News Briefs – 06/08/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Flynn’s lawyer retweeted someone’s post about the Star Wars Game transcript, which might mean that she knows it is real.

Sen. Graham refuses to let FISA abuse get pinned on low-level FBI staff: ‘I believe it goes to the very top.’

Prosecutors formally request to talk with Prince Andrew in Epstein investigation.

Dana White of the UFC predicts most of the media will be laid off in the next few months:

A great rundown on how the old guy pushed down by Buffalo Cops was a set up, who even ran tubes under his mask to his ears to squirt out blood after he fell.

Strauss and Howe, nearly 25 years ago predicted America would hit a great crisis climaxing in 2020 — and that up next is a millennial vs. boomer standoff that will usher in a new world order. Business Insider does a cover of The Fourth Turning.

De Blasio says NY City to cut NYPD funding, and shift it to social services. Part of a package of “reforms,” put forth by the mayor’s task force on racial inclusion, which is co-chaired by his wife Chirlane McCray. Bear in mind, Social Services probably encompasses “Mental Health Programs,” which is what De Blasio’s wife took over, and immediately disappeared $1.2 billion from, plus something like $350 million more per year ongoing, and she admitted they didn’t know where it went, and you can’t measure their work product. AOC calls for $1 billion of the NYPD’s $6 billion budget to be stripped. I think Cabal is running low on cash, and step one was to demand Trump give all these cities billions in economic recovery funds due to the cost of the Coronavirus. When that failed, Cabal told them get the money however you can, so shutting down the Police and pilfering their budgets is now the plan. Notice, De Blasio isn’t cutting these funds, and saving the money to make up for a budget shortfall from the Coronavirus that Trump wouldn’t cover, so he can keep other services where they are. There is no budget shortfall. So he is cutting these funds, and funneling these surplus funds into additional “Social Services,” where you can’t measure the work product, and it can disappear like his wife did to the $1.2 billion. This is desperation. Cabal’s last stand is November, and word has gone out, you do everything possible to win on election night, because by their calculation, better to win Election night and have to cover up the theft of hundreds of billions across the nation, and have to explain the bedlam from there being no Police, than to lose election night, and have to answer for all the other thefts and crimes of the past five decades. This is a good sign, if a shitty event. Also note how as they eliminate the Police, they can use their mobs to intimidate other groups, like Jews, whites, asians, or any other group they can splinter off the mainstream. Without cops in a disarmed leftist utopia, it will be mob-rule, which is good for the group which controls the mobs.

Sources reporting that #NYPD Commissioner and Chief Of Department are resigning and between 300 and 800 officers are retiring immediately. Notice, if the NYPD leadership was Cabal, they would keep their mouths shut and try to put out the fires among the rank and file. Interesting, because I would have thought compromising those positions would have been high on Cabal’s to-do list. There must be some force repelling them within the department, and some mechanism facilitating the rebellion. Maybe NYPD intel draws heavily from Military Intel. Might explain why Cabal kills an NYPD officer now and then to try and keep the department in line.

Majority of Minneapolis City Council commits to dismantling city’s police department. Understand how vulnerable these traitors feel. If things were as we are told, they would be eliminating the only force out there which could protect them. They would be creating a might-makes-right, K-selected world. Who do they think is going to impose their dictatorial decrees upon the regular citizens? The answer is, there is already a machine out there, in the shadows, which will be able to perform those functions much more efficiently, if there is no other force out there trying to impose law and order.

Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey rejects city council’s push to defund police, despite veto-proof majority. Great. Let’s test out how well eliminating the Police will work, in an area filled with Somali immigrants fresh from Mogadishu.

Gavin Newsom to close 200-person veteran’s home after budgeting handouts to illegal aliens.

Liberal states refuse to cut spending as they wait for a 2021 Biden bailout. That is how they will cover their thefts now. They are all in now, all or nothing.

The police chief of Lowell, Michigan, was forced to resign Thursday after using a Facebook post to praise four citizens who armed themselves to oppose looters. The majority supports them, but Cabal has people in all the right places to still force them out. Think about how a covert intelligence operation subverted the US in a way no outright frontal assault ever could, and realize the power of intelligence operations.

Chicago is paying up to $1.2 million to private security firms to deter looting. Think about it. If the left can normalize this instead of public Policing, you will have a Balkanized country, with enclaves where Cabal controls the personally selected and manned local private army because they hired them, and there will be no law enforcement to get in their way, and they will be supported by one of the most powerful intelligence operations ever assembled. The Second Amendment is great, but it will only give us a fighting chance against this – if we can school our forces up on intelligence operations in time.

