News Briefs – 06/18/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The National Security Agency has agreed to produce records about the FBI’s illegal snooping on 16,000 Americans, according to a letter that I received from the NSA this afternoon, and that suggests a political fight between the two agencies. What I see appears to be a lot more than just 16,000. This might just be legit LE surveillance of BLM-type protestors the Cabal doesn’t control. We’ll know if NSA is our people when guys like me sue over illegal surveillance and drop subpoenas on NSA for specific info that will pin down who our physical coverage is. The domestic network leaves footprints every day all the time. If NSA is on our side, they will be eager to help tear it down, and as always, I will report it here.

The Boston Bombing suspect’s uncle was married to a CIA officer’s daughter. How awkward. He even lived in the CIA officer’s house for a year. And this isn’t even a CIA officer who was hired to do the dangerous stuff and was viewed as an expendable rube by those who run things. This is one of the ones who went to work for RAND after getting out, where he was like an Agency mouthpiece in the media. You don’t get that job walking in off the street. Erik Prince went in as a full blown high IQ Navy SEAL with a billionaire heir’s resume, and CIA laughed and sent him out the door, before he went on to change the world all by himself with Blackwater, at which point the Agency recruited him just to control him better. This guy was royalty before the Agency ever brought him in. And his daughter is hitched up to a broke Chechen immigrant? I told you they bring their kids into it at a very early age, even running them in schools, against other kids. For those in it, by the time they reach adulthood, it is just like a way of life. They buy a house where it tells them. They spy on who it tells them. I suspect they sleep with who it tells them, and they may even marry who it tells them. They work where it tells them. They shop where it tells them. They give access to their house to the machine to install whatever it wants in it when it tells them. I suspect even the lowly street followers get earpieces, and the voice in the basement command center just jumps in their ear with directions whenever they are in the area of something. Then the kids bring their future spouses into it, and if they have kids, their kids get brought into it. Now I wonder about those shots of the team in hoodies and tan khakis with backpacks that looked a lot like the supposed bomb backpacks. I even wonder if the older brother got killed, or if he is on a beach in Tahiti, having a Mojito with Timothy McVeigh and Jeffrey Epstein. Nothing was what it seemed.

California exported activists to “Cure” mismarked ballots in Arizona and Georgia in the days following the election.

Democrat Colorado Secretary of State issues emergency rules prohibiting election audits. Ballsy move, but she is just in too deep. It tells you their panic at the thought of the conspiracy coming down. The bottom line is, if Cabal were still in full control, it would never have gotten this far. The judges, the legislators, the political machinery, the very people running the audits, would all have been redundant control points, where at any one of which, the old Cabal could have shut this thing down. But as this thing has reached each chokepoint, where Cabal should have killed it over and over again, it has sailed right through. Now it looks like we are on the verge of seeing just how massive the election fraud is, and exactly how it is done. I do not see how the conspiracy loses it’s fraudulent elections, and then is allowed to keep the corrupted intelligence/FBI infrastructure, the gangstalking networks (which are largely civilian-appearing), the financial fraud operations, the media control, the education system, or the rest of its machine. If the elections are lost, it must all be coming down. It will be quite a shocking collapse for the normies to witness.

Raffensperger’s own team was saying “bad, bad things” were happening in Fulton county elections but he ignored them and attacked President Trump on national TV instead. He was owned. No telling if he was born into it, or got approached when he got into the political game and took the deal, but now he will ride this thing right into the ground for the conspiracy. I sometimes wonder if I was a coward with no scruples, and bowed down before it, when it came, whether you’d be seeing me on TV now, talking about how dangerous Trump is, and how perfect our election integrity is. Chances are they knew what was up with me before we even got to that point, so probably not. But could I have surprised them?

Georgia elections officials hired thousands of individuals tied to the ACLU and other leftist groups for the 2020 election.

Documents that Georgia’s largest county submitted to state officials as part of a post-election audit highlight significant irregularities in the Atlanta area during last November’s voting, ranging from identical vote tallies repeated multiple times to large batches of absentee ballots that appear to be missing from the official ballot-scanning records.

Another article on the discrepancies noted, including that counting staff were supplied by a random temp agency, and one of the auditors themselves heard two temps talking about how they were ready to “Fuck shit up.” Also documents how Democrat poll watchers were allowed in freely to watch the vote counting, but Republican poll watchers were excluded by a security guard because they said they did not have their names.

Michigan Senate passes ‘overwhelmingly popular’ legislation to add voter ID requirements.

Code Monkey notes, “Soros’ biggest mistake this last election was not buying a majority on all the state legislatures. He won’t make the same mistake twice.” It is now or never.

Schumer to force a vote Tuesday on sweeping election overhaul bill. I wonder if all the Senators know they either vote for it, or their auntie may get the needle at the nursing home.

A Florida GOP congressional candidate was recently secretly recorded threatening Republican rival Anna Paulina Luna with “a Russian and Ukrainian hit squad” that would make her “disappear.” Interesting he says Ukraine.

Man who discussed plot to kill Luna bragged about ‘my freemason brothers’ and ‘we have to sacrifice some sheeple.’

White Army Battalion Commander is under inquiry after allegedly telling soldiers ‘White people are the problem.’

Biden’s Justice Department is smashing another legal hole in the nation’s immigration law with a June 16 decision offering citizenship to migrants who claim they are fleeing spousal abuse or local crime.

Catholic Bishops will not vote on withholding communion from pro-abortion politicians like Joe Biden. Everything is corrupted. Rudy Giuliani and Bernard Kerik delivered a video of Hunter Biden fucking his 16 year old cousin Natalie to law enforcement. Whatever agencies got the tape were entirely powerless to do anything, and the entire thing got shitcanned. To say nothing of the corruption documented in Ukraine, which also got deep-sixed by the FBI. And what did Joe do? He actually dragged Natalie onto the campaign trail and forced her to be at his side constantly despite the fact she was just seen on tape being molested, all so no reporter could possibly ask him about it, for fear of how mortified she would be. It is hard to believe it could be this bad, but there it is, in plain sight.

