News Briefs – 03/22/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A good, but massive summary of the Global Elite. I’m curious who put this together, because the level of Autismo is impressive. Three good quotes –

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” – The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.” – Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Rothschild Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s, speaking at the University of Texas in 1927.

“Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet,” – Heinrich Heine

This is a very long video of  a Navajo Ranger, like a Forest Ranger, who is a legit certified law enforcement officer on the Reservation. He was a trainer at Jeff Cooper’s Gunsite Academy for a while too, so he was even training other federal Law Enforcement and Special Operations troops at one of the most elite firearms training centers out there. In the video, he is discussing the paranormal events he witnessed in 31 years as a Law Enforcement officer in the Southwest. It is long, and not very concentrated as an intel source, (not even starting the subject until over 16 minutes in), so I’ll summarize the interesting points I saw here, so you don’t have to watch it all. They regularly got bigfoot calls, skinwalker calls, UFO calls, and other strange sightings – even hauntings, and would find hard evidence (he included photos fo ground disturbances, foot prints, talcum powder drag marks around dragged objects with no foot prints around them. The belief they have is they are all related experiences of various technologies which are being used by some single entity, possibly from another dimension, that is either on the planet or visiting the planet. They base this on the fact they see them happen together, as in a rise in Bigfoot sightings will happen when there is a rise in UFO sightings and skinwalkers. Whatever it is seemed to watch when they talked about the subject in other states, and would punish them with car accidents and physical maladies (That sounds like surveillance reporting back, and using tech and vehicular surveillance to attack them). They routinely have shadows fly over their cars, but when they look up, there is nothing overhead. However a woman wearing polarized sunglasses could see a hovering disk which was not visible without the glasses. (LED screens emit polarized light, which polarized sunglasses would block, and the use of LED screens was the premise for the Chameleo camouflage suits.) According to this cop, the Phoenix lights were chased by fighter jets, the jets were hit with a blue beam of some sort as a warning to back off, and one pilot could not use his legs to get out of the jet after they went home, due to the beam. Also, the Skinwalker legends, or man-like figures in animal skins, covered in cracked white paint, which can shapeshift into animals, and which have “magical” powers, are 100% real, according to him. He says he knows people, including a fellow cop, who have been driving at 70 mph with one of those things, on two legs, running alongside the car looking in at them. Also interesting, whatever the entities are, they try to protect us from the terror we would feel looking at them, by hacking into our brains, and placing a more harmless image over them in our visual field, so instead of seeing them, we would see a small child, or a large flowing plant, or in one case, a four-foot tall rabbit. One, if the invisibility suits are real, there is no reason you could not program it to project such an image on its surface, rather than just the image of what is behind you. And two, it is interesting that Kary Mullis, the creator of PCR DNA amplification, reported an abduction experience which began when he went in his backyard, and saw what looked like a hologram of a giant, human sized, glowing raccoon, leaning against a tree, which said to him something like, “Good evening Mr. Mullis.” He remembered nothing else until he woke up laid out on a road up behind his house hours later. Mullis later characterized the event as someone performing anthropology on a scale we cannot imagine, but he wouldn’t say any more. One of the more interesting things is when they would get these calls, somehow aerospace mogul Robert Bigelow was getting notified and sending out teams of researchers, who were all ex-Special Forces guys, and the Navajo Rangers were escorting them around with all their equipment and had to give them access to the scenes. Since we now know Bigelow was a cover for a Pentagon covert research project, that means the Pentagon is operating with a belief there is something strange going on down there, and the Native American folklore is actually describing something which actually exists in some form. You have to be careful with this. Humans naturally get a dopamine surge examining possibilities which exceed the normal, and those pleasurable sensations can affect probability assignments in the brain. There is no guarantee this guy, as well as all the others, isn’t Cabal seeding stories to distract our focus from the real problem, which could be as simple as a few weak and decrepit old guys in a castle in Austria who have just amassed the right intelligence to exert control. But is also not impossible if there was such a hidden entity on the planet, that it would exert some form of control over our power structures, that such control would be particularly pernicious and difficult to combat, or that it would have and exploit a knowledge of r/K Selection Theory and the role of dopamine and psychology in it.

Epstein Barr Virus can be activated by a 50Hz electromagnetic field. There is a pretty good chance a lot of cancers are caused by latent viral infections activating but not fully taking over the cells. So a lot of people may have multiple latent viruses in their systems nobody notices – such as herpes viruses, which are actually a massive group ranging from cold sores to mono and cytomegalovirus, as well as HPVs, and probably a lot with no name that nobody has even noticed. And it would not surprise me if somebody knows, maybe just having discovered it through dumb luck and experience, that pointing a specific device in a person’s direction can do all sorts of bad things to them which nobody would believe could be being done purposefully. Now imagine if we have a covert CIA-like organization cataloging our entire society and all our citizens, beginning when kids are in just Kindergarten, and looking to kneecap those not in the network by any means necessary, and elevate those without. And they have about 6-8% of the population in their little club and willing to help them by giving them access to residences with sightlines to the target residences. The truth is, in a Darwinian world, such a machine arising would be inevitable. Also interesting is things like Cellphones, WiFI, and 5G could possibly be tweaked and rigged to exacerbate things like the Chinavirus and we would never know. And the technology might even be controllable, producing outbreaks simply by Cabal leadership telling the neighborhood ground surveillance units across the nation to shower the neighborhood in microwaves of  specific wavelength with a specific frequency, through the walls when they wanted a pandemic. And mark my words, if they know this technology can have this effect (and they do) somebody has ordered a giant fucking shitload of testing on unsuspecting citizens in every possible permutation for decades at least, and the resulting science has been developed to an astonishing degree. If you understand biology, and the molecular mechanisms involved as well as how they can alter the broader biological/endocrine state of the body, and the way those mechanisms revolve around electromagnetic forces, you will also understand the way various forms of controllable technology could affect those systems.

Not politics but interesting –Scientists find some cancer causes arise not from DNA mutations, but from translation mistakes causing the mRNA to come out altered and its product rendered ineffective. They look at the DNA and it is fine, but the mRNA produced from it has vital parts missing.

Jews were suspected of poisoning wells during the Black Death. There could have been Cabal Jews poisoning wells, or it could have been someone else. Fauci is Italian, but obviously he is fully capable of killing millions for the machine today, as their point-man on the Chinavirus. But it it interesting in that the Jews didn’t use the wells, and had a lower death rate, implying the wells may have been getting poisoned by somebody. It takes on a different feel, now that we see Cabal ginning up a fake pandemic to seize power, as we recognize that when you are dealing with Cabal, all their tricks are reruns of power-plays past.

