News Briefs – 04/28/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

For the reader who requested it, AMLO, Mexico’s President says he is going to disband his country’s domestic surveillance because it had been tailing him for years. Whatever this is, is all over the globe, and working together in concert across national boundaries. More and more, I think the meme of nations was just to distract us, and make us think our own nation would never betray us because a competing nation would rat them out to us to sow division.

President Trump’s statement on the Arizona audit:

The Radical Left Democrat Party has gone absolutely INSANE in fighting the Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, right now taking place in the Great State of Arizona. They sent a team of over 100 lawyers to try and stop it because they know what the result of the Arizona Senate sponsored audit will be—and it won’t be good for the Dems. The audit is independently run, with no advantage to either side, but the Democrats don’t want to hear anything about it because they know that they lost Arizona, and other scam election States, in a LANDSLIDE. They also know that the Arizona State Legislature approved virtually none of their many election requests, which is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The people of Arizona are very angry, as are the people of our Country. If we can’t have free and fair elections, we don’t have a Country. The audit must continue. America deserves the TRUTH!

Judge Martin allows AZ audit to continue until ruling on Wednesday.

Count of illegal alien population was excluded from the U.S. Census data. I thought Biden was supposed to reverse that?

No designated survivor chosen for Biden’s joint address to Congress. Supposedly because a bunch of cabinet members will not attend. But you still have a lot in one place, meaning a hit at the speech and just a few hits elsewhere could decapitate the government. You would think protocol is protocol, and one cabinet member would get SS-level protection, if everything was as it appears.

President Biden said he would be “in trouble” if he continued to take questions from reporters during a rare back-and-forth with the press Tuesday afternoon. Who is the authority over the leader of the free world?

After questions arise, the media now says migrant children were not given a copy of Kamala Harris’ children’s book, and the story about it was wrong, and the photo of the book in the sample package being given out was just a single copy they had laying around and threw in the package. Her book is #575 in all of books at Amazon right now, and that is a more than 2 year old, $12, 40 page book with each page appearing to be a bubble cartoon of children with a single sentence like, “Heroes stand up for what is right.” And she never even thought about what would be in it. The first Harry Potter is almost #1300 in all of books (which is a huge difference in units sold as it is not linear), at about the same price for a 300 page story, which kids have gone nuts over forever. Evopsych is about #500,000, which is not bad given the age and lack of marketing. Nobody is buying her book, except as a political payoff. At that rate, with that few pages, I’d guess she is probably getting about a half mil a year there base profit, not counting a bulk purchase here and there when she pleases her masters, depending on how rich the deal her publisher gave her is.

A newly declassified report shows the FBI trawled through vast troves of Americans’ communications collected by the National Security Agency Despite previous warnings it was violating the Constitution.

House Republicans asked President Biden’s nominee for the ATF to investigate if Hunter Biden, the president’s son, lied during a background check in order to obtain a firearm.

Hunter Biden will guest teach a class on ‘fake news’ at Tulane University this fall for students interested in media polarization.

Biden to deploy 650 more troops to Afghanistan.

Biden seeks $80 billion to boost IRS enforcement. This is probably a covert threat to wealthy trump supporters. We just don’t see it because at our level, we don’t really grasp the complexity of tax law at that level and how everyone’s taxes are subjective and arguable. But a wealthy Trump supporter is probably swallowing hard when they see that.

Biden has Andrew Cuomo lead White House COVID calls with Governors.

Over 50% of liberal, white women under 30 have a mental health issue. Mental health issues do not get better as people get older and life begins to run out of the hourglass.

Republicans demand an investigation and resignation of John Kerry for allegedly leaking secrets to Iran.

Adam Schiff has a book deal for release later this year. Will be about Impeachment. No word on terms, but the publisher is Random House so it will be rich. Again, nobody will buy this book and devote time from their life to read it. He didn’t even write it. But he will get millions from it in plain sight.

DHS begins internal investigation to identify dangerous employees with patriotic perspectives, aka “domestic extremists.”

Washington Post will no longer maintain Presidential fact-checking database now that it will have to report on Biden’s lies.

