News Briefs – 06/19/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


It seems to me, with a knowledge of the system, that one, you have to replace the media to bring Cabal into the light. Maybe arrest and imprison them for treason. Or get rid of them via other means and put your agents in. Or maybe create some new means of news dissemination (which might not be hard, as if you remove Cabal, I expect new organizations will immediately fail for lack of revenue). Then you have to have a counterintelligence operation running constantly, because the Cabal will be trying to retake positions in information dissemination. And then you have to have measures to keep the counterintelligence operation from being penetrated and taken over, as that will immediately become the primary target. In short, it is a battle which will have to be fought constantly at all levels.


The Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation; both of whom claim to hold conservative outlooks, and who have provided the list of judicial nominees presented, considered, nominated and confirmed, both are being funded by the ultra-left wing Google. And it is not just them. There is a massive list of google-linked conservative groups here. Flash back seven years. I’m a sharp guy, and r/K’s spark flashes in my mind. As I contemplate it, I realize it could change the debate entirely. It would have to be taught, and would seed the next generation. It is revolutionary, and eye-catching. There are conservative groups which exist to advance the cause, and which will also see how this would help, and they will exploit their extensive networks of contacts to advance it for that reason. Conservative media will promote it because they want to be interesting to their readers, so readers will subscribe, as that is how they stay in business. I linked up with everyone needed to get it to fruition, taught myself every facet of publishing I needed, sent out copies to all those groups and a raft of conservative personalities, built a website, began blogging, and nothing. None of them were interested. Nobody linked in to it. Nobody discussed it. Fuck that, after a few months, I was like an enemy of the state, with people trying to intimidate me into submission, and all our supposed allies online were in silent mode. It was as if the next hundred and fifty years of political science advances hadn’t just been condensed into a few hundred pages and turned loose on the world. And yet, I knew they had all seen it, been blown away, and knew its potential. I knew they were talking about it. Something didn’t work the way I had thought. It is like I said. Intel doesn’t destroy its enemy’s tools of warfare. It penetrates them, takes them over, and then occupies them and uses them, both to attack its own enemies, and to control its enemy’s people – and prevent any new such honest organizations from being assembled and entering the arena. Just about everything you saw was compromised, because just about everything you saw was compromised – and anything which wasn’t compromised thus stood out, and was immediately targeted. The conspiracy was that extensive.

Supreme Court rules on DACA that Obama could create the law illegally by Executive Order, but Trump could not legally rescind it by Executive Order. Again, laws mean nothing, and Roberts is almost certainly compromised. But there does seem to be a plan to defuse all issues temporarily now, so as to turn off leftist amygdalae for November. That election appears to be the big prize. So this removes one issue which could have stirred a pot Trump probably wants settled.

From the comments, an interesting examination of “Cute-aggression,” or how weak amygdalae cannot tolerate cuteness, from 4Chan (click for full size):

Mueller and the DOJ were sued by a Russian businessman for $100M claiming ‘false’ Russia report statements were in the Mueller report.

The largest labor group in the Seattle area has expelled the city’s police union, saying the guild representing officers failed to address racism within its ranks. I don’t know exactly the significance of this, but it feels like somebody moving pieces on the chess board to set something up.

Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard Jr. told reporters Wednesday he believes prosecutors ought to be able to bypass any grand jury requirement and indict officers immediately in officer-involved shooting scenarios.

Philadelphia may cut $33 million from Police funding.

Portland protesters rally outside mayor’s apartment after $16 million cut to police department’s budget falls short of demands.

Atlanta police officer Devin Brosnan, one of the two officers involved in the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks, suffered a concussion and other injuries during the altercation.

‘Atlanta cops continue to call out sick’ after scores were a no-show yesterday as city claims it can handle 911 calls and every officer is given a $500 bonus for civil unrest shifts.

NYPD cops encouraged to ‘strike’ on July 4 to give city its ‘independence.’

The Louisville Metro Police Department is in danger of losing 200 or more officers by the end of the summer, according to the leader of the union that represents them.

Colorado is going to let cops be sued personally by perps who feel wronged. It limits it to 5% of the judgement or $25,ooo but the effect is the same – drive out the officers who are not part of the network, while officers in the network are protected by the machine’s control of the court system.

Facebook removed a Trump ad because he used an Antifa symbol and Facebook said it was also used back in Nazi Germany. Oddly enough Facebook offers the exact same symbol as an emoticon. So they were just censoring a particularly powerful Trump ad.

Colin Kaepernick to join Medium’s Board of Directors.

A network of deep-pocketed progressive donors is launching a $59 million effort to encourage people of color to vote by mail in November.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo labels John Bolton a ‘traitor.’

Pompeo maintained secret advisory board at CIA, and the House subcommittee is trying to make an issue of it.

Dr. Anthony Fauci whines that Americans don’t believe in science, and don’t believe in authority.

Landlords will be permanently barred from evicting tenants if they can’t pay rent due to coronavirus-related issues, like job loss or getting sick from the virus, under legislation passed in San Francisco. No laws, no rules, and it is all designed to benefit the parasites.

Chinese lost 43 in their skirmish with the Indians.

This article makes an interesting case that any COVID-19 lockdown could affect the elections by keeping college students home, because the votes by college students in states they go to college in are often a deciding factor in elections. With vote by mail it is no big deal, but without vote by mail, and colleges closed, these kids would not be able to vote. Our side would not organize college admissions and placements to exploit an effect on elections and electoral vote distribution, but (((They))) would.

Staff at Publishing house Hachette have threatened to quit unless the company cancels its association with JK Rowling and scraps plans to publish her new book after her tranny comments.

Jimmy Kimmel announces he’s taking a break from his late night talk show. He has always struck me as the kind of guy who would have taken any deal he was offered. Given how his favorite skit is seeing parents taking kids on Halloween, telling them all their candy was eaten, and making them cry, I’d imagine in Hollywood the sky was the limit for him. Makes me wonder if he sees something bad coming down the pike, and this is a last respite with his family before the dam bursts open.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine star Terry Crews slammed presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, warned about “black supremacy,” and insisted that black people should not be pigeon-holed into one political party.

A nonprofit organization, the Georgia Law Enforcement Organization, says it has now raised $250,000 for former Atlanta officer Garrett Rolfe’s legal fees as he faces a felony murder charge in the shooting death of Rayshard Brooks. 

