was going to be punished for something but she just had a normal conversation with me in her office and told me to return to class. At that time I didn´t think nothing about it, but then in 7th grade we had another test like that, in a different school, and it was the counselor woman there that offered me to skip a grade at the end of that school year. I recalled the first counselor and supposed that that conversation was to see how I communicated and considering if skipping me a grade. But there is also a small probability that at age 13 I was skipped a grade because unlike at 8, I was extremely bluepilled and seemed very inofensive, and didn´t have yet pubertal agression pouring through.

About kids being drugged and psychiatrists: At age 14, in puberty, my parents dragged me to the psychiatrist for problems with them. (It could not be a cabal program because it was my parents dragging me there). Anyway, they had me for a year on Risperdal like a literal zombie. I refused to take it because I knew it would fuck my development, which I´m sure it did. (But finally I couldn´t refuse, because, they´d go as far as calling cops into the house and having a doctor inyect me with something that knocked me out for 24h). By age 16 I was probably already dumber, because when I turned 16 I was in the US as an exchange student and I did the ACT and scored a 24, which despite English not being my mother tongue seems low for a smart kid.
As of today I realize my mind stops registering at points during conversation/writing as if I had packet loss in my mind, and I commit way more errors during a somewhat long, straightforward, math calculus on a paper, than the average student. I can tell that people´s minds don´t stop registering in the way that mine does, across all the IQ spectrum, and I don´t know if mine does because of the drug I took at puberty or vacccines, because I don´t recall being aware of it before puberty.

About brainscans: As a kid, I don´t remember what age but I´d say younger than 10, my mother took me to the hospital where they made me a brainscan. I don´t know why, was because I behaved dumb or strange? I haven´t asked my mother yet. I do recall being extremely scared and telling my mother not to leave me, as they got me to lie on the machine, before they pulled me inside it to do the scan.
Last year I was sent to a psychiatric facility after a girl reported me for sexual harassment (she lied and I was finally declared innocent, but I had to deal with all the problems emanating form the report), and there they made another brainscan of my brain. I guess it was just to see if I was crazy, but sometimes the paranoid in me thinks that maybe there is a way to generate a hash of someones brain patterns with those machines to later identify them. However I know nothing about the brain besides what I read on this blog.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

I knew about the archive but I didn’t manage to read more than a few links. This works. Thanks

4 years ago

AC, that entire story about GATE matches the predictions by Vault-Co. He too was a part of programs like these but he was never interested and was often ferried by his parents to avoid these. Another gifted individual, a woman named Promethea Pythaia (not sure if the spelling is correct there) was also deeply traumatized by these things — you can look up her case online.

Most of those traits are what he said Neanderthals or Strong neanderthal Hybrids would show, and others are a part of the reaction to the sapiens monkey cage that the neanderthal happens to be born in. For anyone who is not familiar with Vault-Co’s theme about this, he says that people with Asperger’s Syndrome (not autism) are basically expressing neanderthal genes the way they were originally.

Blue Eyes, Occipital Buns, Dense Bones, Receding Periorbital Sockets, +25 point IQ boost (conservatively. V-Co says people with stronger thal gene expression would have IQs much higher, and that Neanderthals had IQs in excess of 180 with large 1700-2000 CC brains and lived in an exogamous matriarchy. They were CHEESE EATERS!), large heads (the rulers have large parietals! thals have big occs!), rh negative blood (no monkey parts!) (or halfsies (one rh neg parent) (I don’t think V-Co said this, but I think it belongs here)), tall (above 6 feet, usually 6’2″), naive, K-selected, late,late puberty, naturally strong with great potential, a SHAMANIC personality, immune to sapiens herd mentality, handsome, unkempt, no sapiens balding patterns,good,strong hair even late in life (redheads, sometimes), strong myopia (usually if urbanized), “connections” with animals, strong foreign object abstraction (that is, considering the inanimate objects they like as if they are alive), strong obsessions, perfectionism, seasonal depression, dietary restrictions (no wheat, grains! Starches, fat, meat, dairy, CHEESE), averse to heat (they’re supposed to live in climes under zero!), cassandra complex!

