News Briefs – 07/04/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Republican senators in Pennsylvania briefed on 2020 election audit plan. From the article: “The private briefing, conducted by state Sen. Doug Mastriano on Wednesday, is the clearest sign yet that lawmakers in the Keystone State are serious about fulfilling the wishes of former President Donald Trump and his supporters who are pressing for copycats of a controversial audit in Arizona.” I have a sneaking suspicion, this whole process may get dragged out two years, with President Trump assuming office just in time to serve out two years, and run again in 2024.

On Twitter – At the PA hearing, when a witness was asked, “How many of the votes in a suspicious single spike of 600,000 votes were for Trump & replied, “3,200” the room burst into laughter, knowing it’s impossible for any one cand to get 99.5% of the vote.

Here at 8:23, one of the temp employees hired by Stacey Abrams  in Georgia who was given a vital job in the fraud operation was noted as being an airport bartender brought in to run the unloading of the 40,000 early voting ballots from State Farm Arena, where Ruby stayed all night alone to count ballots after everyone was sent home. Spy networks were always noted, going back to the revolutionary war, as being focused on inn-keepers, bar owners, and restaurant owners. When people meet, people talk. And when people get drunk, they will often really talk. Intel wants its people right there to listen. To you the position is unimportant, but to intel it is vital. I am convinced it is no coincidence AOC went from working at the top of Bernie Sander’s campaign, to working a bar. She was just moving from one intelligence job (probably CIA) to another intelligence job in the domestic informant network (again, probably CIA). And when she moved to Congress, she moved into yet another intelligence job (again, probably CIA). I’ll bet she had earpieces in all three. Likewise, this airport bartender was moonlighting from one intelligence job at the airport, to another rigging our election.

FBI agent arrested for numerous child sex crimes was in charge of investigating crimes against children. If Cabal were going to place an asset in a position like that, to run cover for Cabal’s child-abuse programs, they would need that asset to be OK with child molestation. If this just happened by chance, it would be surprising, but if you have a covert intelligence operation placing agents to run cover for its own doing these crimes, then this is not only not surprising, it should be expected. The surprising part is that it was uncovered and dealt with. That indicates some force is moving against Cabal.

Aussies posted a 1970’s US report on UFO contact cases and interesting intelligence which they reported. Lots of material, describing lots of different looking crafts. I tend to agree with Vallee. Each unique sounding species/technology is a small probability event. All of them together seems likely to be exceedingly small probability, especially when you add to it accounts like Skinwalker ranch, or Cary Mullis’ man-sized, Glowing Green Raccoon, who leans against a tree and says, “Good evening Mr Mullis, how are you tonight?” If, however there is one trickster origin, with the technology to induce, perhaps something akin to a dream state, where one cannot easily perceive reality, or trust one’s observations, it would make more sense. To them, it might almost be like cognitive camouflage. Rather than camouflaging themselves physically in reality, they camouflage themselves inside your mind where perception occurs.

Joe Biden’s deputies have invited representatives of illegal migrants to the Independence Day celebration at the White House.

Army preparing for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines by September, report says. These are the young guys who will have heart problems, and they will have to do physically strenuous exercise right after getting the vaccine. Unbelievable.

13-year-old dies in his sleep after receiving the Pfizer COVID vaccine, CDC is investigating.

Big Tech cracks down on Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine inventor, who warns about their risks. His LinkedIn was deleted.

Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study saying children should not be forced to wear masks.

Australian Cabal is talking about instituting #NoJabNoPay.

CDC investigates mysterious cases of tropical bacterial infection in people who have not left the United States. Individuals in Kansas, Texas, and Minnesota all came down with it, despite not traveling. Migrant-transmitted into the community?

Kirstie Alley angers many by declaring entertainment is leading us down a road toward accepting pedophilia.

Antifa attacked protesters at a spa that allowed a trans customer to flash his penis at little girls because of his ‘gender identity.’ Kirstie is right, this is a Cabal objective, as unbelievable as it might be.

The seller of an “invisible” sculpture is being sued by another sculptor of an invisible sculpture, who feels his idea was stolen.