More than a dozen Republican House members, led by former White House doctor Ronny Jackson, asked President Biden Thursday to undergo a cognitive test and release the results “so the American people know the full mental and intellectual health of their President.”

Attorney Ty Clevenger, trying to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder, receives an FOIA response from FBI stating it will take decades to provide all the related documents.

CNN heralds Biden’s foreign trip victory to Americans, but CNN’s European sites say, ‘Putin got exactly what he wanted.’

The websites of several US airlines, including American, Southwest, United and Delta — along with those of other companies and financial institutions — went down Thursday, hours after the summit between President Biden and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, where the two discussed ending cyberattacks.

Daily Mail headline – Biden says he ‘stressed the importance of free press’ to Putin before taking questions from list of PRE-APPROVED reporters – then moans at journalist for ‘never asking a positive question.’

The media is hiding these pictures of Macron scolding Joe Biden and dominating him physically.

President Biden has promised not to raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000 but plans to end an inheritance loophole could do just that, according to a new analysis that suggests a widow with nothing to pass on to her children but her home could be badly hit by proposals that would leave the Bidens’ personal fortune untouched. They always exclude themselves. This is about transferring any wealth they can find into Cabal’s bank accounts.

Tax experts slam Biden’s mess of a ‘double death’ tax.

Leaked Joe Manchin call with ultra-rich donors features Manchin trying to get votes for a Capitol Riot inquiry, and saying of getting Roy Blunt to vote for it, “Roy Blunt is a great, just a good friend of mine, a great guy. Roy is retiring. If some of you all who might be working with Roy in his next life could tell him, that’d be nice and it’d help our country. That would be very good to get him to change his vote. And we’re going to have another vote on this thing. That’ll give me one more shot at it.”  In other words, “Somebody promise him a bribe after he retires to get his vote bought now.” If Patriots are really in control, why are these people acting like it is still business as usual?

A former Mississippi lawmaker was found shot to death during the weekend in a rural area outside the burned home where her sister-in-law was found dead after Christmas. If our national corruption level is as bad as it is, you can only imagine what smaller corrupt areas of the government are like. There are probably a myriad of small conspiracies running rampant under the main one all over the nation. And of course, you can’t rule out that if you get into politics, at any level, and look like you might succeed, you will quickly meet the machine head on, and it will demand fealty or else. No telling what she saw.

COVID Spike protein damages placentas, according to a doctor.

Unvaccinated NFL players will face slew of restrictions to open 2021, including being barred from team flights. The very guys who will have heart problems if they vaccinate.

A doctor points out that everywhere vaccines have been rolled out new infections and mortality have suddenly risen. Probably the powers that be attributing adverse reactions to new infections.

More than 500 breakthrough infections reported in Mass. in under three weeks. Breakthrough infections, or adverse vaccine reactions?

UK virus cases surge even as 8 in 10 have received shots.

Four healthy British Airways pilots die in one week but the airline says there’s no link to the Covid-19 vaccine.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces legislation to eliminate the ATF.

Following the criminal indictment of a fellow officer, the entire Portland Police Rapid Response Team made the unanimous decision to resign in protest.

Antifa are holding a victory celebration after the Portland riot team disbands.

The Justice Department is warning Missouri officials that the state can’t ignore federal law, after the governor signed a bill last week that bans police from enforcing federal gun rules. DOJ says they can’t ignore it, but it is unclear if they have to actually enforce it.

Weepy John Boehner says Joe Biden is ‘a good Catholic.’ What do you think is featured on Boehner’s blackmail tape?

The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, the third time it has preserved the 2010 healthcare law. Was knocked down on standing, with even Thomas saying the people suing were suffering no injury.

A judge has ruled that Colorado Christian baker Jack Phillips violated state anti-discrimination law by refusing to bake a pink-and-blue transgender birthday cake.

University of Oklahoma refuses to revise mandatory training that makes students agree with transgender ideology.

In the next few weeks, a company called Kernel will start sending a helmet worth about $50,000 that can read the minds of dozens of customers in the United States to volunteers who want a random company reading their mind.

The trend toward self-driving and electric vehicles will add hundreds of millions of lines of code to cars. That will turn into a lot of opportunities for assassination.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told Iran International that the Mossad recruited the highest-ranking Iranian counter-intelligence official in charge of catching Israeli spies in order to steal the Islamic Republic’s nuclear secrets. It sounds counter-intuitive, but notice, that is who Israel would view as their second-highest priority recruitment(or placement), because that is what they need to protect all of their other operations. It is the biggest threat of exposing their people. Top priority, of course, is Human Resources, which they need to build the network to take counter-intelligence.

A report has emerged that major Russian naval maneuvers were underway in the Pacific when U.S. Air Force F-22A Raptor stealth fighters were scrambled from their base in Hawaii over the weekend.

The US Space Force (USSF) has let slip that it is developing space-based directed-energy weapons.

Prosecutors ask judge for ‘substantial sentence’ for Michael Avenatti in his Nike-extortion case.

A group of student climate activists is disbanding this week, canceling themselves after arriving at the conclusion that they are too racist to continue carrying out their mission.

The U.S. House of Representatives moved Thursday to repeal a nearly two-decade-old war powers measure, marking what many lawmakers hope will be the beginning of the end of wide-ranging authorities given to the president after the 9/11 terror attacks.

KY judge rules Gov. Beshear’s COVID, mask orders unconstitutional in breakthrough lawsuit.

Arizona’s Republican Gov. Doug Ducey nukes an Arizona State University policy requiring students to be vaccinated before taking on-campus classes. 

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 today that Catholic foster care agencies can reject gay couples from adopting children.

A Christian alternative to Boy Scouts sees growth amid pandemic, with 70% more new members in 2021.

Trump says Biden-Putin summit ‘good day for Russia’ – ‘We didn’t get anything.’

