News Briefs – 04/25/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


On Trump and the 30 point IQ gap. I just want to say I find it funny that the media made a big deal about Trump mentioning bringing a sterilant into the lungs, or bringing light into the body to sterilize the virus. I have a pretty good ability to model how the lower IQs like the Washington Press Corp think, so I knew instantly they were certain they had gotten Trump saying something dumb. But what I immediately saw were possible treatment modalities, and I wondered if Trump was referencing something out there that had already been developed and which was being hidden. Trump later backed off and just told the press he was being sarcastic, I assume because he didn’t see merit to prolonging the conversation. On bringing sterilants into the lungs, there was a wide area of research at the beginning of the last century on open air therapy. They took people with Flu and Tuberculosis, and put them outside, and found the percentages which died or were seriously ill dropped dramatically. Later experiments supposedly showed that there was some sort of sterilizing effect in outdoor air. I never saw where the research went, but my assumption was that it was small quantities of Ozone in the air. My guess would be that like free radicals that build up in the body, and are either avoided or dealt with by mechanisms that we evolved to handle such reactive byproducts in small quantities, I assume we have always inhaled small quantities of Ozone on sunny days, and we have some mechanism in the lungs that can neutralize it in small quantities. What those studies on open air therapy showed was that infectious agents probably didn’t have any mechanism to avoid or cope with that reactive factor, so while we had no deleterious effect from it, it seemed actually likely it was sterilizing something inside our lungs. So when Trump says, could we get something inside the lungs to sterilize them, I think that there is probably some mechanism in the lungs to disarm or avoid reactive oxygen species, and viruses and opportunistic bacteria would probably have no such advantage, and there might be a way to add a low level of some sort of sterilant to air which mimicked the effect of open air, and would kill microbes without affecting lung cells. As for bringing light into the body, there are already multiple therapies under development designed to bring light into the body to kill cancer cells. There is work on using UVA to kill viruses inside cells. Already they are using it in breathing tubes for those who are intubated.  And as Far UVC comes into play, and can kill microbes without affecting Human cells, who knows what is possible. Find the right wavelength that hits a molecule and confers energy on it in a resonant fashion, and anything is possible. It would not need to kill 100% of the virus in the body in minutes. Just clearing some small amount of the virus particles in the body might be enough to slow the infection’s advance and buy enough time for the immune system to get ahead of an infection which otherwise might overtake the patient if left unreduced. Remember, it is possible there is a parallel society which is advanced at least a generation or two, and maybe much more, beyond what is allowed to the plebes. I could easily see these being areas of research which have already been fleshed out (maybe on kidnapped innocents held against their wills in isolated island laboratories), and which are made available to Cabal’s most valued employees. Regardless of whether Trump was pointing to some forbidden research, or just thinking the way people who cure diseases think, the media is full of shit.

I just find it amusing that the Washington Press Corp looked at something Trump said, which was very technically brilliant and insightful to those schooled in the art he was delving into, and the response from the average reporter was akin to the population in Idiocracy pointing and laughing as they told Not-Sure he talked like a ‘tard and his shit was fucked up.

Nancy Pelosi says Trump wants people to inject Lysol into their lungs. The average person sees that and even if they haven’t seen anything about it, they wonder what she is smoking.

John Durham brought a specialist in RICO cases onto his team.

Stunning documents withheld for years from former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s defense reveal that the retired three-star general did not commit any crimes, as suggested by Department of Justice prosecutors in former Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation, his attorney said.  His lawyer’s tweet:

I always thought the purpose of Flynn’s case (and the reason he went bankrupt, lost his home, and suffered so much) was to lull Cabal into a false sense of security, thinking they had won. But another purpose was probably to reveal firsthand just how the Cabal’s corrupt infiltrators in the judicial and legal system could rig a trial, hide evidence, railroad an innocent man, and make it all look like a normal course of justice.

FBI Director Christopher Wray fought to prevent exculpatory evidence from surfacing in the case of President Donald Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, a source with direct knowledge of the situation tells Daily Caller. No idea if it is smoke or real. But upper level FBI would hold the keys to the castle. If they wanted Cabal lulled into a false sense of security, they might have appointed a Cabalite into the position, and just kept him neutered somehow.

Christopher Steele deleted his notes and records related to the dossier.

Canada imports one million faulty respirators from China.