An illegal alien out of jail on bail in New Mexico is now accused of beheading a man and then kicking the man’s head around like a soccer ball, Breitbart News has learned.

San Francisco gas station price near $6 a gallon, one of most expensive in US.

Ohio school expels students because their mothers spoke out against teaching Critical Race Theory.

A ‘colossal’ ransomware attack hits hundreds of U.S. companies, a security firm says

Police shut down I95 in Massachusetts and arrest 11 people in sweep of woods after heavily-armed black “Moorish” sovereign citizen militia fled during traffic stop.

An Italian police officer has been placed under investigation after shooting a knife-wielding Ghanian migrant, in the legs.

Vatican indicts cardinal, 9 others, for roles in London property deal. It looks like they were letting a broker rip off the Vatican on a real estate deal to the tune of about $15 million, though the article gives the impression there was more to this, but it doesn’t go into it.

Over 30 US and Vatican Bishops are implicated in a sex abuse suit.

Iran appears to have mistakenly attacked a cargo ship formerly owned by an Israeli company in the Indian ocean. Little is known, word is it was drones or commandos, but they did little damage.

Chinese social media is reporting that Gettr was initially funded by Miles Guo, an anti-CCP billionaire fugitive with close ties to Steve Bannon.

The President is scheduled to make a significant announcement regarding protection of First Amendment rights on the 7th. He might be announcing his new social media site.

Spread r/K Theory, because real America is what we believe and what we make.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“If, however there is one trickster origin, with the technology to induce, perhaps something akin to a dream state, where one cannot easily perceive reality”

The advanced technology of shrooms and acid. The rest is Hollywood.

You said it yourself, if cabal has people all over the restaurant, bar and hotel industry, getting drugs into people is probably a normal skillset they possess.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Army preparing for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines by September, report says. These are the young guys who will have heart problems, and they will have to do physically strenuous exercise right after getting the vaccine. Unbelievable.”

Well the good news is that we won’t be attacking anybody for a while, but the bad news is there will probably be a draft to wage wars of aggression.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Police shut down I95 in Massachusetts and arrest 11 people in sweep of woods after heavily-armed black “Moorish” sovereign citizen militia fled during traffic stop.”

We can put them on a plane and “free” them halfway between here and Morocco.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

We should send them to Mauritania, which is where they are getting the “Moorish” from, even if they don’t know it.

Mauritania still practices slavery, and its Arabs enslaving blacks, with no apology.

Let’s see how long their fake Moorish BS works with Arabs in Africa.

I estimate about 15 minutes, if that.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“San Francisco gas station price near $6 a gallon, one of most expensive in US.”

“Just drive a Tesla”

2 years ago

” I have a sneaking suspicion, this whole process may get dragged out two years, with President Trump assuming office just in time to serve out two years, and run again in 2024.”

Most of that had better be FEMA and/or the military running things.
Biden & co. need to go yesterday.
Things have already taken to long and every day causes more irreversible damage.

Name (required)
Name (required)
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Yes, if this is really Trump cleverly maximizing his time in power, he’s unfit to have that power.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Name (required)
2 years ago

I’m not sure anyone is clearly in charge at this point.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff are proudly reading CRT propaganda, and the people propping up Biden are scrambling around in the shadows just trying to keep the lie alive from day to day.

It’s possible no one is really in charge, and that wouldn’t be a first for a dying empire.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Agree. This just sucks big time.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

It depends. If the not-vaxx is replaced with saline and those that left the military can get right back in after 2024 (2023?) then all of the Jan. 6th people are released, and compensated, Yes.

If not, then bubkis on leadership or “White Hats”.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

*you* get to decide how long this lasts. It is an evolutionary fitness test for humanity. Reality is a holographic projection from your mind, and you’re the director. Things will get worse for as long as you refuse to exert your authority.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Sure. Please bear with me as many would find this post shocking or offensive. I hope you find it helpful.

Let’s start with Jesus. He accomplished miracle upon miracle. Some would say he did it because he was the “Son of God”. This is correct, except, Son of God is not an exclusive title. We are all derived from God, therefore we are all Sons and Daughters of God.