Donald J. Trump says, ‘My endorsement means more than any endorsement that has ever been given.’ He is the only person any Republican, who isn’t a corrupt Cabal-member, actually trusts.

Former President Donald Trump came as close as he’s ever been to conceding his 2020 election loss, saying that although he did “much better” in 2020 than he did in 2016 in terms of total votes, “we didn’t win,” adding that the result was “shocking.” One, I think Trump is probably one of a handful of people who have known exactly what was going to happen at each step. And two, this is exactly what I expect him to say right before the fraud is revealed, and he is as surprised as all of us. I take this to mean we are getting close to a MOAB.

The 2020 election audit in Arizona’s largest county is projected to end by June 26, officials said in a new update.

Spread r/K Theory, because time is winding down.

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2 years ago

This should be 06/18

2 years ago

Sorry, not sure I understand the connection between Erik Prince and the Boston Bombers. And, in your estimation, is Prince a good guy or one of them?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Uncompliant
2 years ago

“…in your estimation, is Prince a good guy or one of them…”

If I had to bet I would say good guy. I saw an interview with him where he said he forced to sell Blackwater at a substantial loss to it’s value. They told him if he didn’t they would cancel all his contracts with the government and if I remember correctly try to legally attack him with criminal charges. He sold. So he started working in Africa where they didn’t have as much interest (I surmise).

Blackwater will of course deteriorate as he was the driver. He built the company by taking on anything he could find. Especially logistics. People would say an area was too deadly to deliver this or that and he would do it.

Reply to  Uncompliant
2 years ago

On the Boston feds, I think those guys are local leos with nuke detecting backpacks.
I worked with a guy who traveled around the country as part of the FBI training localities on their use.
I mean, could be anything, but any major event you’re going to see clean cut guys with heavy backpacks scanning for nukes.

2 years ago

“The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, the third time it has preserved the 2010 healthcare law. Was knocked down on standing, with even Thomas saying the people suing were suffering no injury.”

I think that perhaps Thomas took the wrong side in this case as part of their recent trend of trying to prove they are not partisan, he saw they had 5 or more votes anyway so he switched sides to show his vote couldn’t be predicted.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“The Boston Bombing suspect’s uncle was married to a CIA officer’s daughter. ”

“…Now I wonder about those shots of the team in hoodies and tan khakis with backpacks that looked a lot like the supposed bomb backpacks…”

The internet is killing them. I argued extensively with another guy about this he said the pervasive security would help them but I say in the long it will kill them as long as we have some sort of forums where we can post data freely. So far I think I’ve been proven right but I admit if AI gets much better he could turn out to be right. Even AI will have difficulty covering up the tracks of these bumbling people.

They’re not the best only connected. The FBI publicly sent out pictures of the “supposed” bomber which were shown all over but unfortunately for these dunces the actual back pack was not the one he was wearing. As you noted the only one I see wearing similar was a mercenary paid paid security group. Even worse they have a picture of one of them standing where the bomb went off with the back pack then a later picture after the bomb went off without the back pack. Where did it go and why did it look just like the exploded one?

Probably the safest thing to do would be to disband the FBI all together and reconstitute it with no one from the old branch. Even if they are clean they sure made no effort to clean out their own.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

his father was a cia asset too, and was seen at hilary campaign rallies in 2016. sat right behing hildawg.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

I found the link to the guy who worked on the problem of data centers of 100 Suns. It’s “The Future (according to Bob)”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Dark matter and Aliens(more from Bob)

A possible way to account for the massive amounts of dark matter that we see gravitationally but not visually. If there’s aliens this is probably where they are and they have no interest in us except I bet entertainment.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Or, Relativity is bullshit and their math is all wrong because it’s based on a theory stolen by a jewish con-man who half-understood it.

Dark matter is made of epicycles.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

The Elecric Universe Theory does away with both Dark Matter and Relativity. I’m not qualified to opine as to whether it is a valid theory, but it is very interesting.
If the Cabal exists, and has access to tech that is more advanced than ‘public’ tech, it would be to its benefit to act as a gatekeeper in science and lead ‘public’ science down various dead ends.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Man who discussed plot to kill Luna bragged about ‘my freemason brothers’ and ‘we have to sacrifice some sheeple.’”

When something costs $0.33 but you have no cents.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

masons were all in on the “biden is more presidential” tagline. one said it right to my face.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“In the next few weeks, a company called Kernel will start sending a helmet worth about $50,000 that can read the minds of dozens of customers in the United States to volunteers who want a random company reading their mind. ”

comment image

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“This guy was royalty before the Agency ever brought him in. And his daughter is hitched up to a broke Chechen immigrant?”

As far as we’re concerned that is a major Cabal tell. Mixing the races and religions in very unnatural ways. Use it in your daily lives folks. Guaranteed returns.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I hear way too many fellow WV’ians rooting for this idiot. Manchin, Manchin, Manchin…he’s our man.
Yeah, keep wishing on that star. Maybe it’ll crash to earth and wipe you all out like the dinosaurs you are.
I have no idea how anyone can side with that ‘guy’. He’s part of the system, always has been, and he’s never had WV or the US in his best interest.
“oh, he’s trying to prevent…” bullshit. It’s doing what his handlers are telling him to do, just like Byrd, the Rockefellers always have.

Reply to  millerized
2 years ago

manchin… mnuchin…

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

Hi. I’ll put this here instead of in yesterday’s thread because more people will see it.

I apologize for the length of this, but it’s such a complicated, involved, issue, that even a too-brief summary will be very large.

I can offer some clarification about the sun. I’m a cheerleader for a group investigating the Electric Universe.

This is a very clumsy summary. I’m working on a better one, but I threw this together because of the discussion that just broke out here. There is a lot more, but the basics are these: there is hard evidence of repeated catastrophes in our recent history (archaeological, mythological, paleontological, and through simulations of plasma at a major US national laboratory) which, coupled with the Carrington event of 1859, and the near-earth miss of 2012, implicate the sun as an electromagnetic threat of supreme proportions.

