News Briefs – 06/17/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


I don’t know how solid Judge Joe Brown’s intel is, but a very interesting video of him laying down the intel he has heard about Obama. Now he makes a ton of cash and is highly successful, so I cannot rule out he is Cabal and is dropping disinfo here for (((Them))) to muddy the waters. But the stories he is telling are interesting, if for no other reason than to hear some of what some are hearing outside of the Fake News Media – and seeing how it doesn’t spread, despite being wild shit:

Senate Judiciary Committee Just Authorized Subpoenas for 50+ Obama Officials. Names at the link. Boente, Brennan, Clapper, Clinesmith, Comey, McCabe, Nuland, Ohr, Ohr, Page, Pientka, Podesta, Priestap, Rice, Rosenstien, Strzok, Wray, and Yates are but a few.

The Pentagon budget chief who questioned the Trump’s administration’s hold on aid to Ukraine last year will leave her post at the end of the month, Defense Secretary Mark Esper announced Tuesday. 

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency is putting the Brandenburg branch of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party under surveillance, the Brandenburg Interior Ministry confirmed on Monday. 

Amazing study finds miracle cure for Coronavirus – Dexamethasone. Notice, they claim hydroxychloroquine will kill more patients than would die without it, but Dex will save everyone. It is not impossible if the doses are small enough, since Dex will crush inflammation – but then why not use Prednisone, which is weaker and would allow a precise dose. I am struck by early reports Ibuprofen was killing people by shutting off a critical immune component and letting the virus go wild unimpeded. Dexamethasone is a stress-steroid, whose biological function is to turn off all non-critical processes, so the body can devote all energy to fundamental life-sustaining biochemical processes, making it through a stress – and that means it also shuts off the immune system, which is considered non-essential for immediate, minute to minute survival. You can think of it like this – if you have to run from a Saber Toothed Tiger, and you have the flu, you will release cortisol (the incredibly weak, natural form of dexamethasone (see a chart here comparing the strength and duration of action of various corticosteroids relative to Cortisone which is essentially the same as Cortisol). That Cortisol will shut off your immune response to the flu. You will feel healthy, and run fast, but inside your body the virus is advancing as if you have no immune system. It is the best way – because if the immune system was left on, you would feel sick, run slow, and end up eaten. After you escape, the idea is the stress steroid goes away, and you have to play catch-up against the virus, but you are still alive to do so. That is what a stress-steroid does. So you can understand my skepticism that our health care workers are now being told to give Coronavirus patients Dexamethasone, which is only about 30 times as potent as Cortisol at shutting down the immune system, and lasts 4 times as long. If this is sabotage, they are looking for a way to supercharge the virus to increase damage, and they are looking to trick healthcare workers into administering a bad treatment that shuts off the immune system to make it happen. It is actually quite perfect, to the point I am a bit disappointed I didn’t sit down a couple of weeks back, look at what they’d need to improve the effectiveness of the virus, realize they’d need to weaken people, and see this coming, based on the hydroxychloroquine study. But I suppose I’d have thought doctors would be too smart for it, and I’d have disregarded the possibility. Don’t trust anything, because anything you see may be actual disinformation these days.

Beijing closes all schools, bracing for a 2nd wave of the coronavirus. They are claiming it is worse than Wuhan, but it sounds kind of convenient, given (((Their))) panic at the thought of Trump rallies coming back. Supposedly the next three days will be crucial to containing it. So watch China open up the airport and encourage international travel.

Fauci says he hasn’t spoken to Trump ‘in weeks.’

Twitter hires ex-FBI lawyer (James Baker) who played a key role in the probe of the Trump campaign.

CHAZ rapper/warlord Raz owns millions in real estate, has handguns which were strangely “restored” after a conviction, and is supported by the Islamic government of Dubai. And he has no worries about losing his gun rights by doing all the shit he is doing in the autonomous zone. There is a reason for that.

Mexican-American utility worker is driving around with his hand out his window, cracking his knuckles, when a stranger snaps a pic and sends it viral, claiming he was making the white power gesture “OK” symbol, which itself was a 4Chan meme. Next thing he knows he is fired for being a white supremacist. Remember, almost nothing goes viral organically, because (((They))) are busying using their massive network of assets and bots sending other things viral at all times. This dude was targeted, maybe because they didn’t want him stumbling on something as a utility worker. I really hate this world sometimes.