Jesus didn’t walk around asking people to worship him. Actually, he was teaching people how to be like him. There are techniques that can be learned to heal people, drive away demons, manifest new objects instantly. White magic can be learned and studied. Cabal suppressed that information and replaced it with a truncated Gospel that would tell people to *worship* Jesus as the Son of God, rather than *study and imitate* his accomplishments.

Just like Jesus, any human can insta-manifest if they:
1) Clear their karma (sin).
2) Make their body more yang

Anyone who wants to learn how to be like Jesus can ask his personal angels for guidance on the matter.

That’s how we get rid of Cabal, we develop our power-level until we can insta-manifest a world without them. Q acknowledged that. He said most people would look for conventional answers to the problem, and would turn to God as a last resort only. Only then will the tide truly turn. Well it has already started turning, but not enough. We need more people working on themselves.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Don’t encouarge the loons AC.
There is no evolution.
Reality is not holographic.
You have no authority.
God does.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

>”Don’t encouarge the loons AC.”

Some would construe this as an appeal on your part to self-banning from here Bary : D

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

You got your explanation AC, karmic loon witch status confirmed.

Hey Lem, you got your vaccine yet, sinner?

Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

Who is Lem?
And why would anyone take the vaccine?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

How many times?

Trump is merely the face of a faction within cabal that is wants more turf. His leverage is the ruse of America first.

The truth is that he doesn’t give a F$#k about you, me or anyone else.

Why the hell do you think he still pushes the vaccines. Why the hell did he not thorw out DACA. Why didn’t he throw out illegal immigrants, Why did he let someone else build HIS WALL?


Reply to  TheDawg
2 years ago

Wow, Dawg—I didn’t think Trump was a dictator! I thought that is the job of the House and the Senate! NOT ONE Single Repuke in Government is for that! And you think Trump all by his lonesome could do that? You think the Federal Bureaucracy was going to carry those actions into reality????

You Smokin’, Dawg? Who appropriates money for all those actions? The House. Was the Democrat House going to that?

I find your comment sanctimonious. I thought Protestants were against Tryanny–yeeeetttttt, you want the Donald to act like a Tryant.
Trump was being backstabbed by Wray, Barr, the CIA, —his OWN party. Mitch McConnell is for NONE of what you call for! How the heck was Trump going to do all of that!

Yea, right. Dawg–you are off-the-wall.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  TheDawg
2 years ago

China tariffs, paid by Americans, siphoned off to the Roffs by Wilbur Ross’s team, he’s their man, and he was working for the Roffs when they bailed out Trump Org in the 90s.

Prolly all coincidences.

Anonymous Conservative
Anonymous Conservative
Reply to  TheDawg
2 years ago

If Trump were the face of a faction of Cabal, it is a faction destroying the fake media, exposing the election fraud, exposing illegal surveillance, bringing attention to the pedophilia/trafficking/blackmail networks, and sending the traitors who are taking down our nation apoplectic,

I’m not sure I wouldn’t be down with that faction of Cabal myself.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  TheDawg
2 years ago

Fake media is still there as far as I can see.
95% of the people of the world are sheeple, and still believe CNN, BBC et al.

You think Trump’s trash talk was the same as shutting them down? Twitter banned Trump, he did diddly squat about it.

All theatre man, you were had.

2 years ago

“Over 30 US and Vatican Bishops are implicated in a sex abuse suit.”

Is it all possible to become one of the Pope’s Bishops without being a homosexual-pedophile-pervert?!

2 years ago

Leo is expecting Trump to be inaugurated today:

>’I’m not surprised to hear the bitter in your voice. We can certainly talk after Trump’s July 4 2021 inauguration.’

Never go full Leo, full Qtard, you just end up looking silly.

Reply to  tops
2 years ago

It’s gamma Gary, false prophet extraordinaire, sockpuppeting again!

July 4 was Trump’s prediction, and he’s been saying August for a while now. Big leak today gave the details: It’s all about the AZ audit. The date is mid-August.