Candace Owens launched a GoFundMe for a cafe owner who called George Floyd a thug, and GoFundMe banned her. Truth is a noble cause, but right now is war. Survival and winning comes first, kicking ass and making sure everything is 100% truthful comes second.

Colin Powell endorses Biden. So if a real President had tried to take on Cabal while he was in, Powell would have ignored his orders and protected Cabal at all costs. So much for civilian control of the military.

Biden will not attend Floyd’s funeral because of his large Secret Service contingent, so he will record a video message. Now that he no longer has the Coronavirus, this is the excuse. A part of me thinks him not making appearances may not be to avoid gaffes, but rather to keep the position of Democrat nominee unassociated with anyone so he can step down at the last moment with minimal effect, and hand it off to someone like Michelle. They are trying to keep blacks anti-Republican with these protests, which would fit with bringing in Michelle at the last minute.

Drew Brees’ wife, Brittany, apologizes: ‘We are the problem.’ Dumb comments like this from important people are very damaging because they skew the Overton Window among the public. Fortunately, she isn’t really important, so nobody cares what Drew Brees’ wife thinks. But it is curious he seems to be reading Cabal scripts.

Air Force Sergeant ambushes three Deputies and kills one after they are called out to a van filled with bombs materials. Now they think he may have shot the DHS security officer outside the courthouse a few days ago.

I’m not sure if in this next one the cops were trying to arrest this guy or keep him from getting killed by the mob, but it is interesting to see the exact same organized protests, with the same phrases, in London that you see in the US. Remember, for years people facing the machine have reported being picked up by the local civilian followers in foreign countries seamlessly on moving from nation to nation, even if those nations were not friendly with their own. They landed, and the local machine knew all about them, and that they were supposed to get the business, and they were ready to give it. There was already a shadow global government, with a shadow global intelligence operation, assembled and operational, which superseded our own national governments while staying completely out of sight. (Except possibly in Russia.)

When Russian security forces run into their version of left-wing Antifa:


Holy See prosecutors sent Swiss authorities a formal request for help examining the Holy See Secretariat of State’s investment of more than $300 million in a luxury London property development. Vatican money laundering?

Underwater drones join hunt for trillions in mineral riches trapped on ocean’s floor. Shades of the Glomar Explorer?

Arrest made in connection with the murder of Ret. Capt. David Dorn.

Tommy Robinson calls on patriots to defend London.

Defunding police will lead to Republican victory this year.

NICS numbers for may are, at 3,066,740, the second-largest single month for NICS checks, ever, only exceeded by December, 2015. June will be bigger.

Latin gangs attack Black Chicago protesters in effort to assist police.

Terry Crews is pushing back on the censors.

How do you end an Antifa riot and restore civility? Make the rioters scurry by pulling a gun and shooting one:

What leftists who see this type of thing sound like:

Here is a news report on it, which says the nice innocent protester was just trying to see if the driver needed help when he was shot for no reason. And they say it as the video shows the protester trying to reach in the window and drag out and beat the driver.

Rooftop Koreans are upgrading:

Spread r/K Theory, because every day brings us one day closer

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Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…A great rundown on how the old guy pushed down by Buffalo Cops was a set up, who even ran tubes under his mask to his ears to squirt out blood after he fell…”

They should arrest him for conspiracy. Notice that if instead of pushing him they would have tied him up like I said then he would have had nothing to fake. It would have blown his whole story.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m gonna take the position the cops were frickin IDIOTS.

the old scumbag was absolutely there to harass/play them. 99% he took a dive when they gently nudged him. 87% the blood was a fake gag.

none of which matters. what matters is, the old scumbag set a trap for them that a 4th grader could see a mile away, and those morons instantly blundered into it while swinging their dicks. in a highly-charged civil unrest situation where a tiny spark could start a giant blaze; in broad daylight in the public square where there were 1000 cameras on them, AND THEY KNEW IT.

do they use their heads? think for even a fraction of a second? attempt a de-escalation? observe that the old scumbag, while being a bonafide scumbag, is a) 75 and b) unarmed? detail one of the guys in behind them to walk him back to the squads for arrestage??


why is it we can expect – and get – common sense de-escalation from the minimum wage kid working the register at Wendys, or an 18-year-old buck private 10 seconds outta boot on patrol in Iraq…. but it’s impossible to expect a $100K/yr trained professional to look past the end of his dick & think 5 seconds ahead? why is that?

