News Briefs – 06/10/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


In the tweet’s video, Barr specifically says “Police organizations” were used to spy as well. That is not federal. He is leaving out the civilian networks for now, because there is no way the public is ready for that fucking nuclear tera-ton yield bombshell right now. I’ve told you, however it is set up, there are agents of something who can walk into any Police station in the country, flash some kind of credentials, and every cop in there has to do whatever they want. I assume it is official, chain-of-command type things, though it is not impossible they operate unofficially, and the cops comply because they do not want their fellow officers getting shot and killed by random surveillance targets spun into a homicidal frenzy, ala Miosotis Familia or the victims of Gavin Long. Still interesting to hear Barr call out “Police” as well, as that speaks to local networks of operation, which would not have been assembled just for Trump. And there can only be one network of local networks. It also points to Barr taking down the entire network, or at least its targeting of civilians. People are going to shit when they find out just what was going on:


The name of this twitter account by Michael Flynn’s brother was interesting:

Palm Beach County judge (Marx) rules to keep Jeffrey Epstein transcripts sealed. Not surprising. Supposedly the judge was plugged in with a lot of Epstein’s social circle, and he is probably Cabal to boot.

Barr says Durham’s team is ‘working very aggressively’ despite the coronavirus disruption.

A  top State Department official has accused Steve Linick, the department’s fired inspector general, of contacting a former colleague, obtaining official documents and returning to his former office — all in violation of the terms of his administrative leave. Probably figured it was better than having a parent murdered like McMaster.

North Korea said it was cutting off all communication channels with South Korea Tuesday as it escalated its pressure on the South for failing to stop activists from floating anti-Pyongyang leaflets across their tense border. Cabal causing trouble? Or just part of a script?

The media claims researchers claim that Coronavirus is still advancing in third-world countries.

People with psychopathic traits ‘are more likely to ignore lockdown restrictions’. Obey the lockdown restrictions, anon. You don’t want people to think you are a psychopath, do you? I wonder if the public really does try to conform this much, or if this has that much of an effect at the population level. Or have things changed, and it just doesn’t work now.

More than half of the Theodore Roosevelt crew have Coronavirus antibodies. Vast majority didn’t even know they had caught it.

WHO walks back statement that asymptomatic Coronavirus transmission is ‘very rare,’ now saying it could be ‘around 40%.’ It tends to be very easy to keep your story straight when everyone is telling the truth.

Multiple members of the National Guard who responded to the DC riots have now tested positive for coronavirus. Doesn’t sound like anyone is actually sick.

People are moving out of New York City at an “insane” rate. Article says Coronavirus triggered it, but the unrest is not going to help.

Security footage shows George Floyd clearly drop a small baggie with a white substance during his arrest. Stills from the video, which I assume will be wiped shortly, are below and show him lowering himself against the wall and dropping the baggie:

Texas cops salute George Floyd’s gold coffin as it’s carried to front of Fountain of Praise church for private ceremony. Bite your tongue anon, play the game like  our God Emperor, and say with me, “Soon.” But it is worth noting for posterity, (((They))) seem to get some sort of perverse pleasure out of foisting the biggest lies they can on us, even though we know they are bullshit.

Floyd’s niece asks, ‘When has America ever been great?’ She and Michelle Obama will get along just fine.

Donations, including international funding, to go directly to the DNC – That is money laundering.

Only 5% of Black people are very unhappy with their local Police department. An additional 12% of Black people are slightly unsatisfied, and everyone else is happy with the Police.

Black Lives Matter officially demand the Police be defunded.

Ilhan Omar says, “I will never stop saying not only do we need to disinvest from police but we need to completely dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department.”

Major unions in Los Angeles pledged their support to Black Lives Matter defunding the Los Angeles Police Department and redirecting those funds to community organizations. Could it be any clearer what is going on?

Biden and Democrats seek to shut down calls to defund police. Not really. They want the money shifted to Cabal, they just don’t want the political baggage of having been associated with it being done.