2 years ago

News | 2021-07-04 | Noah, Atlantis/Eden, rainbow problem, early/late Adam | cancer generic drugs | war with China, not Russia | Trump says Ashli Babbitt | Ghislaine case | RINOs abandon Trump | July 4 slipped to mid-Aug | AZ audit = all

Some Guy
Some Guy
2 years ago

“To them, it might almost be like cognitive camouflage. Rather than camouflaging themselves physically in reality, they camouflage themselves inside your mind where perception occurs.”

Demonic manipulation. I’m currently going through the exorcism process. Real deal. They move things is real life and everything. I’ve experienced demonic suggestion of my mind similar to this. While not UFOs, demons have made me see, hear, think, smell, and feel things.

We see cabal, many of whom we know engage in demon worship, roll out this alien story now. It exposes aliens for what they always were, a distraction to sidetrack people pursuing truth. An added bonuses for the demons are the distractions serve to reduce, or eliminate belief in Christ, and make for compelling visual content for movies. God is our only protection from these people and their demon masters. Each one of us they can pull from God, each sin they can get us to commit, weakens our ability to fight back.

I’ve been an “Anon” since before we were called that. Been around. In the process of exorcism I’ve found out that not only I Christianity real, but the old school Catholic “hocus pocus” is real. There are more sacraments than just baptism, six more. The Mass is real, as in the bread really does change into the Body and Blood of Christ. The old faith is real. It is so real, I’m now convinced that when we’re tracing “cabal”, demon, attacks against us in figuring out how we got to where we are, we have to include Luther and the Protestant Revolt as part of the attack. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church are awful, and have been awful, probably worse than most of us know, but that doesn’t make the sacraments fake.

Reply to  Some Guy
2 years ago

That demonic shit is all real.

Although I am Orthodox, I don’t look down upon other denominations, I think different people have different reasons (that they might know or not know) to feel pulled towards one denomination over the other, and ultimately God wants us to help Him save us (He will fight for you, but He wants you to help) IMHO.

A very recent example of demonic interference (that’s what I think it was), and taking into account how pretty much every Orthodox author I have read and listened to has said that the more you progress spiritually the more the demons come down on you (they don’t need to bother with people who are still in a state of not taking sin seriously, those sin of their own volition without the demons having to nudge them):

I had a great spiritual experience last night, been learning about the Orthodox Saints in more detail, and learning about the Angels, and learning about asking for the Saints and Angels to join us in prayer so we pray to God together and multiply the power of our prayers, and so I read about some Saints (including the Saint Archangel Raphael), and I prayed for the usual stuff, and made some specific prayers asking for God to help some specific people. I then turned the computer and the light off, and laid on the bed to sleep, keeping my praying going by repeating the Lords Prayer until I fall asleep (I do this to avoid bad thoughts), and while I was all comfy in bed waiting to fall asleep, this immensely tender and loving feeling of joy filled my heart. I could sense that God was pleased, and I was pleased to know I was doing good and glorifying Him.

Well, wouldn’t you guess, I had one of the most debauched sexually depraved dreams I ever had (not exaggerating, it was very pornographic), and not only was I engaging in sexual sin in the dream, I was drinking massive amounts of alcohol (which I don’t anymore, at all). I didn’t felt any guilt during the dream, the notion of sin wasn’t even present in the dream, I was happily sinning in the dream without a care. When I woke up and realized what had happened, I immediately did the cross in front of me while laying on my side and started to pray again my Lord’s Prayer. I noticed that during the day some lusty fantasies tried to pierce thru my conscience, but I beat them out by telling myself “fear God” and “God will not be mocked”, and focusing on what I was doing.

Writing about it now, I am remembering how before I fell asleep a very sneaky type of lusty thought tried to take hold, it was not naked raw lewdness from the start, it was this slow-roll (although it didn’t take more than a few seconds to evolve into its real end state) fantasy of marriage to a incredibly beautiful woman I don’t even know or ever talked with that quickly went to lewdness (and when I realized it was a mind trick, I quickly nipped those “marriage” fantasies in the bud by using the typical “fear God” and “God will not be mocked” phrases).

Basically, the more we move forward, the more the demons will reeeee, and we should be wise to expect it and see it as a natural thing, and keep pushing back against them using the tool God provided us.

