News Briefs – 04/22/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Politico reported Tuesday that Attorney General Bill Barr threatened U.S. Attorney Larry Keefe after Keefe told Matt Gaetz about a legal theory that would green-light a state-wide election probe throughout all of Florida and then Gaetz repeated it to Trump. Barr said, ‘If I ever hear of you talking to Gaetz or any other congressman again about business before the department, I am going to f***ing fire your ass.’ Notice, Trump had yet another clear-cut solution to all of his election problems dropped in his lap, and the master of execution, the guy who would normally fight until he was dead, quietly let the opportunity die, and his family come under threats from every direction. I switch back and forth, whether we lost to the fraud, or not. But this makes me think Trump losing was part of the plan – and Trump was fully read in on it, even as nobody else was.

Unvaccinated women report miscarriages after interactions with vaccinated women. This is the second report like this. another was women reporting menstrual irregularities after interactions with vaccinated individuals. I’m wondering if these RNAs are replicating somehow, and becoming like a quasi-virus. Simple nucleic acid sequences, with no capsids, just the strand of DNA, can operate like viruses in bacteria, being exuded by one bacterial cell and taken up by another, where they go operational and multiply. Or perhaps human cells commonly have RNA viruses we have yet to detect in them, and these RNA strands are somehow reproducing using the machinery that those RNA viruses brought in and hijacking their capsid proteins to spread as viruses. The only other option is the shots are making humans produce some compound, like a pheromone or other chemical, which is altering female reproductive tissues. Very weird. Be something if these mRNA vaccines turned into some sort of virus themselves, and had a sterilizing effect as they spread. Then it would be a safe bet either aliens are in the mix somewhere and want the planet, or technology is far beyond what we have been told about, and the vaccines are some sort of sterilant.

I finished watching Mike Lindell’s new video, Absolute Interference. As I said yesterday, there was a tremendous amount of material which rehashed what we already knew for new viewers, and it featured Mike Flynn and Gen McInerney talking about the implications of what happened, and our need to fight. I was mainly looking for new technical revelations, and of those there were only two. First, it featured the story of a poll worker and a new technical witness Mike found. A poll worker was given a flip phone by their command which they had on them while at the polls. It turned out to be a 4G wifi hotspot. It was manufactured by a Hong Kong company named TCL, known for having CCP spyware on their devices, even though the phone said AT&T on it. The poll worker gave it to an investigator, who on looking into it found six different precincts in three different counties in Georgia which had hidden WIFI networks connected to the internet through these phones, and those networks were accessed by the Hong Kong Company’s IP address. That company accessed over 150 election servers in 14 different states including multiple Secretary of State networks, meaning China was all through the election computers. Then, starting at 1:36:00, Lindell introduces a second piece of new material, a highly secret expert witness whose identity he conceals with pixelated masking and voice masking on the video, because apparently he will be exceptionally important in upcoming court cases. He begins by showing how impossible it would be for the evidence of hacking to be faked due to unique signatures in the data. Lindell then again shows the visual representation of the hacks coming in from overseas that changed votes, attacking polling places all over the country, including Hawaii and Alaska. He then asked the expert to show just 19 hacks in five different states in detail. All of the examined attacks came from China. He then shows how they have tracked each attack down to the latitude and longitude of the IP of the machines which performed them, how they routed their attacks into the target computers and through what specific networks, and what they did once they penetrated the computers. He then shows that these records produced a time-stamped record of 518,617 votes taken from Trump and given to Biden, in just those 19 specific intrusions in those 5 states. Those attacks took 518,617 votes from Trump, and give 518,617 votes to Biden, so it was as if Biden was given twice as many votes. Just those 19 flips would have given Trump clear, decisive victory in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin, and there were many more flips even than that, each apparently documented in such minute detail. Again, appears the evidence is decisive, but that does not necessarily mean anything, in a court system compromised by a hostile foreign intelligence operation. We will have to see where it goes.

Windham NH officials reverse course and will choose the “Windham Incident” forensic auditor in public. That place must be less infiltrated at the society level, so the politicians are more fearful of the public. Probably a much lower surveillance/informant per capita number.

No link, but there is a rumble video showing it is less than 24 hours until the Arizona Audit begins.

Patrick Byrne did a long interview which I didn’t look at, but in the description, it says, Founder and Former CEO of Overstock, Patrick Byrne says, “The mother lode was found. We have cracked the code. There’s massive data that will be coming out in the weeks ahead that will dramatically change the entire public’s perception, and people will understand that we need to fix the system.” I’m more of a see the data guy than trust somebody who says the data is coming, and who knows if perfect data would even have any affect on a system this corrupt, but hopefully he is right.