Trump supporters line up two days ahead of Oklahoma rally

Trump team to press for more debates against Biden.

Senate confirms controversial Trump pick Justin Walker to important appeals court.

Eight more nominations sent to the Senate.

Trump is about to land his 200th judge, a lasting legacy poised to reshape U.S. law.

Spread r/K Theory, because the God Emperor knows what he is doing.

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3 years ago

Keep up the great work. It is appreciated. I’m going to buy the book today.

Reply to  Roark
3 years ago

You won’t regret it.

Tell your friends to get it too, we can spread r/K even if the system won’t.

Barney Fife
Barney Fife
3 years ago

“It seems to me, with a knowledge of the system, that one, you have to replace the media to bring Cabal into the light. Maybe arrest and imprison them for treason. Or get rid of them via other means and put your agents in. Or maybe create some new means of news dissemination … (etc)”

Oh, I dunno, I’m just a simple country boy, but it seems to me that if I had even one of the videos from Epstein’s copious files or Weiner’s laptop or what must be thousands of NSA video feed captures–just one–I’d call a news conference and play the damn thing, coupled with simultaneous arrest of the parties involved. Let them sue! Go through process of discovery. Turn it into a huge cause celebre! Ie. make the public aware. And then maybe release another video, more arrests, then another, and another…. Keep it up until the country is talking about nothing else but blackmail operations and who runs them.

But I’m just a simple country boy so probably don’t understand that certain special people must always be protected *cough* Les Wexner *cough* Larry King *cough* Bronfman family *cough* *cough* *cough*

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Treason has always been a Capital Crime. I think there is good reason for that.

3 years ago

From above: “Trump is about to land his 200th judge, a lasting legacy poised to reshape U.S. law”.
A little hard to be enthusiastic about this given recent SCOTUS tranny ruling.
If Trump/Q are letting the pot boil to rev people up it’s working. Just hope the pot doesn’t boil over and extinguish the fire.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

That’s the problem with sitting back and letting everything burn to help wake up the normies.
It makes Trump look detached and uninterested.
That kind of detachment will only favor him for so long before people start tuning him out.

Reply to  Another Dave
3 years ago

The American people have memories like goldfish. This is by design. When something passes out of the news cycle, they forget it ever happened. I honestly don’t think what is happening now is going to implicate the election that much unless there is a way to bring it back into the news cycle, and the only want to do that would be to reveal something Trump did while all this is going on.

Trump doing nothing isn’t a news story, especially when he can point to whatever as what he was doing.

3 years ago

Recognition of cute aggression is a breakthrough. It will take me a while to finish groking that.

It’s why feminists intentionally make themselves ugly (to avoid provoking aggression from their new peers). It’s why they hate the frens meme. It’s why they don’t have children.

M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Also, why soy boys and buggy-eyed feminazis gravitate toward one another.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That’s also why in the recent Game Last of Us 2. Featured Gay porn between uggos under the guise of “Realism”

Whilst Sony banned video games featuring anime depiction of women who are actually beautiful, happy and cute looking.

They love inversion.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

‘Made more normal’…as if you people are 100% normal, whereas ‘leftists’ are 100% not. Ya know, when some people get ‘agitated and full of angst’, it could be because they are forced to deal with actual injustices and harassment. Sure, one could argue that a trigglypuff fights for stupid causes, but in my case, I have to deal with constant harassment at work, plus deal with typical big grown-up problems, like paying a mortgage and raising kids. Then I’m across from some douche who lived with his parents for so long that they died and left him the house, and he is super ‘chill and relaxed’ because he ….huhuhuhuh… smokes a lot of pot. Then he wonders why I’m so angry and combative when I’m stalked and harassed, whereas he enjoys a natural privilege where people automatically like him based on zero merit and will never question any of the ridiculous crap that comes out of his mouth because he has a penis.

Kind of like here. You could put out some cockamamie assertion, such as aliens are farming us for food at the nature reserves or whatever. Nobody questions it. Side note on that. If there were actual aliens, they’d never eat something as disgusting as a human. They might even amend their version of the bible to include it, like, “Don’t eat pigs or humans, but if you had to choose, go with pig, because although they eat garbage laced with their own excrement, it’s nothing compared to what humans put into their bodies.”

Leftists like cute stuff. They’re people. They were the ones constantly trolling with lolcats when I was on political comms on Facebook. They like my cutesie-pie posts on Tumblr. -But this isn’t about the cute. We aren’t talking about puppies or kittens. I showed my gamer brother that ‘cute aggression’ link because he told me awhile back that they banned lolis because they looked like creepy gross pedos were into underaged girl cartoons with huge-ass titties. Sure enough, when I clicked the link, almost every icon was of a girl in the age range of 8-12 with guys making digs that feminists are in a rage over culturally submissive azn chicks as well. Then you all have to take a study showing that the same personality types that cry at weddings like to pinch chubby baby cheeks and legs, then twist it to come up with a justification for why you aren’t the problem. Then when I see shallow-ass guys rate women on looks, but their ideal is a cartoon that looks like nobody on earth, it makes me think there’s no ‘good’ side in this battle. Beauty is relative. Women who express themselves in a way that isn’t attractive to you personally aren’t ‘doing it on purpose’.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ayyy lmao lives matter

comment image

On a more serious note, Although I think it might be possible the ayyy lmaos are around, I don’t think it is likely, and I’d rather focus on more concrete targets to take aim at.

PS: if we find out ayyy lmaos really are around and after our juice meat, do you think eating garlic is good or bad? On one side, you may be applying seasoning to yourself and making your self tastier for them, or the other hand, what if they really hate garlic and it makes them not chase you for your meat? Ayyy lmao : D

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Beauty is relative.

Beauty is relative for females. Eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap. In a state of nature (jungle savagery) women raise all the children and all the men run off.

So women are attracted to the entire package, only part of which is physical. Women are driven to seek a mate, because they only get around one chance a year to reproduce. On the other hand, because they are “total package” women don’t rate male physical beauty realistically.

When men rate women’s photos, they rate on a bell curve. The average woman is 5, and it tapers away on both ends. When women rate men’s photos, the ratings are a left shifted bell curve — they rate the average man as well below average, and tend to not rate any men as a 10/10 (which makes sense, because they are basing it on just a photo, which only part of the female equation.)