Sent a prayer you way Brother.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“That demonic shit is all real.”
It is. I spent half of my nights as a high schooler dealing with incredibly intense bouts of combined demonic dreams and sleep paralysis. Absolutely terrifying, like living out the most visceral horror movies. No kid gloves.

“Although I am Orthodox, I don’t look down upon other denominations, I think different people have different reasons (that they might know or not know) to feel pulled towards one denomination over the other, and ultimately God wants us to help Him save us (He will fight for you, but He wants you to help) IMHO.”

Ask, seek, knock. Ask God for salvation and He will answer. The most important thing is The Gospel (a.k.a., Paul’s Gospel, a.k.a. what Paul calls “my gospel”). To understand that we’re sinners that cannot help ourselves. That if we believe that we are indeed sinners and that Jesus died and rose again for our sins, then we are saved through the grace of God.

If I’m talking to a relatively free thinker who is curious and continues a conversation I started (Jews, Muslims, Buhddists, Mormons, JWs, etc. rarely are, unfortunately, and they respond differently), I ask them what the absolute worst case scenario is once we die. Normies tend to just stay confused and I just share the gospel (“do you think you’re going to heaven once you die” approach). Basic bitch atheists will usually spit out inane sayings and politely ignore or shut the door on you (I don’t recall ever meeting an intelligent atheist who is a true free thinker). Smart agnostics will try to talk about the nature of reality. Smart mystics and new-agers usually talk about the possibility of there being different dimensions we go to after we die. Etc.

But I can’t think of a worse case than we go to hell unless we’re perfect and we go to heaven if we are. No one can respond adequately to this. The only worse scenario is that everyone goes to hell, but that is problematic because everyone recognizes that a “true good” exists. Most people admit that they’re not perfect (sinners). Thus, the only true answer is the gospel.

The most unique/extreme/logical response I’ve had so far was a highly logical Buddhist who told me that if he was going to hell, he was going to “sit” (mindfulness meditation) for all eternity.

I think this is my first time publically sharing my personal gospel-sharing method (I know it’s mostly targeted toward thinkers). My explanation isn’t perfect. I hope it helps.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago


I think I am attracted to Orthodoxy due to the ascetic aspect of it, and the fact that its doctrine keeps Orthodox Christians “on their toes” so to speak (and that helps me). I might have been lying by claiming to be Orthodox, I should have said Orthodox leaning because I still don’t have a spiritual father, and I haven’t received the Orthodox baptism (I was baptized as a Catholic by my parents when I was some months old), so technically I guess I am not Orthodox yet, but I want to be.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yup, makes sense. My original point was that I think that’s cool as long as you have the gospel (and I’m sure you do) but then it turned into that writeup.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I do wish these Roman Catholics could restrain their compulsion to attack Protestants all the time. I think they have made their “The Church” into an idol.

Now the thing one poster mentioned – suddenly experiencing a massive amount of sexual temptation after spending time in prayer – is interesting. Perhaps it’s part of why the Apostle Paul advised people to be married and have lots of sex, so that the devil would not be able to tempt them.

Reply to  FrankNorman
2 years ago

IMHO denomination squabbles are silly, but I too have my moments of silliness in other ways, so it comes with the territory I guess, all we can do is try to be patient and try to de-escalate things when they get to hot.

Regarding the sexual temptation:
It didn’t happen today, which was surprising as I was expecting it to happen again. I guess whatever demon did it yesterday thought he could try to get me to pursue the “pleasure” of chasing women and restart drinking if they could “show me” how I was missing out on all the “pleasurable” things I have given up, trying to get me to fell how those felt again, reminding me of the types of feelings those situations would arise in me. Because they couldn’t catch me slipping during waking hours, they tried to get me during my sleep, but they failed. But they’ll try again, the ride never ends, the struggle lasts until the last day. I embrace it.

I think it’s unlikely I will get married at all, which means celibacy, and that’s ok, God will decide what happens, I just go with the flow.

