News Briefs – 06/06/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Herridge’s pen is next to the DOJ Inspector General, which is the person who would be responsible for reigning in illegal domestic surveillance by Federal Law Enforcement, or failure of Federal Law Enforcement to rein in some illegal domestic surveillance by others. Thus if Cabal was going to launch a major illegal domestic surveillance operation, the DOJ IG would be the first position they would target for compromisation or infiltration.

The image:


Here are the suspects who killed retired Police Captain David Dorn:

In France, Antifa dressed up as fake Police to film “Police” atrocities and incite violence.

Neighbors form an ad-hoc militia to protect their homes in Minneapolis.

Florida neighbors band together and wield arms to secure their neighborhoods.

Daily Mail points out it is happening all across America.

Ilhan Omar says it’s time to disband the Minneapolis Police department. Some there seem to think it is going to happen, and Minneapolis will have no Police. On the bright side, the Somalis there will feel right at home as the tribes build up and the technicals begin to roll. If Cabal controlled the cops, you would not see this. It used to be enough to arrange an officer’s murder, as a message to the department leadership to get in line. But things have now gone to a new level, and it would appear the cops aren’t going to be bowing down much longer. And when they all find out exactly what has been going on, and what has been done to them and their brothers, the gloves will be coming off. The only hope is to get rid of them now, and strip them of their power.

Eric Garcetti, stripping $150 million from the LAPD budget to fund minority issues (ie re-up Cabal slush funds), says LAPD needs to ask if they want to continue to be the “Killers” they are, and the union decries him. Understand, these leftists are the minority trying to hijack dictatorial power over everyone else in a free society – and their majority opposition is the aggressive, violence-capable armed faction of that society. These leftists need the protection of a paramilitary force. They are not getting rid of the Police, and leaving themselves totally unprotected. There is a massive, invisible entity with all the intelligence it needs to feel in full control, that is protecting them right now, and these leftists are confident it can protect them just as effectively as the overt Police forces once the Police are gone. Understand how the Boogaloo was never going to happen, CWII was a fantasy, and Cabal was always going to come out the other end of any series of events in control of the nation, because nobody even knew it existed, let alone that it was massive enough to already be up on them. I do see this as a strong indicator Q is very real. These leftists now see organized government as a threat whose control they need to eliminate. That is a good sign. A very good sign.

Dozens of ‘disrespected’ Louisville police officers walk out on city’s mayor in protest, claiming ‘he does not care about them at all.’ When this comes out, and people find out all this turmoil and misery was never necessary, Q will be right – none of them will be able to walk the streets. Maybe that is the plan. Just out it all, and leave them forced to flee overseas for safety. Because once the surveillance state is gone, everyone will be on the same footing, and a lot of people will be seeking retribution. I know if I was a detective who knew Miosotis Familia, and I got called to the scene of seven Cabalites who got smoked with extreme prejudice in their living room, it would not be a case I would keep on top of the pile on my desk. And that desk might have a pile with far too many just like that to ever be solved.

A total of about 57 officers walked off the job Friday to support cops suspended for shoving a protester who wouldn’t move, though they are still employed with the police department — just no longer on the Emergency Response Team. This is definitely not the time to quit entirely and surrender any position of power if you are a cop. That would be exactly what Cabal would want.

Chicago riots wipe out most grocery sources for minority residents.

Keith Ellison’s George Floyd charges could ignite Minnesota ‘tinderbox’ if they fail. Which they of course will, unless he can get a biased jury who will convict in spite of it not being lawful.

Liberal elites praise violence as protest tool.

Walmart pledges $100 million to fight ‘systemic racism.’ I think all of these are laundered transfers into Cabal’s slush funds for its last stand in the 2020 election.

U. of Washington community demands easy grading for black students. The University says blacks are too busy fighting for their rights, and profs should do just that. Notice, smart hardworking students will no longer think it odd lazy students who never went to class score higher than them. And the net effect is Cabal’s network can give whatever grades it wants to whoever it wants, and selectively promote its own, however retarded they might be, into power with nobody the wiser. The destruction of the meritocracy is about power.