The idea is, back in the 1940s and 1950s, astrophysicists badly misinterpreted the work on plasma by a scientist/engineer named Hannes Alfven.
Here is a pdf of his Nobel prize acceptance speech, wherein he details a few of the things the cosmologists were getting wrong:

Their errors led them to discount magnetic fields as a large-scale force in the Universe. The upshot was all they had to explain the behavior of everything was gravity. In their view, galaxies and everything else are gravitationally bound. However, there’s increasing evidence that they were completely off in this, and that, in fact, gravity is often so insignificant it’s basically a rounding error.
In the EU view, the dominant force in the Universe is Electromagnetism. Magnetic forces are HUGE: at maximum strength, electromagnetism is roughly 10^40, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times stronger than gravity. The compressive forces can be immense, easily able to account for stellar formation and galaxy structure.

Electric effects can be seen everywhere in the solar system (for example:

There’s evidence of massive electric events in the relatively recent past:

The town of Peshtigo burned to the ground on the same day as the great Chicago fire(October 8, 1871), and there are several explanations as to why (arson, simultaneous accidents, even a comet or asteroid), but the only explanation which cover the “…many corpses found, bearing about them no traces of scars or burns, and yet in the pockets of their habiliments, equally uninjured, watches, cents, and other articles in metal were discovered completely melted.” is electrical discharge.

All the cultures which tell the story of the Day the Sun stood Still in the Sky seem to be on one side of the earth, and the cultures that tell of the Night that Did Not End are on the other side.

And much, much, much, much more.

A brief summary is
1) The sun is not a gravitational-nuclear fireball, it is a metal ball anode with a very thin hot plasma atmosphere.
2) Stars are ensconced in conductive plasma filaments,
3) SOMETHING to do with these filaments causes stars to erupt in occasional large ejections.
4) Our sun is a long-period variable star. Period roughly 12,000 years.
5) The next event is due fairly soon. Maybe a couple of decades away.
6) When it happens the electrical grid will explode and the Earth will turn into the center ball in a plasma globe for a few days. Prepping will do no good as regards safe places because where the electrical events erupt can’t be predicted, but if you survive THAT, your preps will do their usual good for you.
7) Galaxies are formed by the intertwining of immense electrical ‘tubes’ called Birkeland currents. They are also around the Earth and throughout the Solar System (albeit much smaller than the intergalactic ones).
8) Black holes and dark matter do not exist.
9) The red shift is probably NOT due to cosmological expansion.
10) The age and size of the Universe is completely unknown. Again.

As for Hancock and Carlson’s comet, why not? If the sun DOES enter a ‘Superflare’ or ‘Micronova’ state, the solar magnetic field will become so strong that Jupiter itself could be pulled from its orbit, and the comets flung around like rifle bullets. One could easily have hit us. However, they can’t explain why comets are depicted as screaming, or why in many languages the word for ‘sun’ is also the same word for ‘lightning’ or ‘thunder’, or why there are anomalous geological formations all over the world which can’t be explained by water erosion, or impacts, but could be explained by massive electrical events, or why so many craters around the solar system don’t fit the impact model, ….

There are many, many other examples, and if you are interested you need to start at these four Youtube channels:
1) Thunderbolts Project:
2) See the Pattern:
3) Suspicious Observers: (Earth Catastrophe Cycle)
And (three movies)

4) Sky Scholar:

Quick Summary of these:
Thunderbolts Project is where most of the research into the Electric Universe goes. Be warned, they are TURBO atheists, and explain the unity of world mythology by saying that we saw huge, complex plasma structures in the sky during the last Solar Plasma Event, which we then worked into mythological structures and gods. I’m absolutely sure that SOME of what they say is true, but I’m also sure they’re out to lunch about G*d. I’m working on an analysis.

Suspicious Observers provides a daily video on the failures of the Orthodox cosmology, and the Earth Catastrophe Cycle is essential, I think.

See the Pattern attempts to explain and develop ideas in the Thunderbolts project.

Sky Scholar is extremely heavy going because it is full University-level physics, astronomy, and chemistry, albeit without the equations.

Thunderbolts Project and Sky Scholar disagree on a number of fundamentals.
All of these websites provide references or images of every single scientific paper they discuss, so you can have a field day looking everything up.
Why are they still on Youtube if they’re true? I don’t really know, but they DO seem to be accurate.

At any rate, we almost lost Civilization in 2012 to a Coronal Mass Ejection that was comparable in size to the Carrington Event of 1859:,

so all of this is definitely worth a look.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

“4) Our sun is a long-period variable star. Period roughly 12,000 years.”

The sun isn’t a variable star or even a flare star, which is defined as brightness changing classification (100-200% change in magnitude). The isotopes that would result from massive flaring (a million+ times the Carrington event) aren’t observed every 12,000 years (or even every 10-100 million years) in the geological record. Mass extinctions (100 million year events) also aren’t observed regularly enough and have other explanations.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I can’t find the reference right now, but there’s a team of Japanese astronomers who are compiling a list of stars that are spectrographically identical to our Sun but are also flare stars. They have found around 30 stars so far. There is NO reason to think our star is any different. Also, not every such event has to be equally strong. Also, there WAS a mass die-off in North America, and also the Lower Dryas Event which affected the entire planet.

Also also, we’re not talking about a small 100%-200% increase, we’re talking about a 1000-100,000 fold increase in the magnetic field, plus CMEs bigger than I can describe.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

The sun isn’t a star, it is a luminary, a flat disc that provides us with light and warmth. It is the only sun in existence.

The stars are just decorative lights.

Just last week I was gifted with a star, twinkling, that moved across the sky from south to north over my head. At star height, was 100% a star.

God did that, like He created the stars, sun and moon, you know, like it says in the bible, to provide light.

You have been deceived by sciencmagickians.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

I have hints that the primary field which God uses is electrical.

The sun is emitting loads of ‘stuff’ recently, I use the Spaceweather app (there is no such thing as space).

