News Briefs – 07/06/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. 

Twitter Brief is here.

Anti-Trump Republicans have set their sits on handing the Senate to Democrats, to teach Senators a lesson for following Trump. Interesting, in that Cabal needs everybody on deck, but they need a cover story for why Republicans are trying to overthrow the Senate as well. Makes me think Cabal has a plan to use enough fraud to take the Presidency and the Senate together. Hopefully Q’s plan is better, and as Q says, they won’t be able to walk the street. If Q takes the surveillance down, there will be hundreds, if not thousands, who will be highly surveillance aware, and thus operationally capable of doing anything they want in a post surveillance world, with huge hard-ons for whoever unleashed this thing on the American people. If even ten or twenty decide to even scores, none of these people will be able to walk the streets, or remain in the US. My guess is if Trump wins, Bill Kristol, the Bushes, the whole lot, if they escape lifetime imprisonment in Guantanamo, or the death penalty, will flee to somewhere overseas.

Russian Scholar who Cabalites tried to claim was having an affair with Flynn to justify their criminal surveillance recounts her interactions with their spy apparatus. They sent Halper into her class, with a mission of getting into a private dinner with her, and he fell asleep and snored loudly during her class before making his approach. Was that some form of game, as in ‘I am so important I just ignored everything you said,’ so she would think him high status, or was he so piss poor a spy he fell asleep in the middle of an approach?

Russian defense industry sources have disclosed new details about an electromagnetic pulse cannon capable of shooting down aircraft and aerial drones by an electromagnetic pulse up to six miles away. Is this how Cabal was taking down planes?

Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers launch bid to spring her from prison on bail as it’s claimed she’ll be offered plea deal.

Prince Andrew’s lawyers had discussions with a Washington lobbyist with ties to the Trump administration about the possibility of assisting the prince with fallout from his relationship with the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein. Which means, the lobbyist was of no use, which means this is not the old USA under Obama or Bush.

At least 3 killed in 10 shootings over 24-hour period in NYC.

At Least 70 Shot, 14 Dead by Sunday Night over July 4th Weekend in Chicago. As of the writing, there were still over five hours left.

After hurling a flaming Molotov cocktail at an NYPD van full of cops at a George Floyd protest, a white upstate woman claimed a trio of “black” strangers made her do it.  The curious part is, in the pic at the link, she appears to have a tattoo around one eye of radiant beams projecting from the one eye. Think about it. This is some low-IQ, probably low-income nobody, and she doesn’t get one of the artistic eye of providence tattoos, or a Freemason compass, or something pretty. Just a few lines around one eye. Did she expect if a cop who was in the club saw here, he would let her go? Does she expect favoritism as she travels through the rest of life from Secret Society members she crosses paths with? Is it possible even the ground level people are members of some sort of secret religion, and they know all about the Cabal/illuminati/esoteric stuff, while everyone else is clueless? Strangely a lot of info would make sense if that were the case, and give reason to what bonds them all so tightly.

Potential Biden VP Duckworth refuses to rule out taking down Washington statues.

WaPo Title : Trump’s push to amplify racism unnerves Republicans who have long enabled him. You can tell they are losing, and as they get desperate they do become more and more obvious. Their being an Enemy of the People has never been more obvious.

Number of Cononavirus deaths down to lowest levels since beginning of pandemic – but all it is met with is total media silence.

Fauci might be being kept off air by forces in the administration. Nice to be able to shut down at least some Cabal mouthpieces. Trump has really handled having a viper like that in his own circle beautifully.

Arrests made as revelers defy distancing rules after pubs reopen in England.

More city leaders are committing to explore universal basic income experiments that are grounded in civil rights ideals. Welfare had such wonderful effects on the family in black communities.

Facing a food crisis, Cuba calls on citizens to grow more of their own food. Their own food production is down, and imports are down, and they have less mouths to feed because tourism is non-existent. Why would Cuba have a food crisis, right now? It could be chance, and just a coincidental dry season, but the timing does make you curious.

Daily Mail headline about De Blasio’s utopia – “Nightmare in New York: How Covid-19, BLM protests and a liberal mayor are turning the city into a no-go zone as murders skyrocket, shops are looted and 500,000 middle-class residents flee.”

Tulsa Police Sergeant killed when nonlethal force he applied was met with gunfire from a traffic stop.

Tommy Robinson’s acceptance speech after winning the Sappho Award in Denmark.

Europeans harden views towards US and EU after pandemic. Is that amygdala development leading to more K-attitudes?

COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC.

Stanford doctor says Coronavirus fatality rate for people under 45 ‘almost 0%.’

India is likely to pose an increased challenge to China at sea following their recent confrontation on land,, as they join the the nascent “Quad” that also involves the United States, Australia, and Japan. One guy elected in one country, and the entire geopolitical balance has shifted, simply because he wasn’t corrupt.

Spread r/K Theory, because what is about to be unleashed is going to be Biblical

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Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

It may look like Russia and India are getting ticked off at China, but it will be temporary, if it is even real. By the time WWIII comes, they will all be acting together against the West.