There is now a website to sign up to be an observer for the Arizona audit.

At least two groups of China-linked hackers have spent months using a previously undisclosed vulnerability in virtual private networking devices to spy on the U.S. defense industry. So VPNs were actually opening us up not only to domestic Cabal glowies looking over our shoulders, but also to actual Chinese government spying. And if TWO Chinese groups, that we have found out about, were able to use the VPNs to spy on us, imagine what our own intelligence services, who most likely run the VPNs themselves for the conspiracy, were doing. I have told you, if you are on this site, somebody is likely watching at least many of your keystrokes, if not all of them, in real time. It is much worse than you can imagine. And their capabilities are far beyond what you would think is possible. And they go farther than you would ever think anyone would go.

Techdigest says if you want to secure your smart home devices, get a VPN.

FBI labeled Steve Scalise and GOP assassination attempt by a politically motivated mass shooter, as a ‘suicide by cop’ and not a domestic terrorism incident, or political violence.

U.S. Senate committee advances bill to increase military support to Ukraine.

Elections Integrity Org identifies 12,547 illegal votes included in Georgia’s 2020 election results – exceeds margin of victory in the state. That is on top of the 355,000 that lack any chain of custody as required by law.

The Post Office has begun a covert intelligence operation to troll social media posts, identify “inflammatory” ones, and disseminate them throughout the government. The post office has probably always been an intelligence honey pot, since people send wrapped physical messages through it hoping they will be lost in the flood, and not intercepted and opened. But it has gotten way weirder of late. My Post Office used to have some sort of cat person who worked there, who put cat food out behind the Post Office, and even constructed a little shed-like shelter for them back in the woods a ways behind it. I parked back there a few times, and was always amazed to see fifty or sixty feral cats in the woods just lounging and milling about. A few years ago, around the time my coverage began, they got rid of the cat person, and I was surprised to go back there and find they removed the shelter, and apparently had all the cats rounded up and removed, I presume because they were activating sound or seismic/geophone sensors and rendering the site unsecure. They also set up a perimeter of static posted foot surveillance, about a block out from the post office all around it, so whenever you drive around it, you will see somebody leaning against a wall, or milling around in a parking lot, or in the lobby of a building looking out, even as cars swarm about on the streets. I don’t know what is inside the Post Office, but I have wondered if there isn’t some major operations center in the basement or something. It is a safe bet, when we finally dissect the domestic surveillance operation of the conspiracy, it will be based in some agency we would not associate with surveillance, just as a way of insulating the operation against any FOIA uncovering anything by accident. For example, if it was under FBI, and I was trying to uncover it, I might file an FOIA with FBI for all surveillance materials, assuming it was them because they are known for it. But I probably would not also file an FOIA for any surveillance-related materials with the Department of Education, or the Department of Energy. It is possible domestic surveillance operations are being run out of the Post Office. It would give them the ability to piggy back on an already sectorized infrastructure with a headquarters pre-established for each zip-code-numbered sector, and cars driving around all the streets all day long. Perhaps the vast budgetary problems of the USPS are due to fund-diversions to support operations other than mere mail delivery. Everyone involved in this will rue the day when it all comes out. Whether he knew it or not, even some lowly USPS investigator in a basement surfing social media will be seen as a part of the entity listening to, maybe watching  innocent wives and husbands having sex at night, running support for serial killers, helping gang-members evade the law so they cam remain operational assets doing hits and robberies for Cabal, and running surveillance support for the shitbags who hacked our elections so a bunch of anarchist assholes could burn our civilization to the ground. It will not end well.

Chicago Mayor may force Police to ask permission before chasing criminals – on foot. Notice, this will allow Cabal another layer of control, to prevent their operatives from ending up caught while conducting conspiracy-business.

Arizona Gov declares a state of emergency over Biden’s immigration crisis, deploys the National Guard to border.

White House walks back its support for Amnesty through reconciliation.

Biden admin says U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan won’t come home, and may stay in neighboring countries.

GOP House members accuse John Kerry of ‘abuse of power’ for pressing banks to deny funding for fossil fuel entities.

Hillary Clinton calls for govt to pressure Big Tech to censor conservatives and critics who ‘cost’ her the 2016 election.