Bernie Sanders says, ‘I don’t agree’ with the push to abolish police departments. This entire debacle does look suspiciously like it has the God Emperor’s fingerprints all over it. I wonder if he could have faked a message from Cabal to its underlings that this was the plan. It is just so tailor made to destroy the left. If it wasn’t Trump, then Cabal has reached the end of a long list of very bad options, and this is the only Hail Mary they have left.

NAACP president declines to endorse the ‘defund police’ movement.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, on Tuesday warned about Democrats and others trying to “repackage” the push to “Defund the Police” to make it more “palatable” to affluent swing voters. She has to be one of ours.

British police officers were chased by protesters through the streets of London during Sunday’s “Black Lives Matter” protest, as protesters pelted them with missiles while shouting “run piggy, run!” If things were as they seem, if the political leaders we see were in -power, they would never allow this, because this breakdown in control could easily turn into people taking shots at political leaders. And they are not willing to die for the cause. There is someone else in charge, someone unseen, who can order political leaders to allow this, who knows there is a shadow level of control and the protesters are mostly their own soldiers under orders (so the protests are not as much of a threat as they seem), and who doesn’t worry about that crowd coming after them, because they know the crowd doesn’t even know they exist.

Distraught Chicago officials complained to Mayor Lori Lightfoot — “as looting and rioting in response to George Floyd’s death swept through the Windy City — pleading for help and warning that the vulnerable had lost access to food and medicine, with one saying, “My ward is a shit show, they are shooting at the police.””

DA declines to prosecute man arrested in St. Patrick’s Cathedral vandalism. Try it yourself,  even posing as a leftist, and see if they decline to prosecute you. There is more to it than meets the eye.

The long-running reality TV show COPS has been cancelled at Paramount Network. Imagine trying to be one of the good guys, and this is how the cultural propaganda wing treats you.

Meanwhile, the Cartoon network is celebrating homosexuals and trannies – for the entire month. Calls them “courageous.”

Cuomo says New York will pass the ‘most aggressive’ policing reforms in the country Cuomo is in that office because his predecessor, David Patterson, was run out of the office after being threatened with blackmail, he said by the New York State Police Surveillance Division. So Cuomo is in that position because he was chosen by the rain-makers. The question is, if New York State Police Surveillance Division was the rain-makers, then why haven’t they snapped Cuomo’s choke chain. Are they just a tool of Cabal, or do they not care about this because it will only affect Uniformed Patrol Division?

Talking about the war on drugs or getting tough on crime are ‘racial dog whistles.’

Mayor Ted Wheeler on Monday offered all city of Portland employees 40 hours of uncontested bereavement leave to mourn 400 years of African-American oppression, including the police killings of African-Americans across the country.

ABC News parent company Disney is pledging $5,000,000 to social justice groups.

Antifa militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in Seattle w/their own rules. They set up barricades around a few blocks, but you could imagine what would happen if a patriot militia group did that.

Citrus Heights homes displaying American flags are targeted by arsonists.

Lawsuit claims Michigan risks fraud, as county has more registered voters than people who can vote in 16 counties.

New sex ed teaches New Jersey minors about sodomy and how to consent to it. Remember, the cops are the enemy. The courageous sodomites are the heroes we celebrate.

One in three Americans now show signs of clinical anxiety or depression. I assume everything now is most likely a lie, with this probably designed to amp up the Nervous Nancies. But if it were true, it would be what to expect as r turned to K, and the rabbitized suddenly had to face their worst fears with amygdalae that had not yet adapted.

