News Briefs – 04/27/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Pandemics, Leftist treason, and Cabal shitbaggery does get monotonous, so just to change the mood, here is a kid who painted his body in rubber cement, and they played if off on his stepdad as if he was having a medical emergency. It was long, but I had tears in my eyes:

I was thinking about Trump saying, how could we take this disinfecting effect into the lungs. And I got thinking, a lot of viruses do not do well outside a very small temperature window they have evolved to reproduce in. Go higher, and proteins bend out of shape into conformations they cannot function in. In aquaculture, there are viruses that create tumor-like growths on fish that can be cleared from the tanks just by heating the water ten degrees. They all cease reproducing and actually die. As we know, Coronavirus can’t deal well with heat. You can easily inhale air at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, at least for a while, if your body can shed the heat through the rest of the body being kept cool. And the air could even be humidified, so it would hold the heat better. Hospitals, by contrast usually run things cold to prevent microbial growth on surfaces, so people’s lungs are kept cooler. Suppose you took Corona patients with lung involvement, and simply heated the air, or the oxygen they inhale, so it would warm the lungs up ten or fifteen degrees or more. Add in nebulized ethanol, like kids inhale at some bars to ingest alcohol by inhaling it as a gas through the lungs, and you would probably have a pretty effective anti-viral sterilizing effect on the virus particles present in the lungs, and the airway all the way into there.

From 4Chan: “Joe Biden’s Campaign has been funneling money to an Ice Cream Company, the same company that Pelosi has a pension for advertising. All these expenses are in 75k increments. The founder of the Ice Cream company is Jenny Bauer. Bauer is on the board of trustees for Wexner Center Foundation, Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein were photographed together with Les Wexner… Spooks hide shit in ice cream. Nobody doing a rushed search wants to take the time to melt it and run it through a sieve. The ice cream could be a Pollo Hermano type thing, working as a cover for some sort of smuggling operation. Pelosi wants her vials of adrenachrome, and she places an order with Jeni’s, who recognizes the address and puts a few vials in a tub, freezes it solid, and ships it on dry ice. It even works kind of like an anti-tampering seal, because if you were going to intercept the package and swap the vials with, say a carcinogen, unless a sophisticated spook outfit intercepts the packages to dig out the vials, it will be obvious the ice cream was tampered with, or even melted and just re frozen. Only a sophisticated operation would rechurn the ice cream before stuffing it in to make it look factory-filled. They could be smuggling anything in it.” Theoretically, Pelosi could have been signaling with that video that Cabal supply lines were back open.

A woman who was one of the first people injected as part of human trials for a coronavirus vaccine has said she is ‘doing fine’ after fake reports of her death. All this attempt to poison the intel-well and screw up the ability of regular citizens to know what is what, cannot be an accident.

FakeNews CNN drops a subconscious heartbeat sound effect in the background on their reports about the Chinese Coronavirus to try and up the tension.

Rudy Giuliani questioned Dr. Anthony Fauci’s involvement in grants from the United States to a laboratory in Wuhan, China, that has been tied to the coronavirus pandemic.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Sunday that the Trump administration’s January China travel ban implemented to curb the spread of the novel Wuhan coronavirus should have barred U.S. citizens from returning home.

De Blasio appoints wife head of coronavirus racial inequality task force.

Virginia Health Commissioner says he thinks schools could Remain Closed For Two Years

Questions arise about Cuomo forcing nursing homes to admit infected patients.

If the FDA got out of the way, Apple could activate technology already in Apple Watches that would turn them all into pulse oximeters, but FDA is still holding things up.

Bill Gates calls question about whether China covered up the coronavirus a ‘distraction.’

Young and middle-aged people, barely sick with covid-19, are dying of strokes.

Study of infected prison inmates in four states finds 96% are asymptomatic.

An Israeli hospital will begin testing COVID-19 patients with medicinal cannabis, which is known to have anti-viral properties, as part of a new experimental treatment. 

Mink are infected with coronavirus at two Dutch farms. Not good if this begins jumping back and forth around many different species.

Birx says, social distancing guidelines will continue ‘through the summer.’

White House officials say Trump works so hard he often misses lunch.

Zinc may be the missing element is the Hydroxychloroquine debate.

N.J. hospital saves one of its own after a doctor becomes a Coronavirus patient by throwing everything in his cocktail — HCQ, Azithromycin, Remdesivir, etc. Why wouldn’t everyone get this treatment?

Indian firm to test Covid vaccine in 3 weeks.

Swing voters approve of Trump’s virus effort, 75% want end of China reliance.