George W. Bush says he wants citizenship for illegals. He gets a book deal, his interviews with the press are suddenly glowing, and if you look close, he is getting the exact same pained grimace expression beneath his smile as his father. I wonder what they have on him or what he had to give them.

Chris Christie reportedly mulling another presidential run in 2024.

A rundown of the Hollywood pricks who danced for joy when Derek Chauvin was found guilty. Don’t even see it through the lens of Chauvin. These are all members of the conspiracy, pushing the narrative that their command told them to push. In doing so, they reveal themselves fully, and should definitely go on the list.

3 Minneapolis police officers still to face trial in death of George Floyd. And Chauvin wasn’t even involved in the call, besides helping to restrain Floyd at the very end of the stop for a short bit. Everything about that trial, from the judge, to the jury, to the media coverage was fully controlled, and entirely pre-ordained. It was never going to get a change of venue, or a sequestered jury, or even a truly randomly chosen jury of his peers. It shows how corrupted everything is. And it is like that for everything. You were never going to go to law school, work hard, and end up a District Attorney, or a political leader, or an influential writer. Those spots were reserved. I don’t even really care about that. I care that they let you waste your time acting as if the system is honest. The amount of time I spent seven years ago trying to understand google page rank and SEO optimization, and CPM, and all that crap, when it was all rigged. Just ridiculous.

Justice Department opens probe of Minneapolis police after Chauvin conviction.

Lebron James tweets a picture of, and a threat at, the Police officer who saved a young girls life by taking a shot just as some 200lb 15 year old animal was about to stab her to death. He has since deleted it. In the olden days, if you fucked with the Police like this, you’d get stopped every time a cop saw you, and they would kindly make sure every aspect of your vehicle was in full safety and regulatory compliance for you, and you didn’t have any potentially harmful contraband on your person which might harm you. Notice how today, where you could still have a highly conscientious officer here or there who might show such concern, these characters have no worries of igniting such activity against them. Think about what LeBron must know, to be so sure he will never suffer any backlash from making an open threat against a good cop who was doing his duty.

Attorney Benjamin Crump tweeted Tuesday evening that police in Columbus, Ohio, had shot an “unarmed” Ma’Khia Bryant, though body camera footage released by police showed that the teenager was armed with a knife and about to stab another woman. I have no doubt if I called this guy, and offered him a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the surveillance infrastructure, he would run the other way. He is an agent of it, or he has a deal where he is allowed to operate, so long as he won’t challenge it. That will be true of most big criminal defense attorneys, because any one of them could get every criminal off just by exposing the extent of the conspiracy’s illegal surveillance – but none ever will. It is very strange how many people know, and must view us on the outside as utterly clueless rubes.

Mother of a 16-year-old hippopotamus shot dead by Police in the middle of a mad stabbing spree says she “promoted peace.”

White House condemns ‘Police violence’ in response to the Officer stopping the stabber before she could kill that girl. All a script to drive racial tensions. When the dam bursts, they want you hating anyone but them.

Two 15-year-old boys were in a deadly gun battle just miles and minutes from the fatal Police shooting of knife wielding 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant, while in Cincinnati, a 13-year-old black girl stabed to death a 13-year-old black girl the night before.

“She came after me with the knife, so the police got her,” says the woman who was almost stabbed in a new body cam released from the Columbus PD.

Valerie Jarret tweets of the above incident, “A Black teenage girl named Ma’Khia Bryant was killed because a police officer immediately decided to shoot her multiple times in order to break up a knife fight. Demand accountability. Fight for justice. #BlackLivesMatter.”

For the archives so we don’t forget – the scumbag reporter who used an illegal hack to dox a paramedic who contributed a few bucks to Kyle Rittenhouse, probably in between running illegal surveillance on innocent citizens. Remember our enemies.

AOC, and the ‘Squad’ members promote ‘Defund the Police’ but spend thousands on private security. And on hidden earpieces. The security is mostly just flexing. They know nobody who is a threat could ever get near them given Cabal’s ground game.

The Virginia Department of Education is taking steps to end advanced diplomas in the name of equity.

University banned from contributing to the Linux Kernel for intentionally inserting bugs. It is all, business, government, education, culture, one giant intelligence operation working as a business, and one giant business working as an intelligence operation.

Manhattan DA’s office will no longer prosecute prostitution cases. Obviously no broken windows either.

L.A. ordered by judge to provide shelter for entire homeless population on Skid Row by fall.