Mark Esper at the Pentagon has told the District of Columbia National Guard and guardsmen from other states who have arrived in the nation’s capital as backup to not carry firearms or ammunition. That feels kind of like a setup to saddle the President with a big embarrassing failure by having the troops get overrun, beaten, wounded, and embarrassed, especially just as there is about to be one million deranged leftists converging on DC to protest. Always, always occupy the high ground of violence, in a violent environment, because if you need it, you are going to need it. Esper is too weak and stupid to occupy that position, or he is owned by Cabal. Either way, if I know Trump Esper is done.

Another top general slams Donald Trump: Former chairman of the joint chiefs Martin Dempsey calls threat of using military force ‘dangerous’ as Colin Powell moves to intervene too. It all makes sense if you think about it. The Military was the President’s greatest power. If you had an honest President, you needed to separate him from the meaty part of the Armed forces, and the most efficient way to do that was to occupy those few high ranking positions, at the top of the bottleneck, right between the President and all the guys who would actually put lead on target. That is why Reagan could issue orders all he wanted, and he could never actually get the rockets to fly at Iran.

Massive 3-alarm fire erupts at an Amazon distribution center in Redlands California. A CIA front company specializing in logistics/trafficking and data-storage which has an entire facility slagged just as we head into the Storm.

British soldiers heckled as they silently clean war memorial daubed with graffiti during London Black Lives Matter protest. Notice it is an identical aberrant behavior to what we see in the US. I don’t think this kind of treason arises this boldly entirely naturally. r-strategists have the treason urge, but I think they also naturally tend to hide it. This is the script, and it is the same transnational intelligence operation running this same script across national borders.

De Blasio claims spike in COVID-19 hospitalizations not linked to massive protests.

Sweden now has among the highest per capita death rates from Covid-19 in the world.

Michigan Supreme Court unanimously sides with 77-year-old barber over Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s demand he close down his shop.

4CHan starts a #GoBaldForBLM hashtag troll, and girls are now actually shaving their heads on twitter.

Federal Judge rules Hillary Clinton must submit to a deposition by Judicial Watch and testify under oath on her alleged email abuse. 

The Florida Supreme Court on Thursday knocked a proposed constitutional amendment to ban possession of “assault-style weapons” from a prospective berth on the 2022 ballot.

AstraZeneca starts manufacturing potential Oxford University Coronavirus vaccine and strikes deal with Bill Gates-backed health organizations.

Up to 80% of people are not even susceptible to Covid-19. Overwhelmingly likely to be chance, but that is also what it might look like if somebody designed a virus to expunge a specific bloodline.

Lara Logan points out indicators she saw which led her to suspect Mattis was on the other side all along.

Flashback – Gen. James Mattis is linked to a massive corporate fraud and nobody wants to talk about it. He was a board member on Theranos, and advocated for using its fake-blood-tests throughout the military, which sucked in investors to the scam.

Air Force to test autonomous fighter drone against a human pilot.

White House official denies Jared Kushner working to extend DACA. Notice how those on the other side who need such an amnesty, being hopeful, might file away it is possibly happening, just because believing that is amygdala-relieving and “feels good” to the brain. And amygdala-relieving is demotivating.

Insurrection Act debate rages on in Congress over use of military force to quell protests.

Andy Ngo files a lawsuit seeking $900,000 from Rose City Antifa for his 2019 assaults.

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals blasts U.S. District Judge, blocks vote by mail.

Trump to pull thousands of U.S. troops from Germany.

Only 16% of Americans want to defund the Police. What the left/Cabal exploits is that if the news says it is mainstream, or even plausible, we will not take up arms and force the issue.

56% of Americans believe Police are behaving appropriately or not being aggressive enough. Only 34% would oppose the Police. And yet, Cabal controls the key positions in education, entertainment, politics, and government, so when they want somebody publicly fired and shamed, to make it look like opposing Police is mandatory, their agents just fire them, and they use that explanation as cover. Understand how the system is controlled by forces which are a minority in our society, and they do what they want. That only happens if that minority is supported by a huge, coordinated, and highly effective intelligence operation.

58% of registered voters support using the military, with the Police, to address protests.

Rasmussen finds, Black approval for Trump surges to over 40%. Blacks want peace, freedom, and prosperity, and do not like unrest or troublemakers. The vast majority of those who are not already with Trump are simply still unaware of the bigger game, and how they are being manipulated. I voted for George Bush twice, supported him entirely, even believed in him as a decent patriot, and had no idea he was an outright traitor. Now I have utter contempt for him. Anyone, suddenly seeing Cabal, can turn 180 degrees.