Vermont Principal fired for opposing Black Lives Matter’s violence. (((They))) are using the controversy, and the false narrative that our nation supports (((Their))) narrative, to purge our kind. We know it is bullshit. We know the nation does not support them. We know, deep down, that logic indicates all of these actors are members of the network, purging our kind from influential positions. And yet we are somehow still just shy of realizing a hostile, foreign-allied network is taking positions of power over us, like an occupying army.

Oxford University to ‘decolonize’ math and science degrees, give more lenient grading to minorities affected by the Black Lives Matter furore.

Seattle’s liberal elite cheer anti-Police protesters and then hire their own private security. Defund the Police, and bring back tribal warfare to America, where only the rich can have security.

After a picture of Mike Gundy wearing a One America News shirt circulated and drew backlash from members of the Oklahoma State football team, the Cowboys head coach apologized to current players, former players and players’ families Tuesday. Notice the power of the apology. By flagellating himself and admitting he was wrong, he prevents anyone from questioning his motives. Clearly associating with OAN is wrong, and anyone doing it should apologize and cease doing it immediately. He also made it a point to put out a message that not only was he sorry, but, “Change is coming.” It is a persuasion play, utilizing vagueness to create a statement people can read what they want into. Simultaneously it harkens back to Obama’s catchphrase, and subconsciously implies to people that change, such as in the 2020 election result, would be better. I think it overwhelmingly likely this whole thing was scripted by the spook-shrinks, Gundy was probably recruited long ago into the Secret Society, and he is doing all of this knowingly.

Harvard professor’s research shows that ‘defunding the police could cost thousands of black lives.’

Questions remain after investigators say ‘poisoning’ of NYPD Officers by Shake Shack milkshakes was accidental. All the customers they  have, and only the cops noticed their shakes tasted like bleach and got sick and passed out. Highly likely it was targeted, and yet the “collective power” organizations, even those representing the cops, are acting as if it was just a coincidental accident. Why? Innocent cops, wrongly attacked, will look like victims, and affect the powerful public perceptions and moods (((They))) are trying to ignite, as we go forward. This is how aggressive, thorough, and pervasive the psychological operations we are facing are.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell wants Colin Kaepernick to ‘guide’ the league on social justice. What do you say people? Do you want to have just another four year election? Or do you want to have something that is not just another four year election?

Young Americans less patriotic than ever before. Might be, might not be. Feels kind of like a poll made up and put out to make treason seem more socially acceptable, but then again, if our God Emperor isn’t allowed to lead everything the way he should be, if traitors keep holding sway, from the Supreme Court to the media, then it is possible. I love the myth of America, but as far as I am concerned, CNN, MSNBC, BlackLivesMatter, Antifa, et al might as well be Al Qaida. But then hating them is a form of patriotism.

Texas Democrats ask Supreme Court to expand mail-in voting access.

NBC/Comcast and Google conspire to deplatform conservative news sites the Federalist and Zerohedge.

DOJ sues John Bolton in federal court to block publication of his upcoming book. Bolton was a neocon, so you can’t trust him. He could easily be a Cabal-traitor. And yet in today’s world, it is possible all this is theater to put eyes on his book which, when published, could be a part of the Storm designed to redpill everyone on Cabal.

Bail-out fund promoted by celebs raised $30 million, but only spent $200K on bail money. Bail Money. Which means even that $200K will come back to them, and then never be seen again. Think those celebs picked a random bail fund to do all that with?

Democrats controlling the House have slated a vote next week to make the District of Columbia the 51st state, an issue that they say has become far more important in the aftermath of protests for racial justice.

Judge rules American companies can be sued for preferring U.S. workers.

Indian and Chinese troops clash at the Himalayan border, with 20 Indian soldiers dead. I hate to say it, but a nuclear war could possibly be a viable strategy to put the brakes on the Storm.

De Blasio says, “We won’t let people ‘take law into their own hands,” and vows to re-close playgrounds the Jews have opened. So rioting, beating cops, protesting without permits, violating social distancing, burning buildings, and demanding cops be defunded is fine, but letting kids play in public parks is a serious no-no.