3 years ago

>”As of the writing, there were still over five hours left.”
Many a jogger can still jog a plenty in those 5 hours.

New Name
New Name
3 years ago

” he fell asleep and snored loudly during her class before making his approach. ”

It’s part of staged theater that they do on targets. This was a hypnotic suggestion for her to “fall asleep” and not be vigilant. Yes, I’m serious.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…”More city leaders are committing to explore universal basic income experiments that are grounded in civil rights ideals.” Welfare had such wonderful effects on the family in black communities…”

I believe this can have an opposite effect and make families stronger.

Let’s say there was a basic income for each person over 18. First it could replace welfare, student loans, most everything. If women only got BI for themselves and nothing for children then having a Man with basic income means their combined BI would make it easier to live. This would make it a financial incentive for nuclear families. Once a Man is in a family with a women what do you think will happen? Do you think she will be happy with BI? Hell no she will push the Man to get married and to work.

All of this will push K behavior plus it will give people at the bottom a needed financial push.

All those that disagree then tell me how giving multi-trillions to the banks is a better solution. Tell me why if banks can get multi-trillions then average people can not? My feelings are that if we are going to print money the average person should get all or the vast majority of it.

We will have to come to terms with the computerazation of most work. It’s coming and there’s nothing that can be done about it. It means that people of below average intelligence and soon average intelligence will not be able to be useful economically unless they are working for starvation wages. Combine this with the (100 million???) immigrants and we will all be serfs. It will also kill the economy as no one will have any cash to keep the thing going.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Let me know when computerization will grow, harvest and transport crops, or stock the shelves, or fix your toilet or pick up the garbage or build a house, let alone process and manufacture all of the materials necessary for all of the above.
We are no where close to all of the above being computerized or sourced out to robots exclusively.

BD Aveh
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

to my knowledge nothing is given that isn’t required to be paid back. Banks that received “bailouts” in 2008 paid that back within 2 years. UBP is not the end all be all. People are different than banks. Should UBP recipients be required to pay it back over time? Once money becomes a “right” people never stop taking.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

In rough order,

(1) You cannot push K behavior by ADDING resources. K behavior is only produced by a LACK of resources. By adding Welfare 2.0 you are lessening tension, not creating more, which can only add to r.

(2) I’m not going to tell you any such thing because you’ve crafted a very obvious false dilemma. There’s an incredibly obvious way out which is not to allow debt-based money or usury at all.

(3) As many others have tried to point out, the temporary effect of automation was to eliminate jobs. The long term effect was to spread out the jobs while increasing productivity and decreasing manufacturing costs. And as Trump has proved, those jobs were not lost to the robots, those jobs were lost to tax laws and environmental regulations deliberately aimed at sending manufacturing to Asia and Latin America. Tariffs will eventually make lots of small factories scattered all over the globe preferable to a few giant factories in one hemisphere.

Adjusted for inflation against gold, literally every manufactured good on planet Earth is cheaper now than it has ever been, and often more consistent quality due to being manufactured by robots. Energy is cheaper now than it has ever been. The currency is debased. Adding more government money into the equation will only serve to further debase the currency by increasing inflation.

(4) Automation itself has completely stalled. Telsa found this out the hard way when they had to tear out a $500,000,000 fully automated assembly line for the Model 3 and write off an entire fleet of cars that could not pass QC standards. The machines could not improvise, which meant small mistakes got magnified as the cars would go down the assembly line. One out of spec part early in the build could result in an avalanche of QC defects by the time the car got through the line. You need a warehouse-sized supercomputer to be able to even begin to improvise like a human, especially in realtime, and that’s thirty years away from the production floor where you need one supercomputer per machine and you have hundreds of machines.

Further, do you know why the inner cities are so full of welfare dependents? It’s because the economy has nothing for them to do. That is the case because the economy didn’t allocate the resources to create them, the government did. Stop the government distortion into the economy and you dramatically decrease the creation of surplus people.

No seriously, how long has England been inhabited? Hmmm? Why are there still vast English countrysides and not just coast to coast apartment buildings? It’s called carrying capacity, and yes, humans are subject to it, too. If left to it’s own devices the population will stabilize based on available resources and room.

What you are advocating for is nothing short of r-stimulant shot right into the arm of the population.

Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

The best way is a slow increase in carrying capacity.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

Just thought I would share this here. Among middle-eastern Ydna the Cohen modal haplotype (represented by J-Z18271 at the link) is associated with Levite Israelites (Cohenim). It has cousin Ydna lineages that are very rare, to the extent that they can be found. Some of these where found and being downstream of J-Y3088 (the ancestor of J-Z18271) could be postulated to be descendants of Israelites from other tribes (not the levites). In fact, I can confirm that the Brazilian test was from a family with no known Jewish ancestry. It is also worth pointing out that that Ydna line is not found among any Sephardic Jews, so this is very likely an agnatic descendant of a different tribe than Judah or Levi. Other lines were found, from yet another Israelite line, again with no likely Jewish ancestry, living in Syria and Iraq. This postulates that J-Y3088 was the lineage of the Israelite Patriarch Jacob who lived nearly 4000 years ago. These could very well be 2 of the 10 “lost” tribes of Israel.