Mexico has almost entirely cleared out its migrant shelters over the past five weeks to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, returning most of the occupants to their countries of origin.

Trump sent a letter to Congress here, designating funding from the Additional Emergency Appropriations for Coronavirus Response as emergency funding for purposes of The Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, linked here. An anon on 4Chan maintained that what Trump really did was take money and return it to the people as emergency aid, and now Congress will have to cut funding elsewhere to comply with the deficit control act, and this will defund all sorts of Deep State funding programs. I am not a legal eagle, so I can’t confirm, but the allegation sounded interesting.

Appeals Court stays order overturning California’s ammunition background check law.

NYC man released from Rikers Island over coronavirus arrested on new rape charge.

A conservative documents the vote fraud they witnessed when democrats got vote by mail in Oregon.

Chinese company suspected of spying on U.S. citizens donates police drones to 22 states.

CNN ‘Larry King’ episode featuring Biden accuser’s mother disappears from Google Play catalog. More and more like George Orwell every single day.

China is buying more US beef and soybeans.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is ‘alive and well’, a South Korean official has said.

Newsom ordered by CA Supreme Court to defend $75 million giveaway to illegals.

Coronavirus has lit the fuse on the debt time bomb in China’s economy.

Spread r/K Theory, because the panic is building

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Imagine a completely unconstrained Flynn. How fucked is Cabal?

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Any Day Now! ™️

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Nomad
4 years ago

Granted. But if he comes out swinging like an Irishman against the FIB then we know it’s umbrella time.

4 years ago

RE: Pelosi’s Ice Cream Collection

If you think about it, who even buys that much ice cream? Most people have a tub or two in their freezer or maybe a couple more if they’re really into fancy ice cream but a whole freezer full of JUST ice cream? She’s not selling it and if she was eating all of it she’d be 300 pounds. So why would she even have that much?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The Ben and Jerry’s guys are major democrat donors and based out of Vermont. Is there a cabal ice cream thing going on?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>bombard them with free product

Only worth it if your product is packing the (((product)))!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I believe that’s exactly it. The message was letting all the other demons know where they can get their fix

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I wish I had a case of whatever they were taking, unless it required killing babies or some other such evil. Many are saying it’s adrenachrome harvested from children but I can’t imagine after all this time they could not synthesize a chemical analog. A lot of really rich insiders look great for their age. Really great. They’re taking something.

I wonder if Pelosi’s loss of wonder drug was because she was not fighting Trump to the cabals satisfaction so they cut her off??? After a few weeks of floundering she decided to do whatever it took to get it back. It’s not just sex blackmail that is a powerful motivator. If you have some sort of elixir of life it could be very compelling. How many of us wished we could go back to being 19 or so?

4 years ago

I think opening back up is necessary to not only allow people to feed themselves but to restore oil demand to slow down the carnage that low demand is having on US oil industry.

Energy Independence may depend on opening up sooner rather than later.

4 years ago

Is there another energy source that is in the wings to replace fossil fuels?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
4 years ago

There actually is. Look at “Molten Salt Reactors”. Way, way, way, way safer than the ones we have now. The pressurized water reactor we have now was the path that was followed because we wanted nuclear weapons an because Admiral Rickover wanted reactors “right now” for submarines and that was what had the most research and the fastest method of getting them. It seems that once a technology has a certain amount of take up it moves ahead very fast and others are dropped. Especially if the overhead to get it going is high.

Another thing to look at is Thorium reactors. They don’t seem to be very useful for nuclear weapons but are very good for power as there’s more thorium than there is lead. We would not run out of power any time soon. Lots and lots of companies are working on all of these and most would not only burn thorium but also present nuclear waste. The end product is highly radioactive but only for 300 years then it drops to less than the mined ores that were used to run them. Very manageable. Molten salt reactors are also shut off safe. They require high temperatures to melt the Salt. If the whole thing broke open, not likely, then the salt would run out on the ground and immediately freeze like pouring molten lead into sand.

These are coming on real fast. We did a lot of work on this then completely stopped. Of course all the work we did was saved at Oak Ridge. The President of China’s son went there and …copied every single paper they had on the research and now the Chinese are leading the effort to build these. We are such idiots. It’s hard not to think that maybe the powers that be refused to research these as soon as they found out how cheap they could be. With power cheap enough there’s several fuels you can build chemically with electricity, water and atmospheric gas so we would essentially never run out.

4 years ago

Today, Vox has a post about Gates and his push for everyone in the world to get a vaccine for the Chinese Flu. Here is Vox’s comment about that evil idea: “My suspicion is that this can all be traced back to Isaac Asimov and Bill Gates reading Foundation at an impressionable age. That book appears to have convinced a certain type of Boomer nerd that they are destined to micromanage the world. Paul Krugman freely admits it was his inspiration.”