They basically can’t win thou, unless one abandons God (and that’s always a personal decision, the devil and his demons can’t make anyone do anything, they can only try to tempt and trick you, and they use everything they can, including other people and your own thoughts/mind to get you to slip and leave God), because:
A violent death cleans the soul of many sins (according to various monks), so if they whack your ass, you get some good points for it;
if you somehow lose everything and get to experience being in rags without a home on the streets and you keep steadfast in your faith, God will see your struggle and your faithfulness and He will be certainly pleased and glorified by the strength of your faith;
if you have wealth and riches and are surrounded by access to all kinds of hedonistic temptations (women, drugs, mindless distractions, excessive materialism, etc) and you keep steadfast in your faithfulness God will see your struggle and how you keep walking the narrow path and He will be certainly pleased and glorified.

You get the idea. No matter what our particular situation in life, temptation and sin are a constant part of our human experience, and the good thing about it is that the constant challenge means we can consistently choose the right thing, and in the process glorify God. If there was no challenge, you we’d have no chance to prove we can beat it, if there was no conflict, we would never have the chance to come out as a victors, we’d just stand there, basically, forever neutral. And even when we fall and sin, we get the chance to repent and be humbled by the situation, each time we fall and repent we get reminded that pride is an illusion because without God we all fall due to our fallen nature (even King Solomon, which was gifted by God with tremendous wisdom and discernment and constantly warned us about foreign women in Proverbs ended up getting 700 waifus and 300 concubines, lots of them foreign, which resulted in him falling away from God. So if you ever feel silly for your foolishness and lack of discernment, keep in mind it happens to everyone, even the wisest of the wisest, and that everyone needs to repenting and keep vigilance against temptation).

And no matter how gruesomely one gets treated (just look into the lives of some Saints), keeping God in our minds at all times is the most beautiful form of glorifying Him. The demons can try and take everything from you, your money, your loved ones, your status, your social standing, your celebrity status, your reputation, your life, your comforts, your health, your privacy, your dignity, your time, your energy, but they cannot take away your faith, unless you yourself decide to not hold on to it.

Romans 8:31-39

What then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also, along with Him, freely give us all things? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.
Who is there to condemn us? For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God— and He is interceding for us.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Reply to  Some Guy
2 years ago

Where are those six sacraments mentioned in the holy scriptures please?

Bread and wine really DOES NOT turn into the body and blood of Jesus, ever.

Jack is Back
Jack is Back
Reply to  tops
2 years ago

@tops – re bread and wine not turning into the body and blood of Jesus ===

Trans-Substantiation (sp?) and Catholic Doctrine/Teaching. Look it up.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Jack is Back
2 years ago

How bout you give me chapter and verse fella, thx.

Reply to  tops
2 years ago

I think Catholicism, like Orthodoxy, does not subscribe to the sola scripture “thingy” (doctrine? What’s the correct term to use here, grammar wise?).

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

What do the scriptures say? Oh look, they say sola scriptura is a GO:

’27And as for you, the anointing you received from Him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But just as His TRUE and genuine anointing teaches you about all things, so remain in Him as you have been taught.’

Jesus himself said:

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you.

Take the popes and their edicts and burn it all.

Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

Here is an insightful conversation on the Orthodox perspective on sola scriptura:

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Gary Morgan
2 years ago

Some church man contradicting Jesus, way to go.

Reply to  tops
2 years ago

I wonder how he claims to have discovered that it does – especially since official Roman Catholic doctrine is actually that is doesn’t, except in a “because we define it that way” sense.
Look up what “essence” and “accidents” really mean in Thomistic philosophy. If I put some wooden planks together to make a chair, the “accidents” are the planks, the “essence” is “chair”.
So when they say that the bread become Jesus’ flesh in “essence” while not changing its accidents, what that boils down to is… the bread is really still bread.
They are just pretending that it’s Jesus’ flesh.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Some Guy
2 years ago

Jesus Christ loves his entire flock and will protect it. That includes the Catholic lay priesthood. Past a certain rank though, that priesthood is illegitimate for the very reasons you said. And large parts of the Reformation were caused by those very same reasons.

If I had to choose between Luther and the Borgia’s, I’d choose neither. Wesley wasn’t so bad, a little light maybe, but not so bad.