Facebook says page celebrating “Dead Cops” doesn’t violate its community standards.

CHAZ occupier suggests ‘rounding up all the white people’ into work brigades. Look at how you have an r-psychology, which is enchanted by contemplating the free resources of slave labor. He means it. If these lunatics ever were placed into power by Cabal, they would assuredly try it. And given how Cabal is in control, that is not impossible.

An auto-shop owner on the edge of Seattle’s cop-free CHAZ says police refused to help as an angry mob stormed his property — forcing his son to pull a gun to protect them. People are going to flock to the Second Amendment. Not that it will stop the few Cabal agents in power from trying to destroy it.

Seattle negotiates with CHAZ, forging an agreement to replace their rickety fences with concrete barriers in the street, with Emergency Services vehicles given greater access to the Autonomous Zone.

France sends the army into Dijon as city is turned into a war zone by assault rifle-toting Chechen gangs mounting revenge attacks on Arab gangsters for beating of 16-year-old.

Biden, in 1992, touted crime bill does ‘everything but hang people for jaywalking’.

Workers at publishing house Hachette threaten to down tools on JK Rowling’s new children’s book because of her ‘transphobic’ views. Obviously if I were her, it would be a career-ending move, but I would be so pissed I would make it clear I was going to use all my weight to ignite a feminist-tranny war within the left, for as long as I continued to get shit from these assholes. And then I would set about doing it, and inflicting as much damage as I could on their precious movement until everyone left me alone. Of course in her case, it could just be a script that ends with her humiliated and apologizing, and telling everyone how wrong she was and how after being educated and losing her ignorance, she now realizes the left is entirely right.

North Korea on Wednesday rejected South Korea’s offer to send special envoys to ease escalating tensions over defector activity and stalled reconciliation efforts and vowed to redeploy troops to border areas.

After rift over protests, N.Y.P.D. pulls out of prosecutors’ offices. Notice how hamstrung the cops are here, and what they could do if they were not. Way back, I knew somebody who knew a higher-ranking cop. One of the officers under that cop was on patrol, and pulled off into some little town to get gas. The local patrol officer actually pulled his cruiser over on the way out of town, and wrote him tickets for some stuff. I assume it was revenue related. He had to write tickets, and he figured it was going to come out of a government budget somewhere, and better that, than a town resident who would bitch at the political leaders. My friend’s cop friend didn’t like that, I assume because it wasted his officer’s time. He knew those cops would drive out of their little town for some other function, so on that day he hopped in a cruiser with one of his patrol guys, waited along the route, pulled over their cruiser, got out the ticket book, and went to town for about an hour. The point being, these cops could put out the word, and fuck over every one of those prosecutors with a plethora of tickets, sobriety stops, overt surveillance, stop and frisks, all sorts of shit. But nothing ever happens. And it isn’t political. If I got elected, even to a much higher office, I would have no Cabal protection. Think Governor David Patterson. And if I talked shit or tried to fuck the department and get officers injured or put in danger, I could get that treatment. I would be unsurprised to get it. I would almost be surprised if no cop paid me any attention. But I guarantee you, there is no way any of these lowly prosecutors would ever get it. Not a fucking bit. This deniable (and meaningless)  pulling of officers during an emergency is the worst any of them will ever see. Because there is a hidden force out there, and you don’t fuck with its valued employees.

An up-to-date estimate of the number of illegal immigrants in the United Kingdom has not been produced for 15 years.

This next tweet is why there is a war on the meritocracy – I’ve told you, normal white kids who want to go to medical school get sent to interviews where they ask bizarre moral questions with no right answer, like whether you would perform an illegal procedure on a patient to keep them from getting it on the street. I’ll never forget the pre-med kids I went to school with freaking out over prepping for those interviews. Then they are told they did not meet the criteria for admission. They never knew it was all a scam, and I never understood why their grades and records weren’t 99.9% of the process. Meanwhile, for white kids in the Secret Society:

Antifa is surveillance-aware:

Mike Pence says the recent spikes in COVID-19 cases are caused by a ‘dramatic increase’ in testing.

Ahmaud Arbery’s family meets Trump before police reform ceremony in break with civil rights leaders.

Ahmaud Arbery’s mother says Trump was ‘very compassionate’ during White House meeting.