Beauty is relative to women. Thankfully it all works out, because while men rate women realistically, they also tend to rate themselves realistically (except for incel weebs, who are under the Dunning-Kruger threshold on rating beauty.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m starting to think that what you define as ‘strong amygdala’ is really the lack of emotional range you see in sociopaths or people with extreme aspergers (or potheads or opioid addicts). People with ‘weak amygdalas’ are normies with typical human emotions.

It’s typical that incels can constantly complain about women ruining the whole damn world, and how sjws are oppressing them every which way, even to the point of making themselves deliberately unattractive so they must suffer to look at them, but nobody accuses them of having a weak amygdala….or personality in general. If I get skeeved out by weirdos oggling cartoons of underaged girls with huge tiddies, then it’s like…well, pay no mind to stuff that doesn’t interest you, or how we’ve invented a complex psychoanalyses to justify why that isn’t a bit weird, and how the people who complain are the real problem. I’d be willing to bet that none of the incels who complain about sjws have actually been oppressed by anybody their whole lives. -And no, having them release a video game that doesn’t have good enough porn doesn’t count as a ‘real problem’ that should make a person feel individually harassed. -And some abstract concept of ‘they want me dead’ is not nearly the same as meeting real people who will look you in the eye and want you dead.

Reply to  Kharmii
3 years ago

It’s typical that incels can constantly complain about women ruining the whole damn world, and how sjws are oppressing them every which way, even to the point of making themselves deliberately unattractive so they must suffer to look at them, but nobody accuses them of having a weak amygdala….or personality in general.

You are wrong. We absolutely accuse them of having weak amygdala. They are omegas and we shun them because of their weak amygdalas. They are incels because they cannot deal with the anxiety of possible rejection. They retreat into video games where their amygdala is flooded with dopamine without having to worry about any real consequences for the twisted shit they do in the games — while at the same time, they get traumatized by the game scenarios, weakening their amygdala’s more.

I think you need a 101 on the amygdala, which hasn’t been done here in a while. The amygdala is the brain’s security guard. It is one of the oldest and most basic parts of the brain. It is what makes you jump when they make something suddenly appear in a horror movie, because it is wired directly to your vision center and motions centers. (Some people with blindness based on brain damage, for example, will still jump when they see spiders, because that amygdala is still getting signals from the eyes.) A lot of it’s input comes from the rest of the brain, and it is constantly listening to the rest of the machine. It’s what causes worry, and it’s what causes that weird feeling in your stomach when you think about things that you are worried about (it’s starting a fight or flight response based on what you are thinking about.)

The amygdala is very basic. It can only hit the alarm button. When it is alarmed, it hits it’s alarm button. That’s when the hypothalamus comes in and looks at the alarm. When the amygdala actives, the response has already started. (The jump is an example of that.) When the hypothalamus has time to react, it will either sound the alarm (full fight or flight response) or the all clear, and start clearing out the hormones that the amygdala got rolling.

When we talk about a weak amygdala, that is a shorthand for that entire system being weak and broken. The hypothalamus can’t calm down the amygdala, the amygdala doesn’t trigger on the right things, and the whole hormonal response is a mess.

The proper cycle is:
1) Amygdala senses a threat.
2) Response starts.
3) Hypothalamus either sounds the all clear, and the amygdala unloads, or it confirms the threat, and the amygdala keeps yelling.

When the cycle breaks, it happens in all kinds of ways. The PTSD way is that the hypothalamus isn’t able to calm down the amygdala, so anything that alarms it turns into a full flight or fight response. If the person isn’t able to handle the response from the things the are thinking about, they stop thinking about them to avoid step 1. If there is a person that keeps starting step 1, they will rage at that person to fulfill the fight part and to cause that person to stop coming around them.

The people that typify the strongest systems are the ones you would likely call sociopaths — special forces. Special forces training actually is only a little about combat. We can teach pretty much anyone how to fight at very high levels. It is actually screening for stress control. Put the trainees under ridiculous amounts of stress and see how long they can handle it. The ones that can handle it the longest at the candidates. You can find them based on a blood test. One of the hormones that the hypothalamus uses to calm the amygdala is neuropeptide-Y, and they have many multiples higher levels than anyone else. They also tend to have huge amygdalas.

They recognize threats quickly, deal with the threat, and then have the crucial ability to calm down afterwards. It is the calming down afterwards that is the sign of a strong amygdala.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>”Give up on people thinking like you or being like you.”

Imagine still wanting to fit in in a world as fucked and rotten as this one. Big yikes!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You’re missing the big picture. The birthrate in the west is way the point where statistically, everybody is having half a kid. I’d like to do a poll of readers here, like how many of you have talked to a girl and bred to replacement rate?

-Yet incel culture blames every problem of the world on women, and shallow-ass losers be like, “WIMINS IS TOO FAT AND UGLY!!!” Then they create complex psychoanalysis for why it isn’t the least bit weird whatsoever to oggle anime middle schoolers with boobs. Own that you are the problem. If you lower your standards down to regular humans, you might get lucky.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago


Women in the 21st century have more power than they have had since the Pagan days. With power comes responsibility: when your choices affect others, those people may not approve of the way you are changing their world! They are two sides of the same coin, and cannot be separated.

> but in my case, I have to deal with constant harassment at work, plus deal with typical big grown-up problems, like paying a mortgage and raising kids

You have some control over all of these problems. If you feel harassed at work, you can talk to your coworkers and suggest a new state of affairs that you would find preferable. Alternatively, you can simply choose not to be offended if your coworker has, say a desktop image of a bikini clad model: after all, if you aren’t interested in him sexually, who cares about his preferences? If those fail, you can change your job. You can move to a smaller house that you can afford without a mortgage. You can grow your own food to save money – it’s surprisingly easy. You can change how you parent your children.

So, like all humans, you have a choice. On the one hand, you can accept total personal responsibility for your situation and focus on the things you can control. Most negative events can be prevented by superior life choices. This is HARD, but it is also the only path to personal growth. On the other hand, you can focus on the things that others control, and retain your self-image as a victim, a perfect woman oppressed by the choices of others, and continue to delegate your life choices to others, who will naturally make them for their benefit, not yours. Which will it be?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Speaking of, my gamer bro is special forces..ranger regiment. He did three tours in Iraq and one in Afganistan. Guess what? He thinks people into lolis are fucking weird. He can cuddle a kitten gently, yet still think it was alright to ban lolis. As for the harassment, I can handle the harassment, mortgage, etc. I’m just making the point that there are a lot of people out there living like rabbits in hutches (and permanent children) with extreme stress-free lives, therefore they couldn’t empathize with a person who has experienced a whole lot of ‘grown up problems’ and stress.