Enki’s Mistake (enkidu!)


Saturday, May 14, 2011
Homo Sapiens Is a Genetically Engineered Slave Race Made To Obey Orders
On May 10th, 2010, about fifteen minutes after I first read the press release about our Neanderthal genes, I had about five million isolated pieces of information I had gathered over fifty years come together in an epiphany so strong I thought I would faint. The first thing I thought of was the Curse of Humbaba. It all came back to me so sharply it was like someone had adjusted the focus on my brain for the first time in my life. So many things that had never made any sense to me, suddenly were so obvious it was impossible to deny the connections.

“Enkidu, rodeo clown, bullback rider, bastard son who does not know his own father! We the gods see now you are the most dangerous of Enki’s creations! You alone were given craft, memory, clairvoyance, inference, discernment, creativity … as a joke! We believed no creature who was made subject to the female would ever challenge the gods! How could a creature who has his dog to sleep in his bed ever raise his hand against us! We see now it was a mistake we shall rectify!

“The other races of Enki were all instilled with flaws in their nature that insured they would never rebel against their masters and counterbalanced to make certain they would bicker amongst themselves. We knew that ‘the wrestler,’ the ‘man with no waist’, the wild man of the forest, the ‘little professor’ as we call him in the heavens, was the only man who would ever challenge us! For this reason, we shall bring the nightmare of Gilgamesh to pass. The black ash and the ‘burning sky’ shall obliterate this generation of men and when the sky clears, the race of the Enkidu shall be no more, it will be a living ghost, you shall never know peace, Enkidu! Gilgamesh, you love your brother and think you will never be separated from him, yet we will blot out his memory under the heavens and the day will come when you shall not recognize Enkidu even if he was standing right in front of you! The gods have decreed that the Enkidu will pass out of human memory and be forgotten as though they had never existed!”

– The Curse of Humbaba, from THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH


Reply to  aiaslives
4 years ago

Oh, I now regret not reading the comments before posting.

4 years ago

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Werner Von Braun – Another Haunted One
A classic archetype of the breed. You know it, you’ve seen them, at least part of your mind sees them. You see them everywhere but you just don’t know it consciously. See the eyes? It’s a quality. Once you know what to look for, you will see it. It’s a haunted look. These are the true ghosts-that-walk, not the Phantom.

Of course, it immediately brings to mind the Curse of Humbaba in the Epic of Gilgamesh:

“Enkidu, you are the most dangerous of all the creations of Enki! You alone would have the nerve and courage to raise your hand against the gods! For this reason you and your race will be destroyed, you will become living ghosts! You will see others but they will not see you! You will wander the earth until the end of time barely in this world and barely in the next! I, Humbaba, beseech the gods to bring this curse on you to avenge me!”

See the similarities with Zuse? Something … see? Something in the face, the hair, proportions and most importantly, the gaze. See how Von Braun’s hair would assuredly display cowlicks and strange curls if it were not combed and oiled? That’s an attempt to remain sexually attractive to women in an exogamous matriarchy, well into your old age. No pattern baldness amongst these eerie creatures.

A larger photo would show that strangely, even though Von Braun was a relatively lean man, he seemed to be missing a waist. He was a tube of muscle from shoulders to hips. Did this mean he was a bully or a thug? Far from it. Soft spoken and somewhat awkward in most social situations, he only came alive when he began to speak of his dreams of going to outer space. Otherwise he was either submitting to the Nazis or submitting to the thugs at the State Department. Didn’t matter which group of Sapiens had him in their possession. He did their bidding and meekly submitted to indignities as if he were somehow suspended somewhere in his own little world where such things didn’t matter. To Sapiens, he was merely a tool to be used by them. Pay attention when I’m talking to you, Werner. Von Braun was always like “Sam Lowry” at the end of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil. I think this one has gotten away from us. The world was the wall of a cave in which this brilliant man sketched his dreams. These dreams then became powerful realities.