CNN’s Van Jones praises Trump’s policing Executive Order as ‘a step in the right direction.’

Attorney General William Barr has ordered the dates for executions for four inmates who were convicted of murdering and raping children.

A new poll finds only 19 percent of respondents believe Michigan Sen. Gary Peters should be returned to the Senate.

Emmanuel Macron says France will not engage in ‘false rewriting of history,’ and that no statues are coming down.

1,797,910 firearms sold in April 2020, a 71.3% increase over April 2019.

Conservative outsider Bob Good unseated Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA) in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District GOP primary, in an upset win for the “America First” immigration agenda.

Retail sales skyrocket 17.7% in May, as markets soar.

Stocks soar as Trump weighs a $1T infrastructure plan.

So many people have expressed an interest in attending President Donald Trump’s rally Saturday in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that the governor says he’s asked the campaign to consider a larger, outdoor venue to accommodate them.


Spread r/K Theory, because Everything associated with this President is YUGE.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Rick Wilson is getting on Twitter what Robson on Oz got when he turned praf got “spooned”

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  M in the 517
3 years ago

*What Robson on Oz got when he turned prag and got spooned by that one other dude.

3 years ago

Great post yesterday by ‘Stingaling:’

To summarize: THEN RELEASE THE WEINER LAPTOP CONTACTS LIST, round up EVERY LAST ONE of the epstein pedo rings…

Exactly this. The Mossad pedo blackmail rings are the weak rivets in the hull of cabal. Any halfway sentient intel officer knows this. Show the American people that they have, for decades, been blackmailing all top US Presidents, congressmen, judges, cops, military, right down to your local town supervisor, and suddenly cabal is fucked, out in the open, with no place to hide. Jazzhands McFeels has been doing YEOMANs work the past month in revealing the true nature of what it is we as Americans face. Last week he and James Allsup did a deep dive on the history of US blackmail ops, from Bronfman consigliere Louis Rosenstiel (homo) to Roy Cohn’s (homo) curious relationship with J Edgar Hoover (homo), to the Omaha scandal (Craig Spence bringing boys into GHWB’s White House for “midnight tours”) and Lex Wexner/Jeffrey Epstein. Rosenstiel’s blackmailing parties were revealed in his divorce proceedings by his wife, accepted as testimony by the NY State AG. William Barr’s dad recruiting college dropout Epstein to teach math at the Dalton school in NYC, while writing novels that feature teen sex slaves. Just like Scooter Lewis, Cheney’s C-of-Staff, writing his pulp fiction featuring girls put in cages to be raped by bears.

That’s how these fucks roll.If the cabal can’t find people corrupt enough to do their bidding for cash, they set them up with kids, and film them. Then they’re owned by cabal, until they die.

And Cohn was PDJT’s mentor. A vile rat-faced closeted homosexual blackmailer was his Virgil guiding innocent Don through the Stygian abyss of NYC bribery, blackmail and real estate swindles. Cohn had Room 223 at the Plaza where he staged his parties, cameras in every room. And Trump bought the Plaza after Cohn boxed from AIDS.

So back to Stingaling’s $1 Trillion dollar question: Why the fuck hasn’t there been release of Weiner’s and Epstein’s files? Why give cabal time (years) to build this counter-narrative that now exists about “Deepfake” videos? Why the fuck wasn’t this information used to destroy these fuckers?

One guess.

I stopped reading Neon’s stuff over a year ago because it was too slick, reeked too much of hucksterism. But he makes a valid point, as have many others, including the TRS boyz: Q has been the perfect counter-intell op to keep right-minded boomers “on the ranch,” doing nothing. His cult-like “Trust the Plan” has kept boomers and Xers (who own most of the guns) from doing what we now see Antifa and their controllers doing–run a massive nationwide IN REAL LIFE operation that in only 2 weeks has resulted in, as Sting said, resulted in people in Iowa bowing down to cabal wishes.

And Q and Trump? Nada. “Trust the Plan.” “Soon.” “Boom.” “Lawn Order.”

Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

“William Barr’s dad recruiting college dropout Epstein to teach math at the Dalton school in NYC, while writing novels that feature teen sex slaves.”

That has been debunked.
The rest of what you write is that standard mix of truth and propaganda and not worth mentioning.