Airline stocks soar as American, United add back flights.

Dow surges nearly 1,000 points after jobs report shows surprise jump in payrolls, fall in unemployment rate.

Unemployment plummets in historic one-month job gain, the biggest since 1939. And we’re back.

Spread r/K Theory, because the big reveal is coming, and it will be YUGE

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REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

AC, in your best estimation, who was Cabal, or the most Cabal among Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin? I would think it was Trotsky and the other two were controlled but, I would like extra educated opinions.

3 years ago

Coronavirus seems to target Blood Type A more:

Blood type personalities according to the Japanese:

3 years ago

Just wanted to point out an error: You’re link for “Lara Logan points out indicators she saw which led her to suspect Mattis was on the other side all along.” actually goes to an article about Kushner

3 years ago

That feels kind of like a setup to saddle the President with a big embarrassing failure by having the troops get overrun, beaten, wounded, and embarrassed, especially just as there is about to be one million deranged leftists converging on DC to protest.

I think NR somehow got it right on this one — the goal is to burn the White House. I don’t think Trump will let it happen (more than maybe a little singe on one wing). Even if the NG is defanged, the last I heard was that the 82nd did not return to Bragg as planned, and are still at Andrews. That’s a maybe 30 minute blackhawk ride to the WH, and those guys are accustomed to doing 5 minute alerts.

Today we might see Pantifa climbing over the fences… right into fastroping paratroppers.

And paratroopers don’t hold ground. They aren’t equipped or trained for it. They advance.

3 years ago

Interesting conversation between Harry Vox (who ran the early internet samizdat site VoxFux in the early 90s, got raided by FBI/SS for his efforts), and “ex”-CIA Robert Steele, who advocates for open source intelligence networks. Vox is on the fence about whether Trump is an Israeli stooge, while Steele still believes that Q meant it when he said Israel is being saved for last.

Steele is heartened by Flynn being back in action, Vox not so sure. I’d point to Flynn co-authoring ‘The Field of Fight’ with uber-ziocon Michael Ledeen as, er, problematic.

Steele is putting a lot of weight on Trump’s July 4th speech. He floated the idea of a Ventura/McKinney ticket to counter Trump if he cucks. McKinney was a 5 term black congresswoman from GA who got outspent and gerrymandered out of office for not signing some obligatory bill supporting Israel. He admits he’s just trying to put some pressure on Trump to be true to his base. We’ll see.

Both are of the view that the “pandemic” was a joint US/Israeli intel op, and that the riots were also
an op. Neither mentioned color revolutions, which is what we’re witnessing being brought home.

Steele says (he’s friends with Bill Binney, ex-NSA) that he’s seen transcripts of emails and game chats from Steve Mnuchin, and very much looks forward to game day. When Steele asks Vox if there’s hope for the US, Vox notes that he’s always an optimist, but he’s never been bleaker than right now. Interestingly, he says that this moment requires “all hands on deck,” which Q has been writing recently, but Vox doesn’t seem to be a Q follower (Steele definitely is).

4chan rumors floating that we’re going to see a big FF tomorrow, to be blamed on wignats. Wouldn’t be surprising, would allow media to maintain forward motion in cabal narrative. Vox told Steele that he sees a reintroduction of the virus in September, perhaps by aerial spraying (Steele notes that spray bottles in subways would work), combined with poisoning of water supplies and power/internet blackout. Steele notes that he’s hearing that Trump won’t be able to address zionist intel ops until he’s reelected.

Steele responds to Vox saying that Trump is Netanyahu’s boy by noting that Sheldon Adelson’s wife now runs the donation machine, was given a medal of freedom by Trump, and afterwards hung Netanyahu out to dry, causing him to lose the election. Vox was skeptical.

Reply to  KitaTakaso
3 years ago

wait – have I got this right? You’re taking seriously a guy who is ***seriously*** talking up a presidential ticket in which “McKinney” is the VP??

Cynthia Frickin’ MCKINNEY??? the one who was too crazy for Maxine Waters and the whole dem party? the one who makes the ‘Squad’ look like sober reasonable people?THAT McKinney??