38 And Esau said unto his father, Hast thou but one blessing, my father? bless me, even me also, O my father. And Esau lifted up his voice, and wept. Heb. 12.17

39 And Isaac his father answered and said unto him,
Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth,
and of the dew of heaven from above;

40 and by thy sword shalt thou live,
and shalt serve thy brother:
and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion,
that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

2 Kgs. 8.20 · 2 Chr. 21.8 Heb. 11.20

You see, Esau too received a blessing, although centuries of revisionists have told us it wasn’t what it sounded like. I contend that it was. I contend that the blessing of Esau for accepting the succession of his brother was just as wonderful and as solid a promise from God as the one that his brother Jacob received. I believe that descendants of both houses can receive forgiveness and grace from the Lord. Esau proved it when he forgave his brother and embraced him.

4 years ago

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Konrad Zuse

See the classic “haunted” look in the eyes? That’s what your eyes look like when the brain behind it is not divided up into three different components : a subconscious, conscious and a persona. When it’s just one big continuous chunk, it gives your eyes that look. Sapiens sees that look, they instantly know at a very deep level who they are dealing with, although their conscious mind never concedes it.

Zuse believed the entire universe was a computer simulation over seventy years ago, running on hardware beyond our comprehension as an infinite series of cellular automata. I discovered his books when I was in the military.

Any major development in human history, you look behind it, you’ll find a guy with this characteristic look and similar bone structure in his face, invariably with a line of descent that goes back to the original Toxic Lozenge.


The Toxic Lozenge was an area running from the Rift Valley to the Northern Caucasus, out of which two opposing tribes of Neanderthals emerged on different sides, one of them merging with Homo Sapiens into modern man as the Europeans, the other side exited by a divergent group who were the proto-semitic peoples who eventually became the core of Judaism. These two factions have been feuding since, mainly because both groups have different kinds of superpowers found in no other races on Earth, neither Cro-Magnons nor anywhere else. They are in opposition because they are branches from the same original tree. The proto-semitic peoples drifted into a different character where they almost became perfect “Jacobs” in coping strategy and outlook. “Jacob” meaning somebody who survives off the coat tails of another without working.

The European divergent branch retained all the original powers of the root stock, including marvelous abilities to create, innovate, learn, adapt and problem solve. Although they were grafted into the Sapiens tree, they constitute nearly anyone in it who can reason or comprehend things at all. Pure Sapiens stock cannot think and appear to be incapable of learning.

Both strains from the Toxic Lozenge have taken a different approach to life, with predictable results. Originally, they were the same people.


Actually, the phrase “Toxic Lozenge” in anthropology has been around since the late 1800’s but began to fall out of usage in the politically correct modern era. Michael Bradley revived the term in the 1970’s. As for “Stormfront,” the last time I surfed there was in 1995 when I wanted to see what was there out of curiousity.

Also widely used right up to the 1970’s was the term “diffusion” to represent the as yet unknown civilization that left it’s traces all over the world, assumed not out of Africa but somewhere in India or else the Toxic Lozenge.

After the 1970’s, it appears about 200+ years of discovery and research just vanished overnight and people began to speak and write in the bizarre, surreal language of postmodernism.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

I agree with this. Somewhat. I find there are just too many similarities between Jews and Neanderthals to not say the Jews are decedents of the Neanderthals. Tex says the Jews are decedents of the Female Melonheads and their Neanderthal guards. I don’t know. The only thing I can see copious information for is that the Jews are Neanderthals.

I dispute that all Cro-Mags are some silly mindless hoard of killers. Plenty of Cro-Mags are SJW’s and all other sorts. Look around at what you can see and you see I’m right about this. If anything is true Cro-Mags(Whites) are much less “racist” and have a higher level of empathy for all humans than most other races on the planet. This doesn’t square at all with the Sapiens being wild brutish evil mass killers. Forget what people say look around at what is real. Everyone that is smart is NOT a Neanderthal. The profile of the “Sapiens”, which really must be the Cro-Mags that Tex uses as a curse, more readily fits Blacks which I don’t consider Cro-Mags no matter what anyone says.