NPR does a piece saying many people welcome suffering adverse events from the Chinavirus vaccine because it means it is working. I find it so disturbing they are rolling out the psyops to get people to willingly take a vaccine that is dangerous. Everything now is psyops and trickery to try and control the people, and make them do things which are bad for them. Nobody can just be honest and make a case with facts, and let people make up their own minds as free citizens. Everything is lies, division, manipulation, and trickery by professionals with degrees and decades in the craft. And it is all the small cadre of Cabal that has taken over the country foisting this upon us. The rest of us would be perfectly fine with each other.

COVID-19 cases are plummeting nationally, but the media is hiding it.

Some new moms are selling their breast milk online after getting vaccinated, and advertising that their milk has COVID antibodies. Pass on that.

Children as young as 6 months old are now in COVID-19 vaccine trials.

Pentagon tracking 14 cases of heart inflammation in troops after COVID-19 shots.

Spotify’s Joe Rogan encourages “healthy” young people not to get a coronavirus vaccine.

COVID-19 pill that cures body upon first signs of infection could be authorized later this year.

California’s Secretary of State has rejected nearly 20% of all the signatures gathered thus far to force a recall election of Governor Gavin Newsom, according to figures released on Monday. Still got enough though.

For the archival material of Cabal, a Chinese lady has a whole twitter of videos which she says are of people in Singapore following her around. The news article makes it sound like she is crazy. But the video I saw was of a guy, who she was asking why she should have to be around them, and he was acting as if she wasn’t there. If she were to start filming me, and ask me that, I’d have been curious, and asked what she was saying, and engaged her in a curious conversation about what she was talking about. But the people she films assiduously will not even acknowledge her presence. One guy even felt the need to post to twitter that he hadn’t responded to her because he was so engrossed in the selection of different peanut butters in front of him in the store that he hadn’t noticed her filming him. Who doesn’t have a favorite brand of peanut butter you just buy reflexively? Or if you are on a budget, who doesn’t just buy the cheapest house brand? Who is so engrossed in bottles of peanut butter, which all look the same through the glass, that you don’t notice a Chinese lady filming you for three minutes with her phone? They deleted her youtube for obvious reasons. At this point the curiosity about all of this is just too much. Why would anybody care to get into her life against her will? And who messes with a girl, let alone a little Chinese girl? So weird.

Barnard College English instructor was featured on a Canadian radio show earlier Monday in which he discussed blowing up and gassing white people in an imagined race war.

The Washington, D.C., police department said Monday that its computer network was breached, and a Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate claimed to have stolen sensitive data, including on informants, that it threatened to share with local criminal gangs unless police paid an unspecified ransom.

Michigan police cancel PTSD training session with controversial ‘Killology’ speaker after he tells officers ‘best sex’ happens after killing and taking a life is ‘not a big deal.’ Ironically, this guy was probably the best brain-molder out there. That is top-tier amygdala-diversion, and now the department is going to bring in some guy who will turn their steeliest-eyed killers into whimpering sissies who think killing a bad guy is the most traumatic thing in the world. And I’m not saying cops should be encouraged to begin killing with free abandon for fun, but if a guy has it coming, it really isn’t a big deal, and shouldn’t be made out to be.

Mass exodus of retiring police officers may lead to a national public safety crisis.

MI-6 is devoting its intelligence resources to enforcing Climate Change agreements.

A New York Post article that is too long to waste time reading, but which goes into minute detail on how Howard Stern’s show now does nothing but suck up to the elites and push the established narratives about everything, nobody is listening anymore, and yet Sirius is paying him $120 million per year, for the next five years, to do three shows a week for 3 hours per day, and he even crams all of those shows into just 112 days of work, with 253 days off. Ticket taking has its perks, I suppose.

Amazon may have deleted a Clarence Thomas documentary to create a conflict so Thomas will have to recuse in a future case Amazon may have coming up before the Court on Section 230.

Liz Cheney says of Donald Trump running for President in 2024, “I don’t think that that’s going to happen. And I think it’s important that it not happen, given what he did.”

Trump says of Liz Cheney, “Liz Cheney is polling sooo low in Wyoming, and has sooo little support, even from the Wyoming Republican Party, that she is looking for a way out of her Congressional race. Based on all polling, there is no way she can win. She’ll either be yet another lobbyist or maybe embarrass her family by running for President, in order to save face. This warmongering fool wants to stay in the Middle East and Afghanistan for another 19 years, but doesn’t consider the big picture—Russia and China!”

