News Briefs – 05/20/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


An article here for those who want the rundown on the videos.

Hydroxychloroquine: the drug Costa Rica uses successfully to fight covid-19


In the comments yesterday, about the story of the transgender who identifies as a deer being promoted to an oversight position on a social media platform, Uncompliant writes:

Stories like this lend real credence to your argument, AC, that Cabal controls hiring and careers. People all over struggle to find jobs. But now we read that being a transgender gets you a job and, importantly, self-identifying as a female deer does not disqualify you from getting a job. Amazing. Promoting these sorts of stories are, of course, helpful propaganda to spur the mentally weak into considering transgenderism.

That tripped the old memory of the cognitive neuroscientist who showed up on 4Chan. He said, decades ago he had been hired on with a team of PhDs, to a research project on monkey social behavior. He later realized it was a Glowie project which had gone on to infect all of our culture, from movies to news stories. He said they discovered and documented how primate brains were wired to mimic whoever they saw in a leadership or dominant position, and it happened in many without thought or conscious awareness. They saw a leader, and whatever that leader did, they absorbed it unconsciously and began doing it themselves – and wanting to do it themselves. He said they concluded it evolved as a cognitive shortcut, so rather than have to expend all sorts of brain power to think and understand, you could just look at those who succeeded, and do what they did, and that would kind of lead you to the same successful outcome. And now we have a culture where people who are more dysfunctional than anyone else could possibly be (so dysfunctional they should be unable to attain any type of success), advertise their dysfunction openly, accomplish no real accomplishment or apply no real effort, and all of a sudden life-successes, resources, and societal accolades, and even leadership positions over mere plebes, just fall in their laps, as the unseen hand lifts them effortlessly up the ladder ahead of everyone else. Then picture social media influencers, who don’t show years of hard work building important things for no immediate pay or recognition, but rather show that you snap a couple of pictures, act vain and narcissistic, and millions of dollars and national accolades rain down on you instantly. And all over a plethora of weaker minds subconsciously begin examining all of them, and developing a deep psychological desire to exhibit the most obvious traits they exhibit. It is fascinating how they are setting up hundreds of millions with neurons designed to fail and be unable to succeed, and none of the victims will ever figure it out, or be able to stop them.

Pa. Health Dept. was ‘grossly negligent’ for not knowing about COVID-19 situation at skilled nursing home, according to a legislator. Remember, this is the transgender man who is leading PA’s Coronavirus response. This is what a dominant leader who is more capable and successful than anyone looks like, and he got there completely honestly in a meritocratic system, as he now kills people left and right with incompetence:

Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine speaking at the virtual press conference. The Pennsylvania Department of Health today confirmed as of 12:00 a.m., March 19, that there are 52 additional positive cases of COVID-19 reported, bringing the statewide total to 185. The state also reported one death, an adult from Northampton County. All people are either in isolation at home or being treated at the hospital. Harrisburg, PA- March 19, 2020

Lindsey Graham to release report on his probe into Russia investigation before the election. Q’s first post began in November, implying to me his first post about borders being closed and Hillary being arrested and National Guard being activated might have been intended as a flash-forward to what will happen on the first day of the rope (may there be many), perhaps right around or after a November election.

White House portrait ceremony not going to happen, as Trump accuses Obama of having been involved in criminal use of intelligence agencies to try and launch a coup. Another article says a petty Obama is refusing to participate, though I doubt Trump wants to change his mind, and who knows what is happening behind the scenes. This is different from what we saw with Cabal agents, who always assiduously tried to convince us that we had no power, because no matter who we elected, they would never fight with our enemy when it came down to it. Think pussies like George W. Bush, or traitors like NoName. Trump is doing something very bad for the machine – he is convincing us our side can find a fighter and win. Things like this make me think Trump is real-deal, because Cabal wouldn’t want that. And it is worth noting, this is what you would do if you knew the former President was a traitor and was going to be exposed and punished, as Q says President Trump knows.

Attorney Sidney Powell announced on Tuesday morning that Team Flynn has just delivered to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit a Petition for Writ of Mandamus to correct Judge Sullivan’s unauthorized actions.

Grassley and Johnson ask DNI Grenell for the declassified unmasking list in 2017 – the timing relates to NSA database exploits by uncompliant users which set off Mike Rogers closing off access.