I think the whole Neanderthal good Sapien(Cro-Mag) bad is nothing but nonsense.

I believe the Neanderthals, by the evidence we have, may have been smart but they were also brutal and I also believe they had little empathy for others. I think they were more like animals who would empathize with close kin but try to kill/eat anyone else. I think that’s why they failed. It takes empathy to build civilization. Blacks have very little empathy so it’s no surprise everywhere they are the majority there’s no civilization or it rapidly falls apart.

Animals, unless you are close offspring, are only interested in themselves. Anyone in their territory without the power to control them is exterminated. When civilization did pop up it progressed fast in terms of our history overall. A scientific research program in Russia made me think differently about early Man and led me to this idea. The Russian domesticated red fox study.

The practical implications of this are the presence of order or disorder directly related to how much you can empathize with others. If no one had any empathy then you have huge disorder. How many times have you been around people and not killed them when you could have gotten away with it? We don’t kill them because of empathy.

Sam J’s theory of civilization,”Civilization came about because of the rise of empathy. This allowed people to work together”.

Sam J’s theory of civilization, ”Empathy is necessary to form civilization. As capacity for empathy rose civilization rose with it.”

The closest peoples we have today to Neanderthals that we can readily see in terms of skeletonal structure are the Jews. The really Jewy looking Jews look just like Neanderthals and we KNOW that they show all the signs of only preferring close kin, the Jews, and everyone else they attack constantly. It’s even in their religion. Just like animals. We even see many cases where the Jews KNOW and comment on their peoples having a lot of psychopaths in their population. I’m not going to say where I see this but it’s there. If you pay attention to what they write they allude to it every so often. This psychopathy is part of being an animal and lack of empathy for other humans not like yourself and one of the reasons Jews are such a problem.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I’m the dude you’re replying to.

You seem to not be able to take in information that is contrary to mainstream dogma, and espouse empathy while eschewing humility. In the end, you’re wrong about almost everything that you’ve written but there are parts that would hold merit once you really start researching. You gotta stop falling for /pol/-tier surface theories you can find on the clearweb.

I’m a 20yo kid and I know I’m in no position to dispense advice like this so take it or leave it. Just telling you that stuff you’re saying doesn’t hold up with the accounts that I’ve read.

I’ll give you one – there are Ashkenaz and Sephardic Jews.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

There also are Mizrahi Jews.

And Sam J is right about how Jews as a group when dealing with goyim tend to in-group and prey on the goyim, despite having their own quarrels among them.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago


Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago


Not all individual Jews are subversive, that is true, but as a GROUP, they are subversive, always, everywhere they go. That’s why they have been getting the boot from every place they have been kindly allowed in for 4000 years now.

Judaism is based on preying on non-Jews, that’s a verifiable fact, and Jewish culture and identity is based on Judaism, so the math is simple. This is why Jewish collective power will be terminated in the West, and that includes banning Judaism (along with Islam, for pretty much the same reasons).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

“…You seem to not be able to take in information that is contrary to mainstream dogma…”

Nothing I said is “mainstream” at all. Tell me, as it should be easy if it’s “mainstream” where is it any of what I wrote is written? The stuff you quoted from Michael Bradley, “Toxic Lozenge” is somewhat about Neanderthals. When he wrote this he DID NOT at first tie this to the Jews. He didn’t even think about it. It’s only after they started attacking him that he considered it. I read his stuff but it was long ago. Confirmation of the Jews being Neanderthals for me comes from Boaz driving Carleton S. Coon from the American anthropological society and the Jews obsessive squashing of the study of skeletal structure to determine populations and their attributes. Gould did the same in the “Mismeasurement of Man”. One way to know what the Jews are up to you need to watch what they want to hide.