Every now and again, I have the same thought. For those that don’t know the Isaac Asimov books, the original Foundation series (from the 1950s and 1960s) posits the collapse of a galaxy-wide civilization. The hero of the first book, Harry Sheldon, discovers the principles of psycho-history. The idea is that history is understandable and the future is predictable by studying human behavior, but you must have all the information on what people are doing, saying, thinking, buying, etc. With sufficient info, the trends can be seen and understood and extrapolated into the future. If you understand it sufficiently, then all the doing and thinking can be manipulated and the future can be managed.

In the books, Sheldon creates the theory and puts it into practice to manage the coming collapse of the empire. Without intervention, the dark ages would last for thousands of years; with the intervention of Sheldon’s group of scientists — a cabal — the First Foundation — to manage the collapse, civilization returns in 1,000 years.

So far, very technocracy. Mankind and society are perfectible. Science is the key. An elite group of scientists and engineers should be in charge. If you took the Foundation books as a road map, then you would need vast quantities of data collected from a vast array of surveillance mechanisms.

Back to the books: psycho-history has one limitation (which creates some of the dramatic tensions in the Foundations books): the data predicts “great men” will arise occasionally — but not WHEN or WHY they will arise. These great men will prevent human history from being managed in the “proper” direction; basically “great men” cause wars. Sheldon creates the First Foundation and tasks it with managing human history towards the “desired” ends. Sheldon creates a Second Foundation to manage these “great men.” Essentially, the Second Foundation finds them and suppresses them as children or kills them off if they show themselves later in life.

Again, if psycho-history is your road map, you will want to start testing children (boys in particular) either to co-opt them or to prevent them from growing up to endanger the project of controlling and managing human history.

This hints at one theory of why the Cabal is doing what it is doing.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Similar experience here. These girls in college were all skinny and somewhat attractive, but very snarky and whorish. Tried to get me to do drugs with them and talked about reincarnation (some kind of attempt and Hindu-Buddhist synchretism) frequently. There were at least 3 of them, one was raised Jewish, another Catholic. I remember the repeated attempts by about 3 of them over the course of a semester weirded me out. Again, every single one was into reincarnation and eastern religions despite being White.

Had it not been for having had higher quality gf’s in High School and College (I was the captain of a sports team and was NCAA recruited) I would of bit, as some of my very smart peers and acquaintances did. For all I know the professors could have been running a fishing op.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

This scenario is plausible. But remember: there’s the esoteric and the exoteric. The exoteric is what they tell the front line troops. It’s the rationale. The esoteric is the real reason.

Yes, there are talented disrupters born into every population. I would argue that is human evolution. Look at human populations as organisms and realize that for us to have the observed diversity that we have in human cultures, we need to have people who have the drive and charisma to branch off from the existing norms and populations.

You can observe this as subcultures in a society very quickly develop their own language, their own habits, etc. What I’m saying is that it’s natural to have subcultures and it’s also natural to have cults. It’s part of natural selection.

What cabal is trying to do is create a global, uniform society. The true meaning of the word “catholic” is “universal.” But it is the natural impulse of the human populations to generate novelty. Just as random mutations of DNA produce adaptations, so do random mutations in culture.

Cabal is a global, universal fascist socialist movement.

It is against human nature.

They are trying to kill off the human potential for innovation, novelty, and new ways of living and throw us into a cultural dark ages from which we will be forever crippled to escape from.

While I can see their theoretical motivation, I really think that their only concern is eliminating bloodlines that may pose a threat to Cabal’s ruling bloodlines.

They think they are preventing conflict and ushering in an age of peace. All they are really doing is engaging in murder, rape, thievery, conquest. The very things they claim these actions are protecting us from.

Donald Trump is clearly the exact type of personality they would have eliminated if they could have. And look at the results, he is everything that they fear. A great disrupter. But at the same time, he will also be someone who moves humanity forward.

I understand this rationale but it really just goes to show that these people have an elaborate series of justifications for eliminating people who they fear may be better than they are. I believe, at its heart, is actually a very dark impulse. These are the people of Cain. The murderers of their brother out of rage.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

A group of college girls looking “curiously” at a college boy means they’ve been talking about how cute he is … just saying.

Been there and done that.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“From my perspective, one, no parent would normally risk a child, let alone a daughter, and two, even if the daughters were willing to make the sacrifice, there would be no way I can see to extrapolate from those deaths to a predictable higher purpose. If they aren’t in it for the money, but some purpose it would have to be like you describe.”