China just locked down over 100 million people in a new COVID-19 outbreak. Or so they say. It is also possible they have some sort of societal rebellion against the leadership there, and it is being handled Tiananmen Square-style. You can’t really tell, and evidence over here so far is that second waves don’t seem to be a big deal. Unless China has a new plague they have developed from eating something weird, and they are claiming it is Corona in the hopes they can suppress this one and then keep people from finding out just what a risk dealing with them is.

Strength of link between COVID-19 and new child inflammatory syndrome is uncertain according to an infectious disease expert. So a bunch of kids got sick from something else and they said it was COVID-19 related. Worth noting though there is no reason we will not see other illnesses arise intermittently as the shift to K happens.

NYU tries to claim the Abbott labs tests misses half of the Coronavirus cases, despite the company’s own test showing it misses just .o2% of positives. Do you think they would write about it if the test doubled the numbers?

Thousands of lives could be lost to delays in cancer surgery during COVID-19 pandemic.

Sweden now tops Europe COVID-19 deaths per capita over last seven days.

A new study gives weight to arguments by medical professionals and government leaders that wearing a mask does indeed reduce virus transmission — and dramatically so.

Bolsonaro says Brazil to issue new chloroquine protocol on Wednesday. Bolsonaro says he has a box of the drug he has saved for his 93 year old mother, in case she gets the virus. Even he has elements in his government trying to stifle the use of Hydroxychloroquine.

New Jersey is the latest state to significantly drop Coronavirus death tally in nursing homes, from 5,408 to 4,295.

CDC updates guidance to say COVID-19 ‘does not spread easily’ through touching contaminated surfaces. Personally I will still heat my mail, if for no other reason than it feels good to feel like I am getting so far ahead of the probabilities, and leaving so few avenues for the virus to get in.

Coronavirus deaths decrease despite CDC instructions to count ‘presumed’ cases in the Coronavirus totals.

Phases 3 and 4 of Alaska’s reopening plan to take effect Friday morning.

North Carolina will reopen restaurants and bars Friday at 50% capacity, trade group says.

Texas has entered Phase 2 expansion for reopening businesses, Gov. Abbott announces.

Republicans on a House coronavirus oversight subcommittee of the US are demanding that the panel’s Democratic members pursue the testimony of the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai.

The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and DHS extended Title 42 public health restrictions at the Canadian and Mexican borders until the danger from COVID-19 has ceased. The restrictions limit admission into the United States to American citizens and legal permanent residents

Trump allies lining up doctors to prescribe a rapid reopening of the country. By being so effective in suppressing the virus, and preventing scenes like Italy, the majority of the country thinks it was overblown anyway (which it might have been, I don’t really know).

Trump tells governors feds ‘will step in’ if government disagrees with state reopening plans.

‘Illegal aliens’ jam the phone lines as California offers $500 each in Corona-bucks, as the state asks fed. taxpayers for help paying for its $54 billion deficit and says it is going to have to lay off first responders.

Michigan says all voters will be sent absentee ballot applications.

New Pennsylvania vote-by-mail system sees a massive surge of users request ballots.

Seattle City Council calls for $100 million ‘relief fund’ for illegal immigrants.

New York City mayor Bill De Blasio says NYC needs billions in federal aid or city economy ‘won’t come back.’ His wife disappeared $1.2 Billion and nobody noticed. They’ll be fine.

“Twilight” actor Gregory Tyree Boyce and his girlfriend Natalie Adepoju were reportedly found dead at a Las Vegas residence. I always thought it strange that people in that world, who I thought had succeeded and landed a dream life of wealth and enjoyment, and who were given everything anyone could want, always seemed to either be deeply unhappy, or meet with ends that seemed so rare in the regular world. In retrospect the most likely solution always was that I didn’t understand what was going on in that world.

Cartoon Network show is teaching kids about “intersex” and “non-binary” gender identities.

Ammunition background checks lead to dozens of firearms seized across state, including in SoCal, in recent operations.

PBS affiliates partnered with China-backed outlet to air pro-Beijing movie.

Oregon Freeper complains he was auto-switched in the voting system to non-partisan, which means he cannot vote in the primary this year through no fault of his own.

Obama fired an Inspector General to cover up a sex scandal and no one said anything about it.

Pelosi congratulates Anderson Cooper for having a baby via a surrogate that will be co-parented by his ex-boyfriend.

