Twitter Brief – 07/16/2020

No Q.

Headline Briefs are here.

President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

I thought it was interesting that Roger Stone purposely uses the very German pronunciation of Mueller (MEEUuularh):

And where did he learn to dance this well?

Terry Crews understands dopamine and r/K, on some level, and he is on the side of K:

Hopefully this was our side doing the vanning. I’m not sure what is most interesting – that the van is unmarked, or that nobody says a word:

Trump shows the media how you do a press conference:

Black Rifle Coffee Company does one of the best Star Spangled Banners you will ever see:

Spread r/K Theory, because it should be the land of the free.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Ha. Janes Woods retweeted Denlesks, who was a well known tweeter/texter on the Jim Rome show… least before he turned based on the last few months

3 years ago
Reply to  SomeBloke
3 years ago

One of the tactics I use in my Crusader Kings 2 playthrus is to allow treasonous vassals and courtiers to conspire against me (its called “plotting” in the game) while keeping the situation under control (via telling certain key elements on the active plots to end their collaboration with the plot, but allowing it to continue).

Then when the timing is right, I give the order to imprison the treasonous vassals/courtiers leading the plots, so I can behead them later (you can order imprisonment of everyone you want at anytime, but then you get fucked over by having everyone think of you as a tyrant, which fucks up your ability to govern bug time, but when your spymaster has knowledge of their plotting against you, then nobody cares if you imprison them). If somehow the council is against the beheading (and you need to keep your council happy, otherwise you’re going to have your governing constantly sabotaged), I just torture them and throw them in a shitty cell, because both lower their health stat which makes them die of “natural causes” in some months times.

Sometimes they choose to resist jailing and revolt, which allows me to beat them up on the battle field using my own troops before beheading them without the council having a chance to oppose the direct death penalty (and you get a bonus against future wanna be revolutionaries, crushing revolts gives you great bonuses).

I call it “pulling a Trump”.

Oh, and there is also another great tactic, is when you allow a traitor to keep its plot active and order your spymaster to do nothing for a while so more traitors can join the plot. You can’t directly imprison the collaborators, UNLESS you ask them to stop backing the plot and they refuse, so when I want to get rid of a traitor who doesn’t seem to fuck up enough to justify the approved removal, I allow some other traitor to keep their plot active, and start encouraging the targeted traitor to join the plot and get enough confidence to refuse stop backing it. And when they fall into the trap, then I can order the imprisonment. It seems like it’s what Trump has been doing too, allowing his enemies to revolt and plot against him in a very public way, allowing them to grow bolder and more confident by the day, so when the hammer finally, falls nobody will care about what happens to them.

/nerd rant

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
3 years ago

Sometimes you can’t just tell people, you have to show them.

I wonder if Q plays CK2?