Kevin McCarthy won’t say if Liz Cheney is a ‘good fit’ for the GOP leadership.

Liz Cheney’s relationship with GOP leadership may be at a ‘breaking point.’

Liz Cheney thinks she may be running for President in 2024.

Leftist polling site FiveThrityEight notes old establishment Republicans are still suddenly announcing retirements at a fair pace, and attributes it to establishment Republicans are leaving because they don’t like Donald Trump’s effect on the party.

One of the people doing the auditing in Arizona is a Democrat progressive and Bernie Sanders supporter who says, “There really hasn’t been any audits. It’s no different than an emissions test by Volkswagen passing an emissions test on a diesel car.” He says the elites “built a computer that they knew would cheat.”

20 retired Generals, 80 ex-Officers call for Military rule to halt ‘Islamists’ from ‘disintegrating society’ if Macron won’t take action in France. Another country, and another cadre of Generals who are stepping up against Cabal’s plans to collapse the West.

Rasmussen poll shows 37% of Americans are buying less Coca-Cola. We have power.

Black people overwhelmingly support local police departments according to a CBS News/YouGov Poll. Everything you see is an illusion which only persists because they control the media. Black people overwhelmingly support Police, because they know just how dangerous the psychos in their community are. But you won’t see that on the propaganda shows.

The Polk County Republican Party held its precinct caucuses and county convention on Saturday, April 17, with a new party chair and a new slate of officers elected. The old party chair just stepped down.

Actor Randy Quaid says he is ‘seriously considering’ running for California governor against Caitlyn Jenner to ‘clean up prosecutorial corruption’ in the state after having multiple run-ins with the law.  Celebrity star whackers BTFO’d. I would vote for him.

Idaho Senate passes a bill, and could be the first state banning critical race theory in schools.

Republican-controlled legislatures are charging forward with a raft of new state laws imposing stricter controls on voting.

NRA-ILA asks Supreme Court to strike New Jersey’s magazine restriction.

Mike Flynn says, “You’re not alone out there. There are people out there fighting for everybody, every freedom that we have, so don’t worry about it, & we’re going to be ok; just keep up the good work and keep helping us out in any way that you can.”

Spread r/K Theory, because the show isn’t over till the fat lady sings.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“AMLO, Mexico’s President says he is going to disband his country’s domestic surveillance because it had been tailing him for years”

Irony of ironies, Mexico becomes less cucked than the West in a few years, although AMLO may be doing this to take pressure off the cartels, whom he is likely afraid of. The cartels don’t like it (domestic surveillance ie. cabal) because they’re realizing they are an appendage of some greater evil and when that evil wants to change their immediate management, well stuff tends to happen to that cartel’s management is really “uncomfortable” for them. You could call it the Mexican equivalent of getting fired.

3 years ago

This should be 04/28 not 04/27.

3 years ago

“Count of illegal alien population was excluded from the U.S. Census data. I thought Biden was supposed to reverse that?”

He did, the article says he won’t tell us how many were counted not that they were not counted.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Over 50% of liberal, white women under 30 have a mental health issue. Mental health issues do not get better as people get older and life begins to run out of the hourglass.”

If they were conservative at that age they would probably get more conservative and better adjusted (healthier mentally) as they aged. People tend to get more conservative as they age. This means there are large impediments in our society, socially engineered impediments, preventing most people, especially women, from becoming more conservative once they are below some level on the left-right spectrum. It also means being liberal or left-leaning is a literal psychiatric disorder.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

>people tend to grow more conservative as they age.

Healthy people, right.
If you are not liberal at twenty, you have no heart.
If you are not conservative at thirty, you have no brain.
IF you aren’t a “Knot-Zee” by fifty, you haven’t been paying attention. (!)

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Spotify’s Joe Rogan encourages “healthy” young people not to get a coronavirus vaccine.”

Look at that, Rogan just grew an inch.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Healthy people of any age shouldn’t be getting it.

If Ivermectin were made universally available this pandemic would have been over in a month. Hundreds of doctors are now prescribing it to patients and seeing incredible recoveries.

That safe, cheap and miraculously effective drugs like that are being suppressed tells us all we need to know about the medical “industry”, most doctors, and the oligarchs that own them.