NASA’s head of human spaceflight quits due to undescribed ‘mistake’ on the Artemis moon program.

On this next one, notice how Grenell’s application of utter mayhem as acting DNI would move the Senate to approve Trump’s official pick, almost no matter who it was, on the grounds that he can’t possibly be as terrifying in that position as Grenell. captures and republishes videos deleted by youtube.

Real estate buyers loaded with cash wait for sellers to crack. My guess would be as things begin to take off a populace starved for a good investment will all jump in and make it all skyrocket. Trump Economy 2.0 will probably be an upgrade, and faster rising than Trump Economy 1.0 .

Trump visit to Ford plant contradicts Whitmer’s order – but she won’t try to stop it.

Northam ditches coronavirus restrictions for Virginia Beach after weekend sees crowds defy his orders.

Trump says he was ‘purposely’ hands off on FISA bill, but will ‘be studying it.’ There is nobody better to decide what should be allowed and forbidden in surveillance than somebody who was a target of the machine.

Trump announces executive order aiming to make hundreds of deregulations amid coronavirus permanent.

A Michigan sheriff compared the governor’s stay-at-home order to a mass arrest of the state’s residents while speaking at a rally this week opposing the coronavirus restrictions.  It is interesting that for all of Cabal’s size and efforts, it has not been able to completely subvert the law enforcement apparatus. For that matter I find it odd that surveillance, for all of its being above the law, is not more aggressively armed and trained up as a back-up direct-action force. Don’t know what it means, just another data-point

Court keeps New York’s Democratic presidential primary candidates on the ballot for June.

Ruminate on this next tweet for a moment – Don Jr has a bigger – a much bigger – audience on twitter than Howard has on satellite radio. Don Jr’s fans are more affluent, they know Don Jr believes what they believe, they care about the issues and data Don Jr tweets, and they are more loyal to Don Jr. Meanwhile, Howards few remaining fans are poorer, less intelligent, less influential, and most probably know Howard is an empty suit reciting PC platitudes that he doesn’t believe, for Cabal-bucks he doesn’t even need. But Howard is believed to be a billionaire for his small, poor audience, while Don Jr probably makes exactly $0 off his twitter account. They aren’t being paid for what you think they get paid for, or by the mechanism you are taught.






Spread r/K Theory, because a new day is beginning

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Lindsay Wheeler
3 years ago

On AC’s comment on the Glowie project findings: ” He said they concluded it evolved as a cognitive shortcut, so rather than have to expend all sorts of brain power to think and understand, you could just look at those who succeeded, and do what they did, and that would kind of lead you to the same successful outcome.”

THAT IS WHY OF THRONE AND ALTAR. Leadership in the Society is to be of the Warrior classes, Monarchy and Aristocracy! You see this paradigm in the rise of Victorian England where the standards of the Aristocracy “Trickled down” into the rest of British society with the help of Church.

Warrior leadership beget warrior societies. What did the Enlightenment do? bring about the Rule of the Academic; the Rule of the Child Demogogue. The Rule of the Jews who are an effeminate race.

In Michigan here, democracy is being run and dictated by the punk-ass college kids and their towns which gave us the Witch Whitless-Whitmore.

We are living in hell.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

On Chess, neuroscientists and glowies

The psychoscience individuals, the DNC marketing gurus. The ones putting out the left wing propaganda- I’ll give you two examples- that the Trump admin is a “criminal” admin (citing lawfare BS convictions) and that the “Obamagate” spying “backfired” because Barr is going after Obama and Biden last (The Queen and the guy running for President). They are a leading edge, but there are deeper manipulators.

We saw this in 2008 and 2012 with the guys messing with opinion polls. They controlled the best pollster (Nate Silver) and tried the same tricks in 2016, unsuccessfully. These guys are the demonic chess bishops that have to be removed. Thankfully they are unknowns to the public so if you can target this hidden priesthood extrajudicially or with star chambers, by all means, do it.

Most of these people are Psych Ph.Ds with backgrounds in marketing. Manipulation is their oxygen, they are smart enough to know what they are doing to people and the nation, yet cannot stop. They are natural manipulators, who study manipulation techniques and then spend their entire waking lives manipulating the public. They probably even dream of manipulation as well. Every leftist law firm has a couple in their employ.