Stanford University scientists caught using aborted babies’ fingers in tax-funded experiments.

Two women get caught trying to use a fake $1 million bill at Dollar General, and, when confronted, they claimed not to have known the bill was fraudulent.

Celebrities will not have to wear masks at the Oscars while the cameras are on — but they will need to wear them during commercials.

Chile has surging Chinavirus, and it appears to be because they are using China’s vaccine, which doesn’t work.

Makers of COVID-19 vaccines are now destroying long-term safety studies by unblinding their trials and giving the control groups the active vaccine, claiming it is “unethical” to withhold an effective vaccine.

An unvaccinated health care worker set off a Covid-19 outbreak at a nursing home in Kentucky where the vast majority of residents had been vaccinated, leading to dozens of infections, including 22 cases among residents and employees who were already fully vaccinated. They don’t see the incongruity. If the vaccine didn’t protect anybody else, then the employee could have been vaccinated too, and still caught it wherever they caught it, and brought it in.

For almost a year Fauci’s Agency has stonewalled Judicial Watch’s FOIA request on the Wuhan Lab links, so now Judicial Watch is suing. Always remember the Spec Ops guy who sent in his account of his involvement the night Seth Rich was killed, with verifiable information, and Judicial Watch covered it up rather than investigate the info. If there is something which will legitimately blow open the conspiracy, Judicial Watch will cover it up.

Social media company Nextdoor introduces an “anti-racism” notification to warn neighbors not to say “All Lives Matter” or “Blue Lives Matter.”

The United States Strategic Command has issued a stark and terrifying warning, saying that the United States must be prepared for nuclear war.

UFO expert makes a fairly convincing case the pyramid shaped UFO video may just have been a high flying airplane’s navigation lights which were made to look triangular by a trick of the camera.

67 percent of Americans are unaware of John Durham probe according to a new poll. He is like Ken Starr without the publicity.

Brooklyn BLM protestors heckle diners at ‘white men-owned’ taqueria following the Chauvin verdict, yelling, ‘Get the fuck out of New York.’

Black Lives Matter protests ‘correlate with a 10 percent increase in murders’ in areas where they occur. Those would be black areas, and most blacks are not the dumb, leftist ideologues you see on TV claiming to represent the community. They are practical people who know that as the Police are attacked and pull back, they are less safe from the savages among them. BLM is fomenting hate for whites among the programmable sheep and the low IQ’s, but the majority of blacks in those communities are building a growing hatred for BLM.

Texas Constitutional Carry bill passes House, 84-56, with the Senate fight next.

Spread r/K Theory, because we are going to need that right to carry.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“had a sterilizing effect as they spread”

Yes, that would definitely impact fertility but it’s probably imperfect. Somehow I doubt this will slow down Africa’s fertility very much. Anyways, such a virus would be worldwide by now and uncontainable, unless there have been individuals (fertile aged women) living off-grid and off-contact since vaxxing began. It also seems a big chunk of fertility reduction is placenta related so the mRNA doesn’t seem to be effecting fetus development.

Brave New World here we come. Anybody want a glass of soma?

Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

You should start your own blog instead of piggybacking on AC’s. I’d sure as hell read it. : )

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Metal Militia
3 years ago

If I do, I will definitely let you all know.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Sign me up!

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Be interesting what the birthrate curve looks like in twenty years. Looking back we might be starting the descent into an artificially created precipice now.

3 years ago

The Post Office is exactly where I would put an Intelligence operation if I were starting one.

Little known facts:

Ben Franklin was Post Master for the Colonies for the British before the Revolution prior to being Post Master for the United States.

Ben Franklin was accused of being a British spy and there is evidence the charge was true.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“somebody is likely watching at least many of your keystrokes, if not all of them, in real time. It is much worse than you can imagine. And their capabilities are far beyond what you would think is possible. And they go farther than you would ever think anyone would go.”

My friend (that I’ve known since HS) has a scrap business. One of the things they work on is computers and he tells me there are mini-cameras in about one-third to half of laptop computer screens. These aren’t the cameras at the top of the device (the one you all probably cover with tape) but actual smaller cameras embedded into the screens. So they can watch you while you are watching something. I guess their thought is “people aren’t going to cover their whole screen” so they have actual surveilling cameras in the LED part of the screen.

I didn’t believe him until he showed me, and yes there appeared to be photosensitive devices not related to the screen in several of the disassembled screens he showed me. Now, is this on every device? I have no idea, but these devices are pretty small (a little less than 1/4 the size of the regular camera which itself is very small). By the laws of physics the optical abilities of these cameras wouldn’t be great, but they can probably focus around 2 or 3 feet from the screen which is all you would need.