My Father is causing the sun to emit ‘stuff’ to stir up the earth’s volcanoes and earthquakes. I am not a technical guy, but there will some monster eruptions soon.

Separately, you can write the word God, no need for an asterix. That’s a judaistic tradition, another item they decided to add to the laws, a sin.

Moses wrote His name, many times, you think God told Moses His name, and said ‘only write it with an asterix’?

Come to truth, via Yashua, before it’s too late.

Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

Sam J,

If your not familiar, check out Robert Schoch’s work @

In contracts to Hancock/Carlson & others it wasn’t so much a comet as it was a massive solar flare or in is words, Solar Induced Dark Age

They both hit the point that these things have a cyclical nature to them and its ties into the obsession of the ancient world with the movement of the heavens, the monoliths all over the world etc

food for thought at least

Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

Thanks for relaying the Peshtigo fire.

” I re-entered to seek the chalice which had not been placed in the tabernacle, when a strange and startling phenomenon met my view. It was that of a cloud of sparks that blazed up here and there with a sharp detonating sound like that of powder exploding, and flew from room to room. I understood then that the air was saturated with some special gas, and I could not help thinking if this gas lighted up from mere contact with a breath of hot wind, what would it be when fire would come in actual contact with it. ” pg 3

Very interesting stuff. Never heard of this event before. Very strange.

Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

That’s a great summary of the topic.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

“1) The sun is not a gravitational-nuclear fireball, it is a metal ball anode with a very thin hot plasma atmosphere.”

I don’t think this is right. This sort of thinking is what keeps from reading any more of their stuff. I’ve read some of the Electric Universe stuff and while I think a great deal is correct I think they get off track and declare “everything” is electrostatic. I see no mechanism for the Sun’s energy in just electrical activity. I mean what causes that??? And maybe I’m too stupid or haven’t read enough to see it in their theory but I think there’s an easier explanation. We have a fairly good theory that fusion causes the Sun to heat up and you would have to do a great deal of hand waving and explaining to declare fusion to NOT be a real thing.

Here’s another view point on what could be going on.

Let’s say fusion is real. Let’s also postulate that the immense heat and agitation of all this heat causes electrostatic forces to build up in stars or there may be other mechanisms causing the electrostatic build up but there does seem to be large electrostatic forces about in the universe. Heck on earth there’s a electric field of about 100 volts per every meter you go up. That’s a LARGE field.

(Hydrogen bombs give off huge EMP so shouldn’t the Sun do the same causing vast electrical imbalances??)

So a large electrostaticly charged object, the Sun, is moving through a galactic plasma what do you get. Magnetic currents. So we get all the effects of the electric universe without postulating some sort of odd Sun that we don’t really have evidence for or that line of inquiry is not readily proven. We have a essentially the same thing as a bunch of charges,(charged Sun), moving though a wire, (galactic plasma), and that creates magnetic fields.

This would account for the effects we see and my whacked insulating slag elements floating in the upper reaches of the Sun clamp down of the Suns ability to equalize charges would account for the ice age variability. Including vast periodic solar mass corona discharge flares. I mean why do they call it “corona discharges”? The terminology itself is self describing.

Now my whack theory may be wrong but it does seem to be “more right” and it does fit what we see.

I fully admit I just made this up and don’t have the mathematical chops to really prove anything. The electric universe theory actually prompted me to think about this but the guy who saw large mountains of material over several passes of the satellites viewing the Sun and saying that discharges came from between them is what really tied this idea to the Ice Ages for me.

Something that’s mystery to me is why does the earth’s magnetic field flip at all? I mean what causes the field? (Could it be the earth is charged and it moving through the solar and galactic plasma cause a magnetic field to be created?) And such a large self sustaining thing as the magnetic field, well shouldn’t it just keep on as it is? There’s a extreme amount of force in the earth’s magnetic field just what changes this? And does the Sun influence it and if it does then why doesn’t the magnetic field of the earth flip when the Sun’s does and why the hell does the Sun’s magnetic field flip???? (Could it be equalization of static charges???)These are just mystifying but I bet there’s a subtle but obvious solution. It seems to me these are questions that are mostly ignored by science. Sure maybe somewhere there’s papers on this but I would think such things would be standard in text books.

I’m afraid asking questions like this and postulating answers to these type of boggy questions is likely to get lots of sneers and dubious looks from the “betters”.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Here is a good place to start:

Dr. Pierre Robitaille goes into detail concerning 40 lines of evidence, observational and otherwise, that the Sun is a ball of liquid metallic hydrogen.

Jump to 6.2, Fig. 26, p.128 for a REALLY interesting picture. Concentric ripples on the surface of the sun. That’s NOT gas behavior.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

(Hydrogen bombs give off huge EMP so shouldn’t the Sun do the same causing vast electrical imbalances??)

They key part is the P in EMP, pulse. The sun does occasionally give off huge pulses, but the magnetosphere acts as a faraday cage for the Earth. (This one of the reasons that I’m skeptical that Apollo technology was used to go to the moon.) Unfortunately, it also gives off a huge burst of charged particles when it does, and if those particles are aimed at Earth, they can overwhelm the magnetosphere, ground that cage out to earth/Earth, and then you get a Carrington Event.

The Carrington event sent the world back to about 1840. If an event on that scale happened today, it would set us back to about… 1840.

Robert Schoch (mentioned earlier) hypothesizes that during the Younger Dryas, the sun was so active that these particles (Coronal Mass Ejections, CMEs) were powerful and frequent enough that the aurora borealis was not only worldwide (rather than just in extreme latitudes) but that they regularly descended down to the ground and scoured the earth with raw plasma. He’s got geological and archeological evidence to support this. That is when things are fun, and you better have a cave to live in.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Something that’s mystery to me is why does the earth’s magnetic field flip at all? I mean what causes the field?