Legally, the psych-glowies are committing crimes. Crafting false polls is fraud. Pro-Chinese agitprop is sedition. Conspiring with others to break the law is illegal. Lying to the public is at the very least, false advertising, a tort offense. Knowingly working with criminals is conspiracy as well. Telling the public to not wear masks is the exact same crime as screaming “Fire” in a crowded Theater. But these guys are an easy target, most are heavily credentialed and are unknowns. Taking a hundred down is easy and would remove the grease for the Fuggernaut machine.

If you want to play chess endgames the right way, you take out the back rank after pawn reduction. Typically through forking and forced trades. This is the back rank. And they have to come out of hiding, little worms that they are, to get Sniffy Biden or Killer Cuomo across the finish line in November. Lucky for us they just can’t stop, their entire raison d’être is manipulation and there is so much to do by election day they can’t resist. So fork away.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

“…Legally, the psych-glowies are committing crimes. Crafting false polls is fraud. Pro-Chinese agitprop is sedition. Conspiring with others to break the law is illegal. Lying to the public is at the very least, false advertising, a tort offense. Knowingly working with criminals is conspiracy as well. Telling the public to not wear masks is the exact same crime as screaming “Fire” in a crowded Theater. But these guys are an easy target, most are heavily credentialed and are unknowns. Taking a hundred down is easy and would remove the grease for the Fuggernaut machine…”

Yes X 100. Hexadecimte their employees. All of these people or at least a great deal are involved in crimes of one sort or another. They should be legally blackmailed. Reverse Flynned.

3 years ago

Q must be a beginner at chess, because those are the only players who spend their moves ‘attacking’ their opponent’s pieces in the hope their opponent will not notice, let alone in some sort of ascending order. The primary goal of positional play in chess is to increase the mobility of one’s pieces. For example: a Knight on H1 controls two squares – just like a pawn – while a Knight on F3 controls four times as many. In other words, attacking your opponents pieces is only good if it involves moving your pieces to better squares and their pieces to worse squares. Also, chess is a game of perfect information and as such not a great analogy to the Game of Thrones.

Also, I found an interesting blog post that suggests there IS a pandemic but it is not, as I have been thinking, 5G, but toxic chemicals from shale oil. Cities using shale oil seem to be harder hit.

3 years ago

>”For that matter I find it odd that surveillance, for all of its being above the law, is not more aggressively armed and trained up as a back-up direct-action force.”

In my experience, there are a lot of ex-military in the network of the gaybal faggots. Those are obviously trained, and able to train others if needed.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

Yes. Stay away from former special forces personnel. The majority I’ve met I later learned were cabal muscle. And I really believed that they were red, white, and blue patriots. As far as I can tell, they were just pretending to be good citizens to serve as intel gatherers. Surely not all are this bad, but if you have reason to suspect cabal is interested in you it’s best to keep your distance from them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”it does not strike me as a pleasant workplace environment”

I know for a fact that many of them do it because they themselves are intimidated into submission to the network. One of their favorite ways to get people working for them is to get some of their most violent members (usually connected to drug trafficking) to tell their soon to be recruit that “you’re either with me, or against me”, and then they start using said fresh recruit as another pawn on the game.

And they are protected via corrupt cops, attorneys and judges, so at the end of the day, if things get violent, the best thing a Patriot can do is to go full ultra-violence on as many of them as one can before getting caught (because they can go violent on you with impunity unless you manage to fuck them over with enough specific information going to places like interpol), and then it’s game over. That’s why if I have to go kino, I will go full mass murder on their asses until I get caught, and once I do (assuming I don’t get killed first, can always happen), I will be doing a public hunger strike to the death in order to strike a match to light the fuse to the gunpowder keg (what I mean is, if I get introduced into the prison system, I am already dead for sure, so I might as well take control of the situation and use my passing away to further damage the gaybal network as much as possible, and a hunger strike to the death is one of the best ways to get publicity for whatever you want to get eyes on, with the added benefit that our side would get another martyr figure to rile the gen pop against the gaybal).