These may be some sort of photo-regulative devices that are specific to certain brands, but there definitely is an ability for your screen (not just you camera) to look back at you.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Those are sensor for automatically adjusting screen brightness. So kind of a camera, but not like you’re thinking.
I’ve been in IT for 20 years and never heard of anything like “hidden cameras under the LCD”

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Ditto. Video signals, even compressed, are a significant amount of data to move. Hiding that signal is very, very hard.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

It may only require periodic photos, like spyware that takes periodic screenshots during high activity every second or so.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

Could be, but newer devices probably have more espionage devices implanted in them. Plus, special classes of targeted individuals are very likely to have funky stuff everywhere and in everything around them.

10 or 15 years ago, I would totally agree with you. That’s why I was so skeptical of my friend (my background is in engineering). These days, and after a few years on AC’s blog, I don’t trust anything. Definitely don’t buy Huawei phones and Lenovo computers, because I never will.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

No Lenovo? then what do you recommend

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Can you get pictures of the cameras?

Also, if they are embedded in the screen, then why don’t they show up as a black dot, like a burned-out pixel?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  map
3 years ago

I will make the attempt. May take a day or two.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago
Name (required)
Name (required)
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Light sensor for automatic screen brightness?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“FBI labeled Steve Scalise and GOP assassination attempt by a politically motivated mass shooter, as a ‘suicide by cop’ and not a domestic terrorism incident, or political violence.”

Yawn. Wake me up when somebody, other than the Almighty, actually punishes the bad guys. Hopefully I’m not sleeping until judgement day.

On the other side though, look at it from the Heavenly perspective. FBI is created. FBI turns America flaming Democrat/Liberal. FBI runs America into the ground. Fallen, degenerate America attempts war with China and Russia simultaneously while undergoing massive civil unrest. Russia and China defeat America, nuking it and killing 99% of it’s population. FBI is destroyed. FBI agents burn in Hell for all eternity (and yes that includes the Catholic FBI agents).

“I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!”
-Jesus (Matthew 7:23)

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Chris Christie reportedly mulling another presidential run in 2024.”

Quick, somebody leave a pack of canolis on that bridge in Jersey he jammed up.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“White House condemns ‘Police violence’ in response to the Officer stopping the stabber before she could kill that girl. All a script to drive racial tensions. When the dam bursts, they want you hating anyone but them.”

Very true, but nobody made that hippo go feral. That was all her, on her own that did that. And that was a 15 year old, imagine her at 25 with 6 or 7 kids. Imagine your 1 or 2 kids being in school with those 6 or 7, imagine that school environment in a few years at the rate our country is declining. Yikes, that’s the end of you and your family tree.

Cabal is banking on that, and on that subject, they will win, unless you separate and stay separated.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Two 15-year-old boys were in a deadly gun battle just miles and minutes from the fatal Police shooting of knife wielding 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant, while in Cincinnati, a 13-year-old black girl stabed to death a 13-year-old black girl the night before.”

Can’t unite with that, ever. Anybody who put White kids in school with those animals is going straight to Hell when Russia nukes us.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Zero hedge has surv video from across the street:

What strikes me the most is how everyone is just milling around waiting until the cop shows up, and then SUDDENLY everything goes stabby.

We’re watching a movie.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ya, I won’t deny all of that, and that could be, but not every violent diversity interaction is scripted. The child sacrifice thing definitely seems legit though, with what we know and suspect about this thing.

So “the talk” that a lot of Black parents give their kids is probably a little different from what many of them tell us. A lot of that “talk” probably goes something like “blacks are genetically superior, we wuz kangz n’gyptians and fight every pig you see, if you die you get reincarnated into a really nice life etc. etc.”. That’s what the “talk” would have to be for them to behave like this.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“For the archives so we don’t forget – the scumbag reporter who used an illegal hack to dox a paramedic who contributed a few bucks to Kyle Rittenhouse, probably in between running illegal surveillance on innocent citizens. ”

Salt Lake City is becoming a new Babylon. Guess that’s why all the LDS are moving out. Not a place I would want to be on the day of Burning.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The United States Strategic Command has issued a stark and terrifying warning, saying that the United States must be prepared for nuclear war.”