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

Crazy =! Exposing ZOG influence.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

Cynthia McKinney is not that smart but she’s not an Jew asset at all and however I might disagree with her I would rather have her as Vice President right now than the one we have.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  KitaTakaso
3 years ago

Harry Vox quote,”…It’s largely driven by Israeli intelligence, that’s the key that you have to understand to understand everything…”

There is it. That’s it. That’s the biggest problem. The Jews are the biggest problem in our lives.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

It’s a verifiable fact.
The whole shadow intel shit is how they take control of governments for thousands of years now, until people get a grip and deal with them.

Racial Jews who want to remain in the West will have to ditch their Jewish culture/religion because it is literally based on preying on non-Jews, and allowing that to fester in the West will only end up in conflict sooner or latter. Jews who want Judaism and Jewish collective power can GTFO to Israel or the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, the West owes them NOTHING, and they have corrupted the West from the inside out like a cancer.

==The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations:==
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West (along with all Muslim interest groups);
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel, and cut all welfare for immigrants (legal and illegal ones);;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Kosher meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it. ALSO: promote home-schooling thru tax credits for home-schoolers, give them back some of their property taxes
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

“…Racial Jews who want to remain in the West will have to ditch their Jewish culture/religion because it is literally based on preying on non-Jews…”

Look I respect you, like you, don’t want to cause you grief but we’ve a already tried all this stuff. In Spain they tried changing their religion and it didn’t work. We’ve tried everything over the thousands of years of dealing with the Jews the only thing that works is to move them out, get rid of them and let them have zero say in any aspect of your territory. Deport them. That has worked 100% of the time and been of great benefit to every society that has tried it. We just have to make sure it sticks this time. Even if it doesn’t a few centuries of peace would be nice even if it doesn’t last.

Oasi Chap
Oasi Chap
3 years ago

Who are the Shadow Men? Who is “Management?”

For those of you who may have decided to read this book in order to consciously or unconsciously confirm your particular political ideology or religious beliefs, be advised that you will likely be disappointed, and here is why. You will learn that mind control technology, and those who use it as a weapon of mass control, are not dedicated members of any particular political ideology or religion, as their station in life is above all that which the masses have been led to believe is important, including political and/or religious affiliations, ideologies and national identity.

Consider that only a very few among the masses will ever develop a meaningful understanding of shadow men. Of those very few, even fewer among the masses would dare challenge a power matrix that is, for all intents and purposes, functionally invisible to those who, presumably, would be interested in rising up to challenge shadow men.

If a member of the masses poses a viable threat to shadow men, then that very rare person may be seduced, if not ignored, by agents of shadow men and encouraged to join a branch of their matrix of power. Sex, power, wealth and possessing a pseudo-elite identity can be very seductive to a person who would otherwise be a champion for the masses; masses that have nothing to offer their potential savior in return. Not only do the masses have little or nothing to give back, saviors invariably have to deal with the masses’ denial and psychological resistance to efforts to help them. The seduction of viable threats to shadow men is a well-practiced art among the agents of shadow men when ignoring the threat is unsuccessful. In the very rare instance that a viable threat successfully runs the gauntlet, that person’s threat is terminated; never to be revealed, as anything other than an unfortunate accident, a regretful loss to disease or victim of random violence. If history is any guide, when brave champions of the masses are terminated, the masses cower in fear, use denial, rationalization and soon put the entire matter out of their limited awareness.

Consider also that no matter how talented or courageous the person who would rise up against shadow men, who is this brave person going to persuade to join him in what will be understood by other rare knowing persons to be a suicide mission? Is he going to persuade the masses that are emotionally and psychologically incapable of even accepting the existence of a mysterious hidden matrix of elite to join him?

Reply to  Oasi Chap
3 years ago

“Oy vey, you can’t do shit about our transnational mafia that is taking over the world goyim, you’re nothing but stupid cattle, give up now” – Shadow faggots

“Hold my burger.” – DJT


Yeah, I’d say that gaybal demoralization tactics are not working as intended (although off course the gaybal is very powerful, never underestimate the enemy, which is what the shadow faggots of the gaybal have done regarding humanity itself).