At the end of the day, this applies:
“When a free man dies, he loses the pleasure of life. A slave loses his pain. Death is the only freedom a slave knows. That’s why he’s not afraid of it. That’s why we’ll win.” – Spartacus

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

It’s not only former SF, it’s also reg ex-military. But the only ex-SF guy I meet, I am 100% positive he tried to find out where I had some of my insurance files on some of the gaybal cunts I had to deal with before I meet him. I was expecting it, I had moved to another place and was playing stupid so I could get more intel on the gaybal network (the enemy always provides you with intel everytime it moves against you, especially if you have the chance to play stupid, which at the time I could, and they stupidly fell for), which worked quite well because as I was expecting, they came to me and even recruited the people I was living with, but in the process, I managed to get some very sweet and juicy intel, including about some important antifa locations and names.

I don’t care about socializing with the gaybal faggots I am positive are in on the network or anyone who maintains connections to them (I tried to be nice and live and let live, but they just wouldn’t stop trying to trap me into shitty schemes and kept trying to use low level retarded manipulation to do so, so I just decided to go back to being as much of an asshole to them as I can (although at the end of the day, hanging from a rope is what they deserve because at the end of the day, they are the first line of defense the pedophiles and child traffickers employ, even if some of them might not know about it yet)).

I have came to the conclusion that if I do keep trying to socialize with those people, some day someone is going to get hurt really bad, it’s inevitable if we keep in touch because they won’t ever stop trying to control my life, and I won’t ever stop escalating the situation everytime they try to make a play against me. So, the best thing for everyone is for me to keep my distance from all the gaybal faggots and their social connections, and their best play is to stay the fug out of my way while I make my money so I can GTFO out of here a buy a homestead in the middle of nowhere in either the US or Russia.

But it would be pretty funny to just light the fuse and release all the shit I know about and go public about it, while making them famous on the chans and with interpol, just to watch this whole town burn down to the ground. It would also be really nice to kill some of them after they try to get me inside my house, but I’d rather GTFO of here and go plant sweet potatos and raise chicken in peace, as well as keep my insurance plan in place so if they ever try to go after my family, I can burn their asses all the way.

Ball is in their court now thou, and you can bet your ass I am ready for the worst, and no matter what their firepower or training is, I will be able to take a lot of them down kino wise before they even get to touch a strand of my beautiful hair (no homo).

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Shouldn’t a health secretary have “looks and is healthy” as a job requirement? Pathetic.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

There is something really strange with Cabal’s obsession with installing trans people everywhere. And also, one can’t help but notice that everywhere you look are these cabal people who are sick, twisted, ugly. They love corrupted things. Stunted things. Our world isn’t normal. Cabal is constantly trying to poison us through our food, our medicine, our entertainment, our public art. We live in environments of immersive ugliness and toxicity.

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

Everything that can be weaponized against the people has been.
It’s important to know how to strike a balance between not being indifferent to the evil shit that goes on (or a person becomes complacent), and knowing how to quickly take control of ones emotions before it leads to unwise action (or one goes insane and probably ends up going postal against the nearest gaybal faggots one can get his hands on).

Being a realist without going nuts is only possible for me because I pray my ass off everytime I go to bed and wake up (sometimes even during the day when I read news that make me furious), and because I meditate. Also because I take some breaks once in a while where I don’t even look at any hard data at all, I just watch movies and play some vydia or write some shitty fiction for a couple of days.

The world is rotten af right now, but there is still beauty in it, and it’s important to remember that and unplug from the uglyness in order to keep sanity in check (one of my fav forms of meditation is to think of something pretty and innocent, like a memory of a beautiful huge tree I saw when I was a kid, and focus on it, drink its beauty and appreciate it, and then keep it in a kind of mental “back pocket” as I go about reading and posting about all the messed up shit that is going on).

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

By their fruit ye shall know them. A good tree cannot grow bad fruit, and a thorn tree cannot grow good fruit. Jesus was teaching us how to recognize the Satanists. Their inheritance of their father comes out even in their very physical ugliness.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

Psychopaths have been known to favor this sort of thing. Psychologist have said that they enjoy, the words they used were something like, getting dirty at times and walling in moral filth.

I worked with a guy whose wife’s father was a psychopath. He was obsessed with collecting, I think it was Chevrolet Geo Metros, and having sex with transvestite prostitutes or that was what he told me. They would tell me bizarre stories about him.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>”He was obsessed with collecting, I think it was Chevrolet Geo Metros, and having sex with transvestite prostitutes”

Well, that escalated quickly.
Top kek

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

The “Commander of This World” loves inversions of God’s order.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Article from “journalist” Barton Gellman about the surveillance he suffered during the Obama years.