I remember a Q drop where Q said if they f’ed with the nukes the storm would begin. Well they messed with the nukes. You let me know when that storm is happening Q, otherwise, I’ll be moving to Uruguay.

3 years ago

The Real Story is who really runs and has run the U.S. Postal Service for years. And Surveillance is in it’s DNA. TENTACLES OF SERCO STRANGLE AMERICA and it all started with the U.S. Company known as RCA.

3 years ago

“Or perhaps human cells commonly have RNA viruses we have yet to detect in them, and these RNA strands are somehow reproducing using the machinery that those RNA viruses brought in and hijacking their capsid proteins to spread as viruses.”

Endogenous retroviruses comprise 5-8% of the human genome.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Then there could be a back and forth process gradually adding dna to the human genome. Engineered viruses (or mRNA bits) would be more likely to degrade and get implanted in human (and animal) dna.

I guess in 100 years all humans will be part coronachan. Cats, bats and pangolins too.

3 years ago

No idea if this is true or not, but big of true.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

It seems genuine as far as my russian goes. Excellent trolling by Putin! 🙂

And as I wrote a week or so ago, let’s watch Putin, because who knows what is going on. And this is a very strong indicator he believes that the Patriots are in control in some way. Great! 🙂


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

If true its a judo move, where you use your opponents movement energy against them. Putin is a judo expert so it could very well be true.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Since I didn’t see it commented, for the record this is not true. Panorama is a Russian satire site.

A Country Farmer
A Country Farmer
3 years ago

> The post office has probably always been an intelligence honey pot

I was thinking recently how the post office could be the largest intelligence operation: Six days out of the week, the government in the form of the post office walks up the door of just about every citizen in the country, even in the most remote of places.

Name (required)
Name (required)
3 years ago

“BLM is fomenting hate for whites among the programmable sheep and the low IQ’s, …”

The average IQ in those communities is 85. Two thirds qualify as low IQ.

“… but the majority of blacks in those communities are building a growing hatred for BLM.”

A significant number of blacks in those communities amuse themselves with knife fights and gun fights. The rest accept that. I don’t think this will work the way you think it will work.

Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago


Dave, again.
Dave, again.
3 years ago

AC, I live in NYC, and if you think the majority of the black community has a growing hatred of BLM then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

The reality is that BLM, and really any hustle/grift meant to “get over” on whites, is well loved.

Most black people, but definitely not all, love anything that they think makes white people feel lousy, even if it’s a blatant lie.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In my experience you are generally correct, and I’ve known a number of level headed, hard working black people who, once they felt comfortable around me, let me know their true feelings about race in America.

They confirmed my assessment that a majority, though not a huge majority, of the black community loves anything that makes whites feel uncomfortable or knocks white authority down a peg or two.

A small minority in the black community actively hate white people and will go out of their way to harm us or interfere with us if they can get away with it. Again, that’s a small but very real minority of black people.

That’s my direct, personal experience with black people after 30 years in NYC.

There are millions of warm, wonderful black people who have never done wrong and deserve a fair shot, and basically get one in the U.S., but they are not a majority. Maybe 49% if I’m feeling generous.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

And that is why most of them will have to be expelled and why their communities here and abroad never amount to anything without being uplifted.

I don’t what percentage of them are bad but the bad and those who go along with them in public are a majority.

Whites are not perfect but at least from time to time they have put the majority on the side of good or made a stand as a minority for good enough to create modern (not postmodern) civilization.

The expulsion is going to get rid of white leftists and their go along to get alongs too, it isn’t racial.
But don’t be surprised if it has a disparate impact.

3 years ago

VPN is still a great step at obfuscating what you’re doing online.
It is a decent security and privacy tool.

Just because some vulnerability was found and exploited, doesn’t mean that the tech is invalid.
As a former user of Pulse VPN, everyone knows it’s complete shit. Unsurprising it was comped.

If it would be useful, I can write in more detail on options, and also an option not mentioned; hosting the VPN yourself.

Ref: Cyber Security Bro

Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

How are you obfuscating your online presence if you are hosting the VPN yourself?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

Another small example of the “Who would spend their own money on this kind of thing? ” You’ve clued me in, AC, that it’s not their own money.

comment image

3 years ago

France’s military shows courage and signals that K selection keeps getting stronger:

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

Great article covering the Biden backers plans to silence and punish dissidents by linking them to helping Russia. It’s basically the China social credit system since it goes after the associations of the dissident including spouses and children.

Also taking your property since commie’s going to commie.