It is good to see you trolls in panic mode though.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Hey Farce, glow much? You the Snopes of the board?

You’re the liar, pal.

he father of US Attorney General William Barr hired a young college dropout named Jeffrey E. Epstein to teach math at the Dalton School in the 1970s. The convicted sexual predator was 21 when the college prep school headmaster Donald Barr engaged him in the early 1970s as a physics and calculus instructor. A report said he was hired in 1973, but it appears Barr hired him in 1974, the same year that Barr would leave the school after a decade as headmaster.

These the novels you say he didn’t write?

In his 1973 science fiction book ‘Space Relations: A slightly gothic interplanetary tale,’ Barr wrote about a future where after “…galaxies are colonized, John Craig, a young space diplomat, is captured by interplanetary pirates and sold into slavery.” ..Craig and Morgan freely kill, torture, seduce and make sweeping political decisions on behalf of thousands of people – but this is acceptable, because they’re somehow imbued with ‘natural heroism.’ Slavery and oppression are wrong, unless you’re someone as wise and talented as Craig or Morgan, in which you’re perfectly justified in forcing decisions on other people.”
Donald Barr was an Officer of Strategic Services (OSS) agent (which became CIA after WW2)

Tell us specifically which part of what I wrote is false, and provide documentation. But you can’t, because you’re the lying glowtroll.

Now run home and get yer shinebox.

Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

Nice try glowie.

Fake News Liberal Media Caught in Another Major Lie: Evidence Shows Bill Barr’s Father Did Not Oversee Jeffrey Epstein at Prestigious New York School!

And the novel wasn’t about teen sex slaves as you claimed, there are slaves and the hero does become the consort of the woman who buys him but it isn’t about child sex slavery.

I’m not here to defend the novel, just to point out that you are lying about it and about whether he hired Epstein.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

See also:

What if we told you William Barr’s father didn’t hire Jeffrey Epstein and could prove it

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

Again, I must agree. Something ain’t right in Q world. There are thousands of hours of tape, going back decades, of many of the biggest names in government and entertainment engaging in orgies and much worse. There are plenty of living witnesses willing to testify NOW.
Why would you need to wait for Durham to finish a probe to release that?
The answer is that you don’t have to wait for anything.
Either Q has it and has no intention of ever revealing the truth, but just keeping real patriots strung out for years, or Q doesn’t have a damned thing, or at least not real access.
Dump it all out on various platforms.
Contact the few decent left leaning journalists left, as well as the entire right leaning media, and just dump it all on the table.
Something doesn’t add up, and it makes me angry and sad at having been taken for a loooong ride around the same block for 4 years with nothing to show for it.

Reply to  Joe
3 years ago


Did you think the US Supreme Court was just going to hand a bunch of decisive victories that would completely eviscerate the Left?

1) Gays/Trannies
2) Immigration
3) Guns
4) Death Penalty cases/

Had the Court gone the way the Right wanted, it would have wiped out the Left.

Yes, it was going to be a longer, harder war.

Reply to  Joe
3 years ago

my thx for the kind words, Joe.

it’s possible my recent ‘questions for Q’ sentiments are somewhat blackpilly – although the tough-writin’ Macho Man commenter who thinks he’s the Q patrol of the whole internet can go pound sand – maybe I’m just overreacting to Gorsuch being the latest of oh so many “conservative” “originalist” judges to sell the country down the river. And Ilhan Omar still sitting in her congressional seat, despite there being what I believe is ironclad proof she entered the USA via immigration fraud by marrying her brother, etc. Etc. Etc. Maybe there really IS a tactical reason to hold your fire for 3 and a half fuckin years, although…. c’mon. we all know there isn’t.

but as to pedos, and the Weiner laptop *specifically*: as Joe points out, “Why give cabal time (years) to build this counter-narrative that now exists about “Deepfake” videos? Why the fuck wasn’t this information used to destroy these fuckers?” has an even darker question that goes right behind it. “In addition to [Q’s utter passivity] giving Cabal years to prepare a defense, it’s ALSO giving them time to KEEP ABUSING & MOLESTING & PRESUMABLY KILLING INNOCENT KIDS. why is this being allowed to happen?”

for those kids, time IS of the essence – and as far as we know, the Weiner laptop with its vast payload of actionable intel has sat on a shelf gathering dust for the last 4 years now.

there’s simply no excuse for that.