I ran this by a man I very much respect – who’d done the cop thing back in the day – and he didn’t like it. not even a little bit. He tried to argue back about “tactical doctrine” and all that.

he got pretty quiet when I pointed out that blind adherence to **long-standing**, **widely-known** police doctrine means that even a 75-year-old scumbag troublemaker can turn them all into his mindless puppets at will. at the worst possible time. in front of a thousand cameras. when the future of the country is on the line.

In a world where Perception is Reality for the vast majority of people. people who then saw all the *other* idiot cops instantly close ranks just like a common street gang and back up the morons who the whole country saw shove that frail, unarmed old man. (again, it was a setup, and the old guy is garbage. but 99% of the country DOESN’T KNOW THAT, now do they. all they know is what they saw: that “brutal attack”, and they don’t read blogs that say otherwise)

at the end of the day, which side “won” that hugely-publicized engagement? the side with the slightly-cleverer-than-a-4th-grader agitator, or the Truth/Justice/American Way $100K/yr. Macho Urban Warriors who can’t see past the end of their noses? every one of whom who the old guy made his bitch live on national TV??

to hell with those idiots. they’re too stupid to be allowed badges & guns.

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

I disagree with some of your other points, but your point that “they don’t read blogs that say otherwise” is a very important one that should not be overlooked. If we wish to win any hearts and minds and expand our base, this is an issue we will somehow need to solve.

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

The elephant in the room is that modern police departments receive very little hands-on training in individual or group tactics. Odds are that their “use-of-force” training requirements were satisfied by biannual presentations from the city attorney’s office and a few handouts that they are expected to insert into their SOP manual. Physical fitness, “defensive tactics” and riot control tactics have been completely deemphasized over the past 2 or 3 decades as police departments have transitioned to the Community Policing model and re-invented themselves as “Guardians not warriors.” It is little wonder that perfect performance under pressure is not achieved when the officers have little to no experience with the tools, tactics, and timing necessary to successfully conclude use-of-force incidents.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

Agreed and I might add if the local prosecutors refuse to prosecute them Trump should deputize all the cops as Federal Marshals and arrest them all and fill up all these concentration camps we are supposed to have in this country. I’ve seen some pictures of these and a lot of pictures of trains with handcuffs in them. We should use them on the people that wanted to use them on us. The key is to get them a record and some time in jail. Even if it’s a little. Each time they get caught it gets worse and they can keep them longer.

In order to stop this you will have to deal out punishment but not some extrajudical punishment that the press can run over and over. Punishment that has video evidence that can convict them. Which they have.

3 years ago

The Planet Venus used to be like Earth and was full of Water:

Now its a hellhole.

3 years ago

Tommy Robinson calls on patriots to defend London.

Tommy is cabal. Don’t take the bait.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Tommy thinks ritually genuflecting before Israel will save him… and yet it never has and never will.
He thinks hiding behind the Israeli flag and trying to tie Britains fight against Islamism with Israel’s is a winning platform.
He still gets thrown under the bus no matter what he says.
Part of his problem is a class thing. The English middle and upper classes that feel the same way about the issues as Tommy does will never endorse him because he’s a prole, and the English upper classes utterly despise their own proles.
Britain has lost its soul, and its balls. I know English people who now live in the States, and they sadly admit, and all of them say it, “England is lost”.
They simply don’t have the guts to take it back. It’s over for them.
Central Europe and Eastern Europe will not capitulate, and a shadow war is going on in Italy right now over mass immigration.
This is much more than just Islam.
Europe has lost it’s will to live, at least the Western half.

3 years ago

How do you end an Antifa riot and restore civility? Make the rioters scurry by pulling a gun and shooting one

Next time, aim for the head.

3 years ago

One interesting thing I’ve noticed about the current situation is that groups that were, up to this point, publicly neutral (from churches to Lego to the company that makes Fruit Gushers), have been definitively taking a side over the last two weeks. And every single one that I’ve seen is lining up behind the other side. Not once have I seen a company/organization take a bold stance saying something like “these riots are ridiculous and need to stop” or “we especially cannot cave into demands now, because it would prove that violence works”, even among groups with traditionally right-leaning constituencies that wouldn’t have a lot to lose (or may even have something to gain) by doing so. Instead, it’s been “how can we be more understanding?” or “we stand with those fighting for justice”.