Conventional theory is that molten nickel in the core is rotating, and by flowing in a sphere, it creates that field. I think that it’s more likely a nuclear reaction at the core of our planet (and most live planets, only having burned out in dead rocks like Mars.) Tidal forces don’t really provide enough energy to account for our volcanic activity, but a natural nuclear reactor (and we have already discovered several in the crust, so one in the core is entirely plausible) would provide the heat. That molten uranium/other-aniums mix changing direction in a natural convection cycle would explain it, and also explain why it tends to be fairly regular.

It seems to me these are questions that are mostly ignored by science.

Not just ignored, but “fingers in the ears shouting LA LA LA” ignored.

I think that we really are being kept at a specifically retarded level, where we are fed fundamental lies about the universe to prevent us from making a huge, atomic age level leap in technology. I think that some group HAS made that leap, and it keeping it from the rest of humanity. I think that people occasionally make that leap anyway, and are either co-opted or “removed”. I think that there is a good chance that China recently made/stole this leap, and that is what is causing all our “unrest.”

Light is either a wave or a particle, but not both. Ether exists. The Earth isn’t moving around the sun. There’s an untapped source of energy out there, that once democratized, would make everything in the world essentially free. These are the things that are being kept from us, and I don’t know if it’s God or Satan keeping it from us.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

“… If the sun DOES enter a ‘Superflare’ or ‘Micronova’ state, the solar magnetic field will become so strong that Jupiter itself could be pulled from its orbit, and the comets flung around like rifle bullets…”

That’s another problem with the electrical theory if they say that. If the Suns magnetic field swaps, and it does, then why wouldn’t the earth flip upside down if the forces are so attractive as to fling Jupiter out of orbit???

I’m not saying a bunch of the Electrical Universe theory is wrong I am saying some parts of it make no sense to me.

This happens a lot with people who have alternate theories. They have a goof theory but they try to fit it into everything. I could be criticized for the exact same thing because of my position on the Jews.(every single time)

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Actually, that’s considered one of the possibilities. Solar-induced ground current might weaken the boundary between the crust and the asthenosphere, and the crust could slip free and spin around into a lower-energy configuration with the new Solar field. We get ground currents today (or last year):

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Except the EST theory has been tested and the hypothesis confirmed.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

What is the EST theory?

Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

“Every. Single. Time.” theory.

2 years ago

So, Donald Jr. wants America to Stand Up for… mixed-race families? Can’t show a White man in a positive light anywhere.

What side is he on again?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Whether or not all that is true, I don’t know, though my impression is certainly different. But that’s not what I was writing about. What I found of interest in the tweet linked by Donald Jr. is that it solidly perpetuates another media spin: that the average American family that needs “support” is a Black male + an ecstatic White female. I haven’t watched or read the MSM in decades, but from examples I’ve seen posted on various blogs and Gab it seems clear they are all pushing this narrative, thus a White man simply cannot be seen anywhere unless he’s portrayed as stupid, brutal, “gay” or otherwise in a negative light – and certainly not with a White woman (that would be *racist*). So why is Donald Jr. pushing this narrative? Inquiring minds….

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

And even if what you say is true (every race is actually, secretly “conservative”), a majority-“minority” America (which is certainly the plan) will not be anything like what the Founders envisioned. Given what’s already happened, it’s clear that few White people even understand what they intended. At best America will be another Brazil. “Conservative” Bolsonaro may be popular there, but that doesn’t mean it’s America.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Philalethes
2 years ago

>What the Founders envisioned.

Thank you Philalethes for mentioning our Forefathers and the intent they clearly expressed in the US Constitution.

Majority-“minority” is also against God’s instruction in Genesis 10 and 11 concerning Babel and diversity. There were two contrasting individuals, Nimrod, who was sinful and sought to make all nations submit to him and his idol worship, and Abram a righteous man who separated from the diversatopia he found himself in.

The nations are separate. Mixing them results in confusion if it is anything but very slow (3 to 10 generations) for a clear minority that is assimilating. The nations are defined by common heritage and language. Racial divisions are even larger than national ones, so they definitely take over 10 generations. This means it should basically not happen, or be so rare as to occur on the fringes of a nation in the wilderness.

All of this is Biblical, as the US Founders intended.

2 years ago

America is a Disaster.

America is a complete three-alarm Dumpster fire.

Horn Man, who committed no vandalism, hurt nobody, is STILL in jail. Hillary Clinton and her private email server is walking around.

We are living in a Marxist Dictatorship—-and to listen to the radio talk show hosts and conservatives, like Mike Huckabee—they are all still rambling about “Muh Freedoms” and “Muh LIberties”.

In any war—you seize the heights–to get above your enemy. The same goes for in Culture. The Jews and the Marxists have seized the heights of this culture, Media, Universities, Military, Fed Bureaucracy—and they control it all and now imposing the Authority of Marxism and the Jewish Messianic ideal.

You gave Freedom of Speech to Marxists—-Wisdom, Prudence?

You gave 2nd amendment, gun rights to blacks and hispanics and Jews—-Wisdom, Prudence?

The Left decried McCarthyism—and is NOW engaged in Purifying trials. Whites have to undergo Truth and Reconciliation tribunals and express their guilt.

Telos requires Authority. One has to have direction, discipline and coecion for the Whole to attain to survival. Every Military has that. Yet, Americanism denies all of that—and is now a fullgrown Marxist Dictatorship which is all a Kabuki theatre. All sorts of Americans are running around like nothing happened, news stations carry-on like nothing happened and we just had two coups in four years, a fraudulent election—and our Military is the Woke-Capitol of the World.

Reading AC the past three days makes it very apparent that America is a Full-Blown Disaster—and everyone is still holding to the crapola that created this mess. The Good requires Authority.

The Telos is “Survival of your Nation (natus; one’s race)”—That requires Authority.

Instead, America is a Death Camp; a Lunatic farm; a Dumpster Fire. We are in the Jungle, now. It is Kill or be killed. The Full hard-core press to genocide the whites is full-bore now.
Whose stopping that? The Bullshit of “Muh Freedoms” and “Muh LIberties”?????