3 years ago
REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

I just started calling Biden “sniffy” last year. Lost some friends doing it. That confirmed it.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

It’s not the only failure happening on that front.
As much as I want him to win right now, Trump is not winning.
Look forward to being proven wrong.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Another Dave
3 years ago

Patience, Dave, patience. The God Emperor is a LOT smarter than you.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

Right and wrong, Trump knows what he is doing.

He is holding his fire until they can’t replace the senile corrupt traitor and then he will pull out the big guns, if they do replace him he will go big against the replacement.

REX 2020
REX 2020
3 years ago

See, this is why people don’t like Jews.

Reply to  REX 2020
3 years ago

When people ask me what legitimate criticisms I have about Israel and Jewish collective power:

comment image

3 years ago

From Eagle Slant (conservative Drudge alternative):

Mob returns to White Liberals who defended their house from rioters days before in St. Louis.

3 years ago

Vox Day summarizes Trump’s Mt. Rushmore speech with ” given this strong defense at Mount Rushmore of Western civilization”, speaking of the American Revolution.

Trump said, “1776 represented the culmination of thousands of years of Western civilization and the triumph of not only spirit, but of wisdom, philosophy, and reason.”


Atheist Thomas Paine—who worked in both the American and French Revolutions said this:

“A revolution in the state of civilization is the necessary companion of revolutions in the system of government.”


“It is a revolution in the state of civilization that will give perfection to the Revolution of France.”

“Revolution in the state of Civilization” —-IS NOT about a “culmination of thousands of years of Western civilization”.

Thomas Jefferson wrote: “the introduction of the new principle of representative democracy has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government; and, in a great measure, relieves our regret, if the political writings of Aristotle or of any other ancient, have been lost, or are unfaithfully rendered or explained to us.”

THAT IS NOT—-“the culmination of thousands of years of Western civilization”.

The phrase “NOVUS ORDO SAECULARUM” on the Seal of the United States IS NOT “the culmination of thousands of years of Western civilization”.

”””’FUCKING REVOLUTION””””” is NOT the Culmination of damn diddly squat! How is a “”””revolution”””” a culmination??????? That is an oxymoron!

Vicomte Léon de Poncins sketched out its role:

“Freemasonry proclaims and spreads a new system of political, social and religious ideas; these ideas constitute a different civilization radically hostile to the old”.

——“”””constitute a different civilization radically hostile to the old””””.——–

America IS the First Masonic Republic. Half of the FFofA were Masons! Thomas Paine, an Atheist, was not a Mason, but espoused Masonic Ideas!!! He wrote a favorable book on them!!!!

And the American Revolution is the culmination of the thousands of years of Western Civilization???? The American And French Revolutions DESTROYED Western Civilization! Hegel destroyed Western Culture!

Does anybody in this damn country know what they are talking about???????

The Whole of the Enlightenment was about overthrowing the Classical world and Christendom—how is that a “culmination of thousands of years of Western Civilization”??????

Q and Trump don’t know jack-shit. This is why this Country is Dooomed. They don’t even know what they are talking about!

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

I can see why Vox banned you.

Reply to  Chad Bigly
3 years ago

And that is why Socrates was put to death, the Pythagoreans were run out of the towns in Magna Graeci, and Jesus was put to death for—Speaking Truth.

For any conclusion to be true—-Every premise must be True.

T + T + T = T

One false premise

T + T + F = F

And why—- you will constantly fail—-going around in a circle jerk of errors. I’m telling you, You can’t hold any error whatsoever. Plato said, “The Pure is for the Pure”. You can’t approach Life or Truth in error. Truth only exists in Purity. Salvation is the same. No heretics gain heaven.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Somebody around here has a wrong premise or two, that much is clear.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Dude. Salesmanship Pro Tip: when trying to win over a difficult, skeptical audience it’s ***realllllly*** wise to NOT metaphorically compare yourself to Socrates.

Or Jesus.

you puffed-up pompous putrid pusillanimous popinjay putz. no wonder Vox banned you.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

we sure do have a high opinion of ourselves, don’t we? You do realize you;re a complete joke, right?

3 years ago

This mandatory mask situation in Oregon is intolerable.

I’m contemplating solutions.

Apparently businesses get fined if you are in the store without a mask.

This has possibilities.

I’m thinking (1) getting together a hundred of more people and jam into a
store before the employees can whine about it. Post it to Twitter,
take selfies, etc.

(2)Get together a couple dozen people and go to several stores in an

If this becomes a trend the corporate chains will pressure Governor Kate
to back off.


Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

In Commiefornia of all places…. Los Angelinos just demonstrated the most American thing I’ve seen lately – RESISTANCE TO TYRANNY

Kudos to all Los Angelinos involved in this, you are now the tip of the spear against this whole CV19 lockdown BS. The rest of the Western states need to up our game.