“You gotta stop falling for /pol/-tier surface theories…”

Uhhh…I was looking into this stuff before pol, before the internet existed. None of this came from pol I made it up myself. I’m a lot older than you and maybe you’re smarter, or not, but you have fallen for the ancient adage that everything you know is some sort of new thing and you know everything.

You also have provided zero information on what your objections are to what I wrote. I mean what does the gobbledygook,”…espouse empathy while eschewing humility” mean in this case? I value empathy but somehow have no humility. How the fuck did you get that? You just made that shit up. It’s word salad devoid of meaning. Exactly what did I say that says I “eschew humility”? If I say mixing the colors red and blue makes purple is it “eschewing humility”? If I say that the traditional skelatonal structure of the Jews with a long trunk, short legs and a slanted forehead is the same structure as the Neanderthals is that “eschewing humility”? The value of a hypothesis has nothing to do with humility at all. If you have a point about this make it plain. If it’s that I consider the Jews have a lack of Humanity towards everyone but themselves then I’m in good company including the Jews themselves who say that they are the only humans and everyone else is an animal. Are you a Jew and are just spouting nonsense and calling me word salad derogatory terms supposedly to lower what people think of me? I don’t think you can make that stick as I’ve just shown that you have no substance to what you said.

“…Just telling you that stuff you’re saying doesn’t hold up with the accounts that I’ve read…”

You know why. Because I invented the idea that large empathy increases caused the rise of civilization. Some of this was primed from a book written long ago called ,”The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by Julian Jaynes. Basically the brain split meant that peoples minds were split like multiple personalities and that the coming together of the mind was what made civilization. Interesting read but I didn’t believe it. I did keep it in mind because the rise of civilization was very fast. The Neanderthals were in Europe for 250,000 years or so and built…nothing. The Cro-Mags were there a few thousand years and serious amounts of stuff started being built continuing up til today. This is a great mystery and we don’t know how it happened. The Neanderthals damn sure didn’t do it. Cro-Mags did. There had to be reason for this and the Fox experiment I believe showed what that was. When you breed wild foxes for tameness you don’t just get tame. You get the beginnings of empathy. A wild fox will attack immediately if you reach in it’s cage the tamer ones won’t. If you’ve ever done any plant breeding or animals you learn that you usually can’t get one specific trait that you want. You get package of traits. Sometimes you can’t get rid of one trait you don’t want without also getting rid of the one you want. Humans have become more tame but in the process empathy has risen. Empathy is “necessary” to keep civilization going. Hence my hypothesis. There’s masses of studies on this. If everyone is just looking out for themselves civilization becomes fragmented and low trust. High trust societies do better, if a parasitical group like the Jews is not hollowing them out.

“…I’ll give you one – there are Ashkenaz and Sephardic Jews.//”

????Like I don’t know that??? What does that have to do with anything??? Nothing. Both are Jews with strong in group preferences and of no use to me and mine.

If you’re going to criticize me you’re going to have to do better than spew out some sort of bumper sticker babble quote and allude to some mysterious “source” that you read. You need facts. I’m happy to answer to facts but not psychobabble slogans of tenth tier substance.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>When he wrote this he DID NOT at first tie this to the Jews. He didn’t even think about it. It’s only after they started attacking him that he considered it.
>Uhhh…I was looking into this stuff before pol, before the internet existed.
“/pol/-tier” not /pol/
>You also have provided zero information on what your objections are to what I wrote.
that was my intention.
>Exactly what did I say that says I “eschew humility”?
“Sam J’s theory of civilization”
>Because I invented the idea that large empathy increases caused the rise of civilization.
sure thing buddy
btw, that’s wrong
>Some of this was primed from a book written long ago called ,”The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by Julian Jaynes.
only read about this 1000000000 times on reddit DOT COM
>Both are Jews with strong in group preferences and of no use to me and mine.
> The Neanderthals were in Europe for 250,000 years or so and built…nothing. The Cro-Mags were there a few thousand years and serious amounts of stuff started being built continuing up til today.
> long trunk, short legs and a slanted forehead is the same structure as the Neanderthals
not true
>Are you a Jew bla bla
>If you’re going to criticize me you’re going to have to do better than spew out bla bla