3 years ago

For clarification: HCQ/AZA/Zn is a treatment early in the Coronavirus infection; the combination prevents the virus from entering the cells. Steroids (Prednisone, Dexamehtasone) would be rescue treatments late in the infection when the sickest patients are suffering from a cytokine storm.

3 years ago

RE: Power of an apology

This is the only one they’d get from me:

Babylon 5: Captain says he’s sorry

3 years ago

Ford & Kellogg Foundations funding BLM movement prior to the recent “protests”:

3 years ago

> Senate Judiciary Committee Just Authorized Subpoenas for 50+ Obama Officials.

And out of those I recognize at least three people who have *already* been subpoenaed, refused to testify, and got away with it.

3 years ago

> All the customers they have, and only the cops noticed their shakes tasted like bleach and got sick and passed out.

Even then, if your food tastes funny, out here in Flyoverland we take it back to the counter and say, “Hey, something is wrong with this” instead of chugging it down like idiots. From the various reports, all of the policemen thought their shakes tasted funny, and commented on it, yet drank them anyway.

3 years ago

> Oxford University to …, give more lenient grading to minorities

Another university for my list. Harvard, Berkeley, MIT, Case Western, Columbia, Oberlin and a dozen more are already there. If a resume comes in showing an applicant went to one of those schools, they’re not hireable, and I suggest they sue the school for turning their degree into used toilet paper.

3 years ago

> During the same month, they exported a record-high 129,000 tons of pork to China … which could have stocked US shelves.

That pork was contracted for months or years ahead of time. It belonged to the Chinese. That’s how capitalism and business law work.

If the farmers shafted the Chinese and sold that pork in the US, that would have been breach of contract. The Chinese would have hired American lawyers, had the case tried in American court, and it would have been about a fifteen-minute trial before the judge found in their favor, fourteen minutes of which would have been the judge berating the defendants and their lawyers for being idiots.

3 years ago

> Rowling

The Big Three publishers are remarkably uniform; if Hachette gave her the boot, the rest would probably close ranks against her as well.

There are certainly some smaller publishers out there who would love to sign her on, or, given that her net worth is around $650 million, she could just buy one of them outright and rename it Rowling Press. Or she could go independent, which in practice means “Amazon”, which would be iffy given Amazon’s trend leftward, but she’d likely make the or four times the profit on each sale than she does with Hachette.

Or, given that $650M, she could just retire, write what she wanted, and give it away for free. And depending on how Her Majesty’s Inland Revenue figures things, she might even be able to deduct the equivalent value (based on previous sales) from her taxes…

3 years ago

> ‘dramatic increase’ in testing.

And before you run down to get tested… understand that they can do a lot more with that sample than test for COVID. To start with, the sample will be linked to your ID. And then it will go out to one of many private labs, who will run whatever tests they want or are ordered to do, and all that data will go to some spook and/or privat(ized) data collector. DNA sequence for sure, plus whatever they can get by jamming a swab up into your head like an extra in “Total Recall.”

This is normal industry procedure; labs routinely sell “anonymized” test information, and they’ve been caught selling personal information to insurance companies. Each state is different, and it’s only illegal in a few of them. HIPAA doesn’t apply since you signed your privacy away with the provider agreement. And it’s trivially easy to de-anonymize personal information; there are plenty of companies that will do it for cheap.

3 years ago

Why does Coronavirus target Blood A types more than other blood types?

O types are spared more often Blood A types are targeted.

3 years ago

> 1,797,910 firearms sold in April 2020

That’s the number of NICS checks for firearms that changed hands at a Federally licensed dealer, or in shithole states that require “Universal Background Checks” for private sales. Plus a handful of NICS checks for other things, like getting a gun out of pawn, or back from the police.

Figure, oh, maybe half or two thirds of the guns that were actually sold.

In most states, you can still sell a used gun like a used lawnmower or bicycle. No paperwork needed.

3 years ago

Fauci says he hasn’t spoken to Trump ‘in weeks.’