Sweden sees record number of coronavirus infections for second day in a row – 812 – after warning it may CLOSE bars and restaurants if people keep ignoring social distancing. One minute the story is they are fine and are about to get to herd immunity, the next minute it is Armageddon.

In New York, the Coronavirus has produced a seven-fold increase in incidence of sudden stroke in young patients during the past two weeks. 

France has banned the online sale of nicotine products and limited their sale in pharmacies, after researchers suggested that nicotine may play a role in protecting against coronavirus. Why is it every time we find something which might cure this plague the first response from the government is to try and prevent anyone from getting access to the therapy.

A US Navy destroyer performing a counter narcotics mission has been hit by an outbreak of at least 18 coronavirus cases, a US Navy official tells CNN.

CNN’s Brian Stelter admits that he worried his wife might not be able to get the hydroxychloroquine she needed for her autoimmune issue, as he was bad mouthing the drug as a potential Coronavirus cure.

Trump plans to cut back on his daily coronavirus briefings.

Survey shows overwhelming majority of doctors would prescribe Hydroxychloroquine to a family member with Wuhan Coronavirus.

Large-scale human trial of potential COVID-19 vaccine kicks off at Oxford today. Might be available by September, since it is an already developed technology.

Rome’s decline combined geologic upheaval, a shift to colder climate, and the emergence of plagues.

Jill Biden says she’d ‘love it if’ Michelle Obama agreed to a VP slot.

Cuomo strikes, and announces all New York Voters will be sent absentee ballot request forms, and the polls will still be open. Between Post Office meddling with ballots, double voting, and fraudulent ballots, you can write off New York if nothing changes.

Democratic governors and mayors are sidestepping around Congress to put money into the pockets of illegal immigrants who were excluded from receiving the $1,200 coronavirus relief checks. Then they turn around and tell the federal government they need billions in bailouts. Any locality that had the money for this obviously doesn’t need federal funds.

Activists sued to get prisoners released over Coronavirus fears, and one of those who would have been released was the Green River Killer. They failed, but only by 5-4. Remember Q saying serial killers are picked up by Cabal’s watchers, and Cabal offers them a deal to mix a few Cabal targets into their victim list in return for protection from Law Enforcement?

Man who died ingesting fish tank cleaner remembered as intelligent, levelheaded engineer. So his wife poisoned him, took a little herself, and then was able to get away clean just by giving out the stupid story that they were scared of Corona, and thought Trump said to take it. Was it the perfect crime, or is Cabal just rewarding a loyal acolyte with immunity from prosecution?

Leaked Amazon Whole Foods docs say workforce diversity helps prevent unions. I thought our leaders supported diversity because it makes us stronger?

Pennsylvania Government now encouraging people to snitch on businesses and neighbors. Always nice when some little functionary judges their own little edict more important than the cohesiveness of Americans with fellow Americans.

So what the fuck is this at the top of Gavin Newsom’s twitter page:

Here is the media faking a pic of a nurse stopping a lockdown protestor, complete with the protestor in a flag-waving TrumpCar:

Most favor Trump’s halt to immigration to help U.S. workers, but Democrats don’t.

Poll of Latinos finds only about half would vote for Biden. Obviously this election should be a full-on blow out for Trump. But it will be interesting how close Cabal can make it, because judging by their media-lies about Biden leading in the polls, they seem to feel they can make it close, or even more, maybe push Joe over the top once they pull out all the stops.

New evidence has emerged buttressing the credibility of Tara Reade’s claim that she told her mother about allegations of sexual harassment and assault against Joe Biden. Basically, she had told her mom, who called into Larry King Live back then, and it can be seen in this next twitter video. Note the look on the guy reporter’s face as he suddenly thinks he is about to be put on the spot with a story about a woman who has real dirt about a powerful Senator. You’d think a reporter’s eyes would light up, and he’d be raring to go break a story that would make his career. But no. This guy knows. He’s been running coverage on targets of the machine maybe since he was a kid, to get trusted enough to be a reporter. He knows there is a network, and if a Senator is powerful it is because he is plugged into the network (and much higher-ranking), and that story is therefore radioactive. Great scene to show you, things don’t work the way you thought:

There are reports Kim Jong-un was seen strolling around at a tourist resort in North Korea. And China sends a medical team to North Korea even as Beijing-backed TV boss claims Kim Jong Un is dead.