This next one sounds kind of like he could be talking about Cabal communications methods:

Wow, this is the Mayor:

On this next one, think about the anecdotal cases of people who are followed and surveilled in the US by the shadowy gang-stalking phenomenon, who fled overseas – and to China in two cases I have read – and who found the exact same network, only then composed of the local citizens of the nation they fled to, emerged out of the woodwork on their landing, to continue their targeting seamlessly once they arrived in the foreign country. I read two cases where the people were harassed by regular citizens in China who knew all about them, who appeared just an extension of the US operation they left behind. One described a Chinese shopkeeper who was one of them suddenly accusing him of stealing and attacking him, only to have a Chinese cop show up, seem to very quickly recognize and figure out what was going on, and send him on his way without so much as a warning. I got the impression even the cops in China are not fans of the program:

U.N. silenced, as gathering of world leaders is canceled for the first time in 75 years due to the Coronavirus.

Nasdaq crosses 10,000 for first time. Trump Boom V2.0 is here.

A boat parade is planned in southeast Michigan to celebrate President Trump’s birthday on June 14th.

This video should go viral:

Understand in this next one how everyone is aware, this money only flows if you always say nice things about the ChiComs. We are in the age of openly displayed, Gentlemen’s Agreement Bribery:

Spread r/K Theory, because #TheReckoning appears to be coming

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Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Yes, You Can Be Against ‘Police Brutality’ & ‘Looting And Rioting’ At The Same Time

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Women with a Neandertal gene give birth to more children. Sounds like they are healthier, and may want kids more and be forming families, so it may indicate Neanderthals were K…”

Or it may be as I surmise they are more like animals and breed uncontrollably. Neanderthals were in Europe for 250,000 years and didn’t do a damn thing worth talking about. Cro-Mags showed up and started building stuff.

”:..Top corporations have been hiring Obama Administration alumni, who are using the companies to push the Social Justice agenda….”

This I believe and said long ago was because the Jews used all the bail out money they got to buy everything. I bet they own a controlling interest in every large corporation in the US. The attempted to do exactly the same thing in Germany and succeeded til the Nazis took over. No I’m not a Nazi but I liked a lot of their policies. Especially the one about getting rid of the Jews. We should learn a lesson from them and if we decide to get rid of the Jews, don’t attack Poland, don’t get into any world wars, get rid of them as fast as possible or you may have to house them in camps where they will accuse you of gassing them and burning them up in ovens.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

“They have sort of a unique.. system of communication and organization.”

So their comms have been penetrated, probably since the milkshake stuff from spring 2019. That means they’re being targeted and scoped too. They’ve been Q’d. The walking dead.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

So they use “Signal”

3 years ago

Video about Logos in Africa, and the role of Jewish collective power in the agitation for race war and the increase of racial tensions in the West:

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Not going to lie, watching the globalist leviathan flex this year has been an impressive showing of how much sheer bullshit they can force into people’s lives. I wonder though if it’s having the effect they thought it would.

Instead of feeling demoralized and beaten I feel invigorated. Stressed but very much alive. The Wuflu, we’re all going to die panic, coupled with the massive yard ape chimp-outs are turning folks around in a big way.

I’ve noticed most of the virtue signalers on my personal social media are getting much less validation and even measured push-back from folks who just a year ago were all on board the progressive train. It’s like they’re waking up finally. Never thought I’d see that happen.

What a time to be alive boys. Feels like we’re rushing into battle. I sure hope so anyway.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

The gaybal faggots have been throwing every card they have onto the table and everything is failing them, and with each move they make, they lose support from the gen pop, expose more of their operations and operatives (both to the gen pop and whitehats), and commit new and fresh crimes that can be used to take down their networks even faster.
I’m very comfy as well fren.

See meme:

comment image

3 years ago

((((You))) want to see psychopathic traits?

Keep pushing.

3 years ago

Mayor Ted Wheeler on Monday offered all city of Portland employees 40 hours of uncontested bereavement leave to mourn 400 years of African-American oppression, including the police killings of African-Americans across the country.

Since they are taking a week off to grieve, I assume that means that they will be OVER IT when they come back and won’t keep harping on it?

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

I’m guessing that this is to provide emergency staffing to the protesters. A tremendous amount of people on the payroll in state and local governments are actually primarily political agitators and operatives. Hence one of the reasons academia is loaded with positions such as “assistant vice provost” who are earning 6 figure salaries but rarely seen on campus.