War requires Authority —the Authority to engage in Life. You have to SHUT up the Jews. You have to STOP Miscegenation. You have to create homogeneous society. You have to train your boys into Arete. All of that requires Authority.
America is Stupidville. And now a plain, big Disaster.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

“The Left decried McCarthyism….” I remember McCarthyism. I remember all those Herblock cartoons in the paper portraying him in heavy five-o’clock shadow with a bucket of tar and a brush. I remember (about nine years old) at the dinner table one evening feeling worried for my parents because they were criticizing the government. Interesting how children are conditioned.

Took me nearly 50 years to learn that McCarthy was right: the US government was (and of course is) heavily infested with communists. Who’ve now triumphed, while McCarthy was vilified and died in disgrace.

Interesting how Whoever is running this show (pick the Creator of your choice) so often seems to give us truth tellers with off-putting personalities. Almost like we’re being tested, to see if we can hear the truth even if it doesn’t come in a form we don’t immediately find attractive….

Reply to  Philalethes
2 years ago

maybe pretty people just dont have any guts.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Gosh, this is just the start of the times of sorrows, so much worse to come. Your comments sound so desperate and angry. You are getting what you deserve.

The Only Authority worth obeying told us to remember the Sabbath day, not to eat swine flesh, to celebrate His holy festivals, and other stuff.

If y’all did these things, you’d be blessed, God would repent of the curse He promises in Deut 28 and Lev 26.

Repent, quickly.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Idiocracy ……not just a movie anymore……….just with more racism irl

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

we have (((white supremacy))) here. start on/with (((them))).

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

I lived in America many years ago for only a year. I thought it was wonderful but you could see the rot with spics on corners waiting for work, chocco drops already operating in a parallel system non US legal system. Nobody did anything to control those mutations.

Now, I am not sure what Americans are fighting for. The place is done. Where are the white people who provided the foundation for what was America? You cant get America back by changing the foundation to spics and monkeys. They havent built anything of value in thousands of years.

The only way to make the place reasonable again is to throw millions of scumbags out and back to their home countries. Perhaps Americas next big export item is foreign labor.

Reply to  TheDawg
2 years ago

That is exactly the medicine—and I see NO One in the Republican Party even remotely able to preach and engage in that. Funny how William Pierce and the Turner Diaries have prophesied the future.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TheDawg
2 years ago

Yes, that’s the blending of the nations the Bible warns about. You can see how it is evil. That’s why I always try to ridicule Irish and Germans/Scandis, who are interlopers in the Anglo-Saxon system. Historically, only Dutch, Scots and Welsh, in addition to English, who supported the American Revolution were American.

I figure if people see Irish and German cultural behaviors as bad, then they will see Italian and especially Jewish behaviors as especially bad, and Asian, Hispanic, African and Muslim behaviors as atrocious and not conducive to Western Civilization.

And before people who are part Irish or German start getting butt-hurt, look at what they’ve done to the American system. Their availability in arms encouraged the North to seek a violent conclusion to secession in the American Civil War, instead of diplomacy. This resulted in hundreds of thousands of extra (American, Irish and German) deaths.

Irish immigrants also created some of the worst voter fraud systems in world history. Tammany Hall especially, but the political machines of Boston, Chicago and Cleveland were dominated by Irish immigrants and vastly expanded unions and government when they gained power. They were supporting restrictions on firearms for example, up until recently, in fact many “conservative” and “catholic” Irish-“Americans” still do. It takes on a different tone when you realize so many police and FBI are Irish AND then there’s the Irish mob too. To say they helped American culture is a lie straight from the Devil’s mouth.

And Germans and Scandinavians? Their collectivist mindsets may work in the middle of winter when everyone is the same ethnic group, but when you have American, Africans, Natives, Irish and Italians all living with the Germans and Scandis it’s a disaster. The Prussian modeled American Public schooling system is example #1 towards this problem. The Germans think creating little pro-government robots is a good thing- but what if the Government is evil and “woke”? Didn’t think that one through did you, Germans.

If you are part German or Irish, this isn’t meant to out-group you or lower your confidence or insult the good parts of your ancestors culture, but your German/Irish great-grand-dads probably didn’t do much for the USA, and culturally you must purge impulses to create confidence schemes, large government, unions, gun confiscation, overbearing public schools, liberals, civil rights, mobs and collectivism.

This is why Angles and Saxons didn’t want to stay in Germania, and it’s why Britons didn’t want to be Gaelic. Together they formed England and to some extent Scotland and Wales, a culturally unique collection of tribes that aren’t Irish and aren’t German. America continued this tradition when it broke from the British Empire and it’s German Crown. This should be respected the same way an Irish or German demands respect.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
2 years ago

I missed this in putting the summary together:
“Metallic hydrogen is a phase of hydrogen in which it behaves like an electrical conductor. This phase was predicted in 1935 on theoretical grounds by Eugene Wigner and Hillard Bell Huntington.[1]

At high pressure and temperatures, metallic hydrogen can exist as a liquid rather than a solid, and researchers think it might be present in large quantities in the hot and gravitationally compressed interiors of Jupiter and Saturn and in some exoplanets.[2] ”
–Wikipedia, Metallic Hydrogen

The Electric Universe idea extends the Jupiter-Saturn core model to stellar cores, and holds that the compressive forces come from a Z-pinch (aka Bennett Pinch) in a Birkeland Current:

Think of a Birkeland Current as a sheath of co-axial tubes of electric current, shaped by their own magnetic fields and the external magnetic field they are moving through.

2 years ago

> Catholic Bishops will not vote on withholding communion from pro-abortion politicians like Joe Biden.

I thought that was automatic? In which case the question is, “who decided he would get Communion anyway?”

2 years ago

> for fear of how mortified she would be.

Maybe. She was born into the family; her extended family doesn’t have any problems with it.

2 years ago

> … Republican House members … asked President Biden Thursday to undergo a cognitive test

They pulled that one on DJT, so turnabout’s fair play, as the schoolkids say.

DJT aced it. Dopey Joe… it will depend on who proctors the tests.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

it doesnt matter what the results are. only who produces them. no test required.