Gellman has written for the Washington Post and the Atlantic. Two of the non-glowiest rags to ever line a birdcage.

Incredibly, he has a book coming out. I’ll bet it sells millions despite no one knowing who the fuck he is.

If it’s made into a movie maybe he can get Brad Pitt to play his role as the dashing young reporter jetting the globe with Snowden while heroically taking on the evil NSA.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago
3 years ago

A new study gives weight to arguments by medical professionals and government leaders that wearing a mask does indeed reduce virus transmission — and dramatically so.

If it didn’t, we could stop wearing them in surgical theaters and save tons of money.

3 years ago

For that matter I find it odd that surveillance, for all of its being above the law, is not more aggressively armed and trained up as a back-up direct-action force.


The people the Cabal would be MOST afraid of are its own people. By their very existence, they have shown themselves to be gullible, feckless, disloyal, dishonest, and without principles. Why would they EVER put those people in a position to “promote” themselves to the head ot the cabal?

I guarantee you that the same police they are spying on are used to harass them constantly and keep them in constant fear of being discovered and arrested.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I really think that there is something to this. Cabal cops that I’ve known seemed very jumpy all the time. I really think that cabal operates through a combination of avarice and cowardice. They entice, but at the same time they scare. no one ever knows who is watching them and who might come for them. I’m sure the ones doing the most egregious crimes are under the greatest surveillance.

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

Makes sense. Remember when AC reported on that politician guy who was raping away a bunch of people who got calls from his handler telling him to drink more water because he wasn’t having enough?
That’s how they roll.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”I used to be angry about it. It was an intrusion. How dare they.”

I am very angry about it, because I know that the gaybal network of faggots who spy on everyone are the first line of defense of the elite pedophiles and their child trafficking employees. As for the rest, I don’t care because it is not me that’s here stuck with them, it’s them who are now stuck with me, and I don’t care if I live or if I die anymore because honestly, being dead is the easy way out, and it makes me nuts on how much evil happens on a daily basis and how at the end of the day, those spying gaybal faggots are the ones keeping the evil people at the top safe from people taking action against high value targets (sure I can take out some low level spying and drug traffickers, but the elite pedos who get millions per year by pimping the Country while they run some corrupt bank or the high level compromised judge who protects pedos that somehow get charged remain a target too well guarded, because of said low level faggots).

>”Now I am just utterly fascinated.”

Yes, there is an aspect of that given how bizarre the whole thing is, but I think people only get like that by design because:
The machine itself spends a shit load of effort to appear not to exist as much as possible. Imagine the number of gaybal teachers who know about the machine and yet everyday go into their work and lie to their students on how things really work;
When the machine exposes itself to you, it counts on your inability to prove to anyone what is happening, and so even if you know, if you go public, most people will just think you’re insane because we all have been conditioned to think such a machine could never exist. The machine is very effective at making their targets isolated, so they can then more easily take them out or assimilate them into the network;
This also results in people who know and don’t like it ending up lying and telling others about how it doesn’t exist (or just don’t talk about it) because they don’t want to sound crazy. This is one of the reasons why the gaybal elites try so hard to have the internet censored, because it is the only way to expose the machine in a way that makes sense to someone who the machine has not targeted and made itself visible to.

>”It is like Bigfoot landed a UFO on my front lawn, so he could walk his pet Chupacabra while his best friend who was a ghost holds the controls of the ship.”

Top kek

>”I cannot take my eyes off it. It is so bizarre I cannot imagine what the mechanism behind it is, and that curiosity just overwhelms everything.”

The mechanism is simple: they bribe, intimidate and manipulate people into doing the bidding of a world-wide criminal network.

>”It violates the laws of economics,”

I disagree. At the top of this gaybal, you have the people who control the global financial systems, that being the BIS, IMF, etc.
And money is only a tool for CONTROL. You can have/control all the money in the world, but that doesn’t give you 100% control over everything (because people can still rebel), now, if you use your control over money and establish a network of enforcers and shadow intelligence operations, your degree of control over everyone just goes up exponentially. It’s all about control, absolute control over everyone and their lives.