Antrim county, Michigan, where the first system ‘glitch’ in the 2020 election was identified, decides not to use Dominion Voting Machines in the upcoming May election.

A former federal prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner, has launched a campaign to force “every business in America” to take a pledge that states, in part, that “The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results.”

After 60 days in office, Biden has yet to hold a news conference.

Senate Dick Durbin said that he thinks he’s “close” to securing the votes needed to overcome a Senate filibuster to advance the DREAM Act, that would provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children. Close is fine, but if he gets closer than close, then Q was not correct about Patriots being in control, and America is in real trouble.

Biden begins immediate catch-and-release of migrant families without issuing court dates. Which means they are not in the court system, and no removal in absentia process can begin, so they will not be removed, and they will then become the next form of DREAMer. Still, they will be here illegally, so a new Trump administration, even in four years, can just toss them out with no recourse.

Illegals are also boarding planes without ID, and there is no guarantee they are not terrorists who just came across the border. I love how they tell us all these rules, on ID, and flying, and the Chinavirus are so vital for us to follow, but an illegal shows up and they just wave him by.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took to social media and implied Joe Biden had revealed plans “to create a crisis” at the border when, in a Democratic debate in September, he voewd to encourage migrants to make their way to the United States if elected.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has claimed that the number of people looking to enter the U.S. at the sourthern border could be the highest in 20 years, but in an interview with “Fox News Sunday” he claimed that this is because of the Trump administration’s actions.

Camera crew on the US side of the border is interrupted by automatic weapons fire, as they capture a raging cartel battle a stone’s throw from American soil.

Biden is spending millions per day to halt border wall construction. Because it wasn’t canceled, but was just idled, so we are still paying, just nothing is getting done.

Every President has allowed a journalist to photograph CBP border operations except Biden.

Democratic lawmakers in Ohio introduce a bill to increase voter drop box access throughout the state of Ohio, proposing to install hundreds of boxes for future elections.

Tensions between the United States and China seem to be growing by the day, prompting some in Washington to worry about a potential military conflict between our two countries within the next six months. Things like this are not going to happen by chance. Either it has been decided, or not. But an article acclimating us to the idea in a major propaganda outlet is troubling.

Instagram deletes post of President Biden falling up the stairs under its “violence and incitement” policy.

I’m not about to do an extensive investigation, but I saw on /pol that youtube doesn’t age restrict the “Real Dick vs Dildo Challenge” where I am assuming gay guys get blindfolded, and have to see if their rectums can tell the difference. Just a reminder for the next turn of the r/K cycle, when gays are saying they just want forced public acceptance so nobody will discriminate against them. None of these things ever stop when they are heading in one direction or the other.

Biden administration fully cancels some student loan debt as it look at how to enact full debt cancellation.

Eight months ahead of an election, Ralph “Coonman” Northam just restored the voting rights of 69,000 felons. Nobody would believe the list of felons chosen would have been compiled using files on everyone, with their voting preferences documented.

Second Massachusetts city to recognize polyamorous relationships. It is funny how by expanding the definition of something, you eventually destroy the concept. Yang into Yin.

At the University of San Diego, conservative law professor Tom Smith is being investigated for criticizing “Chinese” propaganda, based on the false premise that this constituted racial harassment of Asian-American students.

The Philippine government expressed concern after spotting more than 200 Chinese fishing vessels it believed were crewed by militias at a reef claimed by both countries in the South China Sea.

A tract of a gas pipeline in eastern Venezuela suffered an explosion on Saturday afternoon, according to a report from state oil company PDVSA. My guess is Cabal has bet big on oil rising, so expect a steady stream of attacks on oil infrastructure anywhere vulnerabilities are found.

Polish online gift shop removes ‘Burn a Big Jew’ candle following protest from anti-racist association. These can just happen. But Cabal uses things like this to manipulate minds too, and subconsciously open people to ideas. I think a lot of the “boolagloo” memes about shooting federal agents were designed to attach humorous feelings to the idea of shooting federal agents, in the hopes of facilitating such attacks at some point – and those memes were cooked up by people a lot more sophisticated than the “Boogaloo Bois.” Likewise I will not be surprised if this turn of the K-shift entails violence against Jews, and this is foreshadowing.

The grim list of sex abuse claims against British police officers. Britain is probably as close as you will get to the home of Cabal.

Angela Merkel seeks Covid-19 restrictions extension into April.

Ben Shapiro makes the case for mandatory Chinavirus vaccinations. Why is it none of these wealthy entities offer me millions to sell everyone a line of bullshit?

A Hollywood goth club, “Cloak & Dagger”, known for being a haven for underground DJs, actors, rockers and adventurous partygoers to revel in safety and secrecy, has been shut down for sexual abuse allegations.

Diversity review under way at Buckingham Palace. These things are all about programming you to expect that positions and elevation are unrelated to raw ability and meritocracy. I was flipping through TV recently, and I realized many, many of the reality TV shows lately are basically all about complete morons living lives regular people cannot dream of. The Kardashians are certainly average IQ’s, who basically have millions of dollars drop in their laps, and then have entire shows about their extravagant lifestyles. Blacks have the same thing with rap culture. You never see a highly educated rapper who makes money by forming a business and working hard to accrue wealth and invest it. You see a gang-banger who gets up on stage, recites a few lyrics, and makes 40 million in a few months. I remember a story about P. Diddy being $20 million in debt, but them saying h didn’t need to worry because he would make $40 million in the next few months off a tour. Now if humans are subconsciously programmed to absorb and emulate the successful they see, and the successful they see are idiots who barely graduated high school and recite poems for an hour and then live like billionaires on mega yachts, what are black youth programmed to do? Or at least try, and fail to do?

Miami Beach sets earlier curfew after Spring Break chaos. Also SWAT deployed to quell massive crowds as they riot and vandalize.

China and Russia will be building a moon base together.

Oklahoma Bill proposes a Bigfoot hunting season.

A federal appellate judge challenged Supreme Court infallibility. Why can’t the Supremes get it wrong?

President Trump calls for investigation into Biden’s gag order on Border Agents, calls it ‘huge cover-up.’

U.S. President Donald Trump, suspended from social media, plans to launch his own platform in two to three months, one of his senior advisers told Fox News on Sunday.

Spread r/K Theory, because their simulation is getting too messy.

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3 years ago

This should be 03/22/2021

And yesterday’s is 3/21/2021 instead of 03/21/2021

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Calm down.

Have a beer.

Everything is fine.

Not all ‘tism is good.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago


M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

(((Glenn Kirschner)))

This feels about as sleazy as the Lincoln Project.

3 years ago

Off topic but a few qs for people who know…

Paul Ferber, linked before(in comments?) said something about Q and the map… What exactly is the map? Also this seems to be chapter 14 of something but what is the whole book? He said he was on chapter 17 in the comments.