For all you’ve spoken out against incels, I would have never encountered the manosphere if it weren’t for THIS SITE. It has pushed me left into being almost moderate because I start to see maybe they have a point in ways I never knew. Maybe the gaming culture is full of toxic, sexual deviants (and even pedos). It’s an all-or-nothing game for me. If I’m not allowed to question lolis and such -because my fragile psyche shouldn’t dwell on petty irritations (code for stfu when menz is speaking)- then maybe I shouldn’t question anything. Maybe sjw culture is a fitting hell-on-earth punishment for some of you assholes, and who am I to question God’s work on this earth? Maybe I should just chill and relax and post my cute guy on Tumblr and not worry my pretty head about anything, and that includes Cabal weirdness. After all, better the devil you know….

-Or I could just express myself the way I fucking want, and you people could scroll past, the same way you scroll past some scumbag talking about how such-and-such sex trafficking victim is ‘a piece of ass telling her story for attention reliving the glory days before she got too old and fat to be desirable’ or some such.

Reply to  Kharmii
3 years ago

It’s an all-or-nothing game for me. If I’m not allowed to question lolis and such -because my fragile psyche shouldn’t dwell on petty irritations (code for stfu when menz is speaking)- then maybe I shouldn’t question anything.

Put your husband on here, sweetie, and let me talk to him.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Kharmii says,”You’re missing the big picture. The birthrate in the west is way the point where statistically, everybody is having half a kid…”

“…incel culture blames every problem of the world on women, and shallow-ass losers be like, “WIMINS IS TOO FAT AND UGLY!!!” …”

Kharmii (or is it Karen).

Women are too fat. The reason the Democrats can win is white women vote for them and this will bring about the destruction of the US if it goes on. It’s large numbers too. So from my perspective women are fucking everything up. The Women who are not doing this I’m not talking about them.

All this bashing of incels is just stupid Women complaining about Men not wanting to be their servants. I don’t have a women but it’s not because I can’t get one. I can get all the women I want but the ones I can get without some stupefying serious major effort…I don’t want. I just don’t want them. I’ve tried but so many are so bat shit crazy and controlling it’s just not worth the effort. Even if you get a somewhat decent Women in the west today it’s likely to be a Pyrrhic victory leading to a lifetime of hectoring and misery. White women in the US or just about everywhere are just not worth the effort. The divorce rate is absurd and if you get divorced you pay for a family, you don’t have. Women constantly want to cut off any thing, even cartoon girls, that keeps Men from being harnessed up like mules to plow their lives away for them. It’s not sustainable and Men are really sick of hearing how we should haul your asses around and do for you while they themselves are voting the country into the ground. While I’m not into anime it certainly more enjoyable than listening to women constantly complain about what men like as they drive the country off the cliffs. Cartoon girls are better than western women and don’t cost near as much.

This has happened before. I bet many times but I know of two well documented. In Sparta the Men put themselves under the most grueling regime that has ever been done for hundreds of years. Gave up all freedom and comfort to keep the State safe and did so. The Women had one job. Have some kids and they didn’t do it. They ran out of Spartans and all was lost. Everything. In Rome they passed the exact same sort of divorcée laws that we have now. Eventually Men refused to get married, because it was stupid to. And when the barbarians came no Men felt it was worth fighting for and all was lost.

Kharmii,”…This is coming from a place of privilege. That guy who inherited a house openly harasses me unprovoked every day…”

I bet you hector and annoy that man constantly for this or that or whatever you can whirl around in your mind to complain about.

Kharmii,”… I remember bringing up Heartiste and the manosphere to the dirt bags I work with while giving them the stink eye…”

Holy fuck I’m laughing at the picture of you railing at all these people !! It’s cracking me up!

Heartiste and the manosphere is a “response” to the damaged Women we have in our society. It’s very effective to follow their advice if you want to fuck a lot of Women because, they are damaged. If you find it so repulsive then why are you not attacking the Women that this is so effective on? I assure you the majority of the Men reading Heartiste and the manosphere would much rather find a decent loving Women but since they can’t they might as well at least get laid. Heartiste has lamented this over and over. It’s very sad. It shows the non reflective nature of you and many Women that they don’t see this at all. I don’t think many of them can even comprehend it. It’s all about the barbarity of Men to them. Sigh…

It’s just killing you that you don’t have the power to find some poor sap to harness your ox cart to and hector him 24 hours a day for whatever faults you imagine he has while he drudges away hauling your ass around.

You know people we’re going to be seeing A LOT more of this sort of commentary in the future. At first it was,”there’s no good Men” but it will get to be more and more like this railing at the world and it’s injustice. Hopefully the antifa will burn down enough buildings and the Negros kill off enough people to scare the Karens enough so they will not vote for the Democrats in mass and maybe, maybe Trump might do something, I wouldn’t bet my life on it but maybe he will.

The biggest problem that Women have is…and it’s not their fault at all, is that they are like rock stars. Most all women are attractive when they are young. Look at all these male rock stars who act like idiots when they are young and do what they damn well please but then see what happens when that goes away. It’s not a pretty sight and women are just the same. Pretty girls can do whatever they please and get away with it. Young girls are told their opinions are “insightful” and “smart” and they are all so “interesting” but…they’re not. Guys just want to fuck them. In the past Grandmothers and mothers made it clear to them what the truth was and that this would change. To be happy they needed to find a good Man to settle with but since we’re all atomized and women get 24 hour approval for whatever nonsense they say…the whole thing has run off the rails. They are just like washed up rock stars. You can even see some of them have no idea what happened or how. (I suspect the whole “Karen” effect is those that have no idea that listening to your nonsense when you were young was not a sign that you were making intelligent comments). To the women that figure this out and don’t go batty more power to you. You have passed a very difficult test. Men are lucky we don’t have to deal with this as I’m not so sure we wouldn’t be even worse.