Navy recommends reinstating commander of USS Theodore Roosevelt.

Incoming 50 million barrel ‘Saudi oil bomb’ could send prices even lower,

Stephen Miller, who was a chief architect in drafting the temporary immigration order, said Trump’s immigration order is not intended to be a stopgap measure, but rather a long-term vision to shape immigration flow. The virus does open up a plethora of such opportunities, because in the new, death-infused, resource restricted environment, doing the K-thing, like supporting Americans over foreigners, or supporting small business over the big-government bureaucrats, or couching the government as an enemy of the people to shrink it, or seeing corruption honestly exposed and more importantly honestly punished, will be much easier.

Supreme Court denies motion to block Trump ‘public charge’ rule during pandemic.

Spread r/K Theory, because the lying Fake News is the enemy  of the people.

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4 years ago

I have not seen this reported anywhere, but in case you did not know, the virus-spawned unemployment benefits are very GENEROUS. With respect to re-opening the economy, this is already beginning to have a significant impact. Workers now have a very LARGE dis-incentive to return to their former jobs.

I know a waitress in Texas who was laid off because of the lock-down. Her unemployment benefits just began and she just got her first payment: $1,000 a WEEK. The benefits go until the end of July, so another 100 days or so. She’ll end up with about 14-15 weeks of benefits, so $14,000-15,000 from the government. The amount is $400 per week from Texas (the normal unemployment benefit based on earnings for the last year) with $600 added on top by the federal stimulus package. Every person across the country gets the $600 added each week. This is in addition to her $1,200 stimulus payment. April will be a good month financially for her despite being laid off.

Since Gov. Abbott is beginning to open up the Texas economy, the restaurant called my friend and asked if she wanted to come back to work. She hmmmed and hawed, but the answer was basically “no.” The most she ever made in a month at her job was $3,500 and that was earned with hard sweaty 12 hour shifts and enough fake enthusiasm to generate good tips. Plus, that $3,500 earned income was TAXABLE. Now, she’s getting $4,000 a month with no work and no taxes. If she returns to work, her generous benefits will terminate.

I have confirmed that others are receiving these generous benefits and that workers are very happy to take the money and not return to work. I know several small businesses that are worried that they will not be able to get their employees back if the economy is re-opened.

The implications are enormous.

(1) This will create countervailing pressure against re-opening the economy. A business might think: Why re-open if I can’t find any workers?

(2) The generous benefits will encourage more and more workers to apply. Expect a surge in the coming weeks. “Maybe you think you are not eligible or maybe you think the benefits are not worth the hassle? Change your thinking, buddy! Apply now cuz $800-1,000 or more a week is worth a try and worth the hassle.”

(3) The generous benefits may lead to more layoffs since businesses will have less pressure to keep workers. This is particularly true for small business owners who are more human in their worries for their workers. But, with this type of governmental largess, layoffs can be guilt-free. Indeed, some workers may ask to be laid off since they can make more money on unemployment than by working.

(4) On a small scale, resentments are building. Imagine the grocery store check-out clerk who, three weeks ago, was very happy to have a job. Now, that same clerk may be thinking: “Why am I working so hard and getting exposed to the virus to earn much less than my friends who are sitting at home collecting unemployment?” This particular Texas restaurant stayed partially open to offer carry-out meals. Some of the wait and kitchen staff maneuvered to keep their jobs and felt themselves among the “lucky ones.” Now — not so much.

(5) This will also impact the hiring of illegals; if a business can’t entice an American to come off of unemployment, then the job may go to an illegal who is not receiving benefits.

(6) This will result in a huge glut of workers — many millions — who will be “ready” to go back to work at the end of July when the generosity ends. But those jobs may not exist.

(7) This will result in a huge political push — near the November elections — to extend the generous benefits beyond July 31st. There is already political “noise” about extending the benefits. Having been granted, it will be very difficult to dial back the generosity. Before the end of July, the money may run out as happened with the paycheck protection plan. Again, there will be a huge political push to extend the benefits.

(8) And, ya know, “mah dephicits” and “money printer go brrrrr … brrrrr … brrrrr”

(9) Some have worried about the $1,200 stimulus checks being deflationary. The same concern exists here if these generous unemployment benefits are put into savings or are used to pay down debt. My waitress friend is planning on saving some of her unemployment benefits in case she can’t find a job in August or September. I am not sure why normal people should worry about deflation, but some think this is a problem.