The rot and corruption in our society is so pervasive and fundamental to how everything is now run that I don’t believe a team of committed white hats or patriots can save it. Even a majority of the population, fully awakened, would have trouble slaying this beast.

We need a biblical intervention at this point.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Ditto for HCQ

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Doubled his height.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Barnard College English instructor was featured on a Canadian radio show earlier Monday in which he discussed blowing up and gassing white people in an imagined race war.”

It’s like watching a Maltese growl at you. Funny at first, but if it tries to bite you, you can just kick it and launch it 100 feet away like a football. Then the situation is actually kind of funny again.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Mass exodus of retiring police officers may lead to a national public safety crisis.”

I read that as “Gun sales will continue to robustly grow well into the foreseeable future”.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I read that as “Federal Police – a civilian national security force just as big and just as well-funded as the military – will be coming on line to replace local police.”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Amazon may have deleted a Clarence Thomas documentary to create a conflict so Thomas will have to recuse in a future case Amazon may have coming up before the Court on Section 230.”

Poisoning the well legal strategy. The Chinese or the Jews thought up that one, not the American democrats. My money is on Zuckerberg’s handler, his Chinese “wife”.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Kevin McCarthy won’t say if Liz Cheney is a ‘good fit’ for the GOP leadership.”

McCarthy is compromised because he went balls deep on Renee Ellmers, while being married. There is video and McCarthy is owned. That’s why he’s been so lukewarm. He will pull his punches on Cheney if he can. Contrast this with Matt Gaetz and the WY-GOP and their interactions with Cheney.

TBH infidelity kompromat is probably the least bad kompromat one can have, these days.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Rasmussen poll shows 37% of Americans are buying less Coca-Cola. We have power.”

Witnessed this personally. Remember, no Sprite, Fanta, Dr. Pepper, Minute Maid, Power Ade, Smart water, Gold Peak tea or Vitamin water either. Spread the word. Tea into the friggin’ harbor Patriots.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Randy Quaid … ‘seriously considering’ running for California governor against Caitlyn Jenner”

Randy, the shitter is literally full. Flush that SOB.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Mike Flynn says, “You’re not alone out there. There are people out there fighting for everybody, every freedom that we have, so don’t worry about it, & we’re going to be ok; just keep up the good work and keep helping us out in any way that you can.”

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”
Joshua 1:9

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Yea—tell that to the Russian aristocracy and Russian Orthodox clergy that was butchered by the Jewish led Bolshevik party!

Tell that to the countless Catholic clergy, monks and nuns that were butchered, the nuns raped in the Spanish Civil War.

Tell that to all the Catholics of the Vendee—all slaughtered down to the children.

They are coming for us. They mean to kill us all.

It is the Law of the Jungle now.

3 years ago

Regarding KH’s book, if this is all ticket payoffs, then no wonder 25 years ago the Feds decided to take a monopoly on book sales on the Internet.

And “the Cloud” may be very simple for bootstrapping your small startup, but it cost you large sums of money when you are in to the hundreds of machine instances.

Why should we believe Amazon’s book rankings again?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

You people have got to take a look at this. VP walking up jet steps to a green screen.

I hope Randy Quaid runs. “If” the votes were counted accurately I bet he could win.

“Republican-controlled legislatures are charging forward with a raft of new state laws imposing stricter controls on voting.”

This is great news. You know we could learn a lot from the Jews if we would pay attention. I go to zmans site and all the commenters are jumping up and down wanting a civil war and separation. They are idiots. If we have a real civil war it will be disaster of the highest proportions and countries all over the world will get involved. We will be like Germany in the thirty years war with people fighting back and forth until it’s all rubble. I have no doubt the Chinese would supply the Coastal States and they would most likely kick our ass. Not to mention I don’t believe these assholes running things would have any hesitation in nuking our cities.