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

“…clearly a Jew…”



Let’s note CLEARLY that ALL Whites are held to account for any White malfeasance. Even for stuff the Jews were actually responsible for is blamed on Whites(opium in China, bringing black slaves to the Americas). In many cases Whites pressure the worse of our people to behave in an honorable manor. Maybe we don’t always succeed but the pressure is there in large doses. The Jews. Nope. They refuse to pressure the worst of their kind and this has happened over and over for thousands of years

The Jews sticking together has worked for them. Much like many groups that band together now and in the past. The Masons, the Thugees, the Jews, all of these have banded together against the rest of the population and made it work fairly well. The Jews don’t want to stop and will refuse to tell the truth because it is working for them. The fall out is when the rest of the population finds that their group has become so disruptive to their lives that they can no longer tolerate them. Then they are ALL punished. They can’t all band together when the going is good and then suddenly declare a time out when it doesn’t work their way. Much as the Germans in the pil boxes on Omaha beach couldn’t just give up after machine gunning thousands on the beach. Tough. The same will happen to the Jews as it has thousands of times before but this time will be different. There has never been such a large communication source as there is now. There will be no, let’s just move to another country and start over. They must be quarantined forever.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

Something that very strongly correlates that the Jews are Neanderthals is the extreme response by the Jews to Michael Bradley’s books. They totally shut down his books and even threatened his life. Here’s a interview with him by Micheal Collins Piper (I believe Piper was killed after he correlated Kennedy’s death with the Jews).

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Oy vey, be humble old man, #notallJews, donate 6 billion shekels to the nearest holocaust museum and don’t forget to get a course in anti-semitism prevention from the ADL.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Joe Kennedy’s Answer to the ‘Jewish Question’: Ship Them to Africa

Think if that would have really happened. It’s likely less Jews would have died. It’s likely that Jews would have been a much less problem for other countries as they are now. It may even would have changed Jews behavior after several decades. Africa is HUGE. It’s stunningly HUGE. There would have been great opportunity for the Jews there with no one to get in their way. The place is, and was, so undeveloped that they could have made immense profits without really hurting the natives.

With the Jews out of the way, and that paid for traitor Churchill, the Brits could have asked Hitler for big assurances and probably got them. The best I can tell from reading numerous accounts of WWII Hitler really, really, did not wish to go to war with England and if some sort of face saving measure could have been thought up that would still allow Germany access to natural resources, he was obsessed with this and rightly so, then Britain could have kept their position in the world and not gone to war.

The Jews fucked this up though. They have been nothing but a curse to Whites. We need to boot their asses out the West forever.

4 years ago

Found a new video about 9/11 that is well worth watching and sharing, it focuses on the fact that the official investigation report on Building 7 is a bone headed fraud that is full of easily disprovable holes:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Good video. I wonder just how long can this deceit go on? It’s just so obvious.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

>I wonder just how long can this deceit go on?
No much longer if we keep spreading the information everytime we can.

Gen X Reject
Gen X Reject
4 years ago

Once I saw that others had started talking about childhood patters like this, I knew that my lifelong suspicion that something had gone wrong was confirmed. I’d been derailed decades ago, as my own past fits this general pattern.

Yes, the Gifted program (with the spergouts). Yes, with classes I don’t remember much, when I do remember the rest–since I was 2–being quite clear. Yes, with a correlation between how I did in that setting vs. the hell that was standard schooling (I don’t exaggerate by calling it “my private war”, comparing it to Vietnam, with nothing but hostile around me and indifferent or ineffectual adults at home).Yes, complete with “No, because Fuck You” reasons for getting screwed out of AP classes despite qualifying and so on.