If Women don’t want to be criticized then be useful and not one of the elements of our destruction.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m considered the outlier because someone had posted on Facebook that ‘the ebul left doesn’t support tredfems!!1!’ -But when I clicked the link to find out what their definition of ‘tradfem’ was, it turned out to be a sado-masochistical cult where women are expected to be baby machines who are rated by looks and expected to be spanked and considered subhuman. When I complained, several men stepped up to defend it, but only here. All the normie men and women alike were like ‘whoa…’. -And women don’t have to take that bullshit in modern times. One man can donate sperm to impregnate a million women. That’s why you all sit around and hope that some sort of apocalypse will bring up back to the time when we’re forced to be slaves again. Meanwhile in normie-land, ordinary men are finding ordinary good women of all shapes and sizes. The happiest couples I’ve ever met were people you wouldn’t look twice at, and they’re the ones making all the babies.

Funny how men define virtue based on looks, yet the devil was a perfect ten, and monks shaved the middles of their heads out to be more humble. Men want women to go back to biblical times when they weren’t allowed to speak in church and were expected to be baby machines, but to be fair, you aren’t exactly living by biblical values yourselves. Men are supposed to grow out their beards, work under the hot sun from sun up to sun down, and serve a master that hooks an ox cart to him and drudges him 24/7. There’s no such thing as ‘free and independent thought’ -and- ‘individual rights’ in the bible. There were no mention of guns and pot and video games being an inherent right. As far as I know, humans are supposed to live under oppressive evil until the time in the far distant future when God sees fit to avenge the martyrs and restore goodness to the world. For all I know, justice might be hellfire and sjw bullshit raining down on you arrogant bastards. Cabal or no cabal, it’s all the same to me. My amygdala is so tight I could put up with anything. If we’re all under surveillance, it’s obviously because we are very different animals.

Reply to  Kharmii
3 years ago

Kharmii –

Female here. Thanks for posting.

Most people who comment here are normies. They’re ordinary people who love America – you know, the kind who pay off their mortgages with hard work, as do you. Perhaps a few uber wealthy people post here, but I very much doubt it.

I spent the day painting the inside of a closet white and grouting tile on a porch, feeding my elderly father and doing his laundry – rather pleb tasks, no? If my neighbour paid someone to paint his house, do his laundry, and care for his father … would I be angry? No. I’d take a so-be-it attitude and get back to work. The fact that I’ll drop in bed exhausted tonight doesn’t make me a lesser person and, to your point, IS NOT UNJUST … for in many ways, I’m bigger and better because of my humble position in life.

As are you.

It unjust only if I envy. You and I, Kharmii, decide to perceive something as an injustice. Realistically, in a society in which people have different faiths and outlooks, no shared objective criteria for justice exists. None. We decide what’s unjust. Inside of us. But there are limits to our solipsisms – we can think what we want, but we cannot demand others agree with our vision of injustice. Why? Because what is unjust to you may not be to me and in a civil society, we must agree to disagree.

Back to the neighbour who inherited a house … look at it differently. How about celebrating your neighbour’s good fortune, clapping at his relative success, so you’re not angry he inherited a house … and you didn’t. Where did you get the idea that everyone has to have the same fortune in life anyway – we’ve always been, and always will be, “diverse” in health, IQ, happiness, bank accounts, fortune, friends and place. There’s a bell curve for everything in life – in some things, you may be in the top one percent …in others you may find yourself way to the left side of the curve. So be it. Move on …

Envy will eat you from the inside out. That’s what it is, you know. Envy. Envy is a choice we make. If we choose otherwise, it’s amazing what we can ignore. We can look away.

So figure out what makes you happy and get as much of it as you can. Believe me, you won’t be pursuing a big house or small mortgage, but intangibles like love, health, friendship, natural beauty, created beauty and faith. You wrote that beauty is relative. Of course, it is. So is everything else. Including income. Life’s a sliding scale Kharmii. Plottable. From one to one hundred …

Agreed that the stuff about aliens is off-putting – I skim over the crazy stuff with humility because, frankly, I could be wrong. (But I doubt it.) If someone is passionate about aliens, well, that’s their thing. It doesn’t impact my life one iota.

Lastly, if you want a real man, get one. Do you care what emotionally fragile, under-sexed men think about Asian women, underage girls, porn or whatever. You don’t want that sorta guy anyway. Go find yourself a good one.

My sincere best to you!! I’m in your corner.


Reply to  KR
3 years ago

This is coming from a place of privilege. That guy who inherited a house openly harasses me unprovoked every day. Anything short of wishing fire and brimstone reigning down from heaven on that asshole until he’s reduced to a pile of burnt scum would be well-wishing on my part. At the very least, I could hope that when he dies alone and lets his bloodline go extinct, it will be in bed.

we can think what we want, but we cannot demand others agree with our vision of injustice.

Okay, that’s well and good. I’m just one person, and as far as I know, I’m not the actual problem. Tell that to all the incels who blame all the problems of the world on women, then wonder why that perfect ten ego enhancer can’t be bothered.

Reply to  Kharmii
3 years ago

This is coming from a place of privilege.

I can’t take you seriously when you use language like this. You are a childish, unserious person. We are having adult conversations here. I don’t care to read about you pining over the neighbor that you want to fuck.

Reply to  KR
3 years ago

Patronizing, insulting crap aside, what are your views (all of you, srsly) on taking a study showing that the same types of people who cry at weddings will aggressively pinch cheeks, then twisting it to make it seem like people creeped out by lolis are doing it because of that? Would you look a person in the eye irl and make that argument? I showed my special ops bro that link and said, “Look at these icons. Under aged girl…underaged girl. That one looks about eight. Under aged girl…x a million.” I’m embarrassed even bringing this shit up with people I know irl, but sometimes one has to pull oneself out of the intarweb loony hole and get a normie perspective.

Reply to  Kharmii
3 years ago

Did it ever occur to you that not everyone here (maybe not anyone here is the kind of anime loving incel you are talking about?

Just because one person on another site used anime as an example of something cute that leftists hate doesn’t mean that anyone who believes in r/K is an anime fan.

You can find incorrect versions of almost anything in the world but that doesn’t make the anime fans as bad as the left or change the point about cute and/or beautiful things being hated by extreme r types.

I’ve watched this conversation for a few days and said nothing because I don’t 100% disagree with some of what you have said but you keep digging in and going farther and farther and I find myself agreeing less and less.

Men are hardwired to want beautiful SEXY women and to want them YOUNG.
You can take those instincts too far and that isn’t right but you can’t demand that they be eliminated.