I worry, with respect to this, that those who were slightly leaning toward the right before the crisis will lose the perception that there are others who stand behind them and defect to the left due to herd mentality/social ostracism.

The same is true in my neighborhood. I live in a city in a neighborhood that voted about 65% D in 2016, but I’ve gotten positive acknowledgment here (sometimes from people I wouldn’t expect) when wearing Trump gear, and there are a few rare Trump flags around. In the past few weeks, I’ve seen many NEW signs, chalk drawings, and other indicators of pro-riot/pro-left support, but no NEW indicators of anti-riot/pro-right support.

Which leads me to the question(s) I have for the other anons out there:

1. Are we currently (a) winning this battle, and (b) winning this war? And why or why not?
2. Why are we in hiding right now when the moment seems to have finally arrived? (And, for that matter, when so many people are now unemployed and no longer at risk of losing their job over taking a stand).

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Also, a few comments on the posts:

I have read many books and must say that The Fourth Turning remains one of my absolute favorites. Strauss and Howe have been spot on with respect to many different things. Fun fact: at the top of p. 273, they come pretty close to predicting 9/11 when discussing potential catalysts for the crisis era. Also, I think Bannon’s Generation Zero is a great take on the events leading up to the financial crisis of 2008.

With regard to Brees, I think it would be quite interesting if a right-leaning celebrity left their spouse in a huge spectacle after making a public statement like that. Could shift the Overton Window our way a bit, as well as create some amygdala.

I have also noticed that there are now less people lurking around, but those that are have been a bit more obvious. Just my two cents…

Reply to  map
3 years ago

That’s pretty awesome, especially given that they control the algorithm.

Also interesting is how in his next tweet, he acts shocked that cops are arresting people in a non-violent protest, as if someone can’t be arrested for something they did yesterday…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

at thelink

“terrorist leaders and foot soldiers were picked up all over the US”

I bet that one reason we haven’t been doing this is a whopping shit load of these will prove to be Jews. I can’t say I have any information leading to this conclusion iut the former actions of Jews.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This is the grim truth of the matter.

The time to gravitate toward specifically K communities (even if it means leaving a long held job, short selling the house, etc) is …. getting closer. I don’t know if I’m ready to do that yet.

Certain historically Gernan-Catholic and/or Dutch rural small towns are not bad places to start. Mennonites also.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Many good points on your end as well. Thanks!

I, too, have seen under the hood a bit, having studied with some of theirs in college and, despite generally being seen as an outcast, gaining substantial knowledge/training in leftist tactics. What bothers me to no end is that their tactics are so blatantly obvious (at least to me, anyway), they’ve been doing roughly the same thing for fifty years (compare, for instance, these riots with 1992 or even 1968), and there’s even a book about it that explains nearly everything (Rules for Radicals). So we know exactly what’s coming, and yet we do nothing to counter it that would actually work. Or, at least, we are unwilling to use effective tactics against a group that would never give the same benefit to us.

To give an example, suppose, hypothetically speaking, that we were the left. Our left-tactician counterpart would send our 18-year-olds to hold abortion clinics under siege nationwide while thousands of our other people (with jobs) prayed “peacefully” outside to prevent the police from coming in. Then, once they’ve done their time, it would be implied that their heroism would be rewarded with a nice job at one of our organizations (where the charge would actually be a huge benefit on their job application). We would appeal to people’s feelings by interviewing crying grandparents who lost a grandchild to abortion on Fox, just like the left shows people who drowned at the border. And we would continue doing this at random intervals, occasionally holding off for a bit once some progress is made, until the other side capitulated and abortion was stopped.

Again, hypothetically speaking, our left-tactician counterpart would design bots to break the algorithms of sites that censor us, and if we failed, we would actually stop using them.

We would go to their open meetings and discussions, pretend to be one of them, and once at the mic, tell an emotional story about how they’ve betrayed one of their own. That lets the air out of the balloon so fast, you wouldn’t even believe it. : D I’ve personally done this one before, and I can say that it is incredibly satisfying.

In real-life, however, we are able to gather a million people from all around the country to come to DC for the March for Life, yet we march with all the ferocity of a protest over a new stop sign while saying that abortion is murdr. So we have the organization in place, but not the willingness to take action or use the tactics of the left against them.