3 years ago

I’ve been compiling a list of everyone I know (or people they know, and have told me about) who have had COVID. There’s a lot that doesn’t add up.

For example, two cases I know of, one family member tested positive (and in one case, died) but no one else in the household ever had symptoms or tested positive or have antibodies despite not wearing masks at home or distancing.

For myself and my husband, in spite of us both having certain risk factors and having been exposed to symptomatic people who tested positive, we haven’t had it, or a positive test, or a positive antibody test.

My list has over 50 people on it and I’m curious enough to ask about various things to see what cases have in common but I’ve become even more curious about all of us who have somehow avoided it, without being particularly cautious.

My husband was diagnosed last year with cancer. While following all medical advice and treatments, I found some studies about his type of cancer and a compound found in broccoli called sulforaphane. From that day (a year ago), we have both eaten broccoli or broccoli sprouts almost daily and also taken a supplement. Turns out sulforaphane has been studied for it’s impact on all sorts of diseases and I’ve even found a few relating it’s dietary presence as a possible reason for the COVID slum paradox. I’ve been asking my people about diet because I’m so fascinated by this idea. So far the mildest positive cases or people who have continued to work and go about life as normally as possible during this whole thing who have never tested positive, are all people who tend to eat a lot of vegetables in general, including broccoli.

Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

Most of the people I know in meatspace have tested positive for COVID-19. Most of those had only minor symptoms. One elderly female friend of the family is 83, has diabetes and Parkinson’s Disease, and spent a rough week in the hospital, got out, got the Moderna shot, and a month later was back in the hospital with COVID again. Despite being in the worst age group and in poor health already, she’s still trucking. Oh, and in the entire extended meatspace network, no people we know, or anyone they know has died of it.

January of last year, both my wife and I were “maybe we should call an ambulance” sick. And then we got better. COVID? The CDC was still denying it was in the US then, and there wasn’t a test for it until months later anyway. And those tests almost always said ‘positive’, no matter what kind of sample matter was sent in.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I don’t know anybody IRL who has had it. One of my children had to get a test that came back positive, but all he had were general cold symptoms. The other one had to get tested at work a few times, but it always came back negative. I won’t even consider a test since I think it’s all BS.

All of my coworkers have gotten the vaccine, but none of my friends will consider it. I talked to my neighbor a week or two ago. He thinks it’s BS. My state sent out a “Public Safety Alert” the other day about the vaccine being available. I disabled those alerts on my phone. Talk about abusing the system.

3 years ago

Biden’s new tax proposals send the market lower.

3 years ago

A more apt headline would be: “Manhattan DA’s office will no longer prosecute prostitutes”.

You see, the women (and “women”) are helpless victims of inexorable fate, and will benefit from all the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining. The johns, on the other hand, are penis-wielding oppressors, and the criminal justus system will persecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

Yes, it’s quite blatant. Compare drugs, where many states prosecute the providers, not the users. Logically we should be doing the same with prostitution.

3 years ago

In the early ’90’s, I had a martial arts buddy whose wife worked in the corporate HQ of World Vision, the international relief organization. She said that a portion of their lavish modern office building was “the government part”, and it was sealed off with a key card entry system and verboten for regular employees to access for any reason.

At the time, I had heard of World Vision chicanery in refugee camps in Palestine and Lebanon, and supposed that this was just evidence of Company affiliation (like Evergreen Aviation in McMinnville, OR). Now I wonder if it was more of a Cabal outpost rather than just a standard Langley operation.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

cabal outpost = standard Langley operation

3 years ago

In addition to Valerie Jarett, look how many of these twatlets are so confident, based on their vast experience, that defending against a knife attack is safe, simple, and invariably successful:

While you partied, they studied the blade.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

That last fatal sentence! Haha my sides!

3 years ago

More on the Postal Service Spying on Americans – The USPIS Included “Lists of Donors and/or Potential Donors’ In Warrants to Arrest ‘We Build The Wall’ Leaders

3 years ago
3 years ago

Russia Behind ‘Directed Energy’ Attacks On US Troops In Syria: Pentagon Officials

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

cia/mossad pricks behind allegations of Russian attacks on US troops in Syria. AND – cia/mossad pricks behind “Russian” attacks on US troops in Syria. (PICK AT LEAST ONE)

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Mossad retards trying to false flag again.

3 years ago

> data is coming

As I understand it, the only Constitutional authority to do anything with that data lies with the Supreme Court. And they’ve *already* ruled that they won’t touch any lawsuits involving the election.