Does anyone have the 4chan pic of the discussion of the guy who was doing science experiments for the CIA or FBI on operation mockingbird and they told them it failed but in reality it succeeded and was being used in TV/movies?

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

comment image

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

We don’t know what the map is, and the map might not even always be the same map. Sometimes it is a road map, sometimes “minor attracted person”, etc.

My impression is that Q was a mix of misinformation provocations to force the cabal into actions (cyber version of recon by fire) and predictions like the prophecy in the book of Isaiah, in that they only make sense after the fact (by design).

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

>He said he was on chapter 17 in the comments.

Sorry I meant to say chapter 19.

The question then is what book is Paul Furber working on exactly. The blog post seems informative but very incomplete.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

“Does anyone have the 4chan pic of the discussion of the guy who was doing science experiments for the CIA or FBI on operation mockingbird and they told them it failed but in reality it succeeded and was being used in TV/movies?”

I think this is what you are talking about. I save a ridiculous amount of stuff. Ridiculous.

Here’s a link to a “possible” different or similar copy but I can not get the site to come up.

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

HAHA AC’s a digital pack rat like me. You have no idea all the stuff I have saved. The problem is finding it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

This is mind-blowing. I’ve been lurking here since 2014 or something, and this is the reddest redpill I’ve had in quite some time. Thank you for all that you do, AC.

Reply to  LurkerAnon
3 years ago

Where it really hits you is when you look at the Black community. Look at what they elevate in the rap community. All over 4Chan they have pics of the latest flavor, a 60lb kid who looks 16, with gold teeth, a full body of tattoos, and a 70 IQ, who takes every picture with one hand full of hundred dollar bills, and the other with a 9mm with a 30rnd magazine, except when he lays the bills in front of him so he can give the camera the finger.

And so many black kids will see him portrayed as high status, and suddenly they move like him, talk like him, dress like him, and aspire to be a rapper. And it seems to Cabal, the more retarded the rapper they can find, the better, for just that reason.

And then you go down the list of dysfunctional “stars.” Even Bill Clinton’s dramas could have all been scripted to expose an entire developing generation to a high-status “leader” who was a total degenerate and corrupt to boot. And there is no denying before Clinton standards were entirely different.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Any chance the recently increased attacks on Asians is because of them not knowing their place in relation to Jews? I mean they’ve been rightfully suing about discrimination in regards to Ivy League admissions lately.

Maybe the Jews are sending their orcs out to teach them a lesson about getting uppity?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

> Illegals are also boarding planes without ID

This also hit the news during the Obama years, and I’m pretty sure it was policy during the Bush years.

One set of rules for them, a different set for you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m pretty sure this is what’s going on:

Vietnamese American voted overwhelmingly for Trump.

It is critical that Asian Americans be prevented from supporting Trump again.

So they need to make Asian Americans feel threatened or otherwise intimidated to not demonstrate support for Trump.

But they just can’t come right out and say that. So what do you do?

Everything with cabal comms is about putting premises in your head that you have to figure out for yourself, so that you come to the desired conclusion without them ever explicitly saying it.

So, make Asians feel targeted. Make them feel that this targeting is due to white supremacy. Aggressively connect white supremacy to Trump. Make Asian Americans feel alone and isolated. Send thugs in to do actual violence that will at the very least leave people naturally wanting to maintain a low profile and not call attention to themselves. Try to get Asians to feel that the way to placate such violence is to sheepishly claim, “we’re on your side.”

They MUST reduce Asian American support for Trump. This is how they are going to do it. Otherwise they’d not be putting this much effort into things. They are going all out on media support of this psyop.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Seattle
3 years ago

“So, make Asians feel targeted. Make them feel that this targeting is due to white supremacy. Aggressively connect white supremacy to Trump.”

Yes that’s the answer. All attacks on Asians, by Blacks mostly, by the press are automatically followed by cries of “white supremacy”. This of course will backfire as Whites if they haven’t noticed by now are noticing that no matter what they do, even if they do nothing, they are attacked.

I do believe there’s truth in the fact that Trump called the virus China virus and this has lead to Blacks attacking Asians because most Blacks are really stupid and they think somehow Asians are responsible for the virus. The only way Blacks know to deal with anything is violence.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In an unarmed, unarmored world, the man with an SKS and a plate carrier is king.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

what is a black on asian attack?
indians, thais, japanese, koreans, malaysians, pakistanis, chinese and so many more are all asians.
certain types of politicized media are playing up certain types of incidences based on political agenda.
blacks have always attacked anyone in their reach that they think they can get away with especially each other.
asians in black neighborhoods have been getting attacked on regular basis for 60 years.

what is the agenda of those who are now publicizing “asians under attack by the blacks?”

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

I think it is the golem getting away from its master.

The cabal is increasingly losing control. I think we are going to see more “chickens coming home to roost” than active oops for a while (2-4 years).

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Since undisciplined violence like with those Blacks cannot be controlled and therefore put to good use. I think one will see a crackdown and the increasing use of Capital Punishment to take all of them out.

So the only ones left are those with more self-control. That subsequently can be used.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Don’t let Biden chain or take a rusty razor to your thinking. Blacks have always been committing crimes against others and themselves at very high rates. Because Asians tend to live in more urban environments, where blacks disproportionately are, the Black on Asian rate is elevated. As Whites have moved away and been reduced demographically Asians were a natural filler for Blacks to target. This has been an ongoing phenomena and isn’t new.

In CA, AZ, NV Hispanic MS-13 street gangs have largely muscled blacks out of the drug dealing game and I wouldn’t be surprised if they work closely with Chinese intelligence to get Fentanyl and other drugs into the US to sell. Any Hispanic targeting of Asians is probably mostly related to organized crime.

There is underlying dislike of Asians in the USA but, that is part of larger anti-foreigner sentiment. Pajeets, Arabs, Africans, Russians, Latins and even some Euros get it too. Rarely does it lead to violence unless, of course, blacks are involved.

All of the recent “Asian hate” is Chinese Communist agitative propaganda to further divide the American body politic, although it’s just speeding up what has been an ongoing process.

If you are Asian, understand, blacks are your largest threat right now. Also, don’t believe the PRC, if you are Thai, Filipino, Korean or Vietnamese or any non-Han Chinese ethnic group you are just as worthless to the Chinese as any White person is.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago
3 years ago

It is not actual spring break where hundreds have been arrested, it is diversity spring break. But we all intuitively knew that already didn’t we? Most of the actual college students are not allowed to have a spring break this year do to wu flu.

3 years ago

> implying the wells may have been getting poisoned by somebody.