M in the 517
M in the 517
Reply to  Lowell
3 years ago

He is obviously of the tribe, but I still enjoy Billy Joel’s music, especially the earlier output, such as:

He ended up making it big, eventually, but he never was liked (generally) by the critics, which makes me wonder to what extent he was not endorsed by Cabal.

Another group that was wildly productive, hugely successful in sales, but savaged by critics is Chicago. I’m sure part of this was that they employed the Chicago Italian mob to keep the LA/NY Jewish/music biz mob off their backs. (That’s at least the impression I get, and why a bunch of otherwise jazz-rock hippies would engage with the Chicago mob in the first place.)

3 years ago

News from the Marxist Commie town of Battle (Shit) Creek—-There is a black Muslim in our town with 5 wives and —-22 children!!!

Who’s feeding them??????? YOU ARE!

What Rule of Law????? 22 children!!!!! The American Taxpayer is footing the bill for this Muslim!

3 years ago

The locust invasion has arrived in the South of Russia, Kalmykia (between Ukraine and Kazakhstan)

3 years ago

I hope we will soon be able to help Boers who even now are being killed in South Africa. The Cabal controlled world no doubt overthrew their government and threw them to the wolves.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

They threw them to the Baboons.

3 years ago

Kek, read this to have a quick laugh at Creepy Joe’s expense:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Let me know when computerization will grow, harvest and transport crops, or stock the shelves, or fix your toilet or pick up the garbage or build a house, let alone process and manufacture all of the materials necessary for all of the above…”

There’s lots of these. Here’s a few warehouses that used to have hundreds of people to pick goods.

There’s hundreds of these videos.

Harvest crops. This is just a start. It will explode in the next five to ten years.

Our New Automated Garbage Trucks (2016)

“…(4) Automation itself has completely stalled. Telsa found this out the hard way when they had to tear out a $500,000,000 fully automated assembly line for the Model 3 and write off an entire fleet of cars that could not pass QC standards. ..”

You can be mad at me if you wish. I know this is aggressive but YOU DO NOT COMPREHEND THE PROBLEM. You do not understand exponential growth. Here’s a graphic that demonstrates in a few seconds what most people don’t grasp at all.

There’s been some breakthroughs in AI. Look at what these guys do with a .50 cent CPU. Apple bought them. They used to have more videos but I’m guessing they deleted them.

A lot of their videos are gone. It recognizes people, cars all kinds of stuff. What ever you train it for.

You think it can’t identify a tomato, a grape, a whatever?

Musk has cars that right now in 99.9% of cases drives better than humans and they are getting better every single hour because any problems are being continuously monitored and upgraded. So every car gets better and better all the time. The self driving feature is one of the most important parts of Tesla and industry analysis know this and comment on it all the time. I believe that the shorts and a lot of negative press he gets is because they wish his company to fail so they can take it over and reap the profits for themselves. They do this all the time with small companies. Not that I’m saying Musk is some nice guy. He’s a serious asshole.

“…stock the shelves…”

Listen to the video it says,”Walmart says it will not replace people” but then right after it says,”well it could take all day for a person to do this”. Not replacing people? Right…There are drones that fly through home depot stores and read inventory. How much power do you think it takes to recognize a box with UP code on it and stick it on a shelf??? I suspect that a standard processor and enough steel to make a shelf, a few electric motors and a battery. Sure it takes work to build these things but once built they are super cheap. Most things mass produced cost about 10% over the raw material cost and these are low, low, low.

Remember and this is THE BIG POINT. CPU power progresses at least a doubling every two years. If you don’t get this then you will have no comprehension of what I’m talking about. (and don’t even begin to tell me this has stalled. It’s a lie and I could prove it but I really don’t feel like wasting time hunting up the data.I’ve posted it here before so I know for a fact that there’s no imminent stalling of CPU growth).

I suggest that the deep State knows this and this is why they are making their move. They are very close to getting machines to do 99.9% of what most humans can do. They can’t do everything and won’t be able to for maybe 20 or 30 years but they will do all the elite needs very soon.

The big virus and vaccine push may be so that they can kill everyone off. Say they give you one vaccine but in it is a sleeper and when another virus comes along tailored to that sleeper…you die.

Maybe this is a little paranoid but look what they are doing. The governor of NY and the same was done in Pennsylvania purposely tried to kill off people in old age homes. I mean he can’t be that stupid. Why is he not arrested?

If they do kill us off I hope the AI’s realize what evil fucks they are and exterminates them all. Even if the AI’s don’t get them they will all be killing each other off because a large mass of them are psychopaths and they will have to go at each other because…they want to get the other before they get him.

Dennis M. Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA Langley Research Center, “Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] “.

“…By 2030, PC has collective computing power of a town full of human minds…”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…(1) You cannot push K behavior by ADDING resources. K behavior is only produced by a LACK of resources…”

You can’t prove this and the LARGE SCALE evidence says you are wrong.