(10) President Trump’s hope for a roaring economy by election day may not materialize.

On the plus side, landlords may get their rents and millions will have lots of money to spend.

4 years ago

If the universe is energy and matter, including organic matter, merely a subset of energy, then there is some validity to the idea that man is a “being of light.” This guy has pioneered biophotonics, FYI:

The company making UV-A endotrachial and endobronchial gear is AYTU.

4 years ago

Here is some reddit chicanery for you. Allegedly, the subreddit /r/againsthatesubreddits has been false flagging conservative subs by raiding the community, acting like regular users, and posting child pornography. The community then gets banned rather quickly.

These are leftist degenerates, half of them are trannies and apparently a good portion of them are also pedos. Its a hive of scum and villainy and mental illness. They have been breaking the rules of the site for years by openly brigading or raiding other communities to cause disruption. Stuff right-leaning subs easily get banned for. But the admins of the site are also known to be far-left shitbags and it is highly suspected that the admins are working with them so excuses can be created to ban any community not on the plantation. It seems like the low-hanging fruit has already been censored if they are resorting to actually posting CP in places they don’t like.

If anyone from the FBI is watching this thread, and isn’t gaybal, it would be nice if you investigated this bullshit.

I do find it ironic how pedophilia is so extensively used for control by the deep state, but not only are those sick fucks doing this horrible shit, they are also planting it on their opponents to take them out.

There is a reason Q says they won’t be able to walk the streets when it comes out what all they have been up to.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Eggxactly, timing and preparation is everything.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


I think dealing with this kind of dark shit if its necessary. People need to take breaks. And go on Vacation on regular rotation.

I think going to the Altar, Praying and reading the Scriptures should also be a regular activity.

This is true demonic evil. Dealing with said evil is like exorcism.

To do Justice is Divine Work. For Government is the Angel of God’s Vengeance(Romans 13) executing his wrath on the wicked.

In such a holy undertaking we need God’s help in combating Evil.

And those people are demon possessed. Their bodies are inhabited by unclean spirits.

Why else are they compelled to evil in this manner.

In fact they do need exorcism in my humble opinion if they end up in death row. And exposure to the Gospel until they are shot or they are hanged until dead.

Robert Pinkerton
Robert Pinkerton
4 years ago

OK, so Coronavirus is brazenly, glaringly, blatantly grabbing the center of news attention and sucking oxygen out of the rest. What else is happening? It is like the stage-“magician” (prestidigitator) using a cute young female assistant in a bikini to divert the audience’s attention.

Reply to  Robert Pinkerton
4 years ago

Ebola. That ongoing boondoggle in the Middle East. A couple trillion dollars the GSA can’t find any accounting for. Probably thousands of deaths in Puerto Rico due to local politicians diverting aid to their own warehouses, where most of it still sits, expired or rotting. The tentacular, never-ending story of the Steele Dossier. All the little schemes and swindles that are now going to get a pass and reset, lost in the new noise.

You know, the usual…

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Robert Pinkerton
4 years ago

What else is happening? Grand Solar minimum. We’ve had 3 bad years in a row for farming, last year particularly was a disaster worldwide. Famine looms. Talked to a police officer today. There was a look in his eyes. He knows. And he couldn’t talk about it. When I brought it up he literally ran away.

I could be wrong on this, but I’ve been cross checking with various farmers I know and come in contact with. Looks like this year will be as bad as last year. God willing, the crops this year make up for last year. After the current glut of cheap meat and cheap gas, meat could be quite scarce and expensive for the next seven years.

4 years ago

Canada imports one million faulty respirators from China.

The KN95 standard is fraudulent from the start. The only thing keeping mask makers in China from not making proper NIOSH N95 masks is that they aren’t willing to submit them to NIOSH for N95 certification.

Why? Because they won’t pass.

KN95 is just a way to fraudulently claim that they are the same as the N95 standard while making the masks out of 100% chineseum. The Chinese will allow the to stamp whatever bullshit they want as KN95 while NIOSH actually tests them.