No need for poison, poor sanitation meant well water was often contaminated with cholera, which was largely fatal. It wasn’t until 1854 that the link between fecal matter, well water, and cholera was established, and decades more before most civil authorities did anything with that knowledge.

Cholera is still a thing 175 years later, in shithole countries where sewage in your water is considered perfectly normal.

The “Black Death” wasn’t *just* bubonic plague, though we think of it that way now; it was a whole bunch of diseases, and there were multiple waves of them over decades, and the whole thing was aggravated by mass starvation due to what they now call “climate change”, when European weather suddenly cooled and they went from three growing seasons to one, resulting “population reduction” as well as general poor health, which made them even more susceptible to diseases.

Barbara Tuchman’s “A Distant Mirror” is a very good history of what happened, and written so long ago that global cooling was one of those things that “just happened” instead of being a political movement; the book is supposedly about the social changes caused by the Black Death, but it’s all interwoven.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Another really, really great book on the black death and other diseases is “Plagues and Peoples” by historian William H. McNeill. Extraordinary book. In fact everything he has written is good.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

A Volcanic eruption made the world cooler and caused crop losses and supercharged the plagues:

3 years ago

> voter drop box access

Because the postal fraud laws are still on the books, and sending falsified ballots through the USPS is still a crime some political opponent might be able to force enforcement of.

The drop boxes also keep all ballots under local control. Besides, USPS scans every single piece of mail, and their “Informed Delivery” system makes (some of) that information available to the public. There’s no reason they couldn’t sort “ballots out” vs. “ballots returned”, for example, and offer that data. But the USPS is fully converged, and the numbers would probably be embarrassing to their political masters.

3 years ago

> rap culture.

Which was manufactured from scratch by MTV and VH1. I watched that happening in real time.

“Dude! Your speech, your clothing, your music, your ‘culture’, are all an marketing program.”

I guess someone read Pohl and Kornbluth’s “The Space Merchants” and figured the basic idea was worth trying… and they succeeded beyond their most avaricious dreams.

The novel was published in three parts in “Galaxy” starting in June 1952, under the title of “Gravy Planet.” The first installment is below, for those of you who might be interested:

3 years ago

Regarding the Ranger link:

Pedo Pottery? At 10:57, into the video. It has the triangle within triangle pedo symbol.

3 years ago

Regarding the things the Navajo Ranger is talking about. I’ve been through something pertinent to this out in the South West.

In the old days it was fairies, trolls etc. Today it is big foot, aliens, skin walkers etc. Did the kinds of special creatures inhabiting the world change, or is something manipulating us to get us to look in the wrong direction.

My situation involved seeing things, feeling things in my body, loss of time, and significant mental and emotional control from an outside entity. If you’re interested I’ll explain the full story in an email, but the conclusion is that I was under demonic obsession… that is demons were manipulating me… controlling my mind and sending me on a wild adventure. I’ve spent almost 2 years clawing back from it through the exorcism process.

I had been an Anon for about 15 years at that point. Had been hammered in life. Was the child of a media executive. Abused. Fought back on a suicide mission. Had to flee the country. Kept getting hammered the whole way.

Going through exorcism… Learning about demons in a way that didn’t allow me to rely on speculation… Learning that the spiritual world is absolutely real, and getting a hint of the power involved… has completely changed my understanding of our fight.

Put simply, the demons, fallen angels of pure intellect and will which are far smarter than us, are trying to drag as many of us to hell as they can. Their leash has been let out by God as punishment for our sinful ways, for leaving the Church. They will use any distraction, diversion, and oppression of us to keep their people in control and ruin anyone they are allowed to ruin. Demons are the entities running the cabal. Demons are responsible for much of the seeming surveillance, car accidents etc. (Not saying the gang stalking is fake, I saw it too back in the day before i had to flee the country). We’re all attacked by demons in one form or another. What they are allowed to do to a person is strictly controlled by God. They are His policemen. Very few people are on good terms with God today, even the good guys, so the demons are allowed to knock us around worse than ever before.

The end game for our search for political / natural truth is to learn the Truth, to find God and His Church. To live for Christ on His terms. Our understanding of the Church and religion is mostly wrong. The Catholic Church’s old claim to being the true Church of God was and is correct. Their current state is part of our punishment.

The best person to learn about demons, and the Church, from is Fr. Chad Ripperger. He is probably the top exorcist in the world. I’ve included links below to his two most political videos. He has about a hundred hours of video online. I can’t recommend highly enough learning from him and using him to learn and enter the Church. The more people go down this path, the better off we’re going to be.

I’d be happy to talk with you over email. I’m real. Not cabal.
A long comparison between demon and communist / deep state psychology. You’ll see the control demons have over our human enemies.
A general into to demons and the state of the world from 2018.

anonymous poster
anonymous poster
Reply to  Winston
3 years ago

You were doing so well, then you went all Catholic, the earthly base with which the demons have targeted the truth and the saints for over 2,000 years. Don’t be so stupid.

>’The beast that you saw—it was, and now is no more, but is about to come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. And those who dwell on the earth whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world will marvel when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet will be.

9This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. ‘

That woman, mystery Babylon, sitting on seven hills, that’s Rome.
It will be utterly destroyed before the day of wrath.

Reply to  anonymous poster
3 years ago

We agree that Rome is a major problem, that it has largely sided with the enemy, and even that it will most likely side with the enemy in the end times… which this likely isn’t. Truth is it is a much larger problem than most people realize. The greatest punishment God can give men in bad priests.

That said, Jesus recognized the Pharisees as the head of His Church in the Old Covenant. He did so despite them being children of the devil. He didn’t recognize the other tribes of Israel, who had broken off, as being the correct path.

Hard core Catholic, Latin Mass and Orthodox Catholic, are the way to go. The end of our searching for truth is to find the Truth of Christ, and that we Protestants (I was Baptized Methodist) really messing things up when we left the Church. Each one of us who converts back, and lives our lives on God’s terms, in a state of grace, doing penance for ourselves and others, according to the unchanging rules of the Church, will improve our own situation in death, and the general state of the world.

anonymous poster
anonymous poster
Reply to  Winston
3 years ago

>That said, Jesus recognized the Pharisees as the head of His Church in the Old Covenant.

WTF are you smoking ? He tore the Pharisees a new one, he hated them and their stupid traditions, all the while living in sin.

And lo, you preach Catholic mass and modern-day traditions. So fucking stupid.

There is no ‘state of grace’, grace is a one-time gift, followed by the Holy Spirit to enable you to defeat sin, no more sin. You’re just another lawless pagan faker, all RCs will burn with their ‘rules’ burning too, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Reply to  Winston
3 years ago

That said, Jesus recognized the Pharisees as the head of His Church in the Old Covenant.