If we can first work on getting real voting in the States we control then we are not far off from controlling enough votes to get constitutional amendments to have honest voting, or at least close enough, in all the States and use that to take the whole ball of wax. With that we could change the Supreme court decision that forced States to end regional representation which gave the cites so much overwhelming power. We could change the illegal Supreme court decision that said States can not have voting requirements. THEN it will be time to crush these fucks legislatively. BLM burning down the cities…right, arrest them all and put them in labor camps.
If possible end voting rights for Women.
Kick out all the illegal aliens.
Deport every single immigrant that took any public assistance since 1965.
Change the divorce laws back to what to they were in the 50’s.(If both wanted divorce then they could always go to Vegas to get one like in the past)
Sign up up Blacks for “reparations” but the kicker is they have to move to Liberia. Do it right and build walled mass apartment complexes for them there. Reparations payments $250,000. $50,000 up front for each Women and child. So she has four kids $250,000 up front. Then $50,000 a year for four years. How many Black Women do you think could resist that cash? The ones that couldn’t would be the ones that we most want to get rid of. Those with low time preference. At the same time end all affirmative action and bring back testing for jobs.
(I actually ran the numbers on this Blacks to Liberia scheme and if every Black left it would cost us an extra $1 Trillion dollars over what we pay not taking no account of crime cost but it would only be for five years.) Pay nothing to Blacks who stay.

In ten years this could be a totally different country.

It took the Jews well over 50 years to take over the US we could run them out in in 5.

3 years ago

I wish the Prots would give it up now!
AC headline: “DHS begins internal investigation to identify dangerous employees with patriotic perspectives, aka “domestic extremists.”
THAT IS A RELIGIOUS TEST! If you DON’T subscribe to Jewish Messianism of race-mixing, of the Tower of Babel—you will loose your job! “Patriotic perspectives” —-are dangerous!
See, this was Catholic Europe, Medieval Europe. You don’t allow heretics, anti-monarchists, Jews into your universities and state administration. You HAVE TO HAVE A RELIGIOUS TEST.
The whole “”””Enlightenment””” was the tear down of this, of Christendom—and yet, we see the Progressives, the people that ran the “”””Enlightenment”””” NOW imposing THEIR religious test here in the Enlightenment country of America—–IT’S ALL JOKE. All a charade.
Progressives, Comey, Mueller, the Cuban Jew Marxist Alejandro Mayorkas—all engaged in a religious test to hunt down “Patriots” and secure TOTAL control of the government!
That is HOW it is done. Real Politics. Realpolitik. The whole of the Enlightenment is nothing but LIES. America is nothing but ONE Large LIE.

The European rejected the righteous authority sent by God to be over him—and will NOW suffer the Lunacy and Evil of the Marxist Dictatorship of the Jews and the European Cuck.
You have absolutely NO idea on how to create or run a country. NONE. It is NOW the close of April—where is this supposed Cavalry to pull our arses out of the fire? I don’t see jack-shit going on—but the screws racheting up.
Jewish Messianism has won. The Jews have won. Face it. You rejected Throne and Altar—So God sent you, your true Masters—the Jews. The Jews rule—their game. And you can’t do shit about it.

Ann K.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Seraphim Rose gives a thorough and insightful analysis of this historical development here:

Reply to  Ann K.
3 years ago

Thanks for the link. Orthodoxy doesn’t have clean hands. In the 18th or 19th century, in Russia, it was the Masons that taught theology courses for Orthodox seminarians! There is quite a marriage between the Orthodox and the Masons. Much of their esoteric thought this “energies” of St. Palamas is really Kabbala.

3 years ago

AC your Newsbrief for today reads 04/27, while it should be 04/28

3 years ago

More and more, I think the meme of nations was just to distract us, and make us think our own nation would never betray us because a competing nation would rat them out to us to sow division.

Close. The subversive meme was that the state is the nation and the nation is the state.

3 years ago

You don’t need a designated survivor for a fake administration.

3 years ago

We just don’t see it because at our level, we don’t really grasp the complexity of tax law at that level and how everyone’s taxes are subjective and arguable.

Remember that they used tax laws to send Vox Day’s father to prison.


3 years ago

> Rasmussen poll shows 37% of Americans are buying less Coca-Cola. We have power.

I will never again knowingly purchase or consume any Coca-Cola product.

3 years ago

> we don’t really grasp the complexity of tax law at that level and how everyone’s taxes are subjective and arguable.

That’s one of the things that people warned about when the Amdendment was being debagted. And they did some fast shuck-and-jive and declared it had passed, without going through the required process.

The Fed has been broken for a long, long time.