Oasi Chap
Oasi Chap
3 years ago

A Look Inside the Playbook: How Marxists Plan to Destroy America Paperback – September 4, 2013

“Imagine if you could study the operations manual of a master American Marxist trainer, someone who teaches American Communist operatives the strategies and tactics used to subvert the citizens of the United States of America. Well, now you can. A Look Inside the Playbook: How Marxists Plan to Destroy America is THE Bible of American Communist subversion strategies and tactics. In this training manual you will learn Marxist’s methods, their thinking, strategies and inside secrets that have been used so successfully against the people of the United States of America. The authors provide readers with a tell-all exposé on the dangerously sophisticated subversive techniques being used by collectivist revolutionaries intent upon subverting American principles and values and replacing them with Communist inspired tyranny.”

Anthony Napoleon. Who is this guy?

Yes, it is REAL
Amazon review, December 9, 2013 (!)

I want to know how this information became public? I worked as a behavioral scientist in the former Soviet Union on subversion research. Moscow University, through Serbsky Center, employed the top psychologists and psychiatrists in our country. We even had on staff American ex-pats with PhD’s who were Marxist inspired. Our work somehow made it out of our top secret labs into this book. I was personally responsible for the “indoctrination unit.” This unit funded American writers and public school unions along with top celebrity plants and politicians who secretly promoted our revolutionary goals. What happened is that our revolution failed in the USSR, as it will ultimately fail in America, but not until it destroys America just like it destroyed mother Russia. I write this review because today my fellow Russians tore down a prominent statue of Lenin. In America your “Progressive” politicians and subversives, including your White House, are busy metaphorically erecting statues of Lenin all over the USA. You are making the same mistake we made. Perhaps no one is reading this book by looking at the numbers (ranking), but you must ask yourself why in God’s name would you not read that which we protected with lethal force because it was so important? I personally know the answer to that question because that was my area of expertise: The forces that control the media in your country are our agents. They belong to us. Your media has only one option when it comes to this expose, hit the ignore button. What fools you all are. You are well on your way to killing your once great country. God help you, you will need it.

3 years ago

RE: Cabal disbanding PD’s

Honestly, I’m okay with it, but then my solution to the riots would be to form firing lines and gun them all down. Form work details from the local jails to handle the bodies and dig the graves. Repeat as necessary. Maybe you want someone that still has an inclination towards mercy, so maybe I’m not the one to listen to on this issue.

As for Esper& Maddog Mattis… well, Q specified redlines that if crossed will bring about instant [presumably] military retaliation. The other day Pelosi was clear spoken enough that she read that passage from Ecclesiastes in which it became apparent that “time” was a go-code, and that Esper& Maddog soon thereafter launched their attacks. Pelsoi activated at this point God only knows who.

Mark Taylor – Hillary’s Day Of Double Judgement SPECIAL Thursday Night Spiritual Smackdown

3 years ago

‘Lara Logan/Mattis’ link goes to another story. Am really looking forward to reading it: of all the DS’ers Trump ended up hiring – and there’s waaaaay too many of em – Mattis may be the biggest disappointment of all.

which, shame on me: I noticed the media wasn’t attacking him, and didn’t connect the dots

3 years ago

A total of about 57 officers walked off the job Friday to support cops suspended for shoving a protester who wouldn’t move, though they are still employed with the police department — just no longer on the Emergency Response Team.

Your source:

A total of about 57 officers walked off the job Friday, though they are still employed with the police department — just no longer on the ERT … according to WIVB reporter Dave Greber.

The move comes less than 24 hours after video surfaced showing cops in heavy gear shoving 75-year-old Martin Gugino even though he was NOT being physically confrontational. A rep for Buffalo PD allegedly told a lcoal reporter the man was injured when he “tripped and fell,” but the video shows that’s clearly not the case.

Gugino started bleeding from his head and lay motionless immediately after his head hit the pavement.

The Buffalo Police Commissioner took swift action in announcing the 2 officers involved were suspended without pay. The Mayor of Buffalo said he was deeply disturbed over the incident, adding the elderly man is in serious but stable condition.