Trump doesn’t need to humor (((them))) anymore on CooRooNoo.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Everlasting Phelps,
AC and You are the reason I still stay in the game. Just watched “Dirty Harry” once again after 40 years and it crystalizes the uphill struggle for the reality we’ve been living in. We’ve
been living in a movie that my parents (God bless their souls) bought into from the 50’s on. Good times but now it’s time to see that the movie is gonna kick you in the face and your self rightenous is going to get you buried. I’m not going to go down that easy. It just doesn’t sit well with me.

Reply to  Leverage
3 years ago

I appreciate the kind words. Jesus didn’t promise us an easy life. He told us that the world would hate us.

If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

Our reward is not in this world, but the next. Pity the gaybal. They are giving up eternal life, for what? This?!? This is what they love so much that they rejected God? Let them have it.

I’ve been reading Revelation lately, (FWIW, I’m not a millenialist, and I think all of this already happened, the middle ages were the Thousand Year Reign, and we are currently experiencing Satan being released to “deceive the nations for a little while” — and boy are the nations being deceived) and this struck me:

“And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write,

‘These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death.” ’

He spared the Church in Philadelphia (Turkey). He did not spare Smyrna (Greece).

We are rich. The ransom on our souls has been paid. Stand against the fiery darts of the enemy, and having done all, stand.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Then they came for Aunt Jemima. Now what am I going to jerk to?

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

“They’re using sex to sell everything these days! Look at the lady on the pancake syrup bottle – I think they bumped her up a cup size! I mean, I’m happy, ’cause I get more syrup…. but I don’t like the message.” – ‘Last Man Standing’

3 years ago

Regarding VP Pence’s quote about the “dramatic increase in testing,” — it’s not quite true.

Here is the daily graph of the number of COVID tests v the percentage of these tests that are positive. United States only. I cannot get an image to display, here — hopetully this URL will work.

comment image

Two take aways.
1) Clearly, the percentage of positive cases is slowly declining. Any rhetoric regarding a second wave is a lie. The light uptick these past few days remains within the range of statistical data.
2) There has been a marked decrease in the number of tests the past week, or so; approximately a 20 percent decline.

Bill McBride updates the above graph daily. He’s an economic statistician, so I trust his numbers … though not his sources.

3 years ago

>Democrats controlling the House have slated a vote next week to make the District of Columbia the 51st state, an issue that they say has become far more important in the aftermath of protests for racial justice.

2 more democrat senators, and investigations in the senate go no where. Very transparent.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

More importantly, it’s unconstitutional. It would take a Constitutional amendment to happen, and I seriously doubt the U.S.A. will ever have a 28th Amendment. Who ever tries to make DC a state without the Amendment is an enemy of the United States and it is the responsibility of anyone who took an oath to the Constitution to destroy them, else they be an oath breaker. And oath breakers go to Hell along with traitors.

3 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

The Autonomous zone of “CHAZ” really reminds me of the PYD territory of Rojava. Makes me wonder if those 2 are connected.

Wonder if Turkey is right on this one:

3 years ago

>”Bail-out fund promoted by celebs raised $30 million, but only spent $200K on bail money. Bail Money. Which means even that $200K will come back to them, and then never be seen again. Think those celebs picked a random bail fund to do all that with?”

Top kek, look up the picture of the guy who stole the cash. That’s a Jew.

3 years ago

>”An auto-shop owner on the edge of Seattle’s cop-free CHAZ says police refused to help as an angry mob stormed his property — forcing his son to pull a gun to protect them. People are going to flock to the Second Amendment. Not that it will stop the few Cabal agents in power from trying to destroy it.”

Reminder: – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.

3 years ago

Proof that Gorsuch attends a liberal Church with female preacher/pastor:

Is it any surprise he rules in favor of transgenderism and other forms of r-strategist bullshit?

LembradorDos6Trilliões (Boycott Israel, because a weaker Israel is a stronger West. If the bar code starts with 729, you just leave it behind))
LembradorDos6Trilliões (Boycott Israel, because a weaker Israel is a stronger West. If the bar code starts with 729, you just leave it behind))
3 years ago

“Supreme Court rules against Trump administration attempt to end DACA, a win for undocumented immigrants brought to U.S. as children”

3 years ago

Someone posted this on Q forum:

It’s Julian Assange talking about the surveillance industry.