Reply to  Winston
3 years ago

Thank you Winston! I have been praying to the holy spirit to help me see truth and your post has pushed me toward the light. Bless you.

Reply to  reblane27
3 years ago

Thank you for your kind words. I’ll be praying for you and your family.

The best take away you could get from what I wrote is to dive head first into learning from Fr. Ripperger through the videos on YouTube. From there you could read the Catechism of the Council of Trent or the writings of the saints.

Best thing a person who wants to get closer to God, to go to Heaven when they die, is to find a Latin Mass or Orthodox Catholic Church in their area, learn it and live it. Regular Catholic works, but there is a good chance the priest knows very little so you’d need to be extra well informed. All 7 sacraments are real, not just baptism but all 7.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: Why is it none of these wealthy entities offer me millions to sell everyone a line of bullshit?

I hear you.

I find myself wondering how many people following me on Gab are real and how many are surveillance.

3 years ago

Now imagine if we have a covert CIA-like organization cataloging our entire society and all our citizens, beginning when kids are in just Kindergarten, and looking to kneecap those not in the network by any means necessary, and elevate those without.

This makes me wonder if growing up 80s poor in a cracker box house on a huge lot (only 3 neighbors within 100m) acted as a prophylactic for me. The neighbors on either side were low probability cabal (WAY too ornery) and the one across the street was so fucking crazy that I think it was too far for 80s cabal. Too crazy as in “unconvincing tranny sunbathing in a bikini in the front yard who later burned down the house” crazy.

To borrow a phrase, “you adopted clown world. I was born in it, mounded by it.”

(Also, my parents were actively defending. We were under strict orders that if the weirdo ever TALKED to us or even looked too long, we were to report it to mama. It was made clear that it was NOT in any way friend material, and also if it talked to us daddy would go whip it’s ass, and daddy whipping someone’s ass was always a fun scene. I’m petty sure it also was aware of our ass-whipping policy.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

We weren’t in the middle of nowhere — we were just on a street of big lots on the outskirts of the city. I don’t recall traffic being any more on our street than others, or it being related to going out. I think I wasn’t on their radar until adulthood.

I think it comes from my father’s family being nobodies, and my mother’s family being highly military with tons of clearances. My grandfather could fill a dictionary with his SAPs, but I get absolutely zero cabal cult vibe from him. (He’s way too Pentecostal cultist for that.) That’s probably what protected that side of the family. One of the family stories is that my grandfather was being checked out for another SAP that would bring a big bonus and a promotion grade with it, and he failed the background check for it because his sister in law lived next door to a communist for six months. That caused a lot of hard feelings in the family for a while. She didn’t even know the neighbor, but that was enough to cost him that clearance. That level of counter-intel didn’t leave them much room to operate in (until they managed to take over DOD.)

3 years ago

Dulce, New Mexico, has been an epicenter of these encounters now for decades & its right in the middle of a reservation, in this case the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. UFO sightings, ranging from the normal sized encounters, to ones where witness describe something miles in diameter, have been encountered, often my members of the local law enforcement. In fact, the whole catalog of weirdness has been recorded in and around that area. Skinwalker sightings, bigfoot, cattle mutilation’s, UFO’s all of it. One thing to note is the existence of practically all of this phenomena within Native American religious practices, specifically the Puebloan peoples such as the Navajo, Apache, & Hopi. Many of the other tribes also have similar beings within their belief systems, which leads me to think whatever is producing these things, its ancient and has been on this planet since deep antiquity.

The above links send you to a website dedicated to investigating these mysteries. The producer, Jeremy Corbell Kenyon, has also been on Joe Rogan with Bob Lazar & Cmdr. (ret) Fravor, the navy pilot now infamous for this encounters with the TicTacs and “fast movers” off the coast of California back in the early 00’s.

Regarding the article relating to what the authors describe as active deception, it is almost as if these encounters do not happen randomly and are pre-determined by the entities themselves. Also makes me wonder how people are chosen for this sort of thing. Kary Mullis was a brilliant scientist, yet he was also an eccentric, into surfing, psychedelic’s, etc & by all means didn’t appear to be Cabal, so who knows how he ended up being “contacted”

Another thing to note about Dulce (and I had posted this before in the comments, a few years ago) is that the town itself was subject to a claim by a former US government contractor, Phil Schneider, regarding an encounter deep underground with “aliens”. Schneider was a geological engineer working on the construction of what he claimed was a deep underground military base. The story goes that one day his crews made a breakthrough into some large chamber from drilling above, and lo and behold there are several tall grey Aliens performing some kind of work thousands of feet underground. At this point all hell breaks loose as a team of elite Green Berets were sent to investigate, along with Schneider, the chamber they had suddenly discovered. In his interview he then describes a firefight with the entities and he himself sustaining injuries from what he described as an energy weapon. He does have forensic evidence for this as part of his hand was essentially vaporized & IIRC he had some cancer problems later. Schneider of course went public with his story and not long after was found dead in his apartment. Alleged suicide…go figure. His interview where you can see his mangled hand is pretty old at this point and the quality is low, but its out there for viewership. Whatever this intelligence is the lines of reality are constantly blurred and obfuscated for some reason.

Also with these encounters, one thing i’ve noticed is almost none of them appear to be of the Divine. The old testament is loaded with peoples visions and encounters with heavenly beings, yet this is strangely absent in modern times. The only ones that come to mind are the visions at Fatima and even those are 100 years old at this point. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, encounters with angels etc, used to form a chunk of these supernatural encounters, yet not so much in the 20th/21st century. If nothing else, the Skinwalkers, UFOs, bigfoot, cloaked entities are coming from the same place, a mystery in and of itself

Strange and savage times we live in

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 years ago

I’m not saying some of this is not real but I don’t believe it. My reasoning is based on common sense. If aliens wanted to study us they could do so without zooming around and causing havoc. You would never hear a damn thing about them. All this “movie hype” type alien shit is just too damn much like gas-lighting. I mean it’s a farce. Why all of sudden do they show video of this stuff while for decades they promote all kinds of dramatic nonsense?

Phil Schneider some say was a schizophrenic. Now I’ve known schizophrenics and they say the wildest shit you can imagine with total sincerity and can not be convinced otherwise.

Let’s look at real alien motivation. Now aliens, real ones, probably can’t be really mentally understood by us very well but there has to be some sort of survival instinct and not letting the violent apes know they exist has GOT TO BE ONE OF THESE.

If these things are really happening then to me the best, and really far fetched, explanation is that by that French researcher that they are some sort of demon tricksters. Because why would some advanced race whirl around and kidnap cows and other stupid stuff like this.

