Hillary’s Amygdala Is On Fire

Hillary is a walking pressure cooker set to explode:

Hillary is furious — and while Clinton advisers think that may save her, it’s making the lives of those who work for her hell.

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”

Hillary’s amygdala is loaded. I suspect much of it is her expectation of free victory – she expects to be given the nomination, just as rabbits expect everything to be free. That makes any violation of the expectation hijacking. If she expected to lose, her amygdala wouldn’t trigger at negative events so strongly, and she would get a lot less worked up.

If you wanted to use this in a debate, you would have to recognize that she will expect men to defer to her. She will expect men will not say certain things. She will expect the crowd to be polite. She will expect everything will go the way she expects procedurally.

If those expectations are violated, she will blow. If men disregard her – intellectually, authority-wise, with physical body language, that will hijack her. If men say things she thinks are impolite, or outside the realm of propriety, that will hijack her. If they make semi-appropriate contact which she doesn’t like, such as touching her at the introduction of the debate some way, that will light her up. If the crowd, or just a portion of it were to boo her or laugh at her, that would light up her amygdala. If there are rules of the debate, like nobody brings paper to the podium, and she obeys the rules, but sees her opponent whip out a folded piece of paper (even blank paper), that will set her up for the hijack.

I suspect Donald would be the best to hijack her, because he is a clear Alpha male, she has a history of seeking approval from her father which was always denied, she hates Give-No-Fuck Alpha men, and Donald can almost say anything, even the inappropriate, and make everyone laugh at it (and at his opponent). If he can subtly denigrate her female status as inferior, dog-whistle style so nobody will notice, that will set her off. If he can make her look stupid at some point, by demolishing an argument she makes (and if he points out that she looks stupid making the argument), that would be the final nail in the coffin of her amygdala hijack.

It is looking good for Hillary to be the nominee, and if so (and if our Presidents are not picked for us by a shadowy cabal that controls our voting machines), I think we may get to see the ultimate hijack. That ultimate hijack will be Hillary losing the election, and assuming it is not because of her personally objectionable nature, but simply because men didn’t take her seriously because she was a woman.

I can’t imagine how she would handle having stood by the out-of-control imbecile she installed in the Oval Office against all odds, only to see herself denied the office – despite her lacking all of Bill’s incredible weaknesses and faults. That will be epic.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

I would love to see the Trump vs Hillary debate. She’ll start bawling on stage and get roughly 10% of the male vote.

Robert What?
8 years ago

In your view, what was Sanders reasons for his grotesque White Knighting for Hillary (vis-a-vis the email scandal) during the debate? Was it just classic reflexive White Knighting, or was it strategic?

8 years ago

[…] Hillary’s amygdala is a pressure cooker waiting to explode […]