Just passing through
Just passing through
3 years ago

Worth watching before it gets taken down:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That really was fascinating. The man is not a theologian and I would take issue with some of his theology. However, he seems to know about the Freemasons. If he’s right at all about them at all, then they have clearly Satanic roots (though many members somehow don’t know?). You’re not sure who the “cabal” is, but realistically if it existed in a semi-religious form this would have to be at its core. If it was not religious, it would be more like an extended/out of control national intelligence agency (with people believing they are doing their patriotic duty by assisting with secret cabal projects). Maybe it could be both. Seems this guy went 5+ hours without mentioning the J-word, which is strange. He also impugns almost all world leaders, including Trump, based on a handshake, which seems suspicious.

Since you’ve devoted so much time and energy to figuring out about cabal, I’d recommend you watch the whole thing and maybe report back to us on your thoughts.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The last 40ish minutes i had to rewatch straight away, very interesting, am a bit gutted if Putin’s NOT our Guy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

How likely is it that Cabal is synonymous with Freemasonry? That is, that every(perhaps most?) Cabal member is a Freemason.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

I think that it was at different times, like the late 18th century and mid 16th century. It was the Klan around the turn of the 19th/20th century. I think it falls back to the Jews when they don’t have a sneaker option.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“kid says:
April 29, 2021 at 12:58 pm

How likely is it that Cabal is synonymous with Freemasonry? That is, that every(perhaps most?) Cabal member is a Freemason.”

I don’t think they all are, that is just one branch of them.

Reply to  biff
3 years ago

I have heard that the Masons use various tests to separate the useful idiots from the satanists and keep the satanism from the useful idiots.

The example I remember was to order a member to spit on the cross or the 10 commandments or some other equivalent symbol for their religion.
If the member refused they were told they passed the test and moved to the useful idiot category where they were fed the idea that Masonry was GOD fearing and upright.
If they obeyed then they really passed the test and were inducted into the next level of the satanist side.

3 years ago

“No designated survivor chosen for Biden’s joint address to Congress. Supposedly because a bunch of cabinet members will not attend. But you still have a lot in one place, meaning a hit at the speech and just a few hits elsewhere could decapitate the government. You would think protocol is protocol, and one cabinet member would get SS-level protection, if everything was as it appears.”

Honestly, that’s the same thing they’d say if they had chosen a designated survivor. You don’t do enhanced security for someone by announcing to the world that he’s the designated secondary target.

Metal Militia
Metal Militia
3 years ago

Why does it take so long to see comments? It’s 1:30pm EST and no comments. What the hell?

Metal Militia
Metal Militia
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

No worries, AC. Love the site. Thanks for putting your time and effort into it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>> be anonymous conservative
>> decide to take long lunch
>> conspiracy theory whackjobs and weaponized tism wig out
>> deadman switches get thrown
>> sniper rifles start getting carried up belltowers
>> cabal blasts off for Mars base
>> suicide weekend comes on Tuesday
>> ac gets back to computer full of dos suckee and fajitas from local chilis

“What did I miss?”

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Kekus maximus

Reply to  Metal Militia
3 years ago

Patience is a virtue.
AC has a real life aside from this site.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The big lag time in the comment queue is rather annoying in conversations or threads or “chains” of discussion. Any one off posts or one which only need a few replies isn’t a big deal. But if you want a back and forth discussion the hours/half day-long wait time is bad and can kill it.

That’s a moderate-big downside of the moderation otherwise it’s working great for me. I don’t know if there’s a good solution though. Haven’t commented elsewhere so I don’t know if it’s common to have comments instantly show up. If spam can be fixed by a method which doesn’t have this downside I’d recommend that instead.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Metal Militia
3 years ago

Because our beneficent host has a life outside of this blog. Don’t be so rigid. Comments also matter little in the grand scheme of things.

Reply to  Metal Militia
3 years ago

>Why does it take so long to see comments? It’s 1:30pm EST and no comments. What the hell?

Maybe you should demand a refund of your fees, or take your business elsewhere?

3 years ago

I’m thinking that if Trump gets reinstated as president that at whatever point in time that occurs marks the beginning of his 4-year term.

If it occurs three years from now Trump still gets the full four years.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Musashi
3 years ago

The Supreme court would have to rule on it, or the military would make a summary judgement, because it would technically constitute a form of decapitation strike.

3 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I read this as LeBron instead of Lebanon. 😆

Reply to  Stephanie
3 years ago