Simple example is everyone in the US and Europe a piece of shit? Totally “r” selected??? Now contrast the third world. People in the advanced economies DO NOT have everyone “r” selected yet have VASTLY more resources. Does every single person or even a majority that has money or comes from money turn into a shit head??? You can’t say that. You are incorrect. It’s false. Look at the ghetto. Do they have less resources??? Then by your rights they should all be ultra chad warriors…but they are not.

“…By adding Welfare 2.0 you are lessening tension, not creating more, which can only add to r…”

Same thing. Tension does not necessarily lead to people being better. I suspect it could make them worse. What if no one had to worry about basic housing or food? Do you believe that everyone would go crazy and nuts? If so then why do they not do so now? Even the vast majority of people in the ghetto do not go nuts. You can not prove what you say. The evidence is contrary to what you profess.

“…And as Trump has proved, those jobs were not lost to the robots, those jobs were lost to tax laws and environmental regulations deliberately aimed at sending manufacturing to Asia and Latin America. …”

You haven’t proven that either. I say that this is coming and will be a huge shift. I can prove that this is coming by you simply going to you grocery store and look around at the automated check out machines. I know good and damn well how many people “used” to check out things and it’s way less. This is just one small thing and they are multiplying rapidly.

“…Adding more government money into the equation will only serve to further debase the currency by increasing inflation…”

You haven’t proven that either. You also haven’t proven that inflation is a catastrophic guaranteed thing in the USA because of government spending. The government has been giving VAST AMOUNTS of money in the form of essentially zero interest loans to banks and that hasn’t given us massive inflation. I suspect we won’t have massive inflation because the average person has no money to drive it. I also suspect that a basic income would not be so much money that it would inflate everything. If you’re so worried about inflation why don’t you shoot all the derivative traders who have traded multi-multi trillion dollar derivatives with nothing backing them????

Furthermore, you said,”…Adjusted for inflation against gold, literally every manufactured good on planet Earth is cheaper now than it has ever been, and often more consistent quality due to being manufactured by robots. Energy is cheaper now than it has ever been. The currency is debased. Adding more government money into the equation will only serve to further debase the currency by increasing inflation…”

Damn if you are not destroying your own arguments. I don’t have to lift a finger for you to do yourself in. HOW can the massive government spending we have right now and have had in increasing numbers allow for goods to be cheaper??? Where I come from goods being cheaper means LESS inflation not more.

The fact is that technology is a huge factor in this but that same technology will bite us in the ass due to automation, which you deny, yet you see on your own part of the changes due to technology. Ever hear the story about the blind men and the elephant. You are just not paying attention but to one small section of this tech change and base your beliefs on 18th century economics which are not relevant to today.

I also suspect that if we had a universal income and cut a lot of other spending it might not be so bad. I would like to see “inflation” or spending on normal people instead of fat contracts to Lockheed, Halliburton, the banks and ever other big government grifter. As far as I can tell we won’t stop them so why shouldn’t we get some of what they are getting?

“…Further, do you know why the inner cities are so full of welfare dependents? It’s because the economy has nothing for them to do. That is the case because the economy didn’t allocate the resources to create them, the government did. Stop the government distortion into the economy and you dramatically decrease the creation of surplus people….”

So when the robots take over we have you down as one of those that want to just kill off the “useless eaters”, right? Let them starve. When you get older do you want them to just hold you down, like they do in Sweden, and give you a shot to stop your useless breathing of the air that the elites could use??? I’m dead serious about this. It could come to this. You better think seriously about this being “a thing” that they just depopulate and if you want to be one of those. If not then are you going to pull the trigger on others???

“…What you are advocating for is nothing short of r-stimulant shot right into the arm of the population…”

I did not. I would NOT pay people for extra children like they do now. I’m not sure exactly how I would do it but maybe force people on birth control that had no means of support for their children. It won’t be pleasant but I think this can be worked out. We have to stop paying people more money to have kids and giving young girls new apartments if they just get pregnant. I think forcing them to stay with their mothers might be annoying enough to stop many of them. Paying people to have kids and a basic income are TWO DIFFERENT things. They are not the same and you saying so is incorrect.

“…No seriously, how long has England been inhabited? Hmmm? Why are there still vast English countrysides and not just coast to coast apartment buildings? …”

England is massively crowded. Big time.

You have substantiated not one damn thing. Not a single thing have you really proven. Your just spouting slogans.

BD Aveh says,”…to my knowledge nothing is given that isn’t required to be paid back. Banks that received “bailouts” in 2008 paid that back within 2 years…”

I’ve never seen it proved that they paid anything back. I believe very strongly that they used these funds to buy all the damn production in the country and world and used OUR economy to pay back any near zero interest loans. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MASSIVE FREE MONEY LOANS AND STOCK SO THAT I CAN GET FREE MONEY!

When the housing crisis came why didn’t homeowners get 1% or less loans for their houses instead of the banks. The banks got the money, the houses, the whole works and we got NOTHING.

You people sure are liberal with passing out our money to the bankers and then making excuses when average people want the same terms.

Why don’t we audit them and take back anything they bought with low interest loans and give all the proceeds to the people in a guaranteed income? If we had all the dividends from all these stocks and property the banks bought maybe we could afford a basic income.