I think all this alien stuff is just a discombobulate “plan c,d,e or f” that aliens have landed and we need world government that they might fall back on some day. Seeing as how the Jews are having problems with the internet maybe that’s why they are kicking this up.

I want to reiterate that there are various technologies that show signs that we can build an “inertia” drive that would simulate anti-gravity. It could very well be that this inertia field would shield whatever was in it from large shocks. It would separate the local forces from external forces meaning they could zoom around and not get squashed by G-forces.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Ok I watched the video and took a couple things away

1.) Jonathan Dover, the retired Ranger, specifically stated that he’s not a believer, even going as far as questioning the whole idea of being a believer in so far regarding this phenomena. He explicitly tells the audience that his conclusions and the forensic evidence left behind by these encounters, warrants a explanation, regardless of what people believe of this phenomena.

2.) He gives a very brief rundown of Navajo cosmology, and suggests that this phenomena may be interacting in our world, through some kind of interdimensional portals and that this phenomena actively disguises itself when these encounters occur. I believe he referred to it as screenshot memory. Interestingly enough, the active deception article I linked in the first post, describes this exactly, though the Uintah basin (the location of Skinwalker ranch) is hundreds of miles away

3.) This phenomena isn’t just related to UFOs. I think that’s something that has been kept separate for one reason or another regarding the other phenomena, at least until recent years by the various researchers on the subject

4.) Navajo lore has a strict taboo on the entire subject of the skinwalkers, in so much as Dover had received threats from his own community for speaking & even investigating it. Clearly what ever it is, it is seen as pure evil.

5.) at the end, he even mentions Ouija boards and how he does not believe they are games, but crude ways of opening portals to God only knows what. I’ve heard priests say the same thing too ironically about this sort of thing

Again I have no idea what this all means, however it seems significant somehow in the course of human history, of which it looks like it has been apart of since deep antiquity. Partially why i don’t think the Extraterrestrial explanation is no longer sufficient to explain these events.

Reality is much stranger and weirder that we can imagine.

anonymous poster
anonymous poster
Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 years ago

>’one thing i’ve noticed is almost none of them appear to be of the Divine. The old testament is loaded with peoples visions and encounters with heavenly beings, yet this is strangely absent in modern times. ‘

It’s not absent, but it’s disbelieved, currently, such is the state of the world.

Reply to  optimalrebellion
3 years ago

The Kingdom with a radius measured in miles is what I have seen and heard it’s Trumpets. For starters, how about you think of this vessel as “Gabriel” the Archangel? I was between Show Low and Albuquerque standing beside a young man with scruffy beard, telling him what it was, where it was from, how to get onboard yada yada, like he was not really a young man, I was just lazy and gave the angel human attributes, whom was telepathically sharing the info. LOL

The Trumpets, were conducive to the vessel in my words had a girth the size of Texas, and extended in height requiem’ed with Honduras , as if Cornucopia.(Harvest) The sound wave was monstrous and could no doubt level any city in the world, if reason could suppose. The height- size corollary held my gaze as I tried to navigate the otherworldy patterns of the vessel , possibly entering our atmosphere, hence the machinery.

The Star of Bethlehem, of course is why Jesus Christ had a following and people knew where he came from. Is it any wonder why this is not common knowledge today? Yeah, uh huh, thot so, the tribe of course obfuscates their utter loss of Gods covenants and defeat. This is nothing new, been here forever, possibly planted our species along with all the others. There is an upstairs and downstairs (anima).

The Lord and Donald J. Trump. He delayed our defeat four years, maybe longer? We would’ve been in concentration camps by now. Millions of armchair warriors without the impetus to fight, or to know when to descend on the capital without propoganda, just steel and Gallows. Sedition is a sharp blade, they’ll come for us if not.

Jesus Christ is coming on a comet.” Housekeeping Day”. Gabriel is Rudolph, Rudolph is at the forefront of Jesus Christ or Santa Claus. “Lean not on your own understanding of the Lord”

Then there was the four sided wooden ladder not touching the earth or the building I was mesmerized in. It looked and felt as if the ladder had been carved from a single tree a few minutes before. Plausible, I had no desire to climb its desire, yet a few months later I was living and working a thousand miles straight up from that day in Wyoming.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago
3 years ago

Also interesting is things like Cellphones, WiFI, and 5G could possibly be tweaked and rigged to exacerbate things like the Chinavirus and we would never know. And the technology might even be controllable, producing outbreaks simply by Cabal leadership telling the neighborhood ground surveillance units across the nation to shower the neighborhood in microwaves of specific wavelength with a specific frequency, through the walls when they wanted a pandemic.

The funny thing is that if our phones are the primary emitters, and they likely are (inverse square law), the quarantine has backfired for me. I carry my phone on my person much, MUCH less than I did before. (I have a window open for my email — work and personal — on multiple computers, and frankly am not nearly as worried about “instant response” as I was before.) I go entire days where I never use my phone beyond hitting the button for my 2FA on my work account.

Also, I’m not sure I mentioned it, but my coverage has gone to almost nothing (detectible) over the course of the quarantine. I’m sure my kitty-corner neighbor assigned to me is still doing whatever, but even they seem to have mellowed and assimilated into the neighborhood more. My vehicle coverage was stupid thick when I started going out in April, but I made a point of obviously burning them (as I did over the whole fall leading up) and then it just died out to where I can’t detect them in by May. So many people were off the roads that they couldn’t help but be burned, and I’m not sure they readjusted to the reopening. FWIW, my practice was to let them know that they were burned by pointing to my nose charades style and then pointing them them. They seemed to get it and were appropriately shamed. I also haven’t had any foot coverage that I can detect since it started, even in March and April. I honestly think they are running out of money.

I still see dumbaseery driving, which I chalk up to all entirely to the illegals (who at NO point abided the quarantine) but I don’t see the intentional slow-downs that were the hallmark of coverage before.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

Martin Armstrong gets it. K definitely coming:

Shilling and Hasbara operations related:

Gaybal tries to pay 60k to female model to get video blackmail on elite athlete:

Some random entertainment:

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Likewise I will not be surprised if this turn of the K-shift entails violence against Jews”
“Diversity review under way at Buckingham Palace.”
“Ralph “Coonman” Northam”

Been browsing Breitbart a lot recently, and I noticed…

There is only 1 way to tell if any “Right wing”, “Conservative” or “Western Chauvinist” company, institution or organization is sufficiently Western and Right enough. Over half of it’s members, contributors or writers should be White Heterosexual Christians, who if they are married are also married only to White Heterosexual Christians, and they only have children with White Christians, then it’s Western. That’s it. I’m a big tent guy so the White part can include Portuguese, Spanish, Sicilians, Armenians, Georgians, Finns, Greeks, Sardinians and Cypriots. It does not include Arabs, Jews, Iranians or Turks. Christian Arabs, Messianic Jews, Christian Persians/Turks are not included, but can be helpful in maintaining the Christian aspects of said organizations. Christians can include Trinitarian or Non-Trinitarian denominations, just so long as they are from a traditional Christian church.