The video:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

A/C you are 100% correct. Despite his advanced age, this guy decided to participate in a “protest” (riot). He sees a line of riot cops clearing the street. Rather than leave as directed, or even sit on the ground as a passive resister, he advances on them and then refuses to move in the direction he’s being told to go. The cops don’t punch him or give him a wood shampoo — one guy gives him a feeble little push in the chest. Whether Father Time actually fell because he has no sense of balance, or whether he took a dive like an Italian soccer player is immaterial. He was refusing to comply with lawful orders and the police used reasonable force in a reasonable manner to get him to leave the area.

I hope nobody on this site is falling for this Agitprop. This is a classic commie technique: Put the feeble and the females in the front rank and work for just this sort of photo op (while the more able-bodied stay in the rear and throw stuff at the cops over the skirmish line). Remember the cute brunette in the cable-knit sweater putting flowers in the barrel of a Guardsman’s rifle at the March on the Pentagon in ’68? Or this silly little twat? Same same.

In addition, I saw a mention on a twitter feed that the protestor might have been trying some sort of electronic legerdemain like copying signals from the police radio. I have no understanding of the technology involved, but he sure seems to make a lot of odd hand gestures up within range of a cop’s helmet. Smarter people than I can figure that one out.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It is also worth noting that the “protest” had been blocking access to the courthouse for hours, and Boomer Bumble waits until the order for the police to advance had just been given before going up to… do whatever it was he was doing.

HIs real intent was a break the line and cost the cops their formation. When you are attempting that, you have to assume he has confederates who intend to take advantage of that break with violence. That is why you call it in, keep the line, and keep advancing. Like they did.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  E
3 years ago

Maybe they should have burned him at the stake or carried him to the top of the building and thrown him off I mean he was annoying the police. Can’t have that. snicker…

The “police” promotional line annoys me because I’m not so dumb I can’t think of alternatives. The police could carry large zip ties. They put him on the ground, zip tie his arms, legs, then hog tie his arms and legs together so he can’t move then leave him there and continue moving forward with maybe one cop to watch all those tied up. Take them all of about 15 seconds.

When they do stupid stuff like this there are frequently MANY different alternatives to them pushing, beating and killing people. The problem is a lot of cops LIKE pushing, beating and killing people.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

15 seconds in a fight is an eternity. This makes me doubt your judgment generally.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“…15 seconds in a fight is an eternity. This makes me doubt your judgment generally…”

Was he actually fighting the policeman? Was he in a physically fit state to threaten the policeman? Now your statement on the surface is correct but…not in this case. Your judgement is not only faulty, easily seen, but you have judged me in bad faith. What does that say about your judgement that you should put up such a straw man in “this” case? What does it say about you that you would issue a general statement in order to discredit my opinion that we should not cheer the cops taking extrajudicial punishment on civilians. Now to be sure this guys an asshole and it appears he was a set up but it doesn’t matter.

I warn you people. Not because I’m your daddy or I’m the smartest of the bunch. This is not said in some sort of triumphant way. Allowing the cops extrajudicial punishment, allowing them to push people around and batter them will in the long run bite you in the ass. It’s not the police job to decide what punishment needs ladling out and we should discourage this however possible even if it pisses the cops off.

I want to add a caveat to this just to make sure no one in any way misunderstands my position. I don’t want people miscategorizing my position. In middle of a violent riot, as this wasn’t, the cops should be able to pummel the living hell out of people who are attacking them, throwing things at them, vocally professing violence to the police but this wasn’t the case.

Where this started the suspect was no charmer but Derek Chauvin the cop that had his knee on him for 9-1/2 minutes or more had many, many, many complaints already and even two letters of reprimand against him by the police department.

A large part in this change in police attitude towards civilians in the change in training and emphasis from them being the protector of citizens to, you hear them say this all the time, getting to go home alive, based on training by Jew Israeli cops. They are the ones training the police now and they are training them to treat us like Palestinians. If you want as a citizen of the USA to be treated like a Palestinian then keep cheering on police extrajudicial punishment and you will get your wish.

I abhor the cops kneeling to the protestors.

Sorry for being so wordy but this is a nuanced subject so I blather on to add more precision to what I’m saying.

One last thing. I know the prosecutors are letting the rioting scum go so the feeling that the cops should at least whack them a couple times may seem like a good idea but it’s not. The path is to get rid of the prosecutors that do this not give more power of extrajudicial punishment to the police.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Was he actually fighting the policeman? Was he in a physically fit state to threaten the policeman?