The banks and Jews can have the whole damn economy and that’s ok but if we want a share, then we’re noting but “r” class grifters. Not buying their shit.

They did the EXACT same thing in Germany. The EXACT SAME THING. Why you making excuses for them?

I think my attitude can be summed up by this simple picture that was posted on the blog “Bloody Shovel”. It will explain everything.

comment image

The picture is gone from his site.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

That link at the end…. it hasn’t aged well, commentator and replyees, all bloody ijits!

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I would deport any immigrants that have taken a single penny of welfare from 1965 to present.

3 years ago

Russia & Greece Slam Turkey For Plans To Turn Hagia Sophia Church Into A Mosque

3 years ago

Congratulations on being discovered by the Q thread members at FR, hopefully many of them will start coming here 🙂

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m honored, I’ll continue to post in your forum as long as you keep it but I’d love for you to send people to LA.

My friend who actually runs the tech side and pays the hosting fees chose the “registration required to view” format for his legal protection so there is not much I can do about that but we are growing slowly and I hope we will really take off sooner or later.


Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Mr Twister says,”That link at the end…. it hasn’t aged well, commentator and replyees, all bloody ijits!”

Sigh. Notice that even my most wildest ideas I can muster up a scrap or two of information to prove a point or disprove a point but you…you give us “feels”.

I suspect the info on that page has weathered quit nicely. In fact it’s been strengthened by recent events.

One of the big problems with Whites is their “principles”. Now I’m far from the type to say these are not important or noble. It’s part of the reason we have come so far. There’s a problem with “principles” though. When everyone else has NONE and Whites continue to stick to “principles” that are totally dysfunctional in the present state of multicultural diversity. You can bet many of the White BLM protestors have “principles” but these are stupid and bringing about our own destruction. I suspect your aversion to a “Basic Income” is one of these “principles” but as I said about other subjects these are foolish nonsense in a multicultural free for all bonanza that we live in.

The Jews have used the control of the FED and banks to take, we have sources for this, around $40 trillion from us that I have no doubt, but no direct link, to buy the whole damn economy. I mean what else would they do with it and looking at stock market prices someone is buying all this up.

Now many of you are all for admonishing me if I want a piece of the pie that the Jews freely steal from me and you. How many times have you been so free in telling the Jews that they are “all bloody ijits!”

Maybe there’s some reluctance to have a basic income because of financial difficulties??? Well I can fix that for you. Since all the bankers have stolen the whole damn economy with zero or next to zero loans that all of us MUST back up with our dollars I say let’s take all that shit back. I want my free company stock and the dividends and proceeds from the stock.

I’m not going to bother linking all the sources. You can search for them and find them if you wish.

“…Corporations in the U.S. made profits of around 1.87 trillion U.S. dollars in the first quarter of 2020…”

so $7,48 trillion

divide by everyone in the US over 18

217.8 million people

$34,343 per person!

Now I know we won’t get all of this but it’s a number to work with. Be advised that the Jews own all of this. They took it from you and you labor away to pay off the debt they took on to buy it.

Let’s look at some other numbers.
Basic income cost

Here’s for over 18 @ $12,000.
Number of people age 18 and over 242,834,652(from a different source so I’ll use the higher number for worst case)

So we need $2,914,015,824,000 call it $3 Trillion for revenue for a basic income of $12,000 for everyone over 18.

Budget is currently $3.9 Trillion.
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I looked up average SSI check and it’s $14,160 a year. If that was the basic income we could call it $3.5 Trillion for age 18 and over.

OK I found another graph and SSI, welfare and food assistance all comes to around $2.45 Trillion. So that comes to $8,166 per person but I don’t know how many people that covers already as they would all be moved to basic income. It’s the rest that would have to covered.

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We’re short roughly $ 1 Trillion.

So we see that if we confiscate all the wealth the Jews bankers have stolen from us we have LOTS of funding to cover basic income. We don’t need anywhere near the $7,48 trillion US corporations make in profits. We could let corporations keep a lot of the profits and force them to reinvest in research and development for new products which they don’t do so much today as it would get in the way of the Jews looting the country. (We would keep public ownership of the stock and direct corporations to make long term decisions. You may disagree with this but this is EXACTLY what the Japanese, and now Chinese, do and they are doing fine). This would make our companies much more viable in the future.

So far from me and others being “…all bloody ijits!…” I can see a way that by controlling the FED, taking away all the stolen Jew loot we could have a whooping big ass basic income with perfect financial reckoning and all the profits going to people instead of Jews.