That’s it. Hapa’s don’t count. Asians don’t count. Rabbinical Jews don’t count. Atheist’s don’t count. Indians (feather or dot) don’t count. Pagans (including Norse) don’t count. Gays don’t count. People with adopted children from another race don’t count. WASP preachers with Korean wives don’t count. Visibly biracial people don’t count. Liberals never count. Sorry that’s it. Western Civ chauvinism has to include identity, and that has to include historical norms. If over half of your organization isn’t both European derived and Christian, with Christian European derived spouses and children then your identity is about something other than Western Civ. It doesn’t necessarily make your organization bad, but it doesn’t contribute to your organization being Western. Keep in mind, 50% still leaves alot of room for other people, maybe non-White Christians, one or two very conservative Jews, a pagan, a hapa or native american or two, possibly a gay libertarian atheist, but that’s about it. White Christian families or singles have to make up at least 50%. I would delve into ethnic but it gets too complex from there, just remember, White Christian Conservative Straight > 50%.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I thought Iranians were White.


Racially they may be distant cousins.
But culturally (which is more important) they are as different from us as any other non-European nation.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet

Ancient Iranians were definitely White, but after conquest by Arabs and Mongols, I’m not so sure. Many still exhibit the phenotype but genetically they probably average out something similar to Castizos in Latin America. Genetic testing also shows middle eastern Y chromosomes have slight dominance there and Aryan ones (the R, G and I types) are a slight minority. There’s also the muslim thing. This doesn’t mean someone who is part Iranian, who looks White, isn’t White though, I would consider them White, but that’s rare and not every Westerner would consider them White. And of course, my definition of Whiteness is not the only criteria for being a Westerner.

And of course, just because someone isn’t White doesn’t mean they’re sub-human or something, but we’ve got to draw a line somewhere. Armenians are similar to Iranians but Armenia is in Europe and Iran is in Asia.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Hey Cabal, why are you so stupid? Can you even physiognomy? Why in blazes would this man ever leave his wife for that manjawed hobag?

comment image

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

I think this one is required reading:

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Epstein Barr Virus can be activated by a 50Hz electromagnetic field”

That’s a kick in the stomach because Europe’s power grid runs on…50hz. Yow!

Now to throw some water on the fire of the “Electromagnetic waves will kill us all bonfire”. I read a report once long ago. One of the Scandinavian countries. I can’t remember which. Sweden, Denmark, can’t remember, who has universal health care, mapped the homes of every single citizen and compared that to all central power stations and power grid transformer stations where they spit up the power and where there’s significant EM fields and they found…nothing. No more cancer or heath issues. Now this could have been a lie but that’s what they reported.

There’s also the issue of resonance. In order for a EM wave to be received whatever is receiving must be resonant or matched to the frequency.

Now it is true that atoms can pick up wavelengths far exceeding their actual size but how does a virus do so??? I don’t care who these guys are reporting this I would be very skeptical of what they are saying. The question to ask is how does a virus “receive” a 50hz wave which is 5,995,849 meters long??? If the virus is activated by 50hz then why not wi-fi or any other frequency??? It just sounds odd to me.

It’s likely that this stuff just passes right through you.

I want to add I’m not saying that no EM fields of any frequency will have no effect. What I am saying is that powerline frequencies seem to have no effect according to really big studies.

In reference to the 5G panic I’m very skeptical that this will have any negative health effects despite the scare tactics. It’s very low power and has minimal penetration power.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m certainly not ruling out ANY EM effects but…compared to all the shit they put in food and other environmental stuff it may not amount to much. And furthermore it’s a proven fact that some stimulation, of the bad sort, can actually strengthen the health of an individual. There was a Taiwanese apartment complex that the vile evil mainland Chinese sold Sheetrock contaminated with nuclear waste. Turned out this high level of radiation the people living there got made them healthier that the general population. This was a large group of people and documented.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

It seems that stress can sometimes help instead of hindering, there are people who have been to jail that talk about how they seem to be able to train harder due to the constant pressure of being in a hostile environment where violence is a daily possibility.

3 years ago

China Restricts Tesla Use Over National Security, Data Collection Concerns: Report

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“China Restricts Tesla Use Over National Security, Data Collection Concerns”

Wanna bet the Chinese have all the info they need now to set up their own electric car factories so they use whatever ploy they need to squeeze Musk out. That’s what they have done to several other manufacturers. The people who run our companies are greedy idiots who sell off our tech, once, to the Chinese, get a little pay day then lose everything.

Musk probably thought he was big enough, and Trump would be President, to get by like Apple has but…watch him get squeezed out.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

No doubt.

But I was thinking more of this story confirming what AC has said about Tesla’s being used by the cabal for surveillance.
(possibly without the knowledge of their owners)

Musk sometimes says some good things but I will not cry for him if the Chinx do rip him off, getting into bed with them is not the only cabal/anti-American thing he has done and he is a flagrant lawbreaker whose business is founded on stealing tax money.

Sam J
Sam J
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“Musk…is a flagrant lawbreaker whose business is founded on stealing tax money.”

That’s a lie. I’m not enamored of Musk as a person but what he has done has greatly increased the national security of the US. A lot. Even serious assholes can do the right things for reasons that are not clear sometimes. His push of electric cars will, over time, mean that people can be free of monopolistic oil companies who keep us in the middle east. His rockets have showed that space travel need not be cost prohibitive. He’s proved these things. It’s not all there yet but he’s started a trend that will not be stopped. We owe him a great deal for that.

As far as him getting taxpayer dollars Congress voted for these things long before he started doing any of it and did so because we need electric cars ad we need lower cost space travel. Some of the space incentives were pushed into law by pro-space travel people from way back in the Reagan administration.

Without him we have the Boeing rip off that has spent in excess of $10 billion, it may even be twenty, they have not launched a damn thing and each launch is NOT reusable and would cost $2 billion or so apiece. Even though they are using already developed shuttle engines. We’re talking them spending billions on a tank with readily available navigation systems already developed. At the same time Musk developed three different engines and three different rockets on his own dime to start only getting paid when he proved they worked.

And even worse for many years they poured money into the Constellation space system which never went anywhere

For way less than all the money we poured into this we could have made a Sea Dragon reusable launcher way the hell back in the 60’s that would launch over a million pounds.

What have all these engineers been doing? It appears to me that to fuck up this bad you have to want to NOT create any new rockets. Everything Musk did was not necessarily new stuff, (not that he didn’t make any breakthroughs), he just actually got people to build and test the stuff until it worked.