Reply to  Some Guy
2 years ago

Demons and aliens are not exclusive.
There are many creatures out there. Some come from other places, some from other dimensions, some from other times. There are non-humanoids, humanoids, and humans. There are etheric creatures, and solid ones. Many will try to distort the truth to fit their own purposes, but there’s no need to throw away the baby with the water.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Phil
2 years ago

Phil has been busy on yt!
It’s all lies Phil.

He will sing up for the fake alien beast system enthusiastically.

Reply to  Some Guy
2 years ago

The divide between the Avignon Pope and the Pope and the corruption it indicates show the necessity of the Reformation.

Reformation is by God not by Satan.

2 years ago

“Army preparing for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines by September, report says.”

The key info here is that the army will do mandatory vaccinations once the FDA approves. They think the FDA will approve in the next two months.

If the FDA approves, I suspect it is mandatory vaccinations for everyone, whether or not you are in the military. FDA resistance to approving these things has been one of the dogs that hasn’t barked.

2 years ago

I found this comment insightful regarding the apparent resistance of Putin’s Russia to the gaybal network:

It’s another data point that points to the conclusion that whatever the gaybal is and whoever is behind it, Putin doesn’t have a problem in attacking some of its most obvious stooges (IMHO the whole of Chabad are stooges for the gaybal)

2 years ago

>”Rather than camouflaging themselves physically in reality, they camouflage themselves inside your mind where perception occurs.”

The SciFi book “Blindsight” deals with a first contact situation with a alien species which uses a specific “hack” design to take advantage of how the human nervous system processes information to have effective invisibility. I really loved the book, although VoxDay gave it only one star in his book reviews kek

Jack is Back
Jack is Back
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Vox & 1 star…

and Vox’ rating in matters pertaining to your our likes/dislikes matters how, pray tell?

Reply to  Jack is Back
2 years ago

It doesn’t, I just found it funny that he gave it such a low score when I absolutely loved it, and when I saw the book on a list of his reviews I was like “nice, I wonder what he has to say about it” and it was completely the opposite opinion, and I thought he would find it original. I tried to ask him why (not to ball bust, but was genuinely interested in knowing why he disliked it) he gave it the one start score, but he never said anything in response to the comment.

2 years ago

>”Antifa attacked protesters at a spa that allowed a trans customer to flash his penis at little girls because of his ‘gender identity.’ Kirstie is right, this is a Cabal objective, as unbelievable as it might be.”

It’s out in the open, always was, just read the literature of the ideological fathers of Queer Theory, the foundational stuff for the whole LGBT crap. They always advocated for pedophilia, and that’s a verifiable fact. This short video shows a Uni Professor telling it like it is to his class in a few minutes, and getting smeared as a “homophobe” by antifa type idiots for talking about the content of the ideological fathers of Queer Theory. It’s a similar type of situation of when you take an article from Jewish literature where respected Jewish authorities point out to verifiable facts (such as Jews always having been prolific slavers since the time of Rome, and even before, as the Jewish Encyclopedia talks about), and then people try to call you “anti-Semitic” for you “daring” to even bring it up. Watch this classic if you haven’t yet:

If it gets taken down, search for “Queer Theory Derrick Jensen”.

Johannes Q
2 years ago
Erasure-esque disco song with David Hasselhoff attacking the media. Another old rocker/celebrity denouncing the media (see Van Morrison’s lively recent songs, especially They Own the Media and Western Man, or Morrissey’s Spent the Day in Bed). In the Hasselhoff song, he’s carefully quite politically neutral – it’s similar in tone to 90s left-wing rebel songs like Rage Against the Machine’s corpus. The important thing is the message that the media lies about everything – given how the mainstream media are evidently an arm of the Cabal, to attack the media is to implicitly support Trump these days.

Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

>”They Own the Media”


Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

It’s the quikes!

Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

Fug : DDDD

2 years ago

What is clear—is that the Jews ARE STEALING this country away from the British who founded this country. That is what Marxism is.
Merrick Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas are Criminals. All the Jews in our federal government are engaged in this program.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

a former coworker, “christianized” jew told me biden was more presidential and there was no more fraud this election than any other. it is part of their group evolutionary strategy. but they never evolve.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

That group evo strategy reminds me of a type of deer or moose that evolved to get huge antlers (because the females would mate with the biggest antler owner around, generation after generation), to the point where they started losing survivability because they antlers got too big for the neck structure.