And I also think that many anime fan types are simply pushing the opposite of what the left crams down their throats to an extreme as an act of defiance rather than expressing what would really appeal to them.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

What I’m seeing on this site (and Facebook) are people saying outrageously sexist and ridiculous things, and nobody calls them out. The biggest example was when someone posted a link to a sadomasochistical cult calling itself the ‘redpilled group’ where women are supposed to let men spank them, consider them subhuman and rate them by looks right to their faces. All the men were like, “Left wingers don’t like tradfems!!” Nobody questioned it. When I showed a bunch of normie friends both irl and online, they were creeped out. This happens ALL THE TIME on this particular site. I remember bringing up Heartiste and the manosphere to the dirt bags I work with while giving them the stink eye, like surely these people have heard of this. Actually, not even they knew what I was talking about, and they are literally the scum of the earth.

I think sjw-ism is an act of defiance as well that went too far. I’m starting to realize you can’t tell a man anything. They absolutely will not and can not take any sort of criticism without acting like a god damn baby. They def won’t take any from a woman, or if a woman dares to question them it be like SHIT TEST. Maybe you had a bunch of gamer women who just wanted to plug their games or attend cons without being sexually harassed. I’m sure you could come up with countless examples of what they call ‘rape culture’, but according to you people, it’s a battle of good versus evil where the men are pure as the driven snow and will have legions of angels fighting for them whereas the wimins are all working on the side of the satanic cabal. That doesn’t mesh with what I see irl. Women always seem to be super busy with work, children, activities, etc. If anyone had that kind of time, it would be the gamer men who sit around *huhuhuhuhuh…* smoking pot.

Reply to  Kharmii
3 years ago

What I’m seeing on this site (and Facebook) are people saying outrageously sexist and ridiculous things, and nobody calls them out.

Nobody here cares what you think is outrageous. You are the outlier. No one else is with you.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

-But you wouldn’t say that about a man complaining that sjws are ‘deliberately making themselves unattractive’ or the million other gripes they have about teh wimins that they can’t do anything about. The patronizing bs is confined to just me. When I had the conversation with my gamer brother about the loli ban, he also told me that alt-right men were posting YouTube videos that started at the exact time a little girl would be bent over and had her panties showing. It would be a perfectly innocent video, but they’d stop it at just the right moment to make a little girl lewd. There was a lot of pedophilia on the gamer forums, and that was the reason they did the loli ban, not because a ‘bitter angry feminist like me has a triggered amygdala after seeing cute, happy underaged girls’. Ohhhhh no…….

Right after the bro told me about this, they started a huge overhaul of YouTube because it was on all the smartphone and smart tv apps accessible to children. I saw it with my own eyes that every time you’d search for a reasonably attractive female cartoon character, most of what would show up on the first page would be creepy neckbeard soft porn fan videos. They cleaned that all up shortly after I noticed. It’s a typical male behavior to patronize me and think you could tell me what I should or should not focus my mental energy on. If I want to rage about losers or even think about dumb, goofy shit, then I’m going to. It’s not like it’s a zero sum game. I only get this attitude from dudes on other forums too, like other women will talk about incel culture, but dudes be like ‘aint worth the time’. Otoh, when the guys constantly gripe about petty, minor sjw habits, I’ll join in and have a free conversation.

As for that, if we were to cut (((them))) out of the picture, sjw culture could be a good thing. I like that fat, unattractive chicks -or even chicks that do themselves up all punky- have the audacity to walk around with extreme confidence, as if their lives have some value outside of being attractive to a man. I like that women get to choose to live their lives without being pressured into thinking being attractive to a man even has to matter, or that pleasing a husband has to be their whole world. I like that I can speak my mind without caring that YOU people don’t want to hear it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Kharmii said:

“according to you people, it’s a battle of good versus evil where the men are pure as the driven snow and will have legions of angels fighting for them whereas the wimins are all working on the side of the satanic cabal.”

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone here say all men are angels and all women are devils.

You seem to be taking the worst (or least to your taste{some of both}) things you see some men say or do and applying it to all men, some men DO do the same thing to all women and it drives you up the wall so don’t mirror image them.

Both men and women have members of their sex that disgrace their sex or who simply are seriously in error.

But our current society produces more and worse broken women that it does men and the left is FAR more broken than the right.

One of the worst things about our current society is that it has interfered so much in the relationship between men and women that it is nearly impossible for them to work out their legitimate complaints and both sides are seeing more and more behavioral mutations because of it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

r has clearly infected Kharmii to the point that there is no profit in continuing to debate her.

She may even be seeking to waste our time and try to annoy us.

Don’t feed the troll.

And I say that as someone who doesn’t think she is completely wrong and has tried to agree with her to the extent that she is correct.

Don’t feed the troll.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“And I say that as someone who doesn’t think she is completely wrong and has tried to agree with her to the extent that she is correct.”

I think they called that a ‘tone argument’ on the old forums. Translation: If a man said the same thing, I’d respect it. Men can say what they want in the most obnoxious way they please, and it’s okay. IE: Such-and-such sex trafficking victim was a nice piece of ass who told her story for attention reliving the glory days (she was like fourteen fucking gawd…) of when she was still desirable before she got too fat and old.

People keep putting that talking point out that wimins hate lolis because they don’t like what make menz happy. What is it about my brother who is 75th ranger regiment telling me about it you people don’t understand? If it wasn’t for him being a gamer who was skeeved out about it, I wouldn’t even know. The conversation came up by accident. I’m not a gamer. I don’t know the culture. I didn’t even know there was porn in video games until, like three days ago. That’s another thing that weirded me tf out. I’m used to playing Super Mario and Pokemon with my kids because that’s what video games are to me….kid stuff.

3 years ago

From the Q research forum, the connections between BLM, Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Mossad and Israel:

Fifth Redacted Name in Rosenstein’s Scope Memo Identified as Walid Phares–Sheds light on Obama’s Iran deal

Thus, Obama’s pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance can be reconciled with Mossad/Israel’s support for Obama’s clearly pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance.

“Phares is speaking out for the first time, suggesting that one of the motives of those who made the allegations and sustained the investigation was to hamper the early Trump presidency’s foreign policy goals, including the 45th president’s long-promised plan to cancel the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal.

“In my view, the push against the Trump campaign, and then the transition, and then the administration was on behalf of those who wanted to defend the Iran deal, to protect the interests of the Iran deal,” Phares told Just the News.”