Reply to  Sam J
3 years ago

NASA’s purpose, since at least the (alleged) moon landings has been to keep civilians out of space. Full stop. Everything they’ve done has been subservient to that.

Reply to  Sam J
3 years ago

We will have to disagree.
His space business may be legitimate but the electric car thing is a scam, we can produce all the oil and natural gas we need.
Electric cars are part of the cabal plan to control us as are autonomous cars which he also shills for and his cars are deathtraps and surveillance platforms.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I think the cars are a scam, but it was Elon looting a government scam. Live off the land, use up your enemy’s supplies before your own. Elon used a cabal money laundering scheme to loot government money to start a space company that is now going to lead to him starting an independent colony on Mars. The cars were the gimmick that allowed him to fund a rocket program, insanely improve battery technology, and also make his own internet that is outside all their jurisdictions (once the laser interlinks are up — you realize that he will have his own uncensorable backbone then, right?)

Sounds pretty good to me.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

AC, you talk about the possible connection between virus and cancer, but isn’t it already a confirmed connection between HVP (that people can get from performing oral sex) and throat and mouth cancer?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Navajo Rangers, UFOs and “a hidden entity on the planet”

Really put’s Jacob into a new perspective doesn’t it?

Several possibilities,
1) The Lord was laying down the law to Jacob, and fully immersed him in the water of Jabbok.
2) The Almighty was angered by what some of Jacobs descendants would do, and wanted this story to circulate amongst them
3) Some entity was watching Jacob and Jacob confronted it, and the entity respected Jacob for doing this and not fleeing like a coward or an animal.

anonymous poster
anonymous poster
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Test from God, you wouldn’t wish it on your worst enemy.
But for certain men, is necessary.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  anonymous poster
3 years ago

Getting suplexed by Jesus doesn’t sound comfy at all.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I want to make a general statement that ties into the UFO stuff and Vox Days recent (disavowal????) of Owen Benjamin(I can’t say for sure what that’s all about because I refuse to listen to any more of bear’s dribble so I don’t know what he’s up to). I said this guy was fucked a long time ago. The reason is he said seriously stupid shit about space and the space program. I say Mathis is bullshit because his writing is a mass of gobbledygook if you really follow it’s conclusions. I say Moldbug’s stuff is just a bunch nonsense of “look how smart I am with all my odd references” and how he “only” referees Kings as the only way to go. I also say Tex is full of shit because he completely pushes neanderthal with not a damn scrap of decent evidence.

Here’s how I come to these conclusions. If someone is telling you, “this is the way it is” and doesn’t provide much in the way of data to back it up and talks excessively about it. And a real kicker, this is the strong force on if they are truthful or not, is if they are trying to attack Whites and the things they have built. They are probably bullshit.

The truth is Whites built EVERYTHING. I mean just about every single technological and sociological thing ever Whites have in many cases either come up with it or made it practical in practice. If anyone takes any one bad aspect of White civilization, let’s say slavery, while not simultaneously taking the same data from other countries, let’s say Africa, at the same time and comparing them. Then they are full of shit and they are false or they just hate Whites and there’s no use paying the slightest amount of attention to them unless it’s to derail them. Just about every single attack on Whites you can trace back to Jews or artsy mentally disenfranchised types who want everyone to look at “them” instead of paying attention to stuff that has already been done and proven to work.

I’m not near as smart as a lot these people I’m criticizing but I’m not a complete idiot either and I think I’ve caught a knack for seeing when people are gas-lighting me with bullshit. It’s not that I’m so smart it’s that what they are saying is stupid. For some reason Whites tend to get all drawn up by very complicated nonsense and avoid the really simple stuff like Modbug’s,”we need Kings(and 20,000 pages of why we need them)” while completely avoiding the simple, almost childish notion that Republics with limited franchise to those who had the most to lose in society and were responsible for the society have done just fine without a king in sight.

I think this very much the case with UFO’s. I have no doubt that someone, somewhere or some group has some limited “inertia drive” craft that was built on deep classification but since it was so classified no one ever got around to doing anything with it lest someone see the damn thing and figure out how make one. It may very well be the Navy’s new patents acknowledge that people, the Chinese, see this and are pursuing it.

Let’s hope the idiots that hid it don’t let us get behind because they are so busy hiding the tech that we never are able to use it. If you’re a one world government type then “inertia drives” is a real kick in the ass to your plans. Think about this. You could build a mass of inertia drives run by electricity and suspend them on electrical cables all the way into space to make a space tower. This means ANY talk about not enough resources is wild crazy nonsense. There’s a vast, stupendous, extremely large amount of resources in space. I mean unimaginable and if you only needed electricity to travel in space from solar panels then they would be cheaper than digging them up on earth. Very cheap. And cheap means better living standards and less control.

anonymous poster
anonymous poster
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Next step, what is the ONE things these guys, including AC, Vox, ALL OF THEM, never want to touch, just ignore it altogether.

That Jesus taught we have to obey God’s laws, all of them, the apostles taught the same, all the prophets (every single one) called Israel to repent from sinning.

Only a few places online you will see that message, not anywhere with decent traffic, for now.

Draw your own conclusions.

Reply to  anonymous poster
3 years ago

This is not a religion site and K is supportive of religion.
So take your cheap shots at AC and get lost.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  anonymous poster
3 years ago

You are wrong! The one thing none of them do not want to discuss is the fact that the God of Abraham is a vicious, warped, alien, Middle Eastern volcano Demon, at best, and our rather diverse people are worshipping — e.g. giving value to him (or it). All accomplished long ago, by trick, cunning, and violence.

Of course, Jesus is not at all like his alleged Father. That’s because Jesus is a composite, crafted from all the very best and finest qualities and characteristics that people like us value.

The feudal system that those people introduced when they invaded our minds, hearts, and homelands, was not real different from Plantation Slavery, at least not on it’s more active and transformative negative aspects. It was, as a matter of fact, the original “New World Order.”

WhiPeePo are the ones in need of reparations, but I digress.

Most likely, few want to hear this, and I am familiar with all the arguments in favor of Christianity — even if it’s fake — and I actually wish that they were true, but they are not true. When you worship your enemy, including his nice-seeming proxy, you are destroyed.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago

>Ghost Who Walks
Shill, walk back into your hole, read the bible, and pray for faith enough to believe in Jesus so that you may be saved through God’s grace.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Thank you destroying your own case. Not that my comment was aimed at starting a debate or squabble. It wasn’t, but all that was mentioned needs to be looked into. No offense intended.

3 years ago

Wait, What – Biden Says He Wants to Return to Trump Border and Immigration Policy that Existed Before