Irrelevant. It was a riot line. The line had begun its advance. You keep the line. You keep the line. Stopping to help the boomer bumble isn’t about the boomer. It’s about the other idiots that they are advancing on. It was a fight as soon as they started moving. That was the iniation of violence, and the boomer waited until they had started to move up to them (because he’s a professional agitator — and he’s has successfully taken advantage of your emotions.)

What does that say about your judgement that you should put up such a straw man in “this” case?

What is the straw man? An advancing riot line is a fight. It might not come to blows, but it is certainly the iniation of violence, and you only use it for fighting a crowd. This wasn’t one boomer vs 2 cops. This was the entire line vs the entire protest. His job was to break that line, and he was denied his goal.

What does it say about you that you would issue a general statement in order to discredit my opinion that we should not cheer the cops taking extrajudicial punishment on civilians.

What does it say about you that you think that I was cheering? You can’t see me on the other side of the screen — you can only feel your own emotions, and project the distasteful ones on others.

In middle of a violent riot, as this wasn’t, the cops should be able to pummel the living hell out of people who are attacking them, throwing things at them, vocally professing violence to the police but this wasn’t the case.

The cops pummelled no one. They used reasonable force. It was a fucking shove, and not even a hard one. You would be pissing your panties if they had simply marched over him just the same. You are irrational because you have been manipulated by this boomer who decided to exploit your good nature and his knowledge of police proceedure. He knew that he could dodder up there (after failing to provoke the crowd into attacking him) and force the police to push him.

You are falling for his dupe because you are refusing to separate emotion from the issue. He went up there with the purpose of being shoved by the cops. He got what he wanted.

Stop letting them manipulate you with your emotions. It is a failing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“…You are falling for his dupe because you are refusing to separate emotion from the issue…”

I suspect it’s the other way around and you are driven by emotions.

I’m dealing with the fact that we not want the police to extract extrajudical punishment. let’s look at what you said. They have line so…that’s it. By God they have a line. I point out over and over that there are alternatives. Why don’t they have anyone behind the line to tie these people up and arrest them? What’s the point of the line? You want to move people back but if they are not arrested and given a record then they are doing what? Nothing? Just pushing people around.

Let’s look at the consequences of them not arresting him as I said. You say I’m the dupe but if they would have arrested him they would have seen the fake blood under his mask, he would have never got the picture shoot he wanted. Now your, damn it there’s a line, they got everything they wanted.

You misjudge me if you think this is based on emotion. I suspect that the Jews are purposely calling for police brutality,(extrajudical punishment), in order to inflame more people and create chaos. If Trump, and many suspect this, is watching and singling out the ringleaders of Antifa as they are in the process of inflaming things then jumping on and arresting them he is doing EXACTLY what I believe should be done. Some of the links posted here where one older guy pisses off the Antifa leader and pulls off his mask and then retreats while younger, stronger guys move in and drag him off looks like this action to me. Not forming a line and pushing guys around. In the long run this will accomplish nothing but sure makes you feel good to see those idiot protestors pushed around.

My emotion says just the opposite of what you are attributing to me. I would love to see the shit kicked out a lot of these people but I don’t recommend it because it will backfire and I also damn sure don’t want this for myself.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  E
3 years ago

I want to add I read the report that he was a professional protestor. I abhor that the guy was able to get away with this over and over and over but THE POLICE ARE NOT THE PROSECUTORS. It’s not their job to pass out punishment.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Watch them torture this mentally ill guy. This guys father was a cop he was furious when he saw this.

They taze and beat the fuck out of him. Listen to the cop say,”there’s blood everywhere”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Anonymous Conservative says,”…I don’t think I felt this much raw, rage-ful hatred for bin Ladin on 9/11. This is war. At this point, I am about ready to greenlight the Cops slaughtering anybody who is in a micron of Cabal membership. And whoever else has to be dealt with to purge this cancer would qualify as just collateral damage…”

My feeling are totally different from yours. There are a LOT of people at the top that they have direct video, audio information on them orchestrating this chaos. They have lots of information on the abuse of children and much else. Now I say have secret courts on them. Make sure you have them amply documented to be involved even if the information was obtained without warrants through intelligence and then waste them.