Thinking back, I knew a cabal family that had two beautiful daughters. One was conspicuously brighter than the other, however. She went on to great higher education and traditional perfect family. The duller one, though still socially adept, became a very manipulative slut that broke a lot of hearts and ruined a lot of lives. I believe she was targeting people under direction of cabal. And that her mother knew all of this.

So why would a mother do such a thing. Again, fear and avarice. I know that doesn’t sound quite possible. But think of it this way. Mother is confronted by cabal. Mother knows that cabal could absolutely destroy both of her daughters and that there is nothing mother can do about it. Mother is given an ultimatum: smart daughter will get into the best schools and marry a great husband who knows he’d damned well better be loyal to her. In exchange, dumb daughter becomes a whore.

That’s a much better outcome than both daughters having their lives destroyed. Or worse.

Yes, cabal is that ruthless.

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago


New Name
New Name
Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

” Essentially, the Second Foundation finds them and suppresses them as children or kills them off if they show themselves later in life.”

Isn’t that exactly what Cabal is trying to do to Trump right now? Look carefully at the whole array of resources that they are throwing at him, media and otherwise. It’s a full court, all-hands on deck press.

But are they really worried that Trump will start a war? No. But they are worried that Trump will put a halt to their civilizational process. What does Q say? Systematic destruction of the Old Guard.

It’s worth noting that they’ve even managed to get nearly the entire mental health establishment behind an effort to Article 25 Trump. Which is really remarkable. Because clearly they know that he’s not unstable. So it would go to show that a big function of the mental health industry in our society is to find and cripple gifted people. And even though we spend more on mental health than ever before, we are sicker than ever before. What some call a bug, these people call a feature.

Yes, it makes sense that they have some funky ideology about the elimination of personalities that they are labeling as toxic. But really, all it is is one sector of the elites being willing to violate all moral norms to eliminate any potential threat to their power.

Are these people involved in a moral endeavor? Or are they all as sick as King Herrod murdering every newborn boy in his kingdom out of fear that one might be the Messiah?

Take a look at our ill, suffering, shattered societies and communities. Look at the complete vapidness of our arts and our philosophy. Where are our great men? We’ve murdered the best amongst us with a fantastic mythology of ending conflict and birthed a society of complete vulgar mediocrity. Swarming with people whom barbarians would regard as barbaric. A people minimal virtue.

But at least we’re not disturbed or bothered by passionate, talented men trying to change things.

Cabal is not the protector of civilization. It’s a revolting, cancerous monstrosity that has managed to justify any and all crimes while developing the manipulative techniques to drive the masses into pure sociopathy in protection of a few bloodlines. It has trapped us in corruption, poverty, stagnation, and a culture of pornography. And a population of people who would sell out their hard earned freedom for enough beer and season tickets.

Everything about it is a lie. It claims to be celebrating diversity while eradicating local cultures in favor of a global mono homo culture. It claims to be for women while ripping most from their children to slave away at boring, menial, low paying jobs. It is a vulgar, vile, genocidal death cult held together with flimsy justifications for the literate and terror and avarice for the rank and file.

Cabal has pathologized being human and as a real all humans are suffering from its pathology.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Seems like people were aware of this trend of Cabal even a century ago. Here’s Jose Ortega Y Gasset remarking in 1921:

“As they say in the United States: “to be different is to be indecent.” The mass crushes beneath it everything that is different, everything that is excellent, individual, qualified and select. Anybody who is not like everybody, who does not think like everybody, runs the risk of being eliminated. And it is clear, of course, that this “everybody” is not “everybody.” “Everybody” was normally the complex unity of the mass and the divergent, specialized minorities. Nowadays, “everybody” is the mass alone. Here we have the formidable fact of our times, described without any concealment of the brutality of its features.”

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Well said.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

Trump=The Mule

People that have read the Foundation series will get this.

4 years ago

When I was a kid and had a severe cold the standard treatment was to put the tea kettle on the stove and when boiling to put a towel over you and the kettle to inhale the steam and “break up the cold”. As this treatment was more than 70 years ago who knew what they were actually doing and why. Did anyone know that colds were a form of the corona virus or that hot air and high moisture were effective against viruses. As a kid I only knew what my mother knew that it relieved symptoms and I was always willing. The healing period also seemed to be shortened.

Now I use the zinc lozenges and after done take a slug of tonic water for the quinine (a recent addition) each time. Anectoditally I would say it works for me no severe colds for a number of years. Now, if I thought, I had been caught by the Chi Com Bio Warfare Disease I would head for the old remedy first but I might include a shot of 150 proof into the kettle. I use the lozenge as it leaves the zinc on the back of your tongue and you breathe it in. You know when you have taken enough as you can taste the zinc long after you have used a lozenge. Just saying!