Don’t trust China. China is asshole.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Asshoe! lol

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

What’s up with Chris Wray’s face here? Physiognomy and Nasolabials are weird.

comment image

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Ha! He looks like he’d rather be anywhere but there, and he’s already halfway gone. Like fuck this shit. Lol

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

National Institutes of Health recommends looking into UV light treatment for viral and bacterial infections.

Nothing Trump suggested was far-fetched.

4 years ago

I read through some of your older posts and realized you have been watching vitamin D for a while. Here is a new observational study with strong correlations, “Vitamin D Supplementation Could Possibly Improve Clinical Outcomes of Patients Infected with Coronavirus-2019 (COVID-2019)”

Vitamin D Level Outcome

17.1 ng/mL Critical
21.2 ng/mL Severe
27.4 ng/mL Ordinary
31.2 ng/mL Mild

Add to this Dr. Erik Hermstad’s patients, with still no hospital admittances for any of his patients above 40 ng/mL, it’s looking very interesting.

14% of All Americans, 36% Black Americans, 30% Native Americans are below 19.6 ng/mL, inadequate vitamin D levels.

4 years ago

Out of 150 WWII Veterans from the UK, only one was happy with his Country:


Immigration tops the list of complaints.

‘People come here, get everything they ask, for free, laughing at our expense,’ was a typical observation.

‘We old people struggle on pensions, not knowing how to make ends meet. If I had my time again, would we fight as before? Need you ask?’

Many writers are bewildered and overwhelmed by a multicultural Britain that, they say bitterly, they were never consulted about nor feel comfortable with.

‘Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.’

Her words may be offensive to many – and rightly so – but Sarah Robinson defiantly states: ‘We are affronted by the appearance of Muslim and Sikh costumes on our streets.’

4 years ago

And notice that the article about the UK WW2 Veterans is from 2009.
You can bet more Western people think the same way, the more they get replaced and abused by the traitors who have been comped by the zionist globohomo transnational organized crime cabal, the more people understand they have been had.

Which reminded me:
Some days ago, we had a case here in our Country where a bunch of “refugees” were ordered to stay inside a hostel while they wait to get an answer on if they are allowed in, and out of the 200, some 20 decided to ignore the rules to not get out and police had to go find them (1 of them was found in England). One of the people who lived near the hostel with all the “refugees” was interviewed to talk about the issue by a TV station for the news, and he was complaining that they don’t give a shit about rules, that some of them shit on the street in front of everyone, and he was mad at the mayor because she didn’t gave a shit and didn’t care about their complains. Dude was in his 50’s and he had the kind of tone of someone who had just been redpilled by reality.

4 years ago

“On bringing sterilants into the lungs, there was a wide area of research at the beginning of the last century on open air therapy. They took people with Flu and Tuberculosis, and put them outside, and found the percentages which died or were seriously ill dropped dramatically. Later experiments supposedly showed that there was some sort of sterilizing effect in outdoor air. I never saw where the research went, but my assumption was that it was small quantities of Ozone in the air. ”

Forest Bathing:
The video gives good summary of the the three papers. To summarizes the key point of the articles is PHYTONCIDE compounds from tree increase the innate immune activity, specific natural killer cells. Natural killer cells then helps attack either viral or bacterial infection and produce more targets for humoral immunity to create more specific antibodies against the infection. So I person get COVID 19 and goes into the forest, their body no produce a more robust response to the disease and may avoid the serious pathology of the virus.

4 years ago

Other reports that Trump will not bail out the post office until they start charging amazon properly.

I don’t see the big picture yet, but presumably post office changes today will counteract the mail-in ballot push by the r’s. Waiting to see how it plays out.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anon
4 years ago

I ordered some “Hand Crank Squeeze Flashlight,No Battery,3 LED Dynamo flashlights” from China. Like this.

comment image

and they were only .99 cents each(included shipping cost). (I bought a bunch and put them everywhere). Now I know good and damn well you can’t ship anything from the US within the US for that cheap. Why do the Chinese get such good deals on shipping?

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

There was a horrible postal treaty that Trump announced we are leaving.
We will be out in June if I remember correctly.

4 years ago


Please watch this interview:

This guy is very clued into Cabal and their Agenda with the Coronavirus.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
4 years ago

I’ve watched this and he’s pulling no punches. He also names the Jew which you have to to accurately describe the pozz. It’s amazing a Colonel in GRU is actively naming the Zionist financial empire as a threat to all the population on Earth.