Now how would this make for better family formation. This is easy. Real easy. Presently boys when they hit 18 are not taken care of by welfare so their mothers kick them out most of the time. By giving them BI they have a small but livable amount of money so they don’t have to steal or sell drugs. Combine this with my idea to make massive gulags in the west to terraform and dig canals if you are arrested…

Gulag explanation,(called the “Great American Western Desert Permaculture Project”. If you’ve ever driven across the country you’d know we have a VAST amount of worthless desert. The idea might actually save some of these goons. Jailed prisoners work on the permaculture project and canal building. If they wouldn’t work they would be chained to a concrete triangle with a metal sheet to reflect heat they could sleep in and be out of the sun. Supplied once a day with water and the latest in vegetarian dinners in isolation. All would have ankle bracelets tracked by drones to save money. The vast majority of them would abhor isolationism quickly and decide to work. The actual work while hard is no different that what young Men have done for 10’s of thousands of years. I’m not talking about torture or abuse just steady work. The work would be terraforming the vast American deserts with permaculture principles. The work would after time start showing promise as the desert greened with self fertilizing trees to be followed with fruit tress and all manner of wildlife that would be drawn to the oasis. Some might actually find solace in being a part of something constructive. The goal is to have them work whether they are out of prison or in. I bet most would rather be out.

Look at this video from a project in Jordon. They took a ruined, desert, hard packed clay, salt saturated ground where nothing would grow at all and in a few years had a self sustaining garden of figs, citrus trees and all kinds of stuff growing. It’s startling what can be done. Even if you think the idea is stupid you should look at the video to see what can be done with totally destroyed, salted over earth. It’s amazing.

what do you think even feral Negros will do? Let’s see get $1,000 or more a month or, dig ditches for four years or so in the desert. I suspect this will be an easy choice. Even if the people getting basic income drink themselves silly or completely waste it I have no doubt that they will be a lot less trouble than if they lived under bridges or in tent camps like they do now. They might even, the horror, decide that the life they are living is leading them no where and start some sort of simple business. With a basic income they could start very small and as they gain experience get bigger. It would turn a vast amount of homeless people and drug addicts over time in to small businessmen. You might scoff at this but what happens to these people? Plenty of them stop using drugs. If they don’t they die so we haven’t lost anything at all and we’ve paid for the whole thing with money the Jews stole from us in the first place.

Now let’s cover Women and unwed babies. We could give them food and doctor services but NO MORE MONEY for having more babies. Rapidly you would see Women shacking up with Men who have basic income to spread their cost. After that I would bet you would see Women being much more likely to want to get married and even better if the only money they were getting was BI then I would be willing to bet a great deal they would try their best to shack up with a Man who they see as being more promising instead of just a thug. Right now they really face no severe penalty for going with thugs. With BI a guy with a small business, or even the beginnings of one, would look like a much better prospect.

Before people start dissing BI they need to do a little math and think a little instead of just bashing it. It’s hardly fair to let only the powerful and wealthy get the benefits of creating money. The poor and downtrodden need a little love too.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

China and Japan are NOT doing well.

Basic income is a horrible idea, a slightly less horrible idea is a basic income that declines as you earn more yourself (by less than your income increases so that you still benefit by working harder or smarter) until you get none at all.

My preference is that after we get rid of all the useless leftists we should take over the Fed and before we shut it down forever issue each remaining citizen $1,000,000 to compensate for the massive multi generational theft that has taken place, the inflation would automatically take the value of the hoarded wealth of the thieves foreign or domestic.
And we would also of course seize the assets of the thieves to whatever degree we can, but those would the be either auctioned off of divided up between the citizens who could then sell their shares or retain them as they wished.
You can have a one time wealth redistribution to right the immense thefts that have taken place but you do NOT want any continuous welfare of any kind.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The only thing your argument has going for it is that it will accelerate the oncoming crash of the current r selected situation… & I’d rather let Trump/Q carry out a controlled demolition thanks.

Benefits = Unearned income = Excess resources = r selection.

It really is that simple!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

It’s appears to me that none of you can put forward any sort of cognizant argument to what I and others have proposed. You also ALL have completely side stepped the burning ever growing issue of computers taking over all the functions that average people do. If you do nothing then the vast majority of jobs average people do will be automated and all the cash proceeds will go to the already massively wealthy that have not only far higher capital but are able to borrow at next to nothing rates vastly amplifying their ability to hollow out even more of the jobs average people do. We already see rising drug addiction and suicide that many associate with the loss of jobs and hope. What might I ask is your plan for this? None of you can make any coherent argument that computer power will not increase and it would be extremely difficult for you to make an argument that computers will not take ever more and more jobs that average people can do. Every time this has been attempted I can easily with maybe 5 minutes of searching show exact, factual and easily see able examples where you are wrong.

One thing maybe people here or elsewhere have problems with is they think that I’m all in favor of some sort of communistic super plan to take over the world. I’m not. My favoring of basic income is purely REACTIONARY. Something must be done. I don’t control the power of computer processors. It just is. It’s a thing that WILL happen. It can not be stopped. I at least have some sort of way to deal with this but hiding your head in the sand will not make this go away.

Maybe you don’t like my ideas but what are yours?

One a big multi million one time deal. No way. Now what I’ve proposed is less likely to cause inflation than some big money dump. And what will people do after the money dump? Terrible plan.

Another is to turn the whole thing into a welfare benefit with means testing. No hell no. This sort of means testing is how blacks and other welfare recipients get all the government money now, except that which the Jews steal from us. If everyone gets this it allows anyone to quit their job and do whatever they please. Means testing also leads to a massive government bureaucracy that DECIDES who gets the basic income. No thanks.