The pieces that were missing, and missing until THIS PAST YEAR, fell into place while I was in hospital. You see, I don’t recall any OUTSIDERS monitoring me all these years. Instead, I think it was all done in-house. I found out that I had an uncle that worked for the Agency as an asset during his missionary days in the 60s; this was a known thing among that side of the family- my mother’s. Yet we kids never heard a damn thing, despite there being photos shared at the time proving it.

Mom confessed it, and shrugged it off like nothing. This, however, does explain why my uncle, his wife, and two of the four kids are now dead of cancer (and died in short order) while the two left do work for the Federal Reserve and some multi-national oil concern respectively. Furthermore, I think another uncle got roped in; he went down with cancer not long after the first uncle died.

And if the kids of those assets are profiting (and they are), then why not see who else takes the ticket? When I was in those Gifted classes, I also got scouted for a beef stew TV ad campaign; didn’t get that, and it wasn’t long after that when school life started to get so much worse. Mom was the one behind that; my father wasn’t so keen.

Dad, BTW, was a fix-up case; broken home, boozer dad, loser in school himself. Mom dead-ass says she fixed him. Now I’m thinking there was a bit more involved; it wasn’t long after Dad told me he’s disown me if I joined the military that he went down with a stroke and would die 10 years later, and this was after his POW-MIA advocacy in the American Legion and reconciling with an old school pal who’d become a Congressman. In short, I think I was offered up, but Dad got cold feet at the last minute. Also would explain Mom being a heretic as well as a degenerate Boomer.

That would explain the honeypot that showed up when I was about to get my shit together as an adult; and the ONI-spawn that showed up a few years after the honeypot did her damage, and even the son of an MI6 man that I ran across online years back (and is now a media-fronted asset in the PRC).

In short, I think the one doing the monitoring is my own mother. It would explain all of her behavior, even accounting for basic female psychology, and I’ve adjusted accordingly.

Reply to  Gen X Reject
4 years ago

I must have gotten either the incompetent or anti-seditious Gifted program. I recall it not having adjoining classrooms, but not the covered windows. It was only a couple of hours a day for English, and I remember learning things like how to diagram sentences. More importantly, I remember being allowed to read whatever I wanted (usually encyclopedias) if I didn’t disrupt the lecture part of the class.

It was frustrating to learn 4th grade vocabulary from someone with a smaller vocabulary than my own (already) but it’s been that way with most people for my entire life, so I adapted to it pretty quickly. By middle school I no longer cared enough about school to even try to do more than pass (especially since I knew I could learn more with a book than a teacher) and didn’t even go to large parts of my high school career. Maybe my natural inclination and dirt-poor upraising meant that I didn’t need active discouragement.

I’ve always been able to hear television flybacks and some tinnitus like howls have always been around, but I never had fainting problems, don’t have blue eyes, and I never had/noticed any fuckery until around 2008. Maybe I slipped into my career unnoticed until then and suddenly (((they))) felt like (((they))) had to do catchup once it became clear what I actually do. (My job is nominally a technical position, but my real job is to be what Scott Adams calls a Master Wizard. He’s specifically called someone in my industry/related job out as a Master Wizard.) That’s when the bedtime vibration shit started. On reflection, that’s about the time I started doing public speaking in the industry about what I really do.

Reply to  Gen X Reject
4 years ago

I also got scouted for a beef stew TV ad campaign; didn’t get that,

Glad you watched out for your cornhole, bud. You didn’t get the part because you weren’t groomable. You were being auditioned for sodomy, not a commercial.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Funny that you should single out this clip. Go check out the actor’s profile on IMDB. This guy rings some serious bells.

Reply to  Zippy
4 years ago

His IMDB bio is weird. He spent NINE years in a major supporting role on The Drew Carey Show and that doesn’t even get mentioned. Not sure where random yahoo guy got the bio info from.

Gen X Reject
Gen X Reject
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Now that I know what that business is really about, yeah that’s the likely scenario and I’m glad that I didn’t get picked- and I feel sorry for which kid that did.

Pliny the Dawdler
Pliny the Dawdler
Reply to  Gen X Reject
4 years ago

Comment section on fire!