2 years ago

>> More than 500 breakthrough infections reported in Mass. in under three weeks.

> Breakthrough infections, or adverse vaccine reactions?

As COVID deaths are counted; car wrecks, drive-by shootings, and cancer would be “breakthrough infections.”

They lie like they breathe, and for the same reason: they *have* to.

2 years ago

> The Justice Department is warning Missouri officials that the state can’t ignore federal law, after the governor signed a bill last week that bans police from enforcing federal gun rules.

That piece of paper, the Versailles Treaty… no, wait, that “Constitution” thing. “… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

All Federal gun laws are unconstitutional by definition. Missouri is *obeying* the law.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

State and local police don’t enforce the federal immigration laws that still exist on paper in the former USA, so there’s precedent for local authorities to ignore federal gun laws.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 years ago

This is excellent rhetoric.

“We will enforce your federal gun laws when you tell us to enforce federal border-entry and residence laws.” (Take immigration out of your rhetoric. They aren’t “immigrating.” They are just here for the money, and then they plan to go back.)

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

You can substitute “foreign national” for “illegal immigrant.”

“It should remain illegal for foreign nationals to vote in American elections.”

“Why should foreign nationals get public benefits here, when there are still America children with out adequate food/shelter/education?”

“I think it’s terrible when foreign nationals undercut the job market and steal jobs from black Americans.”

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


2 years ago

> with even Thomas saying the people suing were suffering no injury.

Thomas seemed like a straight shooter for most of his tenure, but he took the shilling sometime in the last year.

2 years ago

AC says: “Lets get honest elections before we make any more assumptions about how people vote.” Yep, agree 100%. And fake elections have been going on for years; primary elections too. Do blue city voters REALLY keep voting for these clowns who destroy their blue cities? Are Repub voters REALLY putting RINOs up for the general elections?

AC says: “I suspect once the elections are cleaned up, we are going to find every race was conservative.” That would be nice.

This concept of 60+ years of fake elections hasn’t reached the “conservative” “thinkers” yet. I still see them combing through and citing voting statistics as though election results are real.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I think what we are told are lies of exaggeration.
They have been importing minorities for a reason and assimilation takes generations and is slower the higher the rate of immigration is.

If there wasn’t a grain of truth to the lie the voter registration stats would be much more against the Demoncrats. (I know they may pad those as well but they can only do so much and if minorities just aren’t politically angaged that is almost as bad)

2 years ago

Catholic Bishops will not vote on withholding communion from pro-abortion politicians like Joe Biden.

Given that it was just “decided” by the Vatican that the Pope won’t be giving communion to Biden, this might actually be a win. They could have passed a trick-fuck where there’s some technicality to allow baby murders back into the fold. This way, it’s just “no.”

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: Space Force DEWs

Okay, ALL of my grandparents, both of my parents, and one of my stepfathers all worked at either Lawrence Livermore (LLNL) or at Sandia across the street on East Ave in Livermore, CA. Every one of them had green badges/Q clearances at one time. That’s where the NIF(Nuclear Ignition Facility) is located doing work on fusion and not getting anywhere for decades. You see, the arrangement is that DoE does the theoretical work, and then Sandia(among other defense contractors) weaponizes it giving DoE deniability. All the men I am related to were in tech, all the women in admin.

I say all of that because everything in Livermore revolved around the Lab into the 90’s, where it then got overtaken by Silicon Valley as basically housing development for people who couldn’t afford to live in San Jose. I went to school with the kids of brilliant physicists and the like as well as having family that actually directly fabricated parts for things that are still classified up the wahzoo. It was honestly a bit like that show Eureka, but not as obvious. You hear things that you’re not supposed to know about.

With all that said whenever a military branch says that they are “working on” a thing, it generally means that the thing has been prototyped, tested, re-engineered for production, mass- produced, and been in service for five to ten years. Maybe fifteen.

P.S. : Have reached another milestone with the router and gotten enough footage for new Bootstrappy….and I’m going to be tied up with family until Sunday night. Not even sleeping in my own bed.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago


What is your bitchute site address again?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  map
2 years ago

Don’t have one for bitchute at the moment.


This is BOOTSTRAPPY on Odysee:

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Thank you.

2 years ago

of course not, cause they are blind baggage, they will die sooner then they would have otherwise. they are in the RVM, basically. and that look in his face. reminds me of old bela from a 1931 film…

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Re: Patriots in control

Stalemate. They have the correct parts of the military to shoot their way through this if there are no other options….the other option is letting the audits play out and trying to give the citizenry a chance to retake things without a shot fired. Instead of dealing with China sanctioning our economy, we’re going to have to deal with the societal wreckage done by allowing Biden to pretend to be president.

The lefties and boomers are killing themselves with the vaxx. A place I used to work, a guy poured 40 pounds of salt into an all steel high pressure washer with 400 gallon tank used to wash off BBQ size propane tanks. Only took two weeks for the whole system to seize up. At six years old it had the same corrosion levels as one would expect from a machine running continuously for three or four decades. It’s going to be that type of situation for anyone who has taken the vaxx and built up spike proteins in the cardiovascular system. It’s just going to be a few years before the heart attacks really begin to start and by that point it will be way too late to mitigate the damage.

Make sure you have nothing festering with anyone that you know who has taken the shot. You never know when you’ll lose the chance to repair things.

Like I said, end of Con Air as they are looking out at the destroyed Vegas Strip when they could have shot the plane down outside the city without endangering any innocent bystanders: “This worked out much better.” It kinda did, kinda not.

Johannes Q
2 years ago
Thread active right now. I’ve put some questions to one of the other anons on your behalf, A/C, regarding surveillance etc.

Johannes Q
2 years ago

Further to my last comment, it’s a long thread so if you’re pressed for time search for posts by e3vmunlf

2 years ago

SOCOM diversity chief who compared Trump to Hitler returns to duty after investigation

If the military is the only way then it had better move while it still can.