The lesson here is: if Jews don’t get their shit together, they will “evolve” themselves into extinction.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago
2 years ago

I made this pasta for the keks (I was thinking about Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg, and how a fool-for-Christ would respond if they ever went on /pol/ (also the Honkler meme, who mocks the state of our materialistic fallen world and makes fun of its hierarchies, seems to be like a secular type of fool-for-Christ archetype)):

What insult do you throw my way in derision and disrespect, my fellow child of God?
I’ll have you know I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I’ve been in numerous days of joyful incessant prayer, and I have prayed for over 300 anons and namefags.
I am but a humble servant of Christ and I’m your average fool-for-Christ on this site.
You are many things, but the most important to me among them is that you are the owner of a soul that can be saved.
I will pray for you with humbleness the likes of which has been seen many times before on this Earth, you can count on that.
You think you can get away without me trying to bring Christ into your life? Think again, fellow child of God.
As you read this comment I am preparing to ask all the Saints and Angels to join me in prayer for you and your soul is being primed for salvation right now so you better prepare for Heaven, future Brother in Christ.
The Heaven that will have you in it after this illusory little thing we call our earthly life.
You’re absolutely forgiven, fellow human. God is everywhere, at all times, and He can save you in one way, and that’s if you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior and pay heed to His law.
Not only have I forgave you, but I have access to the entire list of Saints in the OrthodoxWiki and I will ask them all to intercede in your behalf so God helps you achieve salvation.
If only you could have known what state of grace your little “insult” comment was about to bring into your life, you’d certainly have done it again. And you could, you did, and now God his going to show Himself to you in all His glory, soon to be Christian brother.
I will shower forgiveness and prayer all over you and you will reap its benefit. You’re now more likely to be saved, fellow child of God.

2 years ago

From CDAN….

There are pictures of Bruce Lee, Hendrix, and Hitler with the Devil.

2 years ago

Beautiful interview of Texan Orthodox Priest who moved to Russia to escape the globohomo ever spreading cancer. High production value with beautiful shoots of scenery and liturgy, it’s not just the Priest speaking:

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Very cool. Thanks for sharing.

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Out of the frying pan….

Sad to see you pushing man-made Russian-owned commie religion, you are lost.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

good deal. this is an actual productive righteous orthodoxy. especially compared to another “orthodoxy”, which is joined at the hip with actual communism, which just used russians as a front for their ethnicity and globonationalism..

2 years ago

Powerful Explosion Rocks Azerbaijan’s Umid Gas Field In Caspian Sea

2 years ago
2 years ago

AC, Sundance’s article is right up your alley….

4th Branch of Govt = Intelligence

2 years ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Communism with a false front.

2 years ago

British Army Soldiers Told To Stop Using Words like “Gents”, “Men” And “Lads”


In a set of orders detailing what is expected of soldiers in online meetings, the Regiment’s sergeant major said that the terms are incompatible with the British military’s diversity and inclusion (D and I) protocols, and reminded troops of the values and standards (V and S) they are expected to uphold.

“There has been a drop in V and S over the last few weeks,” wrote the sergeant major. “Saluting/bracing up [coming to attention]… make sure people are getting paid the correct compliments… All are to remember D and I [diversity and inclusion] – “gents”, “men”, “lads” and other phrases are not to be used.”

As well as “gents”, “men” and “lads”, the Daily Mail also claims words such as “mankind” and “sportsmanship” have been banned as the Armed Forces attempts to remodel itself as a gender-neutral organisation.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Hey guys just a head’s up, grab ’em while PSA still has them – these CHF barrels are made exclusively for PSA by FN, who seems to use pixie dust as a flux in the forging process. They shoot as straight as the price would indicate, and between the hammer forging and chrome lining you aren’t going to shoot it out any time soon.

If I had the cash to burn, I would replace my current barrel with that first link in a heartbeat.




Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Thanks Lowell!