>”the laws of common decency”

They don’t care, that’s not even in the equation. At the high levels, they see everyone beneath them as cattle, and at the lower levels, they either get off on it (sociopathic personalities), or they just go along with the program because they like the rewards (avarice/materialism), or they go along with the program because they are afraid of what might happen to them or their families (intimidation). At the end of the day the truth is: rule of law doesn’t exist, at all, but to make it exist now, the ideal way to do it is to do it in a manner where all hell doesn’t break loose, and for that to happen, you need to make most people believe that some rule of law still exists. It’s walking on a thin rope at high altitude, but at the end of the day, even if all hell breaks loose (and it might, despite the whitehats best intentions, IMHO), at least a big portion of the machine is going to get taken out. But ideally all hell doesn’t break loose, but at the the same time anyone who wants to see the machine go up in flames should be ready for all hell to break loose, and know how to make the most of it as they can in their own particular situation.

>”the psychology you would think everyone in the nation would have”

I think you mean what you call the myth, aka: the conditioning well all receive in order to never wake up to the fact that there is a massive mechanism of control guiding every aspect of our lives, aka: the Matrix.

>”and the simple laws of cause and effect”

The top levels of the machine thought the information technology revolution would be only upside for them, but that’s not the case. These people are basically so used to act with total impunity that they got sloppy. Although they are still quite powerful, and still a real threat, for now, until the machine is destroyed at the high levels.

Destroying the machine at the high levels is going to take time, but it is vital to keep morale up at all times, no matter what.

>”I just hope Q answers everything, because I cannot take this curiosity to my grave.”

I don’t know if that’s going to be feasible or not, but I’m just a pleb. IMHO, on one hand, people knowing is truly the only way to shock people into waking up to the fact that such a thing is even possible, and that is key to prevent it happens again; but on the other hand, Q and the whitehats seems to be cautious about how much they will reveal to the gen pop because they don’t want people to get angry to the point where they lash out with violence, and there is a very high chance of that happening (at least on the current social/political/cultural climate in the West) if the gen pop learns about it en mass right now. So I have no idea what is going to happen.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

What you’re describing is basic trance phenomena. Under trance, our cognition and our skepticism are reduced. The further into a trance you are, the deeper the suggestibility. The gangstalking process, from what I can see, is a very patient and long-term trance induction protocol.

Now, Q mentions this. He talks about mass shooters going to therapists. And one drop, 776, mentions the following:

Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses.
Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange ‘THERAPY’.
‘THERAPY’ takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.
Science Fiction?

The break into a mind, I’m only guessing here, is probably just a variation of a long-term trance induction. Hyper suggestibility. If we look into scientific explorations of trance, it’s creates extreme focus and repetitive thoughts.

Now, in Q drop 832 he points out:

A demonstration was made today in front of the WH.
It showed they can control ‘innocents’.
It was a direct THREAT.
This is not a game.
The MSM is creating emotional conflict.
This destabilizes certain minds to become suspectable to outside control.
What you SEE is 2%.
The WAR is REAL.
These people are SICK.
Watch the news this week.

Here’s my assumption:

9/11 was a massive trauma trance induction.
The war in Iraq NOT FINDING THE WMDs, and then the eventual breakdown of Iraq society in deep contrast to the expectations of rebuilding it like post-war Japan, produced all kinds of cognitive dissonance and denial in people. Dick Cheney was set up as the fall guy, bad guy, keeping people from realizing that he obviously was an order taker.

And then, fully stunned and emotionally overwhelmed, a few years after that, Americans still glued to their TV and believing whatever bullshit was going on there we get the 2007-8 sub-prime mortgage crisis. Effectively while Americans were hypnotized, many of them paid no attention as their neighbors lost their homes. It was all a big heist. Like something Darren Brown would do to a street merchant, but done to an entire society.

The level of mental programming going on through our media is MUCH greater than the surface presentation of facts. There’s a huge NLP aspect beneath the obvious.

This thing is bigger than even YOU imagined.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”This thing is bigger than even YOU imagined.”

That’s what Michelle Obama told Barrack the first time she pulled her dick out.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Great point.
Great logical thinking.
You win the internet today, and your prize is one big box of tendies.

3 years ago

German Royal Prince Otto of Hesse Dies in Motorcycle Accident at Age 55

3 years ago

Thank you, AC.

Never heard the word before; made me laugh.