Why does this matter?

Pre-Israel Jews created the Muslim Brotherhood to sow discord within the Muslim world (see graphics)[Infiltration vs Invasion]. Following the creation of the State of Israel, the Muslim Brotherhood became an operational asset of Mossad/Israel.

The Muslim Brotherhood, throughout most of the time since the Iranian Revolution, prior to Obama, has never been able to align itself with the post-revolution leadership of Iran.

Anons will find it interesting to read the above Brookings article through the lens that the Muslim Brotherhood is a Mossad operation…in which case, of course the Muslim Brotherhood would be disheartened by the development of an authoritarian Iranian regime following the Iranian Revolution, for how would the Muslim Brotherhood (Mossad) sow Muslim v Muslim discontent in the face of such an authoritarian regime.

This also explains why Obama & the pro-Muslim Brotherhood camp were able to rise to the pinnacle of power within the US Deep State, when the MSM and many Deep State politicians and technocrats are themselves agents and/or assets of Mossad.

Gain of influence for the Muslim Brotherhood, is gain of influence for Mossad. Obama’s Iran deal, not only put money into the coffers of Deep State/Mossad agents and/or assets and/or operations, but set the stage for a greater gain of influence of Muslim Brotherhood in Iran. Obama a great friend of Iran, Obama a great friend of the Muslim Brotherhood, ergo Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood are drawn closer together.

“On Monday, the Intercept and the New York Times released a joint report detailing Iran’s cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood through the Quds Force, Iran’s elite expeditionary branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps”

On a positive note, guess who ends up dead, not long after this report was published-Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani

Israel/Mossad doesn’t want Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon, neither does any sane group of people…but perhaps the central motivating goal of Obama’s Iran deal was to increase the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood within the Iranian regime, so that the tried and true Mossad playbook can be enacted, foment social unrest, divide and conquer.

Anons having considered the above, consider the following (through the lens that Mossad is the hand moving the Muslim Brotherhood):

In a December 2015 speech to the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Nihad Awad, the Executive Director of CAIR, urged American Muslims to support the cause of Black Lives Matter, saying:

“Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.”

At the same event, MAS leader, Khalilah Sabra urged “revolution” and compared the situation in the U.S. to the MB-led Arab Spring revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. She made the following disturbing remarks: “We are the community that staged a revolution across the world; if we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?”

[Infiltration in place of Invasion]- Mossad

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

“…From the Q research forum, the connections between BLM, Obama, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Mossad and Israel:…”

I’ve been increasingly critical of “Q” and that whole boom. boom business while nothing seems to be happening but if the only reason it takes so long is that he wants to clue the normies onto how God awful the Jews are and how they are tied up in everything fucked up, THEN BY GOD I WILL EAT CROW and be happy for it. I will prostrate myself for ever doubting and call myself the biggest fool in the world. It’s not often you’ll ever hear me say this but I would be happy to be a fool in this case.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

You can’t kill a sacred cow in a Hindu town, you have to get the populace to abandon their religion first.

And the Jews are only one of the sacred cows running around.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (Boycott Israel, because a weaker Israel is a stronger West. If the bar code starts with 729, you just leave it behind))
LembradorDos6Trilliões (Boycott Israel, because a weaker Israel is a stronger West. If the bar code starts with 729, you just leave it behind))
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Well, if you believe that Trump is as much of a Patriot as I do (and I am 100% sure he is), you HAVE to believe, by definition, that he is going to deal with Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion. Either the US gets rid of their “invisible” enemy, or America is going to get destroyed from within.

That’s why some people call the Jews (as a group) termites, they do collapse their host Countries from within.

3 years ago

Also from Q forum:

Harvard University Muslim Alumni Dinner

March 20, 2016

Hussein Rashid, PhD, is founder of islamicate, L3C, a consultancy focusing on religious literacy and cultural competency. He is a contingent faculty member most often associated with Hofstra University. His research focuses on Muslims and American popular culture.

He is a fellow with The Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship in Social Entrepreneurship, the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute, and the Truman National Security Project. He was a fellow at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, and a term member on the Council of Foreign Relations.

He is on the advisory boards of Deily, Sacred Matters, Anikaya Dance Theater, the Tanenbaum Center, and Al-Rawiya. He served on the advisory board of Project Interfaith, Everplans, and the British Council’s Our Shared Future Program. He is currently working with the Children’s Museum of Manhattan as a content expert.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Okay, I know we can get too serious here at times. But that “racist baby” bit was very funny and sweet.

3 years ago

>”Nobody linked in to it. Nobody discussed it. Fuck that, after a few months, I was like an enemy of the state, with people trying to intimidate me into submission, and all our supposed allies online were in silent mode. It was as if the next hundred and fifty years of political science advances hadn’t just been condensed into a few hundred pages and turned loose on the world. And yet, I knew they had all seen it, been blown away, and knew its potential. I knew they were talking about it. Something didn’t work the way I had thought.”

The Jew fears the indoor political biologist.

3 years ago

From Q’s forum:

Coincidence right???

Massive Spying Operation Targeting Millions Of Google Chrome Users Tied to Israeli Firm

A massive spying operation deemed “the most far-reaching malicious Chrome store campaign to date” targeting millions of Google Chrome users has been linked to an Israeli firm, according to a report from researchers at Awake Security.

From Reuters, “Exclusive: Massive spying on users of Google’s Chrome shows new security weakness”:

A newly discovered spyware effort attacked users through 32 million downloads of extensions to Google’s market-leading Chrome web browser, researchers at Awake Security told Reuters, highlighting the tech industry’s failure to protect browsers as they are used more for email, payroll and other sensitive functions.

Alphabet Inc’s (GOOGL.O) Google said it removed more than 70 of the malicious add-ons from its official Chrome Web Store after being alerted by the researchers last month.

“When we are alerted of extensions in the Web Store that violate our policies, we take action and use those incidents as training material to improve our automated and manual analyses,” Google spokesman Scott Westover told Reuters.

Most of the free extensions purported to warn users about questionable websites or convert files from one format to another. Instead, they siphoned off browsing history and data that provided credentials for access to internal business tools.

Based on the number of downloads, it was the most far-reaching malicious Chrome store campaign to date, according to Awake co-founder and chief scientist Gary Golomb.