I am sure China-Who (and most MD’s) would say I am full of donkey dust but they have been wrong every time so what is the value of their prattle. My scale says zero and people have died as a result of China-Who and their lies.

The above is from a layman with NO medical training so do your own thing.

Another thought, even if this disease was not designed in a lab and did occur naturally or as an escape from a lab the Chi Coms did weaponize it. The hid it, they spread it and they denied it so as the increase their hegemony over the world.


Reply to  Goose
4 years ago

Yes, my dad (an MD) would do this also.

4 years ago

“Zinc may be the missing element is the Hydroxychloroquine debate.”

Minor nit. ‘Is’ should be ‘in’.

Oh, and the tweet showing it took 10 years to get the same deaths in the Vietnam war as Coronavirus; he could also have said that 54K is the average number of Americans who die every week. 🙂


Chris Eastlund
Chris Eastlund
4 years ago

hot air in the lungs? It’s called a sauna. Watch Finland to see if it works.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Take up smoking. 351+ degrees will sterilize the air you are drawing in. It doesn’t work perfectly unless you chain smoke non-stop and then you have other problems.

Reply to  Chris Eastlund
4 years ago

A long, very hot shower with the bathroom fan turned off is a poor-man’s sauna. An electric blanket over your body or heating pad on your chest is similarly effective.

4 years ago

Regarding ice cream, Mike Bloomberg did that “Big Gay” ice cream spot when he was running for President. And CNN business has a video about how big gay ice cream started in NYC, and it sounds like a bunch of bullcrap to me, a make believe story with the owner and how he started out.

Barr Tabb
Barr Tabb
4 years ago

Things are starting to make more sense. In the video game Grand Theft Auto – Vice City, the character buys an “ice cream” business at one point. There’s a very disturbing undercurrent to the whole situation.

The lady managing the “ice cream” factory says some very disturbing things about children. When “ice cream” is sold on the street, the police eventually come after the main character. And to top things off, the business is called Cherry Popper Ice Cream. Cherry Popper? CP? Cheese Pizza?

When I was younger and playing this game, I assumed the ice cream was just code for drugs. Looks like the guys who made this game were sending a message to somebody.

4 years ago

NY hospital giving men estrogen for Covid:

Why are they giving men female sex hormones? Are they trying to turn them tranny?

4 years ago
4 years ago

My guess as to one of the men in the blind:
Causes supported include human trafficking.
Age of consent in Serbia is 14.
“I am not even including all the producers and directors who are making thousands of hours a year of child porn by filming it in countries where the age of consent is ridiculously low and doing so with the full consent of the film commission in the government.”
Nephew keeps trying to be famous and is pushed despite zero talent – and does one-eye poses e.g. and just attended his first Met Gala.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
4 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  disenchantedscholar
4 years ago

I have no idea how she gets away with the sort of info she drops. Maybe she has a serious treasure trove of films of…damn near everyone, she can release if threatened. Others have been killed for far less. Or maybe she is not a she at all and is some sort of military intelligence that is constantly drip, drip, dripping info so that when they bust these people the average normie will be so disgusted they will want all “celebrities” to be burnt at the stake instead of defending them. A distinct possibility.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

me? definitely a she
“when they bust these people the average normie will be so disgusted they will want all “celebrities” to be burnt at the stake instead of defending them” I do want that though, idolatry is anti-Christian.
Parents must be shamed for pushing kids into that life.
I told AC about the international pedos years ago. Like 2015/16. He already knew but I explained the passport thing and how they kept moving around until the area dropped the cases. Previously, he assumed America was the worst. It’s everywhere.
“I have no idea how she gets away with the sort of info she drops.”
I dunno either. i guess spacing it out and using many outlets? Strategic drops beat detailed.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“Birx says, social distancing guidelines will continue ‘through the summer.’”

Well of course! Everything must be done to prevent herd immunity and weaken everyone’s immune system before tossing the kids back into close proximity two months before the election. Nothing like an Autumn flare up and mass panic to blame on Trump, agitate for more mail in ballots, and question the legitimacy of the upcoming Trump victory. At the very least, we will need to cut back on those rallies.

4 years ago

AC, not sure if you’ve seen this already, but more and more of this kind of reveal is getting out there. The financial and political incentive to count deaths as Covid-19 is a big one.

I’m shocked this actually aired on an ABC affiliate.

4 years ago

Trump pushes advisers to get U.S. troops out of Afghanistan, citing coronavirus