Reply to  Anti-Cabal
3 years ago

I remember reading how Michelle Obama was pulling a salary of 300k+ at Univ of Chicago med school for “diversity” or something like that, and no one had ever seen or met her.
Locked office.

3 years ago

Antifa has now taken over a portion of Seattle and established their rule for the moment. Three things may interfere. One is the residents who do not agree. They will either move out or in the middle of the night go hunting. The second is maybe one of the mexican drug lords decides this is an ideal place to establish an outpost. Antifa is no match, no basement dweller soy boy(s) can come up against them and even have the least hope to prevail. Why, because when captured soy boy will be persuaded to reveal all known. The drug lords will then go out into the burbs and eliminate those who seek to interfere. This will of course include the families of the soy boys. The third is muzzie war lords who are already here. Soy Boys will not be able to take them on either. It is a good thing that all of the pussy’s pratciced using masks for their new hijab and sex slavery. The soy boys all practiced kneeling they just have to adjust position to get ready to be bottoms. Portland next.

So now any who need food, precription drugs, houshold maintainance items or anything else – no neighborhood source and no jobs. Landlords will not be able to collect rent, do repairs or pay taxes. No burned out or looted store will come back maybe never. Will Fire or EMT’s dare enter the no-go zone without protection maybe until attacked and then never. None will offer up their life for zone dwellers (read about no-go zones in Europe if you doubt me).

This is the first overt act of 4G warfare by Globalists/Antifa/Socialists/Communists and it is against the government who essentially supported them. Think through what you see it is the balkinization of the US of A. How are you going to react.
The only knee I will ever take is for G-d and then only when commanded from on high.

Reply to  Goose
3 years ago

Which stage are we on regarding Thomas Chittum’s CW2 timetable?

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

Both ahead and behind. Not really Chittum’s fault as he wrote his book in 1990, with a later edition after 1992. There’s alot of stuff he didn’t see coming.

Many like the system and don’t want to screw it up, as redman Vox Day says “me likum white man plumbing”.

Chittum also grossly underestimated non-hispanic, non-black 3rd world migration, as well as the effects of massive abortion rates among blacks. The U.S. black fertility rate is actually about equal to the non-hispanic white fertility rate, but life expectancy and health still lags behind whites, despite a closing gap. So all of Chittum’s predictions about Blacks are pretty much “behind” in some areas significantly (many small towns in the U.S. south have become slightly less black since 2000). Not Chittums fault really, he just didn’t think like a whacky liberal hippie fuck in government nor did he understand the cabal baby part market demand.

Also impacting things are the massive prosperity (until 2008), the rise of the internet, Iraq and Afghan wars, Wuflu(s), China, and the massive increases of firearms. And of course, satan’s faggots, Cabal.

We have a massive (likely genetically unreformable) population of White liberals, Jews, rabbits and Jew rabbits that will help any type of anti-American (ie. Old fashioned Anglo White Christian) efforts- so U.S. society is fractal right now, with no dominant group, but Trumpism is viable for the mid-term (but likely not the longer term).

Expect liberal areas (blue states) to look like Brazilian favelas and conservative areas (some red states) to approximate the USA in the 1990’s/2000’s. Where they meet is/will be CW2. And there will probably be several civil wars, and then just wars (because there will be different countries). Expect massive foreign intervention (like China helping the Asians in Cali, and India helping the pajeets in Dallas). It’s all avoidable though, and Whites can keep power with 2 Late Roman Republic style moves. 1) Banning immigration and 2) A purgative military dictatorship.

We know where that all leads though, centuries more life for the U.S.A.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

When we win the first civil war we must expel all leftists of any color into Mexico in order to avoid any more civil wars.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

And expel the UN, all the NGOs and the Israeli lobby from the territory.

Reply to  Goose
3 years ago

Just cut the power to the area and stop delivering food.

3 years ago

I’m not convinced this is actually real, but some hitlarpers in the UK are getting 3-4 years for saying mean things?