I still see that all you criticisms are nothing but “my feels”.

Farcesensitive says,”China and Japan are NOT doing well…”

Compared to us they are. They, I think, actually see very well what is going on and instead of using their banking system to take every single scrap of capital and put it in the hands of the already wealthy like us they are using the capital to buy all the productive business and put it in the hands of their public controlled companies which employ their citizens.

This has been going on for decades. The Japanese did this by buying up vast amounts of technology and patents that the US invented and turned it into products made by their people with huge amounts of capital raised by their banks. The Japanese FED is owned by them. They have massive debt which we attribute to some failing in their part but did you know that every so often the central bank just writes their debt off? Zeros it out. While we…pay the Jews as they are looting EVERYTHING.

The Chinese have been doing the same but at a even more rapid rate than the Japanese did. They just watched what the Japanese did. The end result is the complete hollowing out of all us jobs and combine this with computer job take over we are fucked.

I ask all of you would you rather have a big automated economy with a basic income based on the productivity of OUR computerized factories or have the Chinese and Japanese get all the manufacturing while we are nothing but cashless peasants? This is the present trajectory of our country. I think you would be hard pressed to prove me wrong. What is “is”. Things are what they are and you can’t change it. Technology doesn’t care about your morals or “feels”. It just is.

Maybe some of you think you are so above the average worker that you will not be affected. HAHAHA as ALL jibs are bought under pressure and with no relief n sight they will start pushing on the wages of ANYTHING that can be done here. There will be massive competition for all jobs and if the downtrodden can’t do the job they will vote themselves your money. They will have no other choice if they do not want to starve and waste away but we will have nothing to give them. All of it will be made by Chinese automated factories.

Whether you like what I’m saying or not you can’t exit the game. You feeling don’t matter.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Both the Japanese and the Chinese are going extinct demographically because what they do to their economy robs their people so badly, we are doing poorly but not as bad as they are, and we can bring many jobs back with tariffs and reduced taxation/regulations.

After the money dump I proposed people would be able to use their money to buy stocks or start their own business and I also said that assets like stocks etc. needed to be seized from the thieves and divided up.

If you are going to have a UBI it will only work at all if it goes away as you earn more money yourself, it requires way too much taxation or inflation otherwise.

IF robots actually do take all the jobs (or most of the jobs) then aside from assets being seized from the thieves there is only one other way to compensate that won’t r select your culture to death, give everyone the right to a basic income tied to active membership in the militia.
That way they still have to do a job and report for training/border patrol to earn their keep.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“…Both the Japanese and the Chinese are going extinct demographically…”

We’re in the same boat demographically but a MUCH worse position as we are being numerically replaced. The majority of children are not White in the US. The Japanese and Chinese may be falling in population but they still have a country. We’re losing ours.

“…we can bring many jobs back with tariffs and reduced taxation/regulations….”

I’m all for that.

“…After the money dump I proposed people would be able to use their money to buy stocks or start their own business…”

One big huge money dump would make the price of assets fly upward and most people would have no idea what to do with it. I expect most would be charged fees or have it pilfered away.

“…If you are going to have a UBI it will only work at all if it goes away as you earn more money yourself, it requires way too much taxation or inflation otherwise…”

No everyone should get it just like SSI. Other wise it’s a just like a big graduated income tax. I want to avoid that. It would be for all and I have already shown less than 1/2 of corporate profits stolen from us and recovered would pay for it. The numbers are there and add in a huge tax cut of $2.45 Trillion or $8,166 per person that we already spend could come from corporate dividends from the countries stock ownership that we take back from the Jews. These numbers don’t have to be exact with less taxes or the same as now but the numbers show that it could be afforded.

I think, and could be wrong, that a lot of your hatred for this is the idea that someone, somewhere is going to get something for free and by God you don’t want that.

My perspective is these people are already soaking us. This has been taken from us and I want it back serving my peoples needs instead of theirs. I can’t say this is noble and don’t pretend it is but I’m much more of the practical sort.

Most people have no idea how to manage money and if we just dump it on them then it will be stolen by the sharper folks and we will be right back where we started. If however they have something to fall back on then they could do as they wished and the rest of us could do what we wish without worrying about the rest.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

In the 1980’s I was in Las Vegas for either the 4th or New Years can’t remember which but I went up to Lone Mountain. A road that goes out of the valley over a pass towards the Hoover Dam and watched the fireworks. HOLY SMOKES. It was amazing. You could see most of the valley and it exploded in this super vast orgy of fireworks and gunfire. It was astounding and added in was the hotels going completely nuts as they competed to have the most cool fireworks. It was impressive. I’ll never forget it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Creepy Joe”

68 people watching him. Tragic.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Republicans are trying to overthrow the Senate as well. Makes me think Cabal has a plan to use enough fraud to take the Presidency and the Senate together. Hopefully Q’s plan is better…”

If they fuck this up with that senile Man running against them then they are totally worthless.