It could be a rallying cry if President Trump calls for the Boog, but his followers don’t need *more* “proof,” and the ones against him wouldn’t believe it if Jesus and a troupe of line-dancing angels swanned in and personally told them it was the real deal.

3 years ago

> not intercepted and opened.

Modern scanners can read your letters right through the envelope, unfold the image, and display it on a screen. The only reason they need to open an envelope is to get access to a physical object.

I don’t know if it’s being done by default… but they scan every piece of mail that comes through, and the images are indexed to addresses and individuals and email accounts, and retained… forever, as far as anyone knows. Some of that information is available to the public – just create an “Informed Delivery” account here: – or get “Informed” about someone else’s mail; their security is risible.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I can’t speak for others, but except for packages, my mail is either bills or junk about refinancing, new credit cards, windows, and other things. It’s all junk. The USPS could go away and it would probably improve my life because I wouldn’t have to spend so much time ripping up junk mail.

Email is getting to be the same way.

3 years ago

> AOC, and the ‘Squad’ members promote ‘Defund the Police’ but spend thousands on private security.

They’re spending *your* thousands, not theirs.

3 years ago

> Lebron James

Basketball playaz. A class so privileged, President Trump had to kiss Chinese ass to get three of James’ compadres out of Chinese jail when they decided they could just pick up items in Chinese stores and walk out without paying.

We’ve had Americans rotting in foreign jails for years – and likely still do – but they weren’t sportsball players, so fuck them.

3 years ago

> China’s vaccine, which doesn’t work.

Chinese counterfeit drugs are a problem *here*, in the USA. No Federal agency seems to be doing anything constructive about it. Everything from counterfeit cancer drugs to warfarin have showed up in the American market and traced back to China.

The profit margin for warfarin – used as a blood thinner for cardiac patients, mostly – has to be close to zero, if not negative, once you figure making the fake, shipping it across China, shipping it across the Pacific, and smuggling it into the US supply chain, where it will only get the steeply-discounted “distrbutor” price. Warfarin isn’t common on the retail market nowadays, but it’s produced by the railcar-load and sold to farmers as rat poison. The cost of real warfarin is in the packaging and profit margin; the warfarin itself is trivial.

Do some web searching on “counterfeit drugs USA” and you’ll be extra-double-paranoid next time you get a prescription filled.

3 years ago

> Former AG Barr lands book deal

I never liked him much to start with, and he kept sliding to the left, then started working against the President. Looks like he’s getting his payoff now.

I liked DJT a lot, but it’s sort of scary how often he picked people who then turned around and stabbed him in the back. And then he mostly just put up with it instead of firing their asses.

3 years ago

I’m afraid to ask this, but are you coming across any reports of sudden infant newborn deaths? I mean, if this covid vaccine is so dangerous as to prompt miscarriages in women who’re briefly in close proximity to vaccinated women, I’m curious how fatal it might be to newborns.

3 years ago

On surveillance by USPS: this has been obvious for a long time. Look into the House of Thurn & Taxis. You have to assume all couriers and postal agencies are at least infiltrated, if not surveillance operations outright. Such an obvious opportunity wouldn’t be left alone.

Do you know the story of Federal Express? The founder, Fred Smith, rescued the company from bankruptcy by winning big at blackjack. Hmm. The article below also mentions Bill Gross, founder of PIMCO, did the same for his company. Hmm.

Chris Lee
Chris Lee
3 years ago

AC there is a vid out there that redpill78 did with @johnheretohelp, and he talks about “The voice of God” that he discovered while working for MI, in that vid he says Iran used this “voice” in Cuba, and they didnt know how to use it properly, so consequently they damaged our people. It is a very intriguing take on what happened in Cuba, personally i believe him, he makes a very compelling case and his emotions are impossible to miss, i hope you can find it,it was on Redpill78, I guarantee u will find it relevant to everything you are doing, great blog take care

3 years ago
TENTACLES my friends,
Look up Christmas Island in AU, there’s this huge detention center on that island. Mostly Indonesians. It’s shut down now, except for the fact that serco runs it, & they need to keep money flowing, so now they imprisoned a family of 4, who were in Melbourne, illegals from Sri Lanka, so AU imprisoned them in 2015 or 16, they are still there and won’t be deported back to Sri Lanka, but AU doesn’t want them either. It’s costing AU 2.6 million a year to keep them imprisoned. 4 people. 2 are small children.