To be clear, I’m not advocating that we use violence, but I do hope and pray that we can find a bit more courage, grit, self-defense, civil disobedience, willingness to show that we’ll support each other, and willingness to do something we aren’t comfortable with if it moves the needle.

Just my two cents…

Reply to  Anon060920
3 years ago

The left has co-opted the exhibitionists and is eager for chaos.
When the tide turns our way the exhibitionists will join us.

We do need to learn to be a little less afraid of chaos and to use emotions against our enemies.

But they are funded and supported by the unlimited resources and power of the cabal and that allows them to do things we would not succeed doing and our distaste for chaos is a healthy instinct that we should not abandon entirely, one of cabal’s motto’s is ordo ab chao, chaos holds far more potential for our enemies than for us.

3 years ago

George W. Bush spokesman calls NYT article claiming he won’t vote for Trump ‘completely made up’​​

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Call and response. NYT either giving an order or passing a message. W reply is another message. Of course all of it has different meanings from what was said openly.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

If cabal controls all the intel, why do they bother sending coded public messages? Just pick up the phone …

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Not to belabor the point, but this makes no sense.

If Bush wants to tell persons x, y and z about something soon to happen, do you really think he’s so afraid of the NSA’s interceptions to such a degree that he makes public coded statements?

For every coded statement, there has to be a code that was shared prior to transmission. This means they’ve talked, or are talking. I can think of a gazillion ways to get a message from x to y without going to the media.

Of course, it could be a message for a thousand people, in which case it may make sense to make a coded public announcement.

I agree with your public exposure argument. It’s the inverted logic of that which makes us live transparent lives.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

DIA – Gen. Flynn’s old agency — also seems to be loyal to the Republic. We seldom hear any news of any kind out of DIA, and that level of professionalism would seem to be an indicator that they’re actually doing the job they’re chartered to do.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

After hearing that, I want massive reparations for what they did to my teeth. Does fit with the times I was most heavily under surveillance. Thanks for the heads up. Every time the wierdness picks up around me, my teeth get painful too.

3 years ago

> abolishing police

Of course, without a police force of its own, law enforcement in Minneapolis falls under the Sheriff’s department and State Police. Which means they’d be getting the same police protection as any non-city Minnesotans, except “for free” as far as the city budget is concerned.

“Follow the money…”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Anoka Co. Sheriff has ‘no appetite’ to help Minneapolis if it abolishes police department

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

That’s fine. Minneapolis is in Hennepin County and thus Anoka is under no obligation to enforce the law there.

3 years ago

If all positions of power and influence attract psychopaths. Perhaps those positions can be bait. If they are deathtraps for psychopaths. That will be good.

3 years ago

In regards to the voracious pace of “Active Measures” on display.

To the point where you even have Van Jones belittling Kunty Klinton Klowns.

Seems to be, that ‘they’ are throwing nigh on everything they can against the wall, to see what sticks…

3 years ago

Great video about the whole George Floyd thing, racism, US police forces being trained by Israel, Christianity and the Jewish revolutionary spirit (includes Soros subversive activities):

3 years ago

Sandinista leaders fall victim to coronavirus outbreak they downplayed

3 years ago

If this isn’t ultimately the result of Cabal or Satan I don’t know what is:

Woman gets away with Murder by claiming “Emotional abuse” and gets his entire estate.
This wrong and wrongs like this need to be righted sooner or later.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

If you marry and are financially set you need 1. a prenuputial with no expiration date and/or 2. a South Dakota Trust where everything you own is in an irrivocable trust so no matter what happens she will get only what the trust is directed to give if anything. I would put in a clause that if she were the proximate (great legal thing) cause of my death or incapacation she gets nothing. Let her know in advance – no not ever.

If you are old and of modest means give the house to the kids and retain life use even if confined to an old age prision (nursing home) the house has to be maintained for your return. Keeps them from sending you out. She will get nothing and if you are not there she has to get out. Has to sign away squatters rights.

In general trophy wives or meal ticket seekers are the biggest risk you will take. You have better chances in standing alone in rush hour traffic on the freeway.

If you are fortunate to find a woman “you would cross the river with” do everything you can to keep her. No betrayal and go to church with her.

Reply to  Goose
3 years ago

Good info. Thank you.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  info
3 years ago

Isn’t that one of Gibbs’s rules (from NCIS)?

“Rule number xx: never stick it in crazy.
Rule number xx-a: and for God’s sake, never marry crazy, especially if you’re the one with money “