Normally used for the CIA but also used for agencies like the ATF, FBI, etc. Their inability to blend in to the native population’s habits, patterns and speech makes them stick out like a sore thumb to the population, hence they “glow in the dark.”

The most common trappings of government shills are their inability/hesitation to use the major racial slurs, improper use of memes, and the pushing of mainstream political theories.

See also: Glow in the dark, glowposting
I feel ya, glowie. Must be frustrating. I know everything I post is satire or attempted satire, or pertaining to my favorite game – Minecraft. So easy to be misunderstood in these wicked times. I hope you get the day off for Christmas, at least.

The worst thing about having an erratic sleeping schedule and being sleeping on American business hours is that you don’t get to always read the replies of your designated glowie. When you are most active he is at home sleeping. sucks.

If anyone says, “here’s how to get cheap guns illegally”, “we should shoot first “, and ” Stop larping kill the blank now ” that is a glowie pure and simple.”

3 years ago

“He said they discovered and documented how primate brains were wired to mimic whoever they saw in a leadership or dominant position, and it happened in many without thought or conscious awareness. They saw a leader, and whatever that leader did, they absorbed it unconsciously and began doing it themselves – and wanting to do it themselves.”

This is very interesting. If you or anyone has some links to any published research, i’d be interested. I will do some looking myself.

This brings a lot of puzzle pieces into focus for me. Such as: ugliness of modern art and modern art itself (the moving away from natural form to abstract), the shaming/denigration of beauty (such as FLOTUS), deprecation of masculine archetypes and replacing them with weak soyboy role models, destruction of old beautiful buildings, modern architecture, the promotion of purposeful uglification (piercing and tattoos), the celebration of ugly and fat (such as Stacy Abrams), etc.

These tactics are not just the inversion of traditional norms and values (which is destructive enough). But there is also a mental process — a psychology — at play.

These libtards and the Cabal have studied well the mechanisms for destroying societies and nations. They are not stupid at all.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

“…This is very interesting. If you or anyone has some links to any published research, i’d be interested. I will do some looking myself. …”

This is not “exactly” what you asked for but…it is what you are asking for. I suspect, very, very, strongly that a large proportion of the leaders of the cabal,(I say Jews mostly), are psychopaths. If you read about Spaths, you immediately see it. I mean the signs of their behavior is all over the place. This is really good stuff and the one chapter is not too long. Reading the whole book, free online, is informative. Once you read this it’s like a veil comes off your eyes. So much you see that makes no sense at all is just Spath nonsense, gaslighting and bullshit.

In order to predict cabal,(I say Jews), behavior read the great book on Psychopaths by Hervey Cleckley, “The Mask of Sanity”. Here’s a chapter you should read. [Part 1: The disorder in full clinical manifestations, 19. Stanley ]It’s about the psychopath Stanley. Who does all kinds of manic bullshit and spends all his time feeding people the most outrageous lies. Look at the astounding array of things he’s able to get away with. Maybe it will remind you of a certain tribe. When you read this you will go “Oh fuck it’s the Jews!” New meme. “They’re pulling a Stanley”. The whole book is on the web and worth reading.

Here’s another link but the graphics are a bit odd.

3 years ago

Adding another: why the West keeps getting mild, bland and weak appearing men as elected leaders (Obama, Macron, Trudeau) and yet another reason that the libtards hate POTUS so much. Like him or not, he is a manly man and he will inspire boys and young men to be like him.

The research seems to be categorized as theories of “imitation.” I guess this research is well-known (just new to me….lol)

Here is one random article not specific to primates or politics.

Reply to  Uncompliant
3 years ago

Absolutely correct.

Young men in the West are in dire need of masculine role models.

Thankfully, leaders like Bolsinaro, Orban, and others have arisen, as well.

3 years ago

Barack Hussein Obama, President , born 4 August 1961 – Mombasa, Kenya

3 years ago
3 years ago

Heavyweight Boxer Blows Whistle On Child Trafficking. Dropping Bombs (Ep 266) | David Nino Rodriguez:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

Sorry if this is a double post. This same guy here says Trump is going after them big time. I hope so. I mean this guy has no good reason to come out with this and I can’t see how the cabal could in any way benefit from it being public knowledge.

Hollywood Pedophile Ring Is Being Taken Down According To Boxer David Rodriguez As He Speaks Out