I really find it hard to believe anyone hitlarps outside of message boards to any great extent, least of all attractive women. Seems more like a psyop story like, “don’t even think about it UKucks, or we will fuck you” Though why they would pick attractive people as the hitlarpers, rather than subtly implying hitlarpers are troglodytes with misshapen, unsymmetrical faces is hard to understand. Of course, right wing people tend to have better personal aesthetics than left-wingers and it wouldn’t be believable otherwise.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Most of the hitlarpers are Jewish glowies who try to honeypot people.
See this notorious example:

It’s a mix of honeypot operation and poisoning the well among the normies in what regards the discussion and legitimate criticism of Jewish collective power in what relates to Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.

Boycott Israel. 729, just leave it behind.

3 years ago

Wayback Machine ep.1

Colin Powell, Mike Esper, and a whole lot of former Joint Chiefs of the American Military have come out decrying, lambasting the use of troops to combat rioting and looting. That is NOT the American Way!

We are told that.

What the opinion of the day is, and what reality really is, are worlds apart!

Frontpage, New York Times, September 2?, 1957

“””””””President [Eisenhower] Sends Troops to Little Rock, Federalizes Arkansas National Guard; Tells Nation He Acted to Avoid Anarchy”””””””

Anarchy, he says!!!!! Anarchy!!!! 101st Airborne, No Less—to what?????

Integrate a high school! Any looting? That these troops were to fire on White people who protested or rioted! Call this the High-handedness of Political Power—to Integrate?

Do you have the right of association?

NO YOU F**CKING DON’T. Do you have a right to form your own community?


“””To Avoid Anarchy”””.

Yet—–we NOW have rioting and looting—WHAT IS THAT????? A-N-A-R-C-H-Y.

What was really going on? Marxism. To desegregate is the Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevist action. Desegregation is about destroying community, destroying homogeneity, engaging in Genocide—-What this really is —-ATTACKING ORDER–and Implementing Chaos—Anarchy.

“Birds of a feather Flock together” is the Natural Law—Remember that quaint phrase in the Declaration of Independence—Laws of Nature????? Yet, what is this “Republican President” doing? Attacking the Natural Law that runs Nature! “All things ordered to their station”. That is ORDER. To dismantle Order—is Anarchy.

We are told today that we CAN’T use Federal Troops to fire on rioters—-but we sure can use the 101st Airborne Division to SHOOT White people if they complain about the Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevist design to genocide White people and engage in race-mixing which is the Jewish goal!!!!

Everything about America is a Lie.

Our Military has ALWAYS been controlled by the Masons. George Washington was a Mason and so was EVERY general officer under him! Masonry since 1737 had as its goal the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel—the Jewish goal.

Federal Troops to be used for Jewish goals to desegregate—NO Federal Troops to stop Jewish aggression of George Soros and Antifa!!!!!

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Who do you refer to?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Phelps says:
June 10, 2020 at 9:19 am

((((You))) want to see psychopathic traits?

Keep pushing.

Sam J. says:
June 10, 2020 at 10:51 pm

Who do you refer to?

From some reason the reply did not fall under “reply” and just lined up to the next open space in comments.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I believe the (((You))) refers to the Left that they are pushing so much crazy crap that the right is going to go full Psychotic on them. That is what I interpret it as. It is sly reference to the Right finally losing its self-control and going full ape-shit on the Left.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Here’s another. I’m not the only one that is against the police being trained by Israel and using Israeli tactics on our citizens.

Everyone wants the police to be tough…until it’s your neck they’re kneeing.

3 years ago

I don’t want to add something to this thread that isn’t on topic, but a few weeks ago the discussion centered around things that had happened to people on this thread that were “unusual,” particularly when of school age. Perhaps this may still be of interest. I don’t know how to make the link “hot’ — sorry!!

3 years ago
3 years ago

Turkey arms neighbourhood patrols as opponents fear President Erdogan is building a militia