[…] All of the domains in question, more than 15,000 linked to each other in total, were purchased from a small registrar in Israel, Galcomm, known formally as CommuniGal Communication Ltd.

Awake said Galcomm should have known what was happening.

In an email exchange, Galcomm owner Moshe Fogel told Reuters that his company had done nothing wrong.

“Galcomm is not involved, and not in complicity with any malicious activity whatsoever,”Fogel wrote. “You can say exactly the opposite, we cooperate with law enforcement and security bodies to prevent as much as we can.”

Here’s Awake’s full report and a text list of 111 malicious extension IDs.

Much More

3 years ago

>Flash back seven years. I’m a sharp guy, and r/K’s spark flashes in my mind. As I contemplate it, I realize it could change the debate entirely. It would have to be taught, and would seed the next generation. It is revolutionary, and eye-catching. There are conservative groups which exist to advance the cause, and which will also see how this would help, and they will exploit their extensive networks of contacts to advance it for that reason.

I feel the same way. 300 citations in my book about gender differences in intelligence. Completely blows apart the feminist narrative about women being oppressed. Provides the only logical explanation for men having a more variable IQ curve (an explanation which has been floating around since 1968! And further developments since then have all but proven it correct). Its about as laymen friendly as such a thing could be. I tried really hard to make it comprehensible to everyone as opposed to standard academic practice of using unnecessary big words to sound smart. 4 years later and its still almost completely ignored. I am actually somewhat dismayed that the problem it was meant to correct, the “oppressed” women narrative, has not only not been fixed, but has very substantially gotten worse.

I realized earlier this year that any attempt to profit off of it is more or less futile and started offering it as a free download. Because, as you said, I am pretty sure anyone who makes millions off of a book is participating in some sort of bribery/money laundering scam with few exceptions. And those exceptions probably have very friendly free media publicity which no one else would get. Like that Baltimore mayor and her shitty children’s books I am sure no one was actually buying to read to their kids. Might as well make it available to all the other little guys for free so they can have as easy an opportunity as possible to have the feminist narratives debunked. To anyone reading this site, please feel free to download and upload it where-ever you want and you think it might be helpful.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

I posted a link at
You are welcome to join and please invite your publisher as well, we are trying to create a community for conservative writers, artists and publishers etc.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You have to register and login in to see anything, that simplifies the legal issues.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I see you did register 🙂

I Sent you a PM there with a link to the thread for your book and r/K theory there 🙂

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Thanks, I appreciate that.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Doesn’t seem like much of an advantage, TBH.

I feel compelled to act as “information lubrication” as I term it. Basically, using discernment to pick the needles of important information out of the massive haystack of bullshit and then provide that streamlined to people who don’t have the time for it.. You seem to be similarly compelled. I suppose knowing this goes on helps in proper analysis and understanding, which is good, but unfortunately you never quite know who you are helping or how many. This article is very relevant to that endeavor:

Its a nice read when all this seems like it isn’t accomplishing very much.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Thanks for coming, I hope you like our site and that we generate some sales for you. 🙂

3 years ago

“Dr. Anthony Fauci whines that Americans don’t believe in science, and don’t believe in AUTHORITY.”

Yep. Fuck you is in the blood.

3 years ago

By the way, Rappoport understands what is going on extremely well and his whole blog is well worth reading.

3 years ago

on the China – India thing…

China wants a war, & Xi NEEDS one. I figure things are getting really really bad in china: there’s the stuff they’ll admit to, like KungFlu2 in Peking. More significantly, there’s the stuff they tryna hide (with the help of their compliant worldwide media dogs): am pretty sure the affikin swine flu is still running wild throughout china, + there’s a whole bunch of hungry locusts the media seems oddly uninterested in + HK is still a major problem, and of course the chinese economy is grinding to a halt because nobody in the entire world wants to buy their shit anymore. the word is out: china is asshole – don’t trust china. AND since the entire country of china is predicated on lies… AND their entire economy is predicated on exports & ponzi-scheme banks & a stock market held together by chewing gum and baling wire…. all of which will collapse in the first mild gust of wind…. AND it looks like there’s a big storm a’comin’…..

Xi needs a king-size distraction, and he needs it BAD.

the only question is where. my guess is India. nobody really gives a shit about India, including the Indians. and they’re easy to manipulate: all Xi has to do make jokes about street-shitters or make fun of their “smelly little dicks!” and they’ll go nuts. nothing would make Xi happier than this Himalaya thing getting out of hand and leading to a nuclear war. Xi gets to write off 500 million hungry mouths he’s no longer gotta feed/shelter/employ, and the remaining 2 billion (china lies about everything; why should we believe their claimed population numbers?) are firmly behind his commie ass

Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

A war would only work for a very short time. Because of the 1 child policy, almost every casualty will mean the loss of the only male heir to 2 parents and 4 grandparents. This is a very big deal in Chinese culture. If body age start coming back in any large quantity the war is likely to get domestic real quick. And it really sucked to be a Chinese Emperor who lost the Mandate of Heaven.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

concur. Xi’s problem is, he’s already riding the tiger, and will view his least worst option as ‘hang on tighter, go faster’

may he live in Interesting Times

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  stingaling
3 years ago

“…Xi has to do make jokes about street-shitters…”

WTF is wrong with the Indians??? Have you ever seen all those bodies of dead decayed people floating down the Ganges river while people are bathing in IT! And they shit everywhere. It’s profoundly disgusting. It is revolting. I’ve never met an Indian person I liked. I’ve never known many but I all I did sucked. We should not let any more of these people in our country. If we keep on the next thing you know dead bodies will floating down the Mississippi and there will be shit everywhere.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

You’re no longer welcome to Kwik-E-Mart Sam J.

3 years ago

“This article makes an interesting case that any COVID-19 lockdown could affect the elections by keeping college students home, because the votes by college students in states they go to college in are often a deciding factor in elections. With vote by mail it is no big deal, but without vote by mail, and colleges closed, these kids would not be able to vote. Our side would not organize college admissions and placements to exploit an effect on elections and electoral vote distribution, but (((They))) would.”

You should have to live in a state for 10 years before you can vote there.

3 years ago

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2020

Disabled due to a copyright complaint.

3 years ago
3 years ago

This is a great video:

“White Nationalism is just…White Noise.”

3 years ago

Real K-selected religion looks like this Russian Cathedral:

Greatness and Beauty. Symbolic of what can be achieved.

3 years ago