The pawns at the bottom are just pawns and if we are going to waste them then I say we should do the orchestrators FIRST then the little guy. But I bet this won’t happen they will crush the little guy and the guys on top will do as they damn well please. Just like Epstein did whatever he wanted then was snuck right out of a maximum security jail.

3 years ago

A commenter a few days ago wrote about facial shapes; AC much earlier mentioned startled eyes — below is a link to a series of Rembrandt’s self-portraits. Note Rembrandt’s eyes in his younger paintings, particularly the 1630 etching. (Very few artists drew or painted themselves as frequently as Rembrandt.)

So beautiful — a taste of the Western culture we’re determined to defend.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  KR
3 years ago

Van Rijn was a pretty cool guy, one of the greatest for Western Civilization. A couple of his nieces and nephews emigrated to the future U.S.A. as well. Hence the saying, if you ain’t Dutch, you ain’t much.

3 years ago

“This is definitely not the time to quit entirely and surrender any position of power if you are a cop. That would be exactly what Cabal would want.”

I think that depends on where you are.
If you are in a cabal stronghold that is going to get rid of the police anyway then it might be best to quit ahead of their schedule and let the place become an example and create an opportunity for the state or feds to roll in and restore order later.

3 years ago

Mark Esper—is the same as Justin Amash—-Children of Immigrants from Lebanon.

When-oh-when are we going to stop immigration. Esper and Amash—cut from the same cloth. These two idiots are NOT Europeans! They don’t belong here. Have NO understanding of Anglo-Saxon culture.

How can you have Anglo-Saxon culture with lebanese?

This is how stupid Americans are for allowing this.

Immigration needs to end now!

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Arab Christians and their families (typically Lebanese-American or Syrian-American Catholics) are not the problem.

A lot of immigrant communities are radioactively toxic with Cabal affiliation but those ones typically are not, IMO.

I’m still trying to figure out what Amash’s angle is.

Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

To “M in the 517”. What is Amash’s angle.

“…trying to figure out what Amash’s angle is”.

It is called Cultural Awareness. immigrants have NO cultural awareness! Immigrants from communist or post communist countries do have some cultural awareness specifically about Marxism.

Lebanese do NOT have any of this. They have NO knowledge of communism/Marxism nor are they tied to European history per se.

Compare and Contrast. I’m a Roman Catholic. Catholicism is tied to European history. Catholicism has been the victim of revolutionaries throughtout European history. Catholicism has been the victim of Marxist/International Socialist aggression. So we have cultural awareness of its programs and ideology. Lebanese do NOT.

Amash is a Libertarian, the middle of anarchism. Liberal being a soft anarchist; libertarianism as middle of the road; and anarchist is the pure form. Liberals, Libertarians, anarchists are all Nihilists.

Christian Lebanese are in conflict with Muslims—not communists. Amash went to college and picked up the Libertarian thread. I have no doubt that Esper did to. They have fully drunk the Americanist ideology of the FFofA, that government is evil and the Masonic ideology of Babelism.

As Immigrants of good intent, they have a drive to assimilate to the extreme form of the FFofA.

Amash and Esper have NO cultural awareness, have not been fighting Masonry nor International Socialism—so they are brain-dead—blinded by the Libtard ideology. Which then negates common-sense and the recognition of the dangers of Marxism because Marxism ALSO flows (its cultural elements) in Libertarianism. They are quasi Marxists themselves.

Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

“ Arab Christians and their families (typically Lebanese-American or Syrian-American Catholics) are not the problem”

Agreed. Last I checked Brigitte Gabriel was a very strong Christian, Conservative American. Spent a good portion of the first 16 years of her life under bombardment by moslems.

I also personally know two other Lebanese Christian brothers who are not part of the problem. Good Christian Americans.

You can have immigrants who aren’t of European descent as long as the mainstream culture is and the people are properly assimilated into it. You can’t have overwhelming numbers come in every year encouraged to cling to their old ways.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Like I said. it’s time for NYPD to go on strike or just quit and leave the city:

Manhattan DA Announces He Will Let Rioters and Looters Off Without Charges ‘In the Name of Justice’

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

oops, I didn’t mean to reply to